Poster Presentation


Cystic echinococcosis (CE) of pigs is widespread and known since many years in Lithuania [1]. Recently, the number of diagnosed cases of human CE began to increase [2] but only limited information is available on the main epidemiological aspects of this zoonosis. Material and methods During 2005-2006, post slaughter examination and morphological identification of cysts from pigs from small family farms (n=612) and industrial farms (n=73) was performed. Dog fecal samples (n=240) were collected in 12 villages and microscopically examined by egg flotation/sieving (F/Si) [3] and modified McMaster methods [4]). For the genetic identification of E. granulosus to species/strain level, PCR was performed with DNA from typical hydatid cysts from pigs (n=2), morphologically

Šarkūnas et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2010, 52(Suppl 1):S14 POSTER PRESENTATION Open Access Echinococcus granulosus (‘pig strain’, G6/7) in Southwestern Lithuania Mindaugas Šarkūnas1*, Rasa Bružinskaitė1,3, Audronė Marcinkutė2, Alexander Mathis3, Peter Deplazes3 From Parasite infections of domestic animals in the Nordic countries – emerging threats and challenges. The 22nd Symposium of the Nordic Committee for Veterinary Scientific Cooperation (NKVet) Helsinki, Finland. 7-9 September 2008 Background Cystic echinococcosis (CE) of pigs is widespread and known since many years in Lithuania [1]. Recently, the number of diagnosed cases of human CE began to increase [2] but only limited information is available on the main epidemiological aspects of this zoonosis. Material and methods During 2005-2006, post slaughter examination and morphological identification of cysts from pigs from small family farms (n=612) and industrial farms (n=73) was performed. Dog fecal samples (n=240) were collected in 12 villages and microscopically examined by egg flotation/sieving (F/Si) [3] and modified McMaster methods [4]). For the genetic identification of E. granulosus to species/strain level, PCR was performed with DNA from typical hydatid cysts from pigs (n=2), morphologically unidentifiable lesions from pigs (n=3), nonfertile cysts from cattle (n=3) and taeniid eggs from dog faecal samples (n=34) [5]. Risk factors for cystic echinococcosis were evaluated by a questionnaire. Results CE was prevalent in 13.2% (81/612) of the pigs reared in small family farms and 4.1% of those reared in industrial farms. Molecular analysis of isolated taeniid eggs revealed in 10.8% of the dogs investigated Taenia spp., in 3.8% E. granulosus (G 6/7) and in 0.8% E. multilocularis. In addition, three samples from livers of human and from a cow were confirmed as E. granulosus larval stage by PCR. Sequence analysis confirmed the ‘pig strain’ (G 6/7) in all pig, dog, cattle and human isolates investigated. No significant risk factor for infections with E. granulosus or Taenia spp. could be identified. Conclusion The ‘pig strain’ of E. granulosus is highly prevalent in the southwestern part of Lithuania, and transmission is more likely in small family farms indicating a high exposure to cestode eggs in rural areas. Therefore control programs should be initiated with special reference to small family farms. Author details 1 Department of Infectious Diseases, Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania. 2Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Microbiology and Dermatovenereology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. 3Institute of Parasitology, University of Zürich, Switzerland. Published: 13 October 2010 References 1. Danilevičius E: Cystic echinococcosis and immunodiagnosis in pigs in Lithuania. PhD thesis. Kaunas 1964, (in Lithuanian). 2. Marcinkutė A, Bareišienė MV, Bružinskaitė R, Šarkūnas M, Tamakauskienė R, Vėlyvytė D: Cystic echinococcosis in Lithuania. Lithuanian General Practitioner 2006, 10:8-11. 3. Mathis A, Deplazes P, Eckert J: An improved test system for PCR-based specific detection of Echinococcus multilocularis eggs. J Helminthol 1996, 70:219-222. 4. Roepstorff A, Nansen P: The epidemiology, diagnosis and control of helminth parasites of swine. FAO Animal Health Manual 3, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1998, Rome, Italy. 5. Trachsel D, Deplazes P, Mathis A: Identification of taeniid eggs in the faeces from carnivores based on multiplex PCR using targets in mitochondrial DNA. Parasitology 2007, 134:911-920. doi:10.1186/1751-0147-52-S1-S14 Cite this article as: Šarkūnas et al.: Echinococcus granulosus (‘pig strain’, G6/7) in Southwestern Lithuania. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2010 52 (Suppl 1):S14. 1 Department of Infectious Diseases, Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2010 Šarkūnas et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.