Tracing the Evolution of Purchasing Research
Future Trends and Directions for Purchasing Practices
Mogre, Riccardo; Lindgreen, Adam; Hingley, Martin
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Mogre, R., Lindgreen, A., & Hingley, M. (2017). Tracing the Evolution of Purchasing Research: Future Trends
and Directions for Purchasing Practices. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(2), 251-257.
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Tracing the Evolution of Purchasing Research: Future
Trends and Directions for Purchasing Practices
Riccardo Mogre, Adam Lindgreen, and Martin Hingley
Journal article (Post print version)
CITE: Tracing the Evolution of Purchasing Research : Future Trends and Directions for Purchasing
Practices. / Mogre, Riccardo; Lindgreen, Adam; Hingley, Martin. In: Journal of Business & Industrial
Marketing, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2017, p. 251-257.
DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-01-2016-0004
Uploaded to Research@CBS: March 2017
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Special issue on: Contemporary Purchasing Practices
Tracing the evolution of purchasing research:
future trends and directions for purchasing practices
Riccardo Mogre, University of Hull 1
Adam Lindgreen, University of Cardiff 2
Martin Hingley, University of Lincoln 3
Dr. Riccardo Mogre, Hull University Business School, University of Hull, Cottingham
Road, Hull HU6 7RX, UK. E-mail:
[email protected].
Professor Adam Lindgreen, Cardiff Business School, University of Cardiff, Aberconway
Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff CF10 3EU, UK. E-mail:
[email protected].
Professor Martin Hingley, Lincoln Business School, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool,
Lincoln LN6 7TS, UK. E-mail:
[email protected].
Purpose—This conceptual article details the evolution of purchasing research, and describes
the increasing integration of purchasing with other strategic functions, in order to identify key
trends in purchasing practices, together with their implications for purchasing research.
Design/Methodology/Approach—This study takes a conceptual approach and reviews prior
literature to describe the field and predict future developments.
Findings—Purchasing is increasingly integrated with different business functions, such as
strategy, marketing, decision making and supply chain management. Key real-world trends
include sustainable and ethical purchasing, purchasing in the digital economy, supply chain
risk management and public sector purchasing. These trends suggest both avenues for further
research and specific methodologies to pursue them.
Originality/value—By providing a comprehensive overview of the trends in purchasing
practice and research, this study offers unique insights, especially for researchers who seek to
continue expanding the field.
Keywords—Purchasing research, purchasing strategy, decision making, marketing, supply
chain management, research methodologies
Article Type—Conceptual paper
Tracing the evolution of purchasing research
To delineate the evolution of purchasing practices and its implications for purchasing
research, we highlight how purchasing has transitioned from a single business function to a
cross-functional business process. We discuss the integration of purchasing with other
business areas, including strategy, decision making, marketing and supply chain
Introduction to the purchasing evolution
In their historical accounts of purchasing practices, from 1850 to the present day,
Handfield et al. (2011) and Lysons and Farrington (2012) emphasise the emergence of
structured material management systems around the mid-1960s and the effects of
globalisation for purchasing and outsourcing practices starting from the late 1970s. They also
explain that twenty-first century purchasing is less often managed by a single function;
rather, it is evolving into a cross-functional business process. This evolution has important
implications for research, because it demands an interdisciplinary management approach. In
this section, we focus on the main trends leading to cross-functional purchasing processes,
including integration of purchasing with strategy, with decision making and with marketing,
as well as the transformation of purchasing as integrated supply chain management.
Purchasing and strategy
Adopting Ellram and Carr’s (1994) literature review, we categorise purchasing and
strategy contributions into two main areas: articles that investigate purchasing strategies and
those analysing purchasing as a strategic capability of the firm. For example, Kraljic (1983)
suggests choosing purchasing strategies according to the importance of the purchased product
to the company and the complexity of the market that supplies that product. But Reck and
Long (1988) instead argue that purchasing functions can support the firm’s strategy, through
four stages of development: (1) passive, (2) independent, (3) supportive and (4) integrative
purchasing. More recent contributions look beyond the purchasing function to examine
strategies used to manage suppliers and their implications for the firm’s strategy. Bensaou
(1999) categorises buyer–supplier relationships on the basis of the buyer’s and the supplier’s
specific investments and thereby identifies four types of relationships: market exchange,
captive buyer, captive supplier or strategic partnership. Chen et al. (2004) show empirically
that communication and a long-term orientation in a buyer–supplier relationship mediate the
effect of strategic purchasing on customer responsiveness, which increases the firm’s
financial performance. By investigating which mix of relational and transactional purchasing
organizations should use, Lindgreen et al. (2013) uncover four relevant purchasing practice
mixes, which they label transactional, interpersonal dyadic, interpersonal network and
integrative relational.
Purchasing and decision making
Decision-making research that analyses purchasing problems mostly focuses on
identifying the most suitable supplier or supply base. Ho et al. (2010) categorise this
literature stream according to the approach used, whether data envelopment analysis,
mathematical programming, analytic hierarchy and network processes, fuzzy set theory or
simple multi-attribute rating techniques, or some combination thereof. Wu and Barnes (2011)
define this literature by the phases of the partner selection framework, namely, criteria
formulation, qualification, final selection and application feedback. As Chai et al. (2013)
highlight in a recent, systematic literature review, key research trends include incorporating
supply chain risk as a factor in the supplier selection process (Chan and Kumar, 2007) and
incorporating green practices as criteria for selecting suppliers (Genovese et al., 2013).
Purchasing and marketing
Marketing research cannot be considered separately from purchasing research; since
the 1960s, marketing scholars have been analysing organizational buying and industrial
purchasing issues. Some examples of seminal works in this area include Robinson et al.
(1967), Webster and Wind (1972) and Sheth (1973). Robinson et al.’s (1967) buy grid model
identifies the most critical phases of the buying process for new tasks, modified rebuys and
straight rebuys. Webster and Wind (1972) initiated organizational buying behaviour research.
Sheth’s (1973) proposed model of industrial buyer behaviour has supported analyses of
buying centres and decision-making units. Yet both practitioners and academics have
exhibited tendencies to consider purchasing and marketing as separate fields, mainly because
purchasing focuses on suppliers, whereas marketing addresses customers (Sheth et al., 2009).
In practice, marketing and purchasing often get organised into separate functions and refer to
separate professional bodies, such as the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and the
Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) in the United Kingdom. Purchasing and
marketing, it seems, have evolved as separate academic disciplines. Ivens et al. (2009) call
for the integration of purchasing with marketing though, and Sheth et al. (2009) cite two
reasons that this integration is both inevitable and beneficial. First, modern-day marketers are
solution oriented rather than product focused. The prevalence of outsourcing requires
companies to source products and services from third-party suppliers, which makes the
involvement of the purchasing function inevitable. Second, customer-centric marketing, often
in connection with just-in-time delivery, requires marketing and purchasing to align to deliver
effective solutions to customers.
Purchasing and supply chain management
Integration across functions, as a means to deliver better customer service, has led to
the development of supply chain management as a separate field of research and practice.
Academics and practitioners have proposed many definitions of supply chain management
over the years. We adopt the definition proposed by the Council of Supply Chain
Management Professionals: “Supply Chain Management encompasses the planning and
management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all
logistics management activities. Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration
with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers
and customers” (CSCMP, 2013, p. 187). This CSCMP definition reflects a “unionist
approach” (Larson and Halldórsson, 2004), such that supply chain management includes
purchasing and supply management, operations management and logistics management.
Moreover, this view attributes a more strategic focus to supply chain management, because
its elemental activities include coordination and collaboration with channel partners.
Purchasing and supply, operations and logistics management often take their own singular
perspective, but supply chain management adopts a more holistic view, encompassing the
supply chain as a whole. The investigation of netchains by Lazzarini et al. (2001) represents
one of the first studies to adopt this integrative approach.
Future trends and directions for purchasing practices
Having noted the evolution of purchasing, from a single business function to a crossfunctional business process, in this section we consider future trends and directions of
purchasing practices and their likely impacts on academic research. Five main purchasing
areas are experiencing relevant changes and could affect the trends and directions for
purchasing practices. We highlight research opportunities for each of these areas. We also
offer some remarks about trends in purchasing research methodology.
Purchasing trends
In seeking to identify future trends for purchasing practices, Handfield et al. (2011)
highlight the evolution to supply chain management, as we discussed in the previous section.
In particular, they argue that purchasing can increase supply chain performance by fostering
collaboration with suppliers and developing suppliers’ skills. They also emphasise that
technology will play a relevant role in this process. In their purchasing excellence study, the
consultancy Roland Berger (2011) explains that sustainability and risk management are key
elements for achieving purchasing excellence. With their analysis of previous literature on
purchasing practices, Zheng et al. (2007) identify thematic areas that appear relevant for
future purchasing research, including purchasing and supply strategy and structure,
purchasing and supply system development, e-business and public procurement. According
to Schoenherr et al. (2011), the main research opportunities for purchasing and supply
management are global purchasing and supply management, relationship management,
uncertainty and risk management, sustainability and green supply management, electronic
purchasing and supply management, and the links of strategic purchasing to supply
management to financial performance. In accordance with these contributions, as well as our
own experience in the field, we identify five purchasing areas that appear likely to affect the
trends and directions of purchasing practices: sustainable purchasing, ethical purchasing,
purchasing in the digital economy, purchasing and supply chain risk management and public
sector purchasing.
Sustainable purchasing
Gimenez and Tachizawa (2012) identify two distinct elements of sustainable
purchasing: green purchasing and ethical purchasing. We discuss sustainable purchasing in
this section and ethical purchasing in the next. Following an extensive professional survey,
SCM World (2014) identified the principal driver of sustainable supply chain management
initiatives to be cost savings, including cash savings on energy, reduced packaging expenses
and general material cost efficiency. Academic studies tend to include a more comprehensive
list of drivers. For example, Miemczyk et al. (2012) identify four key goals of sustainable
purchasing initiatives, as follows: waste and recycling reduction, pollution reduction, cost
reduction and CO2 reduction. Genovese et al. (2013) instead focus on criteria for supplier
selection and note that the most used sustainable criteria are the availability of a waste
management system, green design capability, environmental staff training and involvement,
energy efficiency and resource consumption, availability of an environmental management
system, percentage of waste that goes to landfill and percentage of recycled waste. Continued
research needs to address explicitly how to link sustainable practices to firm and supply chain
performance, such as enhanced brand image that leads to sales increase, and thus encourages
practitioners to consider not just cost savings but also benefits when they make investment
decisions about sustainable purchasing practices. Igarashi et al. (2013) also find that the
supply selection process tends to be poorly integrated with the overall sustainable strategy
embraced by companies and supply chains. Therefore, research should focus on integrating
sustainable purchasing strategies, in particular with the overall green strategy of the
companies and supply chains that adopt them.
The academic community at large has called for a more holistic, interdisciplinary
view of sustainable purchasing and supply chain management; the June 2014 special issue of
Science even focused on the environmental impact of supply chains (see Hoekstra and
Wiedmann, 2014; O’Rourke, 2014). Therefore, research on sustainable purchasing needs to
be more interdisciplinary, marked by collaborations between management academics and
environmental scientists.
Ethical purchasing
According to the CIPS (2013), ethical and responsible procurement is a process that
respects fundamental international standards against criminal conduct and human rights
abuse but also progressively improves the lives of people who contribute to supply chains. By
increasing the transparency of the sourcing process, it is possible to expose the unethical
behaviours of suppliers, including bribery, corruption or unsafe working conditions. Research
in this area remains limited though. Klassen and Vereecke (2012), with five case studies,
derive relationships among social responsibility in supply chains, social management
capabilities, operational risk and firm performance. Jiang et al. (2012) analyse the detrimental
effect of inferior working conditions on supply chains, whereas Schrempf et al. (2013) seek
to find ways to expand corporate social responsibility upstream and downstream in the supply
chain by addressing the human rights of workers. More empirical research on ways to
increase transparency in the supply chain and ensure human rights is needed. Researchers
also should clarify the relationship between ethical purchasing practices and firm or supply
chain performance.
Harper (2010) defines inclusive value chains as those supply chains that improve the
lives of people who contribute to them. He describes how supply chains might redistribute
some of their profits to improve the lives of small farmers and artisans in India. This area has
been insufficiently explored by current research, yet its investigation could produce a wealth
of interesting research studies. Issues of exploitation of suppliers by powerful buyers can be
observed in analysis of grocery and food supply chains. In the UK, large supermarket chains
have long been criticised for ‘unethical’ purchasing behavior in their dealings with
(especially small scale and unbranded) suppliers (Hingley, 2005). These purchasing issues
may concern, in particular, very long times between receipt of goods and payment and the
demanding of upfront payments from suppliers to support better in store positioning of their
goods in retail marketing campaigns. Legislation in the UK has more recently begun to catch
up with practice in this sector, with the appointment of the Groceries Code Adjudicator, who
sits in independent judgment over complaints from suppliers concerning their treatment from
retail buyers, as abuse of power and in unfair practices (Groceries Code Adjudicator, 2015).
To date, this body has espressed little authority, relying instead on public/ media sanction to
highlight cases of retailer abuse of power in the supply chain. However, the willingness for a
country to legislate on ethics and purchasing practice does seem to mark a change in
Purchasing in the digital economy
According to SCM World (2014), big data analytics, digital supply chains and the
Internet of things are the most disruptive technologies for supply chains. First, big data
analytics appear instrumental for ensuring better supply chain visibility and learning more
about consumer behaviour. However, research contributions in this area are extremely
limited. Hazen et al. (2014) also note the problem of data quality in this research sector.
Second, the emergence of digital supply chains has reshaped supply channels and
networks and changed the relationships among suppliers and buyers, especially by
transforming the roles of intermediaries and agencies (Banker et al., 2011). Consumers can
bypass traditional routes and intermediaries and buy online directly from consumers. Yet
large companies such as eBay and Amazon also have established themselves as
intermediaries on a global scale, matching suppliers and consumers from around the world
and thus contributing to the trend by which digital supply chains revolutionise access to
international markets. Recent research considers digital commodities markets (D’Ignazio and
Giovannetti, 2014). Further research should also seek to understand the relationship between
traditional and digital supply chains, and in particular their pricing structure. Should an ebook be priced more or less than the same book in traditional format? Might the level of
inventory, supply quantity discounts or supplier promotions affect such decisions?
Third, the ‘Internet-of-things’ is an umbrella term used to refer to machine-tomachine technologies. In a supply chain management context, these technologies can support
freight or fleet tracking management applications. Previous literature mostly focuses on
RFID tracking (Sarac et al., 2010), with fewer studies addressing GPS tracking (Mogre et al.,
2014). Ng et al. (2014) discuss the strategic implications of adopting Internet-of-things
applications in a supply chain and highlight that a shared supply chain strategy is necessary to
define the adoption of such applications. Good supply relationship management in turn is
critical for defining such a strategy, including investment decisions and the implementation
of these applications.
Purchasing and supply chain risk management
Purchasing literature traditionally regards risk in terms of supply risk (Kraljic, 1983),
such that contributions describe ways to reduce risk in the supply process by interpreting the
effects of supply risk (Zsidisin, 2003) or embedding it in the supplier selection process (Chan
and Kumar, 2007). However, more recently, academics and practitioners note that purchasing
can take a strategic role in mitigating the negative effects of supply chain risk. According to
SCM World (2014), “joint risk mitigation with suppliers drives companies’ ability to
leverage supply chain disruptions by a factor of almost 2:1.” Early literature established the
relevant role of suppliers for increasing the responsiveness of the supply chain and thereby
mitigating the negative effects of supply chain risks (Norrman and Jansson, 2004). But recent
outsourcing and globalisation trends have increased coordination and control problems, thus
decreasing the responsiveness and resilience of supply chains to risks. Suppliers also can take
increasing responsibility for supply chain processes through risk-sharing mechanisms (Li and
Kouvelis, 1999). In addition, effective contract design might increase risk sharing in the
supply chain, reducing the overall risk profile of the supply chain (D’Amico et al., 2014).
In the future, researchers should seek to understand how purchasing and supply
management can reduce risk profiles in a supply chain. In particular, research might pursue
an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of various contract forms and their
impact on reducing supply chain risk profiles while increasing supply chain profitability.
Public sector purchasing
Current industry trends in public sector purchasing can be categorised into three
areas: regulations, partnering and individual competencies of purchasing managers. Each area
needs additional attention from purchasing researchers. First, regulatory trends revolve
around the efforts of harmonising legislative standards across the European Union and World
Trade Organization (Bovis, 2012). These efforts have two principle aims: The use of shared
terms and conditions can make the process more standard, reducing its costs and lead times,
and this harmonisation of international standards can open market opportunities, by ensuring
inclusion and fair competition. Research on such regulations should focus on how these aims
might be achieved in practice.
Second, public sector purchasing has been insufficiently studied, relative to private
sector purchasing. Lessons from the private sector might be applied to enhance public sector
purchasing, such as by involving potential suppliers early in the process or fostering dialogue
between the public sector and industry (Tadelis, 2012). Public–private partnerships could be
particularly effective in enhancing public purchasing and its supporting sectors, such as
defence (Glagola and Sheedy, 2002). As partnering becomes more prominent, research
should consider the role of integrators in shaping partnerships and mediating the relationships
between the public sector and industry. Another stream of research could investigate ways to
enhance small-and medium-sized enterprises’ ability to interact with the public sector, such
as through e-procurement applications (Karjalainen and Kemppainen, 2008).
Third, developing the competencies of individual managers involved in public sector
purchasing is another area in which the field might benefit from insights gleaned from the
private sector (Schiele and McCue, 2006). Practitioners and academics often overlook
management competencies for public sector purchasing (McKevitt et al., 2012). Research in
this area should investigate the behaviour of personnel involved in public sector purchasing
and the relationship to purchasing performance. In particular, studies could focus on how to
delegate authority, how to incentivise personnel and how to organise public sector purchasing
Spina et al. (2013) show that, in purchasing literature, the number of confirmatory,
survey-based studies is increasing, but the number of exploratory, case study–based studies is
decreasing. This trend suggests purchasing literature is becoming more mature. That is,
academics in the past employed case study research to build new theories, but today, many
researchers are testing these theories using survey-based research. We believe this trend will
continue, especially for mature research topics. However, the innovative research areas we
have identified still require some case study or application-based research, because
knowledge in such areas remains quite limited. This recommendation is particularly relevant
for areas of research that feature only seminal contributions, such as inclusive value chains.
We also propose that mixed methods that combine both qualitative and quantitative methods
may be particularly suitable for advancing the research topics we have highlighted in this
section, because mixed methods can not only create new knowledge but also test it.
Van Weeele and Van Raaij (2014) also consider methodological aspects of
purchasing research and affirm that purchasing is becoming more strategic and more closely
integrated with other functions. They argue that the theories employed in purchasing studies
should reflect this trend and, in particular, that purchasing research should employ strategic
management theories more often. They offer stakeholder theory, network theory, the
resource-based view of the firm, dynamic capabilities theory and relational views as potential
candidates. We also suggest that as the purchasing discipline becomes more interdisciplinary,
the theories and methods employed should be interdisciplinary as well. Further research
should adopt not just strategic management theories but also other theories from the
management community at large and from other fields, such as environmental science for
integrated sustainable purchasing and marketing research, or legal studies for regulatory
public sector purchasing research.
We have traced the evolution of purchasing research, highlighting how purchasing is
growing increasingly integrated with other business functions and processes, especially those
related to strategy, decision making, marketing and supply chain management. We also have
identified future trends and directions for purchasing practices, emphasising their impact on
academic research and their potential for laying out further research avenues. The purchasing
trends we identify relate to the following areas: sustainable and ethical purchasing,
purchasing in the digital economy, purchasing and supply chain risk management and public
sector purchasing. We also provide our perspective on the evolution of appropriate
methodology for purchasing research.
Acknowledgments. The authors thank Stuart Addy and Seongtae Kim for their useful
comments on a previous version of this article.
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