Contemporary Relevance of Speeches of Yashawantrao Chavan

2022, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)

India has great tradition of leaders who emerged to fulfil the national cause. Yashwantrao Chavan was a universal leader whose contribution in all walks of life has left indelible impact on the national security as well as socio-cultural, economic, political, educational, agricultural life of Indian people. His commitment for the betterment of citizens of India through his ideology and belief can be seen in the development and implementation of policies of government and positive change in people"s life. Present paper attempts to understand his thoughts and belief for the betterment of public life of Indian citizens. It traces the speeches of Shri Yashwantrao Chavan as published collectively in his book Bhumika (1979) with special reference to relevance of his thoughts regarding remembrance of Indian Citizenship, strength of nation, Politics of commitment, future of Indian Democracy, society oriented education, class conflict and caste conflict, and invincible faith in party.

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 10, Issue 3, March -2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: Contemporary Relevance of Speeches of Yashawantrao Chavan Dr. Ajay Sahebrao Deshmukh1, Dr. Ravikiran Jaydeo Sawant2 1 Associate Professor, Department of English, Shri Muktanand College, Gangapur, Dist. Aurangabad (MS). Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Vinayakrao Patil College, Vaijapur, Dist. Aurangabad (MS). 2 --------------------------------------------------------------*****************--------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT India has great tradition of leaders who emerged to fulfil the national cause. Yashwantrao Chavan was a universal leader whose contribution in all walks of life has left indelible impact on the national security as well as socio-cultural, economic, political, educational, agricultural life of Indian people. His commitment for the betterment of citizens of India through his ideology and belief can be seen in the development and implementation of policies of government and positive change in people‟s life. Present paper attempts to understand his thoughts and belief for the betterment of public life of Indian citizens. It traces the speeches of Shri Yashwantrao Chavan as published collectively in his book Bhumika (1979) with special reference to relevance of his thoughts regarding remembrance of Indian Citizenship, strength of nation, Politics of commitment, future of Indian Democracy, society oriented education, class conflict and caste conflict, and invincible faith in party. Keywords: Shri Yashwantrao Chavan, Politics, Democracy, Government , Nation, Politics of Commitment, Secularism, education, class conflict, caste conflict, Welfare State. India has great tradition of leaders who emerged to fulfil the national cause. Yashwantrao Chavan was a universal leader whose contribution in all walks of life has left indelible impact on the national security as well as socio-cultural, economic, political, educational, agricultural life of Indian people. His commitment for the betterment of citizens of India through his ideology and belief can be seen in the development and implementation of policies of government and positive change in people‟s life. Present paper attempts to understand his thoughts and belief for the betterment of public life of Indian citizens. It traces the speeches of Shri Yashwantrao Chavan as published collectively in his book Bhumika (1979) with special reference to relevance of his thoughts regarding remembrance of Indian Citizenship, strength of nation, Politics of commitment, future of Indian Democracy, society oriented education, class conflict and caste conflict, and invincible faith in party. In his opinion, these speeches reflect his own belief synced with the ideology of Congress. His thoughts and belief are highly relevant in present context i.e., Indian political milieu, religious extremism, corruption in political processes, increasing capitalization and privatization, change of political parties for personal gains or securit y, lack of grass root involvement of political workers, negligence towards the democratic and secular ethos in Indian constitution, excessive hatred speeches through different media platforms, indifferent attitude towards people‟s issues and problems, unemployment, increasing inflation, and decline in people‟s income etc. Insensitive and indifferent attitude towards working class and economically backward people, diverting the main problems with populist methods have become the norms of the day. In such background, thoughts and belief great and visionary leaders always show the path towards betterment. Shri Yashwantrao Chavan, Former Deputy Prime Minister, Defence Minister has provided such eye opening and visionary guild lines that can help to assess the parties their current track and status. Some of his speeches are published in a book form entitled as Bhumika (1979) in Marathi. Present paper deals with selective speeches highlighting the pertinent issues then and even now. " One Day National Conference on Yashwantrao Chavan and Panchayat Raj System,” on 26th March, 2022 Organized by: LokSanwad Foundation Aurangabad, Maharashtra Page 27 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 10, Issue 3, March -2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: In a speech entitled as “For the Bright Future of India” (29th December 1965), he addressed the gathering at Madras as a Defence Minister. He underscored the necessity to forget the internal clashes to defend the borders from the encroachment of neighbouring countries like Pakistan and China. India being secular and free nation, stands for the aspiration of its millions of citizen and hopes for peaceful and progressive life towards comprehensive development. Pakistan‟s attack was not the geographical encroachment but it was attack on these valued principles mentioned in the Indian Constitution. It is necessary to know the reasons of war and against whom the war is being fought. It is required to understand the enemy, and its enmity. India would never compromise with its dignity of national integrity at any cost. He asserted the need of belief that „This country is mine and I belong to this country‟. During his tour to western countries in 1964, he observed that these countries have already decided what not to give India. He asserted the brutal fact that no country would provide arms and weapons to other countries. He believed that India should be self-dependent in artillery and advanced technology. He also traced the belief that we should believe in friendship and universal peace. He appealed to maintain the sovereignty of Indian citizens. In his speech on the eve of Independence Day (1966), he pronounced the devotion of Indian Defence Services in the peaceful life of Indian citizens. He underscored their contribution through life and blood for the sake of civilians. Their sacrifice of personal life, joys and everything dear to them for people‟s sake must be remembered by Indian people. The Citizenship of India that we enjoy must not be forgotten at any cost. Every Indian must respect the soldiers, their family, their role children and their contribution for the betterment of our life. In his speech, “Nation‟s Strength” delivered at Karad in 1966, Shri Yashwantrao Chavan talked about the strength of nation. He believed that Democracy is the greatest strength of India that must be protected at any cost. With the rational and scientific mind set Indian can achieve the greater success in different walks of life. He also focused on Indian Democracy that it would not be successful without the eradication of social and economic poverty of Indians. Nation‟s strength lies in bridging the gaps between the people belonging to different castes, religions, political ideologies, economic status and social differences, poverty and unemployment. Today, the politics of self-interest has deteriorated the fabric and structure of politics in India. In his speech at Faridabad Congress Session, he traced the need of Politics of Commitment. He advised political parties to look at the problems with positive and balanced point of views. The challenges of casteism, regionalism, divisiveness, riots, politics of religious polarization, safeguarding the rights of minorities like Muslims and Christians and other oppressed classes and segments of society are of prime importance. These challenges must be faced with great courage and patience without disturbing the integrity and harmony of Indian society. To create the new India, he dreamt of comprehensive and all-inclusive participation of people in the development of India. He determined the basic fundamentals of India and its strong existence lies in its tolerance, all-inclusiveness, communal harmony and co-existence. It is time to commit ourselves for this politics of commitment. This would shape the future of India in positive manner. He cautioned party workers and leaders to keep themselves away from the personal attack on the opposition leaders or party workers. He advised not to tarnish the character and dignity of the people working in different parties. This would give the moral courage and focused attitude towards the development of nation. In a speech delivered at Kirloskar in January 1970, Shri Yashwantrao Chavan talked about the future of Indian Democracy. It reflects his staunch belief in secularism, democratic nation state and adherence of public welfare policies. He affirmed that process of democracy is circular where leaders express their concerns for issues related to common man. Then public responds with their opinion or stand on it. This way policies are formulated keeping in view with the public opinion and legal framework for implementing the schemes. Thus, he believes that Government should stand like a backbone behind the aspirations and hopes of common people. It is high time to understand the fundamental principles of Indian Constitution that provides constitutional rights to its citizens to work for the removal of social and economic disparity. Once government adheres to the principles of economic and social justice, government would be welfare state. This would obviously protect the fundamental rights of its citizens. He traced three main objectives of political policies in India: 1. 2. 3. To keep intact the regional and political unity of India. Creation of democratic and free society and to strengthen all types of political institution and their conservation as well as to give unbiased foundation to society, the fundamental change in the economic and social relations. Protection of the nation. " One Day National Conference on Yashwantrao Chavan and Panchayat Raj System,” on 26th March, 2022 Organized by: LokSanwad Foundation Aurangabad, Maharashtra Page 28 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 10, Issue 3, March -2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: He asserted that Nationalism of India is not based on any specific religion. It is based on equal citizenship and equal rights and equal responsibilities. Equal citizenship is symbol of diversity in Indian Republic. Unity in Diversity, Secularism, and secular nationalism are basic principles adopted in Modern India. India celebrates its multiplicity of culture, language, ethnicity, and religion. There is no scope and space for Hindurashtra or Hukumat-e-Elahi in India. Indians must fight against these concepts on emotional and intellectual level. It also implies the annihilation of caste based system in Indian milieu. Indian Nationalism must include the principle of inclusiveness, multiplicity, diversity, and openness to differences. He admits that there are two major threats in implementing these ideals. First, use of violent means to achieve the problems and second, movements and ideologies working against the parliamentary system. Political parties as well as citizens of India must be on alert mode against this. For socio-economic restructuring of India, all the segments of society should work together with great discipline and hard work. Without discipline and hard work development would not be achieved. He also cautioned about the tendencies that consider the political and social change is impossible without violence. Such tendencies should be removed in a positive way by implementing transparent and rigorous efforts for changing and restructuring of Indian society. His conclusion that lack of clear vision and well-designed program would endanger the political party system. He advised all political parties that they must develop the system of critical analysis and introspection. It would definitely focus on the politics of public problems and well prepared program to solve them. It apparently, would strengthen the democracy in India. Shri Yashwantrao Chavan, in his speech at Convocation Ceremony of Shivaji University, insisted on the society oriented education system that would strengthen the social fabric and harmony in Indian society. The adverse impacts of polarization, extremism, indifferent attitudes have led education sector in the dark abyss of frustration and hopeless situations. Issues of unemployment, proper infrastructural facilities, imparting methods of education have created chaos in academia. He believed that education is not only moral function but also character building process of future citizens of India. This element of character building is missing from present scenario too. His insistence of moral and character building nature of education must be prominently inculcated into the system strongly to yield the better results. There should proper sharing of financial implications amongst government and stakeholders of education. Programs like NSS and NCC would provide comprehensive exposure to students to understand the social scenario and their character building. In one of his articles written for Kesari(1977), Shri Yashwantrao Chavan focused on the ardent belief and unshakable faith in one‟s party. After the great defeat in parliamentary election in 1977, this speech gives insights into contemporary politics. His analysis of Congress failure in Parliamentary Elections after emergency is crucial as it cautions all political parties to keep themselves away from the harmful methods to implement good governance. In times of failures and grim picture of party future, it is the duty of a party worker to have invincible faith in party. This suggests that personal future must be sacrificed for the bright future of political party, as it represents the hopes and aspirations of millions of people believing in the ideology of party. Politics of Changing Party is not only harmful for the party a leader leaves behind, but also to the party in which he is entering. He is sandwiched between two opposite and conflicting ideologies. It becomes the question of his credibility as a spokesperson of people to whom he has addressed the ideology of his party. Sometimes it becomes suicidal stance for such leaders. This is also the strategy to destroy the party and party politics. He provides insights into the politics of hope and progress. His staunch belief in democracy, sovereignty, programs to inculcate equal citizenship, bridge the gap between two polar realities, eradication of disparities at various levels, providing all necessary facilities and infrastructure to the masses, working for the realization of welfare state are important aspects of his life and work. To conclude, reading and understanding of speeches in present context, the same situations are prevailing even today, but the fabric and structure of politics is completely changed. India as a nation, and various governments have failed to address the major issues of public welfare. In the wake of second decade on new millennium, complete focus is being changed from welfare state to capitalist oriented regime. It is said that history repeats itself, but simultaneously, phase of correction in history of nation also occurs. Shri Yashwantrao Chavan and his role in shaping the future of Indian politics and his huge impact on the minds of contemporary generation can be witnessed sharply. It is high-time that all the political parties in " One Day National Conference on Yashwantrao Chavan and Panchayat Raj System,” on 26th March, 2022 Organized by: LokSanwad Foundation Aurangabad, Maharashtra Page 29 International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211 Volume 10, Issue 3, March -2022, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: India must read and implement his thoughts in reality to change the grim and dark scenario prevalent in Indian politics irrespective of their political affiliations. REFERENCE [1]. Chavan, Yashwantrao. Bhumika (Role). Prestige Publicaton: Pune. 1979. " One Day National Conference on Yashwantrao Chavan and Panchayat Raj System,” on 26th March, 2022 Organized by: LokSanwad Foundation Aurangabad, Maharashtra Page 30