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O ver recent decades there has been widespread recognition in the social sciences and humanities of a "return to things," 1 in contrast to the earlier focus on representation, and in contrast to the long scholarly tradition that separated subject from object, mind from matter. For example, the scholar of American literature Bill Brown has called for a "thing theory," 2 while the philosopher Don Ihde's "material hermeneutics" denies the opposition between positivism and hermeneutics and explores ways in which technologies and machines shape the way we do science and see the world. 3 A similar point regarding the history of science has been made by Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer in their work on the air pump used in experiments by Boyle. 4 Like the microscope and the telescope, the pump allowed new things to be seen. Numerous different perspectives, from Actor-Network Theory to anthropological accounts of materiality and the buildup of "stuff" in our contemporary lives to discussions of the agency, vibrancy, and vitality of mute things, have converged on some version of the idea that subject and object, mind and matter, human and thing co-constitute each other. 5 In these different approaches it is accepted that human existence and social life depend on material things and are entangled with them; humans and things are relationally produced.
Tips para realizar trabajos de corte y confección
ArtefaCTos, 2024
Para una extensa tradición filosófica, la normatividad es un rasgo exclusivo de la especie humana. Recientemente, sin embargo, algunos filósofos y científicos comenzaron a explorar la posibilidad de atribuir algún tipo de normatividad a otras especies. Frans de Waal se destaca, en este contexto, por haber proporcionado un amplio repertorio de evidencia empírica sobre comportamientos de primates no humanos que parecen ajustarse a distintos tipos de normas. Los escépticos sobre la normatividad animal suelen, sin embargo, cuestionar este tipo de evidencia, brindando explicaciones alternativas, no normativas, de ella. Un modo en que los escépticos podrían justificar esta estrategia es apelando al llamado Canon de Morgan y aduciendo que las explicaciones no normativas introducen procesos psicológicos más simples que las normativas. Ahora bien, cuán atractiva resulte esta línea argumentativa dependerá de cómo se entienda la sensibilidad normativa. Si en lugar de centrarnos en las caracterizaciones más demandantes de tal sensibilidad adoptamos la hipótesis de que algunos primates no humanos cuentan con una suerte de “normatividad primitiva” (Ginsborg, 2011; 2018), podremos elaborar explicaciones de (al menos parte de) la evidencia empírica proporcionada por de Waal, que rivalizan con las que ofrecen los escépticos en la simplicidad de los procesos cognitivos que invocan.
Cigarettes contain about 4000 toxic substances thataffecting health status and cigarettes consumption leads to some diseases such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, malignancy, mental and other disorders, including insomnia. This researchwas aimed to analyze the association between smoking behavior and insomnia on Medical Faculty student of LambungMangkurat University. It was an observational analytic studywith cross-sectional approach. The population was108 male students who met the inclusion criteria. Insomnia was assessed by Insomnia Rating Scale questionnaire. The result showed that 5 smoker students with insomnia (15.15%), 28 smokers students without insomnia (84.85%), 2 non-smoker students with insomnia (2.67%), and 73 non-smoker students without insomnia (97.33%). The data were analyzed by usingFisher's statistic test with 95% confidence interval.Statistical analysis revealed that the p value 0.027. Hence, there was anassociation between smoking behavior and insomnia. It couldbe concluded that there wasan significant association betweensmoking behavior and insomnia on Medical Faculty student of LambungMangkurat University. ABSTRAK: Rokok memiliki sekitar 4000 zat beracun yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan manusia. Berbagai gangguan seperti penyakit kardiovaskular, pernapasan, keganasan, mental dan gangguan lainnya, termasuk insomnia dapat muncul sebagai akibat konsumsi rokok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku merokok dan kejadian insomnia pada mahasiswa FK UNLAM. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah 108 mahasiswa laki-laki di FK UNLAM yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Kejadian insomnia ditentukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner Insomnia Rating Scale. Dari kuesioner didapatkan data mahasiswa perokok dengan insomnia 5 orang (15,15%), mahasiswa perokok tanpa insomnia 28 orang (84,85%), mahasiswa nonperokok dengan insomnia 2 orang (2,67%), dan mahasiswa nonperokok tanpa insomnia 73 orang (97,33%). Data kemudian dianalisis dengan uji statistik Fisher's.Hasil analisis data menggunakan uji Fisher's dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan nilai p = 0,027. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan risiko terjadinya insomnia pada mahasiswa perokok FK UNLAM.
Resumen: En el presente artículo se estudian una serie de restos escultóricos de época visigoda aparecidos en distintos puntos de la geografía madrileña. La mayoría de estos ejemplares tienen sus paralelos en piezas emeritenses o toledanas y se pueden fechar en pleno siglo VII. La distribución de las mismas muestra dos grandes núcleos, uno en torno a Talamanca del Jarama y otro en Mostoles. Palabras clave: Escultura visigoda, Talamanca del Jarama, Mostotes, Comunidad de Madrid. Abstract: It have been studied in the present article a series of scuptural remains from the visigotic times wich have emerged in different places of Salamanca. Most of those items are similar to other ones of Merida or of Toledo and can be dated throught VII century. As for the distribution of those objects, they are divided in two big areas, one of them in Talamanca and another in Mostoles. Key words: Visigothic sculpture, Talamanca del Jarama, Mostoles, Comunidad de Madrid.
Etudes Theologiques Et Religieuses, 2014
Recent Advances in Saffron- Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research,, 2021
Introduction Iridaceae, its name based on the genus Iris, also known as iris family, is a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants, including 80 genera, consisting of approximately 2000 species, worldwide distributed. The family includes a number of well-known cultivated plants, such as the Irises (the genus that gave its name to the family), the Freesia, the Gladiolus and the Crocus (the very expensive spice saffron is extracted from the stigmas of Crocus sativus), called the "golden spice". Saffron is an annual herbaceous plant. However, due to the annual corm proliferation, its perennial cultivation is more common. Saffron distribution areas are mainly in 30-50 •N and 10 • W to 80 • E. Despite some doubts, Iran and Greece have been suggested as the possible regions for its origination. Nowadays, Iran is the main saffron producer in the world, with around 120000 ha cultivation areas and 440 tons annual dry stigmata production, which includes about 90% of the global production. Saffron growing season is from mid-fall to mid-spring (rainy season), which makes it very appropriate for arid and semi-arid areas. The life cycle of saffron begins with flowering and aboveground vegetative growth which requires fall rains or irrigation. Its growth period ends in spring after the production of replacement corms at about 220 days. In semi-arid areas like Iran, at the mid-spring (after leaf senescence), real dormancy of corms begins and continues nearly up to July 10. After that, the pseudo-dormancy starts which during this stage the transition to reproductive phase occurs. In the fall, with temperature reduction (~15-17 °C) and after water availability, the flowering phase occurs and takes about 20 days. Usually, at the end of the flowering stage, the leaves appear and vegetative growth starts. Concurrent with the flowering and leaf emergence, the production and growth of the fibrous root take place. From late-November to mid-December, replacement corms start to grow from the buds on the mother corm. These corms can be formed at lower rates during the late winter and even early spring. In late winter root system becomes weak and finally, at the end of May the leaves are withered and another period of real corm dormancy starts. Saffron, the dried red-orange stigmas of Crocus sativus L, has been known as a flavoring agent, food coloring and traditional herbal medicine. Saffron oil has more than 150 volatile and aromatic compounds mainly includes terpenes, terpene alcohols, and esters. Pharmacological effects of saffron are mainly attributed to crocin, crocetin, picrocrocin and safranal. These components especially crocin, have significant effects including antidepressant and anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-cancer and other therapeutic effects on different parts of our body. Due to the importance of saffron in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, health and food industries, the purpose of this special issue is to publish the latest scientific achievements about the production of this valuable plant. Hamid-Reza Fallahi Guest Editor
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The Architectural Review, 2024
Vernon Press, 2021
Journal of Networking and Computer Applications, 2024
Brain and Language, 2003
Agriculture and Food, 2015
Tematicas, 2001
arXiv (Cornell University), 2018
Medicinal and Aromatic plants, 2021
Economics Development Analysis Journal, 2020
Heart Asia, 2013
Revista Iberoamericana, 2013
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, 2021