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2009, Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '09
6 pages
1 file
In the past years, the theory and practice of machine learning and data mining have been focused on static and finite data sets from where learning algorithms generate a static model. In this setting, evaluation metrics and methods are quite well defined. Nowadays, several sources produce data in a stream at high-speed, creating environments with possibly infinite, dynamic and transient data streams. Currently, there is no standard for evaluating algorithms that learn from data streams. In this paper we try to present major issues that bind the evaluation strategy to data stream environments, proposing evaluation methods for both supervised and unsupervised learning.
Computational Intelligence, 2019
Processing data streams requires new demands not existent on static environments. In online learning, the probability distribution of the data can often change over time (concept drift). The prequential assessment methodology is commonly used to evaluate the performance of classifiers in data streams with stationary and non‐stationary distributions. It is based on the premise that the purpose of statistical inference is to make sequential probability forecasts for future observations, rather than to express information about the past accuracy achieved. This article empirically evaluates the prequential methodology considering its three common strategies used to update the prediction model, namely, Basic Window, Sliding Window, and Fading Factors. Specifically, it aims to identify which of these variations is the most accurate for the experimental evaluation of the past results in scenarios where concept drifts occur, with greater interest in the accuracy observed within the total da...
Machine Learning, 2013
Most streaming decision models evolve continuously over time, run in resourceaware environments, and detect and react to changes in the environment generating data. One important issue, not yet convincingly addressed, is the design of experimental work to evaluate and compare decision models that evolve over time. This paper proposes a general framework for assessing predictive stream learning algorithms. We defend the use of prequential error with forgetting mechanisms to provide reliable error estimators. We prove that, in stationary data and for consistent learning algorithms, the holdout estimator, the prequential error and the prequential error estimated over a sliding window or using fading factors, all converge to the Bayes error. The use of prequential error with forgetting mechanisms reveals to be advantageous in assessing performance and in comparing stream learning algorithms. It is also worthwhile to use the proposed methods for hypothesis testing and for change detection. In a set of experiments in drift scenarios, we evaluate the ability of a standard change detection algorithm to detect change using three prequential error estimators. These experiments point out that the use of forgetting mechanisms (sliding windows or fading factors) are required for fast and efficient change detection. In comparison to sliding windows, fading factors are faster and memoryless, both important requirements for streaming applications. Overall, this paper is a contribution to a discussion on best practice for Editor: Bernhard Pfahringer.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2009
Learning from data streams is a research area of increasing importance. Nowadays, several stream learning algorithms have been developed. Most of them learn decision models that continuously evolve over time, run in resource-aware environments, detect and react to changes in the environment generating data. One important issue, not yet conveniently addressed, is the design of experimental work to evaluate and compare decision models that evolve over time. There are no golden standards for assessing performance in non-stationary environments. This paper proposes a general framework for assessing predictive stream learning algorithms. We defend the use of Predictive Sequential methods for error estimate -the prequential error. The prequential error allows us to monitor the evolution of the performance of models that evolve over time. Nevertheless, it is known to be a pessimistic estimator in comparison to holdout estimates. To obtain more reliable estimators we need some forgetting mechanism. Two viable alternatives are: sliding windows and fading factors. We observe that the prequential error converges to an holdout estimator when estimated over a sliding window or using fading factors. We present illustrative examples of the use of prequential error estimators, using fading factors, for the tasks of: i) assessing performance of a learning algorithm; ii) comparing learning algorithms; iii) hypothesis testing using McNemar test; and iv) change detection using Page-Hinkley test. In these tasks, the prequential error estimated using fading factors provide reliable estimators. In comparison to sliding windows, fading factors are faster and memory-less, a requirement for streaming applications. This paper is a contribution to a discussion in the good-practices on performance assessment when learning dynamic models that evolve over time.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Academia Biology, 2024
The blood profile, nutritional-metabolic status, and growth performance of cattle receiving probiotic lactobacilli for 105 days from entry to a feedlot system were evaluated. The trial involved 60 Brangus/Braford castrated steers. They were randomly allocated in pens (n = 15/treatment) and in-feed supplemented with different probiotic suspensions (107–108 CFU/mL/day). The suspensions consisted of (A) Lactobacillus acidophilus CRL2074, (B) Limosilactobacillus fermentum CRL2085, or (C) multistrain CRL2074 + CRL2085 + Limosilactobacillus mucosae CRL2069 formulations, against the control group. Individual samples were taken from each animal thrice throughout the assay (0, 45, and 105 days). Analysis of clinical parameters showed optimal animal body condition and sensorium state. Isolated nasal discharges and the absence of diarrhea were observed at 105 days in the group administered with multistrain and Lim. fermentum CRL2085 probiotics. An increasing trend was observed in cattle growth throughout the trial, which was calculated based on the height at the withers and the thoracic diameter. Weight increase and daily weight gain (1.31 ± 0.12 kg and 1.21 ± 0.21 kg/day, respectively) were maximum for cattle supplied with CRL2085 and multistrain probiotics. Blood and serum parameters were within referential ranges for the control and probiotics-supplemented groups; however, mean values of hematocrit were higher, while the serum glucose, lipid profile, and C-reactive protein values were lower in all the groups. In addition, the multistrain probiotic formulation exhibited higher numbers of cultivable lactic acid bacteria and a slight decrease in the number of enterobacteria in feces at the end of the trial. Therefore, there is great potential for multistrain probiotic formulation to improve the overall performance of feedlot beef cattle.
Oldenburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 2021/2022, 2024
Marx hat keine systematische Abhandlung zur Moral und Moralphilosophie verfasst. Gelegentlich er-wähnt er sie zusammen mit anderen sozialen Teilbereichen, Institutionen oder Bewusstseinsformen, denen er den „Schein der Selbstständigkeit“ (MEGA² I/5, 136) nehmen will, indem er sie auf den Stand der Produktivkräfte und Produktionsverhältnisse bezieht. Moral wird hier in einem Atemzug mit Geset-zen, Religion, Metaphysik, Wissenschaft, Familie und Kunst genannt (vgl. ebd., 135, MEGA² I/2, 264, MEW 4, 480). Die Stoßrichtung ist stets dieselbe: „Das Bewußtsein kann nie etwas Andres sein als das bewußte Sein, & das Sein der Menschen ist ihr wirklicher Lebensprozeß.“ (MEGA² I/5, 136) Nicht um die Spezifik der Moral und Moralphilosophie geht es hier, sondern um das allgemeine Verhältnis von mate-rieller und geistiger Produktion oder von Basis und Überbau. Eine Analyse dieser und vergleichbarer Passagen würde folglich nur in einer weiteren Abhandlung über den Historischen Materialismus mün-den. Stattdessen möchte ich mich den Stellen widmen, in denen Moral und Moralphilosophie ein be-sonderer Gegenstand der Betrachtung sind. Dabei wird sich zeigen, dass der frühe Marx der Moral und Moralphilosophie nicht etwa kritisch gegenüberstand, weil er Determinist gewesen wäre (1.), sondern weil er ihre Existenz als Symptom entfremdeter Verhältnisse deutete (2.). Beim späten Marx findet sich diese soziologische Fundamentalkritik nicht mehr. Vielmehr geht er mit spezifischen moralphilosophi-schen Vorstellungen und Prinzipien ins Gericht – wie in seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Proudhons Kapi-talismuskritik (3.) oder leistungsbezogenen Sozialismusvorstellungen (4.). Marx begibt sich hier implizit auf das Terrain der normativen Ethik und gibt sich als relationaler Egalitarist und ethischer Perfektionist zu erkennen. Nach einem Rekurs auf die Entfremdungstheorie des frühen Marx (5.) werde ich dafür argumentieren, dass ihre normativen Prämissen auch für den späten Marx noch verbindlich waren (6.). Abschließend werde ich dem Vorwurf entgegentreten, Marx sei nicht nur sozialontologischer Holist, sondern auch sozialethischer Kollektivist gewesen.
Accounting is considered as the recording of financial transactions that include retreiving, sorting, storing, summarizing and presenting. This data is presented in various reports and anaylzed accordingly. AIS on the other hand is a subset of management information system and exists to provide financial and statistical reports that are timely and accurate. This data is then used for internal management when it comes to decision making and also for external parties like investors and creditors as well as regulatory and taxation authorities.
Humans on Mars: Mars and Beyond By HB Paksoy The purpose of this collection is not to discuss the technologies required for the round trip. Nor is it to discuss the "inevitability` of human quest to explore. Instead, the focus is on "what will happen` when the humans reach Mars. When the "white men` arrived on the new (American) continent, they brought much of their own culture and world view with them. Despite the existence of natives who were already living there, the newcomers began to establish the institutions they imported. And those new institutions were to the detriment of the existing natives. That did not stop the newcomers, nor, by-and-large, saddled them with moralistic issues. Mars, to our current knowledge, does not contain any native populations. However, the Earthlings arriving there, once again, will bring their own institutions with them. In this case, we may even surmise, more than one system, given the proliferation of space technology among nations of diverse backgrounds. That also means there will be more than one culture, as well as Governance method. Does that herald a clash of cultures and Governance modes? At that point, it becomes necessary to spend some overview time, looking at the behavior on Earth. This is not to suggest that there are inherent ideologies specific to certain lands. On the other hand, there are the historical examples that keep repeating, because the humans living on those lands wish that circle of life. That circle may be easily renewed, since there is air to breathe, and water to drink on Earth lands. Those two elements are either scarce or as yet non-extant on Mars. That means, if colonies are to be established on Mars, both must be generated artificially, safely and continuously. Technological journals have been filled with articles showing how those aims could be accomplished, albeit expensively. On the other hand, we do not yet know, if the different cultures that are preparing to colonize Mars have agreed to collaborate when they arrive on Mars. Humans on Mars by HB Paksoy, D.Phil. Available for purchase from > books > HB Paksoy or, Amazon Kindle
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 2012
Response to intervention (RTI) is advocated in elementary school as a system-wide, multitiered model of academic and behavioral interventions. Middle schools have begun adopting RTI models based on these existing elementary models. This investigation into current middle school RTI practices describes technical aspects as well as some of cultural and contextual issues surrounding implementation. The study included multiple data collection procedures including surveys, discussion groups, phone interviews, and site visits. Although many schools reported substantial progress with implementation, they recognized rigorous implementation of RTI posed such on-going challenges as changes in staffing, curricular realignments, very limited selections of screening and progress monitoring tools aligned with their curriculum, and scheduling of secondary and tertiary level interventions.
Siete pasos para una tesis exitosa. Desde la idea inicial hasta la sustentación. Un método efectivo para las ciencias empresariales, 2020
Philosophical Psychology, 2017
Language in Society, 1998
Physics of Life Reviews, 2011
International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, 2011
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 1996
Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2007
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015
Chemistry – A European Journal, 2014
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2013
PLOS ONE, 2021
physica status solidi (a), 2018
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2009
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2000