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Commercial-scale mining for polymetallic nodules could have a major impact on the deep-sea environment, but the effects of these mining activities on deep-sea ecosystems are very poorly known. The first commercial test mining for polymetallic nodules was carried out in 1970. Since then a number of small-scale commercial test mining or scientific disturbance studies have been carried out. Here we evaluate changes in faunal densities and diversity of benthic communities measured in response to these 11 simulated or test nodule mining disturbances using meta-analysis techniques. We find that impacts are often severe immediately after mining, with major negative changes in density and diversity of most groups occurring. However, in some cases, the mobile fauna and small-sized fauna experienced less negative impacts over the longer term. At seven sites in the Pacific, multiple surveys assessed recovery in fauna over periods of up to 26 years. Almost all studies show some recovery in faunal density and diversity for meiofauna and mobile megafauna, often within one year. However, very few faunal groups return to baseline or control conditions after two decades. The effects of polymetallic nodule mining are likely to be long term. Our analyses show considerable negative biological effects of seafloor nodule mining, even at the small scale of test mining experiments, although there is variation in sensitivity amongst organisms of different sizes and functional groups, which have important implications for ecosystem responses. Unfortunately, many past studies have limitations that reduce their PLOS ONE |
Technological advances have led to an increase in the number of investigations in the deep sea over the last two decades. However, despite a large number of scientific cruises, few published data on the nematode biodiversity and community structure are available from the abyssal nodule fields of the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB). It is well known that CIOB harbors one of the largest high-grade nodule reservoirs and has therefore gained the most attention from industries and governments. Therefore, to adequately assess the potential environmental impacts of deep-sea polymetallic nodule mining in CIOB, more quantitative samples are needed to better understand trends in nematode diversity, abundance, and community structure in the nodule fields. Recently, on the basis of detailed surveys and analysis, a Test Mine Site (TMS) and Reference Mining Site (TRS) have been identified within the First Generation Mine Site (FGM) for further detailed studies. According to ISA guidelines, the TMS and TRS need to be similar in faunal abundance, composition and diversity, nodule abundances, metal grade and environmental data. As per the deep-sea environment conservation point of view, particularly to plan mining operations, the study has been done to check whether TMS and TRS have a similar type of faunal assemblage so that impacts and the ensuing loss of biota are minimized. To address this, we compared the composition and distribution of nematode communities at genus/species level from TMS and TRS. The average nematode density ranged from 71.68 ± 1.7 inds/10 cm 2 in the TRS and 91.23 ± 1.3 inds/10 cm 2 in the TMS. A total of 63 nematode genera belonging to 24 families were identified from TMS. The TRS samples supported 52 genera belonging to 20 families. A homogeneous community was observed at family/genus level from the TMS and TRS, particularly dominated by cosmopolitan nematode genera like Acantholaimus, Halalaimus, Thalasomonhystera and Leptolaimus. The TRS and TMS samples did exhibit a similar evenness (J'), and diversity (H') suggesting a homogeneous nematode community throughout the area. Taxon diversity and richness esti-mators revealed that the current sampling design was able to characterize the majority of the nematode genera present. It can be suggested that the entire area of sampling is inhabited by a single, uniformly distributed, nematode assemblage at the genus level. This study also addresses whether or not nematode assemblages at genus/ species level inhabiting the bare sediment (soft sediment without nodules) in abyssal nodule fields are unique and differ from those found in the crevices of polymetallic nodules. As expected, there were fewer numbers of total genera recorded from the crevices with the differences being found in the dominant genera and families. Thalassomonhystera, Acantholaimus and Desmoscolex were noted as characteristic of the bare sediment while Leptolaimus and Camacolaimus showed the highest likelihood in nodule crevices. Hard nodule crevice substratum does favor some species level morphotypes of the genus Leptolaimus and Camacolaimus since these morphotypes were found exclusively in nodule crevices. However, owing to the still limited sampling effort in the deep sea, it is premature to suggest that these species are endemic to nodules. Implications of the present findings for environmental management and future research needs are provided.
Polymetallic nodules increase habitat heterogeneity in some abyssal benthic ecosystems by providing hard substrate. Besides their important role in structuring ecosystems, polymetallic nodules have high grades of valuable minerals and are a target of likely future exploitation, particularly in the Pacific Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ). Mining activities will remove hard substrate and sediment and cause sediment plumes potentially affecting faunal communities over large areas. Long-lived megafaunal assemblages may be particularly vulnerable but data are lacking on the density, biodiversity and community structure in many areas of the CCZ. This study aims to provide megabenthic community baseline data from two physically similar areas (B6S02 and B4S03) located in the contract area of Global Sea Mineral Resources N.V. (GSR). Seafloor images, obtained by an autonomous underwater vehicle are used to characterise the large areas required for robust evaluation of sparse megafauna. Higher a...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2011
Manganese Nodules A physical, biological, environmental, and technical review 1B DEEP SEA MINERALS CONTENTS 1.0 The Geology of Manganese Nodules 1.1 The formation and occurrence of manganese nodules 1.2 Metal concentrations and tonnages 2.0 Biology Associated with Manganese Nodules 2.1 Habitats and biodiversity in manganese nodule regions 2.2 Global geographic context 2.3 Composition of sea-floor communities 3.0 Environmental Management Considerations 3.1 Environmental management objectives 3.2 General environmental management approaches and principles 3.3 Environmental studies 3.4 Defining characteristics of nodule biodiversity 3.5 Environmental impacts 3.6 The potential extent of impacts 3.7 Mitigation and management measures 4.0 Processes Related to the Technical Development of Marine Mining 4.1 Exploration 4.2 Mining
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2007
The poorly known ferromanganese nodule fauna is a widespread hard substratum community in the deep sea that will be considerably impacted by large-scale nodule mining operations. The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of the fauna attached to nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone at two scales; a regional scale that includes the east (14°N, 130°W) and the west (9°N, 150°W) zones and a local scale in which different geological facies (A, B, C and west) are recognizable. The fauna associated with 235 nodules was quantitatively described: 104 nodules from the east zone (15 of facies A, 50 of facies B and 39 of facies C) and 131 nodules from the west zone. Percent cover was used to quantify the extent of colonization at the time of sampling, for 42 species out of the 62 live species observed. Fauna covered up to 18% of exposed nodule surface with an average of about 3%. While species richness increased with exposed nodule surface, both at the regional and at the facies scales (except for facies A), total species density decreased (again except for facies A). When all nodules were included in the statistical analysis, there was no relation between faunal cover and exposed nodule surface. Nevertheless, faunal cover did decrease with exposed nodule surface for the east zone in general and for both facies B and C in particular. Species distributions among facies were significantly different but explained only a very small portion of the variance (not, vert, similar5%). We identified two groups of associated species: a first group of two species and a second group of six species. The other species (34) were independently distributed, suggesting that species interactions play only a minor role in the spatial distribution of nodule fauna. The flux of particulate organic carbon to the bottom is the only major environmental factor considered to vary between the two zones within this study. We conclude that the higher species richness and higher percent faunal cover of the east zone can be partially attributed to greater food availability derived from surface inputs. Moreover, the surfaces of facies B and C nodules had a complex, knobby micro-relief, creating microhabitat heterogeneity that may also have contributed to the greater species richness observed in the east zone.
Scientific Reports
Deep seabed mining is potentially imminent in the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ; northeast Pacific). Seabed collectors will remove polymetallic nodules and the surrounding surface sediments, both inhabited by meiofauna, along their path. To determine potential impacts of polymetallic nodule removal, we investigated the importance of nodule presence for the abundance, composition and diversity of sediment meiofauna, and evaluated the existence and composition of nodule crevice meiofauna in the Global Sea Mineral Resources (GSR) exploration contract area. Nodule-free and nodule-rich sediments displayed high biodiversity with many singletons and doubletons, potentially representing rare taxa. Nodule presence negatively influenced sediment meiofaunal abundances but did not markedly affect taxonomic composition or diversity. This is the first report on CCFZ nodule crevice meiofauna, whose abundance related positively to nodule dimensions. Though dominated by the same taxa, nodul...
Synthese, 2019
I argue that the concept of knowledge is a relic of a bygone age, erroneously supposed to do no harm. I illustrate this claim by showing how a concern with knowledge distorts the use of statistical evidence in criminal courts, and then generalize the point to show that this concern hampers our enterprises across the board and not only in legal contexts. Keywords Concept of knowledge • Statistical legal evidence • Norm of belief • Norm of action • Norm of assertion • Reactive attitudes 1 The prehistory of knowledge Bertrand Russell held that we would be better off without the concept of causation. He said that it, "like much that passes muster among philosophers, is a relic of a bygone age, surviving, like the monarchy, only because it is erroneously supposed to do no harm" (1912, p. 1). Russell was wrong about causation. But his strictures apply perfectly to something else that passes muster among philosophers-namely, the concept of knowledge. This is indeed a relic of a bygone age, and moreover one that does appreciable harm. Or so at least I shall argue. Let me begin with a genealogical account of the origins of the concept of knowledge. Other philosophers have offered genealogical accounts of the concept (for example, Williams 1978; Craig 1990). But such accounts are generally offered as vindicatory fables, merely possible scenarios intended to cast the concept of knowledge in a good light. By contrast, I am interested in actual origins, and will suggest that they should make us suspicious of the concept's credentials.
Bu çalışmada, dış politikanın Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) yaklaşımlarının sunduğu çerçevelerden hangisi ile en doğru biçimde analiz edilebileceği sorusunun yanıtını bulma yolunda bir katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Mevcut kuramların bu konuda önemli eksikliklerini gösterebilmek amacıyla öncelikle mevcut Uİ yaklaşımları içinde dış politikanın ne şekilde analiz edildiği ortaya koyulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çerçevede, öncelikle Uİ disiplinindeki başlıca kuram ve yaklaşımların genel olarak uluslararası ilişkileri, özel olarak da dış politikayı nasıl değerlendirdikleri yapan-yapı sorunsalı çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Disiplinde yapan-yapı sorunsalı olarak ifade edilen ve “yapan” ve “yapı”dan hangisinin ontolojik öncelik taşıyacağı üzerine inşa edilen bu tartışma, çalışma açısından özel bir önem taşımaktadır. Bir dış politika analizinin ne yapı ne de yapan lehinde bir tercihte bulunamayacağı, hem yapıyı hem de yapanı aynı zamanda açıklayabilecek bir yeterlilikte olması gerektiği kabulü, yapan-yapı sorunsalını çalışmanın odak noktasına yerleştirmektedir. Bu amaçla çalışmada, bir yandan hangi yaklaşım/yaklaşımların sözü edilen çerçeveyi sunduğu sorusunun yanıtı aranacak, diğer yandan da doğrudan yapan-yapı sorunsalı üzerine inşa edilerek söz konusu sorunu aşmış olduğu savını taşıyan inşacı yaklaşımın bu iddiası sorgulanacaktır.
International Institute of Historiography, 2024
Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels: Volume 4: The Gospel of John, 2020
Aula Orientalis 12 , 1994
Relaciones Estudios de Historia y Sociedad, 2017
Journal of Business & Retail Management Research
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMMEd 2020), 2021
Collegium antropologicum, 2011
The American Journal of Cardiology, 1985
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023