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1997, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
3 pages
1 file
Scalzng formal methods t o large, complex systems requzres methods of modelzng systems at high levels of abstractron In thas paper, we describe such a method for speczfyzng system requzrements at the software archztecture level A n architecture represents a way of breakzng down a system rnfo a set of tnterconnected components W e use archztecture theorzes to speczfy the behavzor of a system zn terms of the behuuaor of zts components vza a collectzon of axzoms The axaoms descrabe the eflects and lzmzts of component varzaizon and the assumptzons a component can make about the envzronment provzded by the archztecture A s a result of the method, the verzjicatron of the baszc archztecture can be separated from the verzjicatron of the zndrvadual component znstantzatzons. We present an example of uszng archztecture theoraes t o model the task coordznatzon archztecture of a multz-threaded plan execution system
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 1999
This paper describes our experience using UML, the Unified Modeling Lan- guage, to describe the software architecture of a system. We found that it works well for communicating the static structure of the architecture: the elements of the architecture, their relations, and the variability of a structure. These static properties are much more readily described with it than the dynamic
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2003
This paper presents the BALBOA component composition framework for system-level architectural design. It has three parts: a loosely-typed component integration language (CIL); a set of C++ intellectual property (IP) component libraries; and a set of split-level interfaces (SLIs) to link the two. A CIL component interface can be mapped to many different C++ component implementations. A type-inference system maps all weakly-typed CIL interfaces to strongly typed C++ component implementations to produce an executable architectural model. Thus, this amounts to selecting IP implementations according to a set of connection constraints. The SLIs are used to select, adapt, and validate the implementation types. The advantage of using the CIL is that the design description sizes are much smaller because the runtime infrastructure automatically selects the IP and communication implementations. The type inference facilitates changes by automatically propagating them through the design structure. We show that the inference problem is NP complete and we present a heuristic solution to the problem. We bring forth a number of issues related to the automation of reusable IP composition including type-compatibility checking, split-programming, and introspective composition environment, and demonstrate their utility through design examples. Index Terms-Hardware/software co-design, system-on-chip, embedded systems, hardware description language (HDL), modeling, simulation, design reuse, interface design. I. INTRODUCTION R AISING the abstraction levels at which microelectronic system designs are entered and validated has a direct impact on the design quality and design time [1]. Consequently, recent research efforts in the area have been focused on the specification methodologies and languages for system-level
International Database Engineering and Application Symposium, 2000
As commercial components emerge and commence to be used in real applications, the need to design such systems with a sound architecture becomes a critical issue. Traditionally, Architectural Description Languages have been used for that purposes, although their formality and unfriendliness have limited their use in industrial environments. On the other hand, the successful and widespread modeling notation UML has
Computer Languages, 2001
In this paper we describe languages for formalizing, visualizing and verifying software architectures. This helps us in solving two related problems: (1) the reconstruction of architectures of existing systems, and (2) the deÿnition and veriÿcation of architectures of new systems. We deÿne an expression language for formulating architectural rules, a graph language for visualizing various structures of design, and a dialogue language for interactively exercising the former two languages. We have applied these languages in a number of industrial cases.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
Developing a good software architecture for a complex system is a critically important step for insuring that the system will satisfy its principal objectives. Unfortunately, today descriptions of software architecture are largely based on informal "box-and-line" drawings that are often ambiguous, incomplete, inconsistent, and unanalyzable. This need not be the case. Over the past decade a number of researchers have developed formal languages and associated analysis tools for software architecture. In this paper I describe a number of the representative results from this body of work.
Formal Aspects of Component Software, 2013
Connector-Centric Design (XCD) is centred around a new formal architectural description language, focusing mainly on complex connectors. Inspired by Wright and BIP, XCD aims to cleanly separate in a modular manner the high-level functional, interaction, and control system behaviours. This can aid in both increasing the understandability of architectural specifications and the reusability of components and connectors themselves. Through the independent specification of control behaviours, XCD allows designers to experiment more easily with different design decisions early on, without having to modify the functional behaviour specifications (components) or the interaction ones (connectors).
Modeling correct complex systems architecture is a challenging research direction that can be mastered by providing modeling abstractions. For this purpose, we provide an iterative modeling solution for a multi-scale description of software architectures. We define a step-wise iterative process starting from a coarse-grained description, and leading to a fine-grained description. The refinement process involves both system-independent structural features ensuring the model correctness, and specific features related to the expected behavior of the modeled domain. We provide a visual notation extending the graphical UML (Uniform Modeling Language) notations to represent structural as well as behavioral features of software architectures. The proposed approach mainly consists of two steps. In the first step, the architecture is modeled graphically according to the UML notations. In the second step, the obtained graphical models are formally specified using the Event-B method. We implem...
Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie, forthcoming , 2024
Türk turizm araştırmaları dergisi, 2023
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 2011
Per un atlante geostorico della letteratura tedesca (1900-1930) II (a cura di Francesco Fiorentino - Gianluca Paolucci - Giovanni Sampaolo), 2023
Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca, 2010
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2014
Nature Communications
Air Medical Journal, 2019
The Journal of Physiology, 2014
Nanotechnology, 2018
Corriere nazionale , 2018
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2008