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2020, Materials for the virtual Museum of Slavic Cultures. Issue II
5 pages
1 file
In 1865 a printing house was opened in Sarayevo and the publication of the first newspapers began in the Bosnia Vilayet. The article deals with periodicals published in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1866 to 1878: Bosanski vjestnik, Bosna, Sarajevski cvjetnik, Neretva.
Acta medica academica, 2018
This paper presents the medical journals published in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) in the period from 1878 to 1945. The first medical journal in BIH may be deemed to be Jahrbuch des Bosnisch-Hercegowinischen Landesspittales in Sarajevo (The Yearbook of the National Hospital of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo). In a special part of this journal, doctors from Austro-Hungary serving in Sarajevo wrote scholarly articles about their patients' various ailments. Up to 1945 seven more medical journals were published in BIH: Trezvenost - Organ Jugoslavenskog Saveza Trezvenosti (Temperance - the Journal of the Yugoslav Temperance Society), Zdravlje - Lekarske pouke o zdravlju i bolesti (Health, Medical lessons on Health and Disease), Glasnik Lekarske komore za Bosnu, Hercegovinu, Dalmaciju i Crnu Goru (The Journal of the Chamber of Physicians of Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dalmatia and Montenegro), Glasnik Lekarske komore Vrbaske banovine (Journal of the Chamber of Physicians of Vrbaska banov...
Bosniaca, 2016
Bibliografija – Raspad Jugoslavije: press clipping iz strane periodike je rezultat realizacije projekta NUBBiH, finansiran od strane Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke. Predmet istraživanja bila je građa „Press clipping iz strane periodike“ smještena na Odjeljenju specijalnih zbirki. Među stranom periodikom koja je bila predmet istraživanja nalaze se: The Times, The Independent, International Herald Tribune, The Guardian, The Sunday Times i druge. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo period od 1980. do 1992. godine. Bibliografija sadrži 618 bibliografskih jedinica. = Bibliography - The Dissolution of Yugoslavia: Press Clipping from Foreign Periodicals is a result of the project realization of the National and University Library of B&H, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Sci-ence. Through the project it has been planned to publish project results.The subject of this study was press clipping from foreign periodicals which are located at the Department of Special Collection...
Bosniaca, 2016
Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka BiH, Sarajevo Sažetak Bibliografija-Raspad Jugoslavije: press clipping iz strane periodike je rezultat realizacije projekta NUBBiH, finansiran od strane Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke. Predmet istraživanja bila je građa "Press clipping iz strane periodike" smještena na Odjeljenju specijalnih zbirki. Među stranom periodikom koja je bila predmet istraživanja nalaze se: The Times, The Independent, International Herald Tribune, The Guardian, The Sunday Times i druge. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo period od 1980. do 1992. godine. Bibliografija sadrži 618 bibliografskih jedinica.
Historijska traganja, 2021
Pregled istoriografskog rada ...) "A group of historians from Sarajevo participated in writing this review according to the intentions of the Commission for History of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Council for Scientific Work of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. " The following are engaged: Esad Pašalić, "Prilog о istoriografiji predslovenskog perioda Bosne i Hercegovine" (3-12); Anto Ваbić-Desanka Kovačević, "Prilog о istoriografiji srednjevjekovne Bosne i Hercegovine" (12-20); Branislav Đurđev, "Prilog о istoriografiji perioda ilirske vladavine u Bosni i Hercegovini" (20-26); Nedim Filipović, "Neke primjedbe о izučavanju perioda turske vladavine u Bosni i Hercegovini" (26-36); Milorad Ekmečić-Hamdija Kapidžić-Ferdo Hauptman, "Prilog о istoriografiji novog vijeka Bosne i Hercegovine" (36-42); Nikola Ваbić, "Prilog о istoriografiji radničkog pokreta i narodne revolucije u Bosni i Hercegovini" (43-52).
Thesaurismata 48, 2018
This review has been made with regard to the national and territorial borders and includes all Jewish periodicals that have been issued on the territory of Serbia (the Kingdom of Serbia; the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes; the Kingdom of Yugoslavia). The units are listed in chronological order, from the first Jewish magazine El Amigo del Pueblo, printed in 1888, to the present day. Seventy Jewish periodicals have been published in Serbia and six more have been published abroad from 1888 until today. Some of these publications had only one, two, three or four editions, or were published for only one or two years. Some others, however, were successful for decades and had hundreds of editions. The brochure contains 76 periodical titles. The description of each publication contains the title, the subtitle, the first and last year of publishing, the publisher or editor, the location where the magazine was launched or the printing house and the collection to which these magazines belong.
Serbian Bibliography. Books. 1801–1867. Belgrade, 2019.
ТЕМЕ - часопис за друштвене науке, 2017
Апстракт Примарна интенција рада јесте приказ организације, ширења и дјеловања комунизма пропраћена у српским црквеним часописима између 1920. и 1940. године у Краљевини Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца / Југославији. Аутор ће, анализирајући све доступне и релевантне црквене часописе из тог периода, приказати како је српска црквена штампа реаговала на појаву комунизма. Посебна пажња биће посвећена организацији, ширењу и (тајном) дјеловању комуниста од оснивања Комунистичке партије Југославије (КПЈ) и Савеза комунистичке омладине Југославије (СКОЈ), па све до почетка Другог свјетског рата. Комунизам, тада нова политичка филозофија. Настаo je као чедо социјализма насупрот капитализму, полако дошao на сцену нове државе основане послије Првог свјетског рата. Користећи још младу, економски ослабљењу, може се рећи и недовољно организовану мултинационалну и мултирелигиозну краљевину, комунизам је полако, великом дисциплином својих присталица и добром организацијом ширио своје поље дјеловања. У раду ће управо бити ријечи о томе да ли је и како српска црквена штампа препознала дјеловање и ширење нове политичке мисли, како ју је коментарисала, те шта је савјетовала да би се даље ширење зауставило. Abstract The primary intention of the paper is to show Communism organization, expansion and operation followed by Serbian Church magazines between 1920 and 1940 in the
The National and University Library in Zagreb developed a digital library system and a cooperative portal of digitised Croatian historic newspapers and journals ( from its own collection and from collections of other Croatian heritage institutions. The system enables metadata creation, ingestion and publishing of digital reproductions,browsing and searching of newspaper and journal issues, simple and advanced searches of full text journal articles. The added values are: enhanced availability of printed national heritage, creation of a cooperative database of all Croatian historic newspapers and journals, development of standardised and harmonised procedures for digitisation as well as coordination and rationalisation of digitisation efforts. The cooperation and coordination at the national level is made possible by cooperative input of data and images from all participating institutions (libraries, museums and archives) including serial collections’ description, information on participating institutions and their digitisation projects, bibliographic information, holdings data of original print serials, microfilms and digital reproductions, information on titles that are being digitised or planned for digitisation in heritage institutions in Croatia, etc. The Portal is the central point for search and access to digitised historic newspapers and journals and is a part of the national project of digitisation of archival, library and museum collections Croatian Cultural Heritage, financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.
Džemal Sokolović, Norway November, 2014 Cry of the human Once, not so long ago, we were taught that the nation is a historical creation occurred at a certain stage of social development and that at a certain stage will disappear. It was a sort of some kind of Marxist definition of the nation that were our teachers held into as sacred, while today, however, the greatest sacrilege is to try to mention that there is any opinion of that kind. If you're wondering WHY it happened, and the answer you have at accursed Marx who said that people's consciousness does not determine social being, but conversely, that the circumstances in which we live determines our consciousness. It is quite clear to Sabahudin Hadžialić, but he asks himself in his essays HOW IT HAPPENED – OR HOW IT HAPPENS? Of course, any at all serious man, the one within the intellectual mission, should have to ask himself that. But the question is when and who will ask that publicly? Sabahudin Hadžialić dared to ask himself, i.e. us, at the beginning of the third millennium, or the 21st century. Due to the size and selection of topics those are still reviews, but in a form of the treatment and the style of writing, his reviews take on characteristics of mini essays, and the essays are publications between journalism and science, closest to the art world. Mini-essays published in Eurasia review have genuine author's signature, a personality which is particularly reflected in the fact that these essays with an unusual inner dramaturgy. There are two characters in most of the essays presented: Student and Professor. Author somehow himself, his artistic position, identifies more with the student - because the student is the one who asks questions. A professor, who had taught him one thing and doing nowadays something totally differently, is trying to justify that within his professor’s kind of manner. The professor is actually the author's alter ego, student’s loyal friend or assistant, which should help him to realize that from he moved from one “I” to a different “I” or “Me”. In an article titled" BEGGARS OF THE MIND, WE, BY OURSELVES" his calls his professor "the alter ego of my suicide" and in that way introduces a question of identity, ie, that he, as the same person, is not identical to himself (people forget that they are getting old and becoming even wiser), or how we are all (or the vast majority) overnight took diametrically opposed views. How can the same teacher who taught us one thing, today is teaching our children something else, quite the opposite thing. The author does not hide his nostalgia. But his nostalgia is not the so-called "Yugoslavia nostalgia" which has been used to disqualify all the critics of society organized anarchy (author’s Bosnia and Herzegovina's patriotism cannot put not in one moment in question at all), but the nostalgia of middle-class social groups that should be, in any developed society, a measure of social maturity and balance. He, in short essay referred to as "I AM GOING INTO THE NIGHT" compares his father (a teacher/professor) when he was forty and himself when he turned forty years old. His father could go on holiday to France, made a house by the sea and always had a rich table of food. He can now go to France only if he is invited him and pay him everything, at the sea he goes into his father's house a food table is "poor rich with basic vitamins." Namely, through the detailed analysis of content of Sabahudin’s essays it may find the idea of such weight that can change the entire contemporary sociological science. He does not develop those ideas, but over them we all should imagine/think about. I would particularly emphasize the following thought from the essay "COLLECTIVENESS OF DIVERSITY or Love thy neighbor." He says: "Today is the scene of the killing of the society and creation of interest groups and not just of any kind, but creation of a group which, closing into its own shell of insanity creates conditions for their own disappearance.” This is a phenomenon with which will soon face our society and our sociology, and God help us, the ethics, and philosophy, theology, economics, political science, and psychology, and so on. Hadžialić, perhaps unconsciously, but with too much right, cries, demands, requires intellectual awakening of social consciousness, and how there is not any, then there's nothing but, then, challenge the premise of the need for "additional amount of time" for ripening. Bosnia at this time simply do not have! And he loves Bosnia and Herzegovina! With the fact of lack of time, and this, his love, everything else falls into the water... Using one aorist as a past continuous time, Hadžialić regurarly, possesses subtle wire coined to convey the same type of thinking, analytical intersections and, as well as the resultant, obtaining the fifth angle of perception of reality. ...So, after all, stands the pain within Hadžialić’s observations and calculations. All he writes is diagnosing the condition of Bosnia and Herzegovina, its more or less conscious man, the establishment of the disease of impotence from its intellectuals, but also criticism of unwillingness for incurring of preliminary conceptual leadership just through mind bodybuilder zoo politikon. This writer does not to accept with such a situation, his critique is sharp and principled, but the blade is always set to the image of thoughts which I often like to spin on the fact that “you do not like the state - you love the country”. Bosnia, as a country, probably nothing ask more than to be loved. The pure love. To, through that, for its inhabitants, and therefore her, be any better ... Boyish naive, full of wormwood bitterness over the fate of Bosnia and Herzegovina, confident in his reasonable, even to such a need, turning, towards cultural community in a broader, geopolitical - world - meaning, with the flagrant call to awakening and awareness, Hadžialić by himself is talking about the manipulation of human souls. Is that too naive? It's not! He is aware of the long past ago, or a missed moment of cult-cultural and intellectual awakening, if you will, even a confrontation with pseudo intellectualism. Does the writer lost and forgot origins? No way! Although it has not been written anywhere, his awareness radiates that this country tips behind the history at least a hundred or so years. Specifically, it is in 1848, in the shadow, of then growing industrial revolution. And, does not have industry. Neither labor nor his awakening, not even labor consciousness. How than will enter with new feudalism in the cultural consciousness of capitalism? Especially without of the mentioned leaders. A phrase did not die that in the revolutionary turmoil intellectuals are the leaders of machines which move forward, and becoming the social ballast after upgrading of the established system. Knows Hadžialić that and on this fact, and should not be, in vain, exhausted in that. But he cries, and offers himself, for the beginning of the start-up. This is his sharp critic of sleeping, of dead or death, without a fight, left aside mind... ... Worth a read, and that means to publish in the name - of despair. Not Hadžialić for no reason wrote: " ANIVOGEZREH DNA AINSOB". And secondly, upside down. But even that does not help. Maybe I am relentless, but it is like this. But, in the whole, good. You see everything, the weakness and the strength and validity, through the innocence and naiveté, with belief in self-protection, just in the passage of his art-work: „Carefree plunging into dreams, dreaming of everyday nightmare of the cruel awakening. In this way it cannot work anymore. Simply put, it cannot … I do not know the answer to the question HOW to overcome this. Maybe you know, dear brave reader? Although, …fragile if the knowledge …. of The Balkan … If this the only thing valuable throughout the book, which of course, is not the only valuable thing, the effort invested in its publishing, is justified. The book is full of incentives, conciliatory, thoughtful texts, with authentic writing style. Even when presenting classic stories, reportages, interviews and reviews about the books of other authors, in the form of his reflection in front of us raise the questions directed towards classical understanding that he always asks questions. What about the answers? They are also in us, in addition to responses emphasized in his writing.
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