Citation for published version:
Dams, B, Amornrattanasereegul, N, Shepherd, P & Ball, R 2019, Cement-fibre composites for additive building
manufacturing. in Proceedings of the IOMMM 39th Cement and Concrete Science Conference: University of
Bath. vol. 39, UK, pp. 14-18.
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39th Cement and Concrete Science Conference
9-10th September 2019
University of Bath
Paper Number 006
Cement-fibre composites for aerial additive manufacturing
B. Dams, N. Amornrattanasereegul, P.Shepherd and R.J.Ball
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath, UK
The fused deposition principal of additive manufacturing (AM) involves the deposition of a material one layer
at a time allowing the creation of an object from 3D digital design. The associated reduction in the amount of
material wastage offers benefits to the construction industry and over the last decade, investigations have
been carried out using cementitious materials for AM in construction. Central to the profile of the technology
increasing in the industry is the development of a suitable cementitious material which may be deposited
without formwork. Research currently consists of ground based gantry or robotic arm methods reliant upon
suitable terrain and environmental conditions. This paper presents development of fibrous cementitious
mortars and pastes suitable for a miniaturised deposition system designed for use in a multiple agent AM
approach. Synthetic PVA, aramid and kevlar fibres along with natural fibres from the banana plant were
investigated to evaluate contributions to the workability, buildability, mechanical strength and mechanism of
failure of cementitious composite material. The addition of fibres to a cementitious matrix augmented by
synthetic hydrocolloids results in compressive and flexural strength increases and transforms the method of
failure from brittle to ductile. Results suggest PVA and kevlar fibres are suitable for a composite cementitious
material with optimised rheology specifically designed for a multiple-agent, miniaturised deposition approach
for AM.
Studies concerning cementitious materials in AM
have involved differing deposition approaches.
Equipment could be of building envelope scale,
housed on a large frame or gantry, with examples
Loughborough University, UK (Le et al. 2012), (Lim
et al. 2012) and Contour Crafting, developed at the
University of Southern California, USA (Zhang and
Khoshnevis 2013). A further method is the use of a
large compound robotic arm with multiple degrees
of freedom, which could be stationary, or mobile on
a moving platform, an example being the digital
construction platform project developed by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
(Keating et al. 2017). Another possibility is the use
of smaller, coordinated multiple mobile agents.
Research into the use of cementitious materials in
additive manufacturing (AM, often referred to as ‘3D
printing’) has developed considerably over the past
decade, with an estimated thirty projects worldwide
investigating 3D printing with material of a
cementitious nature for building and civil use in the
construction industry (Buswell et al. 2018). The
majority of projects are based upon the AM principal
of fused deposition modelling (FDM), which involves
the extrusion of a suitably viscous-like material
through a nozzle to create an object one discreet
layer at a time (Kalsoom et al. 2016) without the use
of supporting formwork. This additive approach,
which only uses material specifically required, is in
stark contrast to the traditional subtractive methods
(Buswell et al. 2007) employed in the conservative
and risk-averse construction industry (Arora et al.
2014), in which AM technology is still in a relative
state of infancy (Bos et al. 2016).
A cementitious material suitable for AM must
possess an appropriate balance between
‘pumpability’ (the ability of a fresh mix to move
through a deposition system), ‘printability’ (the level
of ease at which material passes through a nozzle)
and ‘buildability’ (the ability of freshly deposited
material to retain shape following extrusion and
when subjected to load from subsequent layers) (Le
et al. 2012). In this study, ‘pumpability’ and
‘printability’ will be encompassed by the term
‘workability’. A workable mix requires liquid-like
behavior and low viscosity, whereas a buildable mix
exhibits more solid-like behavior and high viscosity.
Concrete is weak in tension and prone to brittle
failure (Soltan and Li 2018), with design traditionally
focusing upon compressive strength and the use of
structural steel reinforcement to carry tensile forces
and facilitate ductile failure (Bos et al. 2017). When
considering the use of multiple smaller robots in AM
miniaturisation of the deposition process required,
traditional steel rebar is not naturally compatible.
Indeed, rebar may be detrimental to an AM
construction procedure (Asprone et al. 2018).
Alternative options to integrate reinforcement must
be investigated to increase tensile capacity and
resist drying shrinkage and crack propagation.
Options include fibrous reinforcement as part of the
cementitious mix, automated placement of passive
reinforcement during deposition or digital fabrication
post-deposition (Asprone et al. 2018).
x 40 mm moulds, cured and tested in accordance
with BS EN 1015-11:1999, at both 7 days and 28
days, to attain compressive and flexural strengths
with the use of a 50kN loading capacity Instron
Universal 2630-120/305632 device.
This study investigated multiple types of chopped
fibres, adding them in differing quantities to a
cementitious paste mix suitable for a miniaturised
AM extrusion process. The study used natural,
untreated fibres from the banana plant along with
synthetic aramid, kevlar and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
mechanical properties and failure modes of the
fibrous cement pastes were evaluated for suitability
with a miniaturised AM process.
2. Materials and Methodology
High fibre volume (2%+) materials
challenges regarding workability (Noushini et al.
2014). Fibres were added in this study to a
cementitious paste of density ≈1400 kg/m3 at
volume fractions <1%, levels usually associated
with reducing drying shrinkage and resisting crack
propagation, in order to facilitate enough workability
for the material to pass through the miniature
deposition system. PVA fibres, (supplied by Flints
Theatrical Chandlers, London) were uniformly cut to
a length of 12mm as part of the manufacturing
process, whereas the aramid, kevlar (both supplied
by Easy Composites, Staffordshire) and banana
fibres (supplied by Moomin, UK) were hand-cut to a
length of 12mm ±5mm from bulk quantities. Kevlar
is a type, or brand name, of the synthetic fibre class
aramid, which is based around a chemical reaction
between an amine group and a carboxylic acid
halide group. In this study, the woven fibre strands
Kevlar tex 40, supplied in sewing reel form, are
termed ‘kevlar’ and the dtex 1600 yarn,
manufactured as strands of unwoven fibres, are
termed ‘aramid’. Fibre properties are presented in
Table 1. Kevlar fibres were the most expensive
option, with banana and PVA the least.
Figure 1. Adapted automated deposition device facilitating swift
removal and insertion of syringes.
Workability and buildability of freshly mixed pastes
were evaluated using an adapted miniature syringebased deposition device (Figure 1). The device
consisted of one 60 ml, 28mm internal diameter
concentric luer-loc syringe, with plunger movement
in the vertical direction actuated by a 6V DC
brushed motor (Dams et al. 2017). Each mix was
injected into the device through a circular aperture
in the syringe using a hand-held second syringe and
extruded from the syringe through an 8mm circular
nozzle and an 80mm length of 8mm internal
diameter flexible PVC tubing so produce a smooth,
defined bead of extruded material in four circular
layers. Workability was assessed by the level of
ease at which the deposition device could extrude
the fresh mix, as quantified by the electrical current
required. Buildability was evaluated by whether the
extruded fresh mix could retain its shape and resist
excessive deformation when subjected to loading
from subsequent layers.
Table 1. Properties of the fibres. Please refer to Figure 5 for
12 ±5
12 ±5
12 ±5
210 (thread)
Nine mixes were formulated for the experiments – a
control mix without fibres and the four fibres each
added at 0.35% and 0.75% by mix volume. The
cementitious matrix was based upon Dragon Alfa
CEM I 42.5 R Portland cement blended with Cemex
EN-450 pulverised fuel ash (PFA) in a respective
ratio of 65:35. Cellulose gum and a lignin-based
plasticiser were added to aid both workability and
buildability. Coarse aggregate is inherently
incompatible with the miniaturised system. Fine
aggregate is possible, but this study focused upon
fibre concentrations and fine aggregate was not
used. A water/binder ratio of 0.46 and
superplasticiser content of 1% by mass of binder
were kept consistent throughout all mixes. Prisms
for mechanical tests were cast in 160 mm x 40 mm
Fibre morphology and fracture surfaces of the
tested flexural specimens (at 7-day strength) were
investigated using a JEOL SEM6480LV Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM). Magnifications of
1000x and 43x were used for the fibres and the
flexural prism fractured surfaces respectively. A gold
coating of 10 nm thickness was applied to the SEM
samples immediately prior to insertion into the
microscope chamber insertion in order to prevent
charging and increase signal-to-noise ratio.
3. Results and Discussion
crack propagation and improving flexural strength,
rather than relying on an uneven surface providing
anchorage as is the case for PVA and Kevlar fibres.
Banana fibres provide both, with a natural uneven
surface and multiple orientation of fibre strands
providing a mat of reinforcement located more
consistently throughout the cementitious matrices.
Figure 2 shows 7-day and 28-day compressive and
flexural strengths. Aramid, kevlar and banana fibres
all increased flexural strength at 0.75% fibre
volume. Standard deviations, though largely <1
MPa, demonstrated variable concentrations of
fibres within cementitious matrices. While
compressive strength categorically increased
between 7 and 28 days, flexural strength did not,
suggesting the molecular bonding between fibre
and cementitious matrix was established at 7 days.
All fibres improved compressive strength at 28 days
in comparison to the non-fibrous control mix. Figure
3 shows modes of failure following flexural tests.
The non-fibrous control mix exhibited brittle failure,
while all 0.35% fibrous specimens failed in a ductile
manner and resisted crack propagation, improving
further with 0.75% volume (0.75% banana fibre
specimen is shown in Figure 3).
Rupture was observed with aramid and banana
fibres, a combination of the mat effect and brittle
nature of the fibres. A major drawback of the mat
effect is the detrimental effect on workability, which
threatens suitability for a miniaturised AM process.
PVA fibres were observed to fail by pull-out, as
confirmed by Figure 5 (top, centre) which shows a
smooth, unbroken fibre-end. It is suggested this is
due to high tensile capacity rather than inadequacy
in molecular bonding or mechanical anchorage.
The current required for the deposition device to
extrude the fresh mixes is shown in Table 2, with
mixes too stiff to be processed identified as ‘Could
Not Process’ (CNP). The presence of cellulose gum
allowed extruded mixes to retain structure to varying
extents in the buildability tests (shown in Figure 4).
PVA and Kevlar performed well, whereas Banana at
0.35% volume, while a smoother, aesthetically
pleasing bead of material, showed greater layer
deformation. Aramid fibres performed well in
mechanical tests but produced a stiff mix with poor
workability. This is also true to a lesser extent with
0.75% volume banana fibres. Aramid and Banana
fibre mixes couldn’t be processed at 0.75% volume.
Table 2. Current required for deposition device extrusion. CNP =
could not process.
Fibres contained in
the mix
Control (none)
Fibre volume
Figure 5 shows macro (left) and SEM (centre, right)
images of fibres and fracture surfaces. The larger
PVA fibres were relatively uniform in being broadly
aligned parallel to the specimen length axis
compared to the random orientation of banana and
aramid fibre strands. Kevlar can be observed as
both uniform (while intact in woven reel form) and
randomly aligned (the result of a reel de-woven into
component fibre-strands due to manual and
mechanical mixing processes). Aramid has the
smoothest surface and it is reasoned that the
multiple orientation of low-diameter fibre strands
forms an effective mat of reinforcement, resisting
Figure 2. 7-day and 28-day compressive (a) and flexural (b)
strengths. 35 and 75 refer to 0.35% and 0.75% fibre volume. s7
and s28 denote standard deviation (secondary vertical axis).
Error bars represent highest and lowest recorded values.
Stress/strain profiles of 7-day specimens (c) show mixes
successfully processed autonomously by the deposition device.
PVA and Kevlar fibres possessed a suitable balance
between workability and buildability, being
competitive in mechanical tests and possessing
sufficient workability for the deposition device.
Uneven surfaces of fibres facilitated good
anchorage in cementitious paste matrices,
transforming method of failure but not necessarily
flexural strength. It is concluded that for higher fibre
volumes, PVA and Kevlar (aramid in woven reel
form) are the most suitable, as fibres are discreet
from each other and do not entangle (though a
drawback of Kevlar is the high cost). Further work
would encompass development of a more powerful
deposition system and mix modification to further
increase the fibre volume, which may require foam
or further rheological modifying agents to decrease
density and strength and attain viable workability. A
suitable parallel approach would focus miniaturised
AM design on compression-loaded structures.
Figure 3. Flexural failure at 2mm displacement, with brittle failure
of a non-fibrous prism (left) and a more ductile 0.75% banana
fibre prism resisting crack propagation (right).
Figure 4. Buildability tests with four fresh circular layers extruded
by the powered deposition device for each mix shown.
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Figure 5. Macro (left) and SEM (centre, right) micro images, top
to bottom: PVA, Aramid, kevlar and Banana. Fibre images are
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4. Conclusions and further work
All fibres used in this study contributed to the
buildability and ductility of cementitious pastes but
impacted upon workability. Though Aramid and
banana fibres provided the highest flexural
strengths and most ductile failure, they are
challenging for the deposition device to process and
in higher volumes are concluded to be unsuitable for
miniaturised AM. Pastes containing 0.75% volume