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The hydrocarbon fraction of Achillea asplenifolia Vent. has been analyzed by capillary gas chromatography (GC) and GCmass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was found to consist of the usual odd-carbon number dominant distribution of n-alkane homologues (C21-C33). The main compound was nonacosane (C29, 25.5%) and the carbon preference index (CPI) was low (6.87).
Journal of ethnopharmacology, 2017
The Asteraceae (alt. Compositae) family incorporates a large number of flowering plants, which have been classified under ca. 1600 genera covering more than 23,000 species. The genus Achillea is one of the best-known genera of this family. The Achillea species are important for their uses in the chemical and pharmaceutical purposes, and traditional and folk medicines. From ethnobotanical point of view, they heve been recommended as effective tonic, sedative, diuretic and carminative remedies and extensively prescribed for the treatment of stomachache, inflammation, gastrointestinal, hemorrhoid, hay fever, and wound healing in indigenous medicines. They are also known as effective remedies that promote breast-feedings and regulate women menstruation. This review presents an overview on the ethnopharmacological knowledge of the Achillea genus and provides a deeper insight into medicinal and pharmaceutical applications of different Achillea species. Relevant data were obtained through ...
Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2001
The Achillea genus (Asteraceae) plants grow widespread throughout Kazakhstan [1]. A. millefolium is used in folk and official medicine [2, 3]. It grows in mountain, forest, and steppe parts of Kazakhstan. The chemical composition of A. millefolium essential oil depends on the site of collection. According to different researchers, ascaridole (47.2%), caryophyllene oxide (20%), β-caryophyllene (1.5-45.5%), chamazulene (13.0%), β-thujone (8.3-21.7%), germacrene-D (36.3%), camphor (20.6%), and guaiazulene (9.5%) were found as the main components in the essential oil of this plant [4-11]. In our previous study, in the oil of A. millefolium 99 components were identified representing 81% of the oil. Artemisia ketone (10.4%), piperitone (7.5%), chrysanthenone (7.1%) and 1,8-cineole (6.6%) were reported as the main components [12]. A. nobilis is less studied compared to A. millefolium. It grows in areas bordering woods and moist meadows of North, Central, and East Kazakhstan. The composition of its essential oil of Italian origin were reported to contain germacrene-D (46%) as the main component [13]. Piperitone (10.3%), β-eudesmol (9.8%), and viridiflorol (9.1%) were reported as the main constituents in the oil of A. nobilis by our group [14]. A. grandiflora is not a native plant of Kazakhstan. It was introduced in culture at the Karaganda Botanic garden. Here we report the chemical composition of the essential oils obtained from Achillea millefolium, A. nobilis, and A. grandiflora. Water-distilled essential oils from aerial parts of three Achillea species were analyzed by GC/MS. The identified compounds and their percentages are given in Table 1. One hundred twenty-three components were identified in the oil of A. millefolium L. representing 93.1% of the oil. Camphor (16%), 1,8-cineole (8.7%), borneol (6.2%), β-eudesmol (6.1%), α-terpineol (5.9%), and α-bisabolol (5.5%) were found as the major compounds. In the oil of A. nobilis, eighty-seven components representing 90.2% of the oil were identified. Camphor (17%), 1,8cineole (15.6%), terpinen-4-ol (10%), borneol (7.2%), and β-eudesmol (7.1%) were characterized as the main components. GC/MS analysis resulted in the characterization of one hundred fourteen constituents representing 86.7% of the A. grandiflora oil. The main constituents of its oil were β-pinene (8.9%), selin-11-en-4α-ol (8.5%), and γ-eudesmol (6.3%).
Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi, 2010
Achillea species belonging to Asteraceae family have ethno pharmacological importance in folk medicine as remedies due to their various medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, wound healing, digestive and cholagogue. In present study, the phenolic composition of the extracts prepared using aerial parts of Achillea schischkinii Sosn. were investigated. The composition of the extracts were determined by HPLC on a SUPELCOSIL TM ABZ+PLUS, 15 cm x 4.6 mm column. Water and water-ethanol extracts (25:75) of the aerial parts of plant materials were prepared and subjected to further extraction with ethyl acetate and chloroform respectively. Ethyl acetate and remaining water fractions of water extract as well as chloroform and remaining water fractions of water-ethanol extract (25:75) were characterized by HPLC using some standard compounds.
Phytochemistry, 2007
The lactone profile of six origins of Achillea collina growing in Bulgaria was studied and significant variability was observed. The reasons for the differences in the lactone composition are discussed. Twenty-five components in total were isolated and identified, while the presence of ten lactones was proved by intensive TLC analysis in comparison with reference compounds. The structures of the components 17, 20, 25-30 were established by spectroscopic methods. The structure of 7, a cyclization product of 6, was also discussed. The anti-inflammatory activity of some extracts, fractions and individual compounds was tested in vitro by determining the inhibitory effects on induced human neutrophils.
Natural product communications, 2011
In this study, flowering aerial parts of wild Achillea millefolium growing on the Mediterranean coast (Sardinia Island, Italy) and on the Atlantic coast (Portugal- Serra de Montemuro) were used as a matrix for supercritical extraction of volatile oil with CO2 (SFE). The collected extracts were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS methods and their composition were compared with that of the essential oil isolated by hydrodistillation. A strong chemical variability in essential oils depending on the origin of the samples was observed. The results showed the presence of two type oils. The Italian volatile extracts (SFE and essential oil) are predominantly composed by alpha-asarone (25.6-33.3%, in the SFE extract and in the HD oil, respectively), beta-bisabolene (27.3-16.6%) and alpha-pinene (10.0-17.0%); whereas the main components of the Portuguese extracts are trans-thujone (31.4-29.0%), trans-crhysanthenyl acetate (19.8-15.8%) and beta-pinene (1.2-11.1%). The minimal inhibitory concentratio...
Journal of Essential Oil Research, 2003
The essential oil of the aerial parts ofAchillea albicaulis C.A. Mey. was analyzed by capillary GC and GC/ MS. The inajor constituents were 1,8-cineole ( l O . l % ) , camphor (9.2%), gerinacrene D (7.8%), piperitone (6.2%), a-pinene (5.9%) and artemisia ketone (5.7%).
Cellular and Molecular Biology
The genus Achillea genus houses more than 100 species, a number of them are popularly used in traditional medicine for spasmodic gastrointestinal, gynecological and hepatobiliary disorders, hemorrhages, pneumonia, rheumatic pain, inflammation, wounds healing etc. Members of the genus contain a wide variety of volatile and non-volatile secondary metabolites, including terpenes, polyphenols, flavonoids and others. Multiple studies have assessed the biological effects and other aspects of Achillea spp. In a number of preclinical studies, Achillea plants and their essential oils have demonstrated promising antibacterial properties against a number of human and plant pathogens. Besides, the plants have displayed strong antioxidative and potent anti-proliferative and anticancer properties in various cellular and animal models. Achillea plants have widely been used as food preservative in food industry. Clinical studies have indicated its potential against multiple sclerosis (MS), irritabl...
Esther Duflo, Premio Princesa de Asturias de Ciencias Sociales 2015. El libro que cambiará nuestra manera de pensar sobre la pobreza y lo que debemos hacer para aliviarla. ¿Cómo se vive con menos de un dólar al día? ¿Por qué los microcréditos resultan útiles pero no son el milagro que algunos esperaban? ¿Por qué los pobres dejan pasar las campañas de vacunación gratuita pero pagan por medicinas que a menudo no necesitan? ¿Por qué sus hijos pueden ir a la escuela año tras año y no aprender nada? ¿Por qué no siempre invierten en obtener más calorías, sino calorías que saben mejor? Nuestra tendencia a reducir a los pobres a un conjunto de clichés nos ha impedido hasta ahora comprender los problemas a los que se enfrentan a diario. Dado que poseen tan poco, hemos asumido que no hay nada de interés en su vida económica. Las políticas gubernamentales destinadas a ayudarles muchas veces fracasan porque se fundamentan en suposiciones erradas con respecto a sus circunstancias y su conducta. Repensar la pobreza supone un revolucionario giro en el modo de abordar la lucha global contra la pobreza. Sus autores, dos consagrados economistas del MIT, han acudido directamente a los protagonistas para comprender cómo funciona de verdad la economía de los pobres, cuáles son sus motivaciones y aspiraciones. Los resultados de sus observaciones contradicen muchas de nuestras creencias más arraigadas. El innovador planteamiento de este libro empieza por cambiar las preguntas. A partir de ahí, ofrece las respuestas y, con ellas, un gran potencial transformador y una guía esencial para políticos, activistas y cualquier persona preocupada por construir un mundo sin desigualdad. Reseñas: «Un libro maravillosamente lúcido sobre la naturaleza real de la pobreza». Amartya Sen, Premio Nobel de Economía «El ensayo más interesante que he leído en mucho tiempo. Está lleno de sorpresas y va a cambiar nuestra manera de pensar sobre la pobreza y lo que se debe hacer para aliviarla». Moisés Naím en «Lea este libro», «El País». «Este libro debe ser de lectura obligada para cualquier persona que se preocupe por la pobreza en el mundo. Representa lo mejor que la economía puede ofrecer». Steven D. Levitt, autor de «Freakonomics».
Este documento consiste sólo de una interpretación al español, y es una copia libre del Manual de Referencia de APQP-2: 2008 publicado por AIAG, y sólo debe considerarse como una consulta. El único documento oficial es el publicado originalmente en Ingles por AIAG mismo.
The purpose of this study is to determine the hydrogeological properties of aquifers, groundwater potential, and hydraulic properties of the Denizli-Kakl k aquifer. The Kakl k aquifer is located at the upper part of the Çuruksu basin covering 1 234 km 2 drainage area and is recharged from 3 subbasins; the Yoku ba subbasin (60 km 2 ), the Emirçay subbasin (300 km 2 ) and the Alikurt subbasin (180 km 2 ). Annual precipitation is about 260.4x10 6 m 3 /year, evaporation is 183.6 x 10 6 m 3 /year, streamflow is 45.57x10 6 m 3 /year, discharge from the irrigational wells is 3.3 x 10 6 m 3 /year and residual of 27.93 x 10 6 m 3 /year is groundwater reserve. The main aquifers are Çökelez Limestone, Sazak formation and Alluvium. The Çökelez Limestone and Sazak formation are karstic aquifers. Mal da fm, nceler fm, Karadere fm and Bay ralan formation are impermeable rocks. The K z lburun formation is semi-permeable aquifer. Alluvial fan and alluvium are the permeable clastic aquifer. Thickness of aquifer at Yoku ba region varies between 10 to 60 m. Transmissivity contours range between 10 and 24,885 m 2 /day and hydraulic conductivity contours range between 0 and 120 m/day in Kaklik Aquifer show a decrease of 4 m from 1995 (32 m) to 2003 (36 m). Water table of 42720 wells show an increase from year 1997 to year 2004. Potentiometric surface maps for the years 2008 were constructed for the Kakl k aquifer and it shows the directions of groundwater flow. Potentiometric surface varies from 630 m at Alikurt (east) to 380 m OSM (west) in the flowpath of 20 km. Hydraulic gradient is about h= 0,0125. Flow directions generally incline from east to west.
Africanus Journal Vol. 13 No. 2 November , 2021
Les industries lithiques énéolithiques de Bulgarie, 2005
Theses and Dissertations, 2004
In Afam Icha-Ihuma & Chinyere Nwajiuba (Eds.). Effective teaching and learning: A hand book for educators in Nigerian universities. Pp.52-62 Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo (FUNAI) Press. Ebonyi State , Nigeria., 2018
Environmental Health Perspectives, 1997
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