ISSN Version Online: 2308-0531
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum. January 2020;20(1):138-143.
Faculty of Human Medicine URP
DOI 10.25176/RFMH.v20i1.2555
Alonso Soto1,2, a,b, Aleksandar Cvetkovic-Vega1,a
Case-control studies are analytical observational epidemiological studies generally devoted to evaluate
factors associated with infrequent diseases. Its hierarchy within the pyramid of evidence lies in an
intermediate place between cross sectional and cohort studies. The measure of association used for these
studies is the Odds Ratio. Some variants of this design, such as incident and nested case studies and nested
case-control studies (within a cohort) can reduce the risk of selection bias. The basic concepts related to
this type of studies are reviewed.
Key words: Cases-Control; Epidemiology; Causality; Observational study. (source: MeSH NLM)
Los estudios de casos y controles son estudios epidemiológicos observacionales analíticos utilizados
generalmente para evaluar factores asociados a condiciones de presentación infrecuente. Su jerarquía
dentro de la pirámide de evidencia se ubica en un lugar intermedio, generalmente con un nivel de
evidencia considerado mayor que los estudios transversales analíticos y menor que los estudios de
cohorte. La medida de asociación utilizada para estos estudios es el Odds Ratio (o razón de momios).
Algunas variantes de este diseño como los estudios de casos y controles incidentes y los anidados (dentro
de una cohorte) permiten disminuir el riesgo de sesgo de selección. Se revisan los conceptos básicos
relacionados a este tipo de estudios.
Palabras clave: Casos y Control; Epidemiología; Causalidad; Estudio observacional. (fuente: DeCS BIREME)
Case-Control studies are epidemiological studies
of an observational type, due to the fact that an
intervention is not performed but the occurrence
of events is “observed”, and they are analytical since
they allow to formulate a hypothesis in relation to
evaluating the association between two or more
variables, also having a contrasting group which is
called “Control”(1-3) in this case.
Its hierarchy in the pyramid of evidence is located
in an intermediate place, generally with a level of
evidence considered higher than cross-sectional
studies and lower than cohort studies. They are useful
for assessing the relationship between possible
exposures and effects, starting from the presence of
an event of interest and retrospectively evaluating
the temporality of the association with one or more
Case-control studies assume the presence of an
event (EFFECT, also called outcome) identifying
people or patients with the presence of this event
and comparing them with a group of similar
characteristics, but without the presence of it. People
with the event of interest are called CASES, while
those chosen to serve as comparators are called
CONTROLS. It is important to highlight 2 aspects in
the controls since it is their proper selection is a key
aspect to this design: the controls must start from
the same population that gave origin to the cases,
and they must also be similar to these, except for the
1 Research Institute in Biomedical Sciences, INICIB, Ricardo Palma University. Lima, Peru.
Department of Medicine National Hospital Hipólito Unanue. Lima, Peru.
Internist. PhD in Health Sciences.
Cite as: Soto A; Cvetkovic-Vega A. Case-control studies. Rev. Fac. Med. Hum. January 2020; 20(1):138-143. DOI 10.25176/RFMH.v20i1.2555
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Pág. 138
Case-control studies
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum. 2020;20(1):138-143.
Once the cases and controls have been identified,
the presence of the EXPOSURE in each of the groups
should be evaluated. In other words, temporality is
retrospectively identified in the presence or absence
of exposure. Temporality is a very important point
to be able to differentiate between the 3 designs of
observational analytical studies. In cohort studies,
exposure to the effect is discontinued, and in crosssectional studies these are measured in parallel; in
case-control studies, the effect towards exposure is the
start (Figure 1).
Cases and
Figure 1. Direction of temporality in association in case-control, cross-sectional and cohort studies.
Odds is a reason between two mutually exclusive
events. This English word does not have a specific
Spanish translation, but historically it comes from
gambling, where the reason is to win or lose. In
scientific research, this is a reason between the
occurrence or not of an event. For example, if we
have 100 people and 20 of them die and the other
80 survive, the Odds of dying will be 20 to 80, or
20/80=0.25. This Odds of dying is equivalent to a
probability of dying of (20/20+80) = 0.2. Odds is then
an estimator that correlates with the probability of an
event. In particular it has near-probability figures when
Odds (and probabilities) are low, and for the purposes
of evaluating the association between two variables
we can compare exposure Odds between people with
and without the disease. This reason of Odds is called
Odds Ratio or Ratio of momios and is the measure of
association of the design of case-control type(1,4,5). This
is shown graphically in Figure 2.
A=Number of Cases with exposition
B= Number of Controls with exposition
C= Number of Cases without exposition
D= Number of Controls without exposition
A/C=Odds of Exposition in Cases
B/D=Odds of Exposition in Controls
Odds Ratio =
Odds of exposition in cases
Odds of exposition in controls
Figure 2. Odds ratio of exposure in cases and
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Soto A et al
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum. 2020;20(1):138-143.
Based on the data in Figure 2 we can present the Odds
Ratio as:
The statistical formula for nonpaired Case-Control type
studies is as follows(4,7):
Odds Ratio=Exposure Odds in Cases/Exposure Odds in
Odds Ratio= A/C
Rearranging that Ratio:
Odds Ratio= A*D
This equivalence is called the "cross product".
(p1.q 1 + p2.q2).(Za + Zß)2
nc =
(p1 - p2)2
Figure 3. Statistical formula for calculating sample
size in unmatched case-control designs.
The general interpretation of an Odds ratio is as follows:
OR=1 Equal exposure odds in cases and controls: No
OR<1 factor associated with lower event Odds
(protective factor).
nc= Number of cases and number of controls without
p1= Expected factor ratio in cases
q1= 1-p1
OR>1 factor associated with higher event Odds (risk
p2= Expected factor ratio in controls
However, it should be remembered that not only the
numerical value of the submitted Odds Ratio should
be evaluated. It is important to assess that reason in
the context of its confidence interval and the statistical
significance given by the value of p.
Note that if there is an unequal relationship between
cases and controls, if the reason for controls/cases is
different from 1, an adjustment should be made to the
result of nc:
q2= 1-p2
na =
Statistical efficiency
Statistical efficiency can be increased by the number of
controls. However, it should be considered that beyond
4 controls for case, the increase in statistical efficiency is
low and it is not recommended to exceed this number.
Calculation of sample size
We know that in order for a sample to be representative
of the population, and in that sense allow inferences
to be made towards it, it must have both an adequate
sample size calculation and a random sampling. In this
section for academic purposes, we present the formula
for calculating sample size in this design when cases
and controls are not paired. At present, statistical
programs such as STATAR and platforms such as
OpenEpiR allow researchers to save time in developing
step by step mathematical calculations, by entering
the data required by the software(6). However, this
should in no way be done in isolation or detached from
the theoretical knowledge of design and its statistical
Pág. 140
+ c)
Figure 4. Adjustment equation for control/case
reasons other than 1
na= Number of controls adjusted
nc= Number of controls without adjustment
c= ratio of dividing controls between cases
Choice of the Cases:
Prevalent cases: These are the cases existing at the time
of the study. Example: patients who have had heart
attacks in a hospital at a given time.
Incident cases: a prospective follow-up is carried out
to identify the occurrence of cases. Example: follow-up
of patients admitted with chest pain and prospective
identification of patients with infarction.
Case-control studies
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum. 2020;20(1):138-143.
Prevalent cases show an increased risk of bias,
particularly if staying or not hospitalized depends on
factors associated with exposure of interest. Lowerrisk cases may be discharged early, while more serious
cases may die and not be evaluated.
Choice of the Controls
The choice of controls is possibly the most relevant
methodological aspect in case and control studies.
As mentioned above, we return to the importance of
the control group coming from the same population
and being similar to the CASO group with the sole
exception of exposure. The improper choice of the
control group is one of the main sources of systematic
errors in this type of design.
Hospital vs Community Controls
In many studies the cases are patients who are
hospitalized for some specific clinical condition, and
the controls should be people who, if they had fallen
ill, would be included as cases. In this sense, it is
controversial in many cases to use hospital controls
since they can start from populations that are not
necessarily similar to those from which the cases come.
For example, in a Tuberculosis Referral Center that
receives population from many of the regions at the
national level, we could not use as controls on patients
from Medical Services, in which case the scope of the
Service may be much more local. This often leads to
the use of community controls that differ only from the
cases in the presence of the effect or event of interest.
One way to reduce the risk of bias in the choice of
hospital controls is to use the concept of incident cases.
Paired vs Non-paired Controls
One of the ways to make cases and controls as
homogeneous as possible is to pair them according
to certain characteristics. Matching will be more
effective if the variable(s) are related to the result
of interest. For example, in a study on the effect of
comorbidity on mortality in patients with pneumonia,
cases of pneumonia may be associated with controls
of the same age. Since age is an important predictor of
mortality in pneumonia, its effect is removed from the
association and the differences may be more plausibly
due to the studied factor.
However, there are some disadvantages of pairing.
In terms of feasibility, it can be more laborious and
sometimes logistically impossible to make the pairing
more important the more demanding the same. On
the other hand, the variables used to match the cases
and controls cannot be further analyzed as possible
predictors or covariates in the adjusted models.
Nested Case and Control Studies (in a cohort)
These studies are useful when working with infrequent
events and in which the determination of exposure or
effect involves high costs, so that only a limited number
of participants can be studied. In this particular case
and control design, nested within a cohort (usually
several hundred or thousands of patients), those
patients who develop the event and are compared
with controls are selected (usually randomly selected
among those participants who do not develop the
event of interest).
The Case and Control studies, being observational
studies, have an appreciable probability of presenting
confusion, i.e., distortion of a relationship between
exposure and effect due to a third variable (confusing
variable) associated with both exposure and effect). An
important aspect of the analysis of case and control
studies involves adjusting the Odds Ratio to the
presence of potential confusors. This is usually done
using a binary multiple logistic regression analysis(8).
If the findings of the crude and adjusted analysis are
consistent, this gives greater reliability to the results
obtained. Table 1 presents the comparison of crude OR
(analysis without adjustment) and adjusted OR. The left
column shows the analysis of variable 3 (dependent) for
variables 1 and variables 2 separately. In the column on
the right, we can see the analysis of variable 3 against
variable 1 adjusted by variable 2 (taking into account
that the effect of variable 2 may influence both variable
1 and variable 3). In this case it can be observed that
the adjusted analysis decreases the magnitude of the
association, judging by the decrease in the value of
the OR. It should be noted that the different regression
techniques depend to a large extent on the number
of observations and variables included. It is also
appropriate to assess the suitability of the models by
means of tests such as Hosmer and Lemeshow(8).
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Table 1. Comparison of the crude and adjusted Odd Ratios
Variable 3 (Dependent)
Crude OR
IC (95%)
Adjusted OR
IC (95%)
Variable 1
Variable 2
Variable 3 (Dependent)
All designs have limitations that lead to advantages
and disadvantages. There is no perfect design and the
researcher should keep that in mind when choosing
the best design to answer his research question. It is
considered a good practice in research to indicate the
methodological limitations of the design, so that other
researchers know about them when trying to replicate
the study.
Case studies and controls are generally relatively
simple and inexpensive studies. Their execution
is relatively rapid. Case studies and controls allow
the evaluation of multiple exposures and the most
appropriate scenario is that of infrequent conditions
(effects) or with prolonged latency periods.
The main disadvantage of the case study and controls
is the selection bias(1). Another common bias is
memory bias(1) that usually occurs when controls are
more likely to remember possible exposure.
On the other hand, an important limitation of case
studies and controls is that it does not allow the
estimation of prevalence, since the proportion of
people with and without the event is fixed, being
determined by the investigator in the calculation
of the sample size when entering the ratio between
exposed and not exposed(1). Another important
limitation is that it is not a useful study for infrequent
exposures. Finally, the measure of association used in
these studies is inappropriate for the case of frequent
diseases, as it tends to overestimate the magnitude
of the effect of the association compared to the
relative risk(9). Figure 5 shows that the OR always has
a more extreme value than the relative risk, being the
difference more evident as the values move further
away from the unit.
Odds Ratio
Figure 5. Comparison of Relative Risks and Odds Ratio.
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Relative Risk
Case-control studies
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum. 2020;20(1):138-143.
Case-control studies are relatively easy and quick
studies in their implementation. They are a relatively
simple approach, although especially subject to bias
(particularly selection and memory), being particularly
useful in the study of infrequent conditions.
The figure shows the overall process in the development
Selection of Cases
Definition of incident of
prevalent cases
Selection of Controls
Number of controls for
of a case study and controls including the salient
aspects in the case selection, control selection, data
analysis and interpretation of results. Although this
type of studies has been classically linked to a high risk
of bias, the use of incident controls and nested models
in a cohort offer a significant reduction in the risk of
bias and thus a higher level of evidence.
Data analysis
Odds Ratio as an
association measure
Multiple logistic regression
for adjustment for possible
Cases and related controls
require special statistical
Results Interpretation
Random error vs confusion
vs bias
Selection, measurement,
memory bias
Reverse Causality
Figure 6. Sequence of the process of preparation of a study with case-control design
Authorship Contributions: The authors participated
in the genesis of the idea, project design, data collection
and interpretation, analysis of results, preparation of
the manuscript.
Financing: Self-financed.
Interest conflict: The authors declare no conflict of
Received: November 15, 2019
Approved: December 26, 2019
Correspondence: Alonso Soto
Address: Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas. Universidad
Ricardo Palma. Av Benavides 5440.Santiago de Surco. Lima, Perú
Telephone: (01) 7080000
[email protected]
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