Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:108
Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Radion stabilization in higher curvature warped spacetime
Ashmita Das1,a , Hiya Mukherjee2,b , Tanmoy Paul2,c , Soumitra SenGupta2,d
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, North Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam 781039, India
Department of Theoretical Physics, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 2A & 2B Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata 700 032, India
Received: 23 December 2017 / Accepted: 31 January 2018 / Published online: 6 February 2018
© The Author(s) 2018. This article is an open access publication
Abstract We consider a five dimensional AdS spacetime
in presence of higher curvature term like F(R) = R + α R 2
in the bulk. In this model, we examine the possibility of
modulus stabilization from the scalar degrees of freedom
of higher curvature gravity free of ghosts. Our result reveals
that the model stabilizes itself and the mechanism of modulus
stabilization can be argued from a geometric point of view.
We determine the region of the parametric space for which the
modulus (or radion) can to be stabilized. We also show how
the mass and coupling parameters of radion field are modified
due to higher curvature term leading to modifications of its
phenomenological implications on the visible 3-brane.
1 Introduction
Till date, Standard Model (SM) of particle Physics is a widely
accepted theory to describe the interactions of fundamental particles. Despite its enormous successes, the model is
plagued with divergence of the Higgs mass due to radiative
corrections which may run up to Planck scale. An unnatural
fine tuning is needed to confine the Higgs mass within TeV
Many attempts have been made to address this problem by
considering the theories beyond SM of particle Physics. Few
such candidates are – supersymmetry, technicolor and extra
dimensions. Among many such attempts [1–15], RandallSundrum (RS) model [6] of warped extra dimension draws
special attention since it resolves the gauge hierarchy problem without choosing any intermediate scale in the theory.
In RS model, two 3-branes are embedded in a five dimensional anti de-Sitter spacetime compactified on a M4 × S1 /Z 2
orbifold. The distance between these two branes is assumed
a e-mail:
[email protected]
b e-mail:
[email protected]
c e-mail:
[email protected]
d e-mail:
[email protected]
to be ∼ of Planck length so that the required hierarchy
between the two branes is generated. One of the crucial
aspects of this braneworld scenario is to stabilize the distance between the branes (known as modulus or radion).
For this purpose, it is necessary to generate an appropriate
radion potential with a stable minimum consistent with the
value proposed in RS model in order to solve the hierarchy
problem. Goldberger and Wise (GW) proposed a mechanism
[16] to create such a radion potential by introducing a bulk
scalar field with appropriate boundary values. Subsequently
the phenomenology of radion field has also been studied
extensively. This radion phenomenology [17–20] along with
the study of RS graviton [21–25] and RS black holes [26–
28] are considered to be the testing ground of warped extra
dimensional models in collider experiments [29,30]. As the
present experimental lower bound of the first graviton KKmode mass climbs above 3 TeV, the RS-type resolution of
the naturalness problem is undoubtedly under pressure. The
question that how the Higgs is so much lighter than the 5dimensional Planck scale needs to be settled properly. However, in any higher dimensional model with gravity in the
bulk, the modulus must be stabilized to appropriate value
to extract a meaningful low energy effective theory on the
brane. The present work aims to address this issue specially
in the context of a higher dimensional model where the fundamental curvature scale is of the order of Planck scale.
It is well known that Einstein–Hilbert action can be generalized by adding higher order curvature terms which naturally arise from diffeomorphism property of the action. Such
terms also have their origin in String theory due to quantum
corrections. F(R) [31–33], Gauss–Bonnet (GB) [34–36] or
more generally Lanczos-Lovelock gravity are some of the
candidates in higher curvature gravitational theory.
Higher curvature terms become extremely relevant at the
regime of large curvature. Thus for RS bulk geometry where
the curvature is of the order of Planck scale, the higher curvature terms should play a crucial role. In general inclusion of
higher curvature terms in the action leads to the appearance of
108 Page 2 of 11
ghost from higher derivative terms resulting into Ostragradsky instability. The Gauss–Bonnet model (a special case of
Lanczos–Lovelock model) is however free of this instability
due to appropriate choice of various quadratic combinations
of Riemann tensor, Ricci tensor and curvature scalar . Some
important modified solutions of the Randall–Sundrum model
in presence of Gauss–Bonnet terms have been obtained by
Kim et al. [37,38] in the context of both static and inflationary scenario. A GB modified warped solution and it’s
phenomenological implications was also discussed in [39].
In contrast to GB model F(R) gravity model however
contains higher curvature terms consisting only of the scalar
curvature R. Once again just as GB model, certain classes
of F(R) gravity models are free from ghost-like instability (See Sect. 3 for a detailed discussion). In general F(R)
model can be mapped into a scalar–tensor theory at the action
level by a conformal transformation of the metric [31,32,40–
45]. The issue of instability of the original F(R) model is
now reflected in the form of the kinetic and potential terms
of the scalar field in the dual scalar–tensor model, where
the potential will have a stable minimum and a kinetic term
with proper signature if the original F(R) model is free from
ghosts (see Sect. 3). It is know that to achieve modulus stabilization in RS-like model, one needs a scalar field [16].
We, in this work, therefore look for the possibility of having a geometric modulus stabilization mechanism due to the
scalar degree of freedom originating from the higher curvature terms. The important questions in this context are:
• Is the RS braneworld modified by F(R) gravity, stabilized even without introducing an external stabilizing
• If the modulus can be stabilized in the dual scalar–tensor
model, does it mean that it is also stabilized in the original
F(R) model?
• Does the scalar kinetic and potential terms for the purpose
of modulus stabilization correspond to a F(R) model
which is free of ghost-like instability?
• If the braneworld scenario is stabilized consistently then
how the radion mass and coupling parameters will change
from that of RS scenario due to the presence of higher
order curvature terms?
We aim to address these questions in this work by using the
equivalence between F(R) and scalar–tensor theory.
The paper is organized as follows: Following two sections
are devoted to brief reviews of RS scenario and conformal
relationship between F(R) and scalar–tensor (ST) theory. In
Sect. 4, we extend our analysis of Sect. 3 for the specific
F(R) model considered in this work. Section 5 extensively
describes the modulus stabilization, radion mass and coupling for the dual ST model while Sect. 6 addresses these for
Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:108
the original F(R) model. After discussing the equivalence,
the paper ends with some conclusive remarks in Sect. 7.
2 Brief description of RS scenario and its stabilization
via GW mechanism
RS scenario is defined on a five dimensional AdS spacetime
involving one warped and compact extra spacelike dimension. Two 3-branes known as TeV/visible and Planck/hidden
brane are embedded in five dimensional spacetime where the
intermediate region between the branes is termed as ‘bulk’.
If φ is the extra dimensional angular coordinate, then the
branes are located at two fixed points φ = (0, π ) while the
latter one is identified with our known four dimensional universe. The opposite brane tensions along with the finely tuned
five dimensional cosmological constant serve as energy–
momentum tensor of RS scenario. The resulting spacetime
metric [6] is non-factorizable and expressed as,
ds 2 = e−2krc |φ| ημν d x μ d x ν − rc2 dφ 2
Here, rc is the compactification radius of the extra dimension.
Due to S 1 /Z 2 compactification along the extra
dimension, φ
ranges from −π to +π . The quantity k = 12M
3 , is of the
order of 5-dimensional Planck scale M. Thus k relates the
5D Planck scale M to the 5D cosmological constant .
All the dimensionful parameters described above are
related to the reduced 4-dimensional Planck scale M Pl as,
M Pl
(1 − e−2kπrc )
In order to solve the hierarchy problem, it is assumed in
RS scenario that the branes are separated by such a distance
that kπrc ≈ 36. Then the exponential factor present in the
metric, which is often called warp factor, produces a large
suppression so that a mass scale of the order of Planck scale
is reduced to TeV scale on the visible brane. A scalar mass
say mass of Higgs is given as,
m H = m 0 e−kπrc
where m H and m 0 are physical and bare Higgs mass respectively. But one of the crucial aspects of this braneworld scenario is to stabilize the distance between the branes (known
as modulus or radion). For this purpose, Goldberger and Wise
demonstrated that the modulus corresponding to the radius
of the extra dimension in RS warped geometry model can be
stabilized [16] by invoking a massive scalar field in the bulk
with appropriate vacuum expectation values (vev) at the two
3-branes that reside at the orbifold fixed points. Consequently
the phenomenology of the radion field originating from 5D
gravitational degrees of freedom has also been explored [17].
Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:108
3 Transformation of a F(R) theory to scalar–tensor
In this section, we briefly describe how a higher curvature
F(R) gravity model in five dimensional scenario can be recast
into Einstein gravity with a scalar field. The F(R) action is
expressed as,
S = − 2 d 4 xdφ G F(R)
where x μ = (x 0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) are usual four dimensional
coordinate and φ is the extra dimensional spatial angular
coordinate. R is the five dimensional Ricci curvature and G
is the determinant of the metric. Moreover 2κ1 2 as taken as
2M 3 where M is the five dimensional Planck scale. Introducing an auxiliary field A(x, φ), above action (4) can be
equivalently written as,
S = − 2 d 4 xdφ G[F ′ (A)(R − A) + F(A)]
By the variation of the auxiliary field A(x, φ), one easily
obtains A = R. Plugging back this solution A = R into
action (5), initial action (4) can be reproduced. At this stage,
perform a conformal transformation of the metric as
G M N (x, φ) → G̃ M N = exp (σ (x, φ)G M N (x, φ)
M, N run form 0 to 5. σ (x, φ) is conformal factor and related
to the auxiliary field as σ = (2/3) ln F ′ (A). If R and R̃ are
the Ricci scalar formed by G M N and G̃ M N respectively, then
they are related as,
R = eσ R̃ − 4G̃ M N ∂ M ∂ N σ − 3G̃ M N ∂ M σ ∂ N σ
Due to the above relation between R and R̃, action (5)
turns out to be,
1 − 3σ ′
F (A) R̃ − 4G̃ M N ∂ M ∂ N σ
S = d xdφ G̃ − 2 e
1 − 5σ
F(A) − AF (A)
∂M σ ∂N σ − 2 e
Considering F ′ (R) > 0 and using the aforementioned
relation between σ and F ′ (A), one lands up to the following
scalar–tensor action
S = (1/2κ 2 ) d 4 xdφ G̃ − R̃ + 3G̃ M N ∂ M σ ∂ N σ
− 2
2κ F ′ (A)5/3
F ′ (A)2/3
where R̃ is the Ricci scalar formed by G̃ M N . σ (x, φ) is the
scalar field, emerging from higher curvature degrees of freedom. At this stage, it is important to note that for F ′ (R) < 0,
the kinetic term of the scalar field σ as well as the Ricci
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scalar R̃ in the above action come with wrong sign, which
indicates the existence of ghost field. Thus to avoid the ghost
like structure, F ′ (R) must be greater than zero. Later we shall
show that in the context of the present work, this condition
is indeed satisfied.
The kinetic part of σ (x, φ) in Eq. (30), though correct
in sign, is non-canonical. In order to √
make the scalar field
canonical, transform σ → (x, φ) = 3 σ (x,φ)
κ . In terms of
(x, φ), the above action takes the form,
1 MN
∂M ∂N − V ( )
S = d xdφ G̃ − 2 + G̃
− F ′ (A)
where V ( ) = 2κ1 2 [ F ′F(A)
2/3 ] is the scalar field
potential which depends on the form of F(R). Thus the action
of F(R) gravity in five dimension can be transformed into
the action of a scalar–tensor theory by a conformal transformation of the metric.
4 RS like spacetime in F(R) model and corresponding
scalar–tensor theory
In the present work, we consider a five dimensional AdS
spacetime with two 3-brane scenario in F(R) model. To the
leading order in higher curvature term, the form of F(R) is
taken as F(R) = R + α R 2 where α is a constant with square
of the inverse mass dimension. Considering φ as the extra
dimensional angular coordinate, two branes are located at
φ = 0 (hidden brane) and at φ = π (visible brane) respectively while the latter one is identified with the visible universe. Moreover the extra dimension is S 1 /Z 2 orbifolded
along the coordinate φ. The action for this model is:
S = d xdφ G − 2 (R + α R 2 ) −
−Vh δ(φ) − Vv δ(φ − π )
where (< 0) is the bulk cosmological constant and Vh , Vv
are the brane tensions on hidden, visible brane respectively.
This higher curvature like F(R) model (in Eq. (8)) can be
transformed into scalar–tensor theory by using the technique
discussed in the previous section. Performing a conformal
transformation of the metric as
G M N (x, φ) → G̃ M N = exp √ κ (x, φ) G M N (x, φ)
the above action (in Eq. (8)) can be expressed as a scalar–
tensor theory with the action given by:
S = d xdφ G̃ − 2 + G̃ M N ∂ M ∂ N − V ( )
108 Page 4 of 11
− − exp − √ κ
Vh δ(φ)
2 3
− exp − √ κ
Vv δ(φ − π )
2 3
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where the quantities in tilde are reserved for ST theory. R̃ is
the Ricci curvature formed by the transformed metric G̃ M N .
(x, φ) is the scalar field corresponds to higher curvature
degrees of freedom and V ( ) is the scalar potential which
for this specific choice form of F(R) has the form,
[exp √ κ
− 1]2
V ( ) = − 2 exp − √ κ
8κ α
2 3
2 3
+ exp − √ κ
2 3
One can check that the above potential (in Eq. (11)) is
stable for the parametric regime α < 0. This immediately
ensures that for our model with negative bulk curvature,
F ′ (R) = 1 + 2α R is always greater than zero which in turn
indicates that the original F(R) model is free from Ostragradsky instability as discussed earlier.
The stable value (<
>) as well as the mass squared
(m 2 ) of the scalar field ( ) are given by the following two
exp √ κ < > = [ 9 − 40κ 2 α − 2]
2 3
m2 = −
[ 9 − 40κ 2 α][ 9 − 40κ 2 α − 2]− 3
The above two equations imply that in order to have consistent values for < > and m 2 , α and must satisfy the
condition κ 2 α < 81 .
Furthermore, the minimum value of the potential i.e. V (<
>) is non zero and serves as a cosmological constant. Thus
the effective cosmological constant in scalar–tensor theory is
e f f = + V (< >) where V (< >) is,
V (< >) = − + [ 9 − 40κ 2 α − 2]− 3
[ − (1/8κ 2 α)[ 9 − 40κ 2 α − 3]2 ] (14)
Above form of V (< >) with < 0 clearly indicates that
e f f is also negative or more explicitly,the corresponding
scalar–tensor theory for the original F(R) model has an AdS
like spacetime. Considering ξ as the fluctuation of the scalar
field over its vev, the final form of action for the scalar–tensor
theory in the bulk can be written as,
S = d xdφ G̃ − 2 + G̃ M N ∂ M ξ ∂ N ξ
−(1/2)m 2 ξ 2 − e f f
where the terms up to quadratic order in ξ are retained for
κξ < 1. A detailed justification of neglecting the higher
order terms as well as their possible effects will be discussed
in Sect. 6.3.
5 Modulus stabilization, radion mass and coupling in
scalar–tensor (ST) theory
5.1 Modulus stabilization
In order to stabilize the modulus in ST theory, here we adopt
the GW mechanism [16] which requires a massive scalar field
in the bulk. For the case of ST theory presented in Eq. (15), ξ
can act as a bulk scalar field with the mass given by Eq. (13).
Considering a negligible backreaction of the scalar field (ξ )
on the background spacetime, the solution of metric G̃ M N is
exactly same as RS model i.e.
d s̃ 2 = e−2krc |φ| ημν d x μ d x ν − rc2 dφ 2
where k = 24Me f3f . With this metric, the scalar field equation of motion in the bulk is following,
∂φ [exp (−4krc |φ|)∂φ ξ ]
+m 2 exp (−4krc |φ|)ξ(φ) = 0
where the scalar field ξ is taken as function of extra dimensional coordinate only. Considering non zero value of ξ on
branes, the above Eq. (17) has the general solution,
ξ(φ) = e2krc |φ| Aeνkrc |φ| + Be−νkrc |φ|
with ν = 4 + m 2 /k 2 . Moreover A and B are obtained
from the boundary conditions, ξ(0) = vh and ξ(π ) = vv as
−(2+ν)krc π
−2νkrc π
vv e
− vh e
1 − e−2νkπrc
1 − e−2νkπrc
vh − vv e
−(2+ν)krc π
Plugging back the solution of ξ(φ) (Eq. (18)) into scalar
field action and integrating over φ yields an effective modulus
potential having the following form,
Ve f f (rc ) = k(ν + 2)A2 (e2νkrc π − 1)
+ k(ν − 2)B 2 (1 − e−2νkrc π )
where A and B are given in Eqs. (19) and (20) respectively.
This potential has a minimum at
kπrc =
4k 2
ln [ ]
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According to GW mechanism [16], the branes are stabilized
at that separation for which the modulus potential becomes
minimum. Thus the above equation represents the stabilized
value for inter-brane separation. Expression of m 2 (Eq. (13))
clearly indicates that rc in Eq. (22) is positive only for α < 0.
Thus the F(R) model depicted in Eq. (8) with positive α can
be transformed to a scalar–tensor theory where the scalar
field has negative squared mass and the modulus of the ST
theory can not be stabilized.
At this stage, we mention that the value of the stabilized
modulus should be krc ≃ 12, in order to solve the gauge
hierarchy problem. Equation (22) clearly indicates that such
magnitude of krc can be achieved without any fine tuning of
the parameters [16]. For example, vh /vv = 1.5 and m /k =
0.2 yields krc ≃ 12 [16].
It may be observed that the scalar field degrees of freedom
is related to the curvature as,
ξ(φ) = √ ln[1 + 2α R]− <
Recall that < >= √2 ln[ 9 − 40κ 2 α − 2].
From the above expression, we can relate the boundary
values of the scalar field (i.e ξ(0) = vh and ξ(π ) = vv ) with
the Ricci scalar as,
1 + 2α R(0)
vh = √ ln √
9 − 40κ 2 α − 2
1 + 2α R(π )
vv = √ ln √
9 − 40κ 2 α − 2
where R(0) and R(π ) are the values of the curvature on
Planck and TeV brane respectively. In Sect. 6.1, we derive
the expression of the bulk scalar curvature which in this scenario becomes dependent on the bulk coordinate y. Thus the
parameters that are used in the scalar–tensor theory are actually related to the parameters of the original F(R) theory.
Furthermore to derive the stabilization condition in scalar–
tensor theory, the backreaction of the scalar field on spacetime geometry is neglected. It can be shown from [16], that
this is valid as long as the stress energy tensor for the scalar
field is less than the bulk cosmological constant which in turn
implies that vh2 /M 3 and vv2 /M 3 are less than unity, where vh
and vv are the boundary values of the scalar field. Now using
Eqs. (24) and (25), we can determine the conditions of negligible back-reactions in terms of the parameters appearing
in the original F(R) theory.
The effect of backreaction, though small, shall also incorporated in Sect. 6.3. We will show that the backreaction modifies all the quantities described via Eqs. (18, 19, 20, 22),
though the modification is small in the limit κvh < 1.
5.2 Radion potential
In this section, we consider a fluctuation of branes around
the stable separation (rc ). So the inter-brane separation can
be considered as a field, and here, for simplicity we assume
[17] that this new field depends only on the brane coordinates.
The corresponding metric ansatz is,
d s̃ 2 = e−2kT (x)|φ| ημν d x μ d x ν − T̃ 2 (x)2 dφ 2
From the perspective of four dimensional effective theory,
T̃ (x) is known as radion field. Recall that the quantities in
tilde are reserved for ST theory. In order to find the radion
mass, here we adopt the method proposed by Goldberger and
Wise [17]. In the GW mechanism, the same bulk scalar field
which stabilize the modulus can also generate the potential
for radion field and in the present ST theory (Eq. 15), ξ(x, φ)
can fulfill the purpose.
With the metric in Eq. (26), a Kaluza-Klein reduction for
the five dimensional Einstein–Hilbert action reduces to four
dimensional effective action as,
12M 3
d 4 x∂μ (e−kπ T̃ (x) )∂ μ (e−kπ T̃ (x) )
Skin [T̃ ] =
As we see that T (x) is not canonical and thus we redefine
the field by the following transformation,
T̃ (x) −→ (x)
24M 3 −kπ T̃ (x)
˜ the kinetic part of radion field becomes
In terms of ,
Skin [] =
d 4 x(∂μ )(∂
Correspondingly the radion potential is obtained from Eq.
(21) by replacing rc by T̃ (x) i.e.
Ve f f (T̃ ) = k(ν + 2)A2 (e2νk T̃ (x)π − 1)
+k(ν − 2)B 2 (1 − e−2νk T̃ (x)π )
where A and B are given by,
vv e−(2+ν)k T̃ (x)π − vh e−2νk T̃ (x)π
1 − e−2νk T̃ (x)π
−(2+ν)k T̃ (x)π
vh − vv e
1 − e−2νk T̃ (x)π
Using the transformation given in Eqs. (27) in (28),
˜ >) and mass squared
we obtain the stable value (<
2 (ST )) of the radion field [17] in scalar–tensor theory
(m̃ rad
˜ >=
24M 3 −kπrc
108 Page 6 of 11
with kπrc =
4k 2
Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:108
ln [ vvhv ] (see Eq. (22)) and
e−2krc π
k 2 vv2 2
3M 3
1 − e−2νkπrc
with ǫ = m 2 /4k 2 and ν = 4 + m 2 /k 2 . As mentioned
earlier that the solution of gauge hierarchy problem requires
krc ≃ 12 for which one can approximate 1−e−2νkπrc ≃ 1.
Under this approximation, the radion mass squared takes the
m̃ rad
(ST ) =
(ST ) =
m̃ rad
k 2 vv2 2 −2krc π
ǫ e
3M 3
5.3 Coupling between radion and Standard Model fields
Being a gravitational degree of freedom, radion field interacts with brane energy–momentum tensor and the couplings
of interaction are constrained by four dimensional general
covariance. From the five dimensional metric ansatz (see Eq.
(26)), it is clear that theinduced metric on visible brane is
( f )2 ημν (where f = 24M 3 /k) and consequently (x)
couples directly with SM fields.
For example, consider the Higgs sector of Standard Model,
˜ f )4
S H iggs = (1/2) d 4 x(/
˜ f )−2 g μν ∂μ h∂ν h − μ20 h 2 ]
where h(x) is the Higgs field. In order to get a canonical kinetic term, one needs to redefine h(x) −→ H (x) =
f h(x). Therefore for H (x), the above action can be written as,
4 ⎣
g μν ∂μ H ∂ν H
S H iggs = (1/2) d x
˜ >
μ2 H 2 ⎦
˜ >
where μ = μ0 <>
= μ0 exp [−kπrc ]. Considering a flucf
˜ > +δ ,
˜ one
tuation of (x) about its VEV as (x)
can obtain (from Eq. (34)) that δ couples to H (x) through
the trace of the energy–momentum tensor of the Higgs field:
˜ μ
T (H )
˜ μ
So, the coupling between radion and Higgs field become,
λ(H −δ )
˜ = <>
˜ . Similar consideration holds for any other
SM fields. For example for Z boson, the corresponding coum 2Z
pling is λ(Z −δ )
˜ = <>
˜ . Thus the inverse of < > plays
a crucial role in determining the coupling strength between
radion and SM fields. In the present case, we obtain (see
Eq. (30))
24M 3 −kπrc
˜ >=
Hence we finally arrive at,
λ̃(H −)
exp (kπrc )
˜ =μ
24M 3
Similarly the coupling between radion and Z boson is,
λ̃(Z −)
exp (kπrc )
˜ = mZ
24M 3
where m Z is the mass of Z boson.
Now we turn our focus on modulus stabilization as well as
on radion mass and coupling for the original F(R) model (Eq.
(8)) by using the stabilization condition of the corresponding
scalar–tensor theory.
6 Modulus stabilization, radion mass and coupling in
F(R) model
6.1 Modulus stabilization
Recall that the original higher curvature F(R) model is presented by action given in Eq. (8). Solutions of metric (G M N )
for this F(R) model can be extracted from the solutions of
corresponding scalar–tensor theory (Eqs. (16) and (18)) with
the help of Eq. (9). Thus the line element in F(R) model
turns out to be
ds 2 = e
− √κ
[e−2krc |φ| ημν d x μ d x ν − rc2 dφ 2 ]
where (φ) =< > +ξ(φ) and ξ(φ) is given by Eq. (18).
This solution of G M N immediately leads to the separation
between hidden (φ = 0) and visible (φ = π ) branes along
the path of constant x μ as follows:
− √
π d = rc
dφe 2 3
where d is the inter-brane separation in F(R) model. Using
the explicit functional form of (φ) (Eq. (18)), above equation can be integrated and simplified to the following one,
kπ d = kπrc −
4k 2 κvv vh
√ [ − 1]
m 2 2 3 vv
where the sub-leading terms of κξ are neglected. rc is the
modulus in the corresponding ST theory and it is stabilized
which is shown in the previous section (Eq. (22)). So, it can be
argued that due to the stabilization of ST theory, the modulus
d in F(R) model is also stabilized with a value,
κvv vh
4k 2
− √
kπ d = 2 ln
2 3 vv
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kπ d
From the angle of four dimensional effective theory, T (x) is
known as radion field. Moreover (x, φ) is obtained from
Eq. (18) by replacing rc to T (x). Plugging the metric solution
(Eq. (41)) into the five dimensional
√ F(R) 1(= R + α 2R )
gravitational action (S = d xdφ G[− 2κ 2 (R + α R )])
and integrating over φ yields a kinetic as well as a potential
part for the radion field T (x). Kinetic part comes as
α M2
Fig. 1 kπ d vs |α|M 2
Hence it can be concluded that F(R) model where the only
independent field is spacetime metric (G M N ), is a self stabilizing system. From the expression of m 2 (Eq. (13)), it is
clear that d goes to zero at the limit α → 0. Moreover for
α > 0, m 2 becomes negative which in turn makes the modulus d negative (see Eq. (39)), an unphysical situation. From
the above two statements, it is clear that the self stabilization
in F(R) model arises entirely due to the presence of higher
curvature term α R 2 only when α < 0.
From the above relation (Eq. (39)) and using the expression of m 2 (Eq. (13)), we obtain the Fig. 1 between kπ d and
|α|M 2 .
The figure demonstrates that the brane separation (d)
increases with the higher curvature parameter α. However,
using the metric solution given in Eq. (37), one calculates the
five dimensional Ricci scalar as follows:
R(φ) = −20k 2 − √ e[−
2 κcφ]
k 2 κc
Skin [T ] =
12M 3
1 − √ αk 2 κvh
d 4 x∂μ (e−kπ T (x) )∂ μ (e−kπ T (x) )
The signature of higher curvature R 2 in the above expression
comes through the term containing the parameter α. It is
evident that T (x) is not canonical and in order to make it
canonical, we redefine the field as
T (x) −→ (x) = f e−kπ T (x)
where f = 24M
k [1 − 3 αk κvh ]. For α → 0, the action
containsonly the linear term in Ricci scalar and the factor f
goes to 24M 3 /k which agrees with [17]. With the redefined
field, kinetic part of radion field becomes,
Skin [] =
d 4 x(∂μ )(∂ μ )
Finally the potential part of radion field is given by,
20 αk 5 4
V () = − √
3 M6
2 3
κvh vv
(/ f )ǫ
+ √
2 3
where c is an integration constant and φ is the extra dimensional coordinate. Recall that the boundary values of the curvature (i.e. R(0) and R(π ), obtained from the Eq. (40)) are
related with vh and vv by Eqs. (24) and (25) respectively.
Thus one can tune R(0), R(π ) to fix vh and vv in a desirable
It may be observed that V () goes to zero as α tends to zero.
This is expected because for α → 0, the action contains only
the Einstein part which does not produce any potential term
for the radion field [17]. Thus for five dimensional warped
geometric model, the radion potential is generated from the
higher order curvature term α R 2 . The potential in Eq. (44)
has a vev at
vv −1/ǫ
1− √ 1−
< >= f
2 3
6.2 Radion potential
which leads to the interbrane separation as,
− 5e[−2
2 κcφ]
k 2 κ 2 c2
A fluctuation of branes around the stable configuration d
is now considered. This fluctuation can be taken as a field
(T (x)) and for simplicity, this new field is assumed to be
the function of brane coordinates only. The metric takes the
following form,
ds 2 = e
− √κ
[ e−2kT (x)|φ| ημν d x μ d x ν
−T (x)2 dφ 2 ]
kπ d = kπ < TF(R) (x) >
4k 2
− √ 1−
= 2 ln
2 3
in the leading order of κξ . This above equation exactly resembles with the Eq. (39) which again indicates that the five
dimensional warped spacetime we considered, is self stabilized by higher curvature gravitational theory. We emphasize
that due to the presence of conformal factor connecting the
108 Page 8 of 11
Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:108
two theories, the value of kπ d (in F(R) model) is less than
kπrc (in ST model). However we find that the stabilization of
modulus remain intact in both the models. Finally the squared
mass of radion field is as follows,
20 αk 4 2 −2kdπ 2 2
ǫ e
vh vv
m rad
(F(R)) = − √
3 M6
1 − √ αk 2 κvh
It is noticed that the mass of radion field is enhanced by
the higher curvature terms in five dimensional gravitational
6.3 Radion potential with backreaction
To determine the solutions of the above differential equations,
we apply the iterative method by considering the form of
metric determined in Eq. (16) as the zeroth order solution. In
the leading order correction of κvh , ξ(φ) and A(φ) turn out
to be
ξ(φ) = Ae(2+ν)krc φ + Be(2−ν)krc φ
[2 9 − 40κ 2 α + 3]
+ √
16 3αk 2 [ 9 − 40κ 2 α − 2] 3
exp 2(2 + ν)krc φ − 4νkrc π
m 2 rc2 + 8krc (2 + ν) − 4(2 + ν)2
2vv exp 4krc φ − (2 + ν)krc π
m 2 rc2 + 16krc − 16
It may be mentioned that the stabilized interbrane separation
obtained in Eq. (46) is based on the conditions that the bulk
scalar potential is retained up to quadratic term (see Eq. (15))
and the backreaction of the bulk scalar field is neglected on
five dimensional spacetime. Both these conditions are followed from the assumption that κvh < 1. Relaxation of
this assumption is crucial to check the status of the stabilization condition in the presence of higher order self interaction terms in the bulk scalar potential. Here we examine
whether the radion potential admits any stability when V ( )
is retained up to cubic term in . In this scenario, the five
dimensional action in ST theory turns out to be,
S = d 4 xdφ G̃ − 2 + G̃ M N ∂ M ξ ∂ N ξ
−(1/2)m 2 ξ 2 − ξ 3 − e f f
where g is the self cubic coupling of (φ) and can be easily
determined from the form of V ( ) presented in Eq. (11) as,
3κ [2 9 − 40κ 2 α + 3]
16α [ 9 − 40κ 2 α − 2] 23
Considering the metric ansatz as,
d s̃ 2 = e−2 A(φ) ημν d x μ d x ν − rc2 dφ 2
the gravitational as well as the scalar field equations of motion
take the following form,
4 ′2
1 ′′
1 2 2 g 3
1 ′2
1 2 2 g 3
m ξ + ξ
A (φ) =
ξ ′2 − (κ 2 /6)
1 ′′
ξ (φ) = f rac4rc2 A′ ξ ′ + m 2 ξ(φ) + gξ 2 (φ)
κ 2 vh2 −4νkrc π −2(2+ν)krc φ
vv −(2+ν)krc π
2(2−ν)krc φ
1+ e
A(φ) = krc φ +
Thus due to the inclusion of the bulk scalar field backreaction, the warp factor gets modified and the correction term
is proportional to κ 2 vh2 which is indeed small for κvh < 1.
However if one includes these corrections in ξ(φ) and A(φ),
one can extract the modified solution in F(R) model by a
conformal transformation as indicated earlier:
ds 2 = exp − √ (< > +ξ(φ)) ∗
−2 A(φ)
ημν d x μ d x ν − rc2 dφ 2 ]
where ds 2 is the line element in F(R) model and ξ(φ), A(φ)
are given in Eqs. (54) and (55) respectively. Plugging back
the above solution of metric (in Eq. (56)) into the five dimensional F(R) action and integrating over φ, the radion potential is obtained as
κv 2
κvh vv
20 αk 5 4
vh − √h + √
V () = − √
2 3
2 3
κ v
κ vh vv
κ vv vh
+ √h −
(/ f )ǫ
√ +
64 3 616 3
16 3
The above potential has a stable minimum at,
κ 2 v2
1− √ 1−
+ √h
<>= f
2 3
64 3
κ vh vv
κ v
− √ + √v
16 3
16 3
where ǫ = m 2 /4k 2 and m 2 is given in Eq. (13). Above
expression of < > leads to the stabilized interbrane separation as:
kπ d = kπ < TF(R) (x) >
Page 9 of 11 108
Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:108
4k 2
2 3
κ 2 v2
+ √h 1 − 4 + 4 v2
64 3
λ(H −δ) = μ
6.4 Coupling between radion and Standard Model fields
s The radion field arises as a scalar degree of freedom
on the TeV brane and has interactions with the Standard
Model (SM) fields. From the five dimensional metric (Eq.
(41)), it is clear that the induced
metric on visible brane is
24M 3
k [1 − 3 αk κvh ])
(where f =
consequently (x) couples directly with SM fields.
For example, consider the Higgs sector of Standard Model,
−κv √2
S H iggs = (1/2) d 4 x(/ f )4 e v 3
[(/ f )−2 e
κvv √1
ημν ∂μ h∂ν h − μ20 h 2 ]
where h(x) is the Higgs field. In order to get a canonical kinetic term, one needs to redefine h(x) −→ H (x) =
f h(x). Therefore for H (x), the above action can be written as,
S H iggs = (1/2) d x
ημν ∂μ H ∂ν H
μ2 H 2
3 . Considering a fluctuation of
where μ = μ0 <>
f e
(x) about its vev as (x) =< > +δ, one can obtain
(from Eq. (61)) that δ couples to H (x) through the trace of
the energy–momentum tensor of the Higgs field:
T μ (H )
<> μ
So, the coupling between radion and Higgs field become,
λ(H −δ) = <>
. Similar consideration holds for any other
SM fields. For example for Z boson, the corresponding coum2
. Thus the inverse of < > plays
pling is λ(Z −δ) = <>
a crucial role in determining the coupling strength between
radion and SM fields. In the present case, we obtain
< >= f e−kπ d
Hence finally we arrive at,
Comparing Eqs. (46) and (59), it can be seen that the vev of
the radion field and hence the stable modulus is shifted due to
the presence of higher order self interaction terms in the bulk
scalar potential or the inclusion of scalar field backreaction.
However this shift is indeed small in the limit κvh < 1.
−κv √
( f )2 e v 3 ημν
ekπ d
24M 3
∗ 1 + √ αk 2 κvh
λ(Z −δ) =
ekπ d
24M 3
20 2
∗ 1 + √ αk κvh
m 2Z
in the leading order of κ.
The coupling between radion and fermion field is similarly
given by,
20 2
kπ d
λ( f er mion−δ) =
24M 3
If the fermion fields are allowed to propagate in the bulk,
then the coupling with radion changes from that given in (Eq.
(64)). This can be determined by Kaluza-Klein (KK) mode
expansion of the bulk fermion [47] in a bulk governed by
F(R) gravity. Here we focus on the zeroth order KK mode
and the solution of the zeroth order KK mode wave function
in the bulk takes the form:
χ L (φ) = [ 9 − 40κ 2 α − 2]− 3
(k + 2m)d mdφ
e(k+2m)π d − 1
χ R (φ) = [ 9 − 40κ 2 α − 2]− 3
(k − 2m)d −mdφ
e(k−2m)π d − 1
where χ L (φ) is the left handed fermion wave function and
m is bulk fermionic mass. Recall that d is the interbrane
separation and < > is given in Eq. (12). Similarly for the
right handed mode (χ R (φ)),
Using these above solutions, we determine the coupling of
radion with zeroth order fermionic KK mode, which yields,
20 2
kπ d
1 + √ αk κvh
λL =
24M 3
− 2
9 − 40κ 2 α − 2
(k + 2m)d
(k+2m)π d
e(k+2m)π d − 1
for left handed chiral mode and,
20 2
kπ d
λR =
1 + √ αk κvh
24M 3
− 2
9 − 40κ 2 α − 2
(k − 2m)d
(k−2m)π d
e(k−2m)π d − 1
108 Page 10 of 11
for right handed mode.
The form of vh and vv in terms of five dimensional Ricci
scalar can be extracted from Eqs. (24) and (25). It is evident
that the coupling λ L , λ R is modified by the factor (k ± 2m)d,
in comparison to the coupling given in Eq. (64) for the
fermion fields confined on the TeV brane.
From above analysis we note that the coupling between
radion and SM fields is suppressed due to the presence of
higher curvature parameter α which in turn modifies the phenomenology on visible 3-brane.
Before concluding, we mention about a recent work [46] ,
where a higher curvature gravity model with R 4 terms in the
action is considered. The corresponding conformally transformed scalar action includes a quartic term which resembles
closely to the scalar action considered in reference [11,13]. It
has been shown that with such a specific choice of the scalar
action one can estimate the exact modification of the warp
factor due to the effects of the back-reaction of the scalar
field on the background geometry and thus it enables us to
address the role of back-reaction on the stabilization issue
and also on various parameters of the low-energy effective
action. However in such a model, the back-reacted geometry
can be exactly determined if the scalar mass and the quartic
term in the potential are inter-related and in the limit of the
quartic term going to zero, the mass term also goes to zero.
Therefore there is no smooth limit which takes this model
to that considered by the GW where only quadratic mass
term was present. The work reported in this article however
has a different goal from that of [46]. Here we show that
in the leading order quadratic curvature correction to Einstein action in the bulk we find a dual scalar tensor theory
which under certain approximation is similar to the original GW scalar action which has a quadratic mass term only.
We therefore explore and re-examine the originally proposed
Goldberger-Wise modulus stabilization condition in the light
of higher curvature gravity models where such a stabilizing
field appears naturally from higher curvature degrees of freedom with a minimal curvature extension.
Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:108
contrast to a model with only Einstein term in the bulk
where the modulus can not be stabilized without incorporating any external degrees of freedom such as a scalar
field. However for the higher curvature gravity model,
this additional degree of freedom originates naturally
from the higher curvature term and plays the role of a
stabilizing field. It may also be noted that for α → 0,
the stabilization condition (Eq. (39)) leads to zero brane
• We scan the parametric space of α for which the modulus is going to be stabilized. Our result reveals that for
α > 0, the interbrane separation becomes negative which
is an unphysical situation. Thus the braneworld we have
considered is stabilized only when α < 0. This puts constraints on the F(R) model itself. Moreover the distance
between the branes increases with the value of the parameter α which is evident from Fig. 1. Thus the results
obtained in this work clearly bring out the correlation
between a geometrically stable warped solution resulting from negative bulk curvature and the stability of the
higher curvature F(R) model free from ghosts.
• Quadratic term in curvature also generates the radion
potential with a stable minimum. We find the radion mass
as well as radion coupling with SM fields. The expressions of mass (Eq. (47)) and coupling (Eq. (62) and Eq.
(63)) clearly indicate that the radion mass is enhanced
while the coupling is suppressed in comparison to the
scenario where only Einstein gravity resides in the bulk
[17]. Thus the cross section between radion and SM fields
is overall suppressed due to the presence of higher order
curvature terms in five dimensional gravitational action
leading to a possible explanation of the invisibility of the
radion field in the present experimental resolution.
• The effect of backreaction on the radion potential and its
minima are studied. It is shown that the corrections due
to the backreaction is indeed small in the limit κvh < 1.
The possible correction terms for the backreaction are
7 Conclusion
In this work, we consider a five dimensional AdS, compactified warped geometry model with two 3-branes embedded
within the spacetime. Due to large curvature (∼ Planck scale)
in the bulk, the spacetime is assumed to be governed by
a higher curvature gravity model , F(R) = R + α R 2 . In
this scenario, we address how the modulus stabilization and
radion phenomenology are affected by higher curvature term.
The findings and implications of our results are as follows:
• The model comes as a self stabilizing system due to the
presence of higher curvature term α R 2 . This is in sharp
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Funded by SCOAP3 .
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