Dirac state switching in transition metal diarsenides
Gyanendra Dhakal,1 M. Mofazzel Hosen,1 Wei-Chi Chu,2 Bahadur Singh,2
Klauss Dimitri,1 BaoKai Wang,2 Firoza Kabir,1 Christopher Sims,1 Sabin Regmi,1
William Neff,1 Dariusz Kaczorowski,3 Arun Bansil,2 and Madhab Neupane1
arXiv:1908.00154v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 1 Aug 2019
Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida 32816, USA
Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research,
Polish Academy of Sciences, 50-950 Wroclaw, Poland
(Dated: August 2, 2019)
Topological Dirac and Weyl semimetals, which support low-energy quasiparticles in condensed
matter physics, are currently attracting intense interest due to exotic physical properties such as
large magnetoresistance and high carrier mobilities. Transition metal diarsenides such as MoAs2
and WAs2 have been reported to harbor very high magnetoresistance suggesting the possible existence of a topological quantum state, although this conclusion remains dubious. Here, based on
systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements and parallel firstprinciples calculations, we investigate the electronic properties of TAs2 (T = Mo, W). Importantly,
clear evidence for switching the single-Dirac cone surface state in MoAs2 with the cleaving plane is
observed, whereas a Dirac state is not observed in WAs2 despite its high magnetoresistance. Our
study thus reveals the key role of the terminated plane in a low-symmetry system, and provides a
new perspective on how termination can drive dramatic changes in electronic structures.
PACS numbers:
The experimental discovery of a 3D topological insulator state is widely acknowledged as a major milestone
in condensed matter and materials physics due to its
unique properties and potential applications [1–3]. This
discovery has spurred an intense research interest in other
classes of topological materials [4, 5]. As a consequence,
exotic states such as the Dirac semimetal [6–12], Weyl
semimetal [13–19], nodal-line semimetal [20–23] have
been theoretically and experimentally realized. In Dirac
semimetals, linearly dispersing bands cross each other at
low-binding energies behaving like Dirac fermions in condensed matter systems. Since inversion and time-reversal
symmetries protect the Dirac semimetallic state, its realization requires the material to be centro-symmetric and
non-magnetic [24, 25]. Breaking either inversion or the
time-reversal symmetry drives a Dirac semimetal into a
Weyl semimetal, so that either a non-centrosymmetric
or a magnetic material is required to realize the Weyl
semimetallic state [24, 25]. Weyl fermions in condensed
matter evolve as low-energy excitations at topologically
protected crossing points (Weyl nodes) between electron
and hole bands. Weyl nodes act like monopoles or antimonopoles of Berry curvature depending on their chirality, and nodes of opposite chiralities are separated
in momentum space and behave like a magnetic dipole
[13, 24, 25]. A recent new player on the scene is a new
type of Weyl semimetal, called type-II Weyl semimetal,
which does not conserve Lorentz invariance in that its
Weyl cones are tilted and the electron- and hole-like pockets intersect at the Fermi surface [26]. Open Fermi surfaces, anisotropic chiralities, and unconventional anoma-
lous Hall effect are among the unusual features of type-II
Weyl fermions. Most type-II Weyl fermions are associated with gigantic magnetoresistance [24, 25]. Angleresolved photoemission spectroscopy studies with parallel
first-principles calculations on MoTe2 , WTe2 , MoP2 , and
WP2 [27–30] confirm their type-II Weyl characteristics.
These advances have spurred the exploration of type-II
Weyl semimetallic states in other binary compounds of
Mo and W. Transition metal diarsenides have drawn special attention due to their high magnetoresistance and
carrier density-of-states [31].
Recent reports on the topological properties and the
origin of high magnetoresistance in MoAs2 present contradictory results [32–34]. A first-principles calculation
finds states with non-trivial Z2 index and suggests high
magnetoresistance to result from electron-hole compensation [32]. However, another experimental/ theoretical
study of MoAs2 finds trivial band structures and argues
that the high magnetoresistance results from carrier motion on the Fermi surface, which is enriched via the openorbit topology [33]. A quantum oscillation experiment
complemented by first principles calculations indicate the
existence of open-orbit in MoAs2 [34]. The need for a
comprehensive experimental and theoretical analysis of
the electronic structure of MoAs2 is thus clear. A new
level of understanding of the electronic structure can also
be expected through the delineation of the termination
dependence of the electronic structure that has not yet
been reported. To date, ARPES measurements on the
related compound WAs2 have not been reported, which
belongs to the same crystal group as MoAs2 but with a
stronger spin-orbit coupling (SOC) strength.
FIG. 1: Crystal structure, transport measurements, and bulk band structure of MoAs2 . a. Conventional unit cell of MoAs2 .
Purple and green spheres refer to Mo and As atoms, respectively. b. Conventional 3D Brillouin zone of MoAs2 with highsymmetry points labeled. Orange and green lines represent the conventional [001] and [010] surface projection, respectively. c.
Magnetoresistance as a function of the perpendicular field at different temperatures. d. Resistivity as a function of temperature
in MoAs2 samples without field (dark red colored symbols) and with 9 T field (orange colored symbols) perpendicular to the
current. e. Bulk band structure of MoAs2 without SOC. Linearly crossed bands are enclosed in the red rectangles. f. Bulk
band structure of MoAs2 with SOC.
Motivated by the preceding considerations, here we
report a systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study of TAs2 (T = Mo, W). We show
that the Dirac cone states on the [001] plane in MoAs2
switch to become trivial bands on the [010] plane, thus
highlighting the role of the cleavage plane in the topology
of the states. Interestingly, we find high magnetoresis-
tance and similar Fermi surface features on the [001] surface in WAs2 , however WAs2 does not harbor Dirac states
on the [001] surface. Since MoAs2 and WAs2 both exhibit
metallic band structures at low temperatures with highly
populated trivial metallic surface states, our study indicates that topological semimetallic states are not the key
for generating high magnetoresistance in these materials.
FIG. 2: Electronic structure of MoAs2 in the [001] plane. a. Experimental Fermi surface map with high-symmetry points of
the Brillouin zone are marked. The dashed lines represent the constructed Brillouin zone. b. Energy contour at the binding
energy of 360 meV. The dotted rectangle encloses the Dirac node. c. Computed dispersion map along the X1 -Y-X1 direction. d.
Photon energy dependent dispersion measurements along the X1 -Y-X1 direction. All data were collected at the ALS beamline
4.0.3 at a temperature of 20 K.
Crystal structure and sample characterization
We begin our discussion with the crystal structure of
MoAs2 , it crystallizes to form a monoclinic crystal structure in the C12/m1 symmetry group (#12), with lattice
parameters a = 9.064(7) Å, b = 3.987(1) Å, c =7.7182(9)
Å, and β= 119.37(1)◦ [31, 35], as shown in Fig. 1a. The
conventional bulk Brillouin zone and its 2D projection
onto the [010] and [001] surfaces can be seen in Fig. 1b
depicting a hexagonal shape on both projections. Magnetoresistance as a function of the field is presented in
Fig. 1c for different temperatures noted in the graph,
the moderately high magnetoresistance at low temperature implies the possibility of MoAs2 hosting topological states and/or harboring electron-hole compensation.
The transport behavior of the sample at low temperature
can be associated with a multi-band system which possesses variable carrier densities as it deviates from the
Kohler’s rule [31]. The resistivity of MoAs2 as a func-
tion of the temperature is presented in Fig. 1d covering
a large temperature range from 2 K to 300 K plotted
on a semi-logarithmic scale. The resistivity at 300 K
reaches nearly 190 µΩcm. The graph clearly shows the
metallic nature at low temperature at zero field with a
plateau ranging to about 50 K, and a semimetallic behavior above 50 K. The applied magnetic field hardly alters
the resistivity of the sample. The bulk band calculation
of MoAs2 without and with the inclusion of the spinorbit coupling is presented in Figs. 1e-f, respectively.
The bands in the vicinity of the Fermi level give an impression of the Dirac dispersion at some points enclosed
in the red rectangles (0.8 eV above the Fermi level near
L, 1 eV below the Fermi level near Z point). Furthermore, the Dirac-like crossings take place away from the
high-symmetry points. In addition, they are not robust
against spin-orbit coupling as gaps are opened upon the
inclusion of spin-orbit coupling. Therefore, they do not
encompass the Dirac semimetallic state featured by bulk
Dirac bands in this compound.
FIG. 3: Electronic structures of MoAs2 on the [010] surface. a. Measured Fermi surface map of the MoAs2 on the [010] plane
at a photon energy of 90 eV. The dashed line represent the constructed Brillouin zone. b. Calculated Fermi surface on the
[010] plane. c. Photon energy dependent electronic band dispersion along the H-Γ-H direction, as labeled in the constructed
Brillouin zone. d. Photon energy dependent electronic band dispersion along the H1 -X-H1 direction. The data were collected
at the ALS beamline 10.0.1 at a temperature of 15 K.
Observation of a Dirac state
In order to illustrate the Dirac state on the [001] plane
of MoAs2 , we present detailed electronic structures of
MoAs2 [001] surface in Fig. 2. The experimental Fermi
surface as shown in Fig. 2a consists of multiple Fermi
pockets indicating the metallic nature of MoAs2 . A
bridge-like line pair at the Y point is related to the surface band at Y, which characterizes the Dirac state. The
experimental energy contour at 360 meV binding energy
in Fig. 2b constitutes the node of the Dirac cone. A point
like Dirac-node is seen in Fig. 2b, enclosed in the dottedrectangle. The calculated dispersion map along the X1 Y-X1 direction displays the Dirac cone as shown in Fig.
2c. First-principles calculations show the presence of a
Dirac state at the Y point with the Dirac node lying at
a predicted binding energy of 360 meV below the Fermi
level is in reasonable accord with the experimental results
shown in Fig. 2d. Figure 2d includes photon energy dependent measurements, which provide robust evidence
of a Dirac cone, despite the ARPES matrix-element effect [43, 44]. Photon energy dependent measurements of
dispersion maps along the X1 -Y-X1 direction reveal the
surface nature of the bands. The shape of the inner linear
bands forming Dirac cone does not disperse with varying
photon energies, which clearly manifests the surface originated Dirac cone. We can clearly see the surface Dirac
band is surrounded by the electron-like band. It becomes
stronger with the photon energy indicating a strong bulk
nature. In order to illustrate the gapless cone and the
Dirac point, the second derivative plots are presented in
SI [see supplementary Fig. S1]. Therefore, dispersion
maps along the X1 -Y-X1 confirm the presence of gapless
Dirac state on the [001] surface.
Termination dependent electronic structure
In order to demonstrate the surface dependent electronic
structure in MoAs2 , we show the Fermi surface map
and cuts along the high symmetry axis on [010] surface.
Figure 3a displays the Fermi surface map of the [010]
plane showing a distinctly different shape compared to
the [001] plane consisting of a multitude of different
Fermi pockets. Approximately circular pockets are separated by a pair of lines. Extended Fermi map consists
of multiple Brillouin zones which are connected to each
other forming dumb-bell shape. The rod like feature
along the Γ-X direction corresponds to electron-like
bands. In Fig. 3b, a calculated Fermi surface is shown
which qualitatively matches with the experimental Fermi
surface. At the Γ point, a French-curve like feature
is seen in contrast to the rod like feature seen in the
experimental Fermi surface shown in Fig. 3a. Our
experimental data does not resolve all the features seen
in the theoretical plot due presumably to the effects
of the ARPES matrix element [43, 44]. Experimental
dispersion maps are taken along the high symmetry
FIG. 4: Transport properties and the electronic structure of WAs2 . a. Resisitivity as a function of temperature at zero field
(dark red colored curve) and under 9 T (orange colored curve). b. Magnetoresistance as a function of the field at different
temperatures. c. Bulk band structure of WAs2 without SOC. d. Bulk band structure of WAs2 with SOC. e. Measured Fermi
surface map of the WAs2 at the photon energy of 35 eV. f. Energy-momentum dispersion of the [001] plane of WAs2 along
the X1 -Y-X1 direction. g. Energy-momentum dispersion of [001] plane of WAs2 along the X-Γ-X direction. All the data were
collected at the ALS beamline 7.0.3 at a temperature of 20 K.
directions in order to investigate the possible Dirac
state in this plane. The maps along the H-Γ-H direction
and the H1 -X-H1 direction have electronic structures
as shown in Fig. 3c and Fig. 3d, respectively. In
Fig. 3c, a pair of electron pockets can be seen in the
vicinity of the Γ point. A hole pocket appears at a
higher binding energy and does not touch the electron
pocket, an obvious gap can be seen. Furthermore,
photon energy dependent dispersion maps in the Figs.
3c-d indicate the bulk originated bands as they disperse
with photon energy. Interestingly, the gapless Dirac
states are not seen in Figs. 3c-d [see also supplementary
Figs. S2-S3]. A quantum phase transition from a
trivial to a non-trivial band structure can thus be seen
as one moves from the [010] to the [001] surface in MoAs2 .
Electronic structure of WAs2
We investigate the effect of tuning the spin orbit coupling
in the transition metal diarsenide group by substituting
Mo with W. Figure 4 shows the transport behavior and
the detailed electronic band structure of WAs2 on the
[001] surface. The resistivity and magnetoresistance
curves exhibit characteristics similar to MoAs2 . The
plateau in resistivity extends nearly upto 30 K and the
resistivity increases monotonically with temperature as
shown in Fig. 4a. Figure 4b presents magnetoresistance
as a function of magnetic field at different temepratures.
At 2 K, the magnetoresistance reaches nearly ∼1200%,
which is almost ten times greater than that of the
magnetoresistance of MoAs2 . In order to study the
nature of the bulk bands in WAs2 , we present bulk band
calculations in Figs. 4c-d. Figure 4c shows the bulk band
calculations without considering the spin-orbit coupling.
It does not indicate the presence of gapless Dirac cone.
The inclusion of the spin-orbit coupling, as shown in
Fig. 4d, widens the gap between the linearly dispersing
bands, which is consistent with a previous study [32].
The electronic structure of WAs2 is studied by taking
a Fermi surface map and dispersion maps along the
high symmetry directions. The Fermi surface contains
multiple Fermi pockets suggesting metallic nature of
the material. In order to examine the Dirac state in
WAs2 , the dispersion maps are taken along the high
symmetry directions as shown in Fig. 4f-g. Figure 4f
shows the dispersion map along the X1 -Y- X1 direction
consisting of hole like bands. In contrast to MoAs2 , it
does not possess a surface Dirac cone in this direction.
The sharp change in the shape of the bands with the
photon energy supports the bulk nature of the bands
(see supplementary Fig. 4S). Similarly, the dispersion
map along the X-Γ-X direction shows the trivial bands
and band structures are dominated by the bulk bands as
they disperse with changes in photon energy. Dirac like
dispersion is absent in the dispersion maps taken along
the high symmetry directions [see Fig. 4f-g].
Our systematic study reveals the termination dependent
electronic structure and effect of spin-orbit coupling in
the transition metal diarsenide compounds TAs2 (T =
Mo, W). For MoAs2 , we study the electronic structure
along the two different cleaved surfaces [001] and [010].
Both surfaces show the presence of multiple metallic
Fermi pockets. Importantly, the presence of a surface
Dirac cone at the Y point of the BZ is observed in the
[001] plane while the [010] plane lacks such Dirac cone
at any high symmetry point of the BZ. The observed
Dirac point is located at about 360 meV below the Fermi
level. The termination dependent Dirac point switching
indicates the importance of having accurate knowledge
of the projected plane to identify the topological invariants [45]. Furthermore, in order to study the effect of
SOC, we replace Mo by a heavier element W. Interestingly, no surface originated Dirac state is observed in
WAs2 . Therefore, our study identifies a potential surface Dirac point to trivial state transition in TAs2 system. Such termination and SOC effect dependent surface
Dirac switching is a unique feature observed in TAs2 system. Our bulk band calculations confirm the absence
of Dirac states at any momentum-energy positions in
these materials, therefore, along with the fact that TAs2
respects both time reversal and inversion symmetry, it
negates the possibility that the TAs2 is either an intrinsic Dirac semimetal or a Weyl semimetal.
In conclusion, we perform ARPES measurement in conjunction with first principles calculations in TAs2 (T =
Mo, W). Our study provides an evidence of switching of
the Dirac state with the cleavage plane in MoAs2 . On
the other hand, WAs2 does not show the indication of
the Dirac state. Our report highlights the importance of
cleavage plane and spin-orbit coupling to understand the
Dirac states in transition metal diaresenides. Moreover,
this study provides a new platform to investigate the intriguing phenomena associated with the cleavage plane
in transition metal dipnictides.
Sample growth and characterization
The single crystals of MoAs2 and WAs2 were grown
using the chemical vapor transportation [35]. The
crystals form needlelike structures with dimensions
∼ 1×0.8×0.4 mm3 . The chemical composition was
proven by energy-dispersive X-ray analysis using a FEI
scanning electron microscope equipped with an EDAX
Genesis XM4 spectrometer. The crystal structure was
examined at room temperature on a Kuma-Diffraction
KM4 four-circle X-ray diffractometer equipped with a
CCD camera using Mo Kα radiation. The experiment
confirmed the monoclinic crystal structure provided
the lattice constants concurring with the previously
reported values [35]. Electrical resistivity measurements
were performed in the temperature range of 2 - 300
K employing a conventional four-point ac technique
implemented in a Quantum Design PPMS platform.
The electrical contacts were made using silver epoxy
paste. The perpendicular magnetic field was applied to
measure the magnetoresistance.
ARPES measurements
Synchrotron-based ARPES measurements of the electronic structure were performed at the Advanced Light
Source (ALS), Berkeley at beamlines 4.0.3, 7.0.2 and
10.0.1 equipped with high-efficiency R8000, R4000, and
R4000 electron analyzers, respectively. The energy
resolution was set to be better than 20 meV for the
measurements with the synchrotron beamline. The
angular resolution was set to be better than 0.2◦ for
all synchrotron measurements. Samples were cleaved
in situ and measured at 15 - 25 K in a vacuum better
than 10−10 torr. They were found to be very stable and
without degradation for the typical measurement period
of 20 hours.
The electronic structure was calculated by using Vienna
Ab Initio Simulation Package (VASP) [37] based on the
density functional theory (DFT) [39] with the projector
augmented wave (PAW) method [37, 38]. We used the
generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) [40] to model
the exchange-correlation effects. The energy cutoff of the
plane wave basis used was 400 eV, and the size of k-mesh
was 16 × 16 × 7. The tight-binding model Hamiltonian
was obtained by projecting first-principles results onto
Wannier orbitals using the VASP2WANNIER90 [41].
The Mo d and As p orbitals were included to get the
band structure around the Fermi level. We calculated
the surface states by using iterative Green’s function
method with the WannierTools package [42].
The data that supports the findings of this study are
available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
M.N. is supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific
Research under award number FA9550-17-1-0415 and
the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award
DMR-1847962. The work at Northeastern University
was supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE),
Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences grant number
DE-FG02-07ER46352, and benefited from Northeastern
Universitys Advanced Scientific Computation Center
(ASCC) and the NERSC supercomputing center through
DOE grant number DE-AC02-05CH11231. We thank
Sung-Kwan Mo, Jonathan Denlinger, Eli Rotenberg,
Aaron Bostwick and Chris Jozwiak for beamline assistance at the LBNL.
M.N. and D. K. conceived the study; D.K. synthesized
the samples and performed the electrical transport characterization; G.D. performed the measurements with
the help of M.M.H., K.D., F.K., C.S., S.R., and M.N.;
G.D. and M.N. performed the data analysis and figure
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