Early Human Development 86 (2010) 765–772
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Early Human Development
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e a r l h u m d e v
Does preterm birth increase a child's risk for language impairment?
Alessandra Sansavini a,⁎, Annalisa Guarini a, Laura M. Justice b, Silvia Savini a, Serena Broccoli c,
Rosina Alessandroni d, Giacomo Faldella d
Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
School of Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University, United States
Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Unit of Neonatology, Department of Woman, Child, and Adolescent Health, S. Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 29 April 2010
Received in revised form 16 August 2010
Accepted 24 August 2010
Preterm birth
Language impairment
Predictive indexes
Lexicon development
Grammar development
a b s t r a c t
Background: Although premature birth is associated with lags in language acquisition, it is unclear whether
preterms exhibit an elevated risk for language impairment (LI). This study determined whether preterms,
without frank cerebral damage, at 2;6 and 3;6 exhibited a higher rate of risk for LI as compared to full-terms,
and also sought to identify predictors of risk.
Method: Sixty-four Italian very immature preterms were assessed longitudinally at 2;6 and 3;6; age-matched
full-terms served as controls at 2;6 (n = 22) and 3;6 (n = 40). Each completed individualized assessments of
cognition and language ability. At each time point, using cut-offs specific to each of the language measures,
children were differentiated into two groups (at risk for LI, not at risk).
Results: The percentage of full-terms at risk for LI at 2;6 (9.1% to 13.6%) and 3;6 (7.5%) was consistent with
prior estimates of LI at these ages. The percentage of preterms at risk for LI at 2;6 (16.1% to 24.1%) and 3;6
(34.4%) was higher at both ages and statistically significant at 3;6 (difference = 26.8%, 95% CI = 12.3% to
41.4%). The best model predicting risk status at 3;6 was preterms' mean length of utterance (MLU) at 2;6,
(sensitivity 72.73%, specificity 85%) when adjusting for maternal education.
Conclusion: Preterms exhibit a heightened risk for LI in the preschool years, since about one in four preterms
at 2;6 and one in three preterms at 3;6 experiences significant lags in language acquisition. Findings argue
the importance of early identification of language difficulties among preterms coupled with implementation
of systematic language-focused interventions for these youngsters.
© 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Accumulating evidence shows that premature birth, characterized
by low (b37 weeks, LGA) or very low gestational age (≤32 weeks,
VLGA) and/or low (b2500 g, LBW) or very low birth weight (≤1500 g,
VLBW), even in the absence of significant cerebral damage, has negative
impacts on a variety of important developmental outcomes [1–3]. For
instance, results of a 2002 meta-analysis showed a mean difference of
about 10 standard score points at school-age between LBW and VLBW
preterms and full-terms on measures of general intellect (i.e., IQ) [1].
Relatedly, preterms exhibit an elevated rate of significant developmental difficulties and disabilities as compared to full-terms [4]. For
example, nearly one-third of LBW preterms are rated by their teachers
as having poor reading skills [5] and one-fifth exhibit learning
disabilities [6]; moreover, about one-half of VLBW preterms have at
least one identified neurodevelopmental disability [7].
The present study was conducted to contribute to this expanding
literature by examining risk for language impairment (LI) among
preterms at 2;6 and 3;6, a timeframe in which children's language
⁎ Corresponding author. Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, viale Berti
Pichat 5, 40127 Bologna, Italy. Tel.: + 39 051 2091879; fax: + 39 051 243086.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (A. Sansavini).
0378-3782/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
skills are rapidly expanding and at which risks for LI are often
recognized by parents and health professionals. Epidemiological
surveys find that about 19% of 2-year-olds exhibit significant lags in
language development, referred to as late language emergence (LLE)
[8]. LLE, a term that is synonymous with the concept of ‘late talkers,’ is
typically characterized by significant lags in lexical (e.g., delays in
accumulating new words) and grammatical development (e.g., delays
in combining words to create multi-word utterances) in absence of
any salient developmental abnormality (e.g., autism, severe hearing
loss, severe cognitive disability). Many children who have late
language emergence will normalize their language skills by 3 and
4 years, and those who do not are identified as having LI. LI refers to an
absolute impairment in the domain of language that occurs in absence
of frank sensory or neurological impairment (e.g., autism, hearing
loss); it is estimated to affect about 7 to 10% of children [9,10].
Children with LI are typically identified on the basis of unexpectedly
poor performance on norm-referenced measures of language [10].
Children with LI whose cognitive skills are within the normal range
(i.e., N−1 SD of the mean) are typically described as having a specific
language of impairment (SLI) whereas those whose cognitive skills
are below the normal range (i.e., between −2 and −1 SD of the
A. Sansavini et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 765–772
mean) are described as having a nonspecific language impairment
(NSLI). In the present study, we use the term LI as an umbrella term
that includes both groups of children, similar to other research on
these populations [10]. Presence of LI in the later preschool years is
associated with a range of future adverse outcomes for children,
including poor reading [11] and math achievement [12] as well as
difficulties with social competence [13].
To date, research on the language development of preterms has
largely attended to determining whether and to what extent specific
language abilities are affected [14]. Interestingly, individual studies of
the lexical and grammatical development of preterms do not offer
converging evidence of the presence of systematic delays in these
aspects of language. Such discrepancies in findings reflect, at least in
part, methodological variability among studies in how preterms are
selected for inclusion and exclusion, the assessment tools used to
examine children's language abilities, the timing of language assessments, and the native language that children are acquiring.
Studies of preterms' development of lexical skills provide one such
example of a lack of convergence. Cross-sectional studies of Finnish
infants using the MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development
Inventory (MB-CDI) showed no significant difference in vocabulary
size when comparing VLBW preterms and full-terms at 2 years
[15,16]. Similar findings were found in a recent Italian study involving
VLBW preterms (age 2;6) that excluded children with severe cerebral
damage; interestingly, however, in this study, male preterms with a
birthweight ≤ 1000 g were found to exhibit significantly poorer lexical
abilities as compared to male and female preterms with a birthweight N 1000 g [17]. Such findings suggest that a sub-set of preterms
may be at particular risk for language difficulties [14].
Nonetheless, other cross-sectional studies using the MB-CDI have
shown that, as a group, preterms do tend to have lags in lexical
development as compared to full-terms [18,19]. One study, for
instance, studied the vocabulary size of preterms varying in
gestational age using the MB-CDI at 2 years. Preterms with extremely
low gestational age (ELGA b 28 weeks) had a significantly smaller
lexicon compared to preterms with very low gestational age (28–
32 weeks), who in turn had a reduced lexicon as compared to fullterms [18]. Some of the discrepancy in findings across such studies of
early lexical development may relate to whether preterms with
severe cerebral damage are included among the preterm samples; this
is unspecified in all but the work of Foster-Cohen and colleagues [19],
who found significant differences in the expressive lexicon of New
Zealander preterms and full-terms on the MB-CDI at 2 years. Most
recently, research on Finnish preterms examined lexical size at 2 years
for preterms with and without concomitant neurological disability,
using the Finnish version of the MB-CDI [20]. Preterms with
neurological disability had significantly smaller lexicons compared
to full-terms at 2 years, whereas preterms with no such disability did
not differ from full-terms in their lexical skills. An interesting aspect of
this work was that preterms' language skills were assessed at 2 years
using both indirect (MB-CDI) and direct measures (Reynell Developmental Language Scales [21]), which resulted in divergent findings.
That is, although preterms without neurological disability did not
differ from full-terms in lexical skills as measured by the MB-CDI, they
exhibited significantly poorer receptive and expressive language skills
than the full-terms at 2 years as measured by the Reynell. Although
the MB-CDI has reasonable concurrent and predictive relations with
direct measures of language skill [22], direct assessment is recognized
as the gold standard for documenting children's language abilities
[22] and may be more sensitive to identifying meaningful differences
in group performance on behavioural measures.
Beyond the lexicon, grammatical development also appears to be
affected by preterm birth, and results are more convergent as
compared to the research on the lexicon. Finnish VLBW preterms
exhibit a shorter mean length of utterance (MLU) at two years as
compared to full-terms [15], with similar findings also reported in
studies of French and New Zealander preterms [18,19]. We have
previously reported findings of significant grammatical difficulties in
an Italian sample of male preterms (gestational age b 31 weeks) at 2;6
[17]. Also, in a study of slightly older (3;6) Italian preterms, Sansavini
and colleagues [3] found that MLU was significantly lower for VLBW
preterms as compared to full-terms converging with findings of lags
in grammatical competence for French preterms at the same age [23].
Particularly concerning is longitudinal evidence showing that these
early lexical and grammatical lags do not resolve over time during
preschool-age [24] and school age [25].
In sum, the available research suggests, albeit somewhat inconsistently, that preterm birth may be associated with early lags in
lexical and grammatical development, and longitudinal studies
suggest that preterms at school-age may exhibit learning-related
problems that are often attributable to underlying poor language and
literacy abilities [5,25]. However, few studies have systematically
examined risk for LI among preterms during early childhood, when LI
is typically first identified and when early interventions to facilitate
language growth are typically introduced. We note here three
exceptions. First, Briscoe and colleagues [14] used a direct assessment
of language ability in a study involving 26 VLBW preterms at 3 years,
finding that 8 of 26 (31%) scored below an a priori empirically derived
cut-off demarking a child's risk for LI. The researchers reported that
risk for LI is over-represented among preterms, although the small
sample size – particularly for those identified as being at risk – raises
concerns about the confidence we can place in this finding.
Second, Singer and colleagues [26] likewise assessed the language
skills of VLBW preterms at 3 years, differentiating those with
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD; n = 90) from those without
(VLBW, n = 65) as compared to full-terms (n = 91).The language
measure utilized, the Battelle Developmental Inventory [27], is a
semi-structured tool that integrates observation, interview, history,
and direct tasks to arrive at standard scores. These researchers found
that 43%, 31%, and 28% of the BPD, VLBW, and full-term samples,
respectively, exhibited risk for LI using a b−1 SD of the mean cutpoint; there was little evidence of a difference in rate of risk between
the VLBW and full-term samples. The high number of full-terms
identified as at risk, which far exceeds prevalence estimates for LI
among typical children, raises questions about the validity of the tool
used to identify risk; consequently, the usefulness of this study's
findings for estimating risk for LI among VLBW is questionable. Of
additional concern is that the VLBW sample included a number of
children with significant developmental complications that may have
compromised language acquisition, including hydrocephalus, hearing
loss, and intra-ventricular hemorrhage. Finally, a recent study of New
Zealander preterms determined the percentage of children at age
4 years who exhibited language delay; language delay was identified
based on direct assessment of language skills using a − 1 SD cut-off
[28]. The percentage of preterms identified as language delayed at age
4 was 31%, which was significantly higher than what occurred for a
comparison group of full-terms (15%). This study offers an important
contribution to the understanding of risk for LI among preterms;
nonetheless, it is also necessary to note that the preterm sample
included a substantial number of children with poor cognitive abilities
(i.e., 34% had concomitant cognitive delay) as well as health
complications (e.g., cerebral palsy). Consequently, it is unclear
whether this rate of risk for LI is elevated somewhat due to sample
The available literature therefore suggests that close to one-third
of VLBW preterms may exhibit a significant risk for LI during the early
childhood years, although these estimates are based on studies that
have some limitations or on samples involving a considerable number
of preterms with cognitive limitations. The present study was
therefore conducted to determine: (1) Do very immature preterms
exhibit a higher rate of language difficulties at 2;6 and 3;6 as
compared to full-terms? (2) To what extent can language difficulties
A. Sansavini et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 765–772
at 3;6 among preterms be predicted from direct and indirect measures
of language and cognition collected at 2;6?
1. Method
1.1. Participants
This study involved 126 Italian children (64 very immature
preterms, 62 full-terms) comprising three sub-samples. A preterm
sample consisting of 64 children was assessed longitudinally at 2;6
and 3;6, whereas two control samples of full-terms were ascertained
to provide cross-sectional references for the preterms at 2;6 (n = 22)
and 3;6 (n = 40).
1.1.1. Preterm sample
Sixty-four monolingual Italian very immature preterms were
recruited from the Unit of Neonatology of Bologna University, which
is one of the main tertiary care level units equipped with assisted
ventilation of the Emilia–Romagna Region. Birth dates for the
preterms ranged from May 1995 to October 2000. Cranial ultrasound
scan (US) was carried out for all neonates within the first 4 days of life
and then repeated weekly during the first month of life. Those
neonates with abnormal US in the first month of life were reexamined weekly until normalization, and then two times per month
until discharge. After discharge, all preterms returned for reexamination using the US at the presumed date of birth and again
at 3 months (corrected age); they then entered into a medical followup at the Day-Hospital of Neonatology. At 2;6, those preterms who
met the criteria explained below and whose parents accepted that
their child took part in this longitudinal research involving two points
of developmental assessment, at 2;6 and 3;6, were enrolled. The
preterms were recruited into the study if, at birth, they had met three
primary criteria: (a) gestational age ≤ 33 weeks and a birthweight ≤ 1600 g, (b) absence of major cerebral damage [i.e., periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), intra-ventricular hemorrhage (IVH N II
grade), hydrocephalus, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP N II grade)]
and congenital malformations, and (c) no indication of visual or
hearing impairment. Residence in the city of Bologna or close to it was
added as a criterion, since infants living far from Bologna were
followed by medical structures close to their residence. Furthermore,
since the present prospective longitudinal study aimed at analyzing
which measures of language and cognition collected at 2;6 were
predictive of language difficulties at 3;6 among preterms, only those
infants who attended both the 2;6 and 3;6 assessment at the
scheduled corrected ages (first assessment at 2;6, maximum range
from 29 to 33 months; second assessment at 3;6, maximum range
from 41 to 45 months) were included in this study. As in many studies
of the development of preterms, age was corrected for the preterms so
as to take into account their level of neurobiological maturation
[17,29]. At 2;6, the preterms' corrected age in months was
30.3 months (SD = 0.92, range 29 to 33) and, at 3;6, was 42.2 months
(SD = 0.69, range 41 to 45).
The preterms (32 males, 32 females) enrolled in this study had a
mean gestational age at birth of 30.4 weeks (SD = 2.1, range 24.5 to
33); mean birth weight was 1192.5 g (SD = 261.9; range 600 to 1600).
In this sample, gestational age and birth weight were highly
correlated, r = 0.63.
At ascertainment, we did allow for preterms with some history of
medical complication to be enrolled, which included small for
gestational age (SGA, n = 28), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS,
n = 44) for which 12 had needed mechanical ventilation, bronchopulmonary dysplasia defined as the need of supplemental oxygen at
36 weeks of postconceptional age (BDP, n = 5), IVH of Grade I or II
(n = 4), ROP of Grade I or II (n = 4), and hyperbilirubinemia treated
with phototherapy (n = 38). In addition, 16 children had had
persistent hyperechogenicity (HE) of white matter (≥14 days) as
indicated by US; however, none of these children had developed PVL
because, in all instances, the HE had been completely resolved at
3 months.
The sample of preterms is best described as representing the
general range of socioeconomic status (SES) strata, as estimated from
mothers' highest level of educational attainment: 14 mothers (22%)
had a primary educational level (completed basic education), 31
(48%) had a secondary level (completed high school), and 19 (30%)
had a college level (University/Master's degree or beyond).
1.1.2. Control groups
Sixty-two healthy full-term children were recruited to serve as
reference groups using a cross-sectional research design; specifically,
22 full-terms were recruited to serve as the 2;6 year control group,
and a separate group of 40 full-terms were recruited to serve as the
3;6 year control group. The criteria to select the full-term children are
explained below. All full-term children should have experienced
normal birth (gestational age N 37 weeks and birth weight N 2800 g),
and had no history of major cerebral damage and/or congenital
malformations or visual or hearing impairments. Furthermore, all fullterm infants, as the preterms, had to be born within the same period
as the preterms and living in the city of Bologna or close to it. An equal
distribution of gender similar to that of the preterms was also
required. In addition, to be compared with the preterms, full-term
children were required to be between 29 and 33 months at the time of
the 2;6 assessment and between 41 and 45 months at the time of the
3;6 assessment.
The 2;6 year control group of 22 full-terms (11 males, 11 females)
was recruited from three nursery schools in Bologna. Birth dates for
the full-terms ranged from February 1997 to August 1998. The
average age at the moment of the assessment was 31.1 months
(SD = 1.02). As with the preterms, these children's background
spanned lower- to higher-levels of SES, based on mothers' highest
level of education: 7 mothers (32%) had a primary educational level,
12 (55%) had a secondary level, and 3 (13%) had a college level
(University/Master's degree or beyond). However, there was a smaller
proportion of full-term mothers educated to college level than the
2;6 year preterm group (13% versus 30%).
The 3;6 year control group of 40 full-terms (17 males, 23 females)
was recruited from three kindergartens in Bologna and their birth
dates ranged from June 1995 to January 1999. The mean age at the
time of assessment was 42.1 months (SD = 0.66). These children's
background spanned lower- to higher-levels of SES, based on mothers'
highest level of education: 7 mothers (17%) had a primary educational
level, 20 mothers (50%) had a secondary level, and 13 mothers (32%)
had a college level. The full-term and the preterm samples had a
similar distribution of maternal level of education.
1.2. Measures
Standardized assessment tools were used to assess children's
language and cognitive abilities at 2;6 and 3;6. At 2;6 years, three
measures were implemented. The first measure was an indirect
(parent-report) measure of children's lexical and grammar skills, the
Il Primo Vocabolario del Bambino (PVB) [30,31]. The PVB is the Italian
version of the MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventory (MB-CDI) [32,33], designed for use with infants from 18 to
36 months. In this study, two parts of the PVB were used. Part I, a
measure of lexical expression, comprises a checklist of 670 words
across various categories. Parents are instructed to mark every word
their child uses, to arrive at a total score representing word use (PVB
Total Words). Part III, a measure of grammatical expression, consists
of a checklist of 37 pairs of sentences, one written in telegraphic style
and the other as a complete grammatical sentence. Parents are
instructed to mark the item in each pair that represents how their
child would say the sentence. The present study used analyzes the
A. Sansavini et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 765–772
concerning the educational and social background of the families and
the children's health was obtained during a parent interview at the
time of each child's assessment.
The study adhered to ethical guidelines concerning protection of
human subjects, including adherence to the legal requirements of the
study country, and all parents of the preterms and full-terms gave
informed written consent for participation to the study, data analysis,
and data publication.
number of items for which children used the complete grammatical
form of a sentence results (PVB Complete Sentences).
Also at 2;6, children completed direct assessments of both
language and cognitive ability. For the former, the Prova di Ripetizione
di Frasi (PRF) [34,35] was administered as a direct index of language
ability. This Italian test of sentence repetition assesses Italian
children's grammatical ability from 2;0 to 4;0. The construct validity
of the PRF is supported by prior work showing correlations of this
measure to related measures of speech and language. In addition,
test–retest comparisons have shown that children's performance on
this measure is extremely stable [34,35]. In administrating this test,
children are asked to repeat 27 sentences of different length and
grammatical complexity while looking at illustrations conveying
meaning. The mean length of children's utterances (MLU) can be
calculated based on performance across the 27 sentences (PRF MLU).
For the latter, the Italian version of Form L-M of the Stanford-Binet
Intelligence Scale [36] was administered; this general measure of
cognition has been used in other Italian studies of at risk populations
[3,37]. This measure was used because the 4th version has not been
translated or standardized on Italian children.
At 3;6, the two direct assessments (PRF and Stanford-Binet) were
re-administered. The PVB was not re-administered, as it is used only
through 3;0 years.
1.4. Methods for identifying children's risk for LI
Procedures derived from the extant literature were used to
identify those children who exhibited risk for LI at both 2;6 and 3;6.
The procedures involved applying specific cut-offs to language scores
at 2;6 and 3;6 to differentiate groups of children (at risk for LI, not at
risk for LI). Note that IQ was not employed in grouping decisions, as
our focus was on estimating risk for LI to include both nonspecific (LI
concomitant with lower IQ) and specific language impairment (LI
concomitant with average or better IQ). In actuality, very few children
in this sample had low IQ scores. At 2;6, among the preterm sample,
8 children (12.5%) had an IQ b 85 (range 63.3 to 83.3), whereas among
the full-terms 2 children had an IQ b 85 (9.1%, range 83.9 to 84.4). At
3;6, four preterms (6.3%) had an IQ b 85 (range 73.9 to 83.3), whereas
no full-terms had an IQ b 85.
At 2;6, children's parents completed the PVB, which is the Italian
version of the MB-CDI. Identification of risk for LI among 2-year-olds
commonly utilize estimates of lexical size [38], most prominently
through parent-completed vocabulary checklists. The 10th percentile
is commonly used to identify young children who exhibit late
language emergence at this age [8,22]. Therefore, at 2;6, we identified
children at risk for LI using the 10th percentile cut-point of the PVB
Total Words using reference to the Italian normative values [31].
Additionally, as a complement to this indirect measure, we also
identified risk for LI at 2;6 based on the MLU metric derived from the
PRF, administered at both 2;6 and 3;6. MLU is a valid and reliable
index of language skill among children prior to 5 years; it also has the
desirable feature of being strongly correlated with more complex
measures of language [34,35,39]. For the present purpose, and
consistent with procedures used in both basic and clinical research
[22], we used a cut-point of b−1.25 SD (which corresponds to the
10th percentile cut-off used with the PVB) of the mean for the PRF
MLU measure at 2;6 and 3;6 to identify children at risk. Although
some studies identify children with LI using a less-stringent cut-off
(−1 SD of the mean), the −1.25 SD cut is more sensitive and specific
[10]. Means and standard deviations were based on scores for the
typically developing full-terms, based on procedures in Bishop and
Edmundson [40], collected at the two time points (see Table 1).
Therefore, children were identified as exhibiting risk for LI if they
received a PRF MLU score b 0.9 at 2;6 or b 3.5 at 3;6.
1.3. Procedure
When children were 2;6 years, parents of all preterms and fullterms (the respective reference group) completed the PVB questionnaire (corrected age for preterm infants). Parents returned the
completed questionnaires in person. Information concerning the
educational and social background of the families and the children's
health was obtained during a parent interview at the time of each
child's assessment. The PRF and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
were individually administered to children in a quiet room of the
Unit of Neonatology for preterms and in a quiet room of their nursery
for full-terms. All assessments were videotaped in their entirety so
that the PRF could be scored subsequently by two trained observers
working independently to ensure reliability. Inter-rater agreement
was appropriately high (N90% agreement) and all disagreements
were resolved via consensus procedures. In a few instances, there was
missing data at the 2;6 assessment point (e.g., the child would not
complete a specific task, parents did not complete all portions of the
questionnaire); therefore, when presenting analyses, we provide the
exact n.
When children were 3;6 years, the preterms and full-terms (the
respective reference group) were individually administered the PRF
and Stanford-Binet following the same procedures as the 2;6-year
assessment. Preterms were assessed at the Unit of Neonatology and
the full-terms were assessed at their kindergartens. Information
Table 1
Comparison of preterms and full-terms on language and cognitive measures.
t test
95% CI
Construct (measure type)
PVB Total Words
PVB Complete Sentences
Stanford-Binet IQ
− 1.33
− 1.12
− 0.74
− 1.45
− 57.7
− 4.1
− 0.2
− 5.6
− 143.91
− 11.36
− 0.90
− 13.32
Stanford-Binet IQ
− 3.78
− 5.22
− 0.5
− 11.2
− 0.84
− 15.48
− 0.26
− 6.96
Note: d calculations made using Hedges' g to correct for bias.
A. Sansavini et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 765–772
Table 2
Percentage of preterms and full-terms at risk for LI at 2;6 and 3;6.
Age Measure
Cut-point Preterms Full-terms Difference
95% CI
PVB Total 10th perc 24.1%
PRF MLU −1.25 SD 16.1%
PRF MLU −1.25 SD 34.4%
− 8.4% 29.4% 0.37
− 10.3% 24.4% 0.72
12.3% 41.4% 0.002
Fisher's Exact Test.
2. Results
Descriptive information about the language abilities of preterms
relative to full-terms at 2;6 and 3;6 appear in Table 1. At 2;6,
independent-samples t tests showed no significant differences (all
psN 0.15) between preterms and full-terms on the language or cognition
measures, as we have reported previously [17]. The effect of group was
not significant for PVB Total Words, PVB Complete Sentences, PRF MLU
and the Stanford-Binet IQ, when adjusting for maternal level of
education [2-way MANOVA test of between-subjects effect: respectively
F (1,76) = 2.20, p = 0.14; F (1,75) = 1.69, p = 0.20; F (1,80) = 0.65,
p = 0.42; F (1,82) = 3.27, p = 0.07]. Although the full-terms exhibited
an advantage across all measures at 2;6, these differences were
consistent with small effect sizes (ds between 0.22 and 0.36). On
the contrary, at 3;6, there was a statistically significant difference
between preterms and full-terms on both direct assessments: PRF
MLU, t (102) = −3.78, p b 0.001 (d = 0.62) and the Stanford-Binet,
t (102) = 5.23, p b 0.001 (d = 1.04). The effect of group remained
significant both for PRF MLU and Stanford-Binet IQ when adjusting for
maternal level of education [2-way MANOVA test of between-subjects
effect: respectively F (1,100) = 11.40, p = 0.001; F (1,100) = 28.02,
p b 0.001]. These differences show there to be appreciable betweengroup differences in the language and cognitive skills of the preterms
relative to full-terms, consistent with prior findings [3].
To address the first research question, we determined the
percentage of preterms and full-terms at risk for LI at 2;6 and 3;6
compared to full-terms (see Table 2). At 2;6, about one-fourth
(n = 14; 24.1%) of preterms were at risk for LI as compared to about
one-seventh (n = 3; 13.6%) of full-terms based on the indirect lexical
measure (10th percentile cut-off on the PVB Total Words). For the
direct assessment using PRF MLU, 16.1% (n = 10) of preterms and 9.1%
(n = 2) of full-terms were at risk for LI. In neither case was the
differential rate of risk between preterms and full-terms significant. It
is interesting to note that 8 preterms were at risk for LI on both PVB
and MLU measures, while 8 preterms and 5 full-terms were at risk for
LI only in one of the two language measures. Among preterms and
full-terms at risk for LI based on MB-CDI and/or MLU, 7 preterms and 1
full-term had low scores (b85) on the Stanford-Binet.
At 3.6, identification of risk for LI was based exclusively on the PRF
MLU using the −1.25 SD cut-point. Results showed that about one-third
(n = 22; 34.4%) of preterms exhibited risk for LI as compared to 7.5%
(n = 3) of full-terms, a difference that was statistically significant. Of the
22 preterms found to be at risk for LI, only 2 had low IQ scores (b85).
Findings therefore show that the risk for LI among preterms is
appreciable, with about one-third of preterms affected. Of note is that
the rate of risk found for LI among full-terms, at 7.5%, is similar to that
found previously in a sample of 1364 healthy 3-year-olds (7%) [10];
likewise, the rate of risk for LI found for the preterms, at 34.4%, is similar
to that found previously in a small sample of 26 preterms (31%) [14].
The second research question concerned whether risk for LI at 3;6
among preterms can be predicted from language and cognitive skills
as measured at 2;6 (for a comparison on these and other variables, see
Table 3).
For these analyses, note that only data from the preterm sample
were considered. Logistic regression was used given the single
dichotomous outcome, namely presence or absence of risk for LI at
3;6. Predictor variables comprised the three language measures
collected at 2;6 (PVB Total Words, PVB Complete Sentences, and
PRF MLU) and the direct assessment of cognition (Stanford-Binet).
Maternal education (coded categorically based on highest level
completed: primary, secondary, college degree, with highest level as
the reference) was also included in the model, as prior research has
shown there to be possible relations to the outcome variable [8]. As
only 22 children were at risk of LI at 3;6 it was not possible to perform
a single model using all the predictive variables. Therefore, four
separate multivariate logistic regression models were run, where the
dependent variable was risk for LI at 3;6 and the independent
variables were maternal education (for all models), and PVB Total
Words for model 1, PVB Complete Sentences for model 2, PRF MLU at
2;6 for model 3 and Stanford-Binet IQ for model 4.
The omnibus test was statistically significant for all models (all
ps b 0.05) and the overall classification accuracy ranged from 71.88%
for model 4 (45.45% sensitivity, 84.71% specificity) to 80.65% for
model 3 (72.73% sensitivity, 85.00% specificity). In terms of individual
predictors, all of the languages measures at 2;6 and the Stanford-Binet
IQ were associated with the outcome. Maternal education showed a
trend for the secondary/college degree contrast in three of the four
models. Parameter estimates are presented in Table 4, to include odds
ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). In all analyses, the odds
ratio represents the factor by which one's odd for LI at 3;6 increases
for every one-unit change in the predictor variable.
Table 3
Comparison of preterms based on risk status for LI at 3;6.
Not at risk
At risk for LI
Measure — M (SD) or %
n 42
n 22
Gestational Age
Matern. educ. — primary
Matern. educ. — secondary
Matern. educ. — college
PVB Total Words
PVB Complete Sentences
Stanford-Binet IQ
Stanford-Binet IQ
30.7 (1.8)
1222.3 (220.7)
449.9 (149.8)
21.1 (14.9)
2.7 (1.1)
107.8 (12.3)
4.3 (0.3)
107.4 (10.1)
29.9 (2.5)
1135.7 (324.8)
282.3 (178.0)
8.8 (11.2)
1.1 (1.2)
92.8 (18.0)
2.6 (0.7)
96.1 (10.4)
− 0.8
− 86.6
− 24.5%
− 12.3
− 1.6
− 15.0
− 1.7
− 11.3
CI 95%
− 1.98
− 243.86
− 13.8%
− 10.1%
− 45.8%
− 255.32
− 19.30
− 2.19
− 23.68
− 2.00
− 16.63
− 3.1%
− 79.73
− 5.21
− 0.97
− 6.26
− 1.39
− 5.88
Note: birthweight reported in grams; gestational age reported in months; maternal education documented when children were 2;6 to represent highest level of education attained;
data at 2;6 on the PVB Total Words represents 37 children not at risk and 21 children at risk, on the PVB Complete Sentences represents 37 children not at risk and 20 children at risk,
and on PRF MLU represents 40 children not at risk and 22 children at risk.
t-test for independent samples for continuous variables and chi-squared test for discrete variables (maternal education).
A. Sansavini et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 765–772
Table 4
Prediction of risk for LI at 3;6 among preterms adjusting for maternal education.
Independent variables
95% CI
McFadden's Odds
Model 1
PVB Total Words
Maternal education (primary)
Maternal education (secondary)
Model 2
PVB Complete Sentences
Maternal education (primary)
Maternal education (secondary)
Model 3
PRF MLU at 2;6
Maternal education (primary)
Maternal education (secondary)
Model 4
Stanford-Binet IQ
Maternal education (primary)
Maternal education (secondary)
Note: results come from four separate multivariate logistic models where the
dependent variable is Risk for LI at 3;6 and the independent variables are maternal
education, for all models, and PVB Total Words for model 1, PVB Complete Sentences for
model 2, PRF MLU at 2;6 for model 3 and Stanford-Binet for model 4. Maternal
education was coded categorically based on highest level completed: primary,
secondary, college degree, with highest level (college) as the reference.
Consideration of the odds ratios indicates that a child's risk for LI at
3;6 increases more than threefold (1/0.28 = 3.57) for every one-unit
decrease in MLU, increases 10% for every ten-unit decrease in PVB
Total Words (1/(0.9910) = 1.1), increases about 2 times for every tenunit decrease in PVB Complete Sentences (1/(0.9310) = 2.07) and in
Stanford-Binet IQ (1/(0.9410) = 1.86). Regarding maternal education,
children whose mother had only primary schooling (OR = 5.24, 95%
CI = 0.75 to 36.45) or secondary schooling (OR = 6.21, 95% CI = 1.09
to 35.28) as their highest level of education were more likely to
exhibit risk for LI at 3;6 compared to children whose mother had a
college degree.
As a post hoc consideration, we questioned whether children's risk
status at 3;6 could be reliably predicted from their risk status at 2;6,
on the basis of either the PVB Total Words or PRF MLU criteria. Two
post hoc models were conducted; for each, risk for LI at 3;6 was the
dependent variable. In the first, risk for LI based on PVB Total Words
(10th percentile cut-off) at 2;6 served as the predictor variable with
maternal education included as a control. The omnibus test of the
model was statistically significant, χ2(3, N = 58) = 13.62, p = 0.003,
and the overall classification accuracy of this model was 72.4% (38.1%
sensitivity, 91.9% specificity). Children's risk status based on PVB Total
Words at 2;6 (OR = 0.13, 95% CI = 0.03 to 0.54) was significantly
related to their risk status at 3;6 (p = 0.005); children who were
below the 10th percentile on the PVB Total Words at 2;6 were nearly
8 times more likely to be at risk for LI at 3;6.
In the second model, risk for LI based on the PRF MLU (−1.25 SD
cut-off) at 2;6 served as the predictor variable, again with maternal
education included as a control. The omnibus test was statistically
significant, χ2(3, N = 62) = 20.21, p b 0.001 and the overall classification accuracy of the model was 77.42% (40.91% sensitivity, 97.5%
specificity). Children's risk status based on the PRF MLU at 2;6
(OR = 30.98, 95% CI = 3.15 to 304.94) was significantly related to their
risk status at 3;6 (p = 0.003); children identified as at risk at 2;6 using
the PRF MLU were nearly 45 times more likely to be identified as at
risk for LI at 3;6.
3. Discussion
An ample literature on the circumstances surrounding preterm
birth shows that these youngsters face an increased risk for a number
of adverse outcomes that transcend both physical (e.g., cerebral palsy)
[41] and cognitive dimensions of development [1]. Of relevance to this
study, a number of research findings have suggested that preterms
exhibit a substantially heightened risk for LI during early childhood
[14,26]. As we discussed previously, LI refers to a specific or
nonspecific impairment in language ability relative to normative
(age-based) references that is not the consequent of significant
sensory or neurological impairment (e.g., autism, hearing loss); it
appears to be a strong contributing factor to children's later academic
achievement, particularly in the area of reading [11]. Briscoe and
colleagues [14], for instance, found that 31% of preterms exhibited risk
for LI at 3 years, characterized by significantly lower language abilities
in relation to other preterms as well as full-terms. However, there are
some limitations to the extant work on this topic that make it
important to further investigate this issue, such as, depending on the
studies, small sample size, lack of full-term reference group, inclusion
of preterms with significant cerebral damage, and measurement
imprecision. In the present work, our goal was to systematically
examine the rate of risk for LI among very immature preterms,
without frank cerebral damage, at 2;6 and 3;6 and also to determine
whether risk for LI at 3;6 could be predicted from measures collected
at 2;6.
The first major finding of interest was that a greater percentage of
preterms, at both 2;6 and 3;6, exhibit risk for LI as compared to fullterms, although the difference in rate of risk was statistically
significant only at 3;6. At 2;6, when children are speaking primarily
in two- and three-word utterances and show a rapid advance in
lexical skills, 16.1 to 24.1% of preterms show risk for LI compared to
9.1 to 13.6% of full-terms, depending upon the domain of language
examined (grammar, lexicon) and the assessment approach utilized
(direct, indirect). The percentage of full-terms exhibiting risk in this
study at 2;6 (9.1% on the PRF MLU) aligns well with previous findings
on the risk for LI among 3-year-olds; for instance, La Paro and
colleagues [42], in applying a slightly more stringent criteria that in
the present work (− 1.33 SD of the mean) found 7% of 3-year-olds to
exhibit LI. Based on the current estimate of risk for LI at 2;6 at about 9%
for healthy full-terms, the present findings show that risk for LI is
over-represented among preterms even at 2;6; nearly twice as many
preterms as full-terms show risk for LI at this age, a compelling finding
albeit one that did not achieve statistical significance.
Between the ages of two and three, many children who are “late
talkers” will catch up with their peers, particularly with respect to the
lexicon [43]. Consequently, it is not surprising to see that at 3;6, only
7.5% of the full-terms in this study showed risk for LI, a figure that is
highly consistent with prior research on the rate of risk for LI among
children during early childhood [10]. By comparison, we found that
34% of preterms exhibited risk for LI at 3;6; these very immature
preterms experienced risk for LI at a rate of about 5 times that of the
full-terms. While this rate of risk is concerning, it is not entirely
unexpected given that it converges well with prior research.
Briscoe and colleagues [14], as we previously discussed, found that
8 of 26 3-year-old VLBW preterms (33%) exhibited risk for LI using a
standardized measure of linguistic complexity; Singer and colleagues
[26] similarly found that 31% of VLBW preterms at 3 years exhibited
risk for LI on a multi-faceted assessment of language ability (although
the high rate of identification among the reference group of full-terms
raises questions about the sensitivity of the measure used). Most
recently, Woodward and colleagues [28] reported that 31% of
preterms exhibited language delay. With such convergence across
studies, we can conclude quite strongly that very immature preterms,
even among preterms who do not exhibit significant cerebral damage
or cognitive disability, experience risk for LI at a rate that substantially
exceeds that of healthy full-terms.
The second major finding warranting discussion is the finding that
preterms exhibiting risk for LI at 3;6 show a history of significantly
poorer language and cognitive skills compared to those preterms not
at risk, similar to findings reported previously in smaller-scale
A. Sansavini et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 765–772
research [14]. For instance, parental estimates of children's lexical size
at 2;6 using the PVB Total Words measure show an appreciable
difference between preterms identified at 3;6 as at risk (282 words)
and not at risk (450 words). Similarly, preterms identified as at risk for
LI at 3;6 also exhibited poorer cognitive skills at 2;6 (M = 92.8) as
compared to preterms not at risk (M = 107.8), although it is
important to note that the majority of preterms were not clinically
impaired in the area of cognition (i.e., only a few had an IQ of less than
85). This is a potentially important finding as it implies that the
language difficulties apparent at 3;6 among one-third of the preterms
should not be conceptualized as occurring in isolation, but may reflect
more generalized lags in cognitive development, albeit these are not
severe delays. Such an argument was made recently by researchers
assessing the rate of “serious” language problems (performance ≤ − 2
SD, 16% rate of identification) among extremely premature children at
6 years [44]; these researchers reported that significant language
problems did not tend to occur in isolation of more general cognitive
deficits. Important to note, as we have elsewhere, is that many of the
studies of language difficulties among preterms involve children with
cognitive scores which remain in the normal range. It has been
hypothesized that specific types of cognitive difficulties, such as
attention and working memory, could contribute both to lower
cognitive and linguistic performance [3,24].
The third major finding concerned our effort to predict children's
risk status at 3;6 from language and cognitive measures collected at
2;6, for which children's expressive language skills based on MLU
appeared to be the strongest cognitive/linguistic predictor of
children's future risk status. In fact, for every one-unit decrease in
MLU, children's odds for LI at 3;6 increased more than threefold. This
finding is consistent with results from longitudinal research on late
talkers [45], in which researchers sought to predict children's
language ability at 3 years from a range of measures collected at
2 years. Such studies generally show that expressive language skill at
2 years, as compared to receptive language skill or nonverbal
cognition, is a particularly strong predictor of late talkers' future
language skills [45]. Although use of indirect report instruments, such
as the PVB used in this study, clearly have established value for atscale use (e.g., implementation of large-scale screening programs), it
is also the case that MLU has a long-standing place in early language
assessment because it is a valid and reliable index of growth in the
aspect of language most closely affiliated with language impairment.
It is not particularly surprising, therefore, that MLU as assessed
directly at 2;6 provided the strongest estimate of children's risk for LI
at 3;6, as coupled with maternal education, which has surfaced in
other studies as a potential contributor to healthy outcomes for
children at risk for LI [8,10]. It should also be pointed out that the PVB
questionnaire measures the lexicon and, specifically, the number but
not frequency, of produced words. Therefore, even if several studies
have shown that lexicon and grammar are tightly related both in
typical and atypical development [46], we would expect that in terms
of predictivity there would be a stronger association among two
measures (i.e. MLU) of the same competence (i.e. grammar).
As a final comment, we want to reference the post hoc analyses
conducted to assess the potential for estimating children's risk for LI
from their risk status at 2;6, based on either direct assessment (PRF
MLU, using the −1.25 SD cut-off) or indirect assessment (PVB Total
Words, using the 10th percentile cut-off). Both measures – MLU and
lexical size estimates – and the cut-offs applied are commonly used
approaches for identifying children's risk for LI during early childhood
[8,14,22]. Our study found that, irrespective of measure used and cutoff applied, identifying children at risk at 2;6 was not a good predictor
of their risk status at 3;6 (sensitivity less than chance for both
measures). In other words, there is a lack of stability in status from 2;6
to 3;6 for at least some children who have poor language performance
at 2;6. We suspect that this is largely due to instability in status for
children who hover around the cut-off point, that is, who have more
modest language difficulties relative to children on the extremes, as
has been discussed previously [47]. In other words, children with
severe language difficulties tend to be relatively stable in status over
time whereas those with more mild difficulties may periodically
appear within the normal range. Of consequence, however, is the
implication that the use of stringent cut-points for identifying
children who are at risk for LI at toddlerhood and targeting only
these children for intensive intervention efforts will fail to address the
needs of some children.
Some limitations of our study need to be taken into account, both
as suggestions for future studies and as cautions for the generalization
of the results. First, with regard to the preterm sample, we included in
the study preterm children whose parents accepted to take part in this
longitudinal study and who participated in both the 2;6 and at the 3;6
assessments. This may present some selection bias, and it is unclear
whether these results generalize to preterm children whose parents
did not consent to participating in the longitudinal study or who did
not attend follow-up assessments. Second, with regard to the fullterm samples at 2;6 and 3;6, which served as comparisons to the
preterms at these time points, the data were cross-sectional rather
than longitudinal. It is unclear whether results would have differed if a
comparison group of full-terms assessed longitudinally had been
available, and we propose this as an important design consideration in
future work on this topic. Furthermore, although our full-term groups
were adequate for comparison with the preterm group and the
analyses controlled for maternal level of education, some caution is
required in generalizing the results to typical development, because of
the smaller size of our full-term sample at 2;6 and a lower
representation of mothers with a college level of education in this
To sum, this study determined whether very immature preterms
exhibit an increased rate of risk for LI during the toddler and preschool
years. An important characteristic of this study is that it involved only
preterms for whom significant cerebral damage, such as severe
cognitive disability and hearing loss, was not apparent; consequently,
risk estimates are pertinent for preterms who may be considered at
relatively low-risk compared to preterms more severely affected by
premature birth. This study provides convincing evidence that
approximately one in three preterms exhibits significant lags in
language development at 3;6, characterized by limitations in
grammatical expression (i.e., short utterance length) and a history
of slow lexical development, concomitant with modest weakness in
overall cognition. The most obvious implication of these findings is
that they beg the importance of early identification of risk for LI
among preterms and the initiation of intensive early intervention to
improve language outcomes.
Conflict of interest statement
None declared.
We would like to thank the children and parents for their
participation in the research and Giulia Aquilano for help with the
medical examination.
Funding: This research was supported by research grants from
University of Bologna: Basic Oriented Research ex 60% 2004, 2005,
2006; Strategic Project 2007–2009 “Early communicative-linguistic
and cognitive abilities: risks linked to preterm birth”. This research
was also supported by a national research grant PRIN 2008 “Gestures
and language in children with atypical and at risk developmental
profiles: relationships among competences, mother–child interaction
modalities and proposals of intervention”. A fellowship from the
Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of Bologna to the third
author made this collaboration possible.
A. Sansavini et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 765–772
Ethical approval: The study met ethical guidelines, including
adherence to the legal requirements of the study country, and
received a formal approval by the Research Ethical Committee of the
Department of Psychology at the University of Bologna. Moreover, all
parents of the preterm and full-term infants gave informed written
consent for participation to the study, data analysis, and data
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