The genus Rubus (Rosaceae) in southeastern Lower Silesia (Poland)

This paper presents the results of extensive fi eld research and herbarium studies on the occurrence of Rubus L. species in southeastern Lower Silesia (SW Poland). It is the area of the greatest accumulation of Rubus species in Poland, where 61 species (about 2/3 of all species growing in Poland) were documented; 28 species were found there for the fi rst, and two appeared new to science. The distribution and routes of migration of particular species are discussed.

Polish Botanical Journal 49(2): 161–180, 2004 THE GENUS RUBUS (ROSACEAE) IN SOUTHEASTERN LOWER SILESIA (POLAND) JERZY ZIELIŃSKI, PIOTR KOSIŃSKI & DOMINIK TOMASZEWSKI Abstract: This paper presents the results of extensive field research and herbarium studies on the occurrence of Rubus L. species in southeastern Lower Silesia (SW Poland). It is the area of the greatest accumulation of Rubus species in Poland, where 61 species (about 2/3 of all species growing in Poland) were documented; 28 species were found there for the first, and two appeared new to science. The distribution and routes of migration of particular species are discussed. Key words: Rubus, geographical distribution, migration, Poland, Lower Silesia Jerzy Zieliński, August Cieszkowski Agricultural University, Department of Forest Botany, Wojska Polskiego 71d, PL-60-625 Poznań, Poland; e-mail: [email protected] Piotr Kosiński, August Cieszkowski Agricultural University, Department of Botany, Wojska Polskiego 71c, PL-60-625 Poznań, Poland Dominik Tomaszewski, Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Parkowa 5, PL-62-035 Kórnik, Poland INTRODUCTION The main aim of this study was to determine the distribution of Rubus L. species in southeastern Lower Silesia (Fig. 1), which had been relatively poorly studied in this respect. Preliminary research showed that this is an area of unusual accumulation of species of this genus, including some taxa previously not reported from Poland and some new taxa not yet described. Another goal was to reconstruct the routes of immigration of Rubus species into the study area. The working hypothesis was that the main route of their immigration after the last glaciation was the Moravian Gate. STUDY borska basin. There is little variation in altitude; the whole area is located above 250 m a.s.l. The highest peaks are Biskupia Kopa Mt. (alt. 889 m) and Góra Parkowa Mt. (alt. 542 m), located in the Góry Opawskie Mts (Kondracki 1998). Soils are generally very fertile there, covered with cultivated fields and meadows. Woodland patches are usu- AREA The southern and western limit of the study area was demarcated by the border between Poland and the Czech Republic, the eastern limit by the Odra River, and the northern limit by the river Biała and the middle section of the Nysa Kłodzka River. The study area can be divided into several mesoregions of Lower Silesia, such as the Płaskowyż Głubczycki plateau, Góry Opawskie Mts, and the western part of the Kotlina Raci- Fig. 1. Location of the study area in Poland. 162 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 Fig. 2. Distribution of forests and density of Rubus species (number of species per square) in SE Lower Silesia. I – forest covering up to 5% of the square surface, II – forest covering 6–25% of the square surface, III – forest covering 26–50% of the square surface, IV – forest covering more than 50% of the square surface; 1 – 1–3 species, 2 – 4–6 species, 3 – 7–10 species, 4 – 11–15 species, 5 – >15 species. ally small and scattered, except for the western part of the study area, where their proportion is higher (Fig. 2). MATERIALS AND METHODS Only scanty herbarium materials of the genus Rubus L. were available from the study area. Most of them were deposited at the Institute of Botany, University of Wrocław (WRSL), and some at the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kórnik (KOR). They documented the occurrence of 33 species. Published data on this subject were also sparse; we did not take them into account, as they are often unreliable or even misleading. Field investigations were conducted throughout the study area, but special attention was paid to forest edges. Herbarium specimens of the rarest and most interesting species were collected and deposited at KOR. Common species, such as R. idaeus and R. caesius, were usually only noted. At each site, environmental conditions of individual taxa were assessed, and abundance of specimens was estimated. The distribution of individual species was presented on maps with a 2 km × 2 km grid, based on the cartogram method used in the Atlas of Distribution of Vascular Plants in Poland (Zając & Zając 2001). New records were marked by circles, and those based on existing herbarium material by squares. The surroundings of the study area, although shown on the maps, was not thoroughly penetrated, but the recorded sites were also marked there. All records are stored in a database at the Institute of Dendrology, Kórnik, and are now included in the ATPOL database of the Institute of Botany, Jagiellonian University, Kraków. Records taken during preliminary field research have been included in the mentioned atlas (Zieliński 2001) and the monograph of Polish brambles (Zieliński 2004). RESULTS Intensive field investigations confirmed the richness of Rubus species in the study area and added much to the earlier available information. We documented the occurrence of 61 Rubus species there. They account for about 2/3 of all species J. ZIELIŃSKI ET AL.: RUBUS IN LOWER SILESIA of this genus found in Poland. This means that the southeastern part of Lower Silesia is the area of the highest accumulation of Rubus species in Poland. It is noteworthy that 28 of the species, nearly half of the total, were not recorded there before. These include three alien species (R. allegheniensis, R. armeniacus, R. canadensis) and two new, previously undescribed species (R. bohemo-polonicus and R. lucentifolius). We recorded some southern species in the study area for the first time, including R. austroslovacus, R. flos-amygdalae and R. pericrispatus, whose synopses had been published so far only in Czech (Trávniček et al. 2002). Although the number of recorded species is high, most of them were infrequent in the study area. This may be due to the shortage of favorable forest habitats; only a small proportion of the area is covered by woodland. The 15 rarest native species, mostly with 1 or 2 localities, are endangered in that region: R. chaerophylloides, R. constrictus, R. divaricatus, R. fabrimontanus, R. fasciculatus, R. franconicus, R. glivicensis, R. gothicus, R. guentheri, R. lamprocaulos, R. rudis, R. schleicheri, R. seebergensis, R. silesiacus and R. wahlbergii. They have the limits of their geographic ranges in the study area and usually form only small, isolated, local populations there. We did not find several rare species that had been collected earlier: R. graecensis, R. mollis, R. oboranus and R. ostroviensis. They may now be extinct in this part of Lower Silesia. Cooperation with Czech botanists and joint investigations on both sides of the border enabled us to draw conclusions about the probable origin and routes of migration of some species. We found that the borders of the geographic ranges of most of the recorded species cross the study area. The distribution of their localities shows that Rubus species migrated to southeastern Lower Silesia from various directions, but least frequently from the east. On the basis of their geographic ranges and probable directions of migration, the Rubus species recorded in the study area can be divided into five groups: 1. Widespread species; the study area is completely covered by their geographic ranges: R. an- 163 gustipaniculatus, R. apricus, R. caesius, R. gracilis, R. grabowskii, R. hirtus, R. idaeus, R. nessensis, R. pedemontanus, R. plicatus, R. radula, etc. It is impossible to determine the direction of their immigration into the study area. 2. Species that probably immigrated from the south, from Moravia and Bohemia: R. austroslovacus, R. flos-amygdalae, R. henrici-egonis, R. micans, R. pericrispatus and R. wahlbergii. They reach their northern limit in the study area. 3. Species that probably migrated from the north, that is, from northwestern Poland and eastern Germany: R. camptostachys, R. divaricatus, R. fabrimontanus, R. fasciculatus, R. koehleri, R. nemoralis, R. salisburgensis, R. tabanimontanus, etc. Undoubtedly, five other species can be assigned to this group: R. ostroviensis, R. capitulatus, R. posnaniensis, R. chaerophylloides and R. siemianicensis. These seem to be very young taxa, formed in the Holocene in the area of Poland. The last three taxa, so far considered endemic to Poland, probably crossed our southern border recently, as localities of them were also found the Czech side of the border during this study. 4. Species that probably migrated from the east: R. bifrons, R. glivicensis and R. wimmerianus. They reach their western limit in the study area. 5. Regional species, having their center of distribution on both sides of the Czech/Polish border: R. capricollensis, R. bohemo-polonicus and R. lucentifolius. In all probability, this is their area of origin. Most of the recorded species were found at the edges of forest patches, especially the warmer, southern edges. Consequently, more species were found in areas with many small forest islands than in extensive woodlands (Fig. 2). The highest number of species and the largest patches of Rubus thickets were observed in pine stands planted on the fertile potential sites of oak-hornbeam forest or in broadleaved stands with admixture of pine trees. The occurrence of Rubus thickets in less transformed oak-hornbeam communities is limited by the dense canopy and insufficient sunlight, while in poorer pine forest communities Rubus species are rare because of the low fertility of soils. In contrast, pine stands on potential oak-hornbeam 164 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 sites are fertile and have sufficient sunlight at the forest floor. Our observations show that such habitats are colonized by the richest and most extensive patches, composed of many Rubus species. Their presence under a pine stand indicates that the pine trees were planted on an inappropriate site, which is too fertile for this tree species. The hypothesis that most Rubus species immigrated through the Moravian Gate was not confirmed. As mentioned above, the species recorded in the southeastern part of Lower Silesia probably came from various directions: from the south, from western Europe, and to a lesser extent from the east. Moreover, southern species could cross not only the Moravian Gate but also the relatively low mountain ranges. Nevertheless, the participation of the Moravian Gate in immigration of Rubus species to Poland, including the studied area of Lower Silesia, cannot be ruled out. The Moravian Gate is now nearly completely covered by farmland devoid of habitats suitable for Rubus, so the occurrence of species of this genus is currently very limited, but before deforestation of this terrain, it could have provided more favorable conditions for their existence and migration. SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION Genus Rubus Subgenus Idaeobatus Rubus idaeus L. Subgenus Rubus Section Rubus Subsection Rubus Series Nessenses Rubus nessensis Hall Series Rubus Rubus graecensis W. Maurer Rubus sulcatus Vest Rubus constrictus P. J. Müll. & Lefèvre Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees Rubus divaricatus P. J. Müll. Series Canadenses Rubus canadensis L. Series Alleghenienses Rubus allegheniensis Porter Subsection Hiemales Series Discolores Rubus bifrons Vest Rubus armeniacus Focke Rubus montanus Lib. ex Lej. Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther et al. Rubus henrici-egonis Holub Rubus crispomarginatus Holub Rubus austroslovacus Trávniček Rubus flos-amygdalae Trávniček & Holub Rubus pericrispatus Holub & Trávniček Series Rhamnifolii Rubus nemoralis P. J. Müll. Rubus gracilis J. Presl & C. Presl. Series Sylvatici Rubus wimmerianus (Sprib. ex Sudre) Sprib. Rubus angustipaniculatus Holub Rubus macrophyllus Weihe & Nees Series Sprengeliani Rubus capricollensis (Sprib.) Sprib. Series Micantes Rubus micans Godr. Rubus silesiacus Weihe Rubus tabanimontanus Figert Rubus gliviciensis (Sprib. ex Sudre) Sprib. Rubus chaerophylloides Sprib. Series Radulae Rubus radula Weihe Rubus bohemo-polonicus Trávniček & Ziel. Rubus rudis Weihe Rubus salisburgensis Focke ex Caflisch Series Pallidi Rubus posnaniensis Sprib. Rubus oboranus (Sprib.) Sprib. Series Hystrices Rubus koehleri Weihe Rubus schleicheri Weihe ex Tratt. Rubus apricus Wimm. Series Glandulosi Rubus holzfussii Sprib. Rubus ostroviensis Sprib. Rubus siemianicensis Sprib. Rubus pedemontanus Pinkw. Rubus lucentifolius Ziel. & Kosiński Rubus hercynicus G. Braun 165 J. ZIELIŃSKI ET AL.: RUBUS IN LOWER SILESIA Rubus guentheri Weihe Rubus hirtus Waldst & Kit. agg. Rubus apricus Wimm. (Fig. 5) A species occurring in southern Poland in two clearly separated regions, in the southwest and southeast of the country. Rather frequent in the study area, but with irregularly distributed Section Corylifolii Subsection Sepincoli Series Subrectigeni Rubus orthostachys G. Braun Rubus lamprocaulos G. Braun Series Sepincoli Rubus franconicus H. E. Weber Series Subthyrsoidei Rubus wahlbergii Arrh. Rubus kuleszae Ziel. Rubus gothicus Frid. & Gelert ex E. H. L. Krause Series Subsilvatici Rubus camptostachys G. Braun Series Subcanescentes Rubus mollis J. Presl & C. Presl Rubus fasciculatus P. J. Müll. Fig. 3. Distribution of Rubus allegheniensis Porter in SE Lower Silesia. Series Subradulae Rubus fabrimontanus (Sprib.) Sprib. Series Hystricopses Rubus capitulatus Utsch Rubus dollnensis Sprib. Rubus seebergensis Pfuhl ex Sprib. Section Caesii Rubus caesius L. Nothosubgenus ×Idaeorubus Rubus ×pseudidaeus (Weihe) Lej. RUBUS SPECIES OCCURRING WITHIN THE STUDY Fig. 4. Distribution of Rubus angustipaniculatus Holub in SE Lower Silesia. AREA Rubus allegheniensis Porter (Fig. 3) A North American species formerly cultivated for fruit, naturalized in a few places in Poland (Zieliński 2001). We found it twice, near settlements, for the first time within the study area. Rubus angustipaniculatus Holub (Fig. 4) A species occurring exclusively in southwestern Poland, frequent in the study area. It grows at forest margins, rarely in wayside thickets. Not threatened. Fig. 5. Distribution of Rubus apricus Wimm. in SE Lower Silesia. 166 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 Fig. 6. Distribution of Rubus armeniacus Focke in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 8. Distribution of Rubus bifrons Vest in SE Lower Silesia. terminal leaflets and narrower inflorescences. It reaches its northern limit of distribution in the study area. It usually grows in wayside thickets and at margins of broadleaf forests. Represented by a few individuals on particular stands, but probably not threatened. Rubus bifrons Vest Fig. 7. Distribution of Rubus austroslovacus Trávniček in SE Lower Silesia. localities. It grows usually in sunny places, mainly at forest margins. Not threatened. Rubus armeniacus Focke (Fig. 6) A species of unknown origin, cultivated for fruit, fully naturalized in western Poland (Maliński 2000; Zieliński 2001). It grows in wayside thickets, usually not far from settlements, not infrequently in ruderal places in villages or towns. Scattered throughout the study area. Further east it grows also in Upper Silesia. Not threatened. Rubus austroslovacus Trávniček, in press (Fig. 7) A species new to Poland. Known from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Not yet formally published. Related to R. montanus, from which it differs by its oblong-elliptic, irregularly serrate (Fig. 8) A species distributed in our country almost exclusively in the south, chiefly at the foot of the Carpathians and Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts. It attains its western limit in the study area. It grows mainly on the Płaskowyż Głubczycki plateau, where it does not cross the Osobłoga River valley. It grows in light places, at forest margins and in clearings, locally frequent. Not threatened. Rubus bohemo-polonicus Trávniček & Ziel. (Fig. 9) A species new to science, recently published (Zieliński & Trávniček 2004). Discovered by Spribille (WRSL) at the beginning of the last century. However, it was known from very few localities and was hitherto treated as a local biotype. On Polish territory its localities are concentrated between the Osobłoga River and Odra River. Several stands are known from the vicinity of Strzelce Opolskie. It is closely related to R. radula, from which it differs by its glabrous stems and white petals. A forest species, frequent in pine forest planted on formerly cultivated land, on rather poor soils, where other brambles only rarely appear. Not threatened. 167 J. ZIELIŃSKI ET AL.: RUBUS IN LOWER SILESIA Fig. 9. Distribution of Rubus bohemo-polonicus Trávniček & Ziel. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 11. Distribution of Rubus camptostachys G. Braun in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 10. Distribution of Rubus caesius L. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 12. Distribution of Rubus canadensis L. in SE Lower Silesia. Rubus caesius L. naturalized in southwestern Poland (Kosiński & Zieliński 1998). (Fig. 10) A species common throughout Poland, including the study area. Frequent both in forests and in open places. Rubus camptostachys G. Braun (Fig. 11) A species occurring mainly in Lower Silesia and southern Wielkopolska. Found for the first time in the study area. Locally it attains its southern limit there. Observed in wayside thickets and at forest margins, usually in altered habitats. Not threatened. Rubus canadensis L. (Fig. 12) A species new in the study area, found in one locality in the middle of broadleaf forest. A North American bramble, formerly cultivated for fruit, Rubus capitulatus Utsch (Fig. 13) A species endemic to Poland, known chiefly from southern Wielkopolska and Lower Silesia. In the investigated area we found its southernmost localities. These stands are relatively rich, so the species is not imminently threatened. Rubus capricollensis (Sprib.) Sprib. (Fig. 14) A species occurring in Poland chiefly within the study area and in the Kotlina Kłodzka basin, where it has its northwestern limit. Rather frequent also south of our border in northern Moravia and northeastern Bohemia. It usually grows in open forests and at forest margins. Not threatened. 168 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 Fig. 13. Distribution of Rubus capitulatus Utsch in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 16. Distribution of Rubus constrictus P. J. Müll. & Lefèvre in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 14. Distribution of Rubus capricollensis (Sprib.) Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 17. Distribution of Rubus crispomarginatus Holub in SE Lower Silesia. Lower Silesia. Within the study area it was found at its southernmost locality record. New for the area. Threatened on account of the small number of its localities. Rubus constrictus P. J. Müll. & Lefèvre (Fig. 16) A species occurring in southern Poland. Found at one locality in the Odra River valley, for the first time within the study area. Threatened. Fig. 15. Distribution of Rubus chaerophylloides Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. Rubus chaerophylloides Sprib. (Fig. 15) A species endemic to Poland, known chiefly from the southwestern part of the country, from southern Wielkopolska and eastern regions of Rubus crispomarginatus Holub (Fig. 17) A species occurring chiefly in southern Poland. Rare in the study area, found in several places along the border, and discovered in the Odra River valley. It also grows east of the Odra River. Most localities are poor, with single individuals, so their future is uncertain. Threatened. 169 J. ZIELIŃSKI ET AL.: RUBUS IN LOWER SILESIA Fig. 18. Distribution of Rubus divaricatus P. J. Müll. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 20. Distribution of Rubus fabrimontanus (Sprib.) Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 19. Distribution of Rubus dollnensis Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 21. Distribution of Rubus fasciculatus P. J. Müll. in SE Lower Silesia. Rubus divaricatus P. J. Müll. western limit of its range in Poland. Threatened on account of its few and poor localities. (Fig. 18) A species known in Poland from Lower Silesia and southern Wielkopolska. Found for the first time within the study area at its southeasternmost locality, isolated from the main range. Threatened. Rubus dollnensis Sprib. (Fig. 19) A species occurring mainly in southwestern Poland, frequent within the study area in forests, at forest margins and in wayside thickets. Not threatened. Rubus fabrimontanus (Sprib.) Sprib. (Fig. 20) A species known mainly from western and central Poland. Within study area it was found at a few, rather poor localities that form the south- Rubus fasciculatus P. J. Müll. (Fig. 21) This bramble was found at two localities in the north, for the first time within the study area. These are the southernmost Polish stands of R. fasciculatus. Threatened. Rubus flos-amygdalae Trávniček & Holub, in press (Fig. 22) A species new for the study area, and new for Poland. Found at the same time in the Kotlina Kłodzka basin (Kosiński 2001). It has its northern limit of the range in Silesia, where it undoubtedly came from regions south of Poland. It grows in sunny places, at forest margins, on sunny hillsides and in wayside thickets. Not yet formally 170 Fig. 22. Distribution of Rubus flos-amygdalae Trávniček & Holub in SE Lower Silesia. POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 Fig. 25. Distribution of Rubus gothicus Frid. & Gelert ex E. H. L. Krause in SE Lower Silesia. Rubus franconicus H. E. Weber (Fig. 23) In Poland this species is known from a few places in the vicinity of Wałbrzych and in the Kotlina Kłodzka basin. Found for the first time within the study area, at one southernmost Polish locality. Threatened. Rubus glivicensis (Sprib. ex Sudre) Sprib. (Fig. 24) Fig. 23. Distribution of Rubus franconicus H. E. Weber in SE Lower Silesia. A species occurring in southern Poland, east of the Odra River. Found for the first time within the study area. Further west it is known from only two localities in the Kotlina Kłodzka basin (Kosiński 2001). Threatened in Lower Silesia. Rubus gothicus Frid. & Gelert ex E. H. L. Krause (Fig. 25) A species known almost exclusively from western Poland, new for the study area, where it was found at two southernmost Polish localities. Threatened. Fig. 24. Distribution of Rubus glivicensis (Sprib. ex Sudre) Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. published. Related to R. montanus, from which it differs by its unevenly brown-red stems, narrowly obovate terminal leaflets and pink flowers. Not threatened. Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther et al. (Fig. 26) A species rather frequent in southwestern Poland, not rare within the study area. Most numerous in western regions of the Płaskowyż Głubczycki plateau, where it grows in light places, mainly at forest margins and in wayside thickets. Not threatened. 171 J. ZIELIŃSKI ET AL.: RUBUS IN LOWER SILESIA Fig. 26. Distribution of Rubus grabowskii Weihe ex Günther in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 29. Distribution of Rubus guentheri Weihe in SE Lower Silesia. Rubus graecensis W. Maurer (Fig. 28) A species found in Poland only in the study area, south of Nysa, at the beginning of the 20th century (Spribille s.n., WRSL, as R. thyrsanthus var. subvelutinus Linberg). We did not find it in the field. Probably extinct in the study area. However, several years ago it was discovered in the Kotlina Kłodzka basin (Kosiński 1999). Rubus guentheri Weihe Fig. 27. Distribution of Rubus gracilis J. Presl & C. Presl in SE Lower Silesia. A species occurring in Poland mainly in the Sudety Mts, from where it probably reached the study area. It was found at one locality at the border. Further east it grows only at several stands in the Odra River valley in Upper Silesia. Threatened. Rubus henrici-egonis Holub Fig. 28. Distribution of Rubus graecensis W. Maurer in SE Lower Silesia. Rubus gracilis J. Presl & C. Presl (Fig. 27) One of the commonest brambles in southern and western Poland, rather frequent within the study area, where it usually grows at forest margins and in wayside thickets. Not threatened. (Fig. 29) (Fig. 30) Within the study area, R. henrici-egonis occurs along the Czech-Polish frontier, mainly in the Opawa Mts and on the Płaskowyż Głubczycki plateau. We found it also at several localities east of the Odra River in Upper Silesia. At the same time, it was found in the Kotlina Kłodzka basin (Kosiński 2001). It came to Poland from Bohemia and Moravia, from where it was described not long ago (Holub 1991). It is related to R. grabowskii, from which it differs by its shallowly serrate leaflets. It grows in sunny places at forest margins, for example in wayside thickets or in clearings of oak forests. Not threatened. 172 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 Fig. 30. Distribution of Rubus henrici-egonis Holub in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 33. Distribution of Rubus holzfussii Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 31. Distribution of Rubus hercynicus G. Braun in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 34. Distribution of Rubus idaeus L. in SE Lower Silesia. it reaches southwestern Upper Silesia. A forest bramble, often connected with spruce forests, locally frequent. Not threatened. Rubus hirtus Waldst & Kit. agg. (Fig. 32) A collective species, very frequent in southern Poland, including the study area. A forest bramble, practically absent from woodless regions. Not threatened. Fig. 32. Distribution of Rubus hirtus Waldst & Kit. agg. in SE Lower Silesia. Rubus hercynicus G. Braun (Fig. 31) In Poland the species grows mainly at the foot of the Sudety Mts. Within the study area it has its limitary northwestern localities. Further east Rubus hozfussii Sprib. (Fig. 33) A regional species, endemic to Poland, described from Silesia (Spribille 1904). It is known mainly from herbarium specimens collected by Spribille (WRSL). We found it only once in the northwestern part of the Kotlina Raciborska basin. Threatened. 173 J. ZIELIŃSKI ET AL.: RUBUS IN LOWER SILESIA Fig. 35. Distribution of Rubus koehleri Weihe in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 37. Distribution of Rubus lamprocaulos G. Braun in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 36. Distribution of Rubus kuleszae Ziel. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 38. Distribution of Rubus lucentifolius Ziel. & Kosiński in SE Lower Silesia. Rubus idaeus L. in the west. In the east it occurs only in the Odra River valley. It grows at margins of broadleaf forests, in wayside thickets, sometimes in ruderal places, usually on rich soils. Not threatened. (Fig. 34) The commonest Rubus species in Poland, very frequent within the study area. It grows in forests, at forest margins and in wayside thickets. Not threatened. Rubus lamprocaulos G. Braun Rubus koehleri Weihe (Fig. 35) A bramble connected geographically with Lower Silesia and southern Wielkopolska. Within the study area it was noted at a few scattered localities locally forming the southeastern limit of its range. It grows exclusively at forest margins or in open woods. Localities not numerous but rather rich. Not imminently threatened. Rubus kuleszae Ziel. (Fig. 36) A species occurring in south and southwest Poland. Within the study area it is frequent only (Fig. 37) A species occurring in Lower Silesia and southern Wielkopolska. Within the study area we found it only once. Threatened. Rubus lucentifolius Ziel. & Kosiński (Fig. 38) A species new to science, recently published (Zieliński et al. 2004). Within the study area it occurs mainly in the Opawa Mts, and also the Kotlina Kłodzka basin. Locally frequent. Its distribution needs to be studied further. It belongs to the series Glandulosi and is characterized by (sub)glabrous leaves, narrowly elliptic or narrowly ovate, short- 174 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 Fig. 39. Distribution of Rubus macrophyllus Weihe & Nees in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 41. Distribution of Rubus mollis J. Presl & C. Presl in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 40. Distribution of Rubus micans Godr. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 42. Distribution of Rubus montanus Lib. ex Lej. in SE Lower Silesia. petiolulate terminal leaflets, short stamens, and hairy carpels. Not threatened. Rubus mollis J. Presl & C. Presl Rubus macrophyllus Weihe & Ness (Fig. 39) A species occurring mainly in southern Wielkopolska and Lower Silesia. Within the study area its localities demarcate the southwestern limit of its range in Poland. A typical lowland forest bramble. Presumably it arrived from northwestern Poland. Not threatened. Rubus micans Godr. (Fig. 40) A species occurring in Poland only within the study area, where it probably came from the south. Earlier, at the end of the 19th century, it was collected in Poland only once near Prudnik (Bruchs & Kinscher s.n., ER). The bramble grows in open broadleaf or mixed forests or at forest margins. Locally frequent, not threatened. (Fig. 41) A species connected in Poland with the Sudety Mts, especially with the Kotlina Kłodzka basin. Within the study area it was found only once, in the village of Kozłówki at the and of the 19th century (Sintenis s.n., WRSL). It was determined and cited in the literature as R. canescens DC. (= R. tomentosus Borkh.) (Schube & Spribille 1904), which does not occur in Poland. We did not find it within our area, but it grows further east in the Odra River valley, which is the easternmost locality of this species in Poland. Rubus montanus Lib. ex Lej. (Fig. 42) A species rather frequent in southern Poland. Within the study area its localities are situated mostly along the Czech border. The localities are represented mostly by single individuals, but generally the species is not threatened. 175 J. ZIELIŃSKI ET AL.: RUBUS IN LOWER SILESIA Fig. 43. Distribution of Rubus nemoralis P. J. Müll. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 45. Distribution of Rubus oboranus (Sprib.) Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 44. Distribution of Rubus nessensis Hall in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 46. Distribution of Rubus orthostachys G. Braun in SE Lower Silesia. Rubus nemoralis P. J. Müll. Rubus oboranus (Sprib.) Sprib. (Fig. 43) This species is found exclusively in southwestern Poland. Within the study area it occurs at its limitary southeastern localities. Not imminently threatened. Rubus nessensis Hall (Fig. 45) A taxon described from Silesia (Spribille 1907), endemic to Poland. Known from few localities, exclusively from herbarium material. Recorded also from the study area, but we did not find it in the field. Possibly extinct. (Fig. 44) A species widespread throughout Poland, mainly in broadleaf forests and at forest margins. Within our area it is represented by the very frequent subsp. nessensis and the rare subsp. scissoides H. E. Weber, which we found at two localities close to each other in the Opawa Mts. It differs from the type subspecies by its acicular green (not violet-black) prickles, hairy ovaries, and other characters. At both stands the populations were rather rich. Apparently not threatened. Rubus orthostachys G. Braun (Fig. 46) A species occurring in southern Poland, with scattered localities within the study area. It grows at forest margins and in wayside thickets, not infrequently in ruderal places. Not threatened. Rubus ostroviensis Sprib. (Fig. 47) A species endemic to Poland, occurring mainly in southern Wielkopolska and Lower Silesia. Within the study area it was collected only 176 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 Fig. 47. Distribution of Rubus ostroviensis Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 49. Distribution of Rubus pericrispatus Holub & Trávniček in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 48. Distribution of Rubus pedemontanus Pinkw. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 50. Distribution of Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees in SE Lower Silesia. once near Głubczyce at the beginning of the 20th century. Not found during our field work. Possibly extinct. in wayside thickets. At the same time, R. pericrispatus was collected by Kosiński in the Kotlina Kłodzka basin (vouchers at KOR) and by Oklejewicz in southeast Poland (vouchers at KRA). Probably not threatened. Rubus pedemontanus Pinkw. (Fig. 48) A species frequent in Poland, absent only in the country’s central belt of lowlands. Within the study area observed in numerous localities. Forest species. Not threatened. Rubus pericrispatus Holub & Trávniček, in press (Fig. 49) A species not yet formally published, occurring in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Germany, and not reported till now from Poland. It can be distinguished from the similar R. montans by its somewhat broader and undulate leaflets. It grows in open sunny places, at forest margins and Rubus plicatus Weihe & Ness (Fig. 50) One of the commonest brambles in Poland. Also frequent within the study area, but somewhat rarer in southern parts of the Płaskowyż Głubczycki plateau. It grows both in forests and in open places. Not threatened. Rubus posnaniensis Sprib. (Fig. 51) A species described from Poland and most frequent there. Within the study area it attains its southwestern limit. During the present field work it was discovered in the Czech Republic, where 177 J. ZIELIŃSKI ET AL.: RUBUS IN LOWER SILESIA Fig. 51. Distribution of Rubus posnaniensis Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 53. Distribution of Rubus radula Weihe in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 52. Distribution of Rubus ×pseudidaeus (Weihe) Lej. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 54. Distribution of Rubus rudis Weihe in SE Lower Silesia. it probably arrived from Poland. Forest species. Not threatened. grows usually in forests, chiefly at their margins, rarely in wayside thickets. Not threatened. Rubus ×pseudidaeus (Weihe) Lej. Rubus rudis Weihe (Fig. 52) A hybrid between R. caesius and R. idaeus, species representing subgen. Rubus and subgen. Idaeobatus, respectively. It occurs at scattered localities throughout Poland, where its parental species meet. Often not distinguished from the parents. Within the study area it was found at eight localities, most of them on the Płaskowyż Głubczycki Plateau, where it grows both in forest and in open places, along roads, and not infrequently in ruderal places. Not threatened. Rubus radula Weihe (Fig. 53) A species distributed chiefly in western Poland, and one of the commonest within the study area. It (Fig. 54) A species occurring in southern Poland, but more frequent only in the southeast. Within the study area it was found for the first time, only once, in mixed forest. Very poor locality, threatened. Possibly a recent newcomer to Lower Silesia. Rubus salisburgensis Focke ex Caflisch (Fig. 55) A species known from southwestern Poland, where it grows at the foot of the Sudety Mts. Found for the first time within the study area, locally frequent (vicinity of Prudnik). The new localities in Silesia are the easternmost stands of this species in Poland. Not threatened. 178 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 Fig. 55. Distribution of Rubus salisburgensis Focke ex Caflisch in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 58. Distribution of Rubus siemianicensis Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 56. Distribution of Rubus schleicheri Weihe ex Tratt. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 59. Distribution of Rubus silesiacus Weihe in SE Lower Silesia. demarcating the southeastern limit of its range in Poland. A typical forest bramble, observed exclusively in forest communities. Threatened on account of the small number of its localities, most of which are poor. Rubus seebergensis Pfuhl ex Sprib. Fig. 57. Distribution of Rubus seebergensis Pfuhl ex Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. A species endemic to Poland, known primarily from southern Wielkopolska and Lower Silesia. Within the study area it was found at isolated, southernmost localities. Threatened on account of the small number of stands. Rubus siemianicensis Sprib. Rubus schleicheri Weihe ex Tratt. (Fig. 56) A species occurring in southwestern Poland. Within the study area it was found at five localities (Fig. 57) (Fig. 58) A species known mainly and until quite recently only from Poland. Rather frequent within the study area, but absent in southern parts of the Płaskowyż Głubczycki plateau. During the 179 J. ZIELIŃSKI ET AL.: RUBUS IN LOWER SILESIA Fig. 60. Distribution of Rubus sulcatus Vest in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 62. Distribution of Rubus wahlbergii Arrh. in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 61. Distribution of Rubus tabanimontanus Figert in SE Lower Silesia. Fig. 63. Distribution of Rubus wimmerianus (Sprib. ex Sudre) Sprib. in SE Lower Silesia. present field work it was found in neighboring Czech territory, where it is probably a recent newcomer from Poland. One of the few species whose origin is undoubtedly connected with Poland. Not threatened. forest margins, along forest roads and in wayside thickets. Not threatened. Rubus silesiacus Weihe (Fig. 59) A species occurring in southwestern Poland. New for the study area, found in four localities next to the Czech border. They are among the southernmost Polish localities. Further east we found this blackberry beyond our area in the Odra River valley. Threatened on account of the small number of localities. Rubus sulcatus Vest (Fig. 60) A species occurring mainly in southern Poland, scattered throughout the study area. It grows at Rubus tabanimontanus Figert (Fig. 61) A species occurring in Poland mainly at the foot of the Sudety Mts. Within the study area it grows in the Opawskie Mts and western parts of the Płaskowyż Głubczycki plateau. These localities are among the easternmost Polish stands of R. tabanimontanus. A forest species. Relatively rare but not imminently threatened. Rubus wahlbergii Arrh. (Fig. 62) A species occurring at scattered localities in southwestern Poland. We found it in several places in the south, where it grows along roads, in villages, in ruderal places. Threatened in Silesia on account of the small number of its localities. 180 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 49(2). 2004 Rubus wimmerianus (Sprib. ex Sudre) Sprib. (Fig. 63) A species occurring in southern Poland. Within the study area it is frequent only between the Odra River and Osobłoga River. These localities demarcate the western limit of its range in Poland. Further west it grows at scattered localities in the Kotlina Kłodzka basin (Kosiński 2001). Not threatened. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We are grateful to the Director Henryk Pigulski and Director Stanisław Jurecki of the Prudnik Forest Inspectorate, for help during field work. We thank the anonymous reviewer for valuable comments on the manuscript. The study was supported by the Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN grant 6 P04G 05217). – a new alien species in the flora of Poland. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 43(1): 59–63 MALIŃSKI T. 2000. Synanthropic localities of Rubus armeniacus Focke (Rosaceae) in Poland. Rocz. Dendrol. 48: 45–52. SCHUBE T. & SPRIBILLE F. 1904. Rubus L. In: T. SCHUBE (ed.), Flora von Schlesien preussischen und österreichischen Anteils, pp. 203–218. W. G. Korn, Breslau. SPRIBILLE F. 1904. Beitrag zur Rubusflora der Provinz Schlesien. In: I. URBAN & P. 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