Annals of Botany 90: 287±292, 2002
doi:10.1093/aob/mcf173, available online at
Programmed Cell Death during Embryogenesis in Maize
M O N I C A C O L O M B O 2 and S I L V A N A D O L F I N I 1 , *
1Dipartimento di Genetica e di Biologia dei microrganismi, Universita
Á degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 26,
20133 Milano, Italy and 2Dipartimento di Produzione vegetale, UniversitaÁ degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 2,
20133 Milano, Italy
Received: 22 March 2002 Returned for revision: 2 May 2002 Accepted: 8 May 2002
Programmed cell death (PCD) in plants is considered an integral part of development. Evidence of DNA
fragmentation, occurring at speci®c sites and times during embryo formation in maize (Zea mays L.), was
obtained using terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-¯uorescein nick end labelling
(TUNEL) and by genomic DNA ladder detection. During the crucial period of elaboration of the primary shoot
and root axis (14±20 d after pollination), TUNEL-positive nuclei are present in the scutellum, coleoptile, root
cap and principally in the suspensor. Additional evidence of a form of programmed cell death occurring in these
tissues comes from the detection of a DNA ladder. Upon completion of the differentiation process, all embryonic
cells are TUNEL-negative, indicating that possible programmed cell death events during maize embryogenesis
are con®ned to structures or organs that do not contribute to the adult plant body.
ã 2002 Annals of Botany Company
Key words: Zea mays L., maize, embryogenesis, programmed cell death, TUNEL procedure, DNA ladder.
Programmed cell death (PCD) is considered an integral
part of development both in animals and plants. Such an
inbuilt death programme is triggered in response to
external or internal signals. Cell death may be envisaged
as the necessary counterpart of cell division in determining the shape and morphology of tissues and organs
during differentiation. Paradoxically, cell death is essential for the development and survival of an organism.
In animal development, PCD has been extensively
studied and the features of the process have been
analysed at the cytological, biochemical and molecular
levels (Vaux and Korsmeyer, 1999). When it is associated with speci®c biochemical and morphological
events, such as DNA strand breaks, activation of
caspases, chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation into distinct bodies, cell death is de®ned as
apoptosis. Plants also undergo programmed cell death in
a variety of situations. Some of these are developmentally regulated, while others are the consequence of
biotic and abiotic stresses (Greenberg, 1996; Havel and
Durzan, 1996a; Mittler and Lam, 1996; Martienssen,
1997; Pennell and Lamb, 1997; Lam et al., 1999; Lam
and Greenberg, 2000; Wu and Cheung, 2000). The
parallel between animal and plant cell death is under
discussion, and similarities between such events have
recently been reported (Danon et al., 2000).
In maize, in particular, cell death events are known to
occur throughout normal development both in the
* For correspondence. Fax +39 02 50315044, e-mail silvana.
[email protected]
sporophyte and in the gametophyte (Buckner et al.,
1998, 2000). Cell death takes place during the formation
of unisexual male and female ¯owers in microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis (Calderon-Urrea and
Dellaporta, 1999), during xylem differentiation (Schindler
et al., 1995), in roots during aerenchyma form
ation (Gunawardena et al., 2001) and in leaf senes
During maize seed formation both in the embryo and
endosperm, cells are thought to die at predictable times
and places, though details of these events are still
scanty. The suspensor, through which nutrients are
transferred from maternal tissue to the developing
embryo, is thought to undergo programmed cell death
once its functions are accomplished (Yeung and Meinke,
1993). Cell death has also been demonstrated to occur
in developing endosperm (aleurone and central endosperm), the function of which is to store and supply
nutrients to the germinating seed (Young et al., 1997;
Young and Gallie, 2000).
To date, the genetic control of maize embryogenesis
has been investigated by analysing mutants affected
during embryo development. Less attention has been
devoted to the study of cell death events that occur
naturally during the process of embryo formation. In this
report we present cytological and molecular evidence,
based on the terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase
(TdT)-mediated dUTP-¯uorescein nick end-labelling
(TUNEL) method (Gorczyca et al., 1993) and on
DNA ladder detection, that programmed cell death
probably occurs in speci®c sites and at speci®c moments
during maize embryo formation.
ã 2002 Annals of Botany Company
Giuliani et al. Ð PCD during Maize Embryogenesis
Plant material
Seeds analysed in these experiments were obtained from
maize plants of the inbred line W64A grown in the ®eld or
under glasshouse conditions at the University of Milan,
Histological analysis
Immature seeds were dissected from cobs at ®xed
intervals, from 14 to 27 d after pollination (DAP).
Samples were immediately ®xed in freshly prepared 4 %
p-formaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
(130 mM NaCl, 7 mM Na2HPO4, 3 mM NaH2PO4) for 12 h.
The ®xed material was placed in 70 % ethanol and stored at
4 °C until processed. Embedding procedures were performed as described previously (Procissi et al., 1997).
Sections (8 mm thick) attached to poly-lysine-coated slides
were deparaf®nized with xylene for 10 min and then
rehydrated by passing through a graded ethanol series for
3 min each. The different embryonic developmental stages
were characterized by staining sections with safranin-fast
green and with DAPI (4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; 1 mM
in PBS for 10 min).
In situ detection of DNA fragmentation
To detect DNA fragmentation, the TUNEL procedure
was applied, using the In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit
(Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) according to the
manufacturer's instructions. Tissue was made permeable by
incubating sections with Proteinase K (2 mg ml±1) for 15 min
at 37 °C. DNA fragmentation was detected directly after the
TUNEL reaction by yellow-green ¯uorescence of incorporated ¯uorescein-12-dUTP in the nuclei. Slides were
examined using an Axioskop microscope (Carl Zeiss,
Oberkochen, Germany) equipped with a ®lter set for
¯uorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and photomicrographs
were taken with Kodak Ektachrome 320T ®lm. Alternatively, incorporated ¯uorescein was detected by anti¯uorescein antibody conjugated with alkaline phosphatase.
After substrate reaction, stained sections were analysed
under a light microscope and photomicrographs were taken
using Kodak 64T ®lm. A negative control was included in
each experiment by omitting TdT from the reaction mixture.
Under these conditions all nuclei should be unstained. As a
positive control, permeabilized sections were incubated
with DNase I (1 U ml±1) for 10 min at room temperature
before processing. All nuclei in all seed tissues (embryo
axis, scutellum, endosperm, pericarp) should be stained as a
result of the induced DNA strand breaks. Experiments
reported here were repeated at least three times; all results
were in agreement across the experiments.
DNA extraction and ladder detection
Using W64A plants as a source material, genomic DNA
was extracted from immature embryos following the CTAB
protocol described in Ausubel et al. (1994). For the ladder
detection, the ApoAlertÔ LM-PCR Ladder Assay Kit
(Clontech Laboratories Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA) was
used, according to the manufacturer's instructions. As the
®rst step, dephosphorylated adaptors were ligated to the
ends of the DNA fragments generated during cell death. A
24-mer primer was then used in a PCR reaction in which
fragments with adaptors on both ends were exponentially
ampli®ed. Ligation reactions were set up in 70 ml volume
with different DNA quantities. In our conditions, results
were obtained starting from 0´5 mg of genomic DNA and
using 150 ng of ligated DNA in the PCR mixture with 20
and 25 cycles. Twenty microlitres from each reaction was
run on a 1´2 % agarose/EtBr gel. A positive control reaction
was performed using the calf thymus DNA supplied with the
kit. A negative control was included, consisting of the PCR
mixture without the adaptor-ligated DNA, and a further
control was obtained by omitting ligase in the ®rst step.
In situ detection of DNA fragmentation in immature embryos
The TUNEL procedure was applied to longitudinal sections
of developing maize seeds to verify the occurrence of cell
death events during embryo formation. In particular,
attention was focused on the developmental interval
between 14 and 27 DAP, from leaf stage 1 (L1) up to leaf
stage 4 (L4), according to the classi®cation of Abbe and
Stein (1954).
Cell death events were demonstrated at speci®c sites
during the developmental stages considered. Speci®c
TUNEL signals, i.e. yellow-green ¯uorescence of ¯uorescein, which reveal nuclei undergoing DNA fragmentation,
were detected mainly in the apical region of the embryo, in
the scutellum layers adjacent to the coleoptile (Fig. 1) and in
the suspensor (Fig. 2).
In detail, at 14 DAP (stage L1; Fig. 1A), TUNEL-positive
cells were particularly evident in the cell layers of the
scutellum surrounding the shoot primordium (Fig. 1D±F).
Fluorescent nuclei were also visible in the coleoptile and in
the root cap cells (Fig. 1D), while nuclei of the cells of the
embryo axis were all TUNEL negative. Particularly striking
is the difference between positive ¯uorescent nuclei of the
scutellum layers surrounding the shoot and the negative
nuclei of the nearby leaf primordia (Fig. 1E and F). Close
analysis of the positive nuclei reveals a difference that
appeared on subsequent days of development: at 14 DAP in
the positive nuclei, nucleoli (the negative dots inside the
nucleus) were still visible (Fig. 1G), whereas later on, at
16 DAP, ¯uorescence increased and nucleoli were no longer
identi®able. Figure 1H, in particular, reveals the difference
between the nuclei of the scutellum where nucleoli are no
longer visible and the nuclei of the nearby adjacent leaf
primordia where one or two nucleoli are evident. In DAPIstained sections (Fig. 1B and C), at 17 DAP, the scutellum
cell layers surrounding the coleoptile appeared devoid of a
few nuclei, thus corroborating the TUNEL data in favour of
a presumed death of these cells.
Giuliani et al. Ð PCD during Maize Embryogenesis
F I G . 1. Programmed cell death in maize embryos at early developmental stages (stages L1±L2). A, Safranin-fast green staining of a longitudinal
section of an embryo at 14 DAP. B and C, DAPI staining of longitudinal sections at 17 DAP showing evidence of nuclear loss (arrowheads) in
scutellum layers surrounding the shoot. D±H, In situ detection of DNA fragmentation by the TUNEL procedure (yellow ¯uorescence on nuclei).
TUNEL-positive nuclei are evident in the scutellum layers surrounding the coleoptile (D±F), in the coleoptile and in the root cap (D). F (enlargement
of E) shows the difference between TUNEL-positive (yellow) and TUNEL-negative (dark green) nuclei. G, One or two nucleoli (arrows) are present
in TUNEL-positive nuclei of the scutellum at 14 DAP. H, Nucleoli are absent in TUNEL-positive nuclei and present (arrows) in TUNEL-negative
nuclei at 16 DAP. c, Coleoptile; end, endosperm; lp, leaf primordium; p, pericarp; rc, root cap; rp, root primordium; s, suspensor; sc, scutellum.
Bars = 100 mm for A±E and 20 mm for F±H.
As for the suspensor (Fig. 2), DNA fragmentation was
demonstrated at 14 DAP by TUNEL assay, both directly
(yellow-green ¯uorescence of incorporated ¯uorescein)
(Fig. 2A) and indirectly (by a colorimetric reaction)
(Fig. 2B). DAPI staining at subsequent times (14 and
16 DAP) showed a progressive disappearance of nuclei
starting from the upper part of the suspensor (Fig. 2C and F).
Histological analysis con®rmed this observation since a
morphological difference in the appearance of nuclei could
be observed at 15 DAP (Fig. 2D and E): in the upper portion
of the suspensor, nuclei showed chromatin condensation,
whereas in the lower part they were still rounded and
swollen. On the basis of these observations, DNA fragmentation precedes chromatin degradation and the degeneration
process proceeds from the top towards the bottom of the
At later developmental stages (27 DAP, stage L4; Fig. 3),
the whole of the embryo was TUNEL-negative, except for
only a few ¯uorescent nuclei at the level of the scutellar
node. In the two maternal tissues, the pericarp and nucellus,
brightly ¯uorescent nuclei (visible only in Fig. 1D and E)
were evident at all developmental stages analysed.
Appropriate control treatments were conducted for every
set of slides (Fig. 4). When the DNase I treatment preceded
the TUNEL procedure, all nuclei in all regions of the
embryo (Fig. 4A) and of the endosperm (Fig. 4C) were
¯uorescent (positive control). On the other hand, no
¯uorescence was observed in the same tissues when TdT
Giuliani et al. Ð PCD during Maize Embryogenesis
F I G . 2. Programmed cell death in the suspensor of the maize embryo. A and B, TUNEL-positive nuclei in the suspensor at 14 DAP visualized directly
(A) by ¯uorescein ¯uorescence and indirectly (B) by the secondary anti-¯uorescein-AP conjugate. C and F, DAPI staining of the suspensor nuclei in
longitudinal sections at 14 DAP (C) and at 16 DAP (F). D and E, Safranin-fast green staining of a longitudinal section at 15 DAP. sc, Scutellum;
s, suspensor. Bars = 50 mm.
F I G . 3. Programmed cell death in maize embryos at a late developmental stage (stage L4). A, Safranin-fast green staining of a longitudinal section of
an embryo at 27 DAP. B and C, TUNEL procedure on the upper portion of the embryo (B) and on the lower portion (C). The only ¯uorescent nuclei
visible are those corresponding to the scutellar node. c, Coleoptile; lp, leaf primordiuma; p, pericarp; rp, root primordium; sc, scutellum; sn, scutellar
node. Bars = 100 mm.
enzyme was omitted from the reaction (negative control)
(Fig. 4B and D).
Ladder detection in immature embryos
As demonstrated above, apparently only a small percentage of nuclei in our biological system undergo cell death
(approx. 5 %, according to a rough count). Therefore, DNA
fragments produced by endonuclease activity during the
degradation process were not detectable following electrophoresis of genomic DNA directly on ethidium bromidestained agarose gels (data not shown).
Puri®ed genomic DNA from embryos at 17 DAP was
assayed by the LM-PCR procedure (as described in
Materials and Methods). Pro®les obtained using 1 mg of
DNA in the ligation reaction and following 20 and 25 PCR
cycles are shown in Fig. 5 (lanes 1 and 2, respectively). The
positive control is shown in lane 3. Comparing the embryo
pro®les and the positive control shows that despite the high
sensitivity of the kit, the ef®ciency of the reaction was low
and the pro®les became less clear as the cycle number is
increased from 20 to 25. The low ef®ciency might be due to
the poor availability of 5¢ phosphorylated ends in the
genomic DNA, an observation supported by the fact that the
Giuliani et al. Ð PCD during Maize Embryogenesis
F I G . 4. Controls of the TUNEL procedure. A and C, Positive controls.
All nuclei of the different regions of the embryo (A) and endosperm (C)
are TUNEL-positive. B and D, Negative controls. All nuclei in the
embryo (B) and in the endosperm (D) are TUNEL-negative. al,
Aleurone; c, coleoptile; end, endosperm; p, pericarp; sam, shoot apical
meristem; sc, scutellum; s, suspensor. Bars = 100 mm.
F I G . 5. Puri®ed genomic DNA assayed by LM-PCR. Pro®les obtained
from 17 DAP embryos after 20 (lane 1) and 25 (lane 2) PCR cycles and
calf thymus DNA after 25 cycles (lane 3) are visible loading 20 ml of the
reaction on 1´2 % agarose/EtBr gel. Lane 4, Negative control. Sizes of
markers (lane M) are indicated.
amount of DNA added to the ligation mix was a limiting
factor. However, speci®city of the ampli®ed bands can be
corroborated by the results obtained in the sample in lane 4,
where ligation of adaptors was omitted and no ampli®cation
products were detected. In the negative control, consisting
of the ampli®cation mix without genomic DNA, no
ampli®cation products were obtained (data not shown).
Our investigation focused on cell death in the maize seed,
and, in particular, on its occurrence during embryo development. It is generally accepted that in normal animal and
plant morphogenesis PCD eliminates cells at speci®c places
and/or at speci®c times to contribute towards the formation
of correctly shaped structures and organs. It also removes
cells that are present in excess, or tissues needed at just one
stage of development but not required later.
The cytological and molecular data clearly indicate that
DNA fragmentation, characteristic of programmed cell
death, occurs during maize embryo formation. PCD events
are observed during the crucial period of elaboration of the
primary shoot and root axis, when regionalization of the
embryo proper into the scutellum and embryo axis occurs.
TUNEL-positive nuclei are visible in the cell layers of the
scutellum surrounding the shoot primordium and in the
coleoptile, but never in leaf primordia. This observation is
relevant in the context of the assumption that the scutellum
and coleoptile differ from leaves both in terms of origin and
function. Scanlon and Freeling (1998) proposed that these
two organs do not derive from the shoot apical meristem, as
leaves do, but instead differentiate before the formation of
the tunica corpus-shaped apex. Recently, Bommert and
Werr (2001) af®rmed that the protodermal cell fate is
maintained in the scutellum and coleoptile, two organs set
apart from the shoot/root axis in a single regionalization
event. It is known that TUNEL positivity may be ascribed to
programmed cell death, a high mitotic activity or to
necrosis. The observation of Elster et al. (2000) that initial
scutellar growth is mainly the result of cellular expansion
rather than division supports the hypothesis that the
¯uorescence observed in the scutellum is the consequence
of programmed cell death events in the context of
morphogenetic processes. As to its function, the scutellum
is utilized during seed germination as a food source for the
developing embryo organ, whereas the coleoptile encloses
and protects the embryonic shoot. The presence in the
scutellum of cells destined to die may therefore be
associated with the developmental processes or with the
transient function of this organ. In the coleoptile, cells
committed to programmed cell death have already been
demonstrated by an immunological approach and are
considered to be future xylem cells (Schindler et al., 1995).
Further evidence of programmed cell death in these
tissues comes from the observation of nucleoli in the
TUNEL-positive cells of the scutellum. As demonstrated for
suspensor and endosperm cells of Vicia faba (Wredle et al.,
2001), dispersion of the nucleoli (one of the parameters of
nuclear degradation), is probably occurring since nucleoli
keep their round and condensed shapes for some time before
they become no longer visible within the nuclei. For better
characterization of their fate, our observations need to be
integrated with ultrastructural investigations.
TUNEL-positive nuclei are also evident in the suspensor,
a structure that functions temporarily early in embryogenesis, and then later degenerates (Yeung and Meinke, 1993).
Recently, Danon et al. (2000) pointed out that until now, no
speci®c PCD hallmarks for the elimination of the suspensor
Giuliani et al. Ð PCD during Maize Embryogenesis
have been reported. Our evidence indicates that PCD does
take place in the course of the degeneration of the suspensor,
according to a controlled spatial and temporal pattern.
Later in development, when morphogenetic processes
have been completed and the embryo only enlarges,
¯uorescent cells are no longer visible, except for a few
positive nuclei corresponding to the scutellar node, in
connection with the development of vascular tissue.
Therefore, during embryogenesis, TUNEL-positive cells
are con®ned to structures or organs (the scutellum,
suspensor and coleoptile, as well as the pericarp and
nucellus) that do not contribute to the adult plant body,
while the embryo axis is devoid of such cells.
Our results should be interpreted with caution. In recent
years, data have been accumulating on the application of the
TUNEL assay to different plants under physiological or
induced conditions to reveal the occurrence of programmed
cell death (Havel and Durzan, 1996b; Wang et al., 1996a, b,
1999; Groover and Jones, 1999; Marubashi et al., 1999;
Takahashi et al., 1999). It is generally accepted that a
positive TUNEL assay is not a suf®cient criterion for the
identi®cation of PCD. We can therefore conclude that our
TUNEL-positive results are indicative of a relatively
ordered process of chromatin degradation, in which the
DNA has been broken down by an endonuclease.
However, the detection of a genomic DNA ladder, despite
the dif®culty of detecting such ladders in this heterogeneous
tissue in which a limited number of cells undergo cell death,
corroborates the hypothesis that programmed cell death
does really occur during the complex process of maize
embryo formation.
This work was supported by a grant from the Ministero
dell'UniversitaÁ e della Ricerca Scienti®ca (M.U.R.S.T.COFIN 98) to S.D.
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