SCOC IP Cores for Custom Built Supercomputing Nodes

2012, 2012 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI

A high performance and low power node architecture becomes crucial in the design of future generation supercomputers. In this paper, we present a generic set of cells for designing complex functional units that are capable of executing an algorithm of reasonable size. They are called Algorithm Level Functional Units (ALFUs) and a suitable VLSI design paradigm for them is proposed in this paper. We provide a comparative analysis of many core processors based on ALFUs against ALUs to show the reduced generation of control signals and lesser number of memory accesses, instruction fetches along with increased cache hit rates, resulting in better performance and power consumption. ALFUs have led to the inception of the SuperComputer On Chip (SCOC) IP core paradigm for designing high performance and low power supercomputing clusters. The proposed SCOC IP cores are compared with the existing IP cores used in supercomputing clusters to bring out the improved features of the former.

2012 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI SCOC IP Cores for Custom Built Supercomputing Nodes Venkateswaran Nagarajan*, Rajagopal Hariharan‡, Vinesh Srinivasan‡, Ram Srivatsa Kannan‡, Prashanth Thinakaran‡, Vigneshwaren Sankaran‡,Bharanidharan Vasudevan‡, Ravindhiran Mukundrajan †, Nachiappan Chidambaram Nachiappan†, Aswin Sridharan†, Karthikeyan Palavedu Saravanan†, Vignesh Adhinarayanan†and Vignesh Veppur Sankaranarayanan† *Director, ‡WARFT Research Trainee, †Previously affiliated with WARFT Waran Research Foundation [WARFT], India Email: [email protected] Set Architecture (ALISA) is a superset of other instruction sets such as vector instructions, CISC and VLIW which are used in various multi-core/many core processors. The term ALFU based design, frequently used in this paper, refers to the design of heterogeneous many core processors using ALFUs and scalars. The ALFUs are designed for a wide variety of numeric, semi-numeric and non-numeric algorithms. Abstract—A high performance and low power node architecture becomes crucial in the design of future generation supercomputers. In this paper, we present a generic set of cells for designing complex functional units that are capable of executing an algorithm of reasonable size. They are called Algorithm Level Functional Units (ALFUs) and a suitable VLSI design paradigm for them is proposed in this paper. We provide a comparative analysis of many core processors based on ALFUs against ALUs to show the reduced generation of control signals and lesser number of memory accesses, instruction fetches along with increased cache hit rates, resulting in better performance and power consumption. ALFUs have led to the inception of the SuperComputer On Chip (SCOC) IP core paradigm for designing high performance and low power supercomputing clusters. The proposed SCOC IP cores are compared with the existing IP cores used in supercomputing clusters to bring out the improved features of the former. Algorithm Level Functional Units (ALFUs) are designed by hardwiring a set of scalars based on the characteristics of an algorithm. A balanced mix of these ALFUs and scalars can be used to execute applications that are computationally intensive. The use of such units provides a variety of advantages such as a reduction in overall power consumption and increased performance. A significant drop in the number of control sequences associated with each instruction, memory access, the number of instruction fetches and the overall control complexity are be observed. Additionally, the cache performance is improved. Keywords-Supercomputing; heterogeneous cores; SCOC IP Cores; complex functional units; ALFUs I. I NTRODUCTION The future of computational sciences depends on the deliverance of exascale computing power in the foreseeable future. However, global energy crisis places a huge constraint in achieving this goal with traditional off-theshelf processors. The onus of delivering exascale computing by overcoming the energy consumption concerns lies with computer architects. A well known solution to obtain high energy efficiency is the use of application specific custom processors. However, the design effort and the high cost overhead associated with ASICs prevent them from mainstream use. Therefore, the twin constraints – energy efficiency and infrastructure costs, force us to explore new frontiers in the design space where custom specialization co-exists with an existing architecture. In order to exploit this young design space, a novel node architecture model [1] based on the use of large functional units and other architectural elements was proposed. In this paper, we present the design and analysis of a more generic set of cells used in building Algorithm Level Functional Units (ALFUs). These ALFUs are capable of executing a complete algorithm of reasonable size driven by a single instruction. The corresponding Algorithm Level Instruction 978-0-7695-4767-1/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ISVLSI.2012.80 The simultaneous execution of multiple applications without space or time sharing (SMAPP) at the supercomputing cluster level would enable cost sharing, while avoiding substantial performance sharing amongst multiple users [2]. A new class of IP cores called SuperComputer On Chip (SCOC) IP cores for low power supercomputing clusters based on ALFUs is introduced in this paper. The design of low power, yet high performance many core processors which support the simultaneous execution of multiple applications without space or time sharing (SMAPP) at the supercomputing cluster level is simplified by the use of the SCOC IP cores. These IP cores are customizable to a great extent and can be designed for any architectural set. Section V elucidates the design of SCOC IP cores for architectures based on the CUBEMACH design paradigm [3]. The use of large functional units that provide ASIClike functionality to the cores has earlier been advocated in the works of [1] and [4]. Our paper provides the design methodology and a systematic analysis of the use of ALFUs in heterogeneous many core processors. 255 Table I T YPES OF CELLS USED TO DESIGN ALFU S Cell Input Output Functionality DACSRAM A A i , Bi Ci Ci = A i ⊕ B i Adder,max/min finder DACSRAM B A i , Bi Ci Ci = A i + B i Multiplier, inner product DACSRAM C A i , Bi Ci Ci = A i B i DAASRAM A i , B i , Ci Sum, Ci Sum = Ai ⊕ Bi ⊕ Ci Carry = (Ai ⊕ Bi )Ci + Ai Bi #      #  "#!$#  "#!$##&   #      #  "#!$#  "#!$##&   #      #  "#!$#  "#!$##&   #      #  "#!$#  "#!$##&   #      #  "#!$#  "#!$##&   Employed In Comparator unit,sorter BFS and DFS Multiple operand adder,KL graph unit DACSRAM A1 A i , Bi Pi , G i P i = A i + B i , G i = Ai B i Adder/subtractor,comparator,Matrix adder DACSRAM A2 A i , Bi A i , B i , Ci Sum = Ai ⊕ Bi ⊕ Ci Adder/subtractor,matrix multiplier DACSRAM B1 Gi,j , Gj+1,k , Pi,j , Pj+1,k Gi,k , Pi,k Pi,k = Pi,j .Pj+1,k Gi,k = (Gij .Pj+1,k ) + Gj+1,k DACSRAM B2 Pi,j , Gi,j , Ci Ci,j Ci = (Pi,j .Ci ) + Gi,j Adder/subtractor,comparator, sorter Adder/subtractor,crout unit   '(# !%  '(# $ II. R ELATED W ORK Figure 1. It is important not to confuse the ALFUs with accelerators. Processors relying on accelerators for higher performance seldom have binary compatibility and require a standalone module for decoupling the Instruction Set Architecture [5]. Unlike accelerators that are stand-alone units, the ALFUs are an integral part of the processor itself, thereby eliminating the issues of compatibility that the accelerators bring in. Another interesting work that can be compared with the ALFU is the Dynamically Specialized Datapaths [6].The overheads due to switching in the DySER blocks are ones that ALFUs do not face and hence the ALFUs are expected to offer better performance. The fusion of various instructions into Macro-ops would mean that the Instruction Decode units would still have to actually decode as many instructions even though they have been fused into a single Macro-op. A single ALISA instruction triggers the execution of an ALFU. Hence, the fetch and decode complexities of the ALISA is lesser. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory recently adopted the Tensilica System-On-Chip IP cores which are partially customizable, to design a supercomputing cluster for climate modeling [7]. The Xtensa IP cores are customizable with the provision of adding a single application specific block and its associated instructions. The SCOC IP cores, on the other hand provide complete customization of the design of all the ALFUs or scalars, the communication backbone and even the compiler/instruction scheduler. Cell based generic ALFU architecture       " $        0 1 /  0     0   0     2.  0 %(!%(%','   " $      (!          /  0     0       )!" !#"  !#" -"%#$+ -"%#$+ -"%#$+ "*+%( +%)( &# )!"     Figure 2.   ALFU architecture of the Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm cells that have most commonly been used for designing ALFUs are shown in Table I. A set of appropriate cells are selected from the cell library to build pipelinable stages with suitable interconnection nets to form the ALFUs and scalars. The cell based generic architecture of an ALFU is shown in Figure 1. Understandably, the cell with maximum delay decides the delay of the particular stage. Suitable latching is provided to match the delays of the cells. The cell with maximum delay across all the stages decides the pipelining rate of the ALFU. By suitable arrangement of the cells, the pipelining delay of the ALFU can be reduced. A. ALFU for Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm III. A RCHITECTURE OF A LGORITHM L EVEL F UNCTIONAL U NITS The ALFU designed for the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) algorithm shown in Figure 2 is a table based architecture. The control circuit present in the ALFU generates the appropriate control signals to enable searching the table for the corresponding node, check for formation of cycles and choose the shortest edge from a selected entry. The table contains the set of node and edge weights, whose values are compared against the source node, checked for A set of cells capable of performing basic operations has been designed which forms the building blocks of ALFUs. The cells developed and their functionalities are shown in Table I. ALFUs are designed for a wide class of algorithms (Numeric, Semi-Numeric and Non-Numeric). Some of the 256 H Table II G ENERIC SET OF EQUATIONS FOR MOV AND COMPUTE INSTRUCTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ALFU S AND ALU S . H ERE , N IS THE PROBLEM SIZE OF THE APPLICATION AND α IS THE PROBLEM SIZE OF THE ALFU. G F SUBTRACTOR DACSRAM_A DACSRAM_A DACSRAM_A DACSRAM_B E D C B A DACSRAM_A DACSRAM_B Algorithm COMPARATOR ADACSRAM_A COMPARATOR Matrix Multiplication DACSRAM_B A>B Type of Instruction ALU ALFU MOV N3 N3 α3 COMPUTE N 2 (N + 1) N 2 (N +1) α2 MOV N2 N3 α3 COMPUTE N2 N2 α2 MOV N N COMPUTE N N α MOV N N COMPUTE N ) (N α MOV N N −1 COMPUTE N 2 1 MOV N N α COMPUTE N +1 COMPARATOR DACSRAM_B A<B A>=B DACSRAM_B A<=B LESSER A=B LESSER LESSER LESSER Matrix Addition COMPARATOR COMPARATOR LESSER LESSER Max/Min Finder COMPARATOR MIN Minimum Spanning Tree Figure 3. Cell level architecture for Minimum Operand Finder Unit Multiple Operand Adder Inner Product Odd Even Transposition Sorting Kernighan Lin Graph Partitioning MOV 3N 2 (N + 1) COMPUTE N (N −1) 2 MOV N 2 +2N +16 8 Figure 4. The working of the MST architecture was verified functionally. 2 Graph Traversal formation of cycles and the shortest edge is chosen using the Minimum Operand Finder shown in Figure 3. This is iterated taking every node of the graph as source node to find the Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree. This effectively minimizes the number of control sequences associated with the corresponding instructions. The architecture was verified for a small problem size using Verilog HDL as shown in Figure 4. The number of pipeline stages of the ALFUs implies that the pipelining depth is variable as per requirement to suit simultaneous execution of multiple instructions from multiple applications in a single ALFU. The description of other ALFU architectures can be found in [8]. N α 3N 2α +1 (N + 1) α − 1)/2α N( N α N 2 +2 N +16 α α2 8 N 2 +10 N +8 α α2 COMPUTE N +10N +8 8 MOV N −1 N/α − 1 COMPUTE N −1 N/α − 1 8 A. Impact of ALFUs on instruction complexity The nature of the ALISA used in ALFU based processors implies that the number of instructions to be executed by the functional units to run a particular application is inherently lesser in comparison with ALU based processors. This would imply that the power consumed due to instruction fetch and decode in ALFU based processors is significantly lower. The circuitry used in association with instruction fetch and decode is used less often, amounting to lower power consumption. From the tabulated results in Table II, it observed that there is a drop in power consumption with respect to the instruction fetch. A single ALISA instruction is inherently equivalent to several dependent and independent ALU instructions. In this sense, a single ALISA instruction is equivalent to several VLIW or vector instructions. In effect, ALISA instructions are such that a single instruction is equivalent to 10s or even 100s of scalar instructions. A single ALISA instruction computes a complete algorithm, it is a superset of all other ISAs, VLIW, vector or otherwise. The Table II, contains a generalized set of equations are derived for the number of ALISA instructions (COMPUTE) that are required to execute a particular algorithm using ALFU based and ALU based cores. Along with these equations, the number of instructions that is associated with move operations (MOV) are also estimated. Here, N represents the problem size of algorithm being executed and α represents the problem size for which the ALFU is designed. IV. A LGORITHM L EVEL F UNCTIONAL U NITS : P ERFORMANCE AND POWER ANALYSIS 257 Overall Performance in G Ops Table III C OMPARISON OF COMPLETE SET OF CONTROL SEQUENCES OF ALFU S WITH MINIMUM NUMBER OF EXPLICIT CONTROL SEQUENCES OF ALU S Algorithm No. of control sequences ALU ALFU Problem Size Matrix Multiplication 2×2 54 (Pipelined) 46 (Parallel) 38 (Pipelined) 32 (Parallel) Matrix Addition 2×2 42 (Pipelined) 40 (Parallel) 34 (Pipelined) 32 (Parallel) Crouts 2×2 24 18 Matrix Inverse 3×3 86 64 8 Node 164 108 Max/Min Finder 8 Operands 22 17 Multiple Operand Adder 9 Operands 28 22 Minimum Spanning Tree KL Graph Partitioning ALU 319.3 4 Node 140 108 Inner Product 8 Operands 47 38 Sorting 8 Operands 29 22 astar 80 Cache Hit Ratio 70 60 50 ALFU 40 ALU 30 20 10 0 Mcf Omnetpp h264ref 7.8 mcf 15.3 omnetpp 23.5 gcc Cache with varying sizes (shown in Table IV) adopting the 4-way set associative mapping and a heuristic based replacement policy. As the data requirement of each ALFU is quite large because of the size of operands that each ALFU operates on is large. The increased hit ratios of ALFU based architecture over ALU is because of the existence of dependencies across instructions which get localized as a consequence of the hardwired scalar units. A set of cache replacement heuristics have been developed for the CUBEMACH design paradigm which suit the execution of multiple spplications simultaneously without space or time sharing [3]. This reduces number of conflict misses as well as capacity misses thereby showing a considerable improvement in cache hit ratios as compared to conventional ALU based heterogeneous many core processors. 90 Gcc bzip2 7.43 213.6 C. Impact of ALFUs on cache hit in a heterogeneous many core processor Cache Performance Bsip2 15.3 130.32 Figure 6. A comparison of the overall performance metric of ALFU based processors against their ALU based counterparts 100 Astar 812.4 97.6 14.32 ALFU 730.5 H264ref Figure 5. The cache hit ratio for each of the SPEC equivalent benchmarks that were provided as worload inputs to the WIMAC simulator [3] B. Impact of ALFUs on control complexity D. Impact of ALFUs on the overall performance figures Another important aspect of the usage of ALFUs in many core processors is that the number of control sequences is considerably reduced in comparison with their ALU based counterparts. This is particularly because the ALFUs are made up of several hardwired scalar units. As a result, much of the control sequences get absorbed within the large functional unit. The overall performance of the ALFU based cores is found to be higher than that of the ALU based cores. Figure 6 shows the simulation results of a CUBEMACH design paradigm [3] based architecture. The WIMAC simulator [3] has been used, whose workload inputs are SPEC equivalent Benchmarks. The overall performance of the ALFU based cores is understandably higher due to the reduced number of memory accesses from the use of ALFUs. The Figure 6 is not to scale. By studying the nature of algorithms, the number of control sequences needed for those have been computed. The complete analysis of the control sequences associated with the ALFUs is done by estimating the control sequences associated for each operation. There are no specific benchmarks developed to estimate the number of control sequences associated with ALU instructions. So the minimum number of explicit control sequences that is associated with the execution on an algorithm in ALU based cores are considered for comparison. This was done in order to reduce the complexity of analysis and was found that the control sequences associated with the ALFU based processors was significantly lesser than the minimum set of explicit sequences that were considered themselves. E. Estimation of power consumption of individual ALFUs Design of ALFU based heterogeneous cores needs to be done very meticulously, keeping in mind various constraints such as the interconnection between ALFUs, the power consumed by the ALFUs etc. A wide range of power estimation methods have been discussed in [9]. The method used by us is a generic model to estimate the dynamic power consumption of any functional unit. The development of tools that can effectively estimate the dynamic power consumption for different architectures would sufficiently simplify the task of the designer. 258 Table V P OWER ESTIMATION RESULTS FOR THE 8 NODE S ORTER ARCHITECTURE GIVEN ABOVE . Table IV CUBEMACH DESIGN PARADIGM BASED ARCHITECTURAL SPECIFICATION WHICH IS AN INPUT TO THE WIMAC SIMULATOR SPEC EQUIVALENT WORKLOAD Architectural Parameters astar gcc bzip2 mcf omnetpp h264ref Word-length Activity Factor Gate count Cores 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 0.165367 1152 961 L1 L2 L3 32kB 256kB 4MB 64kB 512kB 8MB 32kB 256kB 4MB 32kB 256kB 4MB 32kB 256kB 4MB 64kB 512kB 8MB 16 0.164885 2688 2244 Input Output 4 4 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 32 0.164774 5760 4810 SubLocal Router Stages 64 0.164748 11904 9942 Local Router Stages Input Output 8 4 12 6 8 4 8 4 8 4 12 6 128 0.164742 24192 3985 Global Router Stages Input Output 12 6 18 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 18 12 Instruction word Buffer Size 16kB 32kB 16kB 16kB 16kB 32kB Network Based 16kB 32kB 16kB 16kB 16kB 32kB Cache Size Clock Frequency 800MHz Cache Organization A B SUBTRACTOR             DACSRAM_A DACSRAM_A DACSRAM_A DACSRAM_B ADACSRAM_A DACSRAM_A DACSRAM_B COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR    STORED     DACSRAM_B DACSRAM_B A>B Number of idle gates A<B DACSRAM_B A>=B A=B A<=B  STORED COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR COMPARATOR Figure 8. STORED SORTER Structure of the proposed SCOC IP core STORED V. D ESIGN OF SCOC IP CORES FOR HETEROGENEOUS MANY CORE PROCESSORS USING ALFU S OUTPUT Figure 7. The architecture of the sorter ALFU has been illustrated above. The architecture shown here is an 8 element Batcher’s Odd Even Algorithm based Sorter. In the design of the ALFU based processors, the cost factor should not be a deterrent. A class of IP cores for heterogeneous many core processors can be designed using ALFUs and are called SuperComputer On Chip (SCOC) IP cores. These IP cores are a large library of scalable and customizable cores which can be designed at different levels of abstractions. The structure of the IP core is as shown in Fig. 8 . The SCOC IP core comprises of three main elements; the architectural components of the CUBEMACH design paradigm [3] Compilation Accelerator on Silicon, On Core Network, on chip memory organization, ALFUs/scalars; WARFT India MAny Core (WIMAC) simulator; the Optimizer Engine. The SCOC IP core presented here is a plug and play module and will not require additional configuration. The Tensilica Xtensa IP core that is used in the Green Flash supercomputing cluster, on the other hand, consists of the Base CPU, a cycle accurate simulator, the application specific datapath, the set of registers and Floating Point Unit. The SCOC IP cores support simultaneous execution of multiple applications (SMAPP) at the supercomputing cluster level. This means that the pipeline of the ALFUs in the SCOC IP cores can contain instructions from multiple applications in different stages. SMAPP inherently cost A probabilistic model has been developed to estimate the total activity factor of each ALFU, with the inputs to an ALFU being in any distribution of choice. The model has been evolved in a bottom up manner. As shown in Figure 1, the stages of the ALFUs are designed using the standard cells. The results of the power analysis for a simple ALFU architecture has been shown. Figure 7 shows the architecture of a Batchers Odd Even Transposition Sorter. The architecture of the Sorter ALFU is scalable to any number of elements, but the architecture given in Figure 7 is an 8 element Sorter. Based on the model, activity factors of the cells used to make up the Sorter ALFU are obtained and the dynamic power consumption of the ALFU is estimated. The inputs to the ALFU are considered to be a set of stochastic variables based on a distribution of a particular type. The Table V shows the results of power estimation of the Sorter ALFU with the inputs to the ALFUs assumed to be normally distributed. 259 and hardware sharing across multiple applications run by multiple users or multiple applications run by a single user. The Compilation Accelerator on Silicon (CAS) architecture that has been detailed in [10], is a customizable hardware code generator cum dynamic scheduler. The architecture specifications and the netlist of the CAS is an important part of the IP core. In comparison with the compiler in the Xtensa IP core used in the Green Flash supercomputer, which is a vectorizing compiler that is software based, the hardware based CAS offers a multitude of advantages. The instruction issue rate and scheduling rate is much higher due to the hardware instruction generator and dynamic scheduler. The On Core Network (OCN) is a circuit switched network that forms the communication backbone across the many core processor. The OCN structure is based on the Multi-stage Interconnection Network (MIN) and is completely scalable and customizable in accordance with the specification. A balanced mix of ALFUs and the scalars are employed for computation purposes. The design of ALFUs has already been elaborated in Section II. In comparison with the Green Flash supercomputing cluster, the Xtensa IP cores offer customization for only one application-specific block of the core. The SCOC IP core provides complete customization with respect to the kind of units that should be present in every core. The aforementioned architectural components are provided as inputs to the WARFT India MAny Core Simulator (WIMAC), which is a cycle accurate simulator tuned for the CUBEMACH design paradigm. The WIMAC simulator is tightly coupled with an Optimizer Engine, based on Game Theory and Simulated Annealing that prunes the design space search of the CUBEMACH based architectures and also contributes to the core formation based on the KL graph partitioning algorithm. architecture as SCOC IP cores and their effectiveness when we simultaneously execute multiple applications without space or time sharing. R EFERENCES [1] N. Venkateswaran, D. Srinivasan, M. Manivannan, T. P. R. Sai Sagar, S. Gopalakrishnan, V. Elangovan, K. Chandrasekar, P. K. Ramesh, V. Venkatesan, A. Babu, and Sudharshan, “Future generation supercomputers i: a paradigm for node architecture,” SIGARCH Comput. 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