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I Luoghi della Cura, 2024
Il Decreto Legislativo 62/2024 che, in attuazione della L. 227/2021, stabilisce le procedure per la nuova ed unica valutazione di base per il riconoscimento della condizione di disabilità, ha individuato un nuovo strumento di valutazione, denominato WHODAS 2.0. Si tratta di un metodo standardizzato di misura del funzionamento, della disabilità e della salute delle persone, ad eccezione dei minori di età.
Virginia Commonwealth University, 2024
VCUarts Qatar Libraries invites you to a panel discussion on AI in higher education teaching and learning. Learn from faculty and experts from various Education City universities as they discuss institutional policies, ethics, opportunities, challenges, best practices, and share their personal approaches to using AI in the classroom.
المجلة الثقافية الجزائرية, 2024
5harfliler, 2019
Siegfried Kracauer Roma'yı (Alfonso Cuarón, 2018) izleseydi, filmin "aşağıdan yukarıya" çalıştığına dikkat çekerdi herhalde. İki düzeyde aşağıdan yukarıya. İlki, toplumsal güç ilişkileri düzeyi. Üzerine konuşulmayan, her karşılaşmada yüzeyin altında işlemeye devam eden sınıfsal, ırksal ve cinsel fark merceğiyle aşağıdan yukarıya. İkincisi ise, modern bir mecra olarak sinemaya içkin maddilik, sinemanın fiziksel yüzeyi. (İyi-) sinema belirli bir fikrin, maneviyatın, inancın şekilsiz maddeye yansıtılmasıyla, yani yukarıdan aşağıya değil, şeylerin, nesnelerin, coğrafyanın yüzeyine yapışarak, fiziksel gerçeklik yüzeyiyle çalışıyor olabilir [1].
Brand Age, 2024
Excerpts from an intimate conversation with my one and only. Subconsciousness is the silent voice that instigates everything. It tells you what to feel, think, and do. It subverts the real intentions, by igniting perversive feelings, and ignites atrocities, which were unthinkable until after the fact. Was I there? Did I participate in this? It couldn't have been me. Page 534 of the book; Chronology of World History by Professor, Hywel Williams, describes incidents from 1944 during the Second World War. While the actual report of Hywel Williams is an impartial historical record it describes the horrific and deranged behavior of opposing parties towards non-combative people. These occurrences have disturbing similarities to the gleeful pain inflictions to the others, in the current Middle East conflicts. Despite the considerable advancement in AI DNA technology and communication, Humankind has not made any progress in humanitarian behavior. It seems that under certain circumstances, you, I, and the other eight billion relatives would repeat the misbehavior, against one another, regardless of the affiliations and beliefs that we follow.
Australian Journal of Politics and History, 2009
Germanica Wratislaviensia
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2021
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2023
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2016
International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, 2015
Lymphatic Research and Biology, 2020
Public Health Nutrition, 2009
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 2010
Proceedings of the 3rd India software engineering conference, 2010