Streptococcus suis Meningitis in Adults in Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Hoang Mai,1,a Ngo Thi Hoa,2,a Tran Vu Thieu Nga,2 Le Dieu Linh,2 Tran Thi Hong Chau,1
Dinh Xuan Sinh,1 Nguyen Hoan Phu,1 Ly Van Chuong,1 To Song Diep,1 James Campbell,2,3 Ho Dang Trung Nghia,1
Tran Ngoc Minh,2 Nguyen Van Vinh Chau,1 Menno D. de Jong,2,3,4 Nguyen Tran Chinh,1 Tran Tinh Hien,1
Jeremy Farrar,2,3 and Constance Schultsz2,3
Hospital for Tropical Diseases, and 2Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; 3Nuffield
Department of Clinical Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom; and 4Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Background. Streptococcus suis infection is an emerging zoonosis in Asia. We determined the detailed epidemiological, clinical, and microbiological characteristics of S. suis meningitis in adults.
Methods. We prospectively studied 450 patients with suspected bacterial meningitis. Four hundred thirty-five
(96.7%) of the patients participated in a trial to determine the effect of adjunctive dexamethasone treatment. For
patients with S. suis infection, bacterial DNA load at hospital admission and during treatment was analyzed in
cerebrospinal fluid specimens using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. S. suis strains were characterized using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing. Putative virulence factors, including
extracellular protein factor, suilysin, and muramidase released protein, were detected using polymerase chain
reaction and Western blot assay. Predictors of outcome were identified using logistic regression analysis.
Results. S. suis was the most common pathogen and was detected in 151 (33.6%) of the patients. Fifty (33.1%)
of these 151 patients reported exposure to pigs or pork. Mortality was low (2.6%; 4 of 151 patients died), but
mild to severe hearing loss occurred in 93 (66.4%) of 140 patients. Severe deafness at hospital discharge was
associated with age 150 years (odds ratio, 3.65; 95% confidence interval, 1.15–11.6), a strain carrying the epf gene
(odds ratio, 3.42; 95% confidence interval, 1.02–11.4), and dexamethasone therapy (odds ratio, 0.23; 95% confidence interval, 0.06–0.78) but was not associated with cerebrospinal fluid bacterial DNA load. Bacterial DNA
was still detectable in 58 (63%) of 92 cerebrospinal fluid samples after 6–10 days of antimicrobial treatment.
Ninety-one of 92 S. suis strains had serotype 2. Thirty-three (36%) of these epidemiologically unrelated strains
belonged to 1 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis cluster of multilocus sequence type 1, indicating clonal spread.
Conclusion. S. suis serotype 2 is the most frequent cause of bacterial meningitis in adults in southern Vietnam
and is associated with substantial morbidity attributable to hearing loss.
Streptococcus suis is a gram-positive facultatively anaerobic coccus of which 34 serotypes have been described. The pig is considered to be the natural reservoir
of S. suis and the main source of human infection. A
recent increase in the number of reports of S. suis infection from China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and
Singapore indicates that S. suis is an important cause
of adult meningitis, endocarditis, septicemia, and arthritis in Asia [1–4]. The emergence of S. suis as a
Received 29 August 2007; accepted 15 October 2007; electronically published
29 January 2008.
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Constance Schultsz, Oxford University Clinical
Research Unit, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, 190 Ben Ham Tu, District 5, Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam (
[email protected]).
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2008; 46:659–67
2008 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1086/527385
human pathogen is particularly illustrated by the major
outbreak of severe illness that caused high morbidity
and mortality attributable to infection with S. suis serotype 2 in Sichuan province, China, in 2005 [5, 6].
Data on human S. suis infections are restricted to case
series, retrospective studies, or outbreak reports [1, 6–
10], and prospective studies on the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and outcome of S. suis infection in
humans are lacking. In addition, we are uninformed
about the molecular epidemiology and the distribution
of putative virulence factors, such as extracellular protein factor (EF and EF*) [11] and muramidase released
protein (MRP) [12] in human S. suis strains. Here, we
present, to our knowledge, the first large prospective
study of S. suis infection in humans.
N.T.H.M. and N.T.H. contributed equally to this article.
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Patients and clinical investigations. The Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh City serves the local community
and acts as a tertiary referral hospital for infectious diseases in
southern Vietnam. We conducted a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial of adjuvant treatment with dexamethasone in patients with bacterial meningitis who were admitted
to the hospital from November 1996 through June 2005 [13].
Demographic data, including occupation, history, and exposure
to pigs, were recorded for all patients aged 114 years who had
suspected bacterial meningitis. All patients underwent detailed
clinical and laboratory assessment at hospital admission. CSF
samples were obtained at hospital admission, 48 h after hospital
admission, and after 6–10 days of therapy (or when indicated),
in accordance with standard Vietnamese clinical practice. For
patients participating in the trial, audiogram testing and neurological examination were performed at hospital discharge and
6 months after hospital admission. Severe hearing loss was
defined as hearing loss 180 dB in at least 1 ear. Any hearing
loss greater than the normal threshold (30 dB) but !80 dB in
at least 1 ear was defined as nonsevere hearing loss. Disability
was assessed by the modified Rankin score as described elsewhere [13]. Outcome was defined as (1) fully recovered, (2)
mild sequelae, or (3) severe disability. All patients were initially
treated with ceftriaxone (2 g every 12 h), and those included
in the randomized trial received either intravenous dexamethasone sodium phosphate (0.4 mg/kg every 12 h) or placebo
during the first 4 days of hospitalization. The Ethical and Scientific Committees of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and
the Health Services of Ho Chi Minh City approved the study
Laboratory investigations. Aliquots of CSF samples were
sent for biochemical and microbiological investigations, and an
aliquot was stored at ⫺70C in a dedicated freezer. CSF cell count
and protein, lactate, and glucose concentrations were determined
using standard methods. CSF samples were cultured on blood
and chocolate agar plates and were inoculated in brain heart
infusion broth for enrichment. Plates were incubated at 37C in
5% CO2. The broth was incubated aerobically and subcultured
if growth was present. Bacteria were identified using standard
identification methods. S. suis was identified on the basis of
colony morphology, negative katalase reaction, optochin resistance, and APIStrep (bioMérieux). Serotyping was performed by
slide agglutination with use of specific antisera (Statens Serum
Institute). Antimicrobial susceptibility to penicillin, ceftriaxone,
chloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline, and vancomycin
was tested using Etest (AB-Biodisk) and Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute breakpoints. Blood culture was performed at hospital admission using the BACTEC 9050 system, and positive
culture results were identified as described above. Isolates were
stored at ⫺20C.
DNA was extracted from stored CSF samples [14]. DNA was
submitted to monoplex real-time PCR for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, and S. suis. Primers and probes for detection of S.
pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and N. meningitidis were described
by Corless et al. [15]. An S. suis PCR was designed and was
was 5 copies per PCR. Efficiency of extraction and amplification
was monitored in all reactions by inclusion of an internal control that consisted of a serial dilution of phocid herpes virus
(provided by B. Niesters) and by detection by specific primers
and probes, as described elsewhere [16]. The S. suis PCR fragment was cloned in plasmid pGEMT (Promega), and a serial
dilution of the plasmid was used as an external standard for
quantitative real-time PCR. Extensive precautions to avoid
specimen contamination were taken, including the use of physically separated laboratories for preparation, extraction, and
Nonduplicate S. suis isolates from culture-positive specimens
were analyzed by PFGE with SmaI [17, 18]. Gels were analyzed
using Bionumerics software (Applied Maths). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was performed on 48 randomly chosen
isolates [19]. The sequence type assignment was based on the
sequence of the alleles at each locus of 7 housekeeping genes
included in the MLST scheme, using the MLST database [20].
MLST results were analyzed using eBURST [21]. The presence
of the genes encoding EF or the high molecular weight variant
EF* (epf or epf*) and suilysin (sly) [22] was determined by
PCR. MRP and EF expression was determined by Western blot.
S. suis serotype 2 strains 31533 and 89–1591 (provided by M.
Gottschalk) were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. Polyclonal antibodies against EF and MRP were provided by H. Smith.
Data analysis. Data were entered into an electronic database when follow-up was completed. An epidemic curve was
created for each province to assess potential clustering of cases.
x2 test or Fisher’s exact test was used to compare categorical
outcomes. Kruskal-Wallis test was used for comparison of bacterial DNA loads between groups. Multivariate analysis was
used to identify baseline variables that were independently associated with severe hearing loss at hospital discharge (outcome) and included patients with observed outcome only. Of
the variables age, sex, duration of symptoms, pretreatment with
antimicrobial agents, Glasgow Coma Scale, dexamethasone use,
bacterial DNA load at hospital admission, PFGE cluster, and
epf genotype, those with P ⭐ .1 in univariate analysis were included in multivariate analysis. The distribution of these variables was compared between patients with and without out-
Table 1. Results of microbiological investigations of all patients admitted to the hospital during the study period.
No. (%) of positive specimens
Blood culture
(n p 450)
CSF culture
(n p 450)
Streptococcus suis
73 (16.2)
Streptococcus pneumoniae
25 (5.6)
50 (11.1)
Neisseria meningitidis
5 (1.1)
Klebsiella pneumoniae
5 (1.1)
Escherichia coli
117 (26)
Real-time PCR
(n p 445)
(n p 450)
149 (33.5)
151 (33.6)a
79 (17.8)
81 (18)
11 (2.4)
29 (6.5)
29 (6.5)
12 (2.7)
Not available
12 (2.7)
3 (0.7)
8 (1.8)
Not available
9 (2)
Staphylococcus aureus
8 (1.8)
3 (0.7)
Not available
9 (2)
Haemophilus influenzae
0 (0)
8 (1.8)
4 (0.9)
18 (4)
5 (1.1)
Not available
7 (1.6)
22 (4.9)
come missing. In addition, the distribution of the outcome was
compared between patients with missing data and patients
without missing data for each variable.
All analyses were performed using SPSS (Microsoft) and
Stata (StataCorp). All reported P values were 2-sided, and
P ! .05 was considered to be statistically significant.
We included 450 patients with presumed bacterial meningitis
in the study. S. suis was detected in specimens from 151 of
these patients by culture, PCR, or both, and S. pneumoniae and
N. meningitidis were detected less frequently (table 1). The
annual number of cases of S. suis infection increased gradually
during the first few years of the study, although the total number of patients included in the study remained stable each year
(figure 1). One hundred three patients (68.2%) originated from
provinces in southern Vietnam, and 48 patients (31.8%) originated from Ho Chi Minh City. Clustering of cases in time and
place, suggestive of outbreaks, was not observed. The proportion of male patients with S. suis infection (116 [76.8%] of 151
patients) was similar to the proportion of patients with other
causes of bacterial meningitis (208 [69.6%] of 299 patients).
Fifty patients (33.1%) with S. suis infection recalled exposure
to pigs or pork within 1 week before the start of their illness.
The occupations of 13 (25%) of these patients included butcher,
abattoir worker, and seller of raw pork; 38 patients (75%) kept
pigs at home. For 101 patients (66.9%), exposure to pigs or
pork was not evident. Three patients had a history of
Patients presented with a median duration of illness of 4
days (range, 1–21 days; interquartile range, 3–5 days). The
majority of patients presented with symptoms and signs of
bacterial meningitis, including fever, headache, neck stiffness,
and CSF leukocytosis. Clinical characteristics and details of
neurological and CSF examinations at hospital admission are
presented in table 2. Nine patients had widespread skin abnormalities, ranging from petechia or purpura to large hemorrhages with central necrosis (with bullae in 1 patient) and/
or conjunctival hemorrhages. Four of these patients had
necrotic fingers; amputation was required for 1 patient. Two
patients presented with septic shock with jaundice, renal failure,
Figure 1. Annual proportion of patients admitted to the Hospital for
Tropical Diseases (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) with suspected bacterial
meningitis who received a diagnosis of Streptococcus suis infection
(gray), other bacterial causes (black), or unconfirmed bacterial meningitis
(dashed). Diagnosis was based on positive results of culture and/or PCR
of CSF and/or positive blood culture results. The study started in November 1996 and ended in May 2005. In November and December 1996,
8 patients were included, 1 of whom had S. suis infection and 4 of whom
had unconfirmed bacterial meningitis. From January through May 2005,
24 patients were included, 11 of whom had S. suis infection and 6 of
whom had unconfirmed bacterial meningitis.
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One culture-positive CSF sample was not available, and 1 sample contained S. suis serotype 14,
which is not detected by the real-time PCR used.
Two CSF samples had negative PCR results but positive culture results.
Three CSF samples had negative PCR results but positive latex antigen test results.
Includes Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n p 1 ), Proteus mirabilis (n p 1 ), Bacteroides species (n p 2),
Streptococcus species (n p 15 ), Neisseria species (n p 1 ), Haemophilus species (n p 1 ), and Campylobacter species (n p 1).
Table 2. Clinical and laboratory characteristics at hospital
admission for patients with Streptococcus suis meningitis.
Patients with
S. suis meningitis
(n p 151)
Age, median years (range)
46.5 (19–84)
Male sex
117 (77.5)
Duration of symptoms, median years (range)
No. of immunocompromised patients
4 (1–21)
142 (94.0)
Neck stiffness
142 (94.0)
100 (66.2)
Body temperature, ⭓38C
148 (98.0)
Skin hemorrhages/rash
9 (6.0)
6 (4.0)
9 (6.0)
Glasgow Coma Score
Mean (range)
12 (5–15)
104 (68.9)
47 (31.1)
Focal neurological signs
Monoplegia, hemiplegia
15 (9.9)
Cranial nerve palsy
3rd nerve
3 (2.0)
6th nerve
3 (2.0)
7th nerve
7 (4.6)
Indices of CSF inflammation
WBC count
Median ⫻109 cells/L (range)
!0.1 ⫻ 109 cells/L
0.1–0.999 ⫻ 109 cells/L
10.999 ⫻ 109 cells/L
Median percentage neutrophils (range)
Protein level, median g/L (range)
Lactate level, median mmol/L (range)
CSF:plasma glucose level, median % (range)
2.1 (0.001–64)
4 (2.6)
40 (26)
104 (70.9)
84 (1–99)
2.06 (0.2–10.19)
11.2 (2–27)
13.76 (0.07–71)
Blood test result
WBC count, median ⫻109 cells/L (range)
16.8 (3.75–57.0)
Hematocrit, % (range)
39.7 (21–55)
Platelet count, ⫻1012 median platelets/L (range)
159 (18–933)
NOTE. Data are no (%) of patients, unless otherwise indicated.
Defined as the use of immunosuppressive drugs, history of splenectomy, and presence of diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, and HIV infection. All 3 patients had a history of splenectomy.
and pneumonia; 1 of these 2 patients required mechanical ventilation and hemofiltration. Seventy-six patients received dexamethasone, 72 received placebo, and 3 received neither. The
median duration of hospital stay was 14 days (range, 1–43 days;
interquartile range, 12–16 days). Four patients (2.6%) died, all
of whom had no history of splenectomy. Ninety-three (66.4%)
of 140 patients with S. suis meningitis developed hearing loss,
ranging from tinnitus to complete deafness (table 3), compared
with 11 (23.9%) of 46 of the patients with S. pneumoniae meningitis who developed hearing loss. Fifteen patients complained
of dizziness. The median bacterial DNA load in CSF at hospital
662 • CID 2008:46 (1 March) • Mai et al.
Figure 2. Median (interquartile range) and range of Streptococcus suis
DNA load during treatment with dexamethasone adjuvant treatment (D)
or placebo (S). The limit of detection was 103 DNA copies/mL. Numbers
in the bars indicate the total number of samples tested at the respective
time. No statistically significant differences between dexamethasone- and
placebo-treated patients were observed at any of the times (KruskallWallis test).
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admission was 1.48 ⫻ 10 6 copies/mL (range, 1.0 ⫻ 103–1.1 ⫻ 108
copies/mL). The median DNA load at hospital admission was
not significantly higher in older patients, patients who did not
receive pretreatment, patients with a low Glasgow Coma Score,
or patients with severe hearing loss (table 4). Clearance of bacterial DNA was gradual, with 58 (63%) of 92 of the CSF samples
having positive PCR results but negative culture results after
6–10 days of treatment. There was no difference in clearance
of bacterial DNA between patients treated with dexamethasone
and patients treated with placebo (figure 2).
S. suis could be isolated in samples from 115 patients. All
isolates were S. suis serotype 2, except 1 isolate, which was
serotype 14. All isolates tested were susceptible to penicillin,
ceftriaxone, and vancomycin, but 79 (83.2%) of 95 isolates were
resistant to tetracycline (MIC50, 16 mg/L; MIC90, 32 mg/L), 19
(20.2%) of 94 were resistant to erythromycin (MIC50, 0.064
mg/L; MIC90, 1256 mg/L), and 3 (3.3%) of 92 were resistant
to chloramphenicol. Ninety-two strains were available for molecular typing. PFGE identified 30 band patterns and 6 clusters
(figure 3). The strains within these clusters were epidemiologically unrelated, because they were isolated in different years
and from patients living in different provinces in southern
Vietnam (figure 3). Thirty-three strains (35.9%) belonged to a
single cluster (cluster D). MLST was performed for 47 serotype
2 strains representative of all clusters identified by PFGE and
showed that 46 strains had sequence type 1. One strain had a
single mutation in the dpr gene and was assigned sequence type
107. The strain with serotype 14 had a new gki allele and was
assigned sequence type 105. All strains belonged to clonal complex 1. All serotype 2 strains and the serotype 14 strain were
Table 3. Outcome and neurological findings in patients with Streptococcus
suis meningitis at hospital discharge and at a 6-month follow-up visit, according to adjuvant treatment with either dexamethasone sodium phosphate
(0.4 mg/kg every 12 h) or placebo/no adjuvant therapy.
Proportion (%) of patients
(n p 151)
(n p 76)
Placebo/no adjuvant
therapy group
(n p 75)
At hospital discharge
Fully recovered
4/151 (2.6)
1/76 (1.3)
3/75 (4.0)
57/151 (37.7)
28/76 (36.8)
29/75 (38.7)
65/151 (43.0)
35/76 (46.1)
30/75 (40.0)
Severe disability
25/151 (16.6)
12/76 (15.8)
13/75 (17.3)
Neurological findings
Cerebellar syndrome
1/151 (0.07)
Third nerve palsy
1/151 (0.07)
1/151 (0.07)
1/151 (0.07)
Hearing loss
180 dB
!80 dB and/or tinnitus
34/140 (24.3)
11/71 (15.5)
23/69 (33.3)
59/140 (42.1)
34/71 (47.9)
25/69 (36.2)
At the 6-month follow-up visit
Death after hospital
Fully recovered
51/91 (56.0)
27/45 (60.0)
24/46 (52.2)
Mild sequelae
28/91 (30.8)
12/45 (26.7)
16/46 (34.8)
Severe disability
12/91 (13.2)
6/45 (13.3)
6/46 (13.0)
Neurological findings
Cerebellar syndrome
Hearing loss
180 dB
14/86 (16.3)
4/41 (9.8)
10/46 (21.7)
!80 dB and/or tinnitus
27/86 (31.4)
11/41 (26.8)
16/46 (34.8)
Disability was assessed by the modified Rankin score, as follows: 0, no symptoms; 1,
minor symptoms not interfering with lifestyle; 2, symptoms that may restrict lifestyle, but
the patients can look after themselves; 3, symptoms restrict lifestyle and prevent independent living; 4, symptoms clearly prevent independent living, although constant care and
attention is not required; 5, totally dependent on others, requiring constant help day and
night. Outcome was defined as fully recovered (score, 0), mild sequelae (score, 1 or 2), or
severe disability (score, 3, 4, or 5).
Severe hearing loss at hospital discharge was significantly associated with the use of
dexamethasone, age 150 years, and infection with an epf-positive strain (see text).
sly positive. Forty-six strains (50%) were epf positive, 46 strains
were epf* positive, and protein expression was detected in all
strains. MRP production was detected in 64 strains (69.6%).
Strains in cluster A produced predominantly EF* and MRP,
and strains in cluster D produced predominantly EF with or
without MRP (figure 3).
Deafness at hospital discharge was assessed in 140 (92.7%)
of 151 patients, and for 87 (62%) of these patients, characteristics of infecting strains were available. For all 9 variables tested
in univariate analysis, the distribution of severe deafness at
hospital discharge among patients with missing data was similar
to that among patients without missing data. The variables sex,
age 150 years, dexamethasone therapy, and infection with a
strain carrying the epf gene were entered in multivariate analysis. Severe deafness at hospital discharge was independently
associated with age 150 years (OR, 3.66; 95% CI, 1.15–11.6;
P p .028), infection with a strain carrying the epf gene (OR,
3.43; 95% CI, 1.03–11.4; P p .045), and dexamethasone therapy (OR, 0.23; 95% CI, 0.06–0.78; P p .019).
Our study identified S. suis serotype 2 as the most important
cause of acute bacterial meningitis in adults in southern Vietnam. S. suis was detected at higher rates than S. pneumoniae
or N. meningitidis, the 2 major causes of bacterial meningitis
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Mild sequelae
Table 4. Baseline, clinical, and microbiological characteristics and bacterial DNA load in patients at hospital admission.
DNA load,
median log10
copies/mL (range)
No. of
⭓50 years
6.17 (3.0–8.04)
150 years
6.12 (3.13–7.6)
Glasgow Coma Score
6.04 (3.13–7.66)
6.21 (3.0–8.04)
Previous antibiotic therapy
6.1 (3.13–7.66)
6.38 (3.0–8.04)
Dexamethasone group
6.25 (3.13–7.1)
Placebo group
5.84 (3.6–7.02)
Dexamethasone group
6.25 (3.11–8.04)
Placebo group
5.97 (3.0–7.6)
Severe deafness
No mild hearing loss
Extracellular protein factor gene
epf Positive
6.39 (3.11–7.42)
epf* Positive
5.87 (3.0–7.45)
Admission samples from 131 patients were available for quantitative
real-time PCR.
By Kruskall-Wallis test.
Severe deafness versus no hearing loss or mild hearing loss.
in adults in most countries [23]. The data indicate that S. suis
serotype 2 infection is endemic in southern Vietnam. Our study
was limited to the adult population. To our knowledge, only
1 case of S. suis infection in children has been reported [24].
In addition, we did not detect S. suis in 145 children with
clinical signs of meningitis in Ho Chi Minh City in 2006 using
real-time PCR (C.S., unpublished observation), suggesting that
S. suis infection is rare in children.
The clinical characteristics of S. suis meningitis were similar
to those observed in patients with bacterial meningitis caused
by other encapsulated microorganisms, such as N. meningitidis
and S. pneumoniae, but the mortality associated with S. suis
meningitis was lower than the mortality associated with bacterial meningitis caused by these other pathogens [23]. The
proportion of patients with S. suis meningitis (49.3%) who had
positive blood culture results was higher than the proportion
of patients with S. pneumoniae meningitis (30.8%) who had
positive blood culture results. Skin rash, distal necrosis, jaundice, and renal failure were observed in a number of patients.
These symptoms and signs were also observed during the outbreak of S. suis infection in China in 2005 and were suggested
to form part of a streptococcal toxic shock syndrome [6]. The
most striking feature of S. suis meningitis is the progressive
hearing loss, resulting in mild-to-severe deafness in two-thirds
of patients. The pathogenesis of the hearing loss in S. suis
meningitis is unknown. Studies in guinea pigs have shown
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direct invasion of the cochlea by S. suis [25]. Detailed imaging
studies (using MRI) in humans with bacterial meningitis also
suggested involvement of the cochlea; the severity of this involvement was related to the degree of hearing loss [26]. Adjuvant therapy with dexamethasone sodium phosphate has been
shown to reduce the risk of severe hearing loss and neurological
sequelae in adults with bacterial meningitis [13, 27]. Dexamethasone therapy was associated with protection against severe hearing loss in our study and, therefore, is strongly indicated in the treatment of S. suis meningitis.
The EF protein, the function of which is unknown, is associated with virulence of S. suis serotype 2 in pigs in certain
geographic areas [11, 28, 29]. The epf genotype was associated
with severe deafness and a higher bacterial DNA load at hospital
admission, compared with the epf* genotype, although the difference in bacterial DNA load did not reach statistical significance. These data suggest that, despite the fact that strains with
epf and epf* genotypes are both able to invade and pass the
blood-brain barrier, serotype 2 strains carrying epf may be the
more virulent strain in humans, similar to the situation in pigs.
Infected pigs are considered to be the main source of S. suis
infection in humans [7]. The exact route of transmission from
pigs to humans is not known. Cases have been linked to accidental inoculation through skin injuries, inhalation of aerosols, and ingestion of contaminated food [6, 7, 30]. Although
a proportion of our patients had evidence of exposure to pigs
or pork, such exposure was absent in two-third of the patients.
However, the possibility cannot be excluded that these patients
were unaware of exposure (e.g., through consumption of undercooked pork, including pig intestine, pig tonsil, and raw pig
blood, as is common in Vietnam). Intestinal translocation of
EF-positive S. suis serotype 2 in piglets has been demonstrated
under experimental conditions [31], and ingestion of S. suis
may be an important route of entry in humans. Asymptomatic
pharyngeal carriage of S. suis has been observed in slaughterhouse workers in Germany [32], and asymptomatic nasopharyngeal or intestinal carriage of S. suis may contribute to transmission of S. suis among humans. However, it is unknown how
common asymptomatic carriage of S. suis is in humans in
endemic areas and whether it increases the probability of
S. suis serotypes 1, 1/2, 2, 9, 7, and 14 are the most important
serotypes responsible for disease in pigs. Although serotype 2
is often considered to be the most virulent serotype, the frequency of isolation of certain serotypes in pigs may vary according to geographic region and over time [33]. All reported
human S. suis infections were caused by serotype 2 strains,
except 1 infection caused by serotype 1, 1 caused by serotype
4, 2 caused by serotype 14, and 1 caused by serotype 16 [7, 9,
24, 34, 35]. In accordance with this, serotype 2 is also the most
important serotype in patients with meningitis in Vietnam,
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Figure 3. PFGE after SmaI digestion of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 strains isolated from patients with meningitis in southern Vietnam. A dendrogram
was generated by Dice analysis (optimization, 0.5%; band tolerance, 1.5%) and cluster analysis with unweighted pair group method with arithmetic
mean, using Bionumerics software (Applied Maths). Bars indicate 95% CIs. Numbers above gel picture indicate molecular size (kb). Deafness was
defined as severe hearing loss at hospital discharge. ef, epf gene (1) or epf* gene (2) positive; EM, erythromycin; MLST, sequence type (obtained
after multilocus sequence typing); MRP, muramidase released protein (with 1 indicating positivity and 0 indicating negativity); N, absent; NA, not
available; R, resistant; S, susceptible; TC, tetracycline; Y, present.
We thank Nguyen Minh Hoang and Tran Thi Thu Nga, for laboratory
assistance; Paul Savelkoul and Narisara Chantratita, for their help with
PFGE; and Tuan Phung Quoc, for his advice about statistics. This publication made use of the Multi Locus Sequence Typing Web site (http:// at Imperial College London that was developed by David
Aanensen and funded by the Wellcome Trust.
Financial support. Wellcome Trust UK and Wellcome Trust International Traveling Fellowship (to N.T.H.).
Potential conflicts of interest. All authors: no conflicts.
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because 91 of 92 isolates were serotype 2. We cannot rule out
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culture results but positive PCR results, because PCR does not
distinguish between serotypes 2 and 1/2. However, such infections have never been reported in humans.
Previous studies on the genetic diversity of S. suis revealed
that strains of serotype 2 were genetically diverse but also suggested clustering of strains with a certain virulence-associated
phenotype or clinical syndrome. Human isolates clustered in
patterns similar to those in pig isolates, although PFGE showed
some specific clustering of human isolates [18]. However, the
number of human strains studied to date, outside outbreak
situations, has been small (range, 1–27 strains), with limited
epidemiological data available [18, 36–38]. PFGE typing of our
strains identified 30 band patterns, but 36% of strains belonged
to a single cluster (cluster D) (figure 2). Ninety-eight percent
of our strains characterized by MLST had sequence type 1, and
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an outbreak of infection in pigs and humans in China in 2005
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