Mechanism of dopant segregation to SiO 2 ÕSi„001… interfaces
J. Dabrowski,1 H.-J. Müssig,1 V. Zavodinsky,2 R. Baierle,3 and M. J. Caldas4
IHP, Im Technologiepark 25, D-15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Institute for Automation and Control Processes, 5 Radio Street, Vladivostok 690041, Russia
Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 9711030 Santa Maria, RG, Brazil
Instituto de Fisica da Universidade de São Paulo, 05508-900 São Paulo, Brazil
~Received 8 October 2001; revised manuscript received 13 March 2002; published 31 May 2002!
Dopant atoms can segregate to SiO 2 /Si~001! interfaces and be deactivated there. Using phosphorus as a
typical example of a donor and guided by results of ab initio calculations, we present a model of donor
segregation. We find that P is trapped at the interface in the form of threefold-coordinated atoms. The atomic
detailed configuration and the process of P incorporation depend on P concentration C P in the vicinity of the
interface. At low C P , phosphorus atoms prefer to substitute Si atoms with dangling bonds. At high C P ,
phosphorus pairs are formed. At intermediate C P , ~around 1017 –1019 cm23 ! segregation occurs to sites associated with interface roughness and to interface Si-Si bridges, and is mediated by diffusion and annihilation of
Si dangling bonds and by reoxidation during oxide annealing. Making diffusion of dangling bonds more
difficult ~for example, by nitridation! should, therefore, reduce the trapping efficiency of SiO 2 /Si~001! in the
technologically important regime of intermediate C P .
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.245305
PACS number~s!: 68.35.Dv, 68.55.Ln, 67.80.Mg, 31.15.Ar
Silicon MOS ~metal oxide semiconductor! technology is a
versatile, inexpensive, and widely used method of fabrication
of microelectronic integrated circuits. Electrical parameters
of a MOS field effect transistor ~MOSFET! are sensitive to
the spatial distribution of dopant atoms in the active region
of the device. The design of technological processes needed
to produce a chip must account for all factors that may significantly affect this distribution. In MOSFET’s, SiO 2 is
placed next to doped regions of the silicon substrate.1,2 Segregation to SiO 2 /Si~001! interfaces can cause redistribution
of dopants during the fabrication process, an effect that becomes significant in ‘‘decanano’’ devices2–5 and can affect
the MOSFET threshold voltage ~the voltage at which the
transistor switches! by up to 50%.6
SiO 2 /Si~001! interface is an efficient trap for donors. It
can collect at least 331014/cm2 P atoms,7 an amount close
to a monolayer ~ML!; for Si~001!, 1 ML5N o.7
31014/cm2 . Majority of the trapped atoms are located on the
Si side in the first monolayer of silicon.8 –10 The atoms
trapped at the interface are deactivated,9 which means that
they are not shallow dopants. The segregation process is partially reversible by subsequent annealing at temperatures
higher than the temperature at which the atoms
segregated.7,11,12 It is interesting to note that also interfaces
between Si and a chemically prepared SiO 2 film exhibit a
similar segregation behavior as interfaces with thermal
oxides.13 The same is true for interfaces between Si and buried SiO 2 layers.14
How do the dopant atoms arrive at the interface? First,
they diffuse through the silicon, mostly with help of point
defects15–17 introduced during dopant implantation.2,18 Alternatively, they may be ‘‘shovelled’’ by the moving ~oxidizing!
SiO 2 /Si interface during thermal oxidation of the
Segregation models used in complementary metal-oxide
semiconductor technology process simulation assume that
the interface has approximately 1 ML of unspecified dopant
traps.11,20–22 The nature of these traps is unknown. It is also
unclear why the segregated atoms do not act as shallow donors. A possible explanation is that complexes between donor atoms and Si vacancies are formed at the interface;9 this
would mean that the segregation to SiO 2 /Si interfaces is a
process similar to segregation to bare surfaces of silicon.
Elastic stress relaxation23 and Fermi-level effects9 have also
been suggested as forces driving the segregation.
The purpose of this work is to shed some light on such
issues, given the atomistic data obtained from total energy ab
initio calculations. We have attempted to connect these data
into a set of microscopic mechanisms building a ‘‘complete’’
segregation story. Naturally, this story should be viewed as
an educated guess rather than a proven segregation process,
and experimental verification of its key ingredients would be
desirable. So far, our observations confirm that Fermi-level
position at the interface and the ability of certain atomic
configuration to relax the elastic stress between the oxide and
the substrate are the key factors in the segregation mechanism. We also find some ab initio justification for the supposed importance of Si vacancies in donor trapping at the
In our previous work we have already formulated a tentative segregation model based on ab initio numerical results
for P and As.24,25 Comparison of the numerical results with
experimental secondary-ion-mass spectroscopy ~SIMS! data
revealed24 that there are three fundamental regimes of P concentration C P characterized by three different interface adsorption mechanisms dominating the segregation. At very
low C P , the donors arriving at the interface substitute undercoordinated Si atoms ~Si atoms with dangling bonds!. This is
analogous to segregation of dopants to Si surfaces.26 At very
high C P , the dopants form pairs of electrically neutral,
threefold-coordinated atoms, analogous to DX and EL2 instabilities of donors in GaAs.27 The segregation mechanism
65 245305-1
©2002 The American Physical Society
at intermediate C P , where dopants are trapped as individual
atoms but the density of traps exceeds the density of
dangling-bond sites, has not been identified. In all cases,
however, we found that the formation of donor-oxygen
bonds is energetically unfavorable, in agreement with experimental data.
Here we focus on atomistic details of the segregation process in the regime of intermediate donor concentrations. In
addition, theoretical results for the other two C P regimes are
summarized and extended. In particular, we identify dopant
pairing by silicon ejection as a process that may compete
with the other pairing mechanisms.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II explains the
theoretical and experimental approaches. Section III discusses various atomistic segregation mechanisms. Section IV
presents the segregation model associating the areal density
D P of phosphorus trapped at the interface with the annealing
temperature and the concentration C P of shallow P donors
under the interface.
Ab initio calculations28 were performed on a Cray T3E
supercomputer in von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, Germany. We used supercells of Si~001! type, with lateral dimensions from 232 to 434~measured in translation
vectors of the ideal surface!. Vertically, the supercells contained six to eight Si layers and one to three oxide layers.
The slab was saturated with H atoms. Coordinates of the H
atoms saturating the Si substrate slab were computed by energy minimization of Si~001! 131-H surface with all Si atoms confined to their bulk positions. These saturating H atoms and their Si neighbors were frozen in their positions
during all subsequent relaxations of the system. The chemical potential of each donor species ~P, As! was calculated
from the total energy of a substitutional donor atom in the
third or fourth Si layer below the interface in a 434 supercell. The chemical potentials of Si and H were obtained from
the dependence of H-saturated slabs on the number of Si
layers in the slab. The chemical potential of oxygen in SiO 2
films was calculated assuming thermodynamical equilibrium
between Si atoms in the film and in the substrate.
Numerical convergence was verified by performing test
calculations at plane-wave cutoff energies between 16 Ry
and 50 Ry and with Brillouin zone sampling equivalent to G
and (1/4,1/4) points of 232, 333, and 434surface cells.
The data quoted below were obtained using 40 Ry cutoff and
the G point of 434. The estimated numerical uncertainty in
energy differences is about 0.2 eV per cell due to Brillouin
zone sampling and the energy cutoff. Additional uncertainty
of approximately 0.1 eV per atom exchanged with a reservoir
enters through inaccuracies in the calculation of chemical
potentials. Although the energy differences calculated to be
around 0.2–0.3 eV may still have physical significance ~numerical errors tend to cancel out when energies of similar
atomic configurations are compared!, the differences smaller
than about 0.1 eV will be considered in this paper as negligible.
Reliability of the results was also checked through com-
FIG. 1. Interface models. ~a! Undimerized interface. ~b! Flat,
dimerized interface with tridymitelike SiO 2 . ~c! Rough, dimerized
parison with electronic structures and energy differences for
test Si-P, Si-O, and Si-O-P structures in bulk silicon computed with other ab initio codes34 and, in the case of the Si
vacancy in the bulk and under the interface, with energy
differences obtained by a semiempirical method @AM1 ~Ref.
38#. The compared values were within the 0.2–0.3 eV error
bar, confirming our estimate of the numerical accuracy.
In order to make the calculations feasible for many interface structures, the SiO 2 /Si~001! cells were designed to represent the key features of the interface with possibly few
atoms. Undimerized @Fig. 1~a!# and dimerized interfaces
@Fig. 1~b!# were considered. In an undimerized interface, a
layer of SiO 2 was attached through oxygen atoms to Si~001!
131surface. In dimerized interfaces, up to three layers of
tridymite-based SiO 2 were attached through oxygen atoms
to Si~001! 231 surface with oxidized dimer bonds. A rough
interface was simulated by introducing D-type ad-dimer
rows37 in 432cells @Fig. 1~c!#.
Binding energies of donors under SiO 2 /Si~001! were
studied by substituting P for Si atoms in the substrate at
various distances from the SiO 2 /Si~001! boundary. Segregation to dangling-bond sites was addressed by replacing unsaturated Si atoms at SiO 2 /Si~001! boundaries. Formation of
complexes containing one or more donor atoms and/or a
point defect was studied in Si bulk and under the interface.
con substrate close to the SiO 2 /Si~001! interface ~Sec. III A!
and P atoms substituting oxidized Si atoms directly at the
interface ~Sec. III B!. Next, we analyze P trapping by substitution of unoxidized Si at atoms with a dangling bond ~Sec.
III C! and at unoxidized fourfold-coordinated Si in interface
defects ~Sec. III D!. The latter process includes diffusion of
Si dangling bonds along the interface. Finally, we consider
the formation of donor-donor pairs ~Sec. III E!.
A. Substitutional donor atoms under the interface
FIG. 2. Configurations of selected bulk structures. Si atoms are
white, O atoms are gray, P atoms are black. ~a! Perfect Si. ~b! Oi ,
oxygen interstitial. ~c! Uncharged Si vacancy; the dimerized atoms
are dashed. ~d! Rebonded P pair. The dashed Si atom and its P
neighbor are $113% rebonded,26 the other P atom stays in a nearly
substitutional position.
The bulk defects included a nearest-neighbor P pair (P2 ),
oxygen interstitials @ Oi , Fig. 2~b!!, Si vacancies @ V Si , Fig.
2~c!# complexed with P and Oi ~e.g., the AP2 center24!, and
rebonded defects 113Si2 and 113P2 Oi @Fig. 2~d!#. Segregation to interface sites with an unoxidized Si atom was investigated for a Si vacancy, a Si bridge, and a Si ledge atom.
Diffusion of a Si dangling bond was studied for the dangling
bond created after a P atom was incorporated into a step
ledge. We estimated the height of the diffusion barrier by
computing total energies at the energy minima and for several atomic configurations near the top of the barrier. In the
latter case, the motion of one oxygen atom was constrained
to a plane and the remaining atoms were relaxed.
Auger electron spectroscopy ~AES! data were collected
through native oxide layers thin enough (;15 Å) to make
the interface P observable. In order to minimize electronirradiation effects, the spectra were taken at low primary
electron-beam energy and current density.
Experimental data indicate that moving a donor atom
from the silicon bulk to the interface releases about 0.5–1.0
eV. Since trapping of donors does not deteriorate electrical
properties of the interface, the segregation mechanism cannot be correct if it leads to excessive creation of electrically
active defects. Moreover, the segregated atoms should not
act as shallow donors.
First, we investigate the energetics of P atoms in the sili-
In principle, one can imagine that deformation of Si-Si
bonds caused by strain fields in the oxide attracts phosphorus
to the interface and localizes the fifth valence electron of P in
a deep state. We find that substitutional phosphorus PSi may
be weakly bonded (&0.2 eV) in the second Si layer beneath
a perfect, undimerized interface. As the first layer we count
here the topmost Si atoms of the substrate, connected in such
an interface to two Si atoms on one side and to two oxygen
atoms on the other side @Fig. 1~a!#. Interestingly, it turns out
that atomic relaxation around P contributes little to this binding. The energy gained when the impurity neighbors relax
from their positions they had occupied before the Si atom
was substituted by the P atom is about the same in the bulk
and under the interface. Therefore, this weak interaction is
probably not caused by interface strain.
In our opinion, the binding arises from hyperconjugation
between the fifth valence electron of phosphorus and antibonding orbitals of silicon atoms from the first layer of the
substrate. This type of interaction formally resembles hydrogen bonding and is responsible for such effects as planar
configuration of N in Si3 N4 ~interaction between the lone pair
of N and antibonding orbitals of Si! and the low formation
energy of Si monomers on Si~001! surfaces ~interaction between the lone pair of Si monomer and antibonding orbitals
of subsurface Si!. Hyperconjugation between P and Si at the
interface is noticeable because the fifth electron of phosphorus is partially localized in a conduction-band resonance
and Si orbitals are partially emptied due to charge transfer
from silicon to oxygen. The strength of this interaction increases with the oxidation number of silicon and decreases
with the number of P neighbors of the oxidized Si atom.
Binding by hyperconjugation is opposed by the electrostatic force that repels the positively charged silicon from
phosphorus ions. Virtually no binding was found in deeper
layers, regardless of the interface structure. This is consistent
with the interpretation of the interaction between PSi and a
SiO 2 /Si boundary presented above.
The weak attraction of P to undimerized interfaces appears to be the upper limit for the binding energy of PSi.
Depending on the structure of the interface, we find either a
weak binding or a weak repulsion when P is placed in the
second Si layer. However, in all cases the energy difference
between the impurity in the bulk and the impurity under the
interface does not exceed 0.2 eV, which is less than the estimated numerical accuracy.
Formation of a coherent silicide ~SiP in the zinc-blend
structure! also leads to no significant energy gain. We conclude that neither the attraction of substitutional donors to
the interface nor the decreased solubility of P due to enhanced silicide formation under the interface is the dominant
mechanisms for dopant segregation. Although we cannot disregard the fact that these effects exist, we believe that other
atomic geometries, for which we find higher binding energies, are responsible for the segregation.
B. Bonding of donors to oxygen atoms
All structures with P-O of As-O bonds were unstable or
nearly unstable with respect to exchange of the oxidized donor atom with a Si atom in the substrate. This includes defect
complexes formed in the bulk Si as well as interfacial structures. The energy difference by substituting a single oxidized
silicon atom by a group-V donor was about E o1n4 5(0.5
60.2) eV ~energy loss! when the oxidized atom was
fourfold-coordinated and about E o1n3 5(20.160.3) eV
~energy gain! for a threefold-coordinated oxidized atom. We
conclude that atomic geometries with donor-oxygen bonds
play no important role in the segregation of P.
These results are in accordance with our AES data obtained through native oxide. The detectable P is elemental.
We found the PLVV peak at 120 eV, which coincides with the
position of uncharged P and is ;10 eV higher in energy
than the P peak in P 2 O 5 .39 The identification of the observed
spectral line as due to unoxidized phosphorus is corroborated
by the fact that electron-beam-induced evaporation of the
oxide affected neither position nor shape of this line. This is
consistent with the known fact that P is expelled from SiO 2
during thermal oxidation of Si.40 It follows that the state of
segregated P differs from the states of P donor and oxidized
P: the latter are positively charged, whereas the segregated P
atoms are electrically neutral. This result allows us to argue
that a monolayer of efficient P traps is unlikely to exist at the
interface, because P atoms bonded at such traps would have
oxygen neighbors.
On the other hand, it is known that interfaces to native
oxides contain much higher concentration of electrically active defects ~presumably Si dangling bonds! than interfaces
to thermal oxides used as MOSFET gate dielectrics.41 These
concentrations are ;1013/cm2 and ;1012/cm2 , respectively.
As noted below, such dangling bonds are the preferred segregation sites. Our experiment confirms that the most efficient trapping does not involve formation of P-O bonds.
However, it does not exclude that interfaces with thermal
oxides may contain sites at which P atoms bonded to O reside after many dangling-bond sites have been occupied.
Finally, we note that the value of E o1n3 is small enough to
be compatible with the small but observable incorporation of
P from the substrate into SiO 2 . The equilibrium ratio of P
concentration in SiO 2 and Si is approximately 10%,21 which
corresponds to the binding-energy difference of ;0.2 eV at
temperatures around 800–1000 °C.
cally neutral, than to substitute a fourfold-coordinated in the
bulk crystal, where its fifth electron must be donated to
conduction-band states. For a group-IV Si atom it is also
more convenient to have all valences saturated in the bulk
than to have its fourth electron forced into a virtually openshell configuration on the surface. In the same vein, it is
known that defects that contain undercoordinated Si atoms or
weak Si-Si bonds, such as Si vacancies @Fig. 2~c!#, act as
efficient phosphorus or arsenic traps. By analogy, one expects that undercoordinated Si atoms left in the SiO 2 /Si~001!
interface after oxidation will be the preferred sites for donor
Indeed, reactions in which a phosphorus atom substitutes
an undercoordinated, unoxidized Si atom,
~ surf! 1E o0n3 ,
~ bulk! 1SiDB
~ surf! →SiSi
~ bulk! 1PDB
are exothermic. The energy of a positively charged substitu1
tional PSi
in bulk Si and a negatively charged Si dangling2
bond SiDB on the surface is higher than the energy of an
electrically neutral PDB
occupying a triple-coordinated site
on the surface, because in the latter case all Si atoms and all
P atoms are uncharged. In addition, the reaction ~1! transforms one Si-P bond into one Si-Si bond. The computed
energy gain is E o0n3 .1.1 eV. However, there is no noticeable energy gain when the substituted atom is oxidized ~Sec.
Given their high binding energy for phosphorus, the interface Si dangling-bond sites might seem to be the defects
responsible for the segregation. However, a Si dangling bond
is electrically active. Even low-quality SiO 2 /Si~001! interfaces have much fewer electrically active defects than the
number of dangling-bond sites needed to adsorb about a
monolayer of donors. In interfaces produced routinely by
industrial-quality oxidation no more than several Si atoms in
a thousand have a dangling bond ~this is further reduced by a
factor of about a 100 by postoxidation annealing in hydrogen!. Nevertheless, even in such good interfaces the effective
concentration of P traps is approximately one monolayer.
This means that Si dangling bonds cannot be the major traps,
at least when the total amount of segregated donors exceeds
about 1012/cm2 ~thermal oxide before hydrogen passivation!
or 1013/cm2 ~native oxide!.
D. Defects with unoxidized Si
Other defects that might potentially act as traps for phosphorus are interface defect sites containing an unoxidized
and fully coordinated Si atom. These are: silicon bridge @Fig.
3~a!#, a ledge atom of an interface step @Fig. 3~b!#, or a
silicon vacancy ~Fig. 3, bottom panels!. Consider a reaction
of type
~ bulk! 1SiSi
~ surf! 12e 2 ~ E F!
C. Si dangling bonds
Segregation of donors to silicon surfaces is a known and
easily understandable effect. For a group-V atom it is more
convenient to occupy a threefold-coordinated site on the surface of a group-IV semiconductor, where it can be electri-
~ bulk! 1PDB
~ surf! 1SiDB
~ surf! 1E o0n4 .
This reaction transforms a fourfold-coordinated PSi ion into a
threefold-coordinated, electrically neutral atom. The transformation comes at a price: a dangling bond is created at the
FIG. 4. Segregation to an unoxidized step ledge site: danglingbond creation phase. ~a! P atom in a closed ledge dimer. ~b! P atom
and a Si dangling bond after ledge opening.
FIG. 3. Defect sites containing an unoxidized and fully coordinated Si atom. The unoxidized atoms in the defects are dashed. ~a!
Silicon bridge. ~b! Step ledge. ~c! Unoxidized interface vacancy
~high formation energy of 1.7 eV!. ~d! Oxidized interface vacancy
~low formation energy of 1.2 eV!.
interface. We will now discuss the energetics of such processes. We will also argue that this mechanism is consistent
with the experimental observation that donor segregation is
not accompanied by excessive generation of electrically active defects. We will see that such trapping is energetically
favorable because the dangling bonds produced in reactions
described by Eq. ~2! are annealed out and/or oxidized during
the same thermal processing that leads to segregation of
Si vacancies are an interesting candidate for trapping centers because it is known that they are produced during dopant
implantation and accumulate under the surface. The key
question is: how many Si vacancies can exist in thermal
equilibrium at and directly below the interface?
We estimated that the binding energy of a single, electrically neutral V Si under the interface is ;1 eV when the
vacancy site is in the second layer of the substrate. The binding increases by additional 0.5–1.0 eV @Fig. 3~c! and 3~d!#
when the vacancy site is in the interface layer. The vacancy
is attracted to the layer under the interface because there it
can profit from facilitated relaxation of its elastic stress field
~caused largely by dimerization of the vacancy neighbors!;
similarly, the presence of a void under the interface facilitates relaxation of the stress in the interface layer ~caused
largely by different bond angles preferred in SiO 2 and in
silicon!. The additional binding of the vacancy directly at the
interface is caused by a structural change of the defect. In its
unreconstructed geometry, a bulk or sub interface V Si has
four Si dangling bonds surrounding the removed Si atom
@these dangling bonds transform into two weak dimer bonds
when an electrically neutral vacancy is allowed to relax, as in
Fig. 2~c!#. In contrast to that, the unreconstructed geometry
of an interface V Si has only two Si dangling bonds. The other
two Si neighbors of the vacant site are in the oxide. They are
connected by an oxygen atom and do not induce any additional stress field. In a neutral V Si at the interface, the two Si
neighbors in the substrate form a weak dimer bond @Fig.
3~c!#, so that the reconstructed vacancy has no dangling
Ab initio formation energy of uncharged V Si is ;3.1 eV
in bulk silicon. The binding energy of ;2 eV computed for
a vacancy adsorbed at the interface means that the formation
energy of a single interfacial V Si is *1 eV. This value is too
high to make such vacancies responsible for segregation of
considerable amount of phosphorus. In thermodynamical
equilibrium at temperatures 800–1000 °C, the formation energy of 0.8 –1.0 eV corresponds to approximately one defected site per 10 000 atoms. A significantly lower formation
energy would be required to achieve a sufficient concentration of defects at the interface in thermodynamical equilibrium. For example, one defect per 100 atoms corresponds to
the formation energy of roughly ;0.4 eV. It seems that this
energy differs from the computed value of *1 eV by more
than the uncertainty due to our approximations and to the
limited number of vacancy configurations we considered.
Nevertheless, we verified that P trapping at a single V Si
defect segregated to a dimerized interface is energetically
favorable. The corresponding energy gain amounts to 0.7
60.2 eV for the high-energy vacancy structure displayed in
Fig. 3~c!, even though a Si dangling bond is created in the
process. The configuration with the dangling bond is energetically favorable because the Si-Si dimer bond of the vacancy was weak. Unfortunately, weakness of such dimer
bonds is responsible also for the high formation energy of the
interface vacancy shown in Fig. 3~c! and, consequently, for
very low concentration of these defects in thermal equilibrium. It follows that while the trapping activity of interface
V Si with weak dimer bonds is hindered by low concentration
of these defects, the activity of interface V Si with strong ~relaxed! dimer bonds would be hindered by low energy gain or
even energy loss due to creation of dangling bonds.
Indeed, the energy released when a phosphorus atom substitutes a Si atom in a relaxed Si-Si dimer bond, for example,
in an interface step @compare Figs. 1~c! and 4# is small, or
zero. The reaction ~2! for such defects is barely favorable,
with E o0n4 50.260.3 eV at E F50.8 eV. A dimer bond of
this type is relatively strong; breaking it costs more than 2
eV. This is comparable to the bond strength in bulk Si @the
LDA Si-Si bond energy is 2.6 eV ~Ref. 45!#. As a matter of
fact, it is difficult to compute the energy needed to break the
ledge dimer bond because there is no barrier for recombination of the broken bond when the opened Si ledge is uncharged. Such a barrier appears when the defect traps an
electron; the quoted value of 2 eV was computed for the
atomic configuration of the metastable ~i.e., broken-bond!
geometry of the negatively charged defect.
The reaction ~2! can be, however, the initial step in the
process of phosphorus segregation. If the interface can reorganize itself in such a way that the dangling bonds created in
the process described by Eq. ~2! disappear and the energy
barrier involved in this reorganization is small, then the P
atom will be immobilized in the interface. The final state of
the segregation reaction should in this case be the configuration in which the dangling-bond SiDB recombines with another dangling bond to form a Si-Si bond, most probably a
silicon bridge in SiO 2 . A direct calculation of the energy
gained by annihilation of this dangling-bond pair would require relaxation of interface structures with cells of lateral
dimensions larger than 434, a task beyond our computational abilities. Instead, we estimate this energy by approximating the final state in several independent ways.
At first we assume that the recombination of the dangling
bond produces a silicon bridge with the energy equal to the
energy of the ledge dimer bond. In other words, we assume
that recombination of two dangling bonds, created in the
course of reaction ~2! but electrically neutral, releases 2 eV.
In order to use this recombination energy in the energy balance, we have calculated the energy of the reaction,
~ bulk! 1SiSi
~ surf! 1e 2 ~ E F!
~ bulk! 1PDB
~ surf! 1SiDB
~ surf! 1E o0n4 ~ 0 ! . ~3!
The dangling bond created in this reaction is electrically neutral. We need this because the reconstructed Si bond is also
electrically neutral. Note that reaction ~3! does not represent
a real process; we simply use it as a measure of the energy of
an uncharged dangling-bond energy before the recombination. The computed value of E oo n4 is 20.4 eV ~the minus
sign indicates that energy is lost, i.e., work has to be done!.
From this we obtain the result that after the dangling bonds
recombine, the segregation of a P atom from bulk Si to an
unoxidized step ledge produces the energy gain of 2.0/2
20.450.6 eV.
Second, we approximate the final state by the geometry
shown in Fig. 5~a!. This state differs from the intermediate
configuration @Fig. 4~b!# in that the silicon with the dangling
bond is now substituted by a P atom, so that no dangling
bonds are left in the system and two P atoms have segregated. In addition, the oxygen atom that had connected the
substituted Si atom with the oxide is now removed, so that
no P-O bonds are created. Assuming that the oxygen atom is
moved to the reservoir of oxygen atoms with energy equal to
the average energy of oxygen in the SiO 2 film, we compute
FIG. 5. Approximations to final state of P segregation: ~a! Broken ledge configuration. ~b! Alternative ledge configuration
in this way that the energy gained by segregation of two P
atoms from PSi sites to the interface is 0.8 eV, that is, 0.4 eV
per P atom.
The latter value of the segregation energy is relatively
small because the geometry of Fig. 5~a! has a signifcant
strain built into it. Namely, the angles between substrate
Si-Si bonds and each of the two Si-P backbonds of the P
atom substituting the Si atom with the dangling bond are far
from optimal. This is improved in the geometry of Fig. 5~b!.
When such a configuration is assumed as the final state, the
segregation energy increases to 0.5 eV per P atom.
Therefore, our estimate for P segregation energy to electricaly inactive, unoxidized Si defect sites at the interface is
E o0n4 50.560.3 eV at E F50.8 eV. This energy is much
smaller than the energy gained by trapping at dangling-bond
sites (E o0n3 51.160.2 eV, Sec. III C!, because in addition
to the energy balance of the latter process, one Si-Si bond is
effectively removed. Note that this additional energy cost
@1.3 eV within local-density approximation ~LDA!# would
compensate or even overcompensate the energy gain E o0n3 if
no energy gain other than that responsible for segregation of
P to dangling-bond sites were involved. The supplementary
gain comes from two sources. First, an electron is localized
from the Fermi level to a localized site. This brings about
~0.2–0.3! eV for E F50.8 eV ~the difference between the
energy of the midgap dangling-bond state and the effective
energy of a delocalized electron!. The remaining energy gain
of (0.560.6) eV comes from relaxation of the strain in the
interface when the density of strained bonds connecting the
film and the substrate is reduced; the error bar is obtained
from the worst-case analysis. This gain is somewhat larger
than in the similar case of donor pairing ~Sec. III E! because
strain relaxation when bonds are removed from the interface
is more efficient than when the bonds are removed from
under the interface.
Does this segregation indeed proceed independently for
each P atom, or should one rather speak of correlated trapping of two P atoms? Since this mechanism involves recombination of dangling-bond pairs, its efficiency may be limited
by the recombination speed and/or dissociation of Si bridges.
If the dangling bonds do not diffuse fast, or if the concentration of Si bridges is controlled by the dangling-bond creation
rate and not by the oxidation rate,46 then the segregation rate
and the dangling-bond creation rate become correlated. In
FIG. 7. Phosphorus immobilized in pairs under SiO 2 /Si~001!
interfaces. ~a! P*
2 with an off-center distortion of EL2 type. ~b! A
rebonded P pair.
FIG. 6. Atomic configurations on dangling-bond ~DB! diffusion
path. ~a! Initial configuration: DB created in reaction ~2!. ~b! Barrier
configuration on oxygen switching from SiO 2 to the Si atom with
DB. ~c! Switching complete: the DB in the oxide interacts with the
mid-Si atom of an oxidized trimer in substrate. ~d! Dangling bond
moved to next dimer row.
this case, the segregation can be no longer treated as a process taking place independently for each P atom. Instead, it
effectively becomes a pairing process ~Sec. III E!. Such processes are efficient only at high dopant concentrations ~Sec.
We verified that dangling bonds can diffuse fast along the
interface. The diffusion barrier along the path indicated in
Fig. 6 does not exceed about 1 eV, which is less than the
activation energy of dopant diffusion in silicon. The barrier
for dangling-bond migration is low because SiO 2 network
can be easily deformed. An oxygen atom can easily rotate
along the axis connecting its Si neighbors, and it can easily
move so close to the dangling bond that a Si-O bond
switches smoothly between one of the neighbors of the moving oxygen and the Si atom that had the dangling bond. In
this way, the dangling bond flows across the network without
too much resistance.
Furthermore, it is known that segregation of phosphorus
is stronger in more oxidizing ambients.2 This is compatible
with our assesment that Si bridges are involved in the segregation process: less oxidation means more bridges, hence a
higher bridge dissociation rate, hence a higher concentration
of dangling bonds in the oxide, hence a higher rate of the
association reaction reverse to the reaction ~2! and, consequently, a lower concentration of trapped, threefoldcoordinated P atoms.
E. Dopant pairs
Trapping on interface dangling-bond sites is limited by
density of the defects. But at least three structures that can
be formed without any seeds other than a ‘‘perfect’’
SiO 2 /Si~001! boundary make it possible to cover the interface with nearly a monolayer of P ~or As!. These structures
involve formation of donor pairs under the interface. The
trapped atoms are threefold-coordinated and electrically neutral. The energy gained in these transformations depends on
the Fermi energy. This is because the transformation involves
a transport of two electrons from Fermi reservoir to the
dangling-bond ~lone pair! states of two threefold-coordinated
P atoms of the pair. Therefore, E pair
S 5E S u E F50 22E F ; the
energy gain is larger in n-type material than in p-type material. Note that the pairing energy is defined as the energy
gained per two donor atoms: 2PSi→P2 1E pair
S .
The first one of these three structures involves a pair of
two nearest-neighbor, substitutional P atoms @ P2 , ~Ref. 25#.
Such a pair transforms under the interface into a pair of
threefold-coordinated P atoms: the P-P bond is broken and
one of the P atoms moves into the interstitial region @ P2* ,
Fig. 7~a!#. This resembles the behavior of certain donors in
bulk III–V compounds and alloys.27 The value of E pair
pends on donor species, being higher for As than for P by
~0.1–0.2! eV. The inaccuracy of the computed absolute valis about 0.4 eV; the differences between the
ues of E pair
pairing energies obtained for different structures are often
more exact, because most of the numerical errors tend to
cancel out in this case.
As a result of the transformation of two substitutional,
fourfold-coordinated donors into threefold-coordinated, one
Si-Si bond is effectively removed. This resembles the case
discussed in Sec. III D: without additional energy gain coming from electron localization and from relaxation of stress in
the interface, the energy cost of the dissolution of the Si-Si
bond would compensate or even overcompensate the energy
gain from trapping at dangling-bond sites. Repeating the
analysis done in Sec. III D, we obtain (0.260.4) eV as the
strain energy released due to the formation of the pair under
the interface.
deIt is, therefore, expected that the pairing energy E pair
pends on the residual stress in the film and on the possibility
to relax this stress ~i.e., on the oxide and interface structure!.
Such a dependence is indeed observed. For example,
E pair
S (E F50.8 eV) of phosphorus is 0.4 eV under the undimerized interface and 0.5 eV under a dimerized interface
with oxidized dimers @Fig. 7~a!#. The dimerized interface is
favored because the O-Si-P angles become optimal in this
configuration: they can approach the tetrahedral value of
109°. Such optimal angles are not feasible when the interface
is undimerized, but even in this case they are closer to tetrahedral than is possible in a P pair embedded in silicon bulk.
In the second structure24 @Fig. 7~b!#, an oxygen interstitial
(Oi ) and two threefold-coordinated P atoms combine with a
$113%-rebonded Si pair. The 113Si2 defect is built of two Si
atoms that switched bonds with their neighbors,26 as in cores
of $113%-planar agglomerates of Si interstitials.18,43 The P
atoms substitute two nearest-neighbor Si atoms in 113Si2 ,
and the P-P bond is broken. The pairing energy is, within
numerical accuracy, close to that of P2* .
These two pairing mechanisms conserve the number of Si
atoms in the substrate. The third pairing mechanism is the
~ bulk! 1SiSi
~ surf! 1O2 ~ gas! 12e 2
→V Si~ PDB
! 2 ~ interface! 1SiO2 ,
or trapping of two P atoms by spontaneous ejection of silicon
~i.e., by creation of an interface vacancy!. The oxide acts
here as an efficient sink for the ejected silicon, which is
oxidized there by oxygen from the annealing ambient.46 If
the vacancy is created under the interface, its formation energy in the neutral charge state is (2.160.4) eV when a free
Si surface assumed as the sink for the ejected silicon, that is,
when the chemical potential of Si is equal to the chemical
potential of a Si atom in bulk silicon.44 The energy paid for
creation of the vacancy is overcompensated by (3.0
60.4) eV gained by segregation of two P atoms to the vacancy site.47 This yields the pairing energy of E spair5(0.9
60.8) eV at E F50.8 eV.
One might expect even a larger pairing energy when the
vacancy is created directly at the interface. In this case, the
vacancy formation energy may be as small as 1.2 eV @Fig.
3~d!#. However, such a vacancy is not a good trap for two P
atoms, because one of its dimer atoms is oxidized. A better
candidate would be the vacancy with a weak dimer bond
@Fig. 3~c!#, but its formation energy is too high and it turns
out that although trapping of two P atoms at such a vacancy
releases about 1.8 eV, the pairing energy is only about 0.2
eV. The energy gain is so small also because distortions of
atomic bonds around the vacancy are smaller than in a vacancy that is created further away from the interface. This
reduced energy gain illustrates the fact that relaxation of
these distortions is an important factor in interactions between vacancies and donor atoms.
Nevertheless, it appears that P pairing by silicon ejection
from under the interface or from the interface may compete
with P pairing by formation of P2* and 113Si2 defects. The
pairing by Si ejection from under the interface seems to be
more favorable than the other processes by DE spair50.4 eV.
However, DE spair is inaccurate by about 0.4 eV.47 Exact calculation of V Si formation energies is generally a difficult
task,17 mostly due to the presence of significant distortions of
atomic coordinates even far away from the center of the defect. For this reason we do not emphasize the efficiency of
this mechanism. Instead, we prefer a conservative statement
that there are several pairing mechanisms possible with the
pairing energy of (0.560.4) eV.
As a final remark we note that since the ejected Si atoms
are oxidized in SiO 2 instead being adsorbed on a free silicon
surface, one might expect that the vacancy formation energy
should be adjusted by adding to it the difference between the
energy of two Si-Si bonds ~cohesive energy of Si! and the
energy of two Si-O bonds, that is, it should be lowered by
'3 eV. However, such an adjustment would not be correct
because, in spite of being covered by SiO 2 , the silicon surface still acts as a reservoir of Si atoms. Indeed, interface
steps can adsorb and eject Si atoms44 and the SiO 2 film can
easily adapt itself to the changed geometry, for example, by
dangling-bond diffusion discussed in Sec. III D. In other
words, the role of interface steps is formally the same as the
role of steps on free surface.44 The chemical potential of the
Si reservoir then becomes equal to the chemical potential of
a Si atom in bulk silicon, because the silicon crystal is an
infinitely larger reservoir of atoms than the SiO 2 film. The
situation would be different if the film could not adapt its
shape to changes in the step shape. In this case, adsorption or
emission of Si from steps would be possible only through
creation of high-energy defects.
In this section we will compare the results of this analysis
with experimental data on the dependence of the interfacial
segregation constant on phosphorus concentration and on the
annealing temperature.
Pairing of dopants affects the functional form of the dependence of the density D P of the segregated P on the concentration C P of active P in bulk close to the interface. In
order to estimate the magnitude of this effect, we assume that
P can be bonded at the interface by pairing and/or trapping,
that the corresponding reaction constants are thermally activated with energies E p and E t , and that P atoms are in local
equilibrium.21 Consider N deact deactivation sites existing under the interface. The deactivation rate r is proportional to
the density N f 5N d 2D P of free deactivation sites, while the
activation rate r̄ is proportional to the density D P of the occupied sites
r; ~ N deact2D P!
r̄;D P .
The important difference between the deactivation rates for
trapping and pairing is that the former is proportional to C P ,
while the latter is proportional to C P2 .
In thermodynamical equilibrium we have r5r̄, leading to
D P5
N pC P2
C P21B 2p exp~ 2E p /kT !
when segregation is dominated by pairing (N deact5N p ), and
D P5
N bC P
C P1B t exp~ 2E t /kT !
FIG. 8. Phosphorus dose loss, D P . ~a! Dependence of D P on
implant dose N, SIMS data from Refs. 7 and 48. One pairing and
one trapping mechanism assumed. ~b! Dependence of D P on P concentration C P close to the interface, SIMS data after annealing at
800 °C,7,48 900 °C,21,11 and 1000 °C.42 Fit with the same parameters as in the upper panel. ~c! The same dependence as in the mid
panel but fitted with E t well within the error bar of the ab initio
estimate. Trapping on N d 51012/cm2 dangling bonds was added for
when trapping dominates (N deact5N b ). B 2p and B t are proportional to the reaction constants for pairing and trapping.
For simplicity, we have neglected the small amount of P
dissolved in the volume of SiO 2 .21 We have also assumed
that N p 5N o 51 ML, that is, all geometrically possible pairing sites can be occupied.
The resulting functional dependence ~Fig. 8! compares
favorably with the published data.7,21,11,42 ~The areal concentration of lost dopants D P can be obtained by comparison of
SIMS profiles obtained first after implantation through an
oxide film with those obtained by annealing, and finally with
those obtained by stripping the oxide.! Numerical fit to these
data yields E p 5(0.760.3) eV and E t 5(0.960.2) eV.49,50
In order to reduce the number of parameters, we set B p
5B t 5N o , that is, we ignored entropy contributions other
than those due to the number of lattice sites.51 For simplicity,
we also assumed that the contributions from all mechanisms
are additive; indeed, two different mechanisms compete only
in a narrow range of C P .
The fitted energies are compatible with our ab initio estimates for P pairing (E p 50.560.4 eV at E F50.8 eV, Sec.
III E!, for trapping at dangling-bond sites (E o0n3 51.1
60.2 eV, Sec. III C!, and for trapping at defects with unoxidized Si atoms (E o0n4 50.560.3 eV at E F50.8 eV, Sec.
III D!. Figure 8~c! shows a fit with a trapping energy closer
to the ab initio estimate, with the contribution from trapping
at dangling-bond sites included.
The fitted value of N b for trapping is as high as 0.05–0.15
ML, many times higher than the typical density N d of electrically active interfacial defects created during thermal oxidation (N d .0.002 ML). In other words, there exists a regime of segregated P concentration between roughly
1012/cm2 and 1013/cm2 in which the segregation can be explained neither by trapping at electrically active defects nor
by pairing. In this regime, the only plausible candidates for
donor traps we have identified are defects with unoxidized
interfacial silicon atoms, such as in partially unoxidized step
ledges and in Si-Si bridges connected with the substrate by
unoxidized backbonds ~Sec. III D!. The areal density of the
ledge atoms can be estimated from the areal density of atoms
on Si~001! step edges. Assuming one unoxidized Si atom per
step unit length and taking steps of monatomic height, we
obtain 0.05 ML of traps for 1°average deviation of the surface normal from the ~001! direction. Note that the roughening of the interface in the course of thermal oxidation may
possibly lead to formation of sites resembling atomic steps.
Silicon bridges also constitute a significant percentage of
bonds in the oxide layer close to the boundary with the silicon ~so-called SiOx interface layer!. It is, therefore, plausible
that a realistic SiO 2 /Si~001! interface has even as much as
;0.2 ML unoxidized interfacial Si atoms that may act as P
In summary, we have presented an ab initio study of P and
As segregation to SiO 2 /Si~001! interfaces. A simple, physically based model of segregation was formulated. The coexistence of pairing and single-atom trapping causes a tworegime dependence of the segregation coefficient on the
implant dose.
Trapping of single donor atoms is possible at unoxidized
dangling-bond sites ~electrically ative defects! and at unoxidized, fourfold-coordinated Si atoms in defects at the interface ~electrically inactive defects! such as unoxidized step
ledges, and silicon bridges attached directly to the substrate.
In the case of trapping at electrically active defects, the energy gain is high but the process is efficient only for very low
dopant concentrations. In the case of trapping at electrically
inactive defects, the energy gain is lower but the process is
efficient also at high dopant concentrations. The latter
mechanism relies on migration and recombination of Si dan-
gling bonds and on reoxidation of the resulting silicon
bridges. Therefore, we expect that it can be largely suppressed by any treatment that significantly reduces mobility
of Si dangling bonds, and by reduction of oxygen content in
the annealing ambient. We found that mobility of dangling
bonds is associated with low energy of local deformations of
SiO 2 network, caused by the presence of Si-O-Si ‘‘boomerangs’’ that can easily rotate and change their internal angles.
The conclusion from this observation is that the mobility
should be diminished, for example, by nitridation of the interface layer, because in this case numerous flexible OSi2
‘‘boomerangs’’ are substituted by rigid NSi3 ‘‘anchors.’’52
At very high dopant concentrations, dopant pairing
mechanisms dominate. They allow the interface to be covered with up to a monolayer of immobilized and deactivated
donors. This pairing occurs under the interface and is not
associated with any seed defects. It can be realized either
through local reorganization of atoms ~either a bond breaking
in a nearest-neighbor pair of substitutional donors followed
by an off-center displacement of one of the donor atoms, or
a rebonding similar to that found in $113%-planar defects fol-
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