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Bevezetés a Szentkirályi-konferenciához

Bevezetés a Szentkirályi-konferenciához

Akadémiai Kiadó, 2014
Péter Farbaky
A Szentkiralyi Zoltan-konferencia bevezetesekeppen tartott előadas a Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem epiteszettorteneti tanszeke egykori tanaranak eletutjaval es munkassagaval foglalkozik. A Debrecenben, reformatus csaladban szuletett Szentkiralyi Zoltan a debreceni egyetem bolcsesz szakan vegzett tanulmanyai utan a BME epiteszmernoki szakat vegezte el. Vegzesetől nyugdijba meneteleig palyaja az epiteszettorteneti tanszekkel fonodott ossze, ahol nagyhatasu tanarkent oktatta epitesznemzedekek sorat. Tudomanyos munkassagabol egyreszt főkent a barokk epiteszettel foglalkozo tanulmanyai, masreszt a teralkotas torteneti fejlődesevel foglalkozo epiteszetelmeleti munkassaga emelkedik ki, az utobbi elmeleti rendszeret alkalmazta Az epiteszet vilagtortenete cimű konyveben is. | Introduction to the Szentkiralyi-conference. This introductory lecture to the Zoltan Szentkiralyi conference deals with the course of life and activity of the former teacher of the Department of History of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology. Zoltan Szentkiralyi born in Debrecen in a Calvinist family, studied at the faculty of humanities of the Debrecen University, and later graduated at the Faculty of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology. His career from his graduation until his retirement interwove with the Department of History of Architecture, where he taught series of architects’ generations as impressive teacher. In his scientific activity his essays about Baroque architecture stand out especially, on the other hand also his architectural theoretical activity dealing with the historical development of the art of space. He used this latter theoretical system in his book titled Az epiteszet vilagtortenete (World History of Architecture).

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