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2019, Hospitality & Society
4 pages
1 file
and beyond, probably encountered a different, grimmer host community than we had envisioned beforehand. Although for many the sun was shining bright(er), the scenery was stunning and the food delicious, there were also signs of a changing attitude, and in some cases visible resistance, towards tourists. Pieces of anti-tourist graffiti that read "Tourists you are the terrorist", "All tourists are bastards" and even "Why call it the tourist season if we can't shoot them?" now (literally) troubled our view at many popular touristic sites. In some cases, for example Barcelona, resentment was even fiercer, resulting in large protests, tyre-slashing and windowsmashing. These actions went beyond merely raising awareness for aggressive and underdressed tourists drinking all day and yelling all night, but were local responses against the economics and morality of all types of mass tourism, which-according to many-impoverishes the poorest in society and everyone's standards of living. While the industry has long upheld its vital contribution to the livelihood of local people, resistance towards tourism development in these touristic hot spots seems to grow every year. Although local governments are trying to cope with this so-called form of 'over-tourism' through scapegoats like tourism restrictions, taxes and other measures, it deflects attention away from the challenges of global tourism development. Restricting the number of tourists or tourism-related activities will do little to solve deep-rooted problems like inequality, exclusion and exploitation. Conversely, we should not forget that at the same time that many protests against yet another season of tourist hordes, in many parts of the world the tourism and hospitality industry are still vital to alleviate distressed economic conditions for many by providing access to critical income and opportunities for prosperity.
Tourism Management, 2006
This paper argues that in the current neo-liberal era, the discourse of tourism as an ''industry'' has overshadowed other conceptualisations of the tourism phenomenon. An argument is developed that this discourse serves the needs and agendas of leaders in the tourism business sector. However, the author desires to revive an earlier understanding of tourism that predates the neoliberal era. Tourism is in fact a powerful social force that can achieve many important ends when its capacities are unfettered from the market fundamentalism of neoliberalism and instead are harnessed to meet human development imperatives and the wider public good. Examining the human rights aspects of tourism, investigating phenomena such as ''social tourism'', exploring a few ''non-western'' perspectives of tourism and outlining some of the tantalising promise that tourism holds, this paper attempts to revive and reinforce a wider vision of tourism's role in societies and the global community. It is argued that it is critical for tourism academics, planners and leaders to support such a vision if tourism is to avoid facing increasing opposition and criticism in a likely future of insecurity and scarcity. r
The paradox of tourism extremes. Excesses and restraints in times of COVID-19, 2021
This paper seeks to highlight underlying issues of the tourism system that have led to tourism extremes of too much or too little tourism. Five phases are recognized that reflect different ways of dealing with too much tourism over time, after which the impact of a sudden lack of tourism is investigated in light of future renewal processes. This discussion highlights the remarkable capacity of the tourism industry to adjust to rapidly changing circumstances and crises, even when these cause anguish to individuals and within societies at large. The paper thus seeks to contextualize the current discussions regarding the transformation of tourism post COVID-19. It highlights the complexity of changing a tourism that multiple stakeholders depend on or have grown accustomed to. To come to a more balanced tourism, it is necessary to not only come up with alternative visions and strategies, but also to engage with the political economy nature of tourism development. A future research agenda should therefore also discuss facets of entangled power, social exclusion, inequalities and class differences to come to new reference points of what actually constitutes a more inclusive tourism success.
Tourism Geographies, 2011
Tourism's effects on the social, cultural and physical environments in which it operates are well documented. Yet, it appears that little research has been conducted examining the underlying reasons why such impacts appear to be inevitable. This paper argues that a number of structural realities or 'fundamental truths' about tourism exist that explain why adverse impacts are felt, regardless of the type of tourism activity. Eight such truths are examined. They are: (1) As an indusbial activity, tourism consumes resources, creates waste and has specific infrastructure needs.
Cañada & Murray TourismPostCOVID Lockdown touristification, 2021
The stand-by that the COVID-19 pandemic has meant in 2020 recalls the image of the state of nature. This hypothetical devise allowed classical thinkers to represent a kind of original stage in history, a suspension of the "normality" of institutions, in which we could see more clearly under which prerequisites one would be willing to subject himself or herself to the social contract, and in which not. Focusing on the Ancien Régime, then no one would submit to the arbitrary power of a despotic regime-they believed-but only to the law agreed by free and equal subjects, more or less what we would call nowadays a democracy. It is not by chance that the pandemic has been seen as a "total social fact", "inaugural experience", moment for a "new social contract", a "reconstruction deal". Empty streets, parks and squares, beaches and airports, are samples of this suspensive moment of the social deal. This is the purpose, for example, of the collaborative project "Closed for holidays. Portrait of a tourist void", by José Antonio Mansilla and Sergi Yanes, which collects pictures of various tourism destinations, usually flooded by visitors, now deserted. Thus, we can see "tourism spaces, not as unproductive spheres" but open to alternative forms of social production. An exceptional spot of a tourism society in reset, in a state of nature, is the Balearic Islands. It is an extreme case of a tourist region in Europe: until 2020, tourism represented 45% of GDP, 28.7% of employment, with a ratio of 16 tourists for each resident. In June 2020, after months of locked airspace and under official state of alarm still in force, first tourists, exempt from covid tests or sanitary quarantine, arrived in Palma. The magazine Diagnóstico Cultura wondered whether this was not a prove of a "touristocracy". Surprisingly, this term has no tradition in tourism studies, and it has barely been used in the media (as it is the case for touristcracy and touristocracy). Few places are as conducive as the Balearic Islands to test what a touristocracy may look like and whether the pandemic has triggered a disclosing effect of the social deal underlying a tourism society.
Tourism should be banned in order to protect local environments, cultures and economies.”, 2021
Tourism is one of the world’s fastest-growing industries that offers all involved entities with promising development possibilities. WTTC (2020) stated in a recent release that for the 9th year consecutively, the tourism GDP succeeded to surpass the world’s GDP in terms of growth rate. This continuous and fast-paced development phenomenon has been increasingly triggering the researcher’s scepticism. As a result, numerous research and case studies have been undertaken to illustrate both favourable and challenging consequences of the aforementioned phenomenon in certain areas such as the economy, culture, and environment. However, according to Mason (2003), the determination of whether the impact of tourism is considered positive or negative depends on the value orientation and judgement of the researcher. For example, in an environmental-related case, someone may perceive the paved pedestrian way in the middle of a public courtyard positively concerning the benefit it provides people in getting oriented easily, while others may perceive it negatively pointing out the harm it might cause due to the expected increment of visitors’ numbers as a result of creating this facility (Mason, 2003). while, some people bolster the idea of proscribing tourism for the merit of preserving local environments, culture and economy, evidence illustrate that the tourism industry is instead conferring numerous benefits on a global scale. Conversely, tourism increasingly contributes to both developed and developing countries' economies, enhancing their services and infrastructures. besides, that tourism promotes local culture and encourages their renaissance as well as funds heritage sites renovation and saving, it also sustains the local environment through investments, creating awareness of its value and conserve wildlife and aesthetic sites among others. This thesis will analyse the effects of the tourism industry on the local environments, culture and economy from a global scale in order to ensure the integrity of the industry rather than ceasing it.
Abstract: It is a well-known fact that tourism involves commercial exchanges, commitments, development and cultural sustainability, towards the tranquillity and the satisfaction of the people's aspirations. The world crisis means a moment of incertitude, but opens, also, immense possibilities.
Urban Science
The coronavirus outbreak in late 2019 and the subsequent restrictions on mobility and physical contacts caused an extreme collapse of international tourism. Shortly before the pandemic turned the world upside down, one of the most pressing issues in global tourism was a phenomenon that became known as overtourism. It describes massively the negative impacts of tourism on destinations and the frustrated residents protesting against it, with discontent reaching a dimension that could hardly be estimated at the time when Doxey’s Irritation Index was created. Especially in southern European destinations, thousands of people have taken to the streets over their dissatisfaction with the unlimited growth of tourism and its negative effects on their daily lives. Within a few years, small neighbourhood actions morphed into coordinated social movements demanding that politicians make fundamental changes to the socio-economic system. Those events demonstrate a politicizing effect of tourism th...
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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2020
The Pakistan Development Review
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