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Pollen foraging in colonies of Melipona bicolor (Apidae, Meliponini): effects of season, colony size and queen number
Genetics and Molecular Research, 2009
We evaluated the ratio between the number of pollen foragers and the total number of bees entering colonies of Melipona bicolor, a facultative polygynous species of stingless bees. The variables considered in our analysis were: seasonality, colony size and the number of physogastric queens in each colony. The pollen forager ratios varied significantly between seasons; the ratio was higher in winter than in summer. However, colony size and number of queens per colony had no significant effect. We conclude that seasonal differences in pollen harvest are related to the production of sexuals and to the number of individuals and their body size.
This study shows the influence of meteorological factors on the collection of nectar and pollen by Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides Lepeletier foragers in their natural habitat. Five M. quadrifasciata anthidioides colonies were studied in Parque das Neblinas, Mogi das Cruzes district (23º44’52”S/46º09’46”W), from October 2009 to September 2010. The foraging activity of the worker bees was observed monthly and the temperature and relative humidity were registered and the pollen grains types from the pollen loads were identified. The peaks of pollen collection occurred between 08:30-09:50 am, while nectar was gathered along the day. The relation between resources sampling and environmental temperature is best described with a polynomial function, while in relation to relative humidity the curves of foraging activity is slightly asymmetric to left. A total of 24 pollen types were identified and the most frequents were Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus, Myrcia), Melastomataceae and Solanaceae. The tolerance to the environmental conditions is discussed, as well as the plants explored for pollen sources.
The diversity of pollen collected by Melipona spp. in two communities in southern Brazil was evaluated. The data were compared with those obtained by other researchers in the neotropics. The main pollen and nectar sources for Melipona spp. appear to be plants from the families Melastomataceae, Myrtaceae, Solanaceae and Leguminosae (subfamily Mimosoideae). By analyzing the feeding habits of other stingless bees, it was hypothesized that floral preferences could play a role in this kind of choice. Meliponaforagingpollen plantnectar plantpollen analysis ' Résumé — Exploitation de la flore par le genre Molipona (Apldae, Meliponinae) : préférences alimentaires. Les habitudes alimentaires généralistes sont essentielles pour les colonies de mélipones et de trigones, bien qu'on raison de différences dans leurs stratégies de butinage et leurs préférences florales, elles puissent utiliser des sources variées de pollen et de nectar au sein de la même communauté. On discute les préférences florales de Melipona en fonction des habitudes alimentaires des mélipones et des trigones. On a estimé l'exploitation des sources de pollen par l'analyse pollinique de la nourriture stockée par des colonies de Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata Lepeletier, M. marginata obscurior Moure et M. bicolor Lepeletier dans deux régions : la forêt tropicale atlantique et la forêt subtropicale à Araucaria, situées toutes les deux dans le sud du Brésil. Parmi les 30 espèces de plantes, 18 et 11 sont présentes dans les échantillons de pollen à plus de 1 % et 10% respectivement Lorsqu'on regroupe ces sources polliniques en familles (Fig. 1), il il apparaît que, pour l'ensemble de ces espèces de Melipona, le pollen provient principalement des Myrtacées, Mélastomatacées, Solanacées et Mimosoidées (Légumineuses), du point de vue qualitatif aussi bien que quantitatif. D'autres études sur Melipona et les trigones de la région néotropicale donnent des résultats semblables (Tableau 111). Par contre, pour les taxons des Palmées et des Faboidées (Légumineuses), il y a des différences manifestes entre les différentes espèces de Melipona. Bien que chaque espèce de Melipona exploite une large gamme de ressources florales, elles montrent des préférences beaucoup plus similaires que celles observées au sein des genres de trigones. Néanmoins on ne peut pas généraliser de telles «tendances» et on ne connaît pas le rôle joué par les facteurs historiques et écologiques dans le choix alimentaire de Melipona. Nous proposons à titre d'essai une interprétation historique basée sur la forte abondance relative des Myrtacées, Mélastomatacées, Solanacées et Mimosoidées. dans la région néotropicale. Les espèces de Melipona, exclusivement présentes dans la région néotropicale, sont spécialistes de ces taxons. Leur forte taille, en comparaison des trigones, leur permet de récolter du pollen par vibration des anthères poricides des Mélastomatacées et des Solanacées, alors que les espèces de trigones doivent les couper. Cela suggère une évolution commune de Melipona et de ces taxons de plantes dans la région néotropicale. Mel Iponaplante polllnlfèreplante nectarlféreanalyse pollinique Zusammenfassung-Die Ausnutzung floraler Ressourcen durch Melipona-Arten : Florale Präferenzen. Generalistische Nahrungsgewohnheiten sind für Vtilker der stachellosen Bienen Melipona und Trigona essentiell, obwohl sie aufgrund unterschiedlicher Sammelstrategien und tloraler Präferenzen in der Lage sind, in derselben Lebensgemeinschaff verschiedene florale Ressourcen für Pollen und Nektar auszunutzen. Florale Präferenzen bei Melipona wurden durch Vergleich von Informationen über die Nahrungsgewohnheiten von Meliponini und Trigonini diskutiert. Die Ausnutzung von floralen Pollenressourcen wurde aufgrund einer Pollenanalyse des durch VSlker von Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier, M. marginata obscurior Moure und M. bicolor Lepeletier gelagerten Pollens bestimmt. Die Untersuchungen fanden in zwei Regionen im Süden Braziliens statt : im atlantischen Regenwald und im subtropischen Araucarien-Wald. Von insgesamt 30 Pflanzenarten waren 18 in mehr als 1 % der Pollenproben vorhanden und 11 l in mehr als 10% der Proben. Wenn die Pollenspender in Familien gruppiert werden (Fig. 1), zeigen sich zwischen den Bienenarten große qualitative und quantitative Ubereinstimmungen in den Pollen von Myrtaceen, Melastomataceen, Solanaceen und Mimosoideae (Leguminosen), Ledoch auffällige Differenzen in den Pollen von Palmen und Faboideae (Leguminosen). Solche Ähnlichkeiten wurden auch in anderen Untersuchungen über die Meliponini und Trigonini aus der neotropischen Region gefunden (Tabelle 111). Obwohl die Melipona Arten eine große Zahl an floralen Ressourcen nutzen, sind sie sich in der Präferenz sehr ähnlich, bei weitem mehr als im Genus Trigonini beobachtet wurde. Verallgemeinerungen dieser «Tendenz» sind allerdings noch nicht möglich, denn es ist nicht klar, welche Rolle historische und ökologischen Faktoren in der Nahrungswahl von Melipona spielen. Wir neigen zu einer historischen Interpretation, die auf der hohen relativen Häufigkeit von Myrtaceen, Melastomataceen, Solanaceen und Mimosoiden in der neotropischen Region basieren. Melipona Arten, die nur in der neotropischen Region vorkommen, sind auf diese Pflanzentaxa spezialisiert. Ihre im Vergleich zu den Trigonini außergewöhnliche Körpergröße befähigt sie durch Erschütterung der porösen Antheren einiger Melastomataceen und Solanaceen Pollen zu sammeln, während die Trigonini gezwungen sind, diese aulzubeißen. Dies weist auf eine gemeinsame Evolution von Melipona und diesen Pflanzentaxa in der neotropischen Region hin.
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 2020
Worker bees actively forage to supply colony necessity i.e., pollens, nectar, and resin. Flight activities of the worker bees are influenced by food availability and environmental conditions. This study aimed to measure flight activities of Lepidotrigona terminata in terms of leaving and returning to the nest (including carrying of pollen and pollen type) and their relation to environmental conditions. The observation of flight activities of L. terminata were conducted from August to December 2016, at 07.00-17.00 for 1 minute with 1 hour interval. Pollen load and pollen types were analyzed by the acetolysis method. Flight activities of leaving and returning to the nest were lower at 07.00-08.00 (1 individual/min) and at 16.00-17.00 (2 individuals/min). However, the peak activities occurred at 10.00 until 13.00 (8 and 6 individuals/min for leaving and returning to the nest, respectively). Temperature and light intensity were positively correlated with flight activities of bees that c...
Sociobiology, 2014
Environmental windows for foraging activity in stingless bees, Melipona subnitida Ducke and Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) Due to their impact on many aspects of colony life, abiotic factors are considered key determinants for the geographical distribution of social bee species ). An environmentally influenced aspect of vital importance for colony functioning is food collection. The success of foragers, which is crucial for the maintenance and survival of the colonies, is affected both directly and indirectly by climatic factors. Associated with the morphological and interrelated physiological peculiarities of a bee species -such as body size and colouration -abiotic factors determine the timing of food collection (daily onset and end) and the food patch choice (sunny versus shaded patches) (Biesmeijer et al., 1999;
Sociobiology, 2014
Pollen Analysis of Food Pots Stored by Melipona subnitida Ducke (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in a Restinga area Introduction Stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini) occur in most tropical or subtropical regions of the world and the Melipona genus is exclusively found in the Neotropical region (Camargo & Pedro, 2007). They have perennial colonies with hundreds to thousands of workers and require continuous foraging activity to meet their food requirements (Roubik, 1989). Faced with the need to forage several food resources, the stingless bees have a generalist behavior concerning the plants visited, but a small number of plant species are most exploited in local communities (Ramalho et al., 1989). The study of the plant-pollinator interaction can be performed by sampling bees in flowers (Imperatriz-Fonseca et al., 2011) or indirectly by morphological identification of pollen loads transported on the workers' corbiculae or stored in food pots inside their nests (Barth, 2004). Stingless bees usually store food resources in pots built with cerumen (the mixture of bees wax and resin) for the
The flight activities of five colonies of Melipona (Michmelia) scutellaris Latreille, 1811 kept among mixed fruit crop plantations in within fragments of Atlantic Rainforest in Pernambuco, NE-Brazil was examined. The daily deployment of foragers to collect pollen, nectar, resin and mud was observed. The colonies performed between 2,640 and 14,250 flights per day. Variations in the number of total daily flights were similar between colonies on all observation days. Proportional allocation of foragers to the different resources also among colonies showed similar variation. More than 90% of the pollen collection flights were made early in the morning. Nectar was collected in similar proportional frequencies with a reduction in activity at noon. On a single day, was observed atypical intense pollen foraging during the afternoon by all colonies. This indicates a high plasticity in foraging behaviour and efficient recruitment to resources which are presented by mass flowering trees with synchronised big bang or multiple bang flowering. Resource availability of the surrounding vegetation, therefore, seems to be the major factor in defining the forager activities on a given day.
Revista Brasileira De Biologia, 2000
Flight activity of Melipona bicolor bicolor, coming from Cunha (23o05'S, 44o55'W), Atlantic Forest, was studied in ten colonies, and in two periods: from July to September 1993 and from August to September 1995. The colonies were grouped in weak, medium and strong, according to the diameter of the combs, which can provide a good idea of the number of cells built. 855 observations were accomplished for 5 minutes, every half-hour, from 8 to 18 hours. The total number of bees that entered and left the hive and the number of bees that arrived with mud, pollen and resin, besides the number that went out with debris in that period were counted. It was also registered the temperature and the relative humidity of the air. The total external activity, as well as pollen collection, was maximum in the first hours of the morning, mainly in strong colonies. Weak colonies moved their maximum activity approximately to 12 hours. Pollen collection declined gradually, while mud and resin collection rose; removal of debris was greater in the beginning of the morning and in the end of the afternoon. Flight activity increased as relative humidity of the air rose, being optimum for strong colonies in the range between 80%-89%, and for the weakest colonies between 70%-79%. The minimum temperature observed for exit of the bees was 11oC, with optimum temperatures ranging between 17oC and 22oC. The results showed that the general state of the colony influences the different strategies of food collection and that these bees should be adapted to environments of high relative humidity as the Atlantic forest.
Grana, 1994
Imperatriz-Fonseca, V. L. 1991. Pollen harvest by stingless bee foragers (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae). -Grana 33: 239-244. ISSN
História (UNESP), 2024
Resumo Atualmente discursos sobre temas como “marxismo cultural” e “globalismo” colocaram a questão das teorias da conspiração na ordem do dia. Os evidentes impactos políticos das teorias da conspiração na atualidade trazem à tona a necessidade de que elas sejam estudadas a sério. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o funcionamento de uma teoria da conspiração num contexto político específico, o da Guerra Fria e da Ditadura Militar no Brasil nos anos 1970. Nesta análise, busca-se compreender as estratégias narrativas e retóricas que deram à teoria da conspiração do livro Os subversivos, de Bernard Hutton, um certo poder de convencimento. Sobretudo, o uso do discurso factual, o apelo a supostos documentos secretos e o recurso a uma linguagem melodramática. Procura-se, ainda, entender como um discurso como o aqui analisado teve efeitos na realidade, seja em termos práticos quanto à lógica repressiva da Ditadura, seja quanto à orientação de agentes e funcionários dos serviços de inteligência, a quem o livro de Hutton foi indicado como uma espécie de livro didático.
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Kritische Gesellschaftsforschung, 2023
Elite Journal of Medicine, 2024
Historical Biology, 2023
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2014
Clinical Radiology, 1998
Enfermería Global, 2013
Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 2020
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Can Tho University Journal of Science
Scientific reports, 2016
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 2008
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014