On Legal and Moral Defeasibility
Vojko Strahovnik
Faculty of Theology at University of Ljubljana and
European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
[email protected]
“Jessica’s eyes slowly filled with tears. Duncane looked away, sideways,
downward. He had not left her then, when he ought to have done, when parting
would have been an agony to him. He was leaving her now when it was less than
agony, when it was almost relief. He ought to have left her then.” (Iris Murdoch,
The Nice and the Good, p. 25)
I. Introduction
The paper discusses the notions of defeasibility in general and defeasible norms in
particular (with focus on legal and moral defeasibility). By focusing on defeasibility of legal
and moral norms it aims to arrive to a more general understanding of defeasibility covering the
whole field of normativity, including all normative domains. It begins by outlining an
understanding of defeasible norms that closely links them to the notion of an exception. Then it
further focuses on two attempts that relate defeasible norms to some sort of normalcy
conditions, i.e. views defeasible norms as holding in normal circumstances only. By
investigating this proposal it addresses a question whether such a model allows for defeasibility
to go “all the way down” in the normative domain, or is it merely a feature of some sort of
mid-level norms.
The concept of defeasibility, especially in relation to the legal and moral domain, has
become more and more popular point of discussion in the last couple of decades (Ferrer
Beltrán & Ratti 2012; Hooker & Little 2000; Lance, Potrč & Strahovnik 2009). Defeasibility is
a multi-faceted concept that is used in different senses and can be related to various subjects.
There are several open questions or dimensions in relation to it. First, there are a number of
candidates for being defeasible, among them concepts, norms, norm formulations, rules,
standards, principles, laws, generalizations, ideals, reasoning, facts, opinions, statements,
decisions, regulations, kinds, etc. (Chiassioni 2012, 162; Lance and Little 2007). Next, there
are several important open questions about the origins, nature, and scope of defeasibility. And
finally, there is a question about the consequences of defeasibility for theoretical aspects of the
given normative domain as well as for normative practice. Answers to these questions vary in
the debate and we can find deep disagreements on almost all the mentioned aspects. For the
purposes of this paper I will focus my attention on defeasible norms, with a hope that what will
be established will be in general transposable in more or less direct way to other defeasible
II. Defeasible norms and exceptions
The debate on defeasibility can be situated within a more general debate on the question
of relationship between general principles and particular cases that has been present in
philosophy since its early beginnings.i These discussions often focus on the relationship
between general norms on one hand and particularities and exceptions on the other, but often
such understanding of exceptions is not radical enough since they are understood as a mere
consequence of underspecified or incomplete norms, which could be in principle somehow
avoided.ii But, as I would wish to claim, genuine defeasibility understood as the “hard
problem” goes beyond this and includes genuine exceptions, which are not such that they could
already be properly included in a general norm or fully specified subsequently (cf. Chapman
1998, 448; Celano 2012).
What do we in fact mean when we say that e.g. a certain norm, rule, reasoning or
concept is defeasible? To get an initial grip on the concept it is most useful to relate it to the
concept of an exception, in particular to the presence of (the possibility) of exceptions, i.e.
cases that on the one hand fall under a certain norm, rule, or concept, but at the same time have
unbefitting normative consequences given which we tend to exclude these cases from falling
under the mentioned norms, rules, or concepts. Along these lines Brożek (2014) claims that a
“rule of the form A => B is defeasible iff it is possible that although A obtains, B does not
The notion of an exception or an exceptional case as opposed to the normal cases is
thus the primary hallmark of defeasibility. A norm is defeasible if it allows for exceptions,
meaning there is a case that the norm should supposedly cover, but it proves otherwise. We
must add some further amendments to this initial grasp of the concept. First, an exception must
be in a sense “genuine” exception, meaning that the exception is not merely a consequence of
an initially poorly specified norm or a use of the “rule of thumb” norms (Celano 2012). The
defeasibility of norms is in this way not merely due to their incorrect, imprecise or vague
formulation that could in principle be resolved or more clearly spelled out. Defeasible norms
are not some kind of “rules of thumb”; which we can use most of the time, but which we are
also able, if necessary, to specify and turn into an exceptionless norm. If defeasible norms
would be associated with just this type of “exceptions”, they would not be a particularly
interesting phenomenon. Second, the set of possible exceptions must be in principle open,
meaning that we can never enumerate all the possible exceptions to the norm and in this way
close it off. If that would be the case then these taxatively specified exceptions could be built
into the norm itself and the norm would cease to be defeasible. Third, a defeasible norm
remains the same and retains its normative power even when we are able to find an exception
to it; is this sense it “survives” this exception and can hold for all further, non-exceptional
cases. If we were prepared to abandon or modify the norm in the case, when we encounter an
exception against it that would make the phenomenon of defeasibility fairly empty. Fourth, a
defeasible norm remains in the “normative space” even in the case of an exception and can
shed light on the nature of the exceptional case or can indirectly influence the final normative
We can briefly demonstrate these points with a very simplified example of a supposedly
defeasible moral norm expressed as: “Causing pain is morally wrong”. For this norm to be
defeasible it means that (i) it must allow for exceptions, i.e. cases of causing pain, which are
not morally wrong or in which pain is not wrong-making (e.g. cases of justified medical
treatments where pain is unavoidable or cases of causing pain as part of sports activities); (ii)
these exceptions are genuine exceptions in a sense that they are not merely a matter of an
imprecise formulation of the underlying norm (e.g. “Unwarranted causing of pain is morally
wrong”); (iii) the set of possible exceptions is open, in a sense that we could otherwise
reformulate the norm in a way to include all the exceptions (e.g. “Causing pain is morally
wrong except in cases where this is part of justified medical procedure or athletic
achievement”); (iv) the initial norm remains the same and retains its normative power even
after stumbling upon an exceptional case in a sense that the next time a paradigmatic case of
pain-causing pops up it will still render our judgement about its wrongness warranted; and (v)
the norm can remain a part of the normative space and can influence our judgment in an
indirect way (e.g. if we had two options to perform a given medical procedure, both involving
pain but one substantially less than the other, then it would still be part of our judgment about
which one is morally optimal).
The conceptual space around defeasibility is usually inhabited by a cluster of related
concepts, including that of indeterminacy, vagueness, normalcy, and open-texture. In what
follows I wish to focus on the notion of normalcy and see how it helps to elaborate the
understanding of defeasible norms.
III. Defeasibility and normalcy
One way to spell out a defeasible nature of a given norm is to state that it only holds in
normal conditions. In this vein Celano defines defeasible norms as “defeasible conditionals
liable to true exceptions, i.e. conditionals such that the consequence follows, when the
antecedent is satisfied, under normal circumstances only” (Celano 2012, 285). Besides utilizing
the notion of normalcy authors sometimes use the talk of “priviledged conditions”, “typical
conditions” (Lance and Little 2007; 2008), ceteris paribus, “what standardly happens” (Celano
2012, 284), “paradigmatic” cases or central cases (Celano 2012, 286). The basic idea behind
them is the same. A given norm applies only within a set of normal circumstances, while these
cannot be explicitly stated and included as additional conditions in the norm itself. This seems
to be well in line with the above described relationship between defeasible norms and
exceptions, since exceptions represent exactly those cases which fall outside the scope of
normal conditions.
In what follows I will focus more closely on two models of defeasible norms that
employ such normalcy condition. The fist model is proposed by Bruno Celano and is aimed to
norms in general although coming from the debate on legal defeasibility. The second model
was developed by Mark Lance and Maggie Little primarily for the domain of moral principles,
but could also be transposed to norms in general.
Celano (2012) puts forward his proposal as a part of a defence of limited particularism
about norms. He begins by considering our response strategies to the possibility of conflicting
norms and therefore the need to make an “exception” regarding at least one norm that is
involved in this conflict. One of the most obvious and straightforward possibilities for
addressing such conflict cases is the specificationist approach. Each time when different legal
norms conflict and it seems that we will have to make an exception to at least one of them, the
proper way to proceed is to conclude that all “we have to do is specify (that is, suitably restrict
the domain of application of) at least one of the norms, or the relevant norm, so that, thanks to
the inclusion of further conditions within its antecedent ... the conflict – or the unsatisfactory
verdict – eventually vanishes” (Celano 2012, 270). What we seem to be doing (at least so the
approach would say) is enriching, refining, qualifying and grasping subtleties of the initial
norm, thus treating it as defeasible. But the problem of this approach lies first in the
implausibility of insisting that we are dealing with the same initial norm even after many
amendments have been made and exceptions recognized. Secondly there is the in-principle
possibility of never being able to specify all the exceptions. “Achieving a fully specified ‘all
things considered’ norm, thereby ruling out the possibility of further, unspecified exceptions
(apart from those already built into the norm itself) would require us to be in a position to draw
a list of all potentially relevant properties of the kind mentioned. And this, we have seen, is
misconceived” (Celano 2012, 276). Celano thus instead proposes to look at an alternative, but
similar approach to defeasibility that regards exceptions as already implicitly included or
provided for by the norm. A specified norm is thus just a sort of shorthand for the more
complex norm that lies in the background. But this approach fails for the same reasons since it
understands exceptions not as true exceptions – not as real “holes” in the norm – but as some
sort of prima facie exceptions that allow for the filling in of the holes.
One must thus accept some sort of particularism in order to do proper justice to the
(possibility of) norm conflicts and genuine exceptions. In relation to this Celano proposes the
above mentioned understanding of norms as defeasible conditionals limited by “normalcy
condition”. This is not a full-fledged commitment to particularism since Celano is concerned
with what we can call normative flatness worry, in the sense that radical particularism cannot
properly account for the thought that some considerations are more central than others, in the
sense that we recognize some reasons are “normally” relevant and more central than others.iii
That is why he stresses the importance of this “normalcy condition” in relation to his proposal
about the defeasible nature of norm. He is well aware that such a proposal in not without
problems, but leaves it open and appeals to the work of Lance and Little as providing more
details of this model.
I will now turn to this model (addressing specifically moral norms or principles but
bearing in mind that similar considerations could be put forward for norms in general). Lance
and Little (they defend the model in a series of papers (2005; 2006; 2007; 2008)) are primarily
concerned with functioning of reasons, in particular with variability of moral reasons and in
relation to that employ a notion of privileged conditions in which a given reason ‘behaves
normally’, as opposed to the conditions that are not privileged and where it can vary its moral
relevance. The model is clearly committed to variabilism since it incorporates deep moral
contextualism: right- or wrong-making, and good- or bad-making features of actions vary with
context in ways that preclude codification by exceptionless principles. A full-fledged
recognition of exceptions to moral generalisations does not mean that one must accept a picture
of morality as being entirely free from any important kind of generalities. The sharp divide
between generalism and particularism is a consequence of too strict and narrow views about
the nature of explanation. According to these views, genuine explanatory reasons must be
governed by universal exceptionless principles.
An alternative model of explanation figuring exceptions is offered, a model that covers
non-moral ground as well. Features of such acts as promise-keeping, lying, inflicting pain or
being kind are building blocks of everyday morality that entertain an intimate connection with
their moral import (as core moral reasons that can de-flatten the moral normative landscape).
They are genuinely explanatory features for the moral status of acts and may be captured
within defeasible generalisations. Defeasible principles (e.g. “Defeasibly, lying is wrong;
Defeasibly, killing is wrong”, or “Defeasibly, causing pain is wrong”) are introduced through
the notion of privileged conditions. A more general formulation of such principles is:
“Defeasibly, for all actions x: if x is A, then x is wrong/you should not do x.” or “In privileged
conditions, for all actions x: if x is A, then x is wrong/you should not do x.”
Little and Lance argue that some features of acts entertain an intimate connection with
their moral import and are genuinely explanatory for the moral status of acts although allowing
for exceptions. The same holds for other areas as well. For example, a non-moral
generalization “Fish eggs develop into fish” is a defeasible generalization. It is not that most
fish eggs develop into fish (quite the opposite is true since most of them end up as food for
other animals). Something else is captured in this particular generality. One should read it as:
“Defeasibly, fish eggs develop into fish.” or “In privileged conditions, fish eggs develop into
fish.”, where privileged conditions are defined as conditions that are particularly revealing of
the nature of the thing in question or of the broader part of reality in which the thing is known.
Such generalizations “mark some explanatory, intimate connection between fish eggs and
fish…” (Lance and Little 2008, 62).
If we want to single out a connection between a particular descriptive feature of such
act as “causing pain” and between the negative moral import of this feature that is neither
necessarily universal nor pervasive or usual, we can do this by saying that defeasibly, causing
pain is wrong-making. When a defeasible generalisation faces an exception something has
gone off course – the context has relevantly changed in respect to privileged conditions and our
moral understanding must track this. There are several types of such defeasibility dynamics,
such as the paradigm/riff, justificatory dependence, and idealization/approximation.iv Moral
understanding is the understanding of the structure of moral privilege and exceptions. One
must understand the nature of a certain feature in privileged conditions and when outside of
such a context, the relation of this last context to the first one, the required compensatory
moves, and the acceptability of various deviations (Lance and Little 2008, 64-68).
In seems that precisely something like this is needed in order to delimit a set of core
moral reasons and de-flatten the moral landscape. One could then claim that considerations
such as pleasure, harm, sincerity, justice and benevolence bear an intimate relation to morality,
although they are not invariant moral reasons with the same valence in every case and this
figure in defeasible moral principles. The moral normative landscape is not flat.
Such proposal of defeasible moral norms either straightforwardly fails to de-flatten the
moral landscape or succeeds in this task. I will not pursue the first horn of this dilemma,
although there are arguments that shed serious doubts about the success of the project.v
I am going to presuppose that this model initially succeeds in de-flattening of the moral
landscape, i.e. in making a distinction between core (defeasible) and marginal reasons and
consequently finding enough so-called defeasible reasons that would function as basic
building-blocks of morality. But it seems that this is so only on the cost of collapsing this
distinction to a distinction between basic (invariable) and derivative (variable) reasons and thus
limiting defeasibility to the level of middle axioms. In particular the proposed model seems to
collapse to a model according to which a given consideration together with privileged
conditions delimits some central and invariable moral reason that has full explanatory power.
E.g. it is not lying or telling someone something that is not true that is morally central, but
honesty, sincerity and deception are. If one looks closer to the proposed examples that Lance
and Little offer it does indeed seem that this is the case.
In relation to lying as defeasibly, in normal conditions wrong-making the model refers
to examples when lying is not wrong-making, e.g. in the circumstances of Diplomacy game or
in circumstances when a Nazi officer bullies you to tell him the location of his next victim.
One can understand these in a way that privileged conditions are those that do a lot of the
explanatory work why lying is wrong-making in the usual cases, but not in the mentioned ones.
This is so since the space of privileged conditions is further shaped with basic moral
considerations, comprising of notions such as consent, fidelity, justice, honesty and alike. And
it is this large chunk, an invariant moral reason that pops out in an explanation of a moral status
of a certain feature and of the whole act consequently. This then just transposes the question
whether these background considerations are defeasible or not. (In my overall pluralistic
approach I defend the thesis that they are not; cf. Strahovnik 2006.)
If we look closely at some mentioned examples this worry becomes apparent. In the
case of lying the model proposed that “intentionally telling a falsehood” is not wrong “when
done to Nazi guards, to whom the truth is not owned” (Little, 2001, 34; emphasis mine) or it is
not wrong because a particular person is “not worthy of the truth” since “Part of what it means
to take something to be a person, we would argue, is to understand the creature as belonging to
a kind that defeasibly has a claim on our honesty. Situations in which one takes something to
be a person but not worthy of honesty are inherently riffs, as it were, on the standard theme of
person.” (Lance and Little 2007, 153, emphasis mine) So, one can say that what actually
function as a reason in this and other cases is a combination of a certain feature of action and
privileged conditions which make reference to some more basic moral reasons.
Lance and Little anticipate the objection raised here. They say that such a rising on a
higher level of abstraction (e.g. from not telling something that is not true to honesty) might
seemingly offer us more stable ground and order when it comes to invariability and nondefeasibility of reasons. They respond by claiming that (i) by making this move one looses
something important, namely the intimate connection that lying itself has to moral wrongness,
that “being a lie” is the main driving force behind such an action being wrong; and (ii) that
even a higher or thick moral level is full of exceptions, which are revealed in statements like “it
hurts so good” or “sometimes you must be cruel to be kind”. Therefore even considerations
such as cruelty are not invariant moral reasons and might figure only in defeasible moral laws.
Ad (i): This first point is crucial for all attempts that combine variability with moral
generalities, since they must convince us that what functions as a moral reason in a given case
is really variable and that the rest of what a moral principle refers to is not a part of this reason.
Regarding an intimate connection between some simple moral reasons and rightness or
wrongness of acts, we must ask ourselves what is doing the explanatory work. Maybe we often
quote such things as “telling a lie” or “keeping one’s word” as reasons, but if privileged
conditions for such considerations encompass such things as honesty, sincerity and fidelity,
one can put forward a questions of their role. When privileged conditions change into nonprivileged these considerations are exactly the ones that we employ in our explanation of why a
case is deviant or defective from the standard one. And it further seems that they are not just
functioning as enablers and disablers of initial reasons. Ad (ii): Most of such talk must be
understood as metaphorical. If we sometimes must be “cruel in order to be kind” then it is most
probably not the cruelty itself that makes our action kind or be the ground of its moral
rightness. Let’s imagine a more detailed case. Let’s say that I have to give my friend an honest
opinion about her project or action, and that I know that this would be painful for her. In this
sense I will be cruel to her or brutally honest, but at the same time this being the only way to
convince her into giving up some actions and maybe spare her future disappointments and
pains. In this sense we can say that I had to be cruel to be kind. Nevertheless “cruelty” involved
here is not a reason that contributes to the moral rightness of my action. If there was a way to
convince my friend that wasn’t cruel but just “plainly kind”, then it would be morally wrong or
even terrible to pick the first option. We can never be cruel just to be cruel and morally get
away with this. Another way to respond to the case like this would be to claim that the question
of cruelty simply does not arise at all since this is not a case of cruelty. Similarly, for “it hurts
so good” that Lance and Little appeal to in order to establish variability of pain as a reason and
provide an example of pain as a part of the athletic achievement or pain example in the quote
from Nussbaum at the beginning of the paper. All this reduces the question of moral
defeasibility to the question of basic moral norms and their nature.
IV. Conclusion
Despite several differences between the models of legal and moral defeasibility they
nonetheless share many important similarities. In this last section I will try to briefly outline
conditions for a general model of defeasible norms. Many of the desiderata for such a model
were already mentioned at the beginning. The model must allow for genuine exceptions; a
defeasible norm must allow for genuine exceptions that can be made in the light of e.g. the
specificity of the case in hand. Next, the model must not limit the scope of possible exceptions
in a way that it would be possible to list and include them in the principle itself (openendedness condition). Also, the model must be such as to leave the initial norm intact when we
make an exception to it; a defeasible norm must survive beyond this case of making an
exception still remaining the same norm as before (identity condition). A defeasible norm must
be such as to have a possible normative pull even in exceptional cases (possible relevance
condition). And lastly, the model must be able to cover or accommodate legal, moral and all
other normative domains, i.e. including but not limited to law, morality, epistemology,
aesthetics (cf. Strahovnik 2004), social conventions, and etiquette.
These conditions delimit the scope of possible options for general notion of
normative defeasibility. There are several open options how to proceed from here. We have
seen that one of the most plausible ones is to specify the formula for a defeasible norm simply
with a prefix “defeasibly, …” and then go on to further specify both general and domainspecific structures of defeasibility. Given the differences between the mentioned normative
domains it is not hard to imagine, that there might be some variations in these structures. In
the case of legal and moral norms one of the ways, in which the notion of defeasibility would
be able to accommodate these conditions and requirements, is by developing an account that
includes an appeal to a wider set of evaluative, axiological or normative background of basic
moral and legal considerations. Models of defeasibility developed by Celano, Tur (2001), and
Lance and Little are attractive models, but they have to be understood against a background of
basic reasons that we appeal to in deciding the relevant case or in our interpretation of a given
norm. It seems that no matter how we work out these structures defeasible norms must appeal
to some wider set of basic (moral, legal, …) considerations that lie in the background and
illuminate the exceptions. In the domain of moral norms this line of thought would lead
towards an appeal to moral pluralism
Such basic values as an axiological background establish the framework for the
functioning of individuals and societies alike, whether these frameworks are delineated by
morality or by law. In more general terms, we can thus distinguish two fundamentally different
views of the “codification” of such a background; on one hand, there is generalism which
combines the possibility of codification and a deductive model of normative thought and, on
the other hand, particularism which rejects the possibility of the (complete) codification of the
field of normativity. The approach, which builds upon the notion of the defeasibility of norms,
seems to sit between the two approaches mentioned above. Within it the defeasibility of at least
some norms can be interpreted as a consequence of normative pluralism, the possibility of a
conflict between fundamental considerations and the richness of the axiological background.
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In Plato’s dialogue Statesman, we can follow the debate between Socrates and a young stranger from Elea on
what defines a good statesman, who would regulate public affairs justly, and the conversation also moves to the
question of whether it is possible to rule and govern without laws. The stranger, while trying to defend the
affirmative answer to this question, proposes the idea that it is better that a “royal man” governs instead of laws,
since “[l]aw can never issue an injunction binding on all which really embodies what is best for each: it cannot
prescribe with perfect accuracy what is good and right for each member of the community at any one time. The
differences of human personality, the variety of men’s activities and the inevitable unsettlement attending all
human experience make it impossible for any art whatsoever to issue unqualified rules holding good on all
questions at all times”. He continues by arguing that the one who governs will probably be unable to avoid any
general law being put forward, and so one “will lay down laws in general form for the majority, roughly meeting
the cases of individuals . . . under average circumstances”, but nonetheless both Socrates and the stranger agree
that if exceptions to those general norms were to emerge it would be unwise, unjust, or even ridiculous not to
correct those cases (Plato Statesman, 294a–b, quoted in Schauer 2012, 78). A similar proposal can be found in
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. “The reason [i.e. that justice and equity are not quite the same thing, and that
equity can be seen as a correction of legal justice; n. VS] is that all law is universal but about some things it is not
possible to make a universal statement which shall be correct. In those cases, then, in which it is necessary to
speak universally, but not possible to do so correctly, the law takes the usual case, though it is not ignorant of the
possibility of error. And it is none the less correct; for the error is not in the law nor in the legislator but in the
nature of the thing, since the matter of the practical affairs is of this kind from the start. When the law speaks
universally, then, and a case arises on it which is not covered by the universal statement, then it is right, where the
legislator fails us and has erred by oversimplicity, to correct the omission – to say what the legislator himself
would have said had he been present and would have put his law if he had known” (Aristotle NE, 1137a-b). Such
discussions focus on the relationship between general norms on one hand and particularities and exceptions on the
other, but often such understanding of these exceptions is not radical enough since they are understood as a sheer
consequence of underspecified or incomplete general norms, which could be in principle somehow avoided.
Among others, Dworkin maintains such an optimistic view: “Of course a rule may have exceptions. ... However,
an accurate statement of the rule would take [these exceptions] into account, and any that did not would be
incomplete. If the list of exceptions is very large, it would be too clumsy to repeat them each time the rule is cited;
there is, however, no reason in theory why they should not all be added on, and the more there are, the more
accurate is the statement of the rule” (Dworkin 1977, 24–25).
The arguments bases on such normative flatness worry emerged particulary in the domain of moral theory
within the debate on moral particularism as a combined thesis that there are no moral principles (at least of the
interesting kind) and holism of reasons, i.e. that the moral import of a given feature of action depends on the
context in such a way that we cannot predict its functioning from one situation to another (Dancy 1993). In
response to this and related to an initially appealing intuition that morality has to do with principles the “moral
flatness” worry was raised in by several authors (McNaughton and Rawling 2000, 273; Crisp 2000, 36; Bakhurst
2000, 167; McKeever and Ridge 2006, 4) and can be summarized in the following way. Given holism of reasons
the set of morally relevant features of actions is open, therefore any feature could be morally relevant and can
stand as a reason for or against an action. Furthermore – given the particularistic thesis – this set of features cannot
be ordered by general principles. But why does morality on the other hand seem to be ordered? Why do we think
that the morally central features very often have to do e.g. with causing pain and suffering, sincerity, honesty,
keeping of promises, benevolence, dignity, etc.? All that moral particularism can say is that some features are
more often relevant than the others and that’s it. It cannot capture the idea of them being in a way “central” to
morality. The moral landscape is plainly flat. In order to avoid this charge particularism must offer us “some way
to distinguish those considerations which normally and regularly do provide reasons of a certain valence (e.g.
pain) from those that normally and regularly do not provide reasons (e.g. shoelace colour). For absent some such
distinction, particularism threatens to flatten the moral landscape by suggesting that insofar as they might provide
reasons all considerations are on par” (McKeever and Ridge 2006, 45). If we try to isolate the fundamental worry,
we can recapitulate it in the following manner. Moral non-flatness requirement: Any moral theory must somehow
account for the fact that some considerations or features of acts are more central to morality than others. Even
Dancy himself has attempted to do that, namely by a combined strategy consisting of (i) a provision that some of
the reasons could be invariable in all situation of context (though this invariability not arising out of their nature as
reasons, but being merely a sort of contingency) and (ii) by introducing the notion of a default reason … (Dancy
2000: 137; Dancy 2004, 112-113). Particularism can thus allow for some invariant reasons, like “causing
unnecessary pain to an innocent person.” These may function invariantly across contexts because of their content
and not because they are a special kind of reasons. “That the reason functions invariantly is a clue to how is it
functioning here, but in no way constitutes the sort of contribution it makes to the store of reasons here present. In
that sense, the invariance of its contribution is not a matter of the logic of such a reason, and failure to treat the
reason as functioning invariantly is not a failure to understand how it functions as a reason” (Dancy 2000, 137).
One of the motivations for staying in the generalism camp is the “stubborn intuition” (Dancy 2004) that morality
must be ordered somehow, that there must be some sort of principles that unify it. To deal with this issue strong
particularism makes an appeal to the notion of a default reason. Default reasons are features of acts that are always
morally relevant, unless something goes wrong. Default reason does not need an enabler in order to stand as a
reason. Dancy says metaphorically that such features come “switched on” as morally relevant in a particular way.
There are cases where a defeasible generalization tracks the paradigm cases, which are in this sense privileged,
as it is in the case of “Defeasibly, chairs are things we sit on”, and there are riffs of this paradigm as in the case of
ornamental chairs. The moral case would be the case of pain as defeasibly bad-making, but not so it the case of
athletic achievement. In other cases there is justificatory dependence between privileged and non-privileged cases
in a sense that we must appeal to the privileged cases in order to explain and understand what is going on in a nonprivileged case (e.g. lying and lying as a part of the Diplomacy game; pleasure and sadistic pleasure). And lastly,
there could be idealization-approximation relation, as in the case of ideal gas law pv = nrt and actual behaviour of
actual gases and in the moral case that in the Kingdom of Ends (full information, genuine autonomy, basic trust)
people are owed the truth. (Lance and Little 2008, 64-73).
Especially McKeever and Ridge presented quite forceful arguments in this direction (McKeever and Ridge 2006,
60–72). First, they can label reasons capturable in defeasible generalizations as paradigmatic reasons and others
non-paradigmatic. Argument assumes that the best way to capture paradigmatic vs. non-paradigmatic distinction
is via explanatory asymmetry account of this distinction employed by Little and Lance. The cases that fall outside
privileged conditions are explanatorily dependent on how a particular consideration functions in a normal case
when the conditions are privileged. On the contrary, there is no such dependence going the other way. E.g. pain is
normally bad or a reason against the act, but not when e.g. pain is constitutive of athletic challenge and
accomplishment where it shifts its polarity (Lance and Little 2006, 319). One must understand how normally pain
is something bad in order to understand how it functions in the athletic case; but not the other way around. It
seems that the proposed model is useful only for reasons that have one valence in privileged conditions and the
opposite valence in non-privileged conditions; and is not successful with reasons that sometimes lack moral
relevance. “For it will be true of any consideration whose status as a reason can sometimes be defeated that we
can adequately understand why it is not a reason here only if we understand how it can be a reasons elsewhere.
For, to understand why something is not F here we must in general have some idea of how it can be F elsewhere if
it can. If this is enough for a consideration to qualify as an instance of asymmetric reasons then any consideration
whose status as a reason can ever be defeated will qualify as an instance of asymmetric reasons, ant that makes the
distinction far less interesting that it first appeared.” (McKeever in Ridge 2007, 67) It further seems that some
core reasons might be non-paradigmatic and not all periphery reasons need to be non-paradigmatic.