Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2008
Design of Service Systems under Variability:
Research Issues
P. K. Kannan
Robert H. Smith School of Business
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
João F. Proença
Department of Economics
University of Porto
Porto, Portugal
[email protected]
[email protected]
In service systems, variability is encountered in
many components, interfaces, and entities
interacting with the system. There could be
variations in service system performance across
different usage situations and conditions. There
could be operator-introduced variations in
operating the system, and there could be customerintroduced variability in service operations. Since
the specific usage of the service system and the
usage conditions can vary, the resultant variations
in service performance can impact consumer
preferences for and satisfaction with the service
system. While some variability has a negative
impact on customers, other kinds of variations may
be preferred by customers. In designing service
systems, one has to understand the sources and
types of variability. Any service system that is
designed should be robust to these variations – both
in system performances and consumer preferences
and satisfaction. Achieving the robustness criteria,
however, implies consideration of a large number of
design criteria across multiple functions – both
system design and customer-facing functions. In this
paper, we present the factors that need to be
considered in service system design which
encounter variations not only in usage, but also in
operator and customer skill levels, perception of
system complexity, preference and satisfaction. We
identify the research issues involved and present a
general framework to tackle such service system
design problems.
1. Introduction
Ever since service and services marketing evolved
as a distinct discipline, service variability has played
a key role in differentiating services from goods.
Extant literature (e.g., Berry 1980) has focused on
service performance variability across situations and
service encounters and over time arising from
equipment, system variations or service employee
performance variations, or variations in customers
and their interactions (e.g., Kelley et al 1990).
Evidently influenced by the developments in the
goods and product realm, service variability has
always been viewed as something of a negative
concept in the design and operational realms of
service systems. Thus, following examples from the
product and product performance contexts, one of
the key objectives in service design and operations
has been to reduce variability, control it and
eliminate it, if possible, to gain efficiency and
improve effectiveness and, thereby, reduce costs of
service provision. While this objective is not
misplaced, in general, from a performance
viewpoint, the zeal to reduce variability in any form
is certainly misplaced as it makes the designer, the
operator and the manager of service systems blind to
revenuegenerating opportunities that lie embedded in such
variability (Rust and Kannan 2003). The key to
eliminating the myopia associated with service
variability and thinking of it as strategic opportunity
starts with a clear understanding of the variability
associated with service systems. This is the central
premise of this paper.
In this paper, we have two main objectives. The first
objective is to understand the nature and impact of
variability in service systems. We first identify the
variability that arises in different parts of the service
systems – components, equipment, operators and
managers, customers, usages and encounters, and all
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Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2008
the interfaces between these concepts and entities.
The specific questions we focus on include what
variances are controllable and what are not, what
should be controlled and what should not, impact on
these variability on service system operations and
robustness of performance, and finally, impact on
customer perceptions, choice and re-patronage
behavior. The second objective of the paper is to
develop a framework for service system design to
proactively incorporate consideration of variability
in all forms in the service design stage. The paper is
structured as follows. In the next section, we discuss
variability in service systems in its many forms. In
Section 3 we discuss the customer impact of service
variability. Section 4 discusses some issues in
measuring service variability. In Section 5, we
provide the description of the framework and the
issues that arise in applying the framework to a
service design context. We conclude in Section 6
outlining rich issues for future research.
2. Variability in Service Systems
Most focus of extant literature in variability in
service systems has been on customer-introduced
variability (see for an overview Frei 2006). Recent
thinking is that managing such variability is the
biggest challenge of service systems (Sampson and
Froehle 2006). In the service operations literature
Karmarkar and Pitbladdo (1995) highlight how such
variability also introduces uncertainty into the
system. The operations literature has focused on
queuing systems considering customer arrival rates,
distribution, service processing times and
distribution and examining their impact on capacity
utilization (with resulting impact on costs and
revenues) and customer wait times (which impact
customer satisfaction). This stream of research
implicitly takes into account that service times are
functions of system performance and service
employee performance. The service management
literature has also focused on the same issue albeit
with a view to managing the service system,
thinking more of it as a production system. Thus, the
focus of these efforts has been to reduce customer
contacts as much as possible during service
operations as a way to improve efficiency (Lovelock
1983). In addition, market based solutions –
demand management through pricing variations –
have also been suggested as strategies to actively
manage customer-introduced variability (Sasser
1976). Bitner et al (1997) focus on training the
employees instead as a strategy to counter customerintroduced variability.
Frei (2006) has introduced a typology of
customer-introduced variability and a framework for
managing customer-introduced variability. Frei
explicitly addresses tension between reduction of
such variability (which has an impact on decreasing
operational complexity and thereby operational
costs, but which also has, in some cases, the
possibility to reduce customer experience) versus
accommodation of such variability (which enriches
customer experience but also has, in some cases, the
possibility to lead to complex operations and
increased costs). This idea is an extension of
contingent approach seen in queuing system. Frei
(2006) introduces a typology of customerintroduced variability and applies the approach to
each phase of the typology. Thus, customerintroduced variability is classified as those occurring
in the different phases of (1) arrivals of customers,
(2) requests made by customers, (3) capability of
customers with respect to their expected
involvement, (4) effort customers are willing to
exert, and (5) subjective preference of customers for
how service should be delivered. Frei also makes the
distinction between classic reduction (where
utility is
compromised) and uncompromised reduction
(where utility is not compromised), and between
classic accommodation (where service costs tend to
increase) versus low-cost accommodation. Thus, in
managing customer arrival variability, an
uncompromised reduction may involve creation of
complementary demand or outsourcing customer
contact, while a classic reduction may involve
requiring customer reservations, or off-peak pricing
or limited service availability. While class
accommodation techniques may involve slack labor
or flexible labor, low-cost accommodation may
involve low-cost labor or automation of self-service
There is significant variability in service
systems that cannot be ascribed to customers. A key
factor responsible for service system performance
variability is employees of the service system.
Employees can be heterogeneous in their skill
levels, service aptitudes, and so on. Another source
of variability is due to equipment performance as a
function of ambient conditions, operating conditions
of the service system, geographical markets, etc. For
example, mobile phone services vary across
geography, network service system performance can
be affected by local climate – heat and weather
related events. Thus, significant variation can be
introduced within the system that can be attributed
to the one or more components of the system. Over
Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2008
and above these variations, other sources of
variability include interfaces between system
components and customers (some of which were
captured in the above discussion).
Among many of the sources of variability
identified above, some are controllable variations
while others are not. As already discussed, various
phases of customer-introduced variability can be
controlled through reduction approaches. Some of
the variations cannot be controlled easily –where
they use their cell phone, for example, but
customers can be persuaded to compromise. For
many of the customer-introduced variability,
reduction is always a possibility – it is just a
question how much loss in customer-utility are
customers willing to tolerate before switching to
competitors as a result of the reduction strategies.
Among the sources of variability within the system
arising due to one or more of its components, some
of them could be controlled. For example, variations
in employee service performance can be controlled
through appropriate training.
Variability in
equipment performance can likewise be controlled
with better and more reliable designs. Variability in
cell phone service across geographical regions can
be reduced by building more cell towers. However,
there are certain variability in operations conditions,
ambient temperature, geography induced variations
that are beyond the control of service system. For
example, when AAA services are called on to repair
an automobile on a road they cannot control the
operating conditions under which they will be
working on the repair job. Such sources of
variability are not under the designer’s control and
thus will have to be explicitly accommodated in the
Are all forms of service system variability
necessarily undesirable? Do they have to be
eliminated or reduced or controlled? If we view the
variability as a negative deviation from intended
service quality level, then reduction is a key
objective. But, it is important to understand how the
source of this deviation. For example, if there is a
variation in system performance that impacts service
quality negatively as compared to what was
designed for, then eliminating such variability will
be useful. But can we extend the same analogy to
the customer-introduced variability? Can a bank
refuse to service a customer who is not organized
and takes an unusually long time to complete his/her
transaction and thus hold up other customers in the
queue? Here, the reduction and accommodation
strategies proposed by Frei may come in very useful
in dealing with what variability should be reduced
and what should be accommodated. We have a
different philosophy here as we explain below.
Compared to many extant approaches in service
literature, Frei’s approach (and the queuing
literature) explicitly takes into the tension between
improving customer experience and increasing the
operational efficiency. Yet, we contend the
approaches have an significant emphasis on the cost
and operations side of the equation – thus, the word
“accommodation” itself is a tacit admission that
customer-introduced variability is inherently
troublesome for operational efficiency, and since it
cannot be eliminated or reduced, it has to be
(grudgingly) accommodated.
This thinking
permeates the design process of service systems and
hence the limitless opportunities afforded by
customer-introduced variability for revenue/profit
generation is frittered away through variabilityreduction strategies. Variations such as these might
provide insights for radical design developments
that can lead to paradigm shifts in service system
impact. Thus, we argue that customer-introduced
variability requires different treatment in the design
process – one that would take advantage of the
revenue expansion route to service design rather
than emphasize the cost reduction approaches (Rust
et al 2001, Rust and Kannan 2003). Accordingly the
framework we propose will treat customerintroduced variability as a market opportunity and
design service systems proactively for variability.
This idea is further strengthened when we examine
the customer impact of variability.
3. Customer Impact of Variability
It is well recognized that service system
performance variability can have a significant
impact on customers’ perceptions of service quality
(McQuitty et al 2005). Service system performance
variability affects the way in which service meets or
fails to meet customer expectations. If the variance
is a negative deviation from the intended service
quality level (and the expected quality level of the
customer), then customers may be dissatisfied with
their service experience. If it meets the expectation
then customer are satisfied. Thus, customers tend to
equate variability with risk and uncertainty, which
has a negative impact on the service evaluations.
Extant literature in service expectation and customer
satisfaction has clearly shown that variability
impacts overall satisfaction, perceived quality,
image and future expectations (e.g., Brown et al
Service system variability also has a
Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2008
negative impact on service purchase and repatronage intentions, perceptions of service quality
and value.
The level of customer expectations, which play
a critical role in determining overall customer
satisfaction, also has a significant impact on how
variability in performance is processed by
customers. Meyer (1981) shows that attribute
variance decreases choice probability, especially for
services perceived to be of high quality. This
indicates that variability of service performance
interacts with the mean level of performance that a
customer expects from a service provider.
Since we have focused our attention mainly on
service system performance, does it mean that these
findings do not apply to customer-introduced
variability? Where does customer-introduced
variability play a role in this? It is clear that
customer-introduced variability is an important
factor in service system performance deterioration.
However, customers evaluate service system
performance from their own frame of reference.
This means that they may not take the variability
introduced by customers as an excuse for variability
in service performance by the service provider.
Thus, if a customer is standing in a line for a cup of
coffee at Starbucks and sees that customer ahead of
him ordering a designer drink that takes a longer
service time, he is not going to excuse the long wait
time, attributing it to the customer ahead of him.
Rather, he is likely to be critical of the design of the
service system (not enough baristas to provide
service) and penalize the service provider for that.
On the other hand, a flexible handling of different
orders of customers in a quick manner may enhance
the customer’s perception of flexibility of the
service provider and customizing the service for
him. The crux of this discussion is as follows: if
customer-introduced variability is not managed well
by the service provider, then the overall satisfaction
is negatively impacted. However, if it managed well
by the service provider, customers’ perception of the
flexibility and customization skill of the service
provider is likely to be highly positive and a source
of sustained competitive advantage. This again
emphasizes the central premise of the paper that
customer-introduced variability is a strategic
opportunity for significant revenue growth.
4. Measuring Variability
accommodating, or treating them as revenue
opportunities has made it quite obvious that such
variability should be measured. If customerintroduced is measured appropriately, then it can be
proactively used in designing systems that convert
the opportunity presented by such variability. How
does this translate in practice? It implies that
measurements be made of service expectations
across all consumers targeted. Conjoint models
measuring the attribute importance values in the
service context (e.g., Danaher 1997) should not only
include mean levels of attributes but also variances
in their attributes and the interaction between mean
levels and variance levels. Measurements should be
made of the impact of variability on customer
perceptions and choice. Such measurements will
allow setting appropriate targets for reduction,
accommodation and revenue expansion targets. In
variability, variability of service system component
performance – performances of employees,
equipment, and such – should be made, whether
they are controllable or uncontrollable variability. In
some cases, uncontrollable variability can be
specified in terms of upper and lower bounds – that
an interval of variation which is beyond the control
of the designer, but nevertheless possible to
measure. This measurement will form the starting
point for our proposed design framework.
5. Design Framework
The main focus of the service system design
framework that we have suggested is as follows:
instead of managing all forms of service system
variability as an after-thought, we design the system
explicitly to reduce some components of the
variance and take advantage of some of the main
customer-introduced variability in a design process
that cuts across the different disciplines involved in
the design process. Our proposed framework
integrates service operations/processes with service
marketing aspects and the customer-facing attribute
design. Application of the framework is intended to
result in (1) robust service systems – robust from
both operational and marketing perspectives, (2)
focusing on explicitly specifying the variability and
its impact on customer facing attributes and
customers, (3) consideration of impact of variability
in customer-facing attributes on preferences and
choice, and (3) an integration of all the above factors
in the service design process.
Given the preceding discussion on identifying
service system variability, strategies for reducing,
Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2008
While our framework is inspired by our previous
experiences in the product design realm (Luo et al
2005), it provides us with clear directions on how
the service design process should unfold.
Criteria Met?
Market Performance
Figure 1: Overall Framework
Customer Preference
Service System Performance
Customer-based Robust Pareto
Feasibility / Objective
Robustness Assessment
Utilities of
Performance Evaluation with
Actual Performance
Focus Group
Design Attributes
Focus Group
Conjoint Task II
with System
Design Simulation
Conjoint Task I
with Cards
Select Design
Customer Needs
A schematic diagram of the service design
framework is presented above. The diagram is to be
read from bottom-up with two starting points – a
focus on the customers in the right-hand block at the
bottom – where their needs, preferences and
expectations are identified first, and a starting point
at the left with system design where design input is
selected. We will explain this framework with an
example of an oil-change service station being
designed from scratch. In the context of this
example, selecting the design inputs would involve
the appropriate oil-change equipment and process
that will be laid on the bay of the service station.
There could be many different equipment and
components that could be selected – each
combination could result in the design attributes that
will define the service. For example, with a
particular equipment and process combination the
service time for an oil change on a standard
automobile might be 10 minutes, whereas another
combination might result in a 12 minute service
time. The mapping of the design inputs into design
attributes is accomplished through design simulation
or testing or specifications, etc. Our design process
shows that this mapping between what the designers
Market Share,
Business Goals
Field Study
selects as design input has a significant impact on
the design attributes or the design performance.
On the left side of the diagram, customer-introduced
variability is measured. This could be the type of
automobiles that they drive – big, small or medium
size. This variability will have an impact on the
design attributes. Customers’ preferences for the
various attributes that up the service are measured
ensuring that the variability levels for the mean
levels of the attributes are incorporated in the
conjoint study. Customers may work with prototype
service systems and may go through multiple
measurement tasks – all to ensure that the variability
that we discussed in the previous sections are
appropriately measured.
It is important to note that the customer-facing
attributes and the design attributes generated from
the design selection of inputs are rationalized in the
multi-objective optimization and feasibility and
robustness assessment block on the left. Since we
measure customer-introduced variability explicitly,
its impact on the serviced system performance
measures is explicitly measured. Similarly, we also
Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2008
measure the impact of uncontrollable variability on
the design attributes. For example, the ambient
temperature in the service shop may affect service
times. Or the arrival rates of customers and system
run time may affect the performance of the service
system. Whatever be the scenario, these are
evaluated in this block.
Figure 2: Feasibility Assessment
selecting a service system design can help in
designing a system that will remain feasible under
all variability and thus be robust – and provide the
flexibility and customization that customers might
value greatly.
The feasibility conditions can include reduction
and accommodation criteria. Setting these
conditions too tight might mean a narrow market
focus. Another important feature of our framework
is also that it explicitly accounts for competition and
competitive positioning in evaluating the impact of a
chosen design on customer relative utilities and
market shares. Thus, the framework will help
designers to understand overall impact of the design
being evaluated at the market level. At the left hand
top block of Figure 1, an option is provided for
optimization if the design input is very large to
evaluate on a case-by-case basis.
The application of the framework finally results
in customer-based robust Pareto solutions where
design solutions are generated that lie on the Pareto
frontier of service system performance and market
performance (in terms of the revenue or profit
generated). This takes into account the existing
competition, so the service system designers can
evaluate the market performance versus the service
system performance in terms of the relative
positioning vis-à-vis competition. The framework
can be extended to design a service line rather than
just one specific system.
Figure 2 provides a schematic representation of the
feasibility assessment process. The top figure in
Figure 2 shows the impact of variability on design
attributes. Assume that the two axes are service time
for an oil-change and oil-waste generated in the
process. The objective is to minimize both these
design attributes in selecting the input design
variables. However, these design attributes can be
impacted by variability such as the type of
automobiles that customers drive. Depending on this
variation, service times could be affected and so will
oil waste amount. Thus, while the nominal
performance of two competing design options can
be represented by the dots in the top figure, their
value can vary all over the regions indicated above.
In fact, the design which has a better nominal value
performs poorly under the worst case scenario. If we
were to specify the feasible region for service
system performance, some of the design options can
become infeasible under variability. Thus, explicitly
considering all forms of variability in the system in
The advantages of the framework are fairly
obvious from Figure 1. The framework forces all
disciplines – marketing, operations, and design - to
take a systems perspective and work together to
optimize the whole service system design. It is not a
piece-meal approach where service operations might
be viewing the whole design process from a cost
reduction and efficiency viewpoint. It also does not
result in a situation where service marketing is
designing the services from the viewpoint of what
the market wants to hear without taking into account
the operational realities and the impact of all forms
of variability. The framework is also not meant to
be a substitute for all customer and process oriented
research that may be going on in the service firm.
Rather those activities are used as building blocks in
creating the processes outlined in Figure 1. The
framework not only explicitly considers all forms of
variability but it considers the impact on the
selection of design inputs, impact on customer
preferences and rolls it all up in the overall optimal
selection of design inputs.
Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2008
6. Conclusions
Our overall objective in this paper was to identify
the different forms of variability in service system
contexts, understand the nature of these forms of
variability, whether they are controllable or
uncontrollable, and whether a reduction or revenue
generating strategy is necessitated depending on the
specific form of variability. We also argued that
extant design and operations literature is too focused
on cost reduction and efficiency and tended to view
customer-introduced variability as something to be
accommodated rather than welcomed as a revenue
expansion opportunity.
We then presented a
framework that explicitly considers all forms
variability and attempts to view service system
design from a revenue expansion perspective.
From the viewpoint of service system design,
our paper is meant to be seen as a more provocative
piece with an intention to raise more questions than
it can answer. Certainly, many questions can be
asked regarding the specific blocks of Figure 1.
What is design simulation? Where is the data
coming for the simulation? We agree that such data
has to be built over time as design inputs are put
together and design attributes (system performance)
measured. In some domains, such testing is already
very common (such as in information and network
systems) and systems exist to perform such
simulations. In other contexts, such as hospitality
industry or law services, such data may not exist at
this point and may have to be built over time. What
is important in Figure 1 is the identification of the
critical pieces of information that is needed in order
to consider variability systematically in the design
process. If they do not exist at this point, then the
service firm can make it is a priority to gather such
information. The framework clearly provides a
starting point for such an exercise. While it is
undeniable that the framework is described at a
general level, the challenge is to apply the overall
framework to many service situations and provide
concrete examples of what the framework can lead
to. This is something we are currently working on as
an implementation.
Finally, our paper is making a call to view the
challenge of variability not as a problem to be
solved, reduced, contained, or eliminated, but view
it as an opportunity to make service system breakthrough. In this the paper resonates strongly with
the recent call of IBM, HP, and Sun and other
service-oriented firms to unite under the common
goal of Service Science Management and
Engineering (SSME) initiatives (Spohrer et al 2007),
as the framework clearly integrates the management
of service with the engineering of it using the
science of variability measurement. In this, we hope
we have made a small contribution in the right
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