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Electrified Voices. Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer, 2013
This contribution is about functions of the voice, specifically the voice of singers among the indigenous group known as Shipibo-Konibo who dwell in the Western Amazonian rainforests. Among these people, much of curing and sorcery (commonly called 'shamanism') is achieved by singing certain chants or songs. This is done by specialists (mØdicos) who acquired a certain magical power for their voices during year-long training. Voice electrification is treated in a twofold approach: first, the question is raised, why recorded and reproduced voices do not work as carriers of said magical power ; second, how electric devices can be summoned by the specialist singers in order to enhance this power. Therefore it is necessary to explain how Amazonian magic is constructed. Language (in this case the Shipibo's) plays a crucial role, because its power of conceptualizing the conceived environment allow for active manipulation by the means of uttering certain songs or phrases. Thereby, the voice is viewed as a substantial item of transmission in an animistic ontology. By recording, this substance cannot be reproduced, the recording is but an image (like a photograph).
Archaeometry, 2020
I am not sure why this Motion does not come up. I am able to download it as a pdf and I hope you can do that as well, if you want to read the motion. The Issue section of this motion states: 1.) Whether the Note for Motion for a summary judgment filed by West Coast Servicing, Inc. (hereafter West Coast) in this case -- involving the enforcement of a subordinate (second) deed of trust mortgage instrument -- should be stricken because that Notice is (a.) based on perjured testimony by the law firm advancing the motion for summary judgment; (b.) does not comply with the court rules applicable to the filing of such motions; and (c.) was filed so as to frustrate Singleton’s rights to a fair and impartial adjudication of this case in violation of (i) the separation of powers and federalism structures of the United States Constitution; (ii) the due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment; (iii) RCW 2.28.030; and (iv) international human rights law? (Short Answer: YES)
AMC – Arqueologia Moderna e Contemporânea, n.º 2, pp. 155-171, 2020
A cidade de Aveiro surge recorrentemente associada a um papel relevante no ciclo da produção açucareira como centro produtor de Formas de Açúcar. Nos últimos anos tem-se procedido ao registo sistemático da ocorrência deste tipo de recipientes que surgem, neste local, em grande abundância, provenientes quer de achados fortuitos quer fruto de intervenções arqueológicas cientificamente conduzidas. Neste artigo, pretende-se, em primeiro lugar, apresentar a carta do centro histórico de Aveiro com indicação actualizada de todos os sítios onde se registou a presença de Formas de Pão de Açúcar e expor as características morfológicas e tipológicas dos lotes referenciados. Ao mesmo tempo, faz-se um balanço da investigação realizada e do estado actual dos conhecimentos, apresentando os principais objectivos que deverão nortear o programa ulterior dos trabalhos a desenvolver. The city of Aveiro often comes associated to the sugar production cycle as a Sugar Moulds producing center. In the last few years, a systematic record of the occurrence of such containers has been carried out, as they come up very often, either in fortuitous findings or scientific archaeological interventions. This article intend, first of all, to submit a map from Aveiro showing the location of all Sugar Moulds, and to expose the morphological and typological characteristics of these pottery. At the same time, an assessement is made concerning the current state of knowledge, therefore presenting the main goals to a further work program.
Nierika, 2024
A más de cincuenta años de recorrido académico, los estudios de performance siguen siendo un ámbito innovador que demanda investigaciones interdisciplinarias. En ese sentido, una teorización sobre performance requiere de un proceso crítico y poético que permita abordar una expresión artística y, en este caso, grabaciones sonoro-musicales como proceso creativo, práctica social, acto del habla, evento o comportamiento. Esto ubica a los estudios de performance como un enfoque analítico de circunstancias artísticas cambiantes, en donde las prácticas musicales se convierten en excusas para cuestionar aspectos sociales situados en tiempo y lugar. El presente artículo busca entender a las grabaciones sonoro-musicales como medios culturales que han facilitado una capitalización de lo sonoro-efímero y performativo musical en una estructura material, dentro sus propias dinámicas de producción, organización y significado. En tanto objeto de estudio, dos son los atributos performativos que se pueden considerar en las grabaciones sonoro-musicales: como expresión cambiante en su devenir histórico y como acción perdurable mediante un documento. Entonces, los documentos de música grabada son considerados como un proceso abierto, conformado por momentos creativos y espacios sociales de consumo, generando una pluralidad textual a estudiar. En ese sentido, la escucha intermedial se convierte en un método empírico fundamental para analizar un objeto, sujeto y/o práctica sonoro-musical mediante la percepción y experiencia del analista. Para ello, se deben considerar diferentes planos analíticos, tipos del lenguaje y medios expresivos, que permitan una comprensión del performance estudiado, aun cuando ésta sea una abstracción teórica y reflejo activo de la grabación sonoro-musical.
The development of applications found on Smartphones has become a new alternative for exchanging messages, these services can also send text, audio, video or images more easily and quickly, examples of instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Line and Facebook Messenger, Increasing the number of instant users messaging has a negative impact, namely the emergence of individuals who misuse instant messaging applications to commit digital crimes or cybercrimes such as fraud, pornography, and drug sales. Therefore, action is needed to uncover digital crimes in instant messaging applications. This study aims retrieve digital evidence and the performance of forensic tools used to restore deleted data in the form of multimedia audio and video on Android-based Smartphone devices. This research uses the static forensics method with a framework developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Tool The forensics used in this study are Oxygen Forensic Pc Suite 2014, MOBILedit Forensic, Belkasoft evidence, and Magnet Axiom, the results of this study Belkasoft succeeded in recovering deleted data with a percentage of 50% audio and 41% video on the WhatsApp application while on Facebook Messenger only 8.33% audio and 41% video, Magnet Axiom with a data percentage of 100% audio and 100% video while Facebook Messenger has 8.33% audio and 5% video, on MOBILedit with a percentage of 0% on both applications, and Oxygen managed to return 16.67% audio and 23.5% video from the WhatsApp application and 0% for Facebook Messenger, from these results can be used as digital evidence to deal with digital crimes.
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Thin Solid Films, 2000
Memoria di Adriano ("Atti e memorie" della Deputazione provinciale ferrarese di storia patria, s. V, vol. II, 2022), 2022
Revista Interfaces 33 | 01, 2024
Environmental Communication, 2020
Gender, Development and Social Change, 2022
Society & Natural Resources, 1997
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2013
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2006
Acta Neuropathologica Communications
Hacettepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Kültürel Çalışmalar Dergisi Moment , 2024
International Journal of Human Society (IJHS), 2023
Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2019