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2011, Communications of the ACM
3 pages
1 file
After more than 20 years of research and development, are haptic interfaces finally getting ready to enter the computing mainstream? E Ve R S I N Ce the first silentmode cell phones started buzzing in our pockets a few years ago, many of us have unwittingly developed a fumbling familiarity with haptics: technology that invokes our sense of touch. Video games now routinely employ force-feedback joysticks to jolt their players with a sense of impending onscreen doom, while more sophisticated haptic devices have helped doctors conduct surgeries from afar, allowed deskbound soldiers to operate robots in hazardous environments, and equipped musicians with virtual violins. Despite recent technological advances, haptic interfaces have made only modest inroads into the mass consumer market. Buzzing cell phones and shaking joysticks aside, developers have yet to create a breakthrough product-a device that would do for haptics what the iPhone has done for touch screens. The slow pace of market acceptance stems partly from typical new-technology growing pains: high production costs, the lack of standard application programming interfaces (APIs), and the absence of established user interface conventions. Those issues aside, however, a bigger question looms over this fledgling industry: What are haptics good for, exactly? Computer scientists have been exploring haptics for more than two decades. Early research focused largely on the problem of sensory substitution, converting imagery or speech information into electric or vibratory stimulation patterns on the skin. As the technology matured, haptics found new applications in teleoperator systems and virtual environments, useful for robotics and flight simulator applications. Today, some researchers think the big promise of haptics may involve
Haptics Rendering and Applications, 2012
Computer haptics is an emerging technology that provides force feedback and tactile sensations to users as they interact with a virtual object. Haptic hardware provides sensory feedback that simulates physical properties and forces. The monitor enables sighted users to see computer generated images and audio speakers allow users to hear sounds, the haptic device makes it possible for blind or visually impaired users to feel force feedback and textures while they manipulate virtual two and three dimensional objects. The haptic device allows the user to interact with a virtual object, such as a planet surface feature or a cell membrane, using the sense of touch. Other physical properties can also be simulated, such as textures, magnetism, viscosity, vibration, or elasticity. Science related haptic software was used with students with visual impairments, the researcher found that adding forces to the visual display enhanced users understanding of the binding energy of a drug molecule. ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 2009
Haptic interaction has for a long time been a promise that has not fully been realized in everyday technology due to several reasons. Already for more than 20 years the research community in the field of human-technology interaction has identified multimodal interaction as a potential next mainstream interaction paradigm to replace graphical user interfaces. At the same time, both personal computers and mobile devices have developed rapidly allowing more computing power, more sophisticated feedback through different channels such as display and audio, and more ways of interaction to be used in everyday computing tasks. Within the past few years, haptic interaction has been under rapid research and development. In this article, we will give an introduction to the present state of the art in haptic interaction technology and its promises in mainstream information and communication technology.
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Southeast Conference, 2019
Over the past decade, the advancements in force-feedback (haptic) systems, facilitated the inclusion of the tactile communication channel in a variety of user interfaces. Tactile sensors are distributed over the entire human body, hence a diversity of haptic hardware configurations are possible. The applications span from: force-feedback systems-conveying large forces, to vibrotactile systems-conveying smaller forces to the human sensory system. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art in force-feedback and vibrotactile hardware with references to associated software. The main application domains, several prominent applications, as well as significant research efforts are highlighted. Additionally the survey defines the terms and the paradigms used in the haptic technology domain. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Haptic devices • Hardware → Tactile and hand-based interfaces
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001
This paper presents a short review of the history surrounding the development of haptic feedback systems, from early manipulators and telerobots, used in the nuclear and subsea industries, to today's impressive desktop devices, used to support real-time interaction with 3D visual simulations, or Virtual Reality. Four examples of recent VR projects are described, illustrating the use of haptic feedback in ceramics, aerospace, surgical and defence applications. These examples serve to illustrate the premise that haptic feedback systems have evolved much faster than their visual display counterparts and are, today, delivering impressive peripheral devices that are truly usable by non-specialist users of computing technology.
This chapter sets about to provide the background and orientation needed to set a novice designer on his or her way to bringing haptics successfully into an interactive product. To define appropriate roles for haptic interaction, it is necessary to integrate a basic awareness of human capabilities on one hand and current device technology on the other. Here, I explore this integration by first summarizing the most salient constraints imposed by both humans and hardware. I then proceed to relate perceptual, motor, and attentional capabilities to a selection of emerging application contexts chosen to be relevant to contemporary design trends and opportunities. These include abstract communication and notification, augmentation of graphical user interfaces, expressive control, affective communication, and mobile and handheld computing. Our touch (haptic) sense is such an integral part of our everyday experience that few of us really notice it. Notice it now, as you go about your business. Within and beneath our skin lie layers of ingenious and diverse tactile receptors comprising our tactile sensing subsystem. These receptors enable us to parse textures, assess temperature and material , guide dexterous manipulations, find a page's edge to turn it, and deduce a friend's mood from a touch of his hand. Intermingled with our muscle fibers and within our joints are load cells and position transducers making up our proprioceptive sense, which tell our nervous systems of a limb's position and motion and the resistance it encounters. Without these and their close integration with our body's motor control, it would be exceedingly difficult to break an egg neatly into a bowl, play a piano, walk without tripping, stroke a pet, write, draw, or even type. Touch is our earliest sense to develop (Montagu, 1986). It has evolved to work in a tight partnership with vision and hearing in many ways we are only beginning to understand, as we study processes (such as hand-eye coordination) and how we process conflicting or competing information from different senses. In stark contrast to the importance of touch in our everyday experience, the use of touch is marginalized in contemporary computer interfaces, overlooked in the rush to accommodate graphical capability in desktop-based systems. The primary advances have been in feel-focused improvements in nonactuated pointing tools for both function and aesthetics. Scroll wheels have been designed for the user to click with just the right resistance and frequency; and most cell phones now come with vibrators that indicate incoming calls. Meanwhile, the use of haptic feedback in the consumer sphere is largely limited to gaming, and tactile feedback to simple cell phone alerts.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
This study gives a broad overview of haptic technologies for social touch research. In psychology and neuroscience, social contact has received a lot of attention. It is now feasible to make attending in social touch from a particular distance or with the artificial social agents, research into the technology mediated social contract has been motivated by social touch research, and the point of research has been found very effecting that are quite similar to through social touch. Haptics is the research of how to interact with computer applications through touch (tactile) sensation and control. Haptic device gives users a tactile experience in computer-generated environments, making touchable virtual objects appear real and tangible. This method applies pressures, vibrations, and/or movements to the client in order to connect them to a virtual environment through their tactile. The creation of virtual objects items that only appear in computer simulations as well as the locally and remotely control of machinery and apparatus might benefit from this mechanical stimulation. Numerous sectors have previously demonstrated the versatility of haptic technology. Technology has made the possibility that to get truly investigated that how human sense of touch functions by enabling the production of precisely controlled virtual objects. This method might be used to train people for occupations requiring hand-eye coordination, such operating on spacecraft or performing surgery. This kind of input may be used to observe and engage with nanomaterials, and also simulate electrons atom orbits and the feel of abdomen tissue during operation or a laparoscopy training exercise.
David Prytherch and Mairghread McLundie The term haptics in its broadest sense relates to the study of touch and the cutaneous senses. The word itself derives from the Greek haptikos, able to touch. The aim of this paper is to review the research on haptics from its foundations in the work of Ernst Weber to the later work of David Katz and others. The paper considers the relationship between touch and vision, and the implications of this research for thinking about the making,of art. In addition to the main paper this issue also contains a guide to digital haptics