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The archaeological project in Sungai Batu discovered more than 90 mounds (sites) that may contain monumental archaeological findings. SB2B and SB2D are two of those sites unearthed nearby ancient river which connected to the Sungai Batu riverine network. The findings in those two sites include brick structure with possible floor features, potsherds, beads, stone tools and iron slags. Based on the radiocarbon dating on charcoal sample, the site dated from the 5 th CE. These sites might have been a remnant of an ancient jetty used to load and unload trade commodities that may include iron ores. These sites can be used as an evidence of the existence of an upriver-downriver economical interaction. The discovery of these two river jetties may affirm the complexity of the Site of Sungai Batu not only as a centre for religious and production activities, but also the exchange of commodity, namely the iron based trade. This paper discusses the result of preliminary research done on those tw...
Postgraduate Student Forum: Current Asian Anthropology., 2011
This paper discusses the preliminary data of iron smelting site (SB2A) found in protohistorical site of Bujang Valley, Kedah. This site was dated to 3rd - 5th CE. The findings include metal artifacts, remains of furnaces, thousands of iron ores, tuyeres and slags. As the first iron smelting site ever discovered in Bujang Valley, this discovery had given a big impact that may be able to change the old paragdigm about the existence of a possible civilization in Malaysia. The discovery shows that from the 3rd CE, there had been a society that had already acquired the technology of iron smelting in Bujang Valley. The actual form of the structure, in terms of the shape of the furnace, is yet to be identified due to the insufficiency of the intact structure discovered during the excavation. The current research indicates that a large-scale iron-smelting industry existed in Bujang Valley from 3rd - 5th CE. This paper will also attempt to discuss the result of the preliminary analysis on the iron artefact, through the employment of some methods such as polishing section, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2022
Kedah is a state rich in historical records and this includes the existence of prehistoric communities in some areas such as in Baling which have done archaeological research and excavations. This research is conducted by researchers from within and outside the country using various approaches as examples of scientific analysis. Archaeological research in Kedah began by not on purpose to find various findings and information that led to the discovery of places related to prehistoric society. Especially in the Baling area, Kedah early research activities were started by H.D Collings in 1936 when he conducted a survey of the limestone caves found in Baling. The results of H.D Collings' initial research led to further studies conducted by local researchers in the Baling area. Such as, this paper will discuss every study that has been done in Baling starting with the initial study until the latest study. Through a review of the results of previous research, it can be seen that the results of different studies and even through this can also be identified a new scope for researchers who want to do further research in this area of Baling. Prehistoric studies in Baling, Kedah are still continued to this day based on data that have been recorded by previous researchers, as it is known that most of these studies continue to focus on the Baling area because this area is an area with high potential to be inhabited by prehistoric societies. This is also based on the geographical aspect, which is where the Baling area, surrounded by mountains and limestone caves as well as close to a large river, thus fulfilling the main characteristics of the prehistoric community dwelling area at that time.
Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
This archaeological experiment study of furnace, tuyere and bellow making to conduct iron smelting experiments is aimed at obtaining information related to the iron smelting process that is likely to have been carried out in Sungai Batu Archaeological Complex. This archaeological experiment study was conducted through a knowledge transfer program (KTP) at the Sungai Batu Complex conducted in 2013 involving 18 participants and two instructors. This experiment involves the use of soil taken in the Sungai Batu river to produce furnaces and tuyere while bellow are made from wood, plywood and cloth. The raw material of iron smelting, namely iron ore, was taken after the survey activities were carried out near Kampung Batu 5, UiTM Merbok and Tupah Hill areas while the charcoal for iron smelting was used by rubber wood in the rubber plantation near the Sungai Batu Archaeological Complexs. The iron smelting experiments conducted have shown the difference in smelting results with the discove...
Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2023
In order to obtain primary data related to the iron smelting activities, the experimental process of furnaces, tuyere and air pumps making is carried out. The experiment has conducted since 2013 through the Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP) in Sungai Batu Archaeological Complex (SBAC). Through the experiment, the clay in this complex has been used as a raw material for furnaces and tuyere making while the bellows is made of wood, plywood and fabric. In order to complete the experiment regarding the raw material that use for iron smelting, iron ore was taken through survey activities in the area of Kampung Batu 5, UiTM Merbok and Bukit Tupah while charcoal was used from rubber wood in the rubber plantation near the Sungai Batu Archaeological Complex. After the experiment was conducted, the results recorded were different from the findings of the iron ingot excavation at the iron smelting site which is likely to occur due to the difference in technique and ratio of materials used during smelting activities. Although the results obtained during the experiment are different, the smelting process can be used as the main reference for offering tourism full packages related to the demonstration of iron smelting in this complex to foreign tourists.
Kapata Arkeologi, 2021
Kompleks Arkeologi Sungai Batu adalah kawasan yang terdiri dari himpunan permukiman dan situs pertukaran yang terletak di Lembah Bujang, yang cukup maju sebagai pusat pemerintahan dari abad ke-2 hingga ke-14 Masehi. Temuan arkeologi di Sungai Batu menunjukkan wilayah tersebut merupakan pemukiman yang secara khusus menjadi pusat penghasil besi, baik terlibat dalam kegiatan penambangan maupun peleburan besi. Penelitian lapangan ini menerapkan metode pengeboran inti di kawasan Kompleks Arkeologi Sungai Batu yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh data primer terkait potensinya sebagai pusat kawasan industri Kerajaan Kedah Tua. Bukti arkeologis terkini mengungkapkan bahwa kawasan ini dahulu sebagai pusat bengkel peleburan besi untuk kerajaan Kedah Tua sejak 788 SM. Analisis pengeboran inti berdasarkan contoh tanah jelas menunjukkan bahwa daerah ini merupakan bagian dari teluk laut purba yang luas sebelum turunnya permukaan air laut. Daerah ini lalu berubah menjadi muara sungai yang memungkinkan...
The remarkable finds at Baghpat of a coffin burial, use of Indus Script Hypertexts and of three chariots point to two parallels provide indicators for further researches and field-work archaeological investigations. This monograph is organized in the following sections: Section 1. Iron smelting in Khasi Hills, Meghalaya Section 2: Nazimaruttash kudurru and Aleppo citadel of storm-gods 1. Iron smelting in Khasi hills (Meghalaya) two thousand years ago points to the need to re-evaluate the Tin-Bronze Age of Sarasvati Civilization in the context of iron smelting in Ganga basin ca 1800 BCE and Copper Hoard Culture of the Ganga-Yamuna doab as a continuum of Sarasvati Civilization Bronze Age. Particular attention is invited to the articles by: 1. Gullapalli, P., Early metal in South India: copper and iron in megalithic contexts. J. World Prehist. , 2009,22 , 439–459; and 2. Possehl, Gregory L., and Praveena Gullapalli, 1999. The Early Iron Age in South Asia. pp. 153–175 in: Pigott, Vincent C. (ed.), The archaeometallurgy of the Asian Old World. (MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology, University Museum Monograph, volume 16.) Philadelphia: The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. The researches of Praveena Gullapalli and Gregory Possehl point to evidences of iron-working, together with Tin-Bronze working in Sarasvati Civilization. 2. R̥gveda and Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa evidence of Gautama Rāhugaṇa migrating from Kurukshetra (Sarasvati Basin) to Sadanira (Karatoya) river confluence of Ganga-Brahmaputra suggests that the Tin-Bronze Age of Sarasvati Civilization extended into the Brahmaputra River Basin. This evidence together with the evidence of iron smelting in Khasi Hills points to the need for further archaeometallurgical investigations on the contributions by ancient Indians using the iron ore resources of the country and possible trade contacts with the Ancient Far east. 3. Discoveries at the archaeological site of Aleppo which provide some parallels with artifacts discovered in Baghpat. Section 1. Iron smelting in Khasi Hills, Meghalaya Two thousand years of iron smelting in the Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, North East India • March 2013 • Current science 104(6):761-768 • Pawel Prokop • Ireneusz Suliga • Abstract Radiocarbon dating of charcoal from iron slag revealed evidence of continuous iron smelting in the Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, NE India spanning the last two millennia. The slag layer, which is dated to 2040 ± 80 years BP (353 BC–AD 128), is the earliest iron smelting site studied in the entire region of NE India. The presence of wüstite, fayalite, glass and metal iron, together with spinels such as hercynite in the slag, indicates that it was an acid product of a bloomery iron-making process. The relative isolation of the Khasi people, who inhabited a highly elevated plateau, is evidence of the indigenous origin of this manufacturing technology, although diffusion of knowledge through cultural and technical contacts or population migration cannot be excluded. Location of the Khasi Hills in Meghalaya. Distribution of sampling sites (white squares) and other sites of iron smelting (white dots) is indicated on the basis of reports from the 19th century • RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 104, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2013 Two thousand years of iron smelting in the Khasi Hills, Megh alaya, North East India Pawel Prokop1, * and Ireneusz Suliga2 1 Department of Geoenvironmental Research, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Jana 22, 31-018 Kraków, Poland 2 Faculty of Metals Engineering and Computer Science for Industry, AGH University of Science and Technology, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland THE discussion on the early development of iron metal-lurgy in India has been shaped by two primary concepts.The first assumed a diffusive spread of iron smelting technology related to the migration of the Aryans, an Indo-European speaking people, who entered the Indian subcontinent from the northwest 1–3. The second concept postulates that there was an independent origin and development of iron-ore mining, extraction and manufac- turing technology, founded on the raw materials that were contemporaneously available in India 4–7 . However, in both cases, North East (NE) India was not taken into consideration. The reason for this was the difficulties involved in archaeological exploration of areas of hilly terrain with frequent heavy rain and dense vegeta-tion cover, as well as evidence of the strong material, linguistic and genetic connection of the region with cultures of East Asia and Southeast Asia, at least from the Neolithic period 8–10 These are clearly visible in the case of the central part of Meghalaya, which is inhabited by the Khasi, an Austro-Asiatic speaking people, representing the remnants of an ancient migration from Southeast Asia11,12 No demonstrable archaeological evidence of the Iron Age in Meghalaya has yet been found, although the first British naturalists who visited Meghalaya in the early19th century described the iron industry that had developed in the upper part of the Khasi Hills13–17. The remnants of former iron-ore excavation and iron manu-facturing, visible today in the landscape of the Khasi Hills, indicate that it could be the result of prolonged occupation by the Meghalaya inhabitants. Metallurgical tradition was also accompanied by the erecting of megalithic memorial monuments, bearing similarities to other megalithic sites in India frequently associated with the Copper–Bronze or Iron Age 18,19 The aim of this communication is to estimate the temporal extent of iron smelting in the Khasi Hills and to present an analysis of the technological process of iron production development during that time. This study inte-grates field observations with laboratory analysis of sam-ples from the raw materials and products, supplemented by reconstructions based on historical reports of iron smelting given by eye witnesses from the early 19th century. Meghalaya is one of the rainiest inhabited environ-ments on earth, with more than 11,000 mm of precipita-tion recorded annually in Cherrapunji20,21. This small state is a hilly plateau uplifted to about 1900 m above the Bengal Plain in the south and the Brahmaputra valley in the north (Figure 1). The basement of the plateau is formed by gneisses and quartzites with granite intrusions representing a source of iron-ore 22–24. The upper part of the plateau in the Khasi Hills, 1000 m asl, is deforested, severely eroded and overgrown by grass 25. Only the smallpatches of broadleaved hill forest (sacred groves) that remain, protected through the ages by the people for reli-gious and cultural reasons, are evidence that the plateaumust once have been covered by forest in the past 26 .
Excavations in Sungai Batu have revealed numerous archaeological artifacts that link Sungai Batu to a life heavily associated with trading. The discovered artifacts originated back to the 1 st century; therefore, was established as one of the oldest known civilization in Southeast Asia. This encouraged researchers to dig deeper on Sungai Batu's archaeological events; however, many of the studies were relatively superficial and did not portray the dynamics between Sungai Batu trading complex and its ancient river as a whole but explained in localized sections. This paper seeks to provide a conclusion of the past events in the area based on geological, geophysical and geotechnical studies. The discussions include tracing the ancient Sungai Batu flows and the trading complex for better illustration of their associations so that future archaeological endeavors could discover more trade and religious artifacts aside from jetty structural remains, iron smelting sites, potteries and stupa at Sungai Batu.
1, 2024
Philosophy and Social Criticism vol. 39, no. 3 (2013): 277-298
This paper presents a critique of Philip Pettit’s concept of “freedom as non-domination” and provides an alternative theory of both domination and republican political freedom. I argue that Pettit’s understanding of domination is insufficient when it comes to theorizing and confronting modern forms of domination and that this hampers his concept of republican freedom and its political relevance under the conditions of modernity. In the end, his account of domination is more akin to liberal theory than he would perhaps admit. In its place, I propose a more thorough concept of domination and, through this analysis, rework the concept of republican freedom in order to place the republican tradition within the context of modernity itself. I argue that the core insight of republicanism is its emphasis on the arrangement and reformation of social institutions to enhance social freedom. From this, I argue that republicanism can take its place as a more attractive alternative to liberal theory.
Effectiveness of three fingerprinting techniques to correlate oil seeps: Biomarkers, Diamondoids, and Multi-elemental Analysis (Atena Editora), 2024
Jeugd En Co Kennis, 2010
Religion Compass, 2012
Las formas y las no-formas discursivas. Una aproximación a la historia de la identidad de los impresos, 2021
Kırgızlar ve Moğolların Ortaçağlardaki Ölü Gömme Merasimlerindeki Benzerlik ve Farklılıklar (Similarities and Differences of Burial Ceremonies in the Kyrgyz and the Mongols in the Middle Ages)”, Altay Communities, İstanbul 2017, pp. 237-248., 2017
International Journal of Communication Systems, 2019
Applied Optics, 1984
Educação e tecnologia: transformando a maneira como ensinamos e aprendemos, 2023