Global Spine Journal
2017, Vol. 7(1S) 46S-52S
ª The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/2192568216687527
Misplaced Cervical Screws
Requiring Reoperation
Jeremy C. Peterson, MD1, Paul M. Arnold, MD, FACS1,
Zachary A. Smith, MD2, Wellington K. Hsu, MD2,
Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD3, Robert A. Hart, MD4,
Alan S. Hilibrand, MD5, Ahmad Nassr, MD6, Ra’Kerry K. Rahman, MD7,8,
Chadi A. Tannoury, MD9, Tony Tannoury, MD9, Thomas E. Mroz, MD10,
Bradford L. Currier, MD6, Anthony F. De Giacomo, MD11,
Jeremy L. Fogelson, MD6, Bruce C. Jobse, BA9,
Eric M. Massicotte, MD, MSc, FRCSC3,12, and K. Daniel Riew, MD13,14
Study Design: A multicenter, retrospective case series.
Objective: In the past several years, screw fixation of the cervical spine has become commonplace. For the most part, this is a
safe, low-risk procedure. While rare, screw backout or misplaced screws can lead to morbidity and increased costs. We report
our experiences with this uncommon complication.
Methods: A multicenter, retrospective case series was undertaken at 23 institutions in the United States. Patients were included
who underwent cervical spine surgery from January 1, 2005, to December 31, 2011, and had misplacement of screws requiring
reoperation. Institutional review board approval was obtained at all participating institutions, and detailed records were sent to a
central data center.
Results: A total of 12 903 patients met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. There were 11 instances of screw backout
requiring reoperation, for an incidence of 0.085%. There were 7 posterior procedures. Importantly, there were no changes in the
health-related quality-of-life metrics due to this complication. There were no new neurologic deficits; a patient most often
presented with pain, and misplacement was diagnosed on plain X-ray or computed tomography scan. The most common location
for screw backout was C6 (36%).
Conclusions: This study represents the largest series to tabulate the incidence of misplacement of screws following cervical
spine surgery, which led to revision procedures. The data suggest this is a rare event, despite the widespread use of cervical
fixation. Patients suffering this complication can require revision, but do not usually suffer neurologic sequelae. These patients
have increased cost of care. Meticulous technique and thorough knowledge of the relevant anatomy are the best means of
preventing this complication.
cervical spine, fusion, instrumentation, complication, misplaced screw, screw backout
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA
Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA
Jefferson Medical College, The Rothman Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Springfield Clinic, LLP, Springfield, IL, USA
Southern Illinois University, Springfield, IL, USA
Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
New York-Presbyterian/The Allen Hospital, New York, NY, USA
Corresponding Author:
Paul M. Arnold, Kansas University Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow Blvd,
MS 3021, Kansas City, KS 66160, USA.
[email protected]
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Peterson et al
Techniques for instrumented fixation and fusion of the cervical
spine have rapidly advanced in the past 30 years. These techniques have helped surgeons adequately manage complex
trauma, tumor, and degenerative pathologies. For the most
part, these are safe, low-risk procedures. Hadra in 1890
described the use of wiring and graft techniques to perform
the first spinal fusion procedures.1,2 These techniques were
standard until the start of modern cervical spinal fusion with
Roy-Camille in the 1970s.1,3 Since this time there have been
improvements in technique and implants, which have made
the procedures safer, thus leading to increased adoption of
instrumented cervical fusion.
Within the United States, approximately 150 000 cervical
fusion procedures are performed each year.4 Around 90% of
cervical fusions are anterior with 10% being posterior.4 The use
of plate and screw instrumentation for anterior cervical fusion
has become a mainstay, so much so that in 2010 the American
Medical Association combined 2 Current Procedural Terminology codes into a comprehensive code. The indications for cervical fusion are well established, based on an abundance of
studies showing clinical and biomechanical efficacy.5-10
Despite these studies there is a paucity of literature detailing
the complications associated with cervical spinal fusion. Most
studies are retrospective in design, contain a small numbers of
patients, report single-institution data, relate to a single indication, or contain information with outdated procedures.9,11-29
The overall complication rate for cervical fusion procedures
is low, and these earlier studies may not reliably provide data
on less common complications.
While rare, screw backout or misplaced screws can lead to
morbidity, the need for revision surgery, and increased costs.
Previous studies report a low incidence of this particular event.
We report our experiences with this uncommon but potentially
harmful complication.
We have conducted a retrospective multicenter case series study
involving 21 high-volume surgical centers from the AOSpine
North America Clinical Research Network, selected for their
excellence in spine care and clinical research infrastructure and
experience. Medical records for 17 625 patients who underwent
cervical spine surgery (levels from C2 to C7) between January 1,
2005, and December 31, 2011, inclusive, were reviewed to identify occurrence of 21 predefined treatment complications. The
complications included reintubation requiring evacuation, esophageal perforation, epidural hematoma, C5 palsy, recurrent
laryngeal nerve palsy, superior laryngeal nerve palsy, hypoglossal or glossopharyngeal nerve palsy, dural tear, brachial plexopathy, blindness, graft extrusion, misplaced screws requiring
reoperation, anterior cervical infection, carotid artery injury or
cerebrovascular accident, vertebral artery injuries, Horner’s
syndrome, thoracic duct injury, tetraplegia, intraoperative
death, revision of arthroplasty and, pseudomeningocele.
Trained research staff at each site abstracted the data from medical records, surgical charts, radiology imaging, narratives, and
other source documents for the patients who experienced one or
more of the complications from the list. Data were transcribed
into study-specific paper case report forms. Copies of case
report forms were transferred to the AOSpine North America
Clinical Research Network Methodological Core for processing, cleaning, and data entry.
Descriptive statistics were provided for baseline patient
characteristics. Paired t test was used to analyze changes in
clinical outcomes at follow-up compared to preoperative status.
A total of 12 903 cervical procedures qualified for screening for
the complication of misplaced screw requiring reoperation.
A total of 12 903 patients met the inclusion criteria and were
analyzed. There were 11 instances of misplaced screws requiring reoperation, for an incidence of 0.085%, translating to a
rate of 8.5 per 10 000 cervical spine surgeries (Table 1). A total
of 8887 cases screened were specifically only anterior procedures making the incidence 3/8887 (0.034%). The remaining
cases screened could be posterior or posterior/anterior combined procedures. We do not have enough information on the
remaining cases to make a determination of the incidence of
misplacement of posterior screws requiring reoperation, but
suspect it would a higher rate. The average age of the patients
was 53 years, and there were 4 female patients. No patients had
evidence of osteoporosis at the time of surgery. Three of the
patients were current smokers, and 5 patients had previously
smoked. Myelopathy and radiculopathy were the most
common reasons for initial operation, 6/11 (55%) and
5/11 (45%), respectively, with 1 patient having both symptoms.
The average hospital length of stay was 9.25 days. There were
4 anterior and 7 posterior procedures. Importantly, there were no
changes in the health-related quality-of-life metrics due to this
complication. There were no new neurologic deficits; patients
most often presented with pain, and screw backout was diagnosed on postoperative plain X-ray or computed tomography
scan. Five of 11 (45%) and 3/11 (27%) patients were diagnosed
within the original hospital admission or postoperative clinic
follow-up, respectively, while we were unable to obtain these
data on 3 cases. Two patients with anterior screw backout had
swallowing problems, which resolved with reoperation. The
most common location for screw backout was C6, 4/11
(36%); 2 patients had screw backout at C2. Patient 4 had
aggressive removal of an osteophyte complex and an anterior
cervical screw penetrated into the central canal (Figure 1A and
B). The patient had symptoms of right-sided proximal upper
extremity weakness, which resolved with removal and revision
of the C5 penetrating screw (Figure 1C).
Due to the risk and complexity associated with cervical spinal
surgery, current techniques and approaches did not become
Table 1. Case Information.
Age Tobacco Status
Approach Levels
(Years) at Surgery
Posterior C5, C6, C7
Posterior C3, C4, C5,
C6, C7, T1,
Posterior N/A
Anterior C3, C4
Posterior C6, C7
Posterior C3, C4, C5,
C6, C7, T1
Posterior C2, C3, C4,
C5, C6, C7
Anterior C6, C7
Posterior N/A
Posterior N/A
Abbreviation: DDD, degenerative disc disease.
C5, C6, C7
Discectomy Laminectomy Level of Screw
Misplacement Principal Diagnosis
C5-6, C6-7
C3, C4, C5,
C6, C7, T1,
Time From Surgery to
Symptoms (Days)
C3-T2 segmental
C3, C4, C5,
Radiculopathy, cervical
C7, T1
C2, C6
nonunion of C5-6
Replacement of left C2 and
C6 screws
Revision of left C3 screw
Removal of C5-C6
instrumentation then wire
Left T1 screw repositioned
DDD, myelopathy,
Myelopathy, fracture
Screw revision
C3, C4, C5,
C6, C7
C3, C4, C5,
C3, C4, C5,
C6, C7
C3, C4
nonunion C5-6-7
Removed C5 screw
Removed right C2 screw
Removal of loose C6 screw
Posterior fixation C2 to T1;
anterior fusion C2 to C7
Removed left C5; lateral mass
Peterson et al
Figure 1. (A) Sagittal computed tomography scan with arrow demonstrating misplaced right C5 screw. (B) Axial computed tomography scan
with arrow demonstrating misplaced right C5 screw. (C) Postoperative lateral cervical spine X-ray demonstrating removal of misplaced C5
popular until the mid-20th century. The initial procedures
mainly included posterior decompression and posterior wiring
for stabilization. Anterior approaches developed from surgery
for head and neck pathology separate from spinal disease.
Advances in imaging, operative microscopes, and instrumentation have allowed cervical spinal surgery to progress to the
current state.
Since 1891 when the first cervical fusion procedure was
performed there have been sequential advances described by
many authors to develop the early fixation techniques.1-3,30-43
Several biomechanical animal and cadaver studies have
been performed during the rapid advancement in cervical
spinal instrumentation over the past 30 years. Posterior instrumented fusion studies have consistently proven the stiffness of
the constructs to be equal to or greater than that of an intact
spine.6,8,9,30,44-47 The most common failure in these studies was
screw pullout at a predictable amount of force.46 Anterior plating studies have strongly guided the development of each type
of system and have shown continued improvement in the efficacy of constructs.44,45,47
Incidence of Complications
The advancements and improvements in cervical spinal instrumentation would be expected to decrease the rate of hardwarerelated complications. The overall complication rate of cervical
spinal surgery is estimated to be 0.2% to 17.8%.4,17,27,48 After
30 days, the most common complication is related to instrumentation dislodgement, breakage, or both, and occurs in 2% to
25% of cases of spinal fusion procedures.27 Reoperation rate
for instrumented spinal fusions is reported between 2% and
25%, with the majority related to pseudoarthrosis.27
There have been few studies looking at the complications
related to instrumented cervical fusion. The majority of information is based on case reports, retrospective reviews, and
small series of patients. There are few recent articles addressing
the rate of screw backout or misplacement requiring reoperation, and many older studies include the use of unrestricted
devices that permitted screw backout.
Fehlings et al prospectively collected 302 cervical spondylotic myelopathy patients and found a perioperative complication rate of 15.6%, with 11.6% minor and 7.0% major
perioperative risk.17 Three patients had instrumentation malposition/migration for a rate of 1% in the perioperative
period. The risk of delayed complications was 4.4%. Three
patients had instrumentation/graft migration or instrumentation failure, making the risk of delayed hardware complications 1.1%. Not all patients in this small study received spinal
Shapiro et al27 reported on 299 consecutive spinal instrumentation cases. Of 195 anterior cervical plating procedures,
5 (2.6%) required reoperation for hardware failure.27 Some of
these failures were due to trauma around the time of surgery.
Cole et al used the MarketScan Database and identified 13 662
patients who underwent anterior or posterior cervical fusion for
degenerative disc disease.48 The rate of any complication
excluding dysphagia was 12.3% and 17.8% for anterior and
posterior approaches, respectively. There is, however, no specific mention of the reason for reoperation in the study.48
In 2011, Katonis et al9 reported on 1662 consecutively
placed lateral mass screws. Screw pullout occurred in
3 (1.3%) patients, but they did not mention if these patients
required reoperation or if the system was a screw-plate or polyaxial screw-rod implant system. The report also mentioned 11
(0.6%) screws had a suboptimal trajectory but no patient
required reoperation for removal or replacement of
hardware.9 Al Barbarawi et al49 had 2 screw pullout cases out
of 430 lateral mass screw-rod fixation cases. Two (4.0%)
cases were found to have screw pullout in the study by
Kim et al using Yoon’s method.50
Kasimatis et al included 74 patients from 1990 to 2005 who
underwent anterior cervical treatment of cervical spine trauma
in their study looking at complications. Screw backout was
reported in 4 (5.4%) cases, all of which were unrestricted backout plates. Seven cases (9.5%) had ‘‘less-than-ideal’’ positioning of the construct with only one case requiring reoperation
because of a malpositioned screw being completely in the intervertebral space.23 Veeravagu et al looked at the MarketScan
Database from 2006 and 2010 and found in 28 777 patients a
reoperation rate of 9.13% and 10.7% for single-level and multilevel anterior cervical fusion, respectively.51 Unfortunately,
their data did not include data about the rate of reoperation
related specifically to hardware failure. Shapiro et al found
no screw pullout when using locking screw fixation in 246
consecutive anterior cervical fusion cases.52
Several reports exist in the literature of screw pullout
resulting in dysphagia and sometimes erosion into the gastrointestinal tract.53-55 They continue to document the incidence
of screw pullout related to misplacement to be uncommon, but
can result in complications with serious morbidity and
increased costs.
Frequently screw pullout is related to malpositioned placement at the time of implantation. There are few studies that
look directly at this relation. Coe et al performed a systematic
review of lateral mass screw fixation, and implant removal was
defined as a surgical procedure to correct malpositioned
screws, screw breakout, or loosening. Reoperation as defined
was necessary for 27 (1.2%) of 2185 screws placed in 294
patients across 5 studies.10,56-60
The limitations of the study pertain largely to it being retrospective in nature. Limited information was available to determine the number of patients with screw misplacement that did
not require reoperation. There was also insufficient information
within the screening population to determine the number of
screws placed for comparison. The screening population was
divided into anterior only and posterior or anterior/posterior
combined groups. This does not allow for calculation of the
incidence of posterior misplacement requiring revision, and it
can only be speculated that this number would be much higher
than the rate for anterior alone procedures.
This study represents the largest series to analyze and tabulate
the incidence of screw backout or misplacement requiring reoperation following cervical spine surgery. The data suggest this
is a very rare adverse event, despite the widespread use of
cervical fixation. Due to the methodology of this study, there
is a potential for underestimation of screw misplacement
requiring reoperation within this series of patients. This potential for underreporting is more likely to occur in the case of
posterior cervical fusion as this could not be calculated based
on this study. The data therefore represents a lower limit for the
incidence of screw misplacement requiring reoperation.
Patients suffering this complication require hardware revision,
but do not usually suffer neurologic sequelae. These patients
have extended hospital stays, which add to the cost of care.
Global Spine Journal 7(1S)
Meticulous technique and thorough knowledge of the relevant
anatomy are the best means of preventing this complication.
Authors’ Note
This study was ethically approved by the institutional ethics committees at all participating sites.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: Jeremy C. Peterson reports grants from AOSpine North America during the conduct of the study; Wellington K. Hsu reports grants
from AOSpine North America during the conduct of the study, personal fees from Medtronic, personal fees from Stryker, personal fees
from Bacterin, personal fees from Graftys, personal fees from Ceramtec, personal fees from Relievant, personal fees from Bioventus, personal fees from Globus, personal fees from SpineSmith, outside the
submitted work; Michael G. Fehlings reports grants from AOSpine
North America during the conduct of the study; Robert A. Hart reports
grants from AOSpine North America during the conduct of the study,
other from CSRS, other from ISSLS, other from ISSG Exec Board,
personal fees from Depuy Synthes, personal fees from Globus, personal fees from Medtronic, other from Evans, Craven & Lackie, other
from Benson, Bertoldo, Baker, & Carter, personal fees from Seaspine,
personal fees from Depuy Synthes, other from Spine Connect, personal fees from Depuy Synthes, outside the submitted work; Alan S.
Hilibrand reports grants from AOSpine North America during the
conduct of the study, other from Amedica, Vertiflex, Benvenue, Lifespine, Paradigm Spine, PSD, Spinal Ventures, outside the submitted
work, and in addition, Dr. Hilibrand has a patent Aesculap, Amedica,
Biomet, Stryker, Alphatec, with royalties paid; Tony Tannoury reports
grants from AOSpine North America during the conduct of the study;
Thomas E. Mroz reports other from AO Spine during the conduct of
the study, personal fees from Stryker, personal fees from Ceramtec,
other from Pearl Diver, outside the submitted work; Bradford L. Currier reports grants from AOSpine North America during the conduct of
the study, personal fees from DePuy Spine, personal fees from Stryker
Spine, personal fees from Zimmer Spine, other from Zimmer Spine,
other from Tenex, other from Spinology, other from LSRS, other from
AOSNA, outside the submitted work; Jeremy L. Fogelson reports
grants from AOSpine North America during the conduct of the study
and Previous Consultant for one day to Depuy-Synthes March 2014;
Bruce C. Jobse reports grants from AOSpine North America during
the conduct of the study; Eric M. Massicotte reports grants from
AOSpine North America during the conduct of the study, grants from
Medtronic, Depuy-Synthes Spine Canada, personal fees from Watermark Consulting, grants from AOSpine North America, nonfinancial
support from AOSpine North America, outside the submitted work;
and K. Daniel Riew reports personal fees from AOSpine International,
other from Global Spine Journal, other from Spine Journal, other from
Neurosurgery, personal fees from Multiple Entities for defense,
plaintiff, grants from AOSpine, grants from Cerapedics, grants from
Medtronic, personal fees from AOSpine, personal fees from NASS,
personal fees from Biomet, personal fees from Medtronic, nonfinancial support from Broadwater, outside the submitted work; Paul M.
Arnold reports grants from AOSpine North America during the conduct of the study; other from Z-Plasty, other from Medtronic Sofamore
Danek, other from Stryker Spine, other from FzioMed, other from
AOSpine North America, other from Life Spine, other from Integra
Life, other from Spine Wave, other from MIEMS, other from
Peterson et al
Cerapedics, other from AOSpine North America, outside the submitted work; Zachary A. Smith reports grants from AOSpine North
America during the conduct of the study; Ahmad Nassr reports grants
from AOSpine North America during the conduct of the study;
Ra’Kerry K. Rahman reports grants from AOSpine North America
during the conduct of the study; in addition, Dr. Rahman has a patent
Deformity System & Pedicle Screws pending. Chadi A. Tannoury
reports grants from AOSpine North America during the conduct of
the study; Anthony F. De Giacomo Dr. De Giacomo reports grants
from AOSpine North America during the conduct of the study.
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study
was sponsored by AOSpine North America Inc, a 501(c)3 nonprofit
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