International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
A Novel Embedded Based Power Management
Utsava Khare1, Megha Gupta2
M. Tech Scholar, RIT, Ujjain
Assistant Professor, ECE Department, RIT, Indore
Abstract: Power management is the key factor in distribution automation system. We propose a novel embedded system that captures
the load power requirement and then send it to a console master computer where software designed in matlab handles the load
requirement according to user defined constraints.
Keywords: Embedded system, distribution automation , graphical user interface , current sensor
1. Introduction
An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated
function within a larger mechanical or electrical system,
often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded
as part of a complete device often including hardware and
mechanical parts. Embedded systems control many devices
in common use today [1].
Examples of properties typical of embedded computers
when compared with general-purpose ones are low power
consumption, small size, rugged operating ranges, and low
per-unit cost. This comes at the price of limited processing
resources, which make them significantly more difficult to
program and to interface with. However, by building
intelligence mechanisms on the top of the hardware, taking
advantage of possible existing sensors and the existence of a
network of embedded units, one can both optimally manage
available resources at the unit and network levels as well as
provide augmented functionalities, well beyond those
available [4]. For example, intelligent techniques can be
designed to manage power consumption of embedded
systems [5].
Modern embedded systems are often based on
microcontrollers (i.e. CPUs with integrated memory or
peripheral interfaces) but ordinary microprocessors (using
external chips for memory and peripheral interface circuits)
are also still common, especially in more complex systems.
In either case, the processor(s) used may be types ranging
from general purpose to those specialised in certain class of
computations, or even custom designed for the application at
hand. A common standard class of dedicated processors is
the digital signal processor (DSP)[19].
Since the embedded system is dedicated to specific tasks,
design engineers can optimize it to reduce the size and cost
of the product and increase the reliability and performance.
Some embedded systems are mass-produced, benefiting
fromeconomies of scale.
Power management for computer systems has traditionally
focused on regulating the power consumption in static
modes such as sleep and suspend. These are de-activating
states, often requiring a user action to re-activate the system.
Paper ID: NOV152356
There are usually significant latencies and overheads for
entering and exiting these states, and in desktop and server
systems a firmware layer typically supports these modes
Dynamic power management refers to power management
schemes implemented while programs are running [1].
Many architectures provide the equivalent of a halt
instruction that reduces CPU power during idle periods. The
operating system and device drivers may also manage power
of peripheral devices, for example spinning down disks
periods of inactivity. Highly integrated processors with onboard peripherals often include software-controlled clock
management capabilities to reduce power consumed by
inactive peripherals and peripheral controllers. The memory
subsystem also provides a profitable area for dynamic power
management, either through the memory controller
implementation or through software-based schemes[15].
Recent advances in processor design techniques have led to
the development of systems that support very dynamic
power management strategies based on dynamic voltage and
frequency scaling. Since CPU power consumption typically
decreases with the cube of voltage while frequencies scale
linearly with voltage, significant opportunities exist for
tuning the power-performance tradeoff to the needs of the
application. Processors such as the Transmit Crusoe, Intel
Strong and Scale processors, and the recently announced
IBM PowerP 405LP allow dynamic voltage and frequency
scaling of the processor core in support of these ynamic
power management strategies. Aside from the Transmit
system, all of the processors named above are highly
integrated system-on-a-chip (SOC) rocessors designed for
embedded applications. The applications of these processors
typically do not include a traditional BIOS, therefore control
of the dynamic power state of the system must be
implemented in the operating system[12].
The need to save power and distribution automation
Distribution automation spans a broad field of applications
from product automation to distribution plants. For all these
applications, there are numerous challenges to be faced like
reduced time-to-market, reduced costs, increased variability
Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
and expectations concerning higher quality. Domain
engineering has been developed for software and offers a
good approach for meeting these requirements, since it is
based on reusability. Unfortunately, the adoption of this
approach to distribution automation systems is not possible
without major changes. Distribution automation possesses
distinguishing characteristics, which require deeper research
and new methodologies, in order to enable a systematic
reuse. A new approach, based on the domain engineering
approach applied for software, is being currently developed.
The new approach considers the characteristics of
distribution automation by taking not only software into
account, but also hardware and the knowledge necessary to
develop new distribution automation systems.
In the field of distribution automation, the requirements are
very tight and security is prime concern. In addition to
tightly constrained performance and security, the overall
cost for automation must not interfere with the very basic
business objective i.e. profit. With the improvement in
science, several novel methods [1] are developing in the
sector of automation. Some highly popular of them are LAN
(Local Area Networking) [2], PLC [3] (Power line
communication), ZigBee[4][5] , CAN (Control Area
Network) etc
Electrical energy demand is ever increasing. Electric power
is normally generated at 11-25kV in a power station. To
transmit over long distances, it is then stepped-up to 400kV,
220kV or 132kV as necessary. Power is carried through a
transmission network of high voltage lines. Usually, these
lines run into hundreds of kilometers and deliver the power
into a common power pool called the grid. The grid is
connected to load centers (cities) through a sub-transmission
network of normally 33kV (or sometimes 66kV) lines.
These lines terminate into a 33kV (or 66kV) substation,
where the voltage is stepped-down to 11kV for power
distribution to load points through a distribution network of
lines at 11kV and lower. Today over 21% of the total
electrical energy generated in India is lost in transmission
and distribution. The electrical power deficit in the country
is currently about 18%. Clearly, reduction in distribution
losses can reduce this deficit significantly. It is possible to
bring down the distribution losses to a 6-8 % level in India
with the help of newer technological options in the electrical
power distribution sector which will enable better
monitoring and control. The power network, which
generally concerns the common man, is the distribution
network of 11kV lines or feeders downstream of the 33kV
substation. Each 11kV feeder which emanates from the
33kV substation branches further into several subsidiary
11kV feeders to carry power close to the load points
(localities, industrial areas, villages, etc.,). At these load
points, a transformer further reduces the voltage from 11kV
to 415V to provide the last-mile connection through 415V
feeders (also called as Low Tension (LT) feeders) to
individual customers, either at 240V (as single-phase
supply) or at 415V (as three-phase supply). A feeder could
be either an overhead line or an underground cable. In urban
areas, owing to the density of customers, the length of an
11kV feeder is generally up to 3 km. On the other hand, in
rural areas, the feeder length is much larger (up to 20 km). A
415V feeder should normally be restricted to about 0.5-1.0
Paper ID: NOV152356
km. unduly long feeder‟s lead to low voltage at the
consumer end.
Figure 1: Typical Power Transmission and Distribution
Scenario with DA components
2. Traditional Approach to Distribution
Automation and Power Management
Distribution automation is normally deployed in distribution
with the purpose of enhancing safety, comfort,
communication and power saving with less human
interaction. It usually consists of sensors and actuators.
Sensor is used to collect data from the physical environment
while actuators are meant to make decisions based on the
information gathered by the sensors [3]. A network is also
required for the purpose of establishing communication
between sensors and actuators [4]. As the technologies
become advances, the current automation system has been
developed to be more flexible and adaptable to the changing
scenario [5].
From the rapid advancement in technology, various type of
information can be shared easily, efficiently, and effectively
through networking. There are many communication
networks such as local area network (LAN), power line
communication, ZigBee and so on are suitable to be
implemented as the smart home network. LAN generally
provides high-bandwidth communication over inexpensive
transmission media such as twisted pair, coaxial cable and
fiber optic. However, a set of software protocols which is
necessary to be implemented in the host computers to enable
the LAN to transmit and receive the control data from one
host or device to another via the transmission mediums of
the network. The software protocols are the integral part
which functions at various levels, starts from low level
packet transport protocols to high-level application protocols
Traditionally, power lines are only intended for conveying
electrical power to devices and not designed for delivering
high-frequency signals. Although the advancement of signal
modulation and error control coding techniques have made
power line communication (PLC) become possible [7], it is
not suitable for signal transmission due to noise and
interference in the power line channel. Consequently, power
Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
line signal transmission will encounter variety of
characteristic impedances. ZigBee is the first industrial
standard using wireless personal area network (WPAN)
technology that provides short range, low power and low
data rate communication, and also supports mesh
networking and multihopping. However, ZigBee networks
are primarily intended for low duty-cycle sensors especially
for those active for less than 1% of the time [8], [9].
3. Circuit Diagram
Figure 3: Functional block diagram of WCS2202
Figure 2: Circuit diagram of the overall system
The heart of the circuit is ATMEGA 328 microcontroller
system . It gets the data from the current sensor and then
sends the data to the matlab environment where the data is
processed and then matlab after processing the data sends
the signal to the microcontroller which then takes
appropriate actions.
Figure 4: Matlab based graphical user interface
The figure above shows the matlab based graphical user
interface in which there are controls which enables the user
to set a limiting point for current sensors and then after
starting the communication the microcontroller takes action
accordingly . Also the system continuously logs the data
from the sensor and the graph could be printed at any time .
The sample graph for a particular instance is as shown
4. Current Sensor
The Winson WCS2202 provides economical and precise
solution for both DC and AC current sensing in industrial,
commercial and communications systems. The unique
package allows for easy implementation by the customer.
Typical applications include motor control, load detection
and management, over-current fault detection and any
intelligent power management system etc… The WCS2202
consists of a precise, low-temperature drift linear hall sensor
IC with temperature compensation and AC to DC rectifier
circuit and a current path with 8.3 mΩ typical internal
conductor resistance. This extremely low resistance can
effectively reduce power loss, operating temperature and
increase the reliability greatly. Applied current flowing
through this conduction path generates a magnetic field
which is sensed by the integrated Hall IC and converted into
a proportional rectified DC voltage. The terminals of the
conductive path are electrically 1,000V isolated from the
sensor leads. This allow the WCS2202 current sensor to be
used in applications requiring electrical isolation without the
use of opto-isolators or other costly isolation techniques and
make system more competitive in cost.
Figure 5: Values for current sensor 1
5. Conclusion
In this project the primary purpose was to develop a system
working on matlab and embedded system which would
control various physical nodes in the form of sensors and
feedback mechanism. Based on the simulation results, the
proposed system has the capability of controlling physical
nodes in any scenario and have wide practical usages.
Several benefits of the project that had made the work useful
for modern industry are GUI,ease of operation, graphical
results and low cost.Moreover embedded system itself
provides high electrical immunity to the signals as compared
to traditional electronic systems. This perfected system
Paper ID: NOV152356
Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
enables the user to control a plethora of physical nodes by a
click of a button.
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