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1976, American Heart Journal
6 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
The management of hypertension through pharmacological means is crucial, as asymptomatic hypertension correlates with increased cardiovascular risk. Current antihypertensive treatments, including diuretics, offer varying degrees of effectiveness, often necessitating patient-specific therapy due to differing underlying physiological causes of elevated blood pressure. Although improvements in drug therapy are on the horizon, challenges such as side effects, multiple dosing regimens, and the need for patient compliance remain significant obstacles in achieving optimal blood pressure control.
Hypertension is one of the most prevalent vascular diseases in the general population and is a major contributor to cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. Recent clinical trials have confirmed the benefits of treatment of hypertension to prevent stroke, congestive heart failure, and left ventricular hypertrophy. Despite the availability of many newer agent, blood pressure continues to be inadequately controlled in the majority of the hypertensive patients. There is still a lot of controversy in some of the issues in the management of hypertension. The present article summarizes some of the recent studies and published guidelines in the management of hypertension and provides some insight to these questions. Although the answers to some of these questions are still unclear, ongoing large scale studies should soon provide additional answers to these questions.
Medical Journal of Australia, 1975
Experience in a hypertension clinic attended by 591 patients over a 13-year period has shown marked changes in the pattern of use of hypotensive agents. Thiazides have been used throughout the period in almost all cases. Methyldopa was used for most patients for almost a decade. Since 1967 there has been a steady increase In the use of beta adrenergic blocking agents, and these are now used for over 60% of patients attending the clinic. Combination beta adrenergic blocking agents with peripheral vasilodators such as hydraHazlne and prazosln have provided a very effective means of controlling the blood pressure in moderate and severe hypertension. Prazosin, a new peripheral vasodilator, has been used in the treatment of 295 patients. In most cases It has been used In combination with a thiazide diuretic and beta adrenergic blocking agent. Open studies have demonstrated that this Is an effective hypotensive agent. Side effects are few and are counteracted by combination with a beta adrenergic blocking agent. Prazosin and hydrallazine are being compared in dcuble-bllnd studies. ALTHOUGH there are conflicting views about the levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure at which treatment should commence, rio-one would doubt that severe hypertension should be treated. In defining "severe" hypertension, it is important to realize that, whereas blood pressure measurements which are obtained in the conventional fashion are the most convenient and most widely applied criteria of severity, they are not necessarily the best. The level of the blood pressure is certainly not the only factor which determines progressive vascular disease and organ damage even in malignant hypertenston." In this era of therapeutic enthusiasm and widespread
Hypertension, 1981
The proper management of mild and moderate hypertension remains a matter of considerable professional disagreement. Major clinical and population research has largely been designed to define a level of blood pressure (BP) at which treatment should be initiated. This paper reviews studies of the natural history of hypertension and the findings of intervention trials to determine whether the BP level alone is adequate to identify, diagnose, and predict the future course of hypertensive patients. Observational data suggest that patients defined by mild elevation of BP are a heterogeneous group who do not share a common prognosis. Moreover, intervention trials reveal that not all those at risk of cardiovascular disease will benefit from hypotensive therapy. Thus, BP level alone defines neither the group at risk nor those likely to benefit from BP reduction. It is therefore concluded that the management of each patient with hypertension should be determined on the basis of available clinical, biochemical, and behavioral as well as epidemiological data.
High blood pressure (BP) along with smoking habit and lipid disorders are the most important and modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. However, the prevalence of high BP has grown progressively over time with a progressive increase not only in the absolute number of patients but in the proportion of those showing BP values out of control. The increasing world-wide prevalence of hypertension and the related increase in burden of the disease due to diagnosis, treatment and management of the complications mandates both Health Authorities and research institutions to find out new strategies to improve the BP control. So, one of the main questions is which are the possible perspectives for the future of high BP management, and in particular how can we face the problem of hypertension in the near future? Four main points will be shortly discussed: the genetic contribution to hypertension development and control, the availability of effective preventive strategies, the improvement of disease management, and the role of extensive control of concomitant risk factors. It is relatively easy to suppose that the integration of the best available knowledge with the more recent diagnostic and therapeutic achievements will improve the management of hypertension through a more effective detection of subjects at risk who will undergo an earlier diagnosis leading to a more tailored, tolerated and effective treatment of the hypertensive disease. This means that the future direction of the hypertension management is the simpler: the patient instead of the disease.
Drugs, 2003
Epidemiological studies have shown that both vascular events, especially among elderly patients systolic and diastolic blood pressure values are di-with isolated systolic hypertension [8,9] or systo-diasrectly and linearly related to the risk of cardio-tolic hypertension. [10] (although in reference 9 and vascular events, and that this relationship is still 10 randomisation was performed according to an detectable for blood pressure values within the nor-alternative scheme). Moreover, a recent overview of mal range. Although blood pressure values are placebo-controlled trials with calcium channel antstrong determinants of the risk of cardiovascular agonists has concluded that, although there is no events, the presence of end-organ damage as well as clear evidence of reductions in coronary artery disthe association with other cardiovascular risk factors ease or heart failure, the estimates of treatment further increases the risk of cardiovascular effects do not exclude the existence of a beneficial events. Therefore, when planning treatment for effect on these major cardiac outcomes and largely patients with hypertension, current guidelines em-preclude the occurrence of adverse effects (includphasise the relevance of risk stratification, based on ing cancer or uncontrolled bleeding). [6,11] However, blood pressure values, the presence of end-organ it is still controversial whether different treatment damage or other cardiovascular risk factors. regimens based on different drug classes can offer additional advantages, beyond a similar degree of Controlled clinical trials have shown the benefit blood pressure control, in the prevention of cardioof blood pressure reduction, which is detectable in vascular morbidity and mortality. young, middle aged and elderly patients, both male and female, with severe, moderate and mild hyper-
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2015
Objective: to analyze pharmacotherapy treatment with hypertensive group. Method: study of action research, carried out from March 2012 to November 2013 in a Family Health Center in Sobral-CE, with a group of hypertensive patients. For data collection, an interview, the Moriski-Green test and educational activities, and the data analyzed by thematic categorization were conducted. The research project was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research, CAAE 11156213.6.0000.5053. Results: the results show that hypertensive patients have low degree of adherence to medication treatment, and the forgetfulness and carelessness of the time are the main factors associated with inadequate adherence to medicine therapy. Conclusion: the results showed the need to develop health promotion actions for hypertensive become aware of the importance of properly adhere to treatment regimens. Descriptors: Hypertension; Pharmacotherapy; Health Promotion; Patient Cooperation. RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a adesão ao tratamento farmacoterápico mediante ação com grupo de hipertensos. Método: estudo de pesquisa-ação, desenvolvido no período de março de 2012 a novembro de 2013 em um Centro de Saúde da Família de Sobral-CE, com um grupo de hipertensos. Para coleta de dados, foi realizada entrevista, o teste de Moriski-Green e de ações educativas, sendo os dados analisados por de categorização temática. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, CAAE nº 11156213.6.0000.5053. Resultados: os resultados demonstram que os hipertensos apresentam baixo grau de adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso, sendo o esquecimento e o descuido quanto ao horário os principais fatores associados a não adesão adequada ao tratamento medicamentoso. Conclusão: os resultados mostraram a necessidade de desenvolver ações de promoção em saúde para que os hipertensos se conscientizem da importância de aderir adequadamente aos regimes terapêuticos. Descritores: Hipertensão; Farmacoterapia; Promoção em Saúde; Cooperação do Paciente. RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la adhesión al tratamiento farmacológico mediante acción con grupo de hipertensos. Método: estudio de investigación-acción, desarrollado en el período de marzo de 2012 a noviembre de 2012 en un Centro de Salud de la Familia de Sobral-CE, con un grupo de hipertensos. Para recolección de datos, fue realizada entrevista, el test de Moriski-Green y de acciones educativas, siendo los datos analizados por de categorización temática. El proyecto de investigación fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación, CAAE nº 11156213.6.0000.5053. Resultados: los resultados demuestran que los hipertensos presentan bajo grado de adhesión al tratamiento medicamentoso, siendo el olvido y el descuido del horario son los principales factores asociados a no adhesión adecuada al tratamiento medicamentoso. Conclusión: los resultados mostraron la necesidad de desarrollar acciones de promoción en salud para que los hipertensos tomen conciencia de la importancia de adherir adecuadamente a los regímenes terapéuticos. Descriptores: Hipertensión; Fármaco-terapia; Promoción en Salud; Cooperación del Paciente.
European Cardiology Review, 2009
On the basis of current evidence provided by various studies, the most recent international guidelines recommend reducing blood pressure levels to below 140/90mmHg for all hypertensive patients over 18 years of age, including the elderly, when this is clinically tolerated, as a necessary measure to reduce the global cardiovascular risk, which is the fundamental objective of treatment. For high-risk hypertensives, such as patients with diabetes, patients with silent target organ damage or established clinical cardiovascular disease, levels below 130/80mmHg should be reached and maintained, with even lower levels for patients with established renal disease and proteinuria within the nephrotic range. Blood pressure control in high-risk patients should be achieved as rapidly as possible using initial strategies that include combinations of antihypertensive drugs, and also the best drugs and drug combinations with proven capacity to regress silent organ damage and to interrupt the progre...
This seminar report comprises of the introduction to hypertension, the history of hypertension, prognosis and the aims and objective in chapter one, chapter two is on the literature review which entails the causes of hypertension, the sign and symptoms and the hypertension diagnosis, and chapter three entails the treatment or management of hypertension and the prevention of hypertension and chapter four covers the conclusion and recommendation.
British Medical Bulletin, 2010
Introduction: Epidemiological studies have unequivocally shown that hypertension (HT)is a major cardiovascular (CV) risk factor and that a direct linear relationship exists between the severity of the blood pressure (BP) elevation and the occurrence of CV events. Areas of agreement and controversy: The beneficial effects of the BP-lowering interventions have been recognized since a number of years. These include not only the reduction in CV morbidity and mortality but also the regression (or the delay of progression) of HT-related end-organ damage, such as left ventricular hypertrophy, vascular remodelling, endothelial dysfunction and renal damage. Along with these well-established features, antihypertensive drug treatment still faces a number of unmet goals and unanswered questions, such as the target BP values to achieve in high-risk patients, the threshold of treatment in low-risk patients as well as the choice of the therapeutic approach more likely to offer greater CV protection. Conclusion: Despite unmet goals, antihypertensive treatment has provided throughout the years successful results. Future efforts will be need to achieve a better BP control in the population and thus to obtain a greater CV protection.
// Поволжская археология. 2024, № 2 (48). с. 26-42., 2024
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