State mixture modelling applied to speech recognition

1999, Pattern Recognition Letters

In state mixture modelling (SMM), the temporal structure of the observation sequences is represented by the state joint probability distribution where mixtures of states are considered. This technique is considered in an iterative scheme via maximum likelihood estimation. A fuzzy estimation approach is also introduced to cooperate with the SMM model. This new approach not only saves calculations from 2x (HMM direct calculation) and x 2 (Forward± backward algorithm) to just only 2NT calculations, but also achieves a better recognition result.

Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (1999) 1449±1456 State mixture modelling applied to speech recognition Dat Tran a,*, Michael Wagner a, Tongtao Zheng b a Human±Computer Communication Laboratory, School of Computing, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia b School of Asian Languages & Studies, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS 7250, Australia Abstract In state mixture modelling (SMM), the temporal structure of the observation sequences is represented by the state joint probability distribution where mixtures of states are considered. This technique is considered in an iterative scheme via maximum likelihood estimation. A fuzzy estimation approach is also introduced to cooperate with the SMM model. This new approach not only saves calculations from 2N T T (HMM direct calculation) and N 2 T (Forward± backward algorithm) to just only 2NT calculations, but also achieves a better recognition result. Ó 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Maximum likelihood estimation; Fuzzy estimation; Speech recognition 1. Introduction Let O ˆ o1 ; o2 ; . . . ; oT be an observation sequence of a spoken word and let K denote a model parameter set. The basic problem in speech modelling is how to compute P OjK† eciently, the probability of the observation sequence O, given the model K. The simplest solution is to use a statistical independence assumption between observations only. P OjK† is computed as the product of the probabilities of each observation. Computations are simple and in the case that observations are continuous vectors, probability density functions are applicable to model speech data. Its disadvantage is that the temporal structure of the observation sequence is not taken into account. An * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Tran), [email protected] (M. Wagner), Tongtao.Zheng (T. Zheng) application is Gaussian mixture modelling for speaker recognition (Reynolds, 1992). To overcome the above disadvantage, a better solution applied to the hidden Markov model (HMM) is to use hidden state variables modelled as Markov chains. Observations are statistically independent but dependent on states. The temporal structure of the observation sequence is represented by Markov chains where state variables are restricted to have a ®nite number of values and the state-transition probabilities are assumed to be time invariant (Rabiner and Juang, 1986). The complete parameter set of the HMM is K ˆ fp; A; Bg, where p is the initial state distribution, A is the state transition probability distribution and B is the observation symbol probability distribution. Although the application of the HMM to speech recognition has been a success, computations in the HMM are relatively complicated. Consider the computation cost required for evaluating P OjK†. If an utterance consists of T acoustic vectors, for an N-state 0167-8655/99/$ - see front matter Ó 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 8 6 5 5 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 1 3 - 0 1450 D. Tran et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (1999) 1449±1456 HMM, it requires on the order of 2N T T calculations. Thus, a more ecient algorithm called the forward±backward algorithm is used to reduce calculations. Even so, a scaling procedure is still required since in the reestimation procedure of the HMM, for suciently large T, the dynamic range of computations will exceed the precision range of essentially any machine (Rabiner and Juang, 1993, p. 365). Markov chains applied to the HMM in general is called ergodic. A property obtained from the Markov chain theory is the existence of the steady-state probability distribution. Given an initial probability distribution, the state probability distribution of such a Markov chain will tend to the steady-state probability distribution after a while, namely, it does not change in time (Kulkarni, 1995). The product of the statetransition probability and the state probability is the state-joint probability, therefore with the time invariant assumption of state-transition probabilities, the state-joint probabilities are also assumed to be time invariant. An alternative approach of the Markov chain theory to modelling speech is to use the state-joint probability distribution instead of the state-transition probability distribution to represent the temporal structure of the observation sequence. In this approach, states should be considered as mixtures of states rather than state sequences. In general, a state transition can be made from a mixture of states at previous time to a new mixture of states at current time. The complete parameter set of a state mixture model (SMM) is K ˆ fp; U ; Bg where U is the state-joint probability distribution. Computations in the SMM are simple, the forward±backward algorithm and the scaling procedure are not required. The parameter reestimation methods in the HMM is quite applicable to the SMM and, moreover, a fuzzy reestimation method is also proposed. The paper is organised as follows. The next section reviews the HMM theory for comparison with the SMM theory in Section 3. A fuzzy approach to the SMM is proposed in Section 4. Section 5 reports experimental results of applying HMMs and SMMs in speech recognition. 2. Hidden Markov models 2.1. The evaluation problem Consider an HMM for discrete symbol observations. Such a model is characterised by a set of N states, a sequence of observations O ˆ fo1 ; o2 ; . . . ; oT g and a set of observation symbols V ˆ fv1 ; v2 ; . . . ; vM g. The probability P OjK† is computed as X P OjK† ˆ P O; SjK† all S ˆ X P OjS; K†P SjK†; 1† all S where S ˆ fs1 ; s2 ; . . . ; sT g denotes a state sequence. Applying the statistical independence assumption for P OjS; K† and the Markov assumption for P SjK†, we obtain P OjS; K† ˆ T Y P ot jst ; stÿ1 ; . . . ; s1 ; K† tˆ1 ˆ T Y P ot jst ; K†; 2† tˆ1 P SjK† ˆ P s1 † T ÿ1 Y P st‡1 jst ; :::; s2 ; s1 † tˆ1 ˆ P s1 † T ÿ1 Y P st‡1 jst †: 3† tˆ1 Denoting ps1 ˆ P s1 jK†, ast st‡1 ˆ P st‡1 jst ; K† and bst ot † ˆ P ot jst ; K†, from (1)±(3), we have P OjK† ˆ T XY ast st‡1 bst‡1 ot‡1 †; 4† all S tˆ0 where as0 s1 denotes ps1 for simplicity (Huang et al., 1990). A compact notation K ˆ fp; A; Bg is proposed to indicate the complete parameter set of this model, where 1. p ˆ fpi g; pi ˆ P s1 ˆ ijK†, 1 6 i 6 N : the initial state distribution; 2. A ˆ faij g; aij ˆ P st‡1 ˆ jjst ˆ i; K†, 1 6 i; j 6 N and 1 6 t 6 T ÿ 1 the state transition probability distribution, denoting the transition 1451 D. Tran et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (1999) 1449±1456 probability from state i at time t to state j at time t ‡ 1; and 3. B ˆ fbj k†g; bj k† ˆ P ot ˆ vk jst ˆ j; K†, 1 6 j 6 N , 1 6 k 6 M, 1 6 t 6 T : the observation symbol probability distribution, denoting the probability of generating a symbol ot ˆ v k† in state j with probability bj k†. To interpret the computation, (4) can be rewritten as X ps1 bs1 o1 †as1 s2 bs2 o2 †    asT ÿ1 sT bsT oT †: P OjK† ˆ s1 ...sT Using the forward and backward variables, (5) is written as P OjK† ˆ N X aT i† ˆ iˆ1 ˆ N X N X pi bi o1 †b1 i† iˆ1 10† at i†bt i†: iˆ1 The computation of these variables requires on the order of N 2 T calculations, rather than 2N T T as required by the direct calculation. 5† It can be seen that, at time t ˆ 1, we are in state s1 with probability ps1 , generating the symbol o1 with probability bs1 o1 †. A transition is then made from the initial state s1 to state s2 at time t ˆ 2 with transition probability as1 s2 ; generating the symbol o2 with probability bs2 o2 †. This process continues until we make the last transition from state sT ÿ1 to state sT at time t ˆ T with transition probability asT ÿ1 sT , generating the symbol oT with probability bsT oT † (Rabiner and Juang, 1993, p. 335). According to its direct de®nition, (5) involves on the order of 2N T T calculations. A more ecient algorithm called the forward±backward algorithm is required to solve this problem. The forward variable is de®ned as at i† ˆ P o1 ; o2 ; . . . ; ot ; st ˆ ijK†; 6† 2.2. The estimation problem The most dicult problem in HMM is how to adjust the model parameters K to maximise P OjK†. The iterative algorithm known as the Baum±Welch algorithm is used to solve this problem. We ®rst de®ne nt i; j†, the probability of being in state i at time t, and state j at time t ‡ 1, given the model and the observation sequence nt i; j† ˆ P st ˆ i; st‡1 ˆ jjO; K† at i†aij bj ot‡1 †bt‡1 j† ˆ P N PN iˆ1 jˆ1 at i†aij bj ot‡1 †bt‡1 j† and ct i†, the probability of being in state i at time t, given the model and the observation sequence where ct i† ˆ P st ˆ ijO; K† ˆ a1 i† ˆ pi bi o1 †; " # N X at‡1 j† ˆ at i†aij bj ot‡1 †; 1 6 t 6 T ÿ 1: 7† pi ˆ c1 i†; 8† where jˆ1 12† PT ÿ1 nt i; j† aij ˆ Ptˆ1 ; T ÿ1 tˆ1 ct i† P t2o ˆv ct j†  : bj k† ˆ PTt k tˆ1 ct j† 1 6 t 6 T ÿ 1: nt i; j†:  ˆ f  Bg  are deterThe model parameters K p; A; mined as follows: The backward variable is de®ned as bT i† ˆ 1; N X bt i† ˆ aij bj ot‡1 †bt‡1 j†; N X jˆ1 iˆ1 bt i† ˆ P ot‡1 ; ot‡2 ; . . . ; oT jst ˆ i; K†; 11† 9† 13† Proofs of the Baum±Welch reestimation algorithm can be found in the literature (e.g., Rabiner and Juang, 1993; Huang et al., 1990). 1452 D. Tran et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (1999) 1449±1456 3. State mixture models 3.1. The evaluation problem Consider an SMM for discrete symbol observations where states, observation sequence and observation symbols are also characterised as the HMM. Let P st jK† denote the probability of being in state st at time t. Applying the statistical independence assumption between observations, we obtain T ÿ1 Y P OjK† ˆ P o1 jK† P ot‡1 jK†: 14† tˆ1 Since P o1 jK† ˆ X P o1 ; s1 jK† all s1 ˆ X P s1 jK†P o1 js1 ; K†; 15† all s1 P ot‡1 jK† ˆ X X P ot‡1 ; st ; st‡1 jK† all st all st‡1 ˆ X X P st ; st‡1 jK†P ot‡1 jst‡1 ; K†: all st all st‡1 16† Denoting ps1 ˆ P s1 jK†, ust st‡1 ˆ P st ; st‡1 jK† and bst ot † ˆ P ot jst ; K†, we obtain ! T ÿ1 X X Y P OjK† ˆ 17† ust st‡1 bst‡1 ot‡1 † ; tˆ0 all st all st‡1 P where all s0 us0 s1 denotes ps1 for simplicity. Since the summations are over all values of st , st‡1 , 1 6 st ; st‡1 6 N , and assuming the state-joint probability is independent of time, after taking the logarithm, we can write ! T ÿ1 N X N X X log uij bj ot‡1 † : 18† log P OjK† ˆ tˆ0 iˆ1 jˆ1 A compact notation K ˆ fp; U ; Bg is proposed to indicate the complete parameter set of this model, where p, B are the same as the HMM and U ˆ fuij g is the state joint probability distribution, denoting the joint probability of state i at time t and state j at time t ‡ 1. We have uij ˆ P st ˆ i; st‡1 ˆ jjK†, 1 6 i; j 6 N , 1 6 t 6 T ÿ 1. To interpret the computation, since P st ; st‡1 jK† ˆ P st‡1 jst ; K†P st jK† and denoting P st jK† ˆ cst as the probability of being in state st , (17) can be rewritten as ( " # X X ps 1 b s 1 o 1 † ci1 ai1 s2 bs2 o2 †    P OjK† ˆ i1 s1 ...sT " X ) # ciT ÿ1 aiT ÿ1 sT bsT oT † : iT ÿ1 19† From (19), at time t ˆ 1, we are in state s1 with probability ps1 , generating the symbol o1 with probability bs1 o1 †. A transition is then made to state s2 at time t ˆ 2 from a mixture of states i1 , where i1 ˆ 1; . . . ; N (initial states at time t ˆ 1), weighed by ci1 with transition probability ai1 s2 and generating the symbol o2 with probability bs2 o2 †. This process continues until we make the last transition to state sT at time t ˆ T from a mixture of states iT ÿ1 , where iT ÿ1 ˆ 1; . . . ; N , weighed by ciT ÿ1 with transition probability aiT ÿ1 sT and generating the symbol oT with probability bsT oT †. It can be seen that the computation involved in (18) requires on the order of 2NT calculations rather than N 2 T calculations as required in the HMM. 3.2. The estimation problem We ®rst de®ne gt i; j†, the probability of being in state i at time t and in state j at time t ‡ 1, given the model and the observation at time t ‡ 1, gt i; j† ˆ P st ˆ i; st‡1 ˆ jjot‡1 ; K† ˆ PN kˆ1 uij bj ot‡1 † ; PN lˆ1 ukl bl ot‡1 † 20† and ut i†, the probability of being in state i at time t, given the model and the observation at time t, ut j† ˆ P st ˆ jjot ; K† ˆ N X gtÿ1 i; j†: 21† iˆ1  ˆ f  are deterThe model parameters K p; U ; Bg mined as follows: pj ˆ u1 j†; 1453 D. Tran et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (1999) 1449±1456 uij ˆ and Applying the Lagrange multiplier method and using the following constraints: T ÿ1 1 X g i; j† T ÿ 1 tˆ1 t P t2o ˆv ut j† : bj k† ˆ PTt k tˆ1 ut j† 22† They can be applied directly without the scaling procedure since (20) does not consist of products in time as in the HMM. The reestimation formulas in (22) can be proven by maximising the following function: X X X P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK†  ˆ Q K; K† P ot jK† t all st all s t‡1   log P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK†: 23†  P Q K; K† then It can be shown that if Q K; K†  P OjK† P P OjK†. Indeed, it follows that  P ot‡1 jK† log P ot‡1 jK† X X P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK†  ˆ log P ot‡1 jK† all st all s t‡1 X X P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK† P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK†  ˆ log P ot‡1 jK† P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK† all st all s t‡1 X X P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK†  P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK† log : P P ot‡1 jK† P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK† all st all s t‡1 24† Summing this inequality over t gives  P OjK†  ÿ Q K; K†: P Q K; K† log P OjK† 25† Since P st ; st‡1 ; ot‡1 jK† ˆ P st ; st‡1 jK†P ot‡1 jst‡1 ; K† ˆ Pust st‡1 bst‡1 ot‡1 † and note that ps1 is denoted by all s0 us0 s1 for simplicity, we can regroup (23) into three terms as follows:  ˆ Q K; K† N X u1 j† log pj jˆ1 ! N X N T ÿ1 X X gt i; j† log uij ‡ iˆ1 ‡ jˆ1 N X M X jˆ1 kˆ1 tˆ1 X t2ot ˆvk ! ut j† log bj k†: 26† N X pj ˆ 1; jˆ1 N X N X uij ˆ 1 iˆ1 jˆ1 and M X bj k† ˆ 1; kˆ1 27†  is maximised with the we can show that Q K; K†   as determined in model parameters K ˆ f p; U ; Bg (22). 4. A proposed fuzzy approach to state mixture modelling SMM has been considered in the iterative scheme via maximum likelihood estimation. An iterative scheme for SMM via fuzzy estimation is proposed in this section. It is based on the fuzzy cmeans (FCM) clustering method that is the most widely used approach in both theory and practical applications of fuzzy clustering techniques to unsupervised classi®cation. The FCM algorithms are used to minimise the FCM functionals, where fuzzy mean vectors are iteratively updated. Gustafson and Kessel (1979) have proposed a modi®cation of the FCM algorithms where fuzzy covariance matrices of clusters have been de®ned. Recently, an alternative modi®cation has been proposed (Tran et al., 1998) where fuzzy mixture weights (prior probabilities) of clusters have been de®ned. The in®nite family of FCM functionals generalised by Bezdek (1987) is as follows: JF ˆ T X c X mFit dit2 ; 28† tˆ1 iˆ1 where mit represents the degree of sample xt belonging to the ith cluster and satis®es 0 6 mit 6 1, Pc m ˆ 1; F P 1 is a weight exponent on each iˆ1 it fuzzy membership mit and is called the degree of fuzziness; and dit ˆ d xt ; li † is the distance from xt to mean vector li , known as a measure of dissimilarity. Minimising the fuzzy objective function JF gives 1454 D. Tran et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (1999) 1449±1456 ( mit ˆ and c X 2= F ÿ1† ‰ d x t ; li † = d x t ; lk † Š kˆ1 It can be shown that, when F tends to 1, the fuzzy estimation formulas in (33) approach to the maximum likelihood estimation formulas in (22). )ÿ1 PT mFit xt : li ˆ Ptˆ1 T F tˆ1 mit 29† For the SMM, since there are two state variables at time t and at time t ‡ 1, the distance is de®ned as 2  ˆ ÿ log P st ˆ i; st‡1 ˆ j; ot‡1 jK†: dijt 30† An in®nite family of functionals for the SMM is proposed as JF ˆ T ÿ1 X N X N X tˆ0 iˆ1 ˆÿ 2 mFijt dijt jˆ1 N N X T ÿ1 X X tˆ0 mFijt jˆ1 iˆ1   log P st ˆ i; st‡1 ˆ j; ot‡1 jK†; 31† where 0 6 mijt 6 1; N X N X iˆ1 mijt ˆ 1: 32† jˆ1 Regrouping (31) into three terms as in (26) and then applying the Lagrange multiplier method using constraints in (27), the fuzzy reestimation formulas for the SMM are computed as PN F iˆ1 mij0 ; pj ˆ PN PN F jˆ1 mij0 iˆ1 PT ÿ1 F tˆ1 mijt ; uij ˆ PT ÿ1 PN PN F tˆ1 iˆ1 jˆ1 mijt PN P F iˆ1 mij tÿ1† t2ot ˆvk  bj k† ˆ PT PN ; 33† F tˆ1 iˆ1 mij tÿ1† where mijt ˆ ( N X N X kˆ1 lˆ1 dijt =dklt † 2= F ÿ1† )ÿ1 : 34† 5. Experimental results 5.1. The TI46 speech database This corpus of speech was designed and collected at Texas Instruments (TI). It contains 16 speakers, 8 female and 8 male, labelled f1±f8 and m1±m8, respectively. There are 46 words per speaker: ten digits from 0 to 9, 26 letters from a to z and ten command words including enter, erase, go, help, no, rubout, repeat, stop, start and yes. Each speaker repeated the words ten times in a single training session, and then again twice in each of 8 later testing sessions. The corpus was sampled at 12 500 samples per second and 12 bits per sample. The data were processed in 20.48 ms frames (256 samples) at a frame rate of 125 frames per second (100 sample shift). Frames were Hamming windowed and preemphasised with l ˆ 0:9. For each frame, 46 mel-spectral bands of a width of 110 mel and 20 mel-frequency cepstral coecients (MFCC) were determined (Wagner, 1996). 5.2. Speech recognition Experiments to compare SMMs and HMMs were carried out using the TI46 speech data corpus. Four subsets used for the isolated word recognition in speaker-dependent mode are the E set including 9 letters b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v and z, the 10digit set, the 10-command set and the 46-word set. Both HMMs and SMMs employ the same codebook obtained using the standard LBG algorithm proposed by Linde et al. (1980). The experimental results for 6-state HMMs and 6-state SMMs are given in Table 1. It is observed that SMMs performed better than HMMs on the E set with 5.08% points of recognition. An improvement obtained by applying fuzzy estimation to SMMs is found in Table 2. With the E set, the dependence of the recognition error rate on the codebook size is considered in Fig. 1. D. Tran et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (1999) 1449±1456 Table 1 Recognition error rates (%) for HMMs and SMMs, codebook size 128 Subset Discrete HMMs Discrete SMMs E set 10-digit set 10-command set 33.98 0.39 1.65 28.90 0.37 1.37 Table 2 Recognition error rates (%) for SMMs and Fuzzy SMMs, F 2 [1.05, 1.25] Subset SMMs Fuzzy SMMs E set 10-digit set 10-command set 28.90 0.37 1.37 28.21 0.21 1.14 1455 may sometimes miss the most likely candidate. Secondly, the fuzzy approach will better de®ne a search space, and given each candidate a more appropriate degree of belonging, while the nonfuzzy approach will simply reject or take-in a candidate without considering the real nature of the candidate. It therefore reduces the available number of candidates. Finally, the simple computations of SMMs can be seen as an advantage for implementation. For further reading, see (Baum, 1972; Levinson et al., 1983; Rabiner, 1989; Upper, 1997; Bezdek and Pal, 1992; Duda and Hart, 1973; Dunn, 1974; Juang, 1985). Discussion Kamel: You mentioned the SMM is simpler and needs fewer calculation. Can you give us an idea how much less this is in terms of time? Fig. 1. Plots of recognition error rates (%) versus codebook size on the E set. 6. Conclusion Some of the theoretical and practical issues of SMMs have been presented in this paper. With the steady state distribution assumption, the statejoint distribution has been proposed to apply the Markov chain theory in an alternative way to speech modelling. The forward±backward algorithm and the scaling procedure are not required in this approach. The optimisation methods in HMMs are quite applicable to SMMs. Obviously, the SMM is a new approach which should have a further study. There are two reasons to explain why an SMM and fuzzy approach achieve better recognition results. Firstly, SMM is able to select the most likely candidate from a wider range of mixed units, while the HMM can only select a limited number of strings from the next state, as it Zheng: Our approach uses 2NT calculations. With the HMM you need 2NT T, so this is a huge di€erence. When you use the forward±backward plus HMM, you need N2 T. This is why a lot of people do not want to use the HMM, because of the huge calculation costs. Sagerer: For speech recognition and HMMs there exist very ecient searches like Viterbi forward calculation. The forward±backward algorithm is mainly relevant if you are really training, adapting the parameters. I do not understand why you introduce this scheme, because you can use an ecient algorithm for the search with HMMs. Time is not a serious problem, you can achieve HMMs for lexicons of, say, more than 2000 words in real time. Zheng: 2000 words is very small. Sagerer: But you are dealing with six states and a very small lexicon. Zheng: No, this is only for testing purposes. While you are training you have many more words. Our method is not only more ecient, the results are also better. With the forward±backward algorithm you only search a string. But the last string might be not the best choice. 1456 D. Tran et al. / Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (1999) 1449±1456 References Baum, L.E., 1972. An inequality and associated maximisation technique in statistical estimation for probabilistic functions of a Markov process. Inequalities 3, 1±8. Bezdek, J.C., 1987. Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function Algorithms. Plenum Press, New York. Bezdek, J.C., Pal, S.K., 1992. Fuzzy Models for Pattern Recognition. IEEE Press, New York. Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E., 1973. Pattern Classi®cation and Scene Analysis. Wiley, New York. Dunn, J., 1974. A fuzzy relative of the ISODATA process and its use in detecting compact well-separated cluster. J. Cybernetics 3, 32±57. Gustafson, D.E., Kessel, W., 1979. 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