Neural Plasticity
Volume 2017, Article ID 4526417, 11 pages
Research Article
Brain-Specific SNAP-25 Deletion Leads to Elevated Extracellular
Glutamate Level and Schizophrenia-Like Behavior in Mice
Hua Yang,1 Mengjie Zhang,1 Jiahao Shi,1 Yunhe Zhou,1 Zhipeng Wan,1 Yicheng Wang,2
Yinghan Wan,2 Jun Li,2 Zhugang Wang,2 and Jian Fei1,2
School of Life Science and Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Model Organisms (SRCMO/SMOC), Shanghai 201203, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Jian Fei;
[email protected]
Received 29 June 2017; Revised 31 August 2017; Accepted 15 October 2017; Published 28 November 2017
Academic Editor: Depei Li
Copyright © 2017 Hua Yang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Several studies have associated reduced expression of synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) with schizophrenia,
yet little is known about its role in the illness. In this paper, a forebrain glutamatergic neuron-specific SNAP-25 knockout
mouse model was constructed and studied to explore the possible pathogenetic role of SNAP-25 in schizophrenia. We showed
that SNAP-25 conditional knockout (cKO) mice exhibited typical schizophrenia-like phenotype. A significantly elevated
extracellular glutamate level was detected in the cerebral cortex of the mouse model. Compared with Ctrls, SNAP-25 was
dramatically reduced by about 60% both in cytoplasm and in membrane fractions of cerebral cortex of cKOs, while the other
two core members of SNARE complex: Syntaxin-1 (increased ~80%) and Vamp2 (increased ~96%) were significantly increased
in cell membrane part. Riluzole, a glutamate release inhibitor, significantly attenuated the locomotor hyperactivity deficits in
cKO mice. Our findings provide in vivo functional evidence showing a critical role of SNAP-25 dysfunction on synaptic
transmission, which contributes to the developmental of schizophrenia. It is suggested that a SNAP-25 cKO mouse, a valuable
model for schizophrenia, could address questions regarding presynaptic alterations that contribute to the etiopathophysiology of
SZ and help to consummate the pre- and postsynaptic glutamatergic pathogenesis of the illness.
1. Introduction
Schizophrenia (SZ), a complicated psychiatric disorder,
affects almost 1 percent of the general population in the
world [1, 2]. While the etiology and pathophysiology of SZ
remain elusive, genetic risk factors are recognized as an
important contributing factor to the pathogenesis of this
neuropsychiatric disorder [3]. It has been documented that
the synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25)
is a candidate risk gene for SZ, as supported by the following
lines of evidence: (1) Genetic association and linkage studies
have revealed that chromosome region 20p12.2 which
SNAP-25 locates in has significant linkage with SZ [4, 5].
(2) Large-scale genome-associated case-control studies have
revealed that several single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs) of SNAP-25 are significantly associated with SZ [6].
(3) Various postmortem analyses have found that the
expression of SNAP-25 is reduced in prefrontal cortex
(PFC) and hippocampus in brain of patients with SZ [7–9].
However, how the reduction of SNAP-25 level is involved
in the pathological phenotype remains unknown.
In the brain, SNAP-25 proteins are abundantly expressed
in glutamatergic terminals, while relatively lower amounts of
the protein are detectable in GABAergic terminals [10]. The
primary role of SNAP-25 is a fundamental component of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein
receptor (SNARE). Together with cell membrane protein
syntaxin and vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP),
SNAP-25 mediates presynaptic vesicle docking and exocytosis [11]. In addition to regulation of synaptic transmission,
SNAP-25 is also believed to regulate intracellular calcium
dynamics through negative modulation of voltage-gated
calcium channels. It also plays a role in other neuronal processes, including spine morphogenesis, postsynaptic receptor
trafficking, and neuronal plasticity [12]. But the underlying
cellular mechanisms still need to be explored.
Over the past few decades, several mouse models have
been constructed to elucidate the physiological role of
SNAP-25 in vivo. Complete knockout of SNAP-25 in mice
leads to no evoked exocytosis and death of the animal at
birth. However, heterozygous mice are able to survive and
exhibit locomotor hyperactivity and learning deficiencies.
SNAP-25 knock-in mice, which have a single amino acid
substitution of Ala for Ser187, have been shown to display
epilepsy and anxiety-related behavior. The blind-drunk
(Bdr) mouse expresses a dominant point mutant SNAP-25b
protein, resulting in impaired sensorimotor gating and
ataxia, while SNAP-25b-deficient model has developmental
defects, seizures, and impaired synaptic plasticity. Conclusively, SNAP-25 mouse mutants occupied a series of
psychophenotypes. However, the results derived from different models were inconsistent or conflicting, and no
convincing evidence has supported an association between
SNAP-25 and SZ. Therefore, additional investigations are
necessary to demonstrate the possible role of SNAP-25
in SZ.
Taking into account that the cerebral cortex and hippocampus are the critical brain areas associated with SZ,
brain-specific SNAP-25 knockout mice are most suitable to
explore the relationship between SNAP-25 and SZ. Furthermore, SNAP-25 has been highly expressed both in neuron
and endocrine cells, so brain-targeted SNAP-25 modification
is capable of excluding interference signals from the
surrounding system. In this study, we designed a brainspecific SNAP-25 knockout mouse, through behavioral phenotyping, molecular detection, and drug treatment within
this model, to explore the possible pathogenetic role of
SNAP-25 in SZ.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Animals. Mice were maintained in a specific pathogenfree (SPF) facility under a 12 h light/dark cycles. All animal
protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal Care
and Use Committee at Shanghai Research Center for Model
Organisms (number 2015-0005). Mice were sacrificed with
carbon dioxide when experiments were completed.
2.2. Generation of SNAP-25 cKO Mice. Genomic DNA of
SCR012 ES cells isolated from 129S6/SvEv mouse strain
was utilized to amplify SNAP-25 homologous fragments.
The targeting strategy is flanking exon 4 of the mouse
SNAP-25 gene with two loxP cassettes. Chimera mice were
constructed by injecting recombination-positive ES cells into
blastocyst and backcrossed to C57BL/6J mice. SNAP-25L2/L2:
CaMKIIα-Cre+/wt mice were obtained by regular breeding
procedure between SNAP-25L2/L2 mice and CaMKIIα-Cre
strain (The Jackson Laboratory, stock number 005359) in
which Cre-recombinase is extensively expressed in forebrain
excitatory neurons by p20 [13, 14]. PCR genotyping was
performed with genomic DNA isolated from mouse tail
tissue. The primers used for genotyping were designed for
identifying loxP (forward: 5′-CACTGCAGAGATTGCA
Neural Plasticity
TATTGAAGG-3′), and Cre sequences (forward: 5′- AGCG
2.3. Western Blot Analysis. Cell cytosolic or membrane protein lysates of mouse brain tissues were prepared using
Mem-PER Plus Membrane Protein Extraction Kit (Thermo
Scientific, 89842). Then, the lysates were separated by SDS–
PAGE and probed with specific antibodies: SNAP-25
(Abcam, ab66066), SNAP-23 (Abcam, ab3340), syntaxin
(Santa Cruz, sc-12736), Vamp2 (Abcam, ab6276), Munc-18
(SYSY, 116002), Phospho-Synaptotagmin (R&D Systems,
PPS085), β-ACTIN (Abcam, ab6276), TUBULIN (Abcam,
ab15246), and Na/K ATPase (Millipore, 05-369). For quantification, the densitometry measurement of each band was
first normalized to that of β-ACTIN, TUBULIN, or Na/K
ATPase (used as loading control) and then averaged from
at least three independent samples.
2.4. Immunofluorescence Staining. Sagittal brain sections
(15 μm in thickness) were prepared from a fixed brain with
4% paraformaldehyde, and immunostaining was performed
as described [15]. Antibodies used for the immunostaining
were SNAP-25 (Abcam, ab66066) and VGLUT1 (SYSY,
135304). Fluorescence was analyzed on a Nikon A1R confocal microscope (Nikon Instruments, Shanghai, CN).
2.5. Behavioral Testing. Behavioral phenotyping was performed on age-paired adult male mice (8 to 12 weeks for both
cKO and Ctrl littermates). Prior to testing, mice were habituated to the testing room for 2 h.
2.5.1. Open-Field Test. The open field is a square arena
(40 × 42 × 30 cm). 8 cm width elongated area along the wall
is defined as the “peripheral zone,” approximately 66% of
the total area. We place the mouse in the center of the box
and enable it to move freely for 15 mins, and an infrared
tracking system (Kinder Scientific, Julian, USA) was borrowed to record the movement.
2.5.2. Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Response. The Acoustic Startle Reflex Starter Package and Startle Reflex 5 software
system (Med Associates Inc., St. Albans, VT) was used to
assess prepulse inhibition (PPI). The test began with placing
the mouse in the chamber’s cylinder to acclimate for 5 mins.
The remainder of the test consisted of two blocks of trials. A
65 dB background sound was presented throughout the session. The first block consisted of twenty trials of 20 ms and
105 dB sound served as startle stimuli and presented with
different intertrial intervals (10–30 s). The second block consisted of 50 trials, with five varying trial types: startle only, or
a 10 ms prepulse sound at 70, 75, 80, and 85 dB appeared
50 ms before the startle stimulus. The trial types were presented in random order with intertrial interval range from
10 to 30 s. Percent PPI of the startle response was calculated
as the following formula: [1 − (startle response to prepulse
+ startle/startle response to startle only)] × 100.
Neural Plasticity
2.5.3. Social Approach-Avoidance. The test was carried out as
previously described [16]. Approach-avoidance behaviors
toward an unfamiliar social partner were recorded by an
infrared tracking system. The arena was a plastic open field
(42 × 42 cm) containing an empty wire mesh cage
(10 × 8 cm) located at one side of the field. During the first
session (“no target”), the experimental mouse was introduced into the field and its trajectory was tracked for 5 mins.
During the second session (“target 1”), the conditions were
identical except that a social target animal (an unfamiliar
C57BL/6J male mouse) had been introduced into the cage,
and for the third session (“target 2”), the social target mouse
was an unfamiliar C57BL/6J female. The tracking data from
both the “no target” and “target” conditions were used to
determine the time spent by the experimental mouse in the
“interaction zone” (an 8 cm wide corridor surrounding the
cage) and in the “corners” of the open field opposite to the
location of the cage.
2.5.4. Hole-Board Test. The apparatus was a white wooden
board (25 × 25 cm) with 16 evenly spaced holes. The number
of head-dips was recorded by KS motor infrared monitor
system over a 30-minute period.
2.5.5. Nest Building Assay. The nest building test was performed as previously described [17]. Briefly, one square piece
of material made of cotton fibre (5 × 5 cm) was put in a cage
with an individual mouse. Pictures of the nests were taken
16 h later. The quality of the nest was assessed using the following score: 1, nest not noticeably touched; 2, nest partially
torn up; 3, mostly shredded but not identifiable nest site; 4, an
identifiable but flat nest; 5, a well-defined nest with walls.
2.5.6. Passive Avoidance Task. The apparatus employed in
the passive avoidance task is composed of compartment
shuttle chambers, one dark with shock generator and other
illuminated compartments. In acquisition trials (2 days),
the mouse was allowed to explore the apparatus freely for
5 mins. It would encounter an electric shock (0.5 mA, 2 s
duration) once it was inside of the dark chamber with
all four paws. On the third day of the trial, the mouse
was positioned in the illuminated compartment. Its latency
to enter the dark compartment (step-through latency) was
recorded automatically.
2.6. In Vivo Brain Microdialysis. In vivo brain microdialysis
was carried out to measure glutamate content in the extracellular fluid in the cerebral cortex as previously described [18].
After mice had been anesthetized with inhaled isofluorane
(3%), the cerebral cortex was surgically exposed and a
microdialysis probe (MAB6.14.2) was inserted into the following coordinates relative to the bregma in mm: −2 to the
anterior/posterior axis, ±2.0 to the lateral/medial axis, and
−2.5 to the dorsal/ventral axis. Microdialysis was performed
by perfusing of the probe with artificial cerebrospinal fluid
at a flow rate of 2 μL/min via a microinfusing pump. The total
volume of each dialysate sample (20 mins) was 40 μL.
Samples were stored at −80°C until use.
2.7. Preparation of Tissue Samples for HPLC. Cerebral cortex
and hippocampus tissues were isolated from the brains of
SNAP-25 cKO mice and their age- and sex-paired control
littermates. After weighing, the samples were homogenized
in ice-cold 0.4 M HClO4 and centrifuged at 10,000g for
15 mins at 4°C. Then, 1 μL of supernatant was mixed with
750 μL of 2 M KHCO3 and centrifuged at 3,000g for 5 mins.
Supernatant was gathered and stored at −80°C until use.
2.8. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
HPLC analyses were performed in the State Key Laboratory
of Medical Neurobiology of Fudan University as previously
described [19]. The Agilent 1260 series neurotransmitter
analyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) was utilized
to detect the concentrations of amino acid neurotransmitters.
Peaks and relative concentrations were identified by comparison to known external standards (Sigma-Aldrich).
2.9. Drug Treatments. Clozapine and LY354740 were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA), and lamotrigine was the product of Glaxosmithkline (Brentford,
Middlesex, UK). For stock solutions, clozapine was dissolved
in 0.1 M HCl and buffered with NaOH to achieve a final pH
of 6.5–7.5. Riluzole was suspended in 10 w/v% cyclodextrin/
saline, and LY354740 or lamotrigine was dissolved in saline.
Vehicle was developed in an identical manner without the
addition of drug, respectively. Concentrated aliquots of both
drugs and vehicles were stored at −20°C. On the day of dosing, aliquots were thawed and diluted to their final concentration in sterile saline. Vehicles or clozapine (2.5 mg/kg),
riluzole (10 mg/kg), and LY354740 (15 mg/kg) were injected
intraperitoneally into age-matched male mice (8–12 weeks
old), respectively, and submitted to the open-field test
30 mins later. Lamotrigine was administered to mice by
gavage at a dose of 60 mg/kg per day for 2 weeks, followed
by behavior testing.
The dose of drug was selected according to previously
used doses in mouse behavioral studies [20–23] and our
preliminary tests.
2.10. Statistical Analysis. Results are shown as the mean
± SEM. Student’s t-test was utilized to compare two means
and two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test to compare multiple means. The nest building scores were treated
as nonparametric data, and statistical analysis was performed using Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis on ranks
followed by multiple comparison using Dunn’s method.
All statistical analyses were performed using Excel 2010
(Microsoft) or GraphPad Prism 5.0. P < 0 05 was examined
statistically significant.
3. Results
3.1. Generation of SNAP-25 Forebrain-Specific KO Mice. We
generated the SNAP-25-floxed mouse strain SNAP-25L2/L2
through inserting of loxP cassettes in the flank sequence
of exon4 loci, which caused a frame shifting by Cre-loxP
recombinant mechanism (Figure 1(a)). The mouse strain
was crossed with CaMKIIα-Cre transgenic mice to generate forebrain-specific SNAP-25 cKO (SNAP-25L2/L2:
Neural Plasticity
772 bp
549 bp
500 bp
264 bp
200 bp
Snap25 cKO
25 kDa
42 kDa
Relative SNAP-25 expression level
Figure 1: Generation of SNAP-25 forebrain-specific KO mice. (a) Targeting strategy used for the deletion of the SNAP-25 exon 4. P1-2
referred to PCR primers for genotyping, which is located on intron flank exon 4 separately. (b) PCR genotyping of recombinant SNAP-25
locus. (c) Western blot analysis of brain extracts of Ctrl and mutant mice. Right panel: quantitative analysis of western blot images. n = 3
per group. ∗∗∗ P < 0 001 compared with control littermates. (d–k) Immunostaining with anti-SNAP-25 (red) and anti-VGLUT1 (green) of
cortex of sagittal sections from adult mice brains. Scale bars are 20 μm in (d) and 200 μm in (e).
CaMKIIα-Cre+/wt) model. As we expected, the PCR product of wild-type SNAP-25 allele was 549 bp, whereas the
floxed SNAP-25 allele (L2) was 772 bp and the knockout
one (L-) was 264 bp. The accuracy of fragments was verified
by sequencing (Figure 1(b)). SNAP-25 deletion in different
brain areas was confirmed at protein levels. Dramatic
reduction of SNAP-25 expression was observed in the cortex
and hippocampus but no obvious change in the cerebellum
of cKO mice (Figure 1(c)). Furthermore, we executed immunofluorescence examination with anti-SNAP-25 and antiVGLUT1 (glutamatergic neuron marker) staining. It was
found that abundant SNAP-25-positive glutamatergic
Neural Plasticity
Velocity in open field
Sum beam breaks
Stereotype movement
Unfamiliar male
Prepulse intensity (dB)
Unfamiliar female
Time (sec)
Time (sec)
% of pre-pulse inhibition
Startle response
Step-through passive avoidance
Nest building
Nest score
Step-through latency (sec)
Total entries
Hole board test
Figure 2: SNAP-25 cKO mice exhibit schizophrenia-like phenotype. (a–d) Summary plots of velocity, movement trajectory, stereotype
movement in the open-field test (n = 6), and reduced prepulse inhibition (n = 5). (e) cKOs display deficient social skills as shown by social
approach-avoidance test (n = 10). (f) cKOs occupy an impaired tendency to explore novel environment in hole-board test (n = 6). (g) Nest
building. Left panel: pictures show the results of nesting of different genotypic mice. Right panel: statistical results of nesting scores (n = 5).
(h) cKOs display impaired learning and memory in the step-through passive avoidance task (n = 10). ∗ P < 0 05, ∗∗ P < 0 01, and
P < 0 001 compared with control littermates.
neurons were detected in the cerebral cortex of Ctrl mice,
whereas little staining was found in those of cKOs, confirming that SNAP-25 was inactivated in forebrain glutamatergic neurons (Figures 1(d), 1(e), 1(f), 1(g), 1(h), 1(i),
1(j), and 1(k)).
3.2. SNAP-25 cKO Mice Exhibit SZ-Like Phenotype. To determine whether SNAP-25 cKO mice occupy behavioral
impairments, we subjected these animals to a battery of
behavioral tests. First, in the open-field test, cKO mice
showed a significant increased locomotion (3.326 ± 0.160
versus 5.879 ± 0.334 inch/sec, P < 0 0001, n = 6) and remarkably enhanced stereotype movements (718.50 ± 20.74 versus
1012.00 ± 64.42 breaks, P < 0 05, n = 6) compared with their
control littermates (SNAP-25L2/L2, Ctrl, hereafter), demonstrating the abnormal hyperactivity and stereotypical
behavior of cKOs (Figures 2(a), 2(b), and 2(c)). Acoustic
startle test revealed that prepulse inhibition (PPI) was
Neural Plasticity
Table 1: Mating and nursing test of SNAP-25 cKO females (crossed with C57BL/6 J male).
Total pairs
Pregnant females
Born pups
Mean ± SEM
Survival pups
Mean ± SEM
5.70 ± 0.76
2.50 ± 1.05∗
5.70 ± 0.76
1.30 ± 0.87∗∗
P < 0 05 and ∗∗ P < 0 01 compared with Ctrl.
significantly decreased in the group of cKOs compared to
Ctrls [F (1, 8) = 24.37, P < 0 0001, n = 5], and Bonferroni’s
post hoc comparison showed a significant disruption of
PPI at the prepulse level of 80 dB (P < 0 01) (Figure 2(d)).
There was no significant difference in the startle response
between cKOs and Ctrls, suggesting no apparent hearing
deficit (data not shown). Thus, hyperactivity, enhanced stereotypical movements and reduced PPI of SNAP-25 cKO
mice fit into the positive symptoms of SZ.
For social behavior judgement, first, we used the social
approach-avoidance test to probe animals for their voluntary
initiation of social interaction. When presented with an unfamiliar partner, Ctrls had the tendency to spend more time
interacting socially, but cKOs displayed intense aversive
responses and spent less time in close proximity to the
stranger (Figure 2(e)). Also, the significantly reduced head
dipping times of cKOs in the hole-board test (19.83 ± 2.39
versus 1.67 ± 1.31 entries, P < 0 0001, n = 6) also reflected
an impaired tendency to explore a novel environment
(Figure 2(f)). By mating two genotypic females with wildtype C57BL/6J males, paired for a 4-month period, we
observed that both the pregnancy rate and survival pups of
cKO females were significantly lower than Ctrls, but the litter
size per pregnant mother showed no difference between two
groups (6.33 ± 0.47 versus 6.25 ± 0.63 pups/mother, P = 0 92,
Ctrls n = 9, and cKOs n = 4), which indicates that both mating and maternal nursing behaviors were defective in cKOs
(Table 1). While Ctrls could build clean and typical nests
after 16 h with the nesting material, the nests of cKO mice
were poorly formed. Substantially decreased nesting score
of cKO mice demonstrated their impaired self-care ability
(Figure 2(g)). Collectively, the results of the above behavioral
tests showed that impaired social skills, exploratory tendency, self-care, and nursing abilities have occurred in cKOs.
The cKO mice thus fit the criteria established for negative
symptoms of SZ.
To determine whether cKOs have deficits in
hippocampus-dependent learning and memory processes,
we subjected mice to the step-through passive avoidance task.
During the 3-day experiment, cKOs stepped faster into the
darker-shock chamber than Ctrls. After subjected to electric
shock, the step-through latencies of cKOs were more statistically pronounced compared with Ctrls, which indicated
impaired learning and memory of cKOs (Figure 2(h)).
3.3. Elevated Glutamate Level in the Cortex of SNAP-25 cKO
Mice. We measured the content of glutamate in cerebral
cortex and hippocampus of two mice groups by combining in vivo microdialysis and HPLC. As indicated in
Figure 3(a), a significant increase in glutamate concentration
was detected in the microdialysis fluid of the cerebral cortex
(0.27 ± 0.02 versus 0.72 ± 0.14 μg/mL, P < 0 05, Ctrls n = 5,
and cKOs n = 6), while unchanged level were inspected in
hippocampus area (0.48 ± 0.12 versus 0.58 ± 0.17 μg/mL,
P = 0 63, Ctrls n = 5, and cKOs n = 6) in cKOs compared
with Ctrl mice. However, there was no observable alteration
between the concentration of amino acid neurotransmitters
of homogenates freshly prepared from the same brain subregions of the cKO and Ctrl mice (Figure 3(b)).
Subsequently, by using TUBULIN and Na/K ATPase as
loading controls, respectively, we examined the expression
level of all three SNARE members in the cytoplasm and cell
membrane fraction of the cerebral cortex. Compared with
Ctrls, SNAP-25 was dramatically reduced around 60% both
in cytoplasm and membrane fractions of cKOs, while the
other two core members of SNARE complex: Syntaxin-1
(increased ~80%) and Vamp2 (increased ~96%) were significantly increased in cell membrane part (Figure 4).
There was no difference in expression of SNAP-25 homologous molecule—SNAP-23 or another important SNARE
member—Munc-18 in the cell membrane of the cerebral
cortex between cKOs and Ctrls. However, the expression
of presynaptic calcium sensor protein—phosphorylated
synaptotagmin-1—was significantly elevated about 93% in
the cell membrane of the cerebral cortex of cKOs.
3.4. Antipsychotic Drugs Attenuated Locomotor Hyperactivity
Deficits in cKO Mice. Antipsychotic drugs, clozapine (atypical schizophrenic drug), lamotrigine (broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug), LY354740 (metabotropic glutamate 2/3
receptor agonist), and riluzole (glutamate release inhibitor)
were selected to examine their effects on the locomotor
hyperactivities and stereotype behavior of cKO mice. Compared with controls, LY354740 treatment has no detectable
effects on all four test index, while lamotrigine could reduce
the stereotype movement of cKOs. Administration of either
clozapine or riluzole was able to significantly attenuate the
hyperactivity and stereotype movements of the SNAP-25
cKO mice (Figure 5).
4. Discussion
SNAP-25 is a key molecule involved in synaptic vesicle
docking and neurotransmitter release. In line with its central
role in neuronal function, it is thought that SNAP-25 is
related to human neurological syndromes, especially SZ. In
this study, we specifically deleted SNAP-25 gene in forebrain
glutamatergic neurons with utilization of the Cre/LoxP
strategy. The phenotypes observed in this model fit into
SZ-like behaviors, which include positive symptoms (such
as hyperlocomotion and reduced PPI), negative symptoms
(decreased motivation and impaired social skills), and
Neural Plasticity
Concentration of amino acid neurotransmitters in brain homogenates
Concentration (×10 6 pg/ml)
Concentration (𝜇g/ml)
Cerebral cortex
Area: 1.3562
Area: 1.3894
Figure 3: Elevated cortex glutamate level of SNAP-25 cKO mice. (a) The concentration of glutamate (μg/mL) in the microdialysis fluid (Ctrls,
n = 5; cKOs, n = 6). (b) The concentration of amino acid neurotransmitters (×106 pg/mL) in brain homogenates (n = 5 per group). (c) The
original representative HPLC figures of different genotypic mice. ∗ P < 0 05 compared with control littermates. Asp: aspartate; Glu:
glutamate; Asn: asparaginate; Gln: glutamine; Gly: glycine; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid.
memory deficit. Our results provided in vivo functional evidence to support that altered SNAP-25 expression in the
forebrain glutamatergic neurons lead to a greater effect of
the illness, confirming the strong association between
SNAP-25 and SZ.
It is well known that SNAP-25 plays a key role in medicating neurotransmitter release. Previous studies provided
evidence that botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) could
block synaptic vesicle neuroexocytosis by proteolytic cleavage of SNAP-25, indicating that SNAP-25-deficiency could
inhibit neurotransmitter release [24]. However, by in vivo
brain microdialysis, we found the remarkable elevation of
extracellular glutamate levels in cerebral cortex of SNAP-25
cKO mice. No noticeable difference in the total content of
amino acid neurotransmitters in the same brain subregions
was found between the two groups. Subsequent western blot
test revealed the elevated gathering of the SNARE proteins on
the cell membrane, which indicated the possibility of
increased synaptic vesicle assembly and release. SNAP-25
inactivation seemed not only to fail to block synaptic transmission but also to enhance glutamatergic neurotransmitter
in the cortex of cKOs. Previously, Antonucci et al. reported
that reduced SNAP-25 levels lead to enhanced evoked glutamatergic transmission in hippocampal cultures and identified that this consequence was not due to changes in a
releasable pool of synaptic vesicles [25]. However, we did
not detect a statistical difference in hippocampus microdialysis, and we do not know the exact reason yet. We noticed
that there were several differences between our and their
works: (1) the developmental state of animals (adult mice
and E18 mice embryos); (2) the experimental condition
(intact animal under physiological condition and in vitro cultured cell model); and (3) the detective method (in vivo brain
microdialysis and whole-cell patch-clamp recording). All
Neural Plasticity
25 kDa
31 kDa
19 kDa
55 kDa
Relative protein expression level
25 kDa
31 kDa
19 kDa
112 kDa
Relative protein expression level
23 kDa
67 kDa
62 kDa
112 kDa
Relative protein expression level
Figure 4: Alteration of expression pattern of SNARE-related proteins. Representative western blot (left) and densitometric analysis (right) of
proteins in the cytosolic (a) and membrane (b and c) fractions prepared from mouse cerebral cortex (n = 3 per group). ∗ P < 0 05, ∗∗ P < 0 01,
and ∗∗∗ P < 0 001 compared with control littermates. P-SYT: phosphorylated synaptotagmin-1.
Neural Plasticity
Total distance
Distance (inch)
Clozapine Lamotrigine LY354740
Clozapine Lamotrigine LY354740
Stereotype movement
Basic movement
Sum beam breaks
Sum beam breaks
Clozapine Lamotrigine LY354740
Clozapine Lamotrigine LY354740
Figure 5: Antipsychotic drugs could attenuate the locomotor hyperactivity deficits in cKO mice. Summary plots of total distance (a),
activity velocity (b), basic (c), and stereotype (d) movement in the open-field test. ∗∗∗ P < 0 001 compared with control littermates. Ctrls:
n = 5; cKOs: n = 8.
above factors may contribute to the inconsistent results we
have made.
Thus, the emerging question is how synaptic exocytosis
could be enhanced without SNAP-25. To investigate the
intrinsic mechanism of this phenomenon, we detected the
expression level of three molecules, which are functionally
related to SNAP-25 closely. These were (1) SNAP-23, the
closest homolog of SNAP-25, which may be the substitution
for SNAP-25 to mediate synaptic vesicle fusion [26]; (2)
mammalian uncoordinated-18 (Munc-18), which has been
found to have dual binding ability to syntaxin-1 and Vamp2,
classified as the fourth crucial member of SNARE-pin assembly and may be another alternative for mediating neurotransmitter release [27, 28]; and (3) as the synaptic vesicle Ca2+
sensor, synaptotagmin-1 could be phosphorylated with calcium influx and trigger the synaptic release subsequently.
Endogenous SNAP-25 negatively modulates neuronal
voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) [11, 29]. Therefore,
SNAP-25 deficiency may release VGCC activity from SNAP25-mediated inhibition, thus resulting in exaggerated calcium
influx and triggering exocytic release of glutamate. Accordingly, our molecular detection results showed the phosphorylated synaptotagmin-1 was obviously elevated, which
indicated the active of VGCCs and enhanced calcium
influx that may lead to greater synaptic release at the presynaptic terminal.
Moreover, we assessed the effects of commonly used
antipsychotic drugs on the locomotor hyperactivities and stereotype behavior of cKO mice. The atypical antipsychotic
clozapine can bind to receptors of serotonin, dopaminergic,
and glutamatergic system. Multitarget actions make clozapine one of the most efficacious antipsychotics. It is therefore
considered the “gold standard” for the treatment of SZ [30].
In regard to the cortical hyperglutamatergic state within
our model, we chose three drugs that aim to inhibit presynaptic glutamate release through different pathways. These
were (1) LY354740, a presynaptic metabotropic glutamate
receptor 2/3 (mGlu2/3) receptor agonist, which helps suppress the release of neurotransmitters, including glutamate
and GABA [31]; (2) lamotrigine, which acts primarily
through inhibition of glutamate release via blockade of
voltage-sensitive sodium channels and stabilization of neuronal membrane [32]; and (3) riluzole, which has diverse effects
on multiple components of the glutamatergic system, such as
inhibition of glutamate release by depression of voltage-gated
ion channels (sodium, potassium, and calcium) and inhibition of autoreceptors. Riluzole also affects glial cells by
increasing glutamate uptake, trafficks with AMPA receptors,
and so on [33, 34]. Subsequent open-field test results showed
that (1) clozapine could attenuate heightened locomotor
activity of cKO mice. Its validity illustrated that SNAP-25
cKO mice could respond effectively to antipsychotics drug,
which is the qualifying standard for an animal disease model;
(2) glutamate release inhibitors occupied different efficacies
on our mice and administration of riluzole has significantly
corrected the hyperactivity of the SNAP-25 cKOs, whereas
lamotrigine could only alleviate the stereotype movements
of the mouse model, and LY354740 did not alter the activity
at all. These results suggested that the hyperglutamatergic
phenotype of our model may be associated closely with
enhanced calcium influx rather than impaired mGlu2/3
receptor function, which corresponded with our previous
observation. Further investigations are still required to
provide more evidences to explore the detailed mechanisms of elevated extracellular glutamate tones in SNAP25 cKO mice.
The involvement of glutamatergic mechanism in SZ has
been hypothesized for many years. SZ-relative abnormalities
have been well documented in mice with mutations in postsynaptic components of glutamatergic transmission, such as
NMDAR [35, 36], glycine transporter [37], and metabotropic
glutamate receptor [38]. The hypofunction of postsynaptic
NMDAR on inhibitory neurons that leads to disinhibition
of glutamate transmission and glutamate excitotoxicity has
formed the bedrock of the glutamate hypothesis of SZ.
However, influence of presynaptic glutamatergic deficits is
less well understood. Being a key component of glutamatergic neurotransmission at presynaptic locus, SNAP-25 deficiency induced typical SZ-like behavior demonstrated the
strong association between presynaptic dysfunction and the
outbreak of SZ. SNAP-25 cKO mice would be a useful novel
tool for investigating presynaptic alterations that contribute
to the etiopathophysiology of SZ. This research helps to
consummate the pre- and postsynaptic glutamatergic pathogenesis of SZ.
5. Conclusion
This study showed that the forebrain glutamatergic neuronspecific SNAP-25 cKO lead to a typical SZ-like phenotype.
The deficiency of SNAP-25 may lead to enhanced calcium
influx and exaggerated glutamatergic release and may result
in the elevated extracellular glutamate level. Riluzole attenuates the locomotor hyperactivity deficits in cKO mice. Our
results provided new insight that SNAP-25 dysfunction has
Neural Plasticity
direct consequences on synaptic transmission and contributes to developmental of SZ. SNAP-25 cKO mouse could
be a valuable new model for SZ and could be used to
address questions regarding pathophysiology and etiology
of the illness.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Professor Fang Huang
(The State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan
University) for the technical assistance and critically reading
the manuscript. This work was supported by the grant from
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no.
81271483), the Funds of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (nos. 14140904300 and
16DZ2280800), and the Fundamental Research Funds for
the Central Universities (no. 2000219140).
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