Subject Index Vol. 46, 1995

1995, Brain, Behavior and Evolution

Subject Index Vol. 46,1995 Aggression 72 Agonistic behavior 72 Amphibian(s) 4 3 ,6 !, 224 Amygdala 1.14 ,3 0 ,2 2 4 Anterior olfactory nucleus 108 Assessment strategy 72 Audition 124, 131, 165 Axonal tracts 319 Bony fishes 378 B P G a xis 371 C-start 124 Caiman crocodilus 197 Cerebellar paramedian lobule 339 Chronotopic organization 95 Cladistics 275 Cortex 224 Crustacea 72 Cytochemistry 362 Dermatome 354 Dienccphalon 209,259,275 D il 371 Directional hearing 124,165 Dorsal thalamus 197,209 - ventricular ridge 224 Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus 30 Ear 124,151 Eighth nerve 124, 131, 141, 151 Elasntobranch 354 Escalated fighting 72 Escape response 124 Ethogram 72 Evolution 197.209, 224,235,259,275 Extrabulbar olfactory pathway 378 Fish(cs) 108, 124, 141 Floorplatc 319 Forebrain 209, 259 - development 319 - evolution 319 - morphology 319 Frog 1 Gene patterns 319 G n R H 371 Goldfish 124. 165,362 Hair cell 131 - - structure 362 Hearing 124, 131, 141 390 Herring 124, 165 Hippocampus 61 Histogenesis 319 Homology 224,259 Homoplasy 259 Horseradish peroxidase 95 Hypothalamus 1, 14 Immunocytochcmistry 362 Inner car 362 Intracellular recording 43 Intralaminar nuclei 235 Isocortcx 187 Jaccard’s similarity measure 72 Jawed vertebrates 209 Lagena 131,141 Lateral hypothalamic area 30 Limbic system 1,14, 30 Lizard 14 Local circuit neurons 197 Longitudinal columns 319 Looming stimuli 84 Lucifer yellow 43 Magnitude o f reinforcement 61 Mammal(s) 197,209,224 Matrix correlation 72 Mauthnercell(s) 141, 151 - neuron 124, 165 Medial pallium 61 Motor functions 235 Negative contrast 61 Nervus terminal is 378 Neural plate 319 - tube 319 Neurocomputation 165 Ncurocthology 124, 151. 165 Neuromcrcs 275,319 Neuronal plasticity 371 Neurotransmitter 235 Nucleus isthmi 43 Octavolateralis 124 - system 151 Olfactory pathways 108 - system 378 Optic chiasm 84 - fibers 84 - tectum 43 Pallidum 235 Pallium 1 Pcrihypoglossal nuclei 339 Peripheral nerve 354 P H P neuron 124,165 Phytogeny 362 Physiological mapping 95 Pituitary 371 Postsynaptic potential 43 Predation 124 Preoptic area 37) Pretcctum 275 Principal components analysis 72 Rabbit 339 Ranapipiens 84 Ray-finned fishes 259 Reciprocity 339 Rcptilc(s) 14,30,197,224 Reticular nucleus 197 Retina 95 Retrograde transport, H R P and W G A H R P 339 Roofplatc 319 Saccule 131, 141,151,362 Sagittal zones 339 Secondary prosencephalon 275 Segmental development 235 Segments 319 Social control o f reproduction 371 Spinal cord 354 - inhibition 354 Startle response 151 Striatum 235 Substantia nigra 235 Tectum 95 Tegmentum 43 Telencephalon 108, 259,2 75 Tclcost 371 - fish(es) 151,259 Thalamus 1,187,259,275 Ultrastructurc 362 Underwater sound 124,165 Utricle 131,141 Ventral tier 235 Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus 14 Vision 84 Visually guided behavior 84