GPS Carrier Phase Analysis Noise on the
USNO-PTB Baselines
Demetrios Matsakis and Mark Lee
Rolf Dach and Urs Hugentobler
U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO)
3450 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC, 20392, USA
[email protected]
Astronomical Institute, University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland
Z. Jiang
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
Sèvres, France
Abstract Carrier Phase GPS observations
between a geodetic receiver at the
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
and two geodetic receivers at the USNO are
processed using applications and extensions of
the GIPSY and Bernese GPS Software
packages. Their results are compared with
Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency
Transfer (TWSTFT) data. It is found that
algorithms that eliminate day-boundary
effects require careful handling in the
presence of receiver instrumental delays.
Depending upon the approach chosen, time
differences of several ns and frequency
differences of up to 100 ps/day can develop
between solution types.
I. Introduction
Time and frequency transfer using GPS carrier
phase measurements [1, 2] is currently a widely
accepted method for high precision applications.
It provides consistent, precise clock information
with a high temporal resolution in large
networks. The method can also be applied for
frequency comparisons [3].
Independent daily time-transfer solutions
frequently show discontinuities of up to 1 ns at
the day-boundary due to noise in the code
(pseudorange) data. Code data provide timing
information but because they are much noisier
than the (carrier) phase data, they are usually
weighted much less than the phase data, which
provide frequency. The GIPSY GPS software
(developed by JPL) can mitigate day-boundary
discontinuities by applying a continuous Kalman
filter across consecutive days [4]. Recently,
extensions of the Bernese GPS Software package
(developed by AIUB) have been developed that
remove day boundary discontinuities through the
method of ambiguity stacking [5], which passes
ambiguity information across day boundaries by
reconnecting the phase ambiguity parameters of
consecutive days.
Using different algorithms within GIPSY and the
Bernese GPS Software, data from three geodetic
receivers were processed for the interval October
1, 2005 through January 31, 2006 (MJD 5364453766) and the results compared. The receivers
were all Ashtech Z12T units. The two at the
USNO are attached to antennas 150 meters apart,
with IGS designations USNO and USN3.
USN3’s clock reference is UTC(USNO), and the
receiver USNO’s data can be re-referenced to
UTC(USNO) through the use of interpolated
hourly ground measurements [4]. Both of the
USNO time references are steered masers. The
geodetic receiver at the PTB is designated
PTBB, and its reference is cesium-based. In this
work PTBB’s frequency transfer with receivers
at the USNO is measured against the TWSTFT
link between the PTB time references and the
USNO Master Clock [6]. For the purpose of this
work, all GPS-derived time series were adjusted
to zero the first point in each time series because
only one of the geodetic GPS receiver systems is
calibrated (and therefore none of the GPS
baselines is calibrated).
II. GPS Data Processing
The GIPSY software was run in Precise Point
Positioning mode using USN3-referenced
satellite clocks. USN3 is directly tied to
UTC(USNO) as a reference. Independent daily
solutions were generated for the entire interval,
and continuously filtered solutions were
produced over selected intervals. The receiver
USNO uses a reference that is steered to
UTC(USNO), and its data were corrected to
UTC(USNO) using fiber-optic links [4].
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GPS Carrier Phase Analysis Noise on the USNO-PTB Baselines
U.S. Naval Observatory Washington, DC 20392
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The original document contains color images.
19a. NAME OF
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18
Alternative independent daily solutions were
generated for comparison using Version 5.0 of
the Bernese GPS Software. The ambiguity
stacking method was used to generate a
continuous time transfer solution using code and
phase measurements as well as a continuous
frequency transfer solution using only the phase
data. Because in the latter sense no code
measurements are introduced the impact of
multipath is reduced and the solution is
insensitive to variations in the code receiver
biases (induced, e.g., by changing environmental
conditions or by episodic changes, such as at
MJD 53692 for USNO).
III. Independent Daily Solutions
Previous work [4] found only subnanosecond
systematic time differences between the
independent daily operational solutions from the
USNO (using GIPSY) and AIUB (using Bernese
GPS Software) analysis centers. The bias
differences are not zero, but almost always
significantly less than 200 ps. When GIPSY’s
continuous filter solution was introduced in [4]
no systematic time differences with GIPSY’s
conventional independent daily solutions were
With data from the past 5 years, we have
confirmed the consistency of the pairwise time
differences between the operational USNO and
AIUB solutions. We have also noted that the
average daily frequency differences (determined
by fitting an average and rate to each day’s time
differences) between the two software sets
usually differ by less than 100 ps/day in both
range and (nonzero) bias. The statistics of the
time differences for the baselines described in
this paper are summarized in Table 1.
IV. Long Baseline Comparisons
Figure 1 shows the differences between the GPS
solutions types for the clock differences on the
Figure 1. Comparison of GPS analyses with
each other and with TWSTFT for the baseline
USN3-PTBB. Top plot, labeled A, is Bernese
Code+Phase minus GIPSY; B is Bernese
Phase Only minus GIPSY, C is Bernese Phase
Only minus Bernese Code + Phase. Lower
three plots, labeled D, E, and F are Bernese
Code+Phase, Bernese Phase Only, and
GIPSY, each minus X-Band TWSTFT.
baseline between the receivers designated USN3
and PTBB. TWSTFT X-band measurements are
included as an independent reference. The
analogous comparisons for the receivers USNO
and PTBB are shown in Figure 2.
In both figures the phase-only solutions develop
a frequency offset at about MJD 53710, of over
100 ps/day. This effect is still not completely
understood. For other stations equipped with
other receivers, analogous behaviors were
reported [3,7].
Figure 2 shows a 2 ns jump in some of the
solutions, at about 15:00 UTC on MJD 53692.
This has to be assigned to the GPS station
USNO, whose rinex data files were missing two
30-second entries near 18:18:00. The solution
residuals indicate a discontinuity of 2 ns in the
code data whereas the phase measurements are
continuous during this period. This indicates a
Table 1. Statistical properties of time differences between GIPSY and Bernese GPS Software
independent daily operational solutions by USNO and AIUB.
Num. points
AVE ns
RMS ns
RMS of 1st
Diff. ns/day
Figure 2. As in Figure 1, but for the baseline
USNO-PTBB. TWSTFT data are tied to the
receiver USNO using fiber-optic
variation in the receiver’s code delay. Such
instrumental variations have previously been
reported, and can be temporary or indefinite in
duration [5,8].
V. Short Baseline Comparisons
The time series obtained with the two
continuously working algorithms of the Bernese
GPS Software and the daily independent solution
from the GIPSY software for the 150 meters
baseline between USN3 and USNO are shown in
Figure 3. The data are reduced to a common
clock by applying the interpolated hourly fiberoptic measurements between stations USN3 and
USNO as described in [4]. The differences
between the three solutions are shown in Figure
4. In Figure 3 features can directly be addressed
to one of the GPS solutions or receivers whereas
the comparison in Figure 4 is independent of the
local measurement between USN3 and USNO.
Both figures contain the 2 ns jump in the
instrumental delay for the code data in the
receiver of USNO at MJD 53692.7. Because
only the code but not the phase measurements
are affected, this results in an inconsistency
between these two observation types. This is of
course a problem for a combined analysis. Figure
3 confirms that the phase-only solution is, as
expected, insensitive to the code variation. This
may be seen as an advantage of the phase only
solution strategy.
Figure 3. Three GPS solutions for the 150meter USN3-USNO baseline. The solution for
the GPS receivers USN3 and USNO are
reduced to a common clock using local
measurements. The notation is as in Figure 1.
For the combined analysis of the code and phase
data the consistency must be recovered by
correcting either the code or the phase data. This
requires of course a reliable detection of the
jumps during the preprocessing of the data. This
was implemented into the Bernese GPS Software
in the context of the ambiguity stacking
algorithm for events with a magnitude greater
than 15 ns [5].
The event at 53692.7 was not specially
accounted for by any of the GPS solutions, so it
is interesting to see how the results are affected.
Figure 4. Difference between the GPS
solutions for the baseline USN3-USNO. The
notation is as in Figure 1.
Figure 5. Detailed plot of the differences
between the solutions for the 150-m baseline
USN3-USNO over October, 2005.
Figure 3 shows that the independent daily
solutions by GIPSY responded by producing two
large discontinuities at the day boundaries that
absorb the 2 ns discontinuity. This immediately
incorporated the receiver’s delay change into the
analysis. The independent daily solution
obtained with the Bernese GPS Software
responded in the same manner as GIPSY.
Ambiguity stacking is designed to eliminate dayboundary discontinuities to provide continuous
solutions. In a combined analysis of the code and
phase measurements, the result was to gradually
introduce the variation over several days. A
similar effect would be expected in a continuous
Kalman filter as used for a continuous GIPSY
solution. The number of days that are affected
depends on the weighting scheme between the
code and phase measurements.
There are also several short spike-like features in
the solutions using the two Bernese ambiguitystacking methods. These are due to lack of valid
data for the algorithm to use for connectivity.
The lowest plot in Figure 5 is the difference
between two continuous solutions of the Bernese
discontinuities can be found in their difference:
MJD 53664 at 09:00 UTC, MJD 53665 at 02:50
UTC, and MJD 53667 at 20:05 UTC. At these
three epochs the ambiguity parameters have been
interrupted to prevent inconsistencies between
the code and phase data in the combined analysis
as it has been discussed for the event at MJD
Figure 6. Frequency fitted to phase data over
individual days for the independent daily
solutions of both software packages under
investigation Initially, the frequencies fitted to
GIPSY-determined phases appear biased
away from the zero slope expected in common
clock differences.
The 3 ns discontinuity in the phase only solution
for USNO after MJD 53760 immediately follows
a 4-day data gap for the receiver USNO. It has
no physical meaning since the phase
measurements do not provide any time
information, and the ambiguities cannot be
reconnected over this interval. This demonstrates
a disadvantage of the phase only solution, since
the result contains two completely independent
parts with independent timing information.
Figure 5 shows some of the features in greater
detail, as well as the day-boundary
discontinuities in the GIPSY independent daily
It was observed that the daily independent
GIPSY solutions are often frequency shifted with
respect to the continuous solutions obtained by
the Bernese GPS Software package. The
magnitude is steady in the short run, and can be
up to 100 ps/day. The frequency shift of the
GIPSY solution is not observed in the analogous
independent daily solutions obtained from the
Bernese GPS Software (Figures 6 and 7), and
should not be present in common clock
solutions. As reported in [9] the observed
frequency variations in the GIPSY solution can
be brought about by ambiguity fixing, or direct
networking. The impact of these different
processing modes of GIPSY on the frequency
and time transfer results needs further
Figure 7. Difference between fitted daily
slopes of common clock USN3-USNO data
from GIPSY independent daily solution and
three Bernese solution types.
Figure 8. Difference between daily average
frequencies of USN3-PTBB, determined by
GIPSY with those determined by Bernese
GPS Software solutions.
Because GPS common clock data were not
available on the USN3/USNO-PTBB baselines,
only clock differences are presented. Similar
effects are evident, as shown in Figure 8. Note
that the frequency variations evolved over 10’s
of days.
positive on the average, while the continuous
filter and ambiguity-stacking solutions are most
consistent with the zero mean expected in
common clock frequency differences.
It was also noted that the last 5-minute point of
each day in GIPSY’s independent daily solutions
displays more variation than the other points.
This can only be seen when the reference clocks
at both ends are masers. In such cases, the
difference between each point and its preceding
point is typically 20-30 ps, however the last point
shows a variation over double that.
The ambiguity stacking algorithm implemented
in the Bernese GPS Software successfully
removes day-boundary discontinuities due to
variations in the code data, as do the continuous
filter GIPSY solutions. A semi-persistent daily
frequency offset between the software packages
can be present, which on the USN3-USNO
baseline appears only in the independent daily
GIPSY solutions. It does not appear in any of the
Bernese solutions or the continuously-filtered
GIPSY solution.
VI. GIPSY Continuous Kalman Filter on the
Short Baseline
Seventeen days of the baseline USN3-USNO
from MJD 53659-53676 (October 2005) were
processed with the GIPSY software’s continuous
filter baseline. The results are consistent with [4],
in that they tracked the independent daily
solutions while being free of day-boundary
discontinuities. Figure 9 compares the GIPSY
independent daily and continuous filter results
with the continuous solutions generated with the
Bernese GPS Software package. In Figure 10 the
corresponding fitted daily slopes are compared.
As noted previously, the most positive slopes are
from GIPSY independent daily solutions. Similar
solutions with Bernese 5.0 are slightly less
VII. Discussion
It is up to the user to decide what sort of
algorithm would be best for a given hardware
instability level and data requirement.
discontinuities at the day boundaries, but can
give a quick warning of receiver delay
discontinuities. The other approaches are free of
day boundary discontinuities, but could
incorporate true receiver delay variations so
gradually they would not to be noticed.
Combinations of different solutions coupled with
clock steering could combine the benefits of each
technique, but would increase the required level
of complexity.
Figure 9. Four different solutions of USN3USNO GPS data over nearly three weeks. The
solution for the GPS receivers USN3 and
USNO are reduced to a common clock using
local measurements. Solutions identified as
GIPSY are independent daily solutions. Cont.
Filter refers to continuous Kalman filter
solutions also generated with GIPSY.
Figure 10. Daily average fitted frequency of
software solutions over 17 days on the short
baseline. Data on MJD 53664, 53665, and
53667 required ambiguity resets as noted in
text. For clarity, only independent daily
solutions points are connected.
VIII. Disclaimer
We caution that our observations of receiver
performance are valid for the particular
environment and receivers employed for the
data-taking. Other receivers made by their
manufacturer and other manufacturers’ geodetic
receivers, antennas, or environments may show a
different pattern of delay variations.
IX. Acknowledgements
We thank the TWSTFT teams at the PTB and
USNO for their observations and advice,
particularly Andreas Bauch, Angela McKinley,
Dirk Piester, and Alan Smith. We also thank
Christine Hackman and Judah Levine for helpful
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