University of Huddersfield Repository
Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu
3D Printing our future: Now
Original Citation
Taylor, Andrew and Unver, Ertu (2015) 3D Printing our future: Now. In: 3M: IMI Workshop In
collaboration With EOS, Renishaw & HK 3D Printing, 17th March 2015, 3M Buckley Innovation
Centre. (Unpublished)
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Andrew Taylor & Dr Ertu Unver
School of Art, Design & Architecture, University of Huddersfield
3M: IMI Workshop
In collaboration With EOS, Renishaw & HK 3D Printing
Hosted by 3M Buckley Innovation Centre,
University of Huddersfield. 17th March 2015
This 3D Printing our Future:Now talk and visual presentation was given to delegates at
the IMI 3D Workshop held at 3M Buckley Innovation Centre on 17th March 2015.
The event was hosted by 3Mbuckley Innovation Centre for IMI plc a global engineering
company, 3M, and leading 3D additive manufacturing technology providers: EOS,
Renishaw and HK 3D printing to disseminate and share their experience on the latest 3D
additive design and manufacturing technologies available to the engineering and product
The 3D Printing our Future:Now talk and visual presentation provided an overview of art,
design & architecture research, creative practice, and enterprise & innovation specifically
using 3D additive technologies within the School of Art, Design & Architecture and
research groups at the University of Huddersfield.
The talk focused on introducing the importance of creative design research practice and
how 3D printing has evolved as an increasingly essential and highly versatile tool in the
creative process particularly for concept, physical visualisation, prototyping , tooling and
Nine research cases were shown to the 3M/IMI delegates to highlight the range of 3D art,
concept design, prototyping, and manufacturing projects supported by University of
Huddersfield 3D printing technology facilities at Queen Street Studios.
Research Centres at School of Art, Design & Architecture situates academics professional research and postgraduate student projects
From seven research centres, IDL is a new
interdisciplinary research centre/laboratory at the
University of Huddersfield. The lab conducts theory
based and applied research generally into product
design, and especially in the built environment, pushing
the impact of design thinking and practice to new areas.
It cuts across the areas of architectural design,
construction management, interior design, new product
development, engineering, social sciences and
Our research focuses on solving real world problems
through design innovation, mobilising the underlying
theories as well as the enabling processes and
technologies needed to deliver value to users and the
society at large.
Research is developed closely with diverse public and
private sector organisations to propose novel solutions
to design challenges and project based problems. We
offer Undergraduate, Masters and PhD programmes that
are future focused and informed by the state of the art in
research and practice
3D Printing:
Queen Street Studios and 3D Digital Design
School of Art, Design & Architecture
University of Huddersfield
Four rapid prototyping machines are available for
students, academics and researchers to
accurately produce three dimensional models in
a range of materials. Students are advised by the
technical team on which machine is best suited
for their work, and also the cost of printing the
files once the design is complete.
Technical team operate the printers, and oversee
any post processing work that each printer may
require. Students are responsible for any fine
surface finishing, or painting that is required to
finish the printed part with technician support.
3D prototyping machines are located in the
Queen Street Studios :
-Projet 5500X - Multi Material Printer
-Zcorp 650
-Stratasys FDM
Futurefactories (2003-2009) : The Application of Random Mutation to Three- Dimensional Design. Lionel T. Dean
Dean worked with 3D prototyping techniques laser sintering as a designer-in-residence on PhD at the University of Huddersfield with Dr. Ertu Unver and Dr. Paul Atkinson.
Working with rapid prototyping techniques like laser sintering as a designer-in-residence, Dean realized that these methods were fully capable of producing high-quality objects
fit for the consumer market. Inspired by work being done on applying organic metaphors to architecture, he created the project FutureFactories and began designing his
objects as parametric systems. A model has parametric constraints set by the designer, using randomness and evolutionary algorithms to produce a range of unique results
from the same template. Coupled with the use of rapid prototyping, the result is a rapid manufacturing process that creates one-off design objects.
Future Factories project pushed the
boundaries of the functional object
categories all industrial design adheres (a
lamp is a lamp, a chair is a chair.)
creepers.mgx is a good example.
It’s a modular LED-based lighting system,
where stems of flower-like shapes clip on
to cables running from floor to ceiling.
It references the way creeper vines
infiltrate their surroundings. And like real
plants, all the Creepers are unique in
shape. 3D Printing for product design
Biomimicry lighting concepts and Bespoke
jewellery printed in titanium, aluminium,
and gold.
AutoMAKE: Generative systems, digital manufacture and craft production. Generative Art Conference, 11th -14th December 2007, Milan, Italy.
Ertu Unver, Justin Marshall, and Paul Atkinson.
AutoMAKE project combines generative systems with craft knowledge and digital production technologies to create a new way of
designing and making objects that blurs the boundaries between maker and consumer, craft and industrial production. AutoMAKE
was developed with researchers from University of Huddersfield, Falmouth University, and Sheffield Hallam University as a
collaborative research project that aimed to investigate the potentials of using generative systems to digitally design unique one-off
works and produce them using a range of rapid prototyping/manufacturing technologies and CNC equipment.
University funded practice led research by Andrew Taylor in collaboration with
Surface Design students and academics. The project initiated 3D workshops to
introduce 3D concept modelling and 3D printing for the first time to BA Surface
Design Final year students. 3D printed prototypes were exhibited at the Surface
Design Show and EcoBuilld, London.
Images show developmental 3D modeling phases and final printed prototypes.
BA Surface Design students Vicky Kelly, & Shereen Ahmed. 2011.
Student project blog:
Extraordinary 3D Surface Materials: A practice led research exhibition with Surface Design final year students.
3D modeling concept methods and 3D printed prototypes. Exhibited at the Surface Design Show, Business Design Centre, Islington, London, 2011.
Fluid dynamics experiments for generating lighting concepts.
Exhibited in 2011 at Euromold , Frankfurt, Germany. Dr. Ertu Unver, University of Huddersfield.
3D Biomimicry lighting concept modelling experiments.
Exhibited in 2012 at Ecobuild, London, UK. Andrew Taylor, University of Huddersfield.
3D print of the sculpted bust of Sir Patrick Stewart
by MA 3D Digital Design graduate Daniel Hughes-McGrail – Solaesthetic.
Sourced from Shapeways.
By Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Pettican, Anneké (2008), Skyscraping.
[Show/Exhibition] Brass Art. Anneké Pettican is an artist, Senior Lecturer and co-director
of Brass Art (1999 -) with Chara Lewis and Kristin Mojsiewicz. Their collaborative
practice explores the uncanny, including aspects of doubling and the limen – the inbetween spaces of the physical world and the realms of the imagination.
“We’ve changed the whole way we draw architecture; everything’s changed from hand-drawing to 3-D drawings.
And if you draw everything 3-D, then it’s time to change the whole construction process”
Ebner; UCLA Professor & 3M Architect.
Students from the University of California in Los Angeles, University of Huddersfield, Munich Technical University and the Center for Entrepreneurship and
University of Applied Sciences, collaborated on the full-scale mobile prototype of urban living accommodation in 2014.
3D printed bogie parts (chassis bearers, brake calipers, brake disc) printed on Projet 5500X Multi Material Printer,
at Queen Street Studios, School of Art, Design & Architecture. The train bogie prototype was commissioned by the Institute of Railway,
(Dr. Phil Shackleton, Senior Research Fellow, IRR) at University of Huddersfield and funded under the EU FP7 Project Spectrum.
Enterprise activities between the University of Huddersfield and Paxman Coolers Ltd.
3D design modelling, prototype development and tooling manufacturing for Paxman cap cooling
1. Research Centres at School of Art, Design & Architecture, University of Huddersfield. 2015.
2. 3D printing: Queen Street Studios, School of Art, Design & Architecture labs and research. University of Huddersfield. 2015
3. PhD Lionel Dean, (2009) Futurefactories: the application of random mutation to three- dimensional design.
4. Dean, L, Icon Jewellery.
5. Justin Marshall, Ertu Unver, and Paul Atkinson. AutoMAKE: Generative systems, digital manufacture and craft production.
6. Phases of 3D modeling and 3D printed Concepts, Surface Design Final year students, 2011.
7. Taylor, A, 2011 Extraordinary 3D Surface Materials: A practice led exhibition of 3D learning artefacts and prototypes.
8. Unver & Taylor 2011 – 2012. Fluid dynamics experiments for generating lighting concepts. 3D Biomimicry for lighting concept design.
9. Daniel Hughes-McGrail. 3D Patrick Stewart bust, Sourced from Shapeways.
10. Brass Art. Lewis, Chara, Mojsiewicz, Kristin and Pettican, Anneké (2008) Skyscraping. [Show/Exhibition]
11. 3D printed apartment by Peter Ebner;
12. 3D printed chassis bearers, brake calipers and bogie for Institute of Railway Research (IRR) printed in SADA 3D printing lab at University of
Huddersfield. Images courtesy of Dr. Phillip Shackleton Senior Research Fellow Institute of Railway Research.
13. Unver, Ertu, Howard, Chris and Swann, David (2013) Design & Development of Scalp Cooling Cap. In: Smart Scalp Cooling Symposium, 3M
Buckley Innovation Centre , Huddersfield, UK.
14. Automake/FutureFactories (2008) E Unver, J Marshall, LT Dean, P Atkinson, Hub: National Centre for Craft & Design
15. Unver, E (2013) Design and Development of a new Scalp Cooling Cap - Stage 1 : Confidential Design and Development Report Confidential
Report Submitted to Paxman Coolers ltd.