Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy
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OriginAL reseArCh
The p53 breast cancer tissue biomarker
in indian women
Department of Biochemistry,
Department of general surgery,
grant Medical College and sir JJ
group of hospitals, Mumbai, india
Correspondence: rajeev singhai
Department of Biochemistry, grant
Medical College and sir JJ group of
hospitals, Mumbai 400008, india
Tel +91 969 998 56615
[email protected]
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Background: Combination chemotherapy is highly effective in locally advanced breast cancer.
A negative expression of biomarker p53 indicates a higher chance of responding to this regimen.
Patients’ p53 status may be used as a biological cancer marker to identify those who would
benefit from more aggressive treatments.
Aims: The role of p53 in modulating apoptosis has suggested that it may affect the efficacy of
anticancer agents. p53 alterations in 80 patients with locally advanced breast cancer IIIB undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy were prospectively evaluated.
Materials and methods: Patients received three cycles of paclitaxel (175 mg/m2) and doxorubicin (60 mg/m2) every 21 days. Tumor sections were analyzed before treatment for altered
patterns of p53 expression, using immunohistochemistry and DNA sequencing.
Results: An overall response rate of 83.5% was obtained, including 15.1% complete pathological responses. The regimen was well tolerated with 17.7% grade 2/3 nausea and 12.8% grade 3/4
leukopenia. There was a statistically significant correlation between response and expression
of p53. Of 25 patients who obtained a complete clinical response, only two were classified as
p53-positive (P = 0.004, χ2). Of 11 patients who obtained a complete pathological remission,
one was positive (P = 0.099, χ2).
Conclusion: Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis has been shown to be a prognostic factor
for patients with breast cancer in India. Paclitaxel is one of the most promising anticancer agents
for the therapy of breast cancer, where it has also shown activity in tumors resistant to
Keywords: breast cancer, doxorubicin, p53, paclitaxel, cancer tissue biomarkers, neoadjuvant
chemotherapy, immunohistochemistry, infiltrating duct cancer
Vinayak W Patil 1
Mukund B Tayade 2
sangeeta A Pingale 1
shubhangi M Dalvi 1
rajesh B rajekar 1
hemkant M Deshmukh 1
shital D Patil 1
rajeev singhai 1
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Open Access Full Text Article
Doxorubicin and paclitaxel have been tested in a variety of schedules and sequences
to exploit the high therapeutic potential of the two drugs in metastatic breast cancer.1
An initial study indicated that the tolerability of the combination was sequence
dependent if paclitaxel was infused over at least 24 hours, independently of the
schedule for doxorubicin administration.2 Taking advantage of the safety and feasibility of a short infusion of paclitaxel, the study showed that tolerability did not
depend on sequence and that the combination was highly effective in metastatic
breast cancer.3
Although the interactions of paclitaxel with the cytoskeleton are well characterized, the molecular mechanisms by which such an interaction leads to cell-cycle
arrest and cytotoxicity are not well understood. Recent evidence suggests that
Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2011:3 71–78
© 2011 Patil et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd. This is an Open Access article
which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
Materials and methods
Patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent curative surgery from May 2007 to December 2010 at
Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Group of Hospitals,
Mumbai, India, were included in the study. Tissue samples
were taken from 80 breast cancer patients. Expression of p53
was analyzed in specimens of invasive duct breast cancer
tissue during modified radical mastectomy. This study protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of
Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Group of Hospitals,
Mumbai, India (No IEC/Pharm /36/07).
The p53 immunohistochemical breast cancer tissue biomarkers were analyzed in specimens of invasive duct breast
cancer tissue of Indian women after radical mastectomy and
lumpectomy. Eighty women who had primary locally
advanced breast cancer in stage IIIB, T4b, N1–2, and M0,
according to the tumor, node, and metastasis staging system,
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were enrolled in the treatment. Patients’ median tumor size
was 8.4 cm, ascertained by physical examination and
mammography. Patients were required to have histopathological proof of invasive duct cancer, to be at least 18 years
of age, have a performance status of 90% on the Karnofsky
scale, have a serum bilirubin level ,0.5 mg/dL, serum
creatinine level ,1.5 mg/dL, absolute granulocyte count
$1500/mm3, platelet count $100,000/mm3, and normal
cardiac function. All patients performed an ejection fraction
test multigated acquisition scan before the first cycle and
3 weeks after the third cycle of chemotherapy. Mammographies, computed tomography scans of the chest and abdomen,
and bone scans were performed before entering the trial to
ensure the absence of metastatic disease.
Tissue samples were fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin
for 12–24 hours. Tissue samples were processed in an autoprocesser, embedded in paraffin wax, and cut, using a
microtome, into 4 µm thick sections that were dried overnight at 37°C. Prior to antibody staining, the slides were
pretreated with microwave irradiation to unmask binding
epitopes, after blocking of endogenous peroxidase activity
with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in methanol for
30 minutes. Slides were then immersed in 200 mL of 10 mM
citric acid (pH 6.0) for 5 minutes at a power level of 100 W,
then subjected to four cycles of 5 minutes each at 50 W
power. After the buffer was topped up with distilled water,
this step was repeated. The slides were then left to stand for
10 minutes in buffer at room temperature before being
washed thoroughly in tap water.
After three washes in Tris-buffered saline (TBS), (T6664;
Sigma-Aldrich Co, St Louis, MO) the slides were incubated
with a 1:25 dilution of mouse anti-p53 monoclonal primary antibody (clone: DO-7; M7001; DakoCytomation,
Copenhagen, Denmark) in TBS for 1 hour at room
temperature. After three more washes in TBS, the secondary
antibody (K0355; DakoCytomation) biotinylated goat antibody linked to mouse/rabbit immunoglobulin diluted 1:100 in
TBS was applied for 1 hour at room temperature. After an
additional three washes, streptavidin-biotin/horseradish
peroxidase (HRP) complex (K0355; DakoCytomation) dilute
antibody (1:50) in TBS was applied for 1 hour at room temperature. After an additional three washes, the staining was
visualized by adding diaminobenzidine kit (K3467;
DakoCytomation) for 5 minutes at room temperature. The
slides were washed well in tap water and counterstained with
paclitaxel alters certain intracellular signal-transduction
events, such as activation of mitogen-activated protein
kinase and transcriptional activation of genes encoding a
number of cytokines.4,5 In breast cancer, mutations in the
p53 gene have been demonstrated by our group and others
to be the most frequently observed single gene alteration.6
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage caused by various
chemotherapeutic agents leads to an increase in the level
of tumor-suppressor gene p53, followed by a G1 cell-cycle
arrest, and, subsequently, apoptosis. The p53 protein is a
multifunctional transcriptional regulator involved in the
cellular response to DNA damage, and has been implicated
as a putative determinant of tumor cell sensitivity to cytotoxic agents.7,8
The tumor suppressor function of wild-type p53 is lost
following activating mutation of the p53 gene. Interestingly,
the mutated gene product appears to play an active role in
tumor progression via a dominant negative effect. It has been
proposed that the dominant effect of p53 mutants may reflect
interaction of the mutant protein with wild-type p53, thereby
inactivating the suppressor function of the latter. This suggestion gains credence from a report of mutant p53 binding
to wild-type p53 in cells containing high-expression vectors
for the mutant protein.14
The efficacy and feasibility of a combination of paclitaxel
and doxorubicin as preoperative treatment for locally
advanced breast cancer and the impact of the expression of
the tumor suppressor gene p53 on response rate and overall
survival was investigated for the present study.
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Biomarker p53 in breast cancer
Tumors with an immunohistochemical (IHC) score of $2
for p53 were considered positive for p53 protein accumulation.
Scoring was as follows.
• ,10% tumor cell nuclei staining for p53 = 0 (negative
• 10%–30% tumor cell nuclei staining for p53 = 1+
• 31%–50% tumor cell nuclei staining for p53 = 2+
• 50% tumor cell nuclei staining for p53 = 3+.
Scoring criteria for p53 represented as the proportion of
nuclear staining are thus:
• none = 0
• ,1/10 = score of 1
• 1/10–1/2 = score of 2
• 1/2 = score of 3.
True p53 positivity is given by nuclear staining only.
The p53 protein expression represents an adverse prognostic
cancer biomarker in inflammatory breast cancer. It is a rare
but aggressive variant and may provide a valuable tool for
selecting treatment.
Following standard premedication with glucocorticoids and
histamine type H1/H2 receptor blockers, doxorubicin
(60 mg/m2) was administered as a bolus infusion followed
by paclitaxel (175 mg/m2) infused over 3 hours. Chemotherapy
was given every 3 weeks for three cycles. On the completion
of chemotherapy, all patients were given a modified radical
mastectomy with axillary dissection. After recovery from
surgery, all patients received systemic chemotherapy and
adjuvant tamoxifen for 5 years when the estrogen receptor
was positive. All patients underwent external beam irradiation using a 6 MeV linear accelerator (Siemens Model 6740;
Siemens AG, Munich, Germany).
Size of primary breast tumors was determined immediately before administration of each cycle of chemotherapy
and before surgery. Before the first cycle and in the week
before surgery, mammography was performed. At each
assessment, the product of the two greatest perpendicular
diameters was used to quantify the tumor. In the absence of
clinical evidence of tumors in the breast, response to therapy
was categorized as a complete clinical response (CCR). When
the diameters decreased by 50% or more, the response was
judged to be a partial response. Patients with reductions of
between 25% and 50% were categorized as having stable
disease (CSD). Progression of disease was categorized as an
increase of at least 25%. Surgical specimens were evaluated
for their histopathological tumor status and were further
classified as complete pathological responders with no histopathological evidence of invasive tumor cells, or with
histopathological evidence of invasive cells.
Staining results were interpreted independently. In each
case, the entire section was systemically examined under
high-power fields (400× ) for p53 immunoreactivity. Among
all immunoreactive nuclei, only those clearly and strongly
immunostained were recorded as being p53 positive. Level
of immunoreactivity was expressed as the percentage of
p53-positive cancer cell nuclei. Staining was considered
positive if at least 10% of tumor cell nuclei stained positively
compared with corresponding controls. Samples classified
as positive were also analyzed at the molecular level by DNA
sequencing. Genomic DNA was extracted from paraffin
blocks and sequences corresponding to the functional
domains L2, L3, and the loop-sheet-helix of the p53 protein
was amplified by polymerase chain reaction. DNA sequencing was performed using the ABI PrismTM 377 DNA
Sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and the
DNA sequencing kit BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing
Analysis of scoring methods
Protocol of chemotherapy
Harris’s hematoxylin (HHS128; Sigma-Aldrich) for
10 seconds to 1 minute and then dehydrated, cleared, and
mounted in distyrene plasticizer xylene (DPX) (44581-DPX
mountant; Sigma-Aldrich). Positive and negative controls
were performed with each batch of slides. Surgical specimens
from the same patient were stained on the same run.25
Each entire stained slide was scanned for immunostaining
evaluation by light microscope. The image collection and
microphotographs were taken using an Axio Imager
M1 Microscope with AxioVision software (v 4.7 SFM; Carl
Zeiss Microscopy, Jena, Germany). Slides were checked
under a 10× objective to confirm that the cells were still
attached to the slides, then examined under 400× objective
magnification. All images were taken under 400× objective
magnification without oil immersion. All images were processed with AxioVision software (Carl Zeiss Microscopy).
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statistical analysis
Immunohistochemical results estimation was performed
using the log-rank test and using SPSS-16 procedure
(SPSS-16 Analytical Software Inc, Chicago, IL). For statistical analysis, differences in proportions were evaluated by
the χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test. Survival was estimated using
the Kaplan–Meier method, and differences among groups
were tested by the log-rank test. For all statistical tests, differences were considered significant at P , 0.05.
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Patil et al
(Applied Biosystems) as described elsewhere.8 Patients were
cross classified by p53 expression and by clinical responses
to chemotherapy.
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Each entire stained slide was scanned for immunostaining
evaluation by light microscopy. The image collection and
microphotographs were taken using an Axio Imager.
M1 microscope with AxioVision software (Carl Zeiss
Microscopy). Slides were checked under a 10× objective to
confirm that the cells were still attached to the slides, then
examined under 400× objective magnification. All images
were taken under 400× objective magnification without oil
immersion and were processed with AxioVision software
(Carl Zeiss Microscopy).
Immunohistochemical staining was conducted on
80 samples of infiltrating duct cancer of the breast. Each entire
slide was scanned for immunostaining evaluation by light
microscopy. Tissue sections exhibiting distinct nuclear immunoreactivity for p53 in tumor cells were identified as positive,
as shown in Figure 1A; negative staining of tumor cells is
shown in Figure 1B. All patients completed the planned three
cycles of therapy and were therefore assessable for overall
clinical locoregional tumor response. CCR, as previously
defined, was documented in 25 patients (34.2%). Thirty-six
patients (49.3%) achieved a CPR and 12 patients (16.4%) were
classified as CSD, resulting in an overall response rate to the
regimen of 83.5%. No cases of progressive disease during
treatment were observed. Histopathological examination of
breast tissue from all 80 patients showed no evidence of
residual cancer in 11 specimens (15.1%) and only noninvasive
tumors (ductal carcinoma in situ) in three (4.11%). Seven cases
were not reported because tissues were insufficient for
Chemotherapy was generally well tolerated. In
219 delivered cycles, grade 2/3 nausea and vomiting was
present in 16.8% of patients; grade 3/4 leukopenia occurred
in 13.2% (n = 8) patients, who required hospitalization and
intravenous antibiotics due to febrile neutropenia. Alopecia
was universal in all patients. There were no toxicity-related
deaths. The median ejection fraction before chemotherapy
was 66% (range 54–84). After the three cycles of chemotherapy the median ejection fraction was 62% (range 44–76).
Seven patients (9.6%) had a cardiac ejection fraction test
below 50% after the three cycles of treatment. One patient
developed cardiac failure, requiring clinical intervention
10 months after completion of treatment. This relatively good
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Figure 1 Immunostaining of infiltrating duct breast cancer, 400× objective
magnification; (A) dark brown positive nuclear staining for p53 and (B) negative
nuclear staining for p53.
toleration of the drug regimen was reflected in the high
relative dose intensity that could be achieved during the three
cycles of primary chemotherapy, with 90.4% of the cycles
being delivered on the scheduled date.
A high level of p53 immunoreactivity was seen in 30.1%
of patients. Direct sequencing of these tumors identified
two mutations on codon 259, causing an amino acid change
from asparagine (GAC) to tyrosine (TAC). Response to
chemotherapy was correlated with p53 expression as shown
in Table 1 and Figure 2, where 23 patients with p53-negative
tumors obtained a complete clinical remission compared
Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2011:3
Biomarker p53 in breast cancer
Table 1 p53 expression and response to preoperative
Notes: Seven cases were not reported because tissues were insufficient for
processing; aP = 0.004; χ2-test.
Cum survival
P = 0.0023 log rank
Figure 3 Overall survival for all patients and p53 expression by immunohistochemistry
in breast cancer in a group of indian women.
markers is often thought to provide information on the biological behavior of the malignant breast tumor. Much attention
has recently been focused on the tumor suppressor gene p53.
Mutation or alteration in this gene leads to the loss of negative
growth regulation and hence to rapid cell proliferation.
Several randomized prospective studies on breast
cancer patients have proved the safety of neoadjuvant
chemotherapy.23,24 The tumor down-staging does improve
P = 0.017 log rank
Residual tumor
Follow-up (months)
p53 expression
Cum survival
Follow-up (months)
Detection of p53 mutations in plasma DNA may be used as
a prognostic factor and an early marker to indicate recurrence
or distant metastasis.
Breast cancer continues to frustrate oncologists worldwide.
In India, it is the second most common neoplasm among
women and is increasing in incidence. Several molecular
cancer biomarkers have been associated with a poor prognosis
in patients with breast cancer and the presence of these
with two patients with p53-positive tumors (P = 0.004, χ2).
There was also a trend towards statistical significance when
p53 expression was correlated with the achievement of a
complete pathological response. Eleven patients achieved
a complete pathological response, 10 of whom were classified as p53-negative (P = 0.099, χ–2). Overall survival was
also influenced by p53 expression, showing a statistical
advantage for those patients with p53-negative tumors
(P = 0.0023, log-rank), as shown in Figure 3.
Seven cases were not reported because tissues were insufficient for processing. Overall survival is also changed among
those patients who achieved a complete pathological response
as shown in Figure 4 (P = 0.017, log-rank).
Preoperative chemotherapy
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Clinical outcome
Figure 2 p53 expression and response to preoperative chemotherapy.
Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2011:3
Figure 4 Overall survival for all patients with respect to the presence of
residual tumor.
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of this study were correlated with clinical response to
therapy and the authors found no correlation between the
expression of any of the cancer tissue biomarkers and the
clinical response to either agent. Paclitaxel, which does
not interact directly with DNA, was found to be able to
activate p53 in some cell types, and this increase has been
associated mainly with its ability to activate the Raf-1
cascade.16 In cell cultures, including one human ovarian
cancer cell line, p53 expression was not increased after
paclitaxel treatment, and the presence of a wild-type p53
did not result in a change in sensitivity to paclitaxel with
respect to cells expressing mutated p53.17 The presence of
wild-type p53 has been reported to decrease the cytotoxicity of paclitaxel compared with the same cell lines not
expressing wild-type p53. This was explained on the basis
of a p53-dependent block in G1 after treatment that would
prevent the cell from progressing to G2–M, where paclitaxel is known to exert its activity.17,18 Another report,
however, showed that in a human ovarian cancer cell line,
disruption of wild-type p53 did reduce the cytotoxicity
induced by paclitaxel.19 Several studies have shown overexpression of p53 to be a strong prognostic indicator in
infiltrating duct cancer, although a recent consensus statement by the College of American Pathologists categorizes
p53 protein overexpression as a category two parameter
for this reason.20,23 This category means that the clinical
relevance should be tested in well-designed studies with
validation of the methodology in individual laboratories.
The p53 immunohistochemistry assays detect overexpression of the gene, which is often related to conformational
alterations and a prolonged half-life of the encoded protein.
The p53 mutations that generate truncated proteins, like
nonsense and splicing mutations, do not correlate with p53
overexpression,21 but this kind of mutation is observed only
in a minority of cases.22 Routine sequencing of the p53 gene
in all breast cancers would be highly costly and time consuming in daily practice. So, the validation of immunohistochemistry is the most critical step in using it as a
prognostic factor.23 In the authors’ laboratory, the p53
immunohistochemical procedure is very well standardized
and only cases with distinct and strong nuclear staining of
more than 10% of nuclei were considered positive.
In this study, the response to chemotherapy was correlated
with p53 expression, with a significant statistical advantage
among those patients with p53-negative tumors. The same
advantage was observed when p53 expression was correlated
with the odds of a complete pathological response.
Since overall survival is changed among those patients who
eligibility for breast-conservative surgery without
increasing local recurrence rates, with possibly an improved
survival. Identification of predictive markers associated
with pathologic complete response could help to distinguish
patients with high or low probability of a response to
treatment so that an individualized treatment plan could
be implemented. It could also streamline the development
of new alternative regimens for those who are unlikely to
benefit from existing drugs. It is expected that a combination of several cancer biomarkers will be more informative
than a single one. So far, several factors have been studied
as predictors for response to cytotoxic treatment, including
tumor size, hormone receptor status, tumor type, and
Paclitaxel is one of the most promising anticancer
agents for the treatment of breast cancer, where it has also
shown activity in tumors resistant to doxorubicin.9 Combination of both drugs resulted in high response rates in
metastatic disease, with no impact, however, on overall
survival or on disease-free survival.10–12 This combination
has been previously used in the neoadjuvant setting by
Moliterni et al, who reported an overall response rate of
88%.13 Notable in this trial is that only 41% of the women
were clinically staged as having locally advanced disease,
favoring the high response rate in more initial stages. An
overall response rate of 83.5%, including 15.1% CPR, was
achieved in the present study, confirming the high efficacy
of this regimen. Therefore, it is important to understand if
there are cellular factors that can play a role in determining
the response of breast tumors to the combination of paclitaxel and doxorubicin. The p53 protein plays a central role
in the response to anticancer treatment. It has been shown
that in different cell types, the presence of a wild-type
p53 induces sensitization to DNA-damaging agents,
although more recent evidence of a wild-type p53-induced
chemoresistance has been described.14 The role of p53 in
the intrinsic sensitivity of human cancer cells to paclitaxel
remains controversial. While paclitaxel resistance is primarily conferred by tubulin mutations, the loss of functional p53 observed in some cell lines suggests that this
loss may facilitate the development of resistance potentially
by providing a clonal advantage that promotes the isolation
of paclitaxel resistant cells.14 In a study published by the
European Organization for Research and Treatment of
Cancer, 114 women with metastatic breast cancer were
treated with paclitaxel or doxorubicin and all specimens
were assessed by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal
antibodies against HER-2/neu, p53 and bcl-2.15 The results
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Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2011:3
Biomarker p53 in breast cancer
IHC analysis has been shown to be a prognostic factor for
patients with breast cancer in India. Paclitaxel is one of the
most promising anticancer agents for the therapy of breast
cancer, where it has also shown activity in tumors resistant
to doxorubicin. Adjuvant systemic chemotherapy has been
shown to prolong survival in all subsets of patients with
breast cancer. In addition, among patients with locally
advanced breast cancer, neoadjuvant or preoperative chemotherapy has improved the ability to perform breast-conserving
therapy. The p53 expression was correlated with the odds of
a complete histopathological response. Since overall survival
is changed among those patients who achieved a complete
histopathological response, determination of the p53 status
may be used as a biological cancer marker to identify
those patients who would benefit from more aggressive
4. Horwitz SB. Taxol (paclitaxel): mechanisms of action. Ann Oncol.
1994;(5 Suppl 6):S3–S6.
5. Motwani M, Delohery TM, Schwartz GK. Sequential dependent
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paclitaxel-treated human gastric and breast cancer cells. Clin Cancer
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the p53 gene in male breast cancer. Cancer. 1995;75(9):
7. Bonetti A, Zaninelli M, Leone R, et el. Bcl-2 but not p53 expression is
associated with resistance to chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer.
Clin Cancer Res. 1998;4(10):2331–2336.
8. Miller CW, Aslo A, Tsay C, et al. Frequency and structure of p53 rearrangements in human osteosarcomas. Cancer Res. 1990;50(24):
9. Gianni L, Capri G, Munzone E, Straneo M. Paclitaxel (Taxol) efficacy
in patients with advanced breast cancer resistant to anthracyclines.
Semin Oncol. 1994;21(5 Suppl 8):29–33.
10. Hortobagyi GN, Holmes FA, Theriault RL, Rahman Z, Buzdar AU.
Combination chemotherapy with paclitaxel and doxorubicin for
metastatic breast cancer. Semin Oncol. 1997;24(4 Suppl
11. Hortobagyi GN, Holmes FA. Optimal dosing of paclitaxel and doxorubicin in metastatic breast cancer. Semin Oncol. 1997;24(1 Suppl 3):
12. Sledge GWJ, Robert N, Sparano JA, et al. Eastern Cooperative
Oncology Group studies of paclitaxel and doxorubicin in advanced
breast cancer. Semin Oncol. 1995;22(3 Suppl 6):105–108.
13. Moliterni A, Tarenzi E, Capri G, et al. Pilot study of primary chemotherapy with doxorubicin plus paclitaxel in women with locally
advanced operable breast cancer. Semin Oncol. 1997;24(5 Suppl 17):
14. Giannakakou P, Poy G, Zhan Z, Knutsen T, Blagosklonny MV, Fojo T.
Paclitaxel selects for mutant or pseudo-null p53 in drug resistance
associated with tubulin mutations in human cancer. Oncogene. 2000;
15. Hamilton A, Larsimont D, Paridaens R, et al. A study of the value of
p53, HER-2/neu, and Bcl-2 in the prediction of response to doxorubicin and paclitaxel as single agents in metastatic breast cancer: a
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16. Blagosklonny MV, Schulte TW, Nguyen P, Mimnaugh EG, Trepel J,
Neckers L. Taxol induction of p21 WAF1 and p53 requires c-raf-1.
Cancer Res. 1995;55(20):4623–4626.
17. Debernardis D, Sire EG, De Feudis P, et al. p53 status does not affect
sensitivity of human ovarian cancer cell lines to paclitaxel. Cancer Res.
18. Wahl AF, Donaldson KL, Fairchild C, et al. Loss of normal p53 function confers sensitization to Taxol by increasing G2/M arrest and
apoptosis. Nature Med. 1996;2(1):72–79.
19. Wu GS, El Diery WS. p53 and chemo sensitivity. Nature Med. 1996;
20. Fitzgibbons PL, Page DL, Weaver D, et al. Prognostic factors in breast
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Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2000;124(7):966–978.
21. Eicheler W, Zips D, Dorfler A, Grenman R, Baumann M. splicing mutations in TP53 in human squamous cell lines influences immunohistochemical detection. J Histochem Cytochem. 2002;50(2):
22. Logullo AF, de Moura RP, Nonogaki S, Kowalski LP, Nagai MA,
Simpson AJ. A proposal for the integration of immunohistochemical
staining and DNA-based techniques for the determination of TP53 mutations in human carcinomas. Diagn Mol Pathol. 2000;9(1):
23. Allred DC, Harvey JM, Berardo M, Clark GM. Prognostic and predictive factors in breast cancer by immunohistochemistry analysis. Mod
Pathol. 1998;11(2):155–168.
achieved a complete histopathological response, determination
of the p53 status may be used as a biological marker to
identify those patients who would benefit from more aggressive treatments.
Adjuvant systemic chemotherapy has been shown to
prolong survival in all subsets of patients with breast cancer.
In addition, among patients with locally advanced breast
cancer, neoadjuvant or preoperative chemotherapy
has improved the ability to perform breast-conserving
Thanks to all members of the histopathology sections of
Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Group of Hospitals,
Mumbai, India, for providing surgical specimen tissue
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The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
1. Holmes FA, Valero V, Walters RS, et al. Paclitaxel by 24-hour infusion
with doxorubicin by 48-hour infusion as initial therapy for
metastatic breast cancer: phase I results. Ann Oncol. 1999;10(4):
2. Holmes FA, Madden T, Newman RA, et al. Sequence dependent alteration of doxorubicin pharmacokinetics by paclitaxel in a phase I study of
paclitaxel and doxorubicin in patients with metastatic breast cancer.
J Clin Oncol. 1996;14(10):2713–2721.
3. Gianni L, Munzone E, Capri G, et al. Paclitaxel by 3-hour infusion in
combination with bolus doxorubicin in women with untreated metastatic
breast cancer: high antitumor efficacy and cardiac effects in a dose-finding
and sequence-finding study. J Clin Oncol. 2000;13(11): 2688–2699.
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26. Henriquez-Hernandez LA, Murias-Rosales A, Gonzales-Hernandez A,
et al. Distribution of TYMS, MTHFR, p53 and MDR1 gene polymorphisms in patients with breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Cancer Epidemiol. 2010;34(5):634–638.
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24. Green M, Hortobagyi GN. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for operable
breast cancer. Oncology. 2002;16(7):871–884.
25. Lara PC, Llort M, Clavo B, et al. Severe hypoxia induces chemoresistance in clinical cervical tumors through MVP over-expression.
Radiat Oncol. 2009;4:29.
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