level. The highly increased serum levels of the tumor marker
carbohydrate antigen 19–9 led us to investigate weather any GI
tract malignancy was present. Ultrasound and MSCT of the
abdomen, esophagogastroduodenoscopy as well as ultrasound of
the thyroid gland and chest X-ray did not find any signs of
malignant disease. However, colonoscopy revealed an infiltrating
process that prominates to the lumen of the ascending colon. The
patient showed no symptoms of intestinal obstruction or any other
GI tract symptoms. Histopatological analysis of biopsy samples
verified adenocarcinoma. The patient refused intratecal
chemotherapy and underwent whole-brain radiotherapy. Despite
treatment, the patient’s state deteriorated and as a result he died
shortly after.
Conclusions: Unilateral hearing loss progressing to bilateral
deafness within short period of time is a rare clinical
manifestation of the leptomeningeal carinomatosis. To our
knowledge this is the first case of vertigo with hearing loss as the
first symptom of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis which originated
from colorectal carcinoma.
Cranial base tumors: MDCT and MR imaging
Hat Josip, verko Ana, Bedek Darko, Pećina Hrvoje, PodoreÐki Dijana
& Gregurić Tomislav
Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University
Hospital Sestre Milosrdnice, Zagreb, Croatia
[email protected]
Cranial base tumours, accounting for less than 1% of intracranial
tumours, are a group of tumours that grow along different areas
under the brain or within the bottom part of the skull. In general,
they are considered one of the most difficult head and neck
pathological entities to treat surgically. Proximity to vital structures such as cranial nerves, the eye and inner ear, major vascular
structures to the brain, and the brain itself makes operating on this
region extremely challenging.
The goal is evaluation of diagnostic abilities for CT and MRI
techniques in precise presentation of tumour’s spread and its
morphological characteristics.
Methods: We used multidetector CT (16 rows) and 1.5 T MR
Scanner. In analysis of skull base we employed 0.6–3 mm CT cuts
in axial coronal and sagittal planes in soft tissue and bone window.
In MR analysis we used various sequences in axial, coronal and
sagittal planes, with o.7–3 mm slice thickness.
Results: It is often difficult to determine the site of origin of
tumours as anatomical boundaries are frequently breached.
Accurate imaging evaluation is useful in planning treatment and
may help in the differential diagnosis. We review those CT and
MRI features of skull base tumours which may be helpful in
identifying a preoperative diagnosis.
Conclusion: Imaging plays a crucial role in the management of
tumour patients with skull base involvement. This is a difficult
region to evaluate clinically. Radiologist, therefore, plays a great
role in determining disease extent and the choice of appropriate
treatment methods.
Neurological manifestation of fabry disease – case
Vanja BaÐić Kes & Vida Demarin
Department of Neurology, University Hospital ``Sestre Milosrdnice'',
Zagreb, Croatia
Fabry disease is an X-linked recessive glycolipid storage disease. It
is caused by deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme a-galactosidase A
and leads to the accumulation of the enzyme substrate, globotriasylceramide (Gb3) in many tissues including endothelial cells,
pericytes and smooth muscle cells of blood vessels, renal epithelial
cells, cardiac myocytes and numerous neuronal cells.
In this report, we present 20-year-old male patient with ischemic
stroke in pons. The case had previously been misdiagnosed as
polimyositis and vasculitis.
Angiokeratomas, neuropathic pain and ischemic stroke in young
age suggested a Fabry disease. The diagnosis was confirmed
biochemically and genetically.
All young adults with stroke, especially if they have additional
simptoms like angiokeratomas, proteinuria, neuropathic pain in
toes and fingers should be tested for Fabry disease.
Key words: Fabry disease; neurological manifestations; stroke
Physical acceleration and experimental illusions in
man: can evolutionary top-down- or bottom-upregulation help to understand the dynamics of
anticipation or regression of brain function?
Wolfgang H. Scherb1,2
Ulm-Institute of Systemic-Solutions and Consulting USC, 2Flight
Medical Institute of German Air Force, FFB Germany, D-89075 Ulm,
Germany, Ehrensteiner Feld 3
[email protected]
Introduction: Studied was anticipation of potentially dangerous
(flying)-situations using increasing acceleration in a Flight
Orientation Trainer (FOT) in combination with experimentally
induced illusions (EI).
Materials and Methods: Ten right-handed GAFN (German-AirForce-Novices) aged 20–23 years were trained to perform a
situation awareness paradigm (SAP) in three different illusionary
states: State I, Situation Unawareness (SU); State II, Spatial
Disorientation (SD); State III, Coriolis Kinetosis (CK). Taskrelated slow potential shifts (SPS), heart-rate and respiration rate
were monitored.
Results: Grand means of DC-potential-shift reflect similar
reactions to task demands between subjects. Successful
adaptation corresponds to negative DC-shift, while unpleasant
sensations and unsuccessful performance correspond to positive
DC-shift. By real-time-polygraphic registration of task related
slow-potential-shifts it was possible to distinguish three
illusionary mental states and three types of possible outcome.
I) Unrecognized experimental illusions or situation unawareness
didn’t influence brain function, but were fatal following
controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). A pilot’s competent and/
or incompetent handling of the FOT with false yaw, false pitch
or false roll was rated by a peer (professional flight-teacher) and
could be correlated with autonomic reactions, eye-movements
und brain-waves. II) Anticipation of danger or threat under
experimentally induced illusions could be correlated with top–
down and bottom–up regulations of executive functions of the
brain and performance of the pilot. III) Regression with topdown functional brain states can lead to CK in each pilot/
Conclusions: The method described above to study CK can serve
as a model to test scientific questions such as the aetiology of
certain somatoform disturbances, reactive depressions, cognitive
illusions and performance incompetence with special consideration
of failing intuitions and free or unfree will.
Supported by: G-AF, BmVg Germany
Ó 2009 The Authors
Journal Compilation Ó 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S Acta Neuropsychiatrica 2009: 21 (Supplement 2): 73–94
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. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0924270800033159