J Vet Intern Med 2013;27:1486–1492
Activating Mutations of GNAS in Canine Cortisol-Secreting
Adrenocortical Tumors
M.M.J. Kool, S. Galac, C.G. Spandauw, H.S. Kooistra, and J.A. Mol
Background: Cushing’s syndrome or hypercortisolism is a common endocrinopathy in dogs. In approximately 15% of
cases, the disorder is caused by adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-independent hypersecretion of cortisol by an adrenocortical
tumor (AT). Without other explanation, the cortisol hypersecretion has been referred to as autonomous.
Objectives: To investigate whether ACTH-independent hypersecretion of cortisol may be associated with aberrant activation of the melanocortin 2 receptor (MC2R)-cyclic AMP (cAMP)-protein kinase A (PKA) pathway.
Animals: All analyses were performed on 44 cortisol-secreting ATs (14 adenomas and 30 carcinomas) derived from
dogs diagnosed with ACTH-independent hypercortisolism.
Methods: Mutation analysis was performed of genes encoding the stimulatory G protein alpha subunit (GNAS),
MC2R, and PKA regulatory subunit 1A (PRKAR1A) in all ATs.
Results: Approximately one-third of all ATs harbored an activating mutation of GNAS. Missense mutations, known to
result in constitutive activation, were present in codon 201 in 11 ATs, in codon 203 (1 AT), and in codon 227 (3 ATs). No
functional mutations were found in MC2R and PRKAR1A.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Activation of cAMP signaling is a frequent event in canine cortisol-secreting ATs
and may play a crucial role in both ACTH-independent cortisol production and tumor formation. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first report of potentially causative mutations in canine cortisol-secreting ATs.
Key words: Adrenal; Cushing’s syndrome; Dog; Gs alpha.
ushing’s syndrome or hypercortisolism is relatively
common in dogs, with an estimated incidence of
approximately 1–2 cases per 1000 dogs per year. In
approximately 15% of cases, this disorder is due to
a cortisol-secreting adrenocortical tumor (AT).1,2
Clinical signs of such a tumor include centripetal obesity, atrophy of muscles and skin, exercise intolerance,
polyphagia, polyuria, and polydipsia3,4 and are a consequence of ACTH-independent hypersecretion of
In the healthy adrenal cortex, cell proliferation and
steroidogenesis are regulated by melanocortin 2 receptor (MC2R) signaling. Upon ACTH binding to the
MC2R, the stimulatory G protein alpha subunit (Gsalpha) activates adenylyl cyclase, producing cAMP. This,
in turn, induces protein kinase A (PKA) activity,
which results in activation of transcription factors such
as cAMP response elements (CREB) that mediate
ACTH effects and induce target gene transcription
(Fig 1).5 Aberrant activation of the MC2R-cAMPPKA pathway therefore may be a cause of
ACTH-independent hypersecretion of cortisol by ATs.
Despite extensive search, no activating mutations of
the MC2R have ever been described.6–8 Mutations that
constitutively activate cAMP production mimic MC2R
From the Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion
Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University,
Utrecht, The Netherlands (Kool, Galac, Spandauw, Kooistra,
Corresponding author: S. Galac, Department of Clinical
Sciences of Companion Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Yalelaan 108, 3584 CM, Utrecht, The Netherlands; e-mail: s.galac
Submitted March 22, 2013; Revised June 13, 2013;
Accepted August 8, 2013.
Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Veterinary Internal
adenylate cyclase
adenosine monophosphate
adrenocortical tumor
adenosine triphosphate
cyclic adenosine monophosphate
cAMP response elements
focal adhesion kinase
guanidine diphosphate
stimulatory G protein alpha subunit gene
stimulatory G protein alpha subunit, long variant
stimulatory G protein alpha subunit, short variant
stimulatory G protein alpha subunit
mitogen-activated protein kinase
McCune Albright syndrome
melanocortin 2 receptor
nuclear factor kappa-B
protein kinase A
primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease
PKA regulatory subunit 1A
single nucleotide polymorphism
transcription factor
untranslated region
activation in their effects. The best known example is
the gsp-oncogene, which arises from a mutation in the
stimulatory G protein alpha subunit gene (GNAS),
and leads to activation of Gsalpha.9, 10 Activating
GNAS mutations cause McCune-Albright syndrome in
humans11 and also occur in various endocrine tumors,
for instance growth hormone-secreting pituitary
tumors in humans and thyroid tumors in humans and
cats.12–1413,14 However, only a few cases of activating
GNAS mutations have been described in adrenocortical adenomas of humans,9,15,16 and no activating
GNAS mutations have been described in dogs.
GNAS Mutations in Canine Adrenocortical Tumors
Fig 1. Schematic overview of the MC2R-cAMP-PKA pathway.
Binding of ACTH to the MC2R activates adenylate cyclase (AC)
through Gsa. AC converts ATP to cAMP, which separates protein kinase A (PKA) from its regulatory subunit PRKAR1A,
enabling it to phosphorylate (P) and subsequently activate transcription factors (TF). Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibits the
pathway by converting the active cAMP to inactive AMP.
MC2R, melanocortin 2 receptor; Gsa, stimulatory G protein
alpha subunit; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; AMP, adenosine monophosphate;
PRKAR1A, protein kinase A regulatory subunit 1A.
Inactivating mutations of the gene encoding PKA
regulatory 1 alpha (PRKAR1A) subunit cause
increased basal and cAMP-stimulated PKA activity.17,18 Inactivating germ line mutations of this gene
are found in approximately two-thirds of people with
Carney complex,19 in whom endocrine tumors are
common. The most common endocrine gland manifestation in affected people is ACTH-independent hypercortisolism because of primary pigmented nodular
adrenocortical disease (PPNAD).19 Inactivating
PRKAR1A mutations also are a relatively common
finding in sporadic cortisol-secreting adenomas of
humans.20 In dogs, 1 case report describes a syndrome
similar to human Carney complex, but no mutations
in PRKAR1A have ever been detected in dogs.21
Although the knowledge of canine ATs has
expanded considerably in recent years, the molecular
origin of these adrenocortical neoplasms and the mechanism behind their autonomous cortisol production
still are largely unknown, and the role of the MC2RcAMP-PKA signaling pathway has never been
addressed. Therefore, we report here the results of
mutation analysis of the full cDNA sequences of
MC2R, GNAS and PRKAR1A in 44 canine
cortisol-secreting ATs.
Materials and Methods
Animals and Tests
The study included 44 canine cortisol-secreting ATs and 2 normal adrenal glands (whole tissue explants). Normal adrenal
glands were obtained from healthy Beagle dogs, euthanized for
reasons unrelated to the present study and for which approval
was obtained from the Ethical Committee of Utrecht University.
All ATs were derived from patients referred to the Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals of the Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht between 2001 and 2012. Suspicion of hypercortisolism was based on the history, physical examination findings, and routine laboratory findings. The diagnosis
of ACTH-independent hypercortisolism due to an AT was based
upon (i) increased urinary cortisol secretion, which was not suppressible with a high dose of dexamethasone; (ii) suppressed or
undetectable basal plasma ACTH concentrations2; and (iii) demonstration of an AT by ultrasonography, computed tomography,
or both.22 All ATs were removed by unilateral adrenalectomy.
The dogs’ ages at the time of surgery ranged from 2 to 13 years
(mean, 9 years). Six dogs were mongrels and the others were of
26 different breeds. Twenty-two of the dogs were male (10 castrated) and 22 female (15 spayed). Permission to use AT tissue
for this study was obtained from all patient owners, and the
study was approved by the Ethical Committee of Utrecht University.
Histopathological evaluation of ATs was performed on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue slides of all samples and
used to confirm the diagnosis and to classify the tumors. All
histological evaluations were performed by a single pathologist.
Classification was based on the criteria described by Labelle
et al.23 Classification as a carcinoma was based on histological
evidence of vascular invasion, peripheral fibrosis, capsular invasion, trabecular growth, hemorrhage, necrosis, and single cell
necrosis. Typical histological characteristics of adenomas were
hematopoiesis, fibrin thrombi, and cytoplasmic vacuolization.
Based on these criteria, the tumor group consisted of 14
adenomas and 30 carcinomas.
Total RNA Extraction and Reverse Transcription
Tissue fragments for RNA isolation were snap frozen in liquid
nitrogen within 10–20 minutes after surgical removal. Total
RNA was isolated from the samples using the RNeasy mini kit,a
according to the manufacturer’s protocols. A DNAse step was
performed to avoid DNA contamination. RNA concentrations
were measured on the NanoDrop ND-1000.b cDNA synthesis
was performed using the iScript cDNA synthesis kit,c according
to the manufacturer’s protocols. For all samples, 1 cDNA reaction was performed without Reverse Transcriptase (RT ), to
check for contamination with genomic DNA.
Primers for PCR were designed using Perl-primer v1.1.14
according to the parameters in the Bio-Rad iCycler manual, and
ordered from Eurogentech.d Forward primers were located in the
5′ untranslated region (UTR) of the genes of interest, whereas
reverse primers were located in the 3′UTR. For the MC2R, the
canine UTR sequences were not available, and were predicted
based on the human UTR sequences and the canine genomic
sequence. Overlapping primer pairs were used when a gene could
not be amplified in 1 stretch. For all primer pairs, a PCR temperature gradient was performed to determine the optimal annealing
Formation of the proper PCR products was evaluated by gel
electrophoresis, to check for the correct product length. In case
of correct product lengths, a sequencing reaction was performed
to confirm the identity of the transcript, using the ABI3130XL
Kool et al
Genetic analyzere according to the manufacturer’s protocol. After
optimization of the protocol, the complete cDNA of all target
genes was amplified in all ATs. PCR reactions were performed
using Phusion Hot Start Flex DNA Polymerasef on a Dyad Disciple Peltier Thermal Cycler (BioRadc) for PRKAR1A and on a
C1000 Touch thermal cycler (BioRadc) for MC2R and GNAS.
All PCR primers and their characteristics are listed in Table 1.
All sequence primers were designed using Perl-primer v1.1.14,
and ordered from Eurogentech. Primers were located every
300-500 base pairs along the entire transcript, or closer together
when additional primers were needed for complete coverage. All
PCR primers also were used as sequence primers. PCR products
were amplified for sequencing using the BigDye Terminator version 3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kitg and filtrated using Sephadex G-50
Superfine.h Sequencing reactions were performed on an
ABI3130XL Genetic analyzer, according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. The obtained sequences were compared to the consensus mRNA sequence using DNAstar Lasergene core suite 9.1
SeqMan software (DNASTAR, Madison, WI). All mutations
affecting the amino acid sequence were confirmed by repeat RNA
extraction, and sequenced in both sense and antisense directions.
All sequence primers and their characteristics are listed in Table 2.
transcript. The silent mutation was found in codon
201 (CGT>CGC) and was present in 8 ATs in both
hetero- and homozygous form. Missense mutations
were present in 14 of the 44 ATs, including 4 of the 14
adenomas and 10 of the 30 carcinomas. All missense
mutations were heterozygous. Eleven of the 14 missense mutations were located in codon 201 (Fig 2B).
They were present in 8 carcinomas and 3 adenomas
and comprised the following substitutions: R201C
(59), R201H (49), R201S (19), and R201L (19). A
missense mutation in codon 203 (L203P) was present
in 1 adenoma (Fig 2C). Missense mutations in codon
227 (Fig 2D) were present in 2 carcinomas (Q227H
and Q227R). An overview of the different missense
mutations is presented in Table 3.
Mutation analysis of PRKAR1A showed the presence of 2 different silent mutations. A silent mutation
in codon 317 (AGA>CGA) was present in 4 carcinomas and a silent mutation in codon 311 (GAG>GAA)
was present in 1 adenoma. Mutations that changed the
amino acid sequence were not found in any of the
Mutation analysis of MC2R identified 3 different
silent point mutations and 1 amino-acid changing
(missense) point mutation. The silent mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found in codon
38 (GGG>GGA), codon 237 (GCG>GCC), and codon
286 (GCG>GCA) were present in 8, 21, and 21 ATs,
respectively, and occurred both in hetero- and homozygous form. The missense mutation, a V291I substitution, was present in 3 of the 44 ATs (2 carcinomas, 1
adenoma) and was present only in heterozygous form
(Fig 2A).
Mutation analysis of GNAS showed the presence of
a splice variant, 1 silent point mutation, and 7 different
missense mutations. The splice variant of GNAS, in
which exon 3 is missing, is analogous to the human
GNAS transcript variant 3 (GenBank: NM_080426.2)
or GNAS-short (GNASS). It was present in all ATs
and normal adrenal glands, alongside the full length
In this study, GNAS mutations were detected in 14
of the 44 cortisol-secreting ATs of dogs, whereas no
functional mutations were found in MC2R and
PRKAR1A. All GNAS mutations detected in the ATs
of these dogs previously have been described in the
human literature, and have been found to cause constitutive activation of cAMP signaling.14,24–26 Although
additional in vitro assays would be necessary to establish a causal relationship, our results strongly suggest
the involvement of increased cAMP signaling, caused
by activating GNAS mutations, in the pathogenesis of
a subset of cortisol-secreting ATs in dogs. This finding
even may provide an explanation for autonomous,
ACTH-independent, cortisol secretion in the affected
subset of ATs.
In cortisol-secreting ATs of humans, activation of
the cAMP signaling pathway is a well-known phenomenon; however, activating GNAS mutations in these
tumors are extremely rare, and only have been
Table 1. PCR primers for the amplification of canine MC2R, GNAS, and PRKAR1A. All positions are based on
the mRNA sequence, as published on the NCBI website.
MC2R Fw 69
MC2R Rv 743
MC2R Fw 410
MC2R Fw 1190
GNAS Fw 352
GNAS Rv 1708
PRKAR1A Rv 1355
41/ 24
Accession numbers used were as follows: MC2R: XM_003638756.1, GNAS: NM_001003263.1, PRKAR1A: XM_537577.3. MC2R,
melanocortin 2 receptor; GNAS, stimulatory G protein alpha subunit; PRKAR1A, protein kanise A regulatory subunit 1A; Fw, Forward
primer; Rv, Reverse primer.
GNAS Mutations in Canine Adrenocortical Tumors
Table 2. Sequencing primers for the mutation analysis of canine MC2R, GNAS, and PRKAR1A. All positions
are based on the mRNA sequence, as published on the NCBI website.
MC2R Fw 810
MC2R Rv 340
GNAS Fw 777
GNAS Fw 1226
GNAS Rv 845
GNAS Rv 951
GNAS Rv 1504
PRKAR1A Fw 174
PRKAR1A Fw 329
PRKAR1A Fw 575
PRKAR1A Fw 750
PRKAR1A Fw 975
PRKAR1A Rv 452
PRKAR1A Rv 699
PRKAR1A Rv 855
PRKAR1A Rv 975
PRKAR1A Rv 1255
Accession numbers used: MC2R: XM_003638756, GNAS: NM_001003263, PRKAR1A: XM_537577.3. MC2R, melanocortin 2 receptor; GNAS, stimulatory G protein alpha subunit; PRKAR1A, protein kinase A regulatory subunit 1A; Fw, Forward primer; Rv, Reverse
Fig 2. Representative examples of the mutations found in codon 291 of the MC2R (A) and in codons 201 (B), 203 (C), and 227 (D) of
GNAS in canine cortisol secreting ATs. Reference sequences are based on XM_003638756.1 (MC2R) and NM_001003263.1 (GNAS).
WT, wild type; MC2R, melanocortin 2 receptor; GNAS, stimulatory G protein alpha subunit.
described in benign lesions.9,15,16 Activating GNAS
mutations in humans are associated with McCune Albright syndrome, in which they result in macronodular
hyperplasia of the adrenal glands and hypercortisolism.11 GNAS mutations also have been detected in
pituitary and pancreatic tumors of humans and in
Kool et al
Table 3. Overview of all missense mutations of GNAS in 44 canine cortisol secreting ATs. All nucleotide positions are based on the mRNA sequence (NM_001003263.1), as published on the NCBI website. All amino acid
positions are based on the protein sequence (NP_001003263.1), as published on the NCBI website.
Basepair Change
Amino Acid Change
Number of ATs
GNAS, stimulatory G protein alpha subunit. Bold text denotes the basepair change within the codon.
thyroid tumors of humans and cats.12–14 In humans,
substitutions of Arg201 are most common, followed by
Gln227 substitutions11,13,14 whereas Arg201 and Gln227
also were the affected codons in thyroid tumors of
cats.12 Likewise, in our canine cohort most of the
mutations were substitutions of Arg201 and Gln.227
Four possible substitutions of Arg201 in GNAS have
been described in humans, in decreasing occurrence:
R201C, R201H, R201S, and R201L.11,24,26 Of these
mutations, only R201C and R201H previously have
been reported in the adrenal cortex, including cortisolsecreting ATs.10,15,27 In cats, R201C is the only known
mutation affecting Arg201.12 In our canine AT cohort,
all 4 known Arg201 mutations were identified, with a
higher frequency of R201C and R201H mutations.
Five different substitutions have been described at the
2nd hotspot for human GNAS mutations (ie, Gln227)
of which Q227H, Q227L and Q227R are most common.14,24 A single report of a Q227H substitution in a
cortisol-secreting adrenocortical adenoma in a human
has been published.9 In thyroid tumors of cats, both
Q227R and Q227L have been reported.12 In our
canine AT cohort, both Q227H and Q227R substitutions were detected. The L203P substitution at Leu203
found in 1 AT in a dog has only been described in a
thyroid tumor of a human.25
The GNAS splice variant that was present in all
samples was analogous to human transcript variant
3.28 This transcript variant corresponds to a shorter
Gsalpha protein (GNASS), which was found to be coexpressed with the long variant (GNASL) in nearly all
cell types, although the relative amounts vary depending on the tissue type. In the adrenal cortex of
humans, GNASL was found to be the predominant
isoform.29 Both variants induce cAMP production,
and some investigations have indicated differences in
their activity, affinity of GDP binding and receptor
interaction.30–32 However, whether these differences
result in clinically relevant biological effects still is
unclear.33 Moreover, the presence of both variants in
all ATs and normal adrenal glands in our canine
cohort makes a causal role in canine adrenocortical
tumorigenesis unlikely.
cAMP is the main cellular signal for inducing cortisol secretion.5 Therefore, the activating GNAS mutations in ATs of dogs, resulting in constitutive cAMP
production, may explain the ACTH-independent
cortisol production for this subgroup. Apart from cortisol production, increased cAMP signaling also is
known to play a role in adrenal tumorigenesis.34 Activating mutations in GNAS induce tumor formation in
cAMP-sensitive tissue types by increasing cell proliferation. The mutated GNAS thus is referred to as the
gsp oncogene.35 GNAS activating mutations have been
shown to result in induction of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK or ERK) and p53 signaling, focal
adhesion kinase (FAK) pathways, and nuclear factor
kappa-B (NFjB) expression.27 Both P53 and RasRaf-MAPK pathways are well known for their roles in
carcinogenesis and have been implicated as factors in
adrenal tumorigenesis.36,37 The FAK pathway and
NFKB also have been implicated as factors in the
pathogenesis of various tumor types.38,39 Therefore, it
is likely that the activating GNAS mutations found in
ATs of dogs play a role in tumorigenesis.
In contrast to the high prevalence of activating GNAS
mutations in cortisol-secreting ATs of dogs, no mutations affecting the amino acid sequence were found in
PRKAR1A. This contrasts with the important role of
PRKAR1A mutations in adrenal pathology in humans
and mice. Mutations in PRKAR1A cause Carney
complex in humans, with PPNAD as one of the main
consequences19 When cAMP-PKA activation is present
in ATs of humans, it nearly always originates from
PRKAR1A mutations or other PKA signaling abnormalities.34 Likewise, in the mouse, PRKAR1A inactivation and AT formation are closely linked. Transgenic
mice lacking PRKAR1A activity in the adrenal cortex
develop ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome40 and
activated PKA signaling because of PRKAR1A loss of
function results in a tumor formation syndrome similar
to human Carney complex.41,42
In dogs, a single case report describes a syndrome similar to human Carney complex, but in this dog
PRKAR1A was not altered.21 The absence of missense
PRKAR1A mutations in these canine AT cohort, combined with the fact that no mutations in PRKAR1A
have ever been detected in dogs, appear to indicate a difference in the molecular origin of cAMP-PKA activation between adrenal glands of dogs and their human
and murine counterparts. The pathways affected by
cAMP-PKA activation have been shown to differ
GNAS Mutations in Canine Adrenocortical Tumors
depending on the molecular origin of the activation.
cAMP-PKA activation attributable to PRKAR1A mutations stimulates a different set of cellular pathways and
target genes than activation caused by GNAS mutations.27 Both PRKAR1A and GNAS mutations activate
MAPK and P53 signaling, whereas the FAK pathway
and NFKB specifically are induced by GNAS mutations,
and PRKAR1A mutations induce activation of the
Wnt-pathway, one of the main cellular pathways implicated in AT pathogenesis in humans.27,43 However,
although differences exist between germ line PRKAR1A
defects and somatic GNAS mutations, dogs and humans
still share common MAPK and p53 signaling pathway
activations that might be important targets for treatment in both species.
Mutation analysis of the MC2R identified the presence of a V291R missense mutation in 3 ATs, which
has not been described previously in the literature.
However, this substitution is not likely to have a
functional effect on the receptor, because valine and
isoleucine are alike in polarity and charge. Moreover,
in the human MC2R, isoleucine and not valine is the
consensus amino acid. Otherwise, no mutations in the
MC2R were found, corresponding to the situation in
humans, where activating MC2R mutations have never
been identified.
In conclusion, this study demonstrates the presence
of activating GNAS mutations in a large portion of
both benign and malignant cortisol-secreting ATs in
dogs. These results strongly suggest increased cAMP
signaling as a factor in the pathogenesis of these
tumors and may explain the autonomous secretion of
cortisol in the affected subset of ATs. This study thus
is the first to identify potentially causal mutations in
cortisol-secreting ATs of dogs.
Qiagen, Hilden, Germany
NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, DE
Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA
Eurogentec, Maastricht, the Netherlands
AB Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA
New England BioLabs Inc, Ipswich, MA
Applied Biosystems
Amersham, Buckinghamshire, UK
Funding: This work was supported by a Morris Animal Foundation – Pfizer Animal Health veterinary fellowship for advanced study (grant ID: D09CA-913).
The funding sources had no involvement in study
design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data,
writing of the report, and the decision to submit the
article for publication.
Conflict of Interest: Authors disclose no conflict of
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