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Handbook of Research on Organizational Justice and Culture in Higher Education Institutions
3 pages
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This chapter assessed the impact of effective communication on Organizational Justice (OJ) in the university system. Internet search revealed that there no empirical studies on the impact of effective communication on OJ in general and in university system in particular. This ground-breaking research is intended to expand our understanding and proves to be a useful addition to the theme of this study. Communication is a characteristic common to all organizations. It is permanent, in that it is always happening, and yet it can happen so slowly that it is rarely ever noticed. On the other hand, certain communication processes, type and style have been forceful enough to draw immediate changes in organizations. To this end, quantitative assessment design was employed and questionnaire was used to measure effective communication processes and the three parts of OJ as it applies to the university system. Lecturers from four public universities responded to a questionnaire that employed a...
DergiPark: 73113ejovocThis study aimed to investigate the relationship between organizational communication satisfaction and organizational justice and to explore the impact of communication satisfaction on perceived justice in a group of university employees. Data were obtained through questionnaires among 481 academics working in public and private universities in Turkey. The research measures used in this study were the Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire of Downs and Hazen and the Organizational Justice Scale of Colquitt. Correlation analysis showed that there was an explicit positive relationship between organizational communication satisfaction and organizational justice. Communication satisfaction explained 63.9% of the variability in perceived organizational justice and dimensions of justice (procedural, distributive, interpersonal, informational) were all found to be markedly related to communication satisfaction. Besides, a stronger relation was assessed for procedura...
Organizational peace, communication and justice perception are very important factors in order to be successful. The objective of this study is to examine the relationships between the degree of organizational communication and organizational justice perception of employees. Besides, there is another objective which is identifying the relationships between employees' demographic features and organizational communication. The research was done on 98 employees who are working for Provincial Directorate of Agriculture allied to Karaman governorship. Data derived from the survey method research is analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 software program. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one way variance analysis, correlation and regression analysis are used during the assessment of the data. At the end of the research, findings show that there is a significant relationship between communication and interactive justice. Further, findings state that there is a difference on employees' organizational communication degree according to their education status.
NHRD Network Journal, 2014
The purpose of this study is to survey the relationship between organizational justice and organizational efficacy in higher education institutes in Iran. The research methodology used is mapping studies research tools comprising the standard questionnaires of organizational justice. Niehoff-Morfen and Pearsons organizational efficacy also confirm its validity and their reliability was measured by Cronbach test as 81 and 89% respectively. The statistical population (862) was divided into two subgroups: academic board members and all recruited office staff in higher education institutes of North Khorasan. The sampling group (286) was randomly chosen based on Morgan Table from the classified recruited employees of higher education institutes in Bojnord. The main hypothesis was confirmed with 99% reliability by using correlation tests, and a significant relationship was observed between organizational justice components namely: justice principles of distributive equity and distributive justice equality with organizational efficacy by 99% reliability. But the relationship between the principle of need to distributive justice and organizational efficacy and the impact of distributive justice other than interactional justice on organizational efficacy was not confirmed. Lisrel output shows no indirect impact of organizational justice on organizational efficacy and occupational and personal factors. Therefore, we can say, 'Efficacy For' is regarded by many groups including the people who work in higher education organizations as a critical parameter which depends on many factors. The findings show that organizational justice is a way to improve efficacy and it requires, mostly, full identification of effective attitudes on organizational justice and a consideration of its parameters.
Harold Maurice Abrahams (1899-1978) – the British-Jewish athlete made famous by the film Chariots of Fire - won gold for Britain in the 100 yard sprint in the 1924 Paris Olympics. Far from being the ‘outsider’ depicted in Chariots of Fire, however, Abrahams’ ‘Anglicisation’ was extensive and played an important role in his life before, during and after his athletics career. This article will show that this film falsely portrays Abrahams as a victim of powerful anti-Semitism and that detailed historical analysis shows instead that his integration went hand-in-hand with his sporting success – something which was celebrated by British Jewry. Such was his assimilation, that by 1936 – a year when Abrahams courted controversy over his stance on the Berlin Olympics – he was criticised for having ‘lost’ all attachment to the community of his birth. As will be shown, in contrast to the film, where Abrahams is seen to be ‘too Semitic’, the Bedford athlete was actually ‘thoroughly Anglicised’. A desire to move into or support middle-to-upper class British society characterised Abrahams personal and sporting life much more so than his Jewishness. As time progressed, Abrahams’ Jewish origins meant less and less, both to Harold himself and to those around him.
Consciousness and Cognition, 2011
We develop and test a multidimensional scale measuring national identification. Drawing on the extant literature on nations and national identity, we propose national identification as an understanding of how individuals subjectively and dynamically relate to different characteristics of nations that we operationalize as the dimensions of symbolic, civic, and solidary identification. We discuss the development of a number of questionnaire items representing each of these dimensions and report results of various validity and reliability tests using data from three surveys we conducted in England, Germany, and Poland. Results in general confirm the three‐dimensional structure of the overall construct while at the same time suggesting country‐specific adaptations to the scale.
Komnas Perempuan telah mengidentifikasi 15 bentuk kekerasan seksual, salah satunya adalah perkosaan. Semakin hari semakin marak media memberitakan kasus korban perkosaan dengan berbagai modus. Maraknya pemberitaan tersebut hanya menjadi fenomena gunung es kasus perkosaan yang sesungguhnya terjadi. Sayangnya media bisa mengungkap identitas korban yang masih mengalami trauma psikologis, dengan berbagai kemasan pemberitaan yang menyudutkan korban. Kondisi ini menandakan masih menguatnya stigma terhadap korban perempuan dengan masih berkembangnya mitos mitos perkosaan di masyarakat serta minimnya penjeraan hukuman bagi pelaku sehingga terkesan kasus perkosaan terus menerus terjadi. Penegakkan hukumnya masih sangat normative berdasarkan KUHP dengan mengkaitkan nilai moral masyarakat. Pernyataan terbuka terkait dengan moral perempuan korban ini pernah diungkapkan oleh Fauzi Bowo selaku Gubernur DKI pada tahun 2011 yang menyatakan “Bayangkan saja kalau orang naik mikrolet duduknya pakai rok mini, kan agak gerah juga", terlontar paska terjadi perkosaan seorang mahasiswi di angkutan umum. Demikian pula ungkapan Ramli Mansur, Bupati Aceh Barat, yang mengatakan “perempuan yang tidak berpakaian Islami layak diperkosa”. Tindakan menyalahkan korban yang berlapis yang dialami oleh korban merupakan bagian kekerasan. Bisa berasal dari struktural Negara, media, masyarakat dan keluarga ini yang kemudian disebut blaming the victim. Kata Kunci : Perkosaan, perempuan, korban, blaming the victim, kriminalisasi, perlindungan.
The paper presents partial results from a European study on consumer motivations and perception of organic food, using the means-end theory and laddering.
L’11 settembre 1973 le Forze Armate cilene rovesciavano il governo Allende. La politica lasciava il campo alle armi e si apriva una lunga fase buia nella storia cilena, con ripercussioni anche in altri paesi. 73 si occupa di cosa successe poco prima e immediatamente dopo in Italia. Più precisamente, analizza l’impatto che il golpe ebbe sulla politica italiana, sul dibattito pubblico, sulla stampa, sulle relazioni sociali. Un contributo per rileggere le vicende cilene e italiane degli anni Sessanta e Settanta a venti anni della fine della guerra fredda; ma anche un ritratto di un’Italia ancora in grado di accogliere senza alcuna discriminazione e senza tentennamenti, e di una società tollerante e aperta al confronto.
Management is a field of study concerned with the operation of organizations. The practice of articulating the objectives and aims of school is at the heart of school administration. In school systems aims are decided by head teachers in the case of primary schools, principals in the case of secondary schools, and rectors, provosts, and vice chancellors in the case of tertiary schools. In a number of cases, this is done as teamwork in collaboration with senior colleagues. However, university administration is a corporate activity completed by the federal or state Ministries of Education through a national and state policy on education (Ololube et al., 2014).
Universities are often influenced by strains in the external milieu. In many countries, policies on education leave little room for schools to identify their own aims. Educational establishments are thus tasked with interpreting an external agenda rather than examining and addressing their own needs. Within this framework it becomes the role of university administrators or managers to respect government policies while developing innovative and alternative approaches that satisfy both local and national education needs, values and vision (Ibara, 2010).
University management principles are universal, which requires setting objectives, planning, supervising and motivating employees, controlling and co-coordinating activities, achieving goals and evaluating concerted efforts towards the achievement of goals. These management tasks call for the utilization of four types of resources: human, monetary, material, and communication. Human resources include employees and their skills, knowledge and experience. Monetary resources refer to the capital and investments used to finance the current and long-term operations and objectives of the school. Material resources include the physical facilities of the school and the equipment contained therein. Communication resources include the data and information used in the operation and planning of educational institutions (Ololube, 2013). The job of university administrators and/or managers is to combine and co-ordinate all of the resources at their disposal to achieve goals (Akinnubi et al., 2012).
The human resources of a university are arguably the most dominant resource in terms of the path to university prosperity, and every employee anticipates and desires justice in the workplace, particularly in terms of fair communication procedures in the determination of what to do and not to do, and interaction with superiors. If university employees are treated fairly, they tend to display a shared response in the form of optimistic and loyal behaviors. Justice in the university environment is important and motivates faculty to properly guide, teach their students and carry out outstanding research.
This study assessed the impact of effective communication on organizational justice (OJ) in the university system, because there are no empirical studies on the impact of effective communication on OJ in general and in university system in particular. This research is intended to expand our understanding and proves to be a useful addition to the theme of this study. The present growing level of competition amongst universities in the world, especially Africa has caused universities to diverse varied means to become increasingly relevant as global players in the academic field. However, the increasing conception amongst professional colleagues has been that university managers frequently do not exchange words either in writing (via memos, emails, official letters etc.) or orally in effective manner to enhance OJ. As such, there is the need to evaluate how university managers can through effective communication processes enhance OJ to propel the needed change within the university system. Secondly, it is presumed by faculty (lecturers) that the lack of effective communication processes causes approximately 85% of failure that prevents achievement of desired outcomes.
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