<p>The central place of revelation in the Gospel of John and the Gospel's revelatory telling of the life of Jesus are distinctive features of John when compared with the Synoptic Gospels; yet, when John is compared among the apocalypses, these same features indicate John's striking affinity with the genre of apocalypse. By paying attention to modern genre theory and making an extensive comparison with the standard definition of "apocalypse," the Gospel of John reflects similarities with Jewish apocalypses in form, content, and function. Even though the Gospel of John reflects similarities with the genre of apocalypse, John is not an apocalypse, but in genre theory terms, John may be described as a gospel in kind and an apocalypse in mode. John's narrative of Jesus's life has been qualified and shaped by the genre of apocalypse, such that it may be called an "apocalyptic" gospel. Understanding the Fourth Gospel as "apocalyptic" Gospel provides an explanation for John's appeal to Israel's Scriptures and Mosaic authority. Possible historical reasons for the revelatory narration of Jesus's life in the Gospel of John may be explained by the Gospel's relationship with the book of Revelation and the history of reception concerning their writing. An examination of Byzantine iconographic traditions highlights how reception history may offer a possible explanation for reading John as "apocalyptic" Gospel.</p>
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