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Oxford University Doctoral Dissertation, 2018
for their comments on versions of this work; The Clarendon Fund and Brasenose College for their generous support; and my family.
Public Administration and Development
The world's attention has focused on Zimbabwe as the country has moved from the turmoil of the 2008 elections to a tentative democratic transition under the current Inclusive Government. The country's newly elected local authorities and an apparent interest in decentralization have been largely ignored in the process, however. This essay thus provides an extensive, surveybased examination of local governance in Zimbabwe as of 2009. Four areas are discussed. First, with the growth of the political opposition to the ruling regime, local governance has also suffered from the deep polarization among all the country's institutions. The inexperience of the new local councilors vis-à-vis local administration officials also holds significant ramifications. Second, although local officials believe that public participation in decision-making is strong, citizen involvement is actually quite weak. Third, reeling from the country's 2008 economic crisis, local authorities were operating as best as they could on minimal income and barely functioning in many areas. Financial transfers ended long ago; revenue generation remains poor. Finally, this essay captures the poor state of public services. Achievement of a national democratic consensus, decentralization that actually promotes democratic local governance and strengthening once-strong local institutional capacity will determine the future progress of local governance.
Profil súčasného výtvarného umenia, 2023
Exhibition Grow. Der Baum in der Kunst (September 23, 2022 – January 8, 2023) in Vienna ́s Lower Belvedere is a spatially, production-wise, but especially intellectually ambitious project accompanied by a publication whose content goes beyond the traditional catalogue genre. The curator of the exhibition and co-editor of the book is Miroslav Haľák, who works at the Austrian Belvedere Museum. At the centre of the thematic exhibition is the tree as a cultural phenomenon or category, visual motif, sign, metaphor, and symbol. The selected curatorial approach is transhistorical and transdisciplinary: through 102 works by 76 artists, from the 15th century to the present day, the tree is understood and interpreted in a spectrum of media, contexts, and discourses. From a curatorial point of view, the project is thought out in detail, and represents a unique example of a spectacular exhibition that is ecological not only thematically and declaratively, but also realistically and from a production point of view. The accompanying materials were made from recycled materials, and the criterion for selecting the exhibited works was to avoid expensive transportation with a negative impact on the environment. When preparing the exhibition, Miroslav Haľák had the opportunity to draw on his long-term art-historical research into the phenomenon of anthropomorphism. In 2021, his publication Face of Nature (Theory of Anthropomorphism in Modern Art) was published by the Slovak publishing house Petrus. This complex curatorial project also contributed to the establishment of Slovak art in an international context. The exhibition presented the works by Robert Bielik, Daniel Fischer, Michal Kern, Marek Kvetan, Zuzana Mináčová, Marek Ormandík and Dorota Sadovská.
Gabriela Passos herdou de seu pai a Baterias Máxima, uma fabricante de baterias para carros e pilhas de pequeno porte. Promovida a presidente da organização, Gabriela procurou conhecer mais profundamente os negócios e o esquema de produção da empresa. Seus contatos com gerentes e funcionários a deixaram preocupada com as condições internas de trabalho extremamente perigosas e insalubres. O trabalho direto com elementos químicos-como ácidos e chumbo-não somente impunham riscos de acidentes gravíssimos, como Copyright ©-Grupo Editorial Campus-Instituto Chiavenato-2008-como ácidos e chumbo-não somente impunham riscos de acidentes gravíssimos, como doenças profissionais irrecuperáveis. O passivo trabalhista da empresa alinhava reclamações trabalhistas por periculosidade, insalubridade e ações cíveis e criminais por doenças e acidentes graves. O custo das indenizações judiciais era extremamente alto e implicava em pesadas perdas para a organização. Mas, por outro lado, eram vidas humanas que estavam em jogo naqueles processos judiciais. Gabriela pediu ajuda ao Gerente de RH. Como você procederia no seu lugar? Programa de Higiene do Trabalho Os principais itens do programa de higiene do trabalho estão relacionados com: 1.Ambiente físico de trabalho: envolvendo: Iluminação: luminosidade adequada a cada tipo de atividade. Ventilação: remoção de gases, fumaça e odores desagradáveis, bem como afastamento de possíveis fumantes ou utilização de máscaras. Temperatura: manutenção de níveis adequados de temperatura. Ruídos: remoção de ruídos ou utilização de protetores auriculares. Conforto: ambiente agradável, repousante e aconchegante. 2. Ambiente psicológico de trabalho: envolvendo: Relacionamentos humanos agradáveis. Tipo de atividade agradável e motivadora.
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 2021
Pope Francis argues for a shift to a new economic model that is in the service of the human life and is "more attentive to ethical principles" (LS 189). He does not endorse a specific model except that he provides conditions, principles, and frameworks by which its ethos must be grounded against. As part of his pastoral approach and his vision of a synodal Church, he invites everyone to participate and contribute to this discussion because "not all discussions of doctrinal, moral or pastoral issues need to be settled by interventions of the magisterium" (AL 3). It is within this papal invitation of discoursing this new economic model where this paper aims to contribute particularly on the centrality of the anthropological criterion. The first section explores the meaning of his articulation on economics; situating it within the economic discourse of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. The second section focuses on the anthropological criterion as problematized by the identification of the homo economicus as self-interested. The third section draws a theoretical framework from substantivist economics in forwarding the desired economic ethos while the fourth section provides praxeological inputs and argues that homo economicus can be prosocial when the culture that is embedded in a particular economic model is put together to nurture such ethos.
Es la combinación de componentes que actúan conjuntamente y cumplen un determinado objetivo. Sistema de control es el conjunto de dispositivos que actúan juntos para lograr un objetivo de control SISTEMA DE
E. Gailledrat, R. Plana, M. Dietler (eds.), The Emporion in the ancient western Mediterranean. Trade and Colonial Encounters from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Period, 2018
Come è nato il mondo? L’antichità si è interrogata sulle origini della terra, degli astri, delle specie viventi, convinta che dalla visione delle origini dipendesse anche il senso da dare alla presenza finita dell’uomo. La clamorosa e nota assenza a Roma di una cosmogonia non vuol dire che i Romani stessi o i loro dèì non dovessero rispondere a una o più leggi divine o al diritto posto dagli uomini. Dunque, come si articola, se si articola, un diritto divino a Roma? Come differisce e come si declina il rapporto tra uomini e dèi rispetto agli altri popoli antichi? L’incontro di studio è riconosciuto dal Miur quale formazione e aggiornamento dei docenti delle Scuole Superiori, Piattaforma Sofia – Identificativo 89129. È necessaria la prenotazione sulla piattaforma. Per qualsiasi informazione scrivere a: [email protected], [email protected]
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Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2023
Sistem Terdistribusi, 2024
International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC), 2021
Innovación docente y uso de las TIC en educación, 2017
Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 2021
Physical Review D, 1999
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Studia Podlaskie, 2010
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2010
Pain Medicine, 2013
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2012