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2020, Bulletin of the American Physical Society
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Academia Green Energy, 2024
To minimize global warming and greenhouse gases, the utilization of renewable energy sources (RESs) has risen extensively. This increased adaptation has brought a considerable alteration in the topologies of traditional power networks to novel power networks along with microgrids (MGs). A MG can be defined as a system integrating different types of energy sources and control devices. Nevertheless, the controllability of a MG is not straightforward. ε-variables based propositional logic control (P-PLC) strategies are practical techniques to design control strategies in MGs. The P-PLC method makes the control structure more flexible. However, the P-PLC method is not optimal. On the contrary, switched rule-based control (S-RBC) is a more effective and advanced method to control a MG than other control techniques. Nonetheless, the implementation of the S-RBC is not straightforward. To address these issues, this work suggests a novel systems approach method called the extended optimal P-PLC, created by integrating the P-PLC-based control method with the S-RBC method. This novel technology revealed a considerable improvement in optimizing an MG's energy management and enhanced the efficiency and performance of the MG's control structure. These case studies demonstrate that the suggested extended optimal P-PLC method: (i) reduces the operational cost of MG by roughly 28%, (ii) increases the PV utilization by nearly 45%, and (iii) penalizes the accumulators to prevent the charging from the grid. By converting the results of S-RBC to the P-PLC method, our novel extended optimal P-PLC considerably improves the efficiency and performance of the MG's control structure.
The Foreign Direct Investment means "cross border investment made by a resident in one economy in an enterprise in another economy, with the objective of establishing a lasting interest in the investee economy. FDI is also described as "investment into the business of a country by a company in another country". Mostly the investment is into production by either buying a company in the target country or by expanding operations of an existing business in that country". Such investments can take place for many reasons, including to take advantage of cheaper wages, special investment privileges (e.g. tax exemptions) offered by the country.
Kozgazdasagi Szemle, 2006
A felsõoktatási intézmények finanszírozási modelljei Európában és a világ számos országában az elmúlt három évtized a felsõoktatás finanszírozás folyamatos reformjának jegyében telt. Magyarországon a reformok a rendszerváltással kezdõdtek el, és az azóta megjelent számtalan finanszírozási kon cepció (köztük a legújabb utólagos képzési hozzájárulás, illetve fejlesztési részhoz zájárulás) is mutatja, hogy itt is érvényes a "permanens reform" tétele. A tanulmány a reformok során kikristályosodott finanszírozási modelleket értékeli a hatékonyság és igazságosság különbözõ kritériumai szerint, és egyben összefoglalja a nemzetkö zi szakirodalomban az egyes modellek kapcsán megfogalmazódó elméleti és gya korlati észrevételeket is. Választ keres arra a kérdésre, vajon minek köszönhetõ a finanszírozási reformok állandósága. Noha a magyar finanszírozási rendszer értéke lésére e cikk keretében nincs lehetõség, a finanszírozási alapmodellek áttekintése új szempontokkal gazdagíthatja az errõl folyó diskurzust is.* Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: I22. * A cikkhez vagy annak korábbi változatához fûzött értékes észrevételekért szeretnék köszönetet mondani ˆ anonim lektorának. Kováts Gergely, a BCE Vezetéstudományi Intézetének doktoranduszhallgatója.
material for debate and discussion
Apuntes para una Historia del Movimiento Estudiantil en el Campus Macul de la Universidad de Chile 1973.1980., 2024
El período que nos convoca ha sido estudiado desde múltiples facetas no así desde la perspectiva de la génesis y lucha del movimiento estudiantil universitario. Por ello el objetivo de este texto es indagar en el contexto en que surge este proceso y en lo particular en relación al resurgimiento del movimiento estudiantil en la Universidad de Chile tras el golpe militar y en cómo se da este proceso en el Campus Macul de dicha Universidad.
Editorial Brathair 18.1, 2018
Celts? In Brazil? These are always the first questions that anyone of our colleagues and students hears when mentioning that he or she works on Celtic Studies in Brazilian universities. This is firstly due to misinformation of the resources available for academic research today. Secondly, by a rather narrow view, which presumes that we may undertake here only local history or a European History that is limited to the old Brazilian perspective of 'General History'. A perspective that is connected to an outdated view of ancient and medieval studies, dissociated from broad theoretical debates in the field of History and in the great areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. Among our colleagues in Brazil, there is still a deep-embedded view that the studies of Antiquity and the Middle Ages are essentially Eurocentric. Unfortunately, they confuse geographical region with approach. They do not know, or rather prefer to ignore, that European history (regardless of the period covered) no longer follows a perspective centered on the European territory and that we work today with much wider horizons, both from the geographic and conceptual points of view. They forget, above all, that the concept of Europe, as they usually employ, is a construction of the Modern period and that its meanings had various assumptions that changed along time (Cf. DUSSELL, 2000, pp. 41-45). These changes of meaning are precisely part of the investigations of the last 30 years by both European and Latin American colleagues, who have advocated understanding Antiquity and the Middle Ages in a global perspective-of migrations, of movement of people, ideas and artifacts, of interactions in the most diverse scales, and that a great cultural variability sprang out from such contacts. Today, the paradigm of connectivity prevails where the notion of Eurocentrism has no place anymore, and where the design of Europe, as well as the notions of East and West, are put in question.
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En las últimas tres décadas, el desenvolvimiento de la Arqueología Social en Latinoamérica (ASL) se ha visto sujeto a numerosas revisiones, tanto en sus postulados como en su puesta en marcha. En este sentido, en el Chile actual, resulta necesario realizar una revisión del proceso histórico de la ASL. En este artículo se propone discutir la convergencia de las nuevas “arqueologías sociales”, iniciativas teóricas diversas que tienen como eje el desarrollo de una praxis social, con los postulados de la ASL y desde la crítica contribuir a la valoración de este proyecto disciplinar.
International Journal of Business Economics and Management Perspectives
The South African Human Rights Commission, 2000
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2014
International Symposium on Religious Literature and Heritage, 2021
Robotics: Science and Systems, 2019
Climatic Change, 2006
Microsystem Technologies, 2018
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 2020
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2017