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Libya Islamica is a peer reviewed book series that focuses on the different historical, geographical and cultural aspects within the borders of present-day Libya, from the Islamic conquest (1st/7th century) until the establishment of the Ottoman rule (10th/16th century).
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, 2024
The aim of this article is to comprehensively examine the ways in which digital competences and their components are defined in the recommendations of the European Union (EU), the European Commission (EC) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The study delves into the evolving landscape of digital competences and highlights commonalities and differences in the frameworks proposed by these influential bodies. Through a comparative analysis, the paper seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of conceptualisations of digital competences, which may facilitate the development of a unified framework that can guide educational policies and practices.
Der Bewegungsraum der sozialen Frage. Wo Protest Platz hat und Raum findet, 2024
vergleicht die Proteste von prekären Migrant:innen in Berlin und Wien und analysiert die Dynamik der Bündnisbildung in prekären Mobilisierungen. Unter Rückgriff auf eine interaktionistische Perspektive werden die umkämpften und fragilen Interaktionen in einem heterogenen Akteur:innenfeld aus Migrant:innen mit unterschiedlichem Rechtsstatus und sozialem Hintergrund sowie unterstützenden Aktivist:innen und NGOs nachgezeichnet. Der Artikel veranschaulicht, wie konkrete räumliche Kontexte, darunter zum Beispiel Protestcamps oder besetzte Gebäude, die Bündnisbildung beeinflussen und somit sowohl zur Verstärkung als auch zur Fragmentierung von Protesten beitragen können.
Apparaître en animal / In forma animale. Présences divines, travestissements d'animaux et relations interspécifiques dans l'antiquité grecque et romaine, a cura di M. Vespa, F. Prescendi, I Quaderni del Ramo d'Oro, n.s., 2023
In this article I will try to highlight the importance of astrological teachings in some of the "magic recipes" of the Cyranides. The main aim is to understand the strategies used in the selection of animal products that determine their connection to certain astral bodies. It is precisely this connection that activates the astral force that ensures the effectiveness of the remedy. Secondly, based on the presence of certain animals in magical sources, I will try to decipher a series of seven enigmatic magical words, voces magicae, which seem to correspond to the secret names of the planets. The aim is to understand whether, thanks to the reference to the animal, it is possible to assign each of these vocabularies to a particular planet.
The main aim of the present study is develop, manufacture and evaluate a garlic peeler which is made from local raw materials. The effect of different rotational speeds of disk (210, 240 and 270 rpm), operating times (1, 2 and 3 min) and batch loads (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 kg) were studied. The peeler productivity, efficiency, damage cloves percentage, specific energy consumption and costs were determined. The obtained results indicated that the garlic peeler productivity increased from 17.88 to 19.33 and 8.52 to 29.04 kg h-1 , with increasing rotational speed of disk and operating time, respectively and it decreased from 28.84 to 12.46 kg h-1 with increasing batch load from 0.5 to 1.5 kg. The peeler efficiency increased with increasing rotational speed of disk, operating time and batch load. The highest value of damaged cloves percentage (0.26%) was found for 270 rpm rotational speed of disk at 1 min of operating time for 1.5 batch load. The specific energy consumption decreases with increasing rotational speed of disk and operating time. The total cost of garlic peeler decreased from 0.230 to 0.215 and 0.402 to 0.105 EGP kg-1 with increasing rotational speed of disk and operating time, respectively.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 2011
In this paper we present a case of failure in an integrative treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) combining cognitivebehavioral therapy, an empirically supported treatment for GAD, and interpersonal-emotional processing therapy. The client of focus dropped out of treatment after the 8th session. Based on our analysis of this case, we discuss the participant, technical and relationship factors that were likely implicated in this case of premature termination in both of the cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal-emotional processing segments that comprised the treatment. Implications for practice, training, and future research are also discussed.
Ce mémoire explore les différents témoignages que nous ont laissés les soldats et officiers polonais ayant combattu du côté de la France durant l’existence du Duché de Varsovie, entre 1807 et 1815. L’objectif premier de l’analyse est de déterminer quelles étaient les représentations qu’ont faites les Polonais de la France et des Français et quelles attitudes ils ont adoptées envers leurs alliés. La première partie du mémoire fait un survol des sources en présentant plus en détail les auteurs étudiés ainsi que les différentes formations militaires dont ils ont fait partie. La section suivante porte quant à elle sur les représentations de la France et des Français dans les écrits polonais en mettant en perspective de nombreux extraits issus des mémoires et de la correspondance des officiers. En dernier lieu, le mémoire explore les représentations que se sont faites les auteurs de leur propre nation, les attitudes qu’ils ont adoptées envers leurs alliés français au courant des guerres ...
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Despite the paradigm shift globally regarding the adoption of inclusive education, teachers still have varying preconceived misconceptions about its successful implementation and practices in the general education classroom. This qualitative study focused on teachers' perception of adapting inclusive education policies and procedures in The Bahamas and its implication for adult education. The participants of the study were teachers (n-18) in the K-12 educational system in The Bahamas. The findings from this study revealed that there was a vast misconception of the definition of inclusive education. Secondly, five overarching factors that influenced teachers' perception of inclusive education were (a) lack of training, (b) insufficient resources and (c) administrative support, (d) teachers' attitudes and (e) inadequate /misconception of information regarding inclusive education. The study further provides an overview for implications for education and training of general education teachers charged with the responsibility of accommodating children with disabilities in regular/inclusive classrooms. Inclusive education is on the global agenda to attract the involvement and collaboration of all stakeholders. The support for this action is being guided through the principles of The Salamanca Statement (1994). Legislation by national, regional, and international agencies is aggressively enacting policies and laws to support and promote the education of all children in the general education setting. Teachers are perceived to be an integral component in the implementation of inclusive education (Haskell, 2000). Research communicates that teachers' perception are the key to the success of inclusive programs, as they are critical to the process of including students with disabilities into regular classes. It is important to examine the attitudes of educators toward the inclusion of students with disabilities into regular settings as their perceptions may influence their behavior toward and acceptance of such students (Hammond & Ingalls, 2003). The success of inclusive programs may be at risk if regular classroom teachers hold negative perceptions toward the inclusion of students with disabilities (Van Reusen et al., 2001). Negative perceptions of inclusive education may become obstacles, as general education teachers attempt to include students with disabilities (Cawley, Hayden, Cade, & Baker-Kroczynski, 2002). The most salient trend in education involving individuals with disabilities is that of inclusion. Teachers are regarded as a key component in the educational system. However, instruction in the general education classroom is influenced by the individuals being taught. The need to sensitize educators to this perplexing issue is paramount to the success of all students. If teachers were more receptive toward inclusion, student achievement, socialization, skill acquisition, and access to education would increase for students with disabilities. Findings from Andrews and Frankel (2010) recognized that inadequate training and skills required to teach students with special needs are important in the implementation of inclusive education programs. On this premise, the study was conducted to examine teachers' perception of inclusive education and its implication for adult education. For the purpose of this study, adult education encompasses continuing education with a focal point on professional competence and best practices. It is envisage that the findings from this study will have significant impact on adult education as it relates to inclusive
Número 19, Julio-Diciembre, 2024
El artículo explora los orígenes remotos del cemento y del concreto armado y su llegada e impacto en la arquitectura mexicana de los siglos XIX y XX. Toma como punto de partida los textos producidos por los precursores e introductores del concreto armado en el país, destacando sus redes científicas y profesionales, así como las obras principales que emprendieron. Se exploran, asimismo, las condiciones de posibilidad de la aceptación del cemento y del concreto armado durante el Porfiriato y los gobiernos posrevolucionarios, culminando con la arquitectura moderna mexicana.
Análise Estratégica, 2019
WIHODA, Martin. Der Buckelquaderturm auf der Burg Klingenberg. Ein böhmischen Stauferding? In Richard Engel; Jan Keup; Markus Krumm; Romedio Schmitz-Esser. Staufer Dinge. Materielle Kultur der Stauferzeit in neuer Perspektive. Regensburg: Verlag Schnell & Steiner, 2022. s. 90-102., 2022
Proceedings for the 31st Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2009
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 1989
Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 2014
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2014
Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 2008
Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015
Zoologia (Curitiba), 2009
PubMed, 2017
L'Esprit Créateur, 1987