Voice conversion by prosody and vocal tract modification
K. Sreenivasa Rao, B.Yegnanarayana
Proc. Ninth International Conference on Information Technology, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, pp. 111-116,
Dec. 2006
Report No: IIIT/TR/2006/35
Centre for Language Technologies Research Centre
International Institute of Information Technology
Hyderabad - 500 032, INDIA
December 2006
K. Sreenivasa Rao
B. Yegnanarayana
Department of ECE,
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
Guwahati - 781 039, India.
[email protected]
Department of CS&E,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036, India.
[email protected]
ing speaker characteristics. Personification of synthesized
speech is another important application as many automated
systems use synthesized speech as a computer interaction
tool [2].
Speech production is often represented by a source-filter
model. Both parts of this model contribute to speaker characteristics. For example, speech rate, duration, pitch and dynamic pitch range are features mainly related to the source,
while formant positions and bandwidths are features related
to the filter, i.e., vocal tract. A perfect voice conversion
should deal with all these features in phase. However, they
are often processed separately to make the task easier. Most
current voice conversion systems focus on the spectral conversion and often apply simple modification for prosody
features, such as shifting the average pitch of a source speaker
to a target speaker [3, 4]. In this paper the proposed methods impose the target pitch contour along with the desired
durational and intensity (gain) modifications.
There are many ways to implement the transformation
function for converting source features to target features,
such as mapping codebooks, discrete transformation functions, artificial neural networks, Gaussian mixture models
and some combinations of them [5–9]. In codebook mapping, one to one correspondence between the spectral codebook entries of the source speaker and the target speaker is
developed by some form of supervised vector quantization
method. In general, these methods face several problems
such as artifacts introduced at the boundaries between successive speech frames, limitation on robust estimation of parameters (e.g., formant frequency estimation), or distortion
introduced during synthesis of target speech. Another issue
which has not been explored in detail is the transformation
of the glottal excitation characteristics.
In discrete transformation method, codebook mapping
is replaced by piecewise linear function [6]. The discrete
classification of source and target features results in discontinuity in the reproduced speech. Artificial neural networks are used here for mapping the source and target features using continuous and nonlinear transformation function. GMM and Maximum Aposteriori (MAP) adaptation
In this paper we proposed some flexible methods, which
are useful in the process of voice conversion. The proposed methods modify the shape of the vocal tract system
and the characteristics of the prosody according to the desired requirement. The shape of the vocal tract system is
modified by shifting the major resonant frequencies (formants) of the short term spectrum, and altering their bandwidths accordingly. In the case of prosody modification, the
required durational and intonational characteristics are imposed on the given speech signal. In the proposed method,
the prosodic characteristics are manipulated using instants
of significant excitation. The instants of significant excitation correspond to the instants of glottal closure (epochs)
in the case of voiced speech, and to some random excitations like onset of burst in the case of nonvoiced speech.
Instants of significant excitation are computed from the Linear Prediction (LP) residual of the speech signals by using
the property of average group delay of minimum phase signals. The manipulations of durational characteristics and
pitch contour (intonation pattern) are achieved by manipulating the LP residual with the help of the knowledge of the
instants of significant excitation. The modified LP residual
is used to excite the time varying filter. The filter parameters
are updated according to the desired vocal tract characteristics. The proposed methods are evaluated using listening
Voice conversion is a method that aims to transform the
characteristics of an input (source) speech signal such that
the output (transformed) signal is perceived to be produced
by another (target) speaker. Its applications include customization of text-to-speech systems (e.g., to speak with
a desired voice or to read out email in the sender’s voice)
as well as entertainment and security applications [1]. In
film industry, voice conversion systems can be employed for
dubbing and translation to a different language by preserv-
9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06)
0-7695-2635-7/06 $20.00 © 2006
Authorized licensed use limited to: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 30, 2009 at 02:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
The basic shape of vocal tract can be characterized by the
gross envelope of Linear Prediction (LP) spectrum. LP spectrum can be approximated by a set of resonant frequencies (formants) and their associated bandwidths. For each
speaker, the shape of the vocal tract will be unique, and
correspondingly the set of formants and their bandwidths.
Formant frequency values depend on gender and age of the
speaker. In this paper we derived a gross relation between
formant frequencies and average pitch, with respect to male
and female speakers.
Television (TV) broadcast news data is used for analyzing the relationship between pitch (source) and formant frequencies (vocal tract characteristics) [12]. For the analysis,
speech data of five female and five male speakers is considered. The steady vowel regions with identical positional
and contextual constraints are derived from the database.
Formant frequencies are computed by using the group delay function method [13]. All the group delay functions of
a particular vowel are plotted on the same figure, one over
the other, as shown in Fig. 1. In the figure, the overlapping regions correspond to the formant frequencies of the
vowel. The average pitch in the vowel region is also com-
approach is used for spectral transformation, and Speech
Transformation and Representation using Adaptive Interpolation of weiGHTed spectrum (STRAIGHT) framework
is used for pitch scale modification [10]. In selective preemphasis method, transformation of vocal tract spectrum is
carried out using sub-band based framework, where perceptual characteristics of human auditory system is taken into
account [2]. This method provides the estimation of detailed
spectral envelope and the modification of spectral resolution
in different sub-bands.
In harmonic peak-to-valley ratio (HPVR) modification
method, voice quality attributes such as breathiness and roughness of a speaker are collectively modeled by harmonic peakto-valley ratio of the speaker’s speech spectrum [11]. The
average HPVR is modified through a post-filtering operation, after the conversion of spectral envelope, pitch and
other speaker individual features.
In this paper we proposed methods to modify both vocal tract characteristics and prosody (i.e., durational, intonational and gain contours) information according to the target requirements. In Section 2, modification of vocal tract
shape is discussed. Section 3 describes the general method
for the modification of prosodic characteristics and a specific method to impose the desired (target) pitch contour on
a given speech signal. Results of the perceptual evaluation
from the listening tests are given in Section 4. Conclusions
and future work are provided in Section 5.
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 1. Group delay functions for the vowel /u/.
puted. The average pitch and formant frequencies for all
vowels and speakers are computed. Table 1 shows the dependence of formant frequencies on pitch. In the analysis
the first three formants are considered.
The shape of the vocal tract is characterized by major
resonances of the vocal tract system. The resonances and
their bandwidths are related to the angle and magnitude of
the corresponding poles in the z-plane. The formant frequencies can be changed by shifting the poles of a system
transfer function in the z-plane. As per the required modification in formant frequencies, the angle and magnitude
of the poles are modified. The LPCs are recomputed from
these new poles. The basic procedure for the modification
of LPCs is given in Table 2.
Proposed methods modify the prosodic characteristics such
as, pitch contour and durational characteristics in residual
domain using the knowledge of the instants of significant
excitation [14]. The basic reason for choosing the residual domain for modification is that the successive samples
in the LP residual are less correlated compared to the samples in the speech signal. Therefore the residual manipulation is likely to introduce less distortion in the speech signal
synthesized by using the modified LP residual and LP coefficients. The region around the instant of glottal closure
correspond to the significant part of excitation, in the sense
that the strength of excitation is maximum in that region of
9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06)
0-7695-2635-7/06 $20.00 © 2006
Authorized licensed use limited to: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 30, 2009 at 02:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 1. Dependence of formant frequencies on pitch.
Male (M)
Formant frequencies
652 1410 2365
470 1895 2635
378 2086 2757
562 1315 2515
365 1225 2470
Table 2. Steps for LPCs modifi cation.
Preemphasize the input speech.
Compute LPCs with 10th order LP analysis, with
a frame size of 20 ms and a frame shift of 5 ms.
For each set of LPCs compute the roots in
rectangular form (xi ± jyi ).
Transform the roots
) using
p to polar form (re
the relations r = x + y and θ = arctan(y/x).
As per the required vocal tract shape, modify the
magnitude and angle (r and θ) of the poles using the
relations θi = αi θi = fii θi and r = e−πβi T .
(where θi and θi represents angular components
of poles of source and target formant frequencies
fi and fi , r = magnitude of the poles, βi and T
represents bandwidth of formants and sampling period.)
Transform the modified roots into complex conjugate
form using the relation (rcosθ + jrsinθ).
Compute the LPCs from the modified roots.
the pitch period. Therefore, we attempt to retain that region
during pitch period modification. Finally, in LP residual
manipulation the samples around the instant of glottal closure are preserved, and the samples at the low SNR regions
(other than the region around the glottal closure) are allowed
for modification. This process offers least audible distortion
in the synthesized speech.
There are four main steps involved in the prosody manipulation: (1) Deriving the instants of significant excitation
(epochs) from the LP residual signal, (2) deriving a modified (new) epoch sequence according to the desired prosody
(pitch and duration), (3) deriving a modified LP residual signal from the modified epoch sequence, and (4) synthesizing
speech using the modified LP residual and the LPCs.
Group-delay analysis is used to derive the instants of
significant excitation from the LP residual [15, 16]. The
Female (F)
Formant frequencies
845 1630 2732
605 2165 2915
465 2476 3115
678 1438 2835
475 1357 2992
Ratio (F/M)
analysis involves computation of the average slope of the
unwrapped phase spectrum (i.e., average group-delay) for
each frame. If X(ω) and Y (ω) are the Fourier transforms
of the windowed signal x(n) and nx(n), respectively, then the
group-delay function τ (ω) is given by the negative derivative of the phase function φ(ω) of X(ω), and is given by
[15, 17]
τ (ω) = −φ (ω) =
2 + X2
where XR + jXI = X(ω), and YR + jYI = Y (ω). Any
isolated sharp peaks in τ (ω) are removed by using a 3-point
median filtering. Note that all the Fourier transforms are
implemented using the discrete Fourier transform. The average value τ̄ of the smoothed τ (ω) is the value of the phase
slope function for the time instant corresponding to the center of the windowed signal x(n). The phase slope function
is computed by shifting the analysis window by one sample at a time. The instants of positive zero-crossings of the
phase slope function correspond to the instants of significant excitation. Fig. 2 illustrate the results of extraction of
the instants of significant excitation for voiced speech segment.
The time interval between two successive epochs correspond to the pitch period for voiced speech. With each
epoch we associate three parameters, namely, time instant,
epoch interval and LP residual. We call these as epoch parameters. The prosody manipulation involves deriving a
new excitation (LP residual) signal by incorporating the desired modification in the duration and pitch period for the
utterance. This is done by first creating a new sequence of
epochs from the original sequence of epochs. For this purpose all the epochs derived from the original signal are considered, irrespective of whether they correspond to a voiced
segment or a nonvoiced segment.
For pitch period modification, the new sequence of epochs
are generated using the following steps: (1) The epoch interval plot is generated from the epoch sequence of the original signal. (2) The new epoch interval plot is generated by
9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06)
0-7695-2635-7/06 $20.00 © 2006
Authorized licensed use limited to: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 30, 2009 at 02:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
x 10
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
Time (s)
Fig. 2. (a) A segment of voiced speech and its (b) LP
residual, (c) phase slope function, and (d) instants of
signifi cant excitation.
8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Epoch interval
(# samples)
by the resampled voiced and nonvoiced regions of the desired epoch interval plot. Fig. 3 shows the modification of
the given epoch interval plot according to the desired epoch
interval plot.
8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Time (# samples)
multiplying the original epoch interval plot by the desired
modification factor (i.e., scaling the epoch interval plot). (3)
Derive the new epoch sequence from the modified epoch interval plot iteratively. In the case of duration modification,
the new epoch interval plot is generated either by stretching
or compressing the original epoch interval plot according to
the desired modification factor. This is achieved by resampling process.
For each epoch in the new epoch sequence, the nearest epoch in the original epoch sequence is determined, and
thus the corresponding epoch parameters are identified. The
original LP residual is modified in the epoch intervals of
the new epoch sequence, and thus a modified excitation (LP
residual) signal is generated. The modified LP residual signal is then used to excite the time varying all-pole filter represented by the LPCs.
So far in the pitch period modification, the pitch contour
of the speech utterance is shifted by a constant scale factor.
But in voice conversion application, the existing pitch contour needs to be modified as per the desired (target) pitch
contour (i.e., imposing the desired pitch contour on a given
speech signal). For imposing the desired (target) pitch contour on the existing pitch contour, the durations of voiced
and nonvoiced regions in both the contours should be equal.
Therefore the voiced and nonvoiced regions of the desired
epoch interval plot (desired pitch contour) are resampled
according to the requirement. Then, the voiced and nonvoiced regions of the given epoch interval plot are replaced
Fig. 3. (a) Epoch interval plot for a given speech utterance, (b) desired epoch interval plot and (c) desired epoch interval plot is superimposed on the given
epoch interval plot.
In the previous sections we described the methods to modify
the vocal tract shape (formant structure) and prosody characteristics such as duration and intonation patterns. In this
section we discuss how these methods are used collectively,
for converting a male speaker speech to a female speaker
speech and vice versa. For performing this study, ten Hindi
sentences are recorded by a male and a female speakers.
For each utterance, duration, average pitch, pitch contour,
average frame energy and energy contour (gain contour) are
computed. Using these values, each of the utterance spoken by a male speaker is transformed to it’s corresponding
female speaker spoken utterance, and vice versa. To perform the above transformation, prosody modification is carried out in LP residual domain, and vocal tract characteristic transformation is carried out by shifting the poles of
the transfer function in z-plane. The overall transformation
procedure is given in Table 3. The transformation of voice
characteristics at course level can be done by using the steps
mentioned in the Table 3. At finer level, one should incor-
9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06)
0-7695-2635-7/06 $20.00 © 2006
Authorized licensed use limited to: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 30, 2009 at 02:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
porate the target pitch contour and gain contour instead of
gross modification factors.
Table 5. Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) for evaluating
the transformation process.
Table 3. Steps for overall transformation.
Compute LPCs and LP residual with 10th order LP
analysis, with a frame size of 20 ms and shift of 5 ms.
Modify the LPCs by shifting the poles in Z-plane
as per the desired vocal tract shape.
Compute the ratios for the average pitch, duration and
average frame energy between source and target speakers.
Modify the LP residual as per the required pitch
and duration modification factors.
Synthesize the speech by exciting the time varying
filter representing the modified LPCs with the
modified LP residual.
Enhance the synthesized speech signal by a
required energy transformation factor.
The proposed methods can be evaluated by listening tests.
Twenty students are participated in conducting these tests.
These tests are used to evaluate the following three aspects:
(1) Perceptual distortion, (2) Natural feminine/male characteristics and (3) Target speaker characteristics. The subjects
were asked to give their opinion score on a five point scale
separately for each of these aspects. The 5-point scale for
representing the quality of speech and the distortion level is
given in Table 4 [18]. The Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) for
Table 4. Ranking used for judging the quality and distortion of the synthesized speech signal.
Speech quality
Level of distortion
Very annoying and objectionable
Annoying but not objectionable
Perceptible and slightly annoying
Just perceptible but not annoying
the above mentioned three aspects are given in Table 5. The
scores in first row correspond to the transformation from
male to female, and the second row correspond to female to
male transformation. The mean opinion scores indicate that
there is no perceivable distortion in the transformed speech.
This may be due to modification of prosodic characteristics
in LP residual domain. With respect to second aspect (natural gender characteristic), the MOS indicate that the transformation provided the desired gender characteristics in the
synthesized speech. In the case of last aspect (target speaker
characteristics), the MOS indicate that the performance of
Male to Female
Female to Male
Mean Opinion Scores (MOS)
Perceptual Target gender Target speaker
the transformation is not up to the mark. This is because the
transformation is done at course level. Slight improvement
is observed in this aspect, if the transformation is performed
at finer level.
The subjective tests rightly pointed out that the transformation process had not incorporated the target speaker
characteristics accurately. This is due to the fact that, in
the transformation process, we used the average values for
transforming pitch contour, energy contour and vocal tract
characteristics. But, this is sufficient for certain applications
where it is required to transform male voice to female voice
and vice versa. If the application requires specific speaker
characteristics, we need to perform the transformation by
imposing the exact pitch contour, energy contour, source
characteristics and vocal tract characteristics.
In this paper we proposed methods to modify the vocal tract
characteristics and prosodic characteristics of a given speech
signal. In particular, these methods are useful in voice conversion process. In the proposed method, vocal tract characteristics are modified by shifting the poles of the vocal
tract system transfer function in z-plane. Prosodic characteristics (duration and intonation patterns) are modified in
residual domain using instants of significant excitation as
anchor points. As the samples in the LP residual have low
correlation, manipulation of these samples according to desired prosody modification gives minimum distortion. Samples around the instants of significant excitation correspond
to high signal-to-noise ratio regions of the speech signal.
Therefore in prosody modification, these regions are preserved and only other regions are allowed for manipulation.
This process retains the naturalness and gives minimum distortion in the output transformed speech. The basic methods
proposed in this paper provides greater flexibility in modification of the parameters by large factors. The proposed
methods are evaluated using listening tests. The MOS from
the listening tests indicate that the transformation process
does not produce any perceptual distortion. It is also evident
that the desired gender transformation is achieved successfully, but the specific target speaker characteristics are not
9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06)
0-7695-2635-7/06 $20.00 © 2006
Authorized licensed use limited to: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 30, 2009 at 02:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
completely observed in the transformed speech.
The methods mentioned in this paper provide the basic
framework for voice conversion process. In this paper, we
have not attempted the modification of glottal pulse characteristics. It is known that the shape of the glottal pulse
and its characteristics are unique to a speaker. Therefore
by incorporating the glottal pulse characteristics according
to the desired speaker, the overall performance of the voice
conversion can be improved.
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9th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT'06)
0-7695-2635-7/06 $20.00 © 2006
Authorized licensed use limited to: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 30, 2009 at 02:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.