Rom J Morphol Embryol 2017, 58(2):419–424
Romanian Journal of
Morphology & Embryology
Purkinje cells pathology in schizophrenia. A morphometric
Laboratory of Neuropathology and Electron Microscopy, First Department of Neurology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Third Department of Neurology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Institute for Research of Alzheimer’s Disease, Other Neurodegenerative Diseases and Normal Aging, Heraklion Langada,
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Research, Faculty of Biology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania
“Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi, Romania
Objectives: Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects more than 21 million people worldwide. Ventricle enlargement and reduction in
the volume of the temporal lobe overall and in medial temporal structures constitutes the main macroscopic findings, whilst synaptic and
spinal changes as well as gliosis in the hippocampal formation, the prefrontal and the entorhinal cortex stand among cardinal microscopic
findings in the schizophrenic brains. In recent years, accumulated evidence comes to light about the role of cerebellum in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Materials and Methods: The present study is based on the morphological analysis and 3D neuronal
reconstruction of the Purkinje cells from 10 schizophrenic brains and 10 normal controls. Results: Significant morphological alterations
such as loss of distal and terminal dendritic branches and decrease of the density of the dendritic spines constitute the main morphological
findings found in the present study. Conclusions: The present findings may be added to accumulated evidence on macroscopic and
microscopic pathology of the cerebellum in schizophrenia. Morphological alterations of Purkinje cells seem to be a central feature of
neuropathology of schizophrenia, reflecting to impairment of neuronal connectivity and functionality, and related to motor and cognitive
Keywords: Golgi method, schizophrenia, Purkinje cells, 3D neuronal reconstruction.
Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects more than
21 million people worldwide. Schizophrenia typically
begins in late adolescence or early adulthood and is
clinically characterized by positive symptoms, which
include delusions, hallucinations and thought disorder,
as well as negative symptoms such as avolition, alogia
and affective flattening [1, 2]. In addition to the aforementioned symptoms, schizophrenic patients also usually
develop cognitive deficits and neurological signs such as
dysdiadochokinesis or motor coordination impairment and
smooth pursuit eye movements’ disorder [3–7].
Ventricle enlargement and reduction in the volume
of the temporal lobe overall and in medial temporal
structures constitutes the main macroscopic findings,
whilst synaptic and spinal changes as well as gliosis
in the hippocampal formation, the prefrontal and the
entorhinal cortex stand among cardinal microscopic
findings in the schizophrenic brains [8–13]. In recent
years, accumulated evidence comes to light about the role
of cerebellum in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia
[14–17]. Cerebellar impairment is thought to be implicated
in dyscoordination, abnormal posture, eye blink condiISSN (print) 1220–0522
tioning, procedural learning deficits and poor cognitive
performance [18–23]. Structural magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), functional MRI and positron emission
tomography (PET) studies have shown a significant decrease
of the cerebellar volume and decreased activation of certain
cerebellar regions in schizophrenia [14, 16, 17, 20, 23,
24]. Furthermore, Tran et al. (1998) using Nissl cresyl
violet method revealed a significant decrease of Purkinje
cells soma area, while Maloku et al. (2009) demonstrated
lower number of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex
of schizophrenic brains, associated with reduced reelin
expression [25, 26].
Despite the fact that there are numerous studies on the
cerebellar volume loss and a few studies about Purkinje
cells density, there is no morphological study of the
Purkinje cells in schizophrenia. In previous studies, we
demonstrated morphological changes of Purkinje cells
from the upper surface of the cerebellar hemispheres and
the cerebellar vermis in Alzheimer’s disease [27, 28].
In the present study, we tried to figure out the dendritic
and spinal alterations of the Purkinje cells of the upper
surface of the right cerebellar hemisphere in schizophrenic
ISSN (online) 2066–8279
Ioannis Asterios Mavroudis et al.
Materials and Methods
Tissue samples were obtained from 10 neurologically
normal individuals’ post-mortem, and 10 suffered from
schizophrenia, all of them aged between 40 and 62 years
(mean 49.4±5.3 years). A written informed consent was
obtained from the relatives of the deceased for each one
of the brain, in which it was clearly defined that the tissue
would be used for research purposes. The research was
carried out with full respect to the appropriate legislation
of the Greek Democracy (ν. 2472/1997, 2819/2000,
2915/2001, 3235/2004, 3471 /2006), as is clearly stated
by the Committee for Research Deontology Principles of
the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki [29]. The average
autolysis time for all subjects was 11±3.5 hours. All brains,
after their excision from the skull were immersed in
10% neutral buffered formalin for at least 25 days. All
possible information on each subject, concerning their
previous physical and illness history, was obtained from
autopsy reports as well as medical records. All the brains
were examined by an independent neuropathologist for
gross and microscopic signs of pathology. The brains did
not exhibit trauma, edema or chronic illness. The diagnosis
for the schizophrenic patients was set by independent
psychiatrists according to the criteria of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Text
Revision [30].
Tissue selection and processing
A tissue block from the upper surface of the right
cerebellar hemisphere was excised. The tissue blocks were
coded in order to prevent experimental bias and were used
for Golgi method and Nissl staining [31].
Cell selection criteria
For each one of the brains, five Purkinje cells were
selected. Neurons examined for quantitative alterations
met the criteria set forth by Jacobs et al. (1997) that
request uniform staining of neuronal processes, absence
of precipitated debris, good contrast between cells and
background and relatively uniform tissue thickness [10].
For purposes of randomization, all the cells that met the
selection criteria were randomly pooled and every third
neuron in the series was chosen.
Golgi method
For silver impregnation, the specimens were immediately immersed in a dilution of potassium dichromate
(7 g of potassium dichromate and 20 mL of 37%
formaldehyde solution in 300 mL of tap water), at room
temperature. They remained in that solution for one week,
and then they were immersed in an aqueous solution of
1% silver nitrate, where they remained for one more week,
at a temperature of 150C, in a photoprotected environment.
After fixation, the specimens were embedded in lowmelting-point paraffin and cut with a slicing microtome
in thick sections at a range of 120 μm and after rapid
differentiation, they were covered with entellan.
Nissl staining
Adjacent sections were cut in a range of 20 μm and
used for Nissl staining [31], in order to evaluate the
neuronal population, and to define the depth of molecular
layer. The depth of the molecular layer was measured in
Nissl-stained slices using the Image J software. Every
50 μm of horizontal distance, the vertical distance of the
molecular layer was taken and all the measurements were
used to give the average thickness of the molecular layer.
Neuronal tracing and dendritic quantification
For every cell, we took a 30-second video at a
magnification of 400× while the microscope table was
moving at the standard velocity of 20 μm/s. The microscope
stage was moving using a motorized XYZ microscope
stage system (MLS203/MZS500-E-ThorLabs), with the
movement on the Z-axis being controlled by the MZS500-E
– Z-Axis Piezo Stage and Controller Kit, with the aim of
the APC software provided by Thorlabs with a JogStep
of 1 μm a Travel Range of 250 μm. The videos were
analyzed in digital image sequences of 200 serial pictures,
which were ultimately imported in Neuromantic application
to trace the cells, quantifying them along x-, y- and zcoordinates [32]. Each one of the selected cells was traced
using the Neuromantic application. Neuronal tracing was
carried out in the semi-automatic form by two different
investigators, and the average of these measurements was
used for statistical analysis. The neuronal tracing started
with the cell soma and moved onto the basilar dendrites
and the apical shaft. Dendritic trees were quantitatively
evaluated in a centrifugal manner for apical dendrites
and basal dendrites according to Uylings et al. (1990)
[33]. Dendrites arising from the cell soma are considered
first-order segments, up to their first symmetrical bifurcation. Dendritic branches arising from first-order segments
are considered second-order segments, in turn, up to their
symmetrical bifurcation into third-order segments, and
so on. When asymmetric branching is met during the
neuronal tracing, the offspring dendritic branch, recognized
by a qualitatively thinner diameter, is classified as a nextorder branch, whereas the parent dendrite would retain its
order level past the branching point.
Dendritic measures and Sholl analysis
The parameters measured were: soma size, total
dendritic length, cell contraction, dendritic field asymmetry,
total number of dendritic segments and bifurcations,
number of terminal branches, local and remote bifurcation
angles, as well as the length and number of dendritic
segments per order. Furthermore, the tracing was quantitatively analyzed with Fiji and Simple Neurite Tracer
plugin based on Sholl’s (1954) method of concentric
spheres [34]. Concentric spheres were drawn, at intervals
of 10 μm centered on the cell bodies, and dendritic
intersections within each sphere were counted [32].
Spine counts
Spine counts were carried out at 360 pictures, which
were taken with an AxioCam HR, at the standard magnification of 1000×, on an Axiostar Plus photomicroscope.
Visible spines were counted on three segments of the
dendritic field. The first segment, 20–30 μm in length,
was located in a distance of 50 μm of cells soma, the
second segment, 20–30 μm in length in 150 μm and the
third one, 20–30 μm in 250 μm from cells soma.
Purkinje cells pathology in schizophrenia. A morphometric approach
Neuronal density
The linear density of the Purkinje cells was estimated
on 30 pictures from each brain, using the cell counter
function on Image J based on the method described by
Maloku et al. (2010) [26].
Statistical analysis
Individual cellular measurements were averaged for
each of the study groups. Statistical analysis was based
on the Student’s t-test based on 100 cells in SPSS ver.
17.0. Significance was taken as p<0.05. To ensure that
autolysis time did not affect neuronal density and
dendritic measurements, two-tailed Pearson’s product
correlations were performed between all dependent
measures and autolysis time [32].
Dendritic changes
Purkinje cells of both groups did not exhibit autolytic
changes described by Williams et al. (1978) [35]. Purkinje
cells from the schizophrenic brains showed substantial
changes of dendritic tree complexity. Primary and
secondary dendritic branches did not exhibit significant
difference between the two groups, however the total
dendritic length was significantly decreased [p<0.005]
(Figure 1A), even as a severe loss of terminal and distal
dendritic branches was also noticed [p<0.01] (Figure 1B).
The daughter ratio was reduced in the schizophrenic group
[p<0.001] (Figure 1C), while the ratio between remote
bifurcation tilt to local bifurcation tilt was likewise affected
[p<0.01] (Figure 1D). Dendritic tree area and dendritic
tree volume were also decreased in the schizophrenic
group [p<0.001] (Figure 2, A and B). Sholl analysis
revealed a restriction of the dendritic field due to the
loss of distal branches, at distance 150 μm from cell
soma (Figure 2C). The peak of the development of the
dendritic arborization occurred at 90 μm from cell soma
for schizophrenic brains and at 130 μm for the normal
Spinal changes
The density of dendritic spines was significantly lower
in the schizophrenic group [p<0.001] (Figure 3, C and
D). Spinal loss seemed to be more prominent in distal
branches (Figure 2D). Besides spinal loss, significant
morphological alterations of dendritic spines were also
revealed while the majority of the remaining spines
on schizophrenic brains were of the short-stubby type
(Figure 2B), while Purkinje cells of normal controls bear
spines of the long-neck type and only a few from the
short-stubby type. Moreover, dystrophic and giant spines
were noticed in the schizophrenic brains.
Neuronal density and cortical thickness
The depth of the molecular layer was severely lower
in the schizophrenic brains. Although there was loss
of Purkinje cells in schizophrenic group, this was not
statistically significant. Empty baskets, which are visible
due to loss of Purkinje cells in schizophrenic brains,
were also noticed (Figure 3E).
Figure 1 – Total dendritic length in μm (A), number of terminal branches (B), daughter ratio (C) and average
bifurcation tilt (D) of the Purkinje cells from normal controls and schizophrenic brains. Error bars indicate standard
Ioannis Asterios Mavroudis et al.
Figure 2 – Dendritic area in μm2 (A), dendritic volume in μm3 (B), Sholl analysis (C) and density of dendritic spines
which refers to the number of spines per 10 μm (D) of the Purkinje cells from normal controls and schizophrenic
brains. Error bars indicate standard deviation.
Figure 3 – 3D reconstruction of a Purkinje cells (A), example of color masks after Sholl analysis of a Purkinje cells (B),
where different colors corresponds to different dendritic density, dendritic segment from Purkinje cells from
schizophrenic (C) and normal control brains (D). Empty baskets are visible due to loss of Purkinje cells in schizophrenic
brains (E). Golgi method staining: ×1000 (C and D); ×400 (E).
Purkinje cells pathology in schizophrenia. A morphometric approach
There have been only a few morphometric studies
about Purkinje cells in schizophrenia, however to our
knowledge this is the first study to reveal the morphological
changes of the Purkinje cells dendritic fields and spines
in schizophrenia. Lingärde et al. (2000) and Tran et al.
(1998) found no significant difference in linear density in
schizophrenia, while the latter found significantly smaller
cross-sectional areas of Purkinje cells and significant
correlations between Purkinje cell size and scores on the
Mini-Mental State, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale and
the dose of the antipsychotic drug that patients were on
[25, 36].
In the present study, we revealed significant morphological alterations in schizophrenic brains in comparison to
normal controls using Golgi method and 3D reconstruction
of Purkinje cells.
Schizophrenic brains revealed a severe loss of distal
and terminal dendritic branches and an overall reduction
of total dendritic length. Purkinje cells from the schizophrenic group showed a significant decrease of spinal
density, as well as certain morphological alterations of the
remaining dendritic spines. Besides dendritic and spinal
loss, specific changes were also noticed at the level of
Purkinje cells dendritic tree formation and orientation
in schizophrenic brains. Although the thickness of the
molecular layer was severely decreased in schizophrenic
brains, there was no statistical significance in the linear
Purkinje cell density, a finding that confirms the findings
of previous studies of Lingärde et al. (2000) and Tran et al.
(1998) [25, 36].
The dendritic and spinal changes described in the
present study are not specific to schizophrenia, since
they have been noted in Purkinje cells in patients with
hereditary ataxias [37], in chronic alcoholics [38], in
Alzheimer’s disease [27] and in essential tremor [39].
Furthermore, the reduction in dendritic arborization is
a structural change associated with dysfunction, and is
thought to precede neuronal death [38].
The morphological changes found in here may be
related to molecular and gene abnormalities described
by previous studies in schizophrenia, and might be the
morphological background of a number of symptoms in
schizophrenic patients, while the loss of distal dendrites
and dendritic spines seen in thick sections of Golgi stained
material, leads to a substantial decrease of the synaptic
area and synaptic contacts of the Purkinje cells and this
could contribute to motor and cognitive symptoms of
This study is the first about morphological changes of
the Purkinje cells in schizophrenia. The present findings
may be added to accumulated evidence on macroscopic and
microscopic pathology of the cerebellum in schizophrenia.
Morphological alterations of Purkinje cells seem to be
a central feature of neuropathology of schizophrenia,
reflecting to impairment of neuronal connectivity and
functionality, and related to motor and cognitive symptoms.
Conflict of interests
There is no conflict of interests.
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Corresponding author
Ioannis Asterios Mavroudis, Laboratory of Neuropathology and Electron Microscopy, AHEPA Hospital, 1 Kyriakidi
Street, 54636 Thessaloniki, Greece; e-mail:
[email protected]
Received: December 13, 2016
Accepted: July 15, 2017