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Are faces special? A case of pure prosopagnosia
M. Jane Riddoch a; Robert A. Johnston b; R. Martyn Bracewell c; Luc Boutsen d;
Glyn W. Humphreys a
Behavioural Brain Sciences, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, UK
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
Wolfson Centre for Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, University of Wales,
Bangor, Wales, UK
Aston University, Birmingham, UK
Online Publication Date: 01 February 2008
To cite this Article: Riddoch, M. Jane, Johnston, Robert A., Bracewell, R. Martyn,
Boutsen, Luc and Humphreys, Glyn W. (2008) 'Are faces special? A case of pure
prosopagnosia', Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25:1, 3 - 26
To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/02643290801920113
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Are faces special? A case of pure prosopagnosia
M. Jane Riddoch
Behavioural Brain Sciences, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Robert A. Johnston
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
R. Martyn Bracewell
Wolfson Centre for Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, University of Wales, Bangor, Wales, UK
Luc Boutsen
Aston University, Aston, Birmingham, UK
Glyn W. Humphreys
Behavioural Brain Sciences, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
The ability to recognize individual faces is of crucial social importance for humans and evolutionarily
necessary for survival. Consequently, faces may be “special” stimuli, for which we have developed
unique modular perceptual and recognition processes. Some of the strongest evidence for face processing being modular comes from cases of prosopagnosia, where patients are unable to recognize faces
whilst retaining the ability to recognize other objects. Here we present the case of an acquired prosopagnosic whose poor recognition was linked to a perceptual impairment in face processing. Despite
this, she had intact object recognition, even at a subordinate level. She also showed a normal
ability to learn and to generalize learning of nonfacial exemplars differing in the nature and arrangement of their parts, along with impaired learning and generalization of facial exemplars. The case
provides evidence for modular perceptual processes for faces.
Keywords: Prosopagnosia; Modular processing; Category specificity; Configural processing.
Prosopagnosia was first defined by Bodamer
(1947) as the inability to recognize familiar faces.
The ability to match unfamiliar faces (Bruyer
et al., 1983) and to perceive facial expression
(Hécaen, 1981) may be retained. Prosopagnosia
can result from unilateral right hemisphere
lesions1 (e.g., Sergent & Signoret, 1992; Uttner,
Bliem, & Danek, 2002), but more usually following bilateral lesions involving the ventral occipitotemporal cortex (e.g., Delvenne, Braithwaite,
There is also at least one report of prosopagnosia following a unilateral left hemisphere lesion (Mattson, Levin, & Grafman,
Correspondence should be addressed to M. Jane Riddoch, Behavioural Brain Sciences, School of Psychology, University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK (E-mail:
[email protected]).
This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the Stroke Association, UK. We thank F.B.
and S.B. for their kind participation.
# 2008 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business
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Riddoch, & Humphreys, 2002; Rossion et al.,
2003). As we note below, there is controversy
about how specific the deficits are in such cases
and whether any deficit for faces reflects factors
such as the level of detail required to identify
faces relative to other objects. This controversy is
mirrored by arguments concerning the specificity
of the neural substrates of face processing, based
on data from functional neuroimaging. In this
paper we present the case of a patient who, we
argue, has a highly specific deficit for faces. This
case provides evidence for the argument that
faces are “special” for the human visual system.
Face specificity in prosopagnosia
Although acquired prosopagnosia was initially
described as a face-specifc disorder, it is the case
that many prosopagnosic patients have some difficulties with the visual processing of objects (e.g.,
Farah, Wilson, Drain, & Tanaka, 1995; Gauthier,
Behrman, & Tarr, 1999; McNeil & Warrington,
1993). Furthermore, although a few patients have
been reported with recognition deficits restricted
to faces (Bukach, Bub, Gautier, & Tarr, 2006; De
Renzi, Faglioni, & Spinnler, 1968; De Renzi &
Pellegrino, 1998; Henke, Schweinberger, Grigo,
Klos, & Sommer, 1998; Rossion et al., 2003;
Wada & Yamamoto, 2001), the specificity of the
deficit in these cases can be questioned. For
instance, De Renzi and Pellegrino (1998) reported
that their patient performed virtually at ceiling on
a number of different picture-naming tests, but
they did not formally assess naming of items from
visually homogeneous categories. Similar arguments can also be made about the patients reported
by Bukach et al. (2006), De Renzi (1986), and
Wada and Yamamoto (2001). Henke et al. (1998)
did assess whether their patient, M.T., could
name fruits, vegetables, and cars, and performance
on these items fell within the control range.
Rossion et al. (2003) also assessed the ability of
their patient P.S. to perform a physical identitymatching test with the homogeneous category of
cars. P.S. was slower and less accurate than the
controls on this task suggesting that the visualprocessing deficit was not restricted to faces. On
the other hand, Schiltz and colleagues (2006)
assessed P.S. with a larger set of visually homogeneous categories (birds, ships, cars, chairs, and
faces) using a two-alternative forced-choice matching task. A target stimulus was presented centrally
followed by a pair of stimuli—a probe that was
physically identical to the target and a distractor
drawn from either the same or a different category.
For all object categories apart from faces, P.S.’s performance fell within the control range, even when
within-category discriminations were required.
This is consistent with a face-specific deficit.
However, since a physical matching task was
required, the judgements may not have been made
using high-level perceptual representations.
In another test of the specificity of the deficit,
Sergent and Signoret (1992) noted that two of
their three prosopagnosic patients were able to distinguish their own possessions from distractors
belonging to the same basic-level category (see
also De Renzi, 1986). Furthermore, the patient
who had the most severe face-processing
problem performed at a level higher than that of
controls when identifying cars, a category with
which this particular patient had expertise.
Sergent and Signoret conclude that the perceptual
processes underlying the identification of faces are
dissociable from similar processes with other
objects. Similar arguments have been made from
cases of developmental prosopagnosia (e.g.,
Avidan, Hasson, Malach, & Berhmann, 2005;
Barton, Cherkasova, Press, Intriligator, &
O’Connor, 2003; Behrmann & Avidan, 2005;
Behrmann, Avidan, Marotta, & Kimchi, 2005;
Duchaine, 2000; Duchaine & Nakayama, 2005,
2006; Duchaine, Nieminen-von Wendt, New, &
Kulomaki, 2003; Nunn, Postma, & Pearson,
2001). For example, Nunn’s subject was able to
name objects from three categories with homogeneous exemplars (cars, flowers, and famous
buildings) at a control level. Duchaine and
Nakayama (2005) report the results of an extensive
series of tests with 7 developmental prosopagnosics using an old/new recognition memory paradigm for faces and for six other object categories.
A total of 4 of these individuals showed marked
differences in performance between faces and
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stimuli from the other categories, and, for other
categories, performance fell within the normal
range. Duchaine, Yovel, Butterworth, and
Nakayama (2006) found similar results with a
further developmental prosopagnosic (Edward).
Edward fell within 2 standard deviations of the
control mean for all nonface categories apart
from natural scenes, while old/new recognition
performance with faces was far below the control
These results suggest that prosopagnosia can be
highly specific, in both acquired and developmental
cases. This conclusion, though, is limited by the
relatively small numbers of categories explored
when patients name objects from homogeneous
categories and by the use of physical identity matching and old/new recognition tasks, which might
depend on relatively low-level representations of
Functional imaging
Other evidence for the specificity of face processing comes from studies using functional brain
imaging. Numerous studies have identified brain
regions that respond more to face images than to
other objects. Most notably, the lateral, middle
fusiform gyrus has been labelled as the “fusiform
face area” (FFA) on the basis of it showing
increased activation to faces compared with other
objects (Henson et al., 2003; Kanwisher,
McDermott, & Chum, 1997; Spiridon &
Kanwisher, 2002), though this region is not
unique in showing high responsivity to faces (a
characteristic also of neurons in the so-called
occipital face area; see Kanwisher and Yovel,
2006, for a discussion of the relative properties of
FFA and the occipital face area). The relations
between these different regions have been assessed
through imaging studies with prosopagnosic
patients. Steeves et al. (2006) reported one
patient with bilateral ventral lateral occipital
cortex lesions who showed greater activation in
the FFA when viewing faces than when viewing
scenes, despite having a severe prosopagnosia
(see also Avidan et al., 2005; Hasson, Avidan,
Deouell, Bentin, & Malach, 2003; Rossion et al.,
2003). This suggests a distributed network for
face processing, with regions outside the FFA
being necessary for face recognition. This is also
indicated by data from Schiltz et al. (2006).
Their prosopagnosic patient had occipital lesions
along with a structurally intact FFA (see Rossion
et al., 2003). Despite the FFA being intact, there
was reduced recovery from functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) adaptation in the
FFA for faces relative to other objects. Recovery
from adaptation can serve as a fine-grained
marker of the involvement of particular populations of neurons in the processing of the
adapted stimulus. In this case, occipital damage
seemed to limit responsivity in the FFA, providing
evidence for areas outside this region being critical
for any face-specific responses in the FFA. More
recently, Sorger, Goebel, Schiltz, and Rossion
(2007) in a detailed analysis of patient P.S.
(Rossion et al., 2003), argue that the critical
lesion for prosopagnosia is the right inferior, occipital gyrus and that the exact role of FFA remains
Although neurons external to the region may be
necessary for the sensitivity of cells within the FFA,
there is evidence that the FFA is specifically
recruited when face identity is derived. GrillSpector, Knouf, and Kanwisher (2004), for
example, found that the FFA showed increased activation when briefly presented faces could be
detected, although there was no correlation
between the FFA response and success in car identification in car experts. Yovel and Kanwisher (2005)
compared the response to upright and inverted faces
in three cortical areas strongly activated by faces.
They found higher responses to upright than to
inverted faces in the FFA and the superior temporal
sulcus, but only in the FFA was differential activation to upright over inverted faces found to correlate with behavioural matching responses to upright
and inverted faces. Face identification is highly sensitive to inversion (Yin, 1969), and the increased
FFA activation for upright over inverted faces may
reflect responsivity to the configural identity of the
faces. Other work has indicated that the differences
in activity between the processing of faces and
objects tend to be greater in the right than in the
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left FFA (Allison, Puce, Spencer, & McCarthy,
1999; Kanwisher et al., 1997; McCarthy, Puce,
Belger, & Alllison, 1999; Rossion et al., 2000),
matching the neuropsychological evidence on prosopagnosia after unilateral right hemisphere
damage (e.g., De Renzi, 1986). High-resolution
studies on the monkey also suggest that there is considerable neural specificity in FFA. Tsao, Freiwald,
Tootell, and Livingstone (2006) demonstrated
patches in the macaque temporal lobe where
nearly 100% of visually responsive neurones were
strongly face selective. Similarly, in human fMRI,
Spiridon, Fischl, and Kanwisher (2006) found that
selectivity for faces had disappeared 4 mm from
the standardly defined border of FFA.
Studies of the effects of expertise have been
used to argue against there being functional
specialization of neural regions for faces. Unlike
many objects that we identify, faces are recognized
at a subordinate level (individual people), a task
requiring perceptual expertise. It may be that the
processes and neural substrates of face recognition
are not unique to faces, but rather reflect our perceptual expertise at a subordinate level.
Nevertheless, if expertise is acquired for other
stimuli, then similar processes and neural regions
may be recruited. Work by Gauthier and colleagues has suggested this. For example, in their
studies the acquisition of expertise with novel
objects (“greebles”) led to increased activation in
the right fusiform gyrus, matching the data for
faces; in contrast, novices in greeble recognition
failed to show similar levels of activation
(Gauthier, Tarr, Andersen, Skudlarski, & Gore,
1999). Similarly, Gauthier, Skudlarski, Gore,
and Andersen (2000) report a greater increase in
the right FFA response for cars and birds than
for control objects in car and bird experts
(Gauthier et al., 2000; see also Xu, Liu, &
Kanwisher, 2005, for similar results in a magnetoencephalography, MEG, study).
There is a continuing debate about the expertise
hypothesis. Robbins and McKone (2007) found
no evidence for face-like processing in dog
experts in three behavioural tasks that are commonly used to support the configural processing
of faces (e.g., the effects of inversion, same/
different matching using aligned or nonaligned
composite stimuli, and the effects of contrast
reversal on same/different matching). In a critical
review of the literature, Robbins and McKone fail
to find evidence for configural/holistic processing
in objects of expertise (see also McKone,
Kanwisher, & Duchaine, 2007). These conclusions, however, are strongly disputed by
Gauthier and Bukach (2007).
The view from functional imaging, then, is
consistent with some degree of neural specialization for face processing. Here we present neuropsychological evidence that is consistent with this
The present study
We report the case of an acquired prosopagnosic
patient (F.B.) who has a unilateral right hemisphere lesion and whose deficit is confined to
faces. We believe that F.B. is an important case
for several reasons:
1. Her deficit is highly selective to faces and does
not extend to other categories of object. Only
two cases have been previously reported where
naming of items from visually homogeneous
categories has been spared (one of these being
a case of developmental prosopagnosia;
Henke et al., 1998; Nunn et al., 2001).
2. Up until now there have been few reports of
cases of prosopagnosia resulting from unilateral
right hemisphere lesions (e.g., Barton, Press,
Keenan, & O’Connor, 2002; Landis, Regard,
Bliestle, & Kleihues, 1988; Marotta,
Genovese, & Behrmann, 2001; Sergent &
Signoret, 1992; Sergent & Villemure, 1989;
Uttner et al., 2002; Wada & Yamamoto,
2001). F.B. adds to this number.
3. F.B. showed a normal rate of learning when
asked to associate a name to nonface stimuli
that had similar parts and differed only in the
spatial arrangement of those parts. This learning also generalized across variations in image
quality and viewpoint. In contrast, her ability
to learn to associate faces with names was
impaired, and when learning took place there
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was poor generalization. As we discuss in the
Introduction to Experiment 3, prior data on
new learning in prosopagnosia are mixed, and
few studies have examined generalization
when learning does take place. The contrast
between F.B.’s learning of faces and with
other sets of visually homogeneous objects
supports the specificity argument.
Literature. During the course of the reported
investigations F.B. successfully graduated with a
first-class degree. Where relevant, F.B.’s data are
compared with those of her husband, S.B., who
was 32 years old and had a similar educational
background to that of F.B.
F.B., a former store detective, suffered an embolization of a right posterior inferior arteriovenous
malformation (AVM) at the age of 30 years,
which resulted in a marked difficulty in recognizing faces. An MRI showed that there was
damage to the right fusiform, right inferior temporal, right middle temporal, and right inferior
occipital gyri. There were no indications of left
hemisphere language (see Figure 1). We should
note here that prosopagnosia is usually associated
with bilateral lesions and that only a few cases of
unilateral right-side lesions have been observed
(e.g., De Renzi, 1986; Landis, Cummings,
Christen, Bogen, & Imbof, 1986; Sergent &
Villemure, 1989; Uttner et al., 2002).
F.B. did not complain of any other cognitive
deficit other than an extreme difficulty in recognizing familiar people out of an expected context. She
attempted to compensate for her problem by
focusing on cues such as clothing, hair, or voice.
As a result of her deficit, F.B. was unable to continue working as a store detective and instead
enrolled at a university to study English
Since F.B.’s main complaint was a difficulty in the
recognition of familiar faces, we placed an emphasis on tests of face and object recognition in our
We examined F.B.’s ability to name famous
faces, and, in order to determine whether her
deficit was specific to faces, we also assessed her
ability to distinguish by name different exemplars
from categories where the individual members
are visually similar (e.g., flowers, dogs, etc.). We
examined F.B.’s performance using standardized
clinical batteries of visual object processing, and
we also assessed her ability to access the semantic
system from vision.
Face processing
F.B. was presented with 30 famous faces to name
and was unable to name any of them. Prior to
testing, we determined with F.B.’s husband that
all the presented faces were known to F.B.
We then examined whether she retained any
sense of familiarity for pictures of famous people.
She was shown 100 faces (50 familiar celebrities
Figure 1. Lesion reconstruction for F.B. from MRI scan. Lesions have been drawn in MRICRon (
micron/) onto ch2bet, a scalp-stripped version of the average of 27 T1-weighted scans from the same individuals (displayed at The whole brain (right) shows the nine slices used. Left of the slice represents the left
hemisphere. The lesion was confined to the right hemisphere and involved the fusiform gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus, middle temporal
gyrus, and inferior occipital gyrus. (Figure can be viewed in colour online.)
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and 50 unfamiliar people) and was asked to decide
which were familiar but was unable to do so.
When she was asked to guess, she declined
stating that none of the faces seem familiar at all.
We assessed F.B.’s recognition memory with a
standardized test (the Warrington Recognition
Memory Test, WRMT; Warrington, 1984) for
faces and words. F.B. was at chance for faces
(21/50 correct) while she performed near ceiling
for words (49/50 correct). The difference in performance between faces and words was highly significant, x2(1) ¼ 37.3, p , .001. Age-matched
controls do not perform differently with the two
stimulus types (mean for faces ¼ 43.8, SD 3.6;
mean for words 45.8, SD 3.6, for the 30 –34year-old age group). F.B.’s performance with
words was normal, while her performance on
faces was impaired.
We also assessed F.B. on some tests of face processing that did not require matching to memory,
including same/different matching of unfamiliar
faces, age judgements, sex judgements, expression
analysis, and tests of covert recognition. Since
access to stored memories for individual faces was
not required, these tests provide data on whether
F.B.’s perceptual processing was spared for the
structural, and perhaps other, properties of faces.
Matching unfamiliar faces
Pairs of grey-level faces (3 38) were presented
sequentially on a Macintosh computer using
SuperLab. The first face was presented for
1,500 ms on a white background; there was then
a blank interstimulus interval (ISI) of 500 ms followed by a second face exposed for 2,000 ms. For
“same” faces, either a physically identical view was
shown, or a three-quarter view. F.B. was required
to respond with key presses for “same” both when
the two faces were both physically identical and
when they were different views of the same face.
“Different” responses were made when the faces
were of different people. The speed of responding
was not stressed. Two age-matched controls performed at ceiling on this task (100% correct).
There were a total of 104 trials presented in one
block. Condition was randomized over the block.
F.B. scored 100% (24/24) correct for physically
identical faces, for different-view–same-person
faces she scored 1/48, and for different-person
views she was at ceiling (100%, 72/72 correct).
She was able to match identical images of faces
but was poor at matching across rotations to a
three-quarter view. Control performance (F.B.’s
husband) was at ceiling. Reaction times were not
analysed since the instructions only stressed the
accuracy of performance.
Recognition of emotion
The Emotional Hexagon Test uses faces from the
Ekman and Friesen (1976) set that have been
manipulated to produce images of graded difficulty. A maximum score is 120. Young, Perrett,
Calder, Sprengelmeyer, and Ekman (2002)
provide control data with a mean score of
109.16/120 and a cut-off of 94. F.B. scored
99/120, and her performance was within the
normal range. Reaction times are not standardly
measured, and they were not recorded here.
Age judgements
F.B. was shown 59 faces (34 familiar and 25 unfamiliar) chosen by the experimenters to reflect a
range of ages (based on data provided by a group
of control participants; there were 5 faces below
30 years, 13 faces 30– 39 years, 18 faces 40– 49
years, 13 faces 50 – 59 years, and 10 faces 60– 69
years). The task was to rate each face for age.
F.B. tackled this task with confidence and completed two sets of rating on different days of
testing. All 34 familiar faces were individuals
whom F.B. had confirmed she was familiar with
prior to her injury, but none of them was recognized as familiar during the age-rating sessions.
Five other age-matched judges were also asked
to provide age ratings for the entire set of faces.
There was a significant correlation between the
two sets of ratings furnished by F.B., r(57) ¼
.91. These two sets were collapsed to provide a
mean score for each face, which was correlated
with the mean rating provided by the other five
judges. Again, a significant relationship was
observed between F.B.’s ratings and those of the
controls, r(57) ¼ .94. Analysed across items
there was no reliable difference between F.B.’s
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ratings and the mean of the control ratings: F.B.’s
mean rating was 46.0 years, and that for the controls was 45.9 years, t(58) ¼ 0.162.
Sex classification
F.B.’s ability to classify the sex of faces was assessed
using images where both the hair and the external
features were removed, making classification
decision contingent solely on an analysis of the
internal features. A total of 96 images (48 female
and 48 male) were presented one at a time on a
computer screen for 1,500 ms. Accuracy of
decision was stressed more than reaction time
(RT), but RTs were recorded. F.B. made a twoalternative key press according to the judged sex
of the face. There was then a 1,000-ms interval
followed by another face. F.B. performed very
accurately with these impoverished faces under
speeded response conditions, scoring 94/96
correct. Her RTs were all made within 1 s.
Overall, F.B. showed a marked deficit in face recognition, which does not extend to the processing of
non-identity-related aspects of face processing.
Another case of acquired prosopagnosia has been
reported to have normal processing of facial
emotion (e.g., Young, Newcombe, de Haan,
Small, & Hay, 1993), as have two cases of developmental prosopagnosia (Duchaine, Parker, &
Nakayama, 2003; Nunn et al., 2001). However, it
is possible that emotion judgements in such cases
are based on an abnormal strategy where attention
is paid to local detail rather than facial configuration. Baudouin and Humphreys (2006) reported
accurate discrimination of emotion in a patient
with acquired prosopagnosia and agnosia, but,
unlike control participants, performance was relatively little affected by altering the configuration of
the facial features. This may also have been the
case here with F.B. Local information about the
shape of the mouth or the tilt of the eyebrows
may have been sufficient for emotion categorization.
A rather different approach to examining
whether perceptual processing of faces is spared is
to examine whether a patient shows covert recognition of faces that cannot be identified overtly.
Covert recognition may be taken as indicating
that perceptual processing is operating to a level
that sustains access to stored knowledge (McNeil
& Warrington, 1991). F.B.’s covert recognition of
faces was tested in several ways: by presenting
faces from the same category together in a face
identification task (Sergent & Signoret, 1992); by
testing whether name familiarity judgements were
affected by prior presentation of a matching or
mismatching face; and by testing whether
occupation decisions to a name were affected by a
simultaneously presented face (identical, related,
or unrelated by name; De Haan et al., 1987).
Covert Recognition I (Sergent & Signoret, 1992)
F.B. was presented with sets of six grey-level
images of faces made up of people who would
have previously been recognized by her (confirmed
by her husband). There were six sets where all the
people were from the same category (actors
belonging to the same TV show, politicians, and
members of the UK royal family), along with a
similar number where the same faces were presented in unrelated sets. F.B. failed to recognize
any of the faces, irrespective of whether they
were grouped in related or unrelated sets.
Covert Recognition II (De Haan et al., 1987)
This involved familiarity judgements to names,
preceded by famous faces that were either closely
related or unrelated to the names. F.B. was tested
on two occasions. In each session she received 40
trials, 20 with a familiar name and 20 (fillers)
with an unfamiliar name. On all trials, the target
words were preceded by a photograph of a famous
face. For trials with familiar names, there were 10
occasions where the name was preceded by a
highly related face (e.g., Prince Charles–Princess
Diana, David Beckham–Victoria Beckham) and
10 where the face was unrelated (Prince Charles–
Victoria Beckham). The related items in the first
session were used as unrelated items in the second
session, and vice versa. The faces were 3 38.
Each face was presented for 1,000 ms and was followed immediately by the word, which remained
until the response was made. All trials were fully
randomized. F.B. responded by key press, and
there was an intertrial interval of 500 ms following
the response. F.B.’s average reaction time to names
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preceded by related faces was 764 ms, and it was
816 ms to names preceded by unrelated faces.
This difference was far from significant (F , 1.0).
There were no errors to famous names and just
one to an unfamiliar name (classified as familiar).
Covert Recognition III (De Haan et al., 1987)
In this study, F.B. was asked to perform a name
categorization task: Was this the name of a politician or an actor? A single grey-level image (3
38) of one of four politicians or four actors were
presented on a Macintosh computer using
SuperLab. An auditory name followed the presentation of each face. There were three conditions:
one where the face and name were the same
person (Tony Blair – Tony Blair), one where the
face and name came from the same category
(John Prescott – Tony Blair), and one where they
came from different categories (Robert Redford –
Tony Blair). Each face was presented four times
in each condition within one block, and F.B. was
presented with two blocks of trials (192 trials in
total). F.B.’s average RT when the face and the
name were identical was 917 ms, it was 875 ms
when the face and name came from the same category, and it was 943 ms when the stimuli came
from different categories. These differences did
not approach significance (F , 1.0). She made
two errors, with identical and related faces.
The data provide no evidence for covert recognition, although covert recognition might be
expected if F.B.’s perception of facial identity
was spared (McNeil & Warrington, 1991).
However, the results are consistent with F.B.’s
lesion disrupting processing to such an extent
that information about facial identity cannot be
accessed even covertly. In sum, the results of
these preliminary tests show that F.B. was severely
impaired in face recognition (including recognition memory, in the Warrington memory test
for faces); she was also poor at matching faces
across viewpoint shifts. Processing of facial age,
emotion, and gender was relatively good but
there was no evidence of covert recognition for
faces. The deficits in face matching as well as
face recognition, and the lack of covert recognition, suggest a deficit at a perceptual level. In
the next section we examine whether the deficit
was specific to faces or whether it also affected
other categories of items.
Visual object processing
Performance was assessed using three standardized
1. The Birmingham Object Recognition Battery
(BORB; Riddoch & Humphreys, 1993). This
battery of tests can be used to assess visual processing of objects at a number of different levels: from
low-level perception (matching for size, length,
etc.), through figure –ground segmentation (the
overlapping figures tests), object constancy (the
unusual view tests), access to structural descriptions (object decision tests), stored semantic
knowledge, and picture naming. F.B.’s data are
presented in Table 1. Performance was good, and
no impairment was apparent.
2. The Visual Object and Space Processing Battery
(VOSP; Warrington & James, 1991). This battery
assesses visual processing (a) of pictured objects
(at a number of different levels and including
tests for figure – ground perception, structural
descriptions, object constancy, and picture
naming), and (b) space perception (dot counting,
position discrimination, number location, and
cube counting). F.B.’s data are presented in
Table 2. She scored either at ceiling or within
the control range on the various subtests.
Table 1. F.B.’s and control performance on subtests from the
Overlapping figuresa Letter pairs
Letter triplets
Line drawings
Unusual views
25 24 21.6 (2.6)
Minimal feature 25 25 23.3 (2.0)
Picture naming
76 75 70.3 (3.2)
Note: Standard deviations in parentheses.
The data are presented as a ratio of the time to name nonoverlapping:overlapping stimuli. bRange 1:1.3.
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Table 2. F.B.’s and control performance on subtests from the
Shape detection
Fragmented letters
Picture naming
Object decision
Progressive silhouettes
Dot counting
Position discrimination
Number location
Cube analysis
Table 3. F.B.’s and control performance on the McKenna
Category-Specific Names Test
19.92 (0.33)
19.30 (0.8)
23.1 (4.1)
18.6 (1.6)
9.8 (2.4)
9.9 (0.3)
19.7 (0.8)
9.4 (1.1)
9.3 (1.2)
Note: Standard deviations in parentheses.
Data are reported in Warrington and James (1991).
3. The Pyramids and Palm Trees Test –picturematching version (Howard & Patterson, 1992).
This was used to test visual access to semantics.
F.B. was given a two-alternative forced-choice
test where she had to select which picture was
most closely associated with a target picture
(target ¼ pyramid, choice items ¼ palm tree and
deciduous tree). F.B. scored close to ceiling (51/
52; her husband, S.B., scored 49/52; the test
manual indicates that normal controls score
98 –99% correct and that no normal subject
makes more than three errors).
Overall, F.B. performed at control levels on standardized tests of object and space processing. Her
intact ability to match line drawings across different
views stands in contrast to her ability to match
faces with the same identity across different views.
We also found that the difficulty in naming
faces did not extend to other categories of
objects. On the McKenna (1997) CategorySpecific Names Test F.B. performed at a similar
level to her husband (S.B.) and within the reported
control range. In this test four categories are presented: animals, fruits and vegetables, artefacts,
and tools. There are 30 items in each category
and range from commonly known to less familiar
exemplars. These data are presented in Table 3.
F.B.’s performance did not differ from that of
S.B. for any of the different categories (Fisher’s
exact p-value ¼ .7, .7, 1.0, .7, for fruits and vegetables, animals, tools, and artefacts, respectively).
Fruit and vegetables
Praxic item
Nonpraxic items
20.5 (4.4)
22.9 (5.3)
23.3 (3.6)
20.7 (3.8)
Note: Standard deviations in parentheses.
The data from 400 controls are reported by McKenna (1997).
We also presented F.B. and S.B. and 5 agematched controls with our own sets of pictured
items. Each picture was printed in colour on an
A4 sheet and was presented for naming. The categories were blocked in the test session. The categories were: birds (N ¼ 20), flowers (N ¼ 20),
vegetables (N ¼ 16), and fruits (N ¼ 19). The
data are presented in Table 4.
F.B.’s performance did not differ from that of
S.B. for any of these categories of items (Fisher’s
exact p-value ¼ 1.0, .4, 1.0, .3, for birds, flowers,
vegetables, and fruit, respectively) nor did it
differ from that of the 5 controls (Fisher’s exact
p-value ¼ 1.0, .24, 1.0, 1.0, for birds, flowers, vegetables, and fruit, respectively).
Nothing informative could be gleaned from the
errors. Generally F.B. made “don’t know”
responses. Of the total of 22 errors she made,
S.B. also failed 13 of the same items. He also
made similar responses.
The data reported in this section clearly
demonstrate the specificity of F.B.’s deficit: She
showed no problems in processing or identifying
objects. This held even when some of the categories tested (birds, flowers) required naming at
Table 4. F.B.’s and control performance in naming items from
visually homogeneous categories
% Correct
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the subordinate rather than the basic level. It could
be argued that the colour of our pictured items
may have provided nonshape cues that may have
been helpful in the identification of the categories
assessed. We do not think this is the case, however.
For instance, a number of our flower exemplars
were yellow (tulips, irises, crocuses, daffodils,
water lilies, and sunflowers). F.B. made no errors
with these particular items. F.B. also performed
virtually at ceiling with the line drawings from
BORB where no diagnostic colour was available.
These drawings include equal numbers of artefacts
and living things, with living things including
items from visually homogeneous categories
(fruit vegetables, animals, insects). No case of
acquired prosopagnosia has yet been reported
where other visually homogeneous categories of
item have been so extensively tested and where
performance has been shown to be in the normal
range. Also, although naming times were not
explicitly measured in these tests, F.B. named
pictures of objects fluently, and there were no
indications of any clinical deficit.
Our experimental investigations focused on configural processing and whether we could demonstrate such processing in F.B. Many authors have
argued that the critical difference between object
and face processing is the greater importance of
configural information for the recognition of
faces relative to objects (De Gelder & Rouw,
2000a, 2000b; Farah, Klein, & Levinson, 1995).
A deficit in processing configural information
may therefore be characteristic of a core perceptual
problem underlying prosopagnosia in a patient.
faster to detect differences between faces differing
in two or three features than could be predicted
from their response latencies in the single-feature
conditions. Accordingly they argued that matching
was not based on the serial comparison of features,
but rather that configural information concerning
the relations between features was encoded producing faster reaction times than those found for
even the most discriminable single features. This
proposal was supported by a multidimensional
scaling analysis, which produced solutions including
dimensions reflecting the relations among features.
Takane and Sergent’s (1983) procedure provides
one means of assessing the configural processing of
faces. It was adopted for use with F.B. here. Her performance was compared with that of 8 age-matched
controls (5 males, 3 females, mean age 34.5 years).
Examples of the stimuli are shown in Figure 2.
The stimuli were eight line drawings of faces.
Across the faces, the hair, the eyes, and the jaw
could each take on two values (see Figure 2).
Other facial attributes were constant (e.g., nose,
mouth, ears). The faces were 4 cm high and
2.5 cm wide, and they appeared in black and white.
There were 7 different types of “different” trials (3
in which faces differed by one feature, 3 where they
differed by two features, and 1 where all three features
differed). There were 112 trials in total with 56 “same”
Takane and Sergent (1983) and also Sergent (1984)
asked subjects to match line drawings of faces, which
were either identical or differed in the shape of one,
two, or three of the facial features (e.g., hair, eyes,
jaw; see Figure 1). They found that subjects were
Figure 2. Stimuli from tests of configural perceptual processing for
faces. In this example, the faces differ by all three features.
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trials and 56 “different” trials. Two faces were presented simultaneously on a card, and performance
was timed by a stop watch. F.B. was uncomfortable
performing this task with computer presentations.
The percentages and number of correct responses
and the mean RTs on different trials are given in
Figure 3. The mean RTs on same trials were 5.08
and 1.96 s (SD ¼ 0.62) for F.B. and the controls,
respectively. F.B. performed with a high degree of
accuracy making only one error overall (in the
single-feature chin change condition). The controls
also made few errors (3.2% overall). F.B.’s RT data
were analysed by treating each RT as a separate
subject (De Haan et al., 1987). There was no advantage for faces differing by three or two features relative to performance when the faces differed by the
fastest single feature, F(2, 29) ¼ 2.34, p ¼ .115
(for a comparison between one-, two-, and threefeature different trials involving the feature hair,
treating each RT as a separate subject). There
were no differences between the fastest single
feature (hair) and comparisons involving the same
feature when there were differences in two features:
hair versus hair and eyes, t(14) ¼ 1.58, p . .05; hair
versus hair and chin, t(14) ¼ 0.11, p . .05. There
were no differences between the fastest twofeature condition involving the fastest feature
(eyes and hair) and the three-feature conditions (t
, 1.0). For the controls, a comparison was made
between performance in the fastest condition with
a single-feature difference and the fastest condition
where there were two features different (where one
of the features involved the fastest single feature).
RTs were faster when there were two features
different than in the fastest single-feature condition,
t(7) ¼ 3.30, p , .025. Controls were also reliably
faster in making “different” judgements when the
faces differed in all three features than when faces
differed in two features: comparing RTs for the
fastest two-feature change faces with RTs when
all three features changed, t(7) ¼ 2.36, p , .05.
The data from Experiment 1 converge with the
results from F.B.’s face-matching performance
(where she was impaired at matching across
views). There were no reliable benefits for F.B. in
judging that faces were different when they differed
by more features. If F.B. was using configural processing, such a benefit would be expected. Similarly
to the control data reported by Takane and Sergent
(1983), our controls were faster at responding to
faces differing in two features than they were at
responding to faces differing by the most salient
single feature, and they were faster at discriminating faces differing in three features than faces differing by the most discriminable two features.
Figure 3. The mean reaction time (RT) to respond to different faces
for F.B. and the controls. The error bars indicate 1 SE for F.B. and
the mean of the 1 SE values calculated within each participant, for
the controls.
Here we contrasted the effects of simultaneous
matching of “thatcherized” and normal upright
and inverted faces. As noted in the Introduction,
face recognition is highly sensitive to inversion
(Yin, 1969). In normal observers, the face inversion
effect has been attributed to impaired configural
processing when faces are shown upside down.
This may particularly reflect processes that are sensitive to the spatial relations between facial
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features. Leder, Candrian, Huber, and Bruce
(2001) had participants make judgements about
interocular distance. They found a strong advantage for upright over inverted faces when the
whole face was inverted. However, when the local
features were held constant (so the eyes remained
upright in the inverted condition) then the advantage for upright faces disappeared. This loss of sensitivity to the relations between local inverted
features can be strikingly illustrated by the use of
the Thatcher illusion, so called because it was originally demonstrated with Margaret Thatcher’s face
(Thompson, 1980). The illusion is created by
inverting features (the eyes and the mouth) in an
upright face. The resulting face is grotesque;
however, if the whole face is inverted, the grotesqueness disappears. The disappearance of the
bizarre aspects of Margaret Thatcher’s face is consistent with the configural distortion between the
local feature being reduced when the features are
inverted. Boutsen and Humphreys (2003) formally
tested this hypothesis by using same/different
matching tasks with normal and thatcherized
faces that were presented in either upright or
inverted orientations. They argued that if normal
relational information in faces is disrupted by
thatcherizing the features, then the normal advantage for upright relative to inverted faces should
disappear for thatcherized faces. Their procedure
was as follows: On “same” trials a normal face
was paired with itself or a thatcherized face was
paired with itself so that the images were identical.
On “different” trials, a normal face was paired with
a thatcherized face (both in either an upright or an
inverted orientation). The results showed that
responses to upright faces were faster than those
to inverted faces (by nearly 100 ms) and that
responses to normal faces were faster than those
to thatcherized faces (by nearly 150 ms).
Importantly, there was an interaction between
face orientation and face type with normal faces
showing an inversion effect of nearly 200 ms
while there was no reliable effect of inversion for
thatcherized faces. Boutsen and Humphreys
argued that the failure to demonstrate an inversion
effect with the thatcherized faces suggests that the
processing of these faces is similar regardless of
whether the face is presented in an upright or an
inverted orientation, because the presence of the
thatcherized features interferes with configural
processing in the upright faces. Boutsen and
Humphreys also contrasted same/different matching performance with whole faces with performance on a similar task where the face parts
appeared in isolation (Boutsen & Humphreys,
2003, Exp. 1). Participants were again slower to
make same/different judgements for the thatcherized than for the normal face features.
Interestingly, the inversion effect for face parts
was no different from the effect with whole faces,
consistent with the argument that configural information is determined by feature relations alone and
not the global context. Consistent with this, there
were minimal differences in overall RTs between
whole-face stimuli and face parts.
Boutsen and Humphreys performed the same
experiments with a patient with both visual
agnosia and prosopagnosia (H.J.A.; Boutsen &
Humphreys, 2002). H.J.A. was severely impaired
at matching whole faces (he was at chance,
scoring 120/240 correct). Performance with face
parts was markedly better (209/240 correct).
Boutsen and Humphreys (2002) argued that this
pattern of performance suggested an inhibitory
influence of face context on H.J.A.’s processing of
local parts and a relatively intact ability to process
part-based information from a face (when there
was no interfering effects of context). It is also noteworthy that H.J.A. showed no effects of inversion.
In some prosopagnosic patients the processing of
inverted faces can even be better than the processing of upright faces (e.g., De Gelder & Rouw,
2000b; Farah, Tanaka, & Drain, 1995), suggesting
the possibility that there is a face-specific processor
that is maladaptive in prosopagnosia, but which
continues to dominate face processing, resulting
in poor performance with upright faces. With
inverted faces more general visual pattern perception mechanisms can operate.
We assessed F.B. using Boutsen and
Humphreys’s (2003) stimuli (see Figure 4). Since
we have failed to demonstrate configural processing of faces with F.B. (see Experiment 1), we
expected that she would not show an inversion
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faces in a pair (on both same and different trials)
depicted the same person. On same trials, a
normal face was paired with itself, and a thatcherized face was paired with itself (i.e., the stimuli in
same pairings were identical). On different trials, a
normal face was paired with a thatcherized face (of
the same person) with both faces appearing in the
same global orientation. The left – right position of
each face was counterbalanced. Half the pairs were
the same, and half were different; half depicted
upright faces, while the other half were inverted;
half were normal, and half were thatcherized.
The experiment was run on an IBM-compatible
computer. Stimuli were presented on a 15-inch
monitor in 800 600 graphics mode. Responses
were collected by two keys mounted on a box
and connected to the parallel port.
Figure 4. Example whole and part faces shown in the study
requiring discrimination of “thatcherized” faces.
inferiority effect with normal faces but that she
would perform in a similar way to normal subjects
with the thatcherized faces.
The method followed that described by Boutsen
and Humphreys (2003; Exps. 1 and 3). There
were three factors in each experiment: face type
(normal/thatcherized), orientation (upright/
inverted), and response (same/different). In
Experiment 2a whole faces were presented. In
Experiment 2b only the critical face parts (eyes
and mouth) were visible. Three male and three
female faces were shown in each of four conditions: upright normal, upright thatcherized,
inverted normal, and inverted thatcherized.
Inverted faces were rotated 1808 from the
upright. Examples of the stimuli are shown in
Figure 4. The six faces were used to create a set
of 48 face pairs, 24 for each response type
(same/different). Each pair was presented five
times resulting in a total of 240 trials. The pairs
of faces were presented side by side, centred on
the screen, and subtended 4.92 10.768 on the
screen. All pairs were same-person pairs in that
F.B.’s RTs for same responses for whole and part
faces are shown in Figures 5a and 5b. “Same”
responses occurred when faces were both normal
or both thatcherized. The pattern on “different”
(one face normal, one thatcherized) was similar.
RTs for whole upright and inverted faces were
1,888 and 2,193 ms; RTs for part upright and
inverted faces were 1,721 and 1,752 ms, respectively. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the
data for same responses revealed a significant
advantage for part over whole faces, F(1, 225) ¼
72.1, p , .001. No other effects were reliable. For
different trials there were again reliable advantages
for part over whole faces, but also now an advantage
for upright over inverted stimuli, F(1, 209) ¼ 40.2,
p , .001; F(1, 209) ¼ 19.7, p , .001. There was an
error rate of 10% (see Figures 5c and 5d for the RT
data for whole and part faces, respectively). There
was an overall advantage in accuracy for part over
whole faces, x2(1) ¼ 18.52, p , .001. No other
differences were reliable.
Further analyses were performed to contrast
F.B.’s performance with that of the controls for
whole and part stimuli. To take any differences
in accuracy into account, these analyses used a
combined measure of “processing efficiency”
(RT/proportion correct; see Townsend &
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Figure 5. Performance for F.B. and the controls with normal and thatcherized face wholes and parts (presented upright or inverted). The
data are presented as a function of reaction time (RT) divided by proportion correct. Standard error bars for the controls are given. (a) Data for
same responses for whole faces. (b) Data for same responses for part faces. (c) Data for different responses for whole faces. (d) Data for different
responses for part faces.
Ashby, 1983). Note that, rather than being interested in absolute differences in performance here,
we assess the relative effects of the part –whole
variable. We assessed the contrast between processing efficiency with whole and part faces separately
using Hulleman and Humphreys’s (2007) modified F test for comparing a single case against a
group of participants. This test adjusts the confidence levels to take account of differences in variance and to minimize the likelihood of Type I
error. F.B. showed a larger difference between
her performance with whole and part stimuli for
normal faces, both when upright, F(1, 11) ¼
5.49, p ¼ .037, and when inverted, F(1, 11) ¼
5.08, (adjusted) p ¼ .046, both two-tailed. The
contrast between whole and part performance
for F.B. relative to the controls did not differ for
thatcherized faces (F , 1.0 for both upright and
inverted stimuli). Compared with the controls,
F.B. was worse with wholes than with parts for
normal faces. The lack of a reliable difference
with thatcherized faces may reflect increased
variance with these items, plus a requirement to
process them as parts under all conditions.
The normal participants described by Boutsen and
Humphreys (2003) were as fast to process whole
faces as parts, and there was an inversion effect
with normal faces (participants were slower to
respond to inverted than to upright faces). In contrast to this, F.B. showed a clear impairment when
matching whole faces compared to face parts, and
she also tended to be slower to respond to upright
whole faces than to inverted whole faces. This
pattern of performance, with responses to face
parts being better than those to whole faces,
matches the pattern of data reported by Boutsen
and Humphreys (2002) with H.J.A., a patient for
whom there are clear grounds for proposing a perceptual locus for his deficit. Given that matching
was required here, and the task did not depend on
access to stored knowledge about individual faces,
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the results provide strong evidence for F.B. having a
perceptual deficit in face processing, with the extra
information provided by whole faces disrupting her
performance (cf. De Gelder & Rouw, 2001).
both novel stimuli and face stimuli in a number
of different ways.
Duchaine et al. (Duchaine, Dingle, Butterworth, &
Nakayama, 2004; Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006;
Duchaine et al., 2006) report the case of a developmental prosopagnosic who performed normally
when trained to learn the identities of different
“greeble” exemplars (exemplars based on different
spatial arrangements of different part elements).
However, they did not contrast performance with
novel stimuli to that with faces; similar improvements in performance may have been achieved
with faces under similar test conditions.
Behrmann, Marotta, Gautier, Tarr, and McKeeff
(2005) also successfully trained an acquired prosopagnosic to identify greebles and compared performance with these stimuli with performance on
untrained greebles, faces, and objects. As we have
indicated earlier, the patient was able to learn greebles, was able to generalize to new exemplars, and
showed improvement in identifying common
objects. However, the training had a detrimental
effect on face recognition. Behrmann et al. (2005)
discuss two further cases of acquired prosopagnosia
(as yet unpublished, though one case is discussed in
Bukach et al., 2006, and the other was originally discussed by Rossion et al., 2003). The two cases
showed different effects of training; one failed
(despite extensive training) to identify greebles, the
other was able to identify the trained greebles, but
generalization performance was poor.
In a final experiment we contrasted F.B.’s
ability to learn the names to novel multipart
stimuli that had similar parts and part relations
across the set of items presented. Each stimulus
was given an English girl’s name. A similar learning task was then run using grey-level images of
unfamiliar female faces using the same names as
those given to the novel stimuli. We also examined
for generalization of learning by manipulating
Novel multipart stimuli
On each trial F.B. and 6 age- and educationmatched control participants (3 male) were
shown 12 grey-level images of novel multipart
stimuli (see Figure 6a). Stimuli were obtained
from Michael Tarr’s website (http://alpha.cog.
novel stimulus was composed of the same four
parts around a common base shape, and the 12
novel stimuli were chosen from a larger family
created by changing the relative locations of the
local parts, while keeping the part identities constant. There were six members of the set derived
by interchanging the locations of two parts from
the original “parent” object; four members were
derived by interchanging the positions of two of
the parts in the parent object, and one member
was created by shifting the spatial position of one
part (from low on the “body” to a higher location;
see Figure 6). Each novel stimulus was 3 4 cm.
The stimuli were presented one at a time on a
table top (they were thus viewed from 30 cm),
while an English girl’s name was read aloud by
the experimenter. Once the experimenter had
been through the set, the images were randomized,
and each participant was presented with one image
at a time and had to name it. This procedure was
Figure 6. Examples of a novel stimulus (a) and a face stimulus (b)
used in Experiment 3.
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repeated until all the names were correctly assigned
to each of the novel stimuli. Learning was then
continued for three trials postasymptote for each
participant. The novel stimuli were then presented
simultaneously on a table. The names of the stimuli
were also presented, each written on a separate
card. Participants had to place the card with the
correct name on the appropriate novel stimulus as
quickly as possible (timed by stopwatch).
Face stimuli
A similar procedure to that used for the novel
multipart stimuli was followed here but now 12
grey-level images of girls’ faces were used (see
Figure 6b). The girls were randomly chosen and
had different hair colours and styles. Each face
was viewed from the front.
Figure 7. Examples of the different manipulations of the novel stimuli.
Manipulations to novel multipart stimuli
Participants were given sets of the novel stimuli in
which exemplars changed their size, depth
rotation, or contrast to background, had visual
noise or an occluder added, or were inverted (see
Figure 7). Image sizes were increased by 150%.
Stimuli were rotated around 608 in depth.
Contrast was reduced by 50%, and 50% contrast
masking noise was added. The occluder was a
single solid black bar, positioned so that critical
features remained visible.
Manipulations to face stimuli
The manipulations described for the novel multipart stimuli were again performed but now using
12 grey-level images of girls’ faces (Figure 8).
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F.B. was able to perform the task with the novel
multipart stimuli without difficulty and achieved
asymptotic learning within 5 trials. This was
better than the average of the controls, the best
of whom only achieved asymptotic learning after
5 trials, and 1 did not achieve asymptote after 10
trials (Figure 9a). In the postlearning test of
recognition speed, F.B.’s mean response time per
novel stimulus was 750 ms; the mean of the
controls was 823 ms (SD ¼ 98).
F.B. was slower to reach asymptote in her learning with the faces than were the controls, all of
whom attained maximum scores after four learning
cycles, whereas F.B. took seven (Figure 9b). Note
that the controls were faster to learn the faces
than the multipart stimuli (p , .001), whereas
F.B. was slower. F.B.’s mean response time to
place the names on the faces was 1,124 ms, which
was more than 3 standard deviations from the
mean of the controls (M ¼ 801 ms, SD ¼ 64).
The results for F.B. and the controls for the
manipulations of multipart stimuli and faces are presented in Tables 5a and b (the data are presented as
percentage correct, with the standard deviations of
the controls included in parentheses). With
multipart stimuli, F.B. was as good as the controls
at generalizing her responses, suggesting that learning was not based on some local image property. In
contrast, with faces, F.B.’s identification levels were
more than 3 standard deviations from the controls
for all image changes aside from size.
Figure 8. Examples of the different manipulations of the face stimuli.
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Figure 9. (a) The percentage of names correctly reported per trial in the novel stimuli learning task. (b) The percentage of names correctly
reported in the face learning task.
Table 5. F.B.’s and control performance with multipart (5a) and face (5b) stimuli
100 (0)
100 (0)
59 (8)
92 (8)
92 (6)
100 (0)
100 (0)
98 (4)
92 (6)
94 (8)
92 (9)
82 (10)
Note: Standard deviations in parentheses.
The results were clear. F.B. was able to learn the
names for the novel stimuli normally and generalized learning across several image changes. This
was despite the fact that the same parts were
used across the set of stimuli, with the stimuli differing only in the arrangement of the parts. F.B.
continued to perform well with novel objects
even when the stimuli were altered by depth
rotation, presented with lower contrast, and had
Downloaded By: [University of Birmingham] At: 18:40 27 March 2008
either noise or an occluder added. The data contrast with her performance with faces. F.B.
tended to be slower to learn the face –name associations than were the control participants, even
though these associations could be based on particular image properties. The controls also found
it easier to learn face – name associations than to
learn associations between names and the multipart objects, whereas the opposite held for F.B.
This demonstrates that F.B. was not simply differentially affected by task difficulty but rather
showed a selective impairment for face learning.
Furthermore, F.B.’s learning of faces did not generalize, with the sole exception of size change. The
sensitivity of F.B.’s face – name learning to image
change suggests that she was indeed making the
associations based on rather superficial aspects of
the images. Interestingly, the robustness of F.B.’s
face –name learning to size change, and the lack
of robustness to changes in view, may be related
to changes in the invariant properties of cells in
regions of visually responsive cortex. For
example, studies using fMRI adaptation techniques have indicated that a region of the lateral
occipital complex (LOa/pFs) shows invariant
responses to size and position, but not to variations
in illumination and viewpoint (Grill-Spector et al.,
1999; see Grill-Spector, Kourtzi, & Kanwisher,
2001). Here F.B. was able to adapt her learning
to new stimuli differing in size, but not under conditions of contrast or view change. It may be that
her responses were based on spared regions of
cortex, such as the LOa/pFs, which appeared to
be structurally intact (Figure 1).
Our conclusions are that the processes, and
neural substrates, used by F.B. to learn subordinate
associations between names and multipart objects
were not those used (and lesioned) for processing
structural properties of faces linked to face identity. The items in our set had common parts, and
so a simple strategy of learning an association
between a part and a name would not suffice. In
addition, the structural information supporting
the learning gave rise to good generalization
across image changes and so seems unlikely to
have been image as well as single-part based.
Though we cannot be certain about the
information used in her learning, the data indicate
that it did not give rise to efficient learning of
faces, while the generalization of learning with
faces was particularly poor.
It might also be argued that the tests of generalization here, which did not use RTs, were not
sufficiently sensitive to demonstrate a deficit for
F.B. with the novel stimuli. While this is possible,
we noted no signs of F.B. performing differently
from controls in terms of her response latencies
when the generalization tests were done. We also
note that the controls found learning more difficult
for the novel stimuli than the face stimuli. If learning and generalization of the faces and the multipart stimuli were based on common processes,
which were simply less efficient for F.B., then
her learning and generalization should have been
worse to the novel stimuli than to the faces. It
was not.
F.B. is markedly impaired at recognizing familiar
faces, while, at the same time, she has excellent
identification of subordinate object exemplars.
There were no signs of covert recognition, and
face matching across different views was impaired.
This last result suggests a problem in the perceptual processing of faces. This argument is supported by the data from Experiments 1 and 2.
In Experiment 1 there was no benefit for faces
differing in two or more features relative to
faces differing in the most salient single feature
(e.g., hair; see Figure 2). If configural processing
was present, then we would have expected
increasingly fast “different” responses as the
number of different features increased—the
pattern present in control participants. In
Experiment 2, and in contrast to the normal
data presented by Boutsen and Humphreys
(2003), F.B. was much faster with face parts
than with whole faces, whilst there were no
effects of “thatcherization”, and there were, if
anything, beneficial effects of face inversion
(Figure 5). The advantage for parts over faces
matches with prior data on prosopagnosic
Downloaded By: [University of Birmingham] At: 18:40 27 March 2008
patient H.J.A., for whom there is clear evidence
of an underlying perceptual impairment
(Boutsen & Humphreys, 2002; Riddoch,
Humphreys, Gannon, Blott, & Jones, 1999),
and suggest that F.B. has difficulty in dealing
with all of the perceptual information present in
faces, even when required simply to make a perceptual judgement to the stimuli (is the face
Despite these problems on tasks requiring
perceptual judgements to faces, F.B. was able to
learn at a normal rate the identities of a set of
novel stimuli (all containing the same parts and
differing only in the relative locations of those
parts). She also identified novel stimuli as fast as
did controls, after learning, and she generalized
her learning across transformations in image size,
view, and quality. These last results suggest that
her learning of novel stimuli was not based on
some abnormal and time-consuming featurebased strategy. Note also that the novel stimuli
had the same parts, which were positioned in
different arrangements to create different items,
so her learning and identification of these items
was not due to labelling of particular parts. In
marked contrast to this, F.B.’s learning of faces
was poor; she was also slow to identify faces once
learned, and face identification was vulnerable to
effects of image change even after learning (with
face identification decreasing abnormally when
the faces were rotated or when noise was added).
One prior case of developmental prosopagnosia
has shown normal learning of greeble exemplars
(Duchaine et al., 2004), though, as we have
indicated, this was not contrasted with face learning, and the patient may have been able to learn
associations between the name and an image of a
face under similarly constrained learning conditions. Our patient, F.B., was an acquired case
but she nevertheless learned names at a normal
rate for novel stimuli drawn from a visually homogeneous set. Also, postlearning, F.B.’s identification of novel stimuli was faster than the mean
of our controls, and she generalized her learning
across several image changes.
These results demonstrate that acquired deficits
in face processing can be very specific and can leave
spared the ability to learn identification responses
at a subordinate level with new visual exemplars.
The data are consistent with face perception
being dependent on cortical regions that operate
in a domain-specific manner, tuned to optimize
the identification of faces. This argument is supported further by the contrast between F.B.’s
case and that of patient C.K., reported by
Moscovitch, Winocur, and Behrmann (1997).
C.K. was agnosic for visually presented objects
and had an apparent perceptual locus to this
deficit, being particularly poor when dealing with
overlapping figures, for example. However, he
showed no signs of prosopagnosia, and, with
faces, he was able to perform similar tasks to
those he failed on with objects (including discriminating between overlapping line drawings). Thus
there is an apparent double dissociation between
F.B., who had good object recognition including
naming items from homogeneous categories at a
subordinate level (birds, flowers) and poor face
processing, and C.K., who had good face processing and impaired object recognition (even at a
basic level). Also, since there was evidence for a
perceptual locus to the deficits in each patient,
there are grounds for distinct perceptual processes
supporting face and object recognition In F.B. the
perceptual processes specialized for faces are
impaired, whilst leaving intact perceptual processes that discriminate between, and support the
learning of, classes of objects with common parts
in different spatial arrangements (birds, flowers,
and even novel multipart stimuli).
Finally, we note that F.B. had sustained unilateral right hemisphere damage to regions including
the fusiform gyrus, which have been strongly
linked to processing in the neuroimaging literature
(Kanwisher et al., 1997). It is possible that F.B.’s
good object recognition was supported by the
spared left hemisphere, perhaps reflecting the
bilateral representation of perceptual processes
supporting object identification. In contrast, the
processes supporting the perception of facial identity seem more strongly lateralized. It is also of
interest that F.B. demonstrated relatively spared
judgements of facial age, gender, and emotion,
despite damage to the right fusiform area. We
Downloaded By: [University of Birmingham] At: 18:40 27 March 2008
have noted that F.B.’s judgements about facial
emotions might have come about through attention to local detail (see Baudouin & Humphreys,
2006), and the same argument might also be
applied to her age and gender judgements. This
local processing strategy may compensate for the
loss of normal age, gender, and emotion processes
subserved by the right fusiform gyrus and associated regions damaged in F.B.
Manuscript received 27 April 2007
Revised manuscript received 13 November 2007
Revised manuscript accepted 14 January 2008
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