Emulating long-term synaptic dynamics with memristive devices
Shari Lim Wei, Eleni Vasilaki, Ali Khiat, Iulia Salaoru, Radu Berdan, Themistoklis
The potential of memristive devices is often seeing in implementing neuromorphic
architectures for achieving brain-like computation. However, the designing
procedures do not allow for extended manipulation of the material, unlike CMOS
technology, the properties of the memristive material should be harnessed in the
context of such computation, under the view that biological synapses are
memristors. Here we demonstrate that single solid-state TiO2 memristors can
exhibit associative plasticity phenomena observed in biological cortical synapses,
and are captured by a phenomenological plasticity model called “triplet rule”. This
rule comprises of a spike-timing dependent plasticity regime and a “classical”
hebbian associative regime, and is compatible with a large amount of
electrophysiology data. Via a set of experiments with our artificial, memristive,
synapses we show that, contrary to conventional uses of solid-state memory, the
co-existence of field- and thermally-driven switching mechanisms that could
render bipolar and/or unipolar programming modes is a salient feature for
capturing long-term potentiation and depression synaptic dynamics. We further
demonstrate that the non-linear accumulating nature of memristors promotes
long-term potentiating or depressing memory transitions.
In the past, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been brain-inspired conceptions
typically developed independently from neuroscience. As such, they have largely
ignored biological characteristics; for instance, the key fact that synaptic connections
among neurons are bounded1, or inherently unreliable when transmitting a signal2,
having the possibility of undergoing revertible changes depending on the timing or
frequency of the neuronal signals. Recent developments of dedicated hardware
implementations of ANNs are leading to the design of synaptic learning
mechanisms3,4, which bare more similarities to the biological ones, compared to the
methods and software algorithms driven by pure theory. Theoretical developments
in the last decade further advanced the field by linking the learning theory back to
the biological substrate. A key element in this direction was the use of more realistic
brain cell models, spiking neurons2,5, and novel synaptic plasticity models capturing
both short- and long-term dynamics4,6,7. Of particular interest are cases where the
design of new learning mechanisms are constrained by the limitations of hardware,
when the physics of the circuits and devices used are the reminiscent of the
biophysics of the biological neurons and synapses modeled8.
Several efforts have been made to implement these mechanisms by exploiting
Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) topologies and emerging
nanoscale cells. The complexity and capability of CMOS circuits vary, with some
being able to capture short-9-11or long-term12 plasticity or even both13. And although
a full CMOS approach has some benefits in terms of cost and flexibility, it typically
requires considerable amount of chip area and power, thus making the integration
of large-scale neural processing systems prohibitive. To alleviate challenges imposed
by CMOS implementations14, latest efforts are leveraging the attractive attributes of
emerging Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM) cells, also known as
memristors15, in particular exploiting their simple (two terminal) architecture and
small footprint16, their capacity to store multiple bits of information per cell17 and
the low-power required for programming18.
To this extent, memristors have been shown to be capable of qualitatively emulating
long-term plasticity, such as Spike-timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP)19 and various
STDP variations20,21, as well as short-term plasticity (STP) (let us site our work here
among others). Such approaches rely on non-volatile memory-state transitions
based upon phase-change21,22 mechanisms or the diffusion of ionic-species within an
active core23-25. To date, many groups worldwide have shown how it is possible to
induce timing-dependent conductance changes in memristive devices in a way that
resemble the STDP induced changes in real synapses21-27. However in most cases the
equivalence between the physics of memristive devices and the physics governing
the behavior of real synapses has been shown only at an abstract qualitative level.
Our previous work focused on showing that single TiO2 memristors exhibit STP-like
phenomena, which can be used for spatiotemporal computation28. In this work we
demonstrate how single TiO2 memristors are also capable of capturing long termsynaptic dynamics using the same experimental protocols used to test real synapses,
and reproducing the trend of a recently established data driven plasticity rule, the
triplet rule7, which exhibits a regime of spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP)
behavior, where timing matters, and a regime of classical associative hebbian
regime, where neurons that “fire together wire together”29-31. To support this, we
carry out detailed quantitative comparisons, with results of electrophysiology
experiments with real synapses, and with data-driven computational neuroscience
models. Most noteworthy, the best-fit data are within the range of biological cortical
neuronal synapses.
Memristive dynamics
Our memristive device qualitatively represents a synapse (inset I of Figure 1a), with
its conductance corresponding to the notion of a synaptic efficacy modulated via the
arrival of a spike, i.e. a pulse applied pre-synaptically to the device’s top electrode
(TE), shown in inset II of Figure 1a. The post-synaptic current entering the artificial
neuron, from the device’s bottom electrode (BE), is proportional to the memristive
conductance. Figure 1a depicts a microphotograph of one of our fabricated crossbar
type TiO2-based memristors (fabrication details are given in Methods). The device
comprises two Pt electrodes (TE and BE) that are separated by a stoichiometric TiO2
active core (cross-section is shown in inset II of Figure 1a). Following an
electroforming step (depicted in Figure S1), the devices’ electrical characteristics
were first investigated via positive/negative ±2V voltage sweeps, resulting into a
bipolar mode of switching: positive sweeps cause low- (LRS) to high-resistive state
(HRS) transitions, while negative ones cause HRS to LRS transitions. This biasing cycle
promoted a three orders of magnitude change in conductance (ROFF/RON) as shown in
Figure 1b. Alternative modes of switching can be realized by employing larger biasing
unipolar voltage sweeps, as illustrated by the results presented in Figure 1c, where
the HRS to LRS transition occurs when the positive voltage sweep reaches 3V. The
co-existence of bipolar and unipolar switching in TiO2 ReRAM cells, also reported in
the literature32, supports the hypothesis that the switching mechanism is filamentary
in nature. To test this hypothesis, we carried out a series of cyclic voltammetry
measurements on pristine devices. Similar to Figures 1b and 1c, the devices are
excited with a multitude of pulses of fixed duration (30ms) and interpulse time
(30ms), with the amplitude of each pulse increasing each time at a fixed step
(V=50mV) until switching was observed. Figure 1d illustrates the acquired OFF/ON
resistive ratios for distinct voltage sweeps limits. It is shown that the switching trend
(denoted as bipolar or unipolar) is contingent on the activity (pulsing events) of each
device. Contrary to the bipolar mode case, where resistive switching is proclaimed
via the displacement of O-2 vacancies, this onset threshold ascertains that unipolar
switching is facilitated via Joule heating33 that either annihilates existing, or forms
new, conductive percolation paths across the TiO2 active core.
The corresponding current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, with the classical pinchedhysteresis memristor signature34 is shown in Figure 2a. After electroforming, the
devices are originally in a LRS and a HRS can be achieved as the sweeping voltage
bias approaches a set value Vset = 1.7V. Reversing the voltage polarity, the device
switches onto a LRS at Vreset1 = -1.8V (Figure 2a). This action describes completely the
bipolar behavior. The pinched hysteresis curve obtained is a clear fingerprint of a
memristor34,35. Figure 2b demonstrates three resistive states that were obtained
from 50 repeated pulsing sequences, of 10µs pulse widths, as described in the
corresponding figure inset. The multi-state capacity of our memristor is modeled in
this case via a random circuit breaker network model36-38, as illustrated in the
corresponding inset schematics of Figure 2b to simulate the effect of local
conductance changes within the active TiO2 core on the overall conductance of the
solid-state device. Considering that a SET potential will facilitate some local
modification of the active material in the form of a conductive filament that in turn
will result in a state modulation, we represent this change by altering some of the
branch resistances to higher conductance values (colored lines). The number of
filaments in R1 and R2 as well as the corresponding values for the low and high
resistive branches is arbitrarily selected for matching the average measured resistive
states across all cycles. The experimental and simulated results employed in the RCB
model are in close correlation, validating the notion that the attained resistive states
are due to filamentary formations/disruptions. Figure 2c depicts the non-linear
accumulating nature of our TiO2 memristors when subsequent identical voltage
pulses have a decreasing effect on the modulation of the effective resistance of our
prototypes. This programming method was also employed, when necessary, to
set/reset our devices at intermediate resistive states throughout our experiments.
Provided that sufficient energy is delivered to the ReRAM memristor, the active core
can undergo stable phase transitions, which translate into long-term changes in the
conductance of the device. Figure 3a demonstrates how a presynaptic-only strong
(“tetanic”) stimulus of long duration can lead to LTP. This behavior is reminiscent of
the presynaptic-only mediated form of LTP observed in biology39. In this case, the
energy accumulated at the device’s core, contributes to the creation of stable
percolation channels. On the other hand, Figure 3b shows an example in which the
same presynaptic-only stimulus leads an initially stronger synapse (higher initial
conductance) to LTD, a non-volatile conductance decrease. This property of being
able to induce either LTP or LTD depending on the initial value of the synaptic
efficacy is commonly observed in biology, and referred to as weight
normalization40,41. From the device physics perspective, we argue that starting the
stimulation from high conductance levels (e.g., Figure 3b rather than Figure 3a) leads
to accumulation of energy that saturates the available resources (O-2 vacancies),
beyond which new percolation channels are formed. In this case, supplementary
energy is dissipated as Joule heating and the existing filaments are annihilated. To
emphasize this behavior, the strong stimulation scheme of 9 spikes shown on Figure
3c was employed with 1μs (5μs) long pulses. It is interesting to note that the first
conductance peaks of Figure 3b are in fact increasing, possibly due to the formation
of some locally reduced TiO2 phases, which later on however are counteracted by
the annihilation of a percolation branch that results in a saturation of the response
and eventually to LTD. A very similar effect was indeed reported in the mammalian
neuromuscular junction, where a synaptic transmission event can be facilitating at
first before being overwhelmed by depression42.
Associative long-term synaptic plasticity
The long-term plasticity observed in our devices was shown to adhere with synaptic
plasticity modifications produced by pair, triplet and quadruplet STDP43 as well as by
frequency dependent STDP44 protocols. For this set of results a separate evaluating
platform was designed that is shown in Figure 4. This circuit represents an analogue
asynchronous implementation composed of two spike generating circuits acting as
neurons and a nanoscale solid-state TiO2 memristor as the synapse, denoted as M.
The two pulsing circuits respectively feed voltage spikes into each end of a single
element. Each spike generating circuit incorporates an mbed NXP LPC1768
microcontroller. The mBED Testbed also controls the SLAVE mBed to provide the
postsynaptic spikes.
Sending a pair of pre- and post-synaptic spikes separated by a time interval T into
each end of our memristor allows to simulate pair-based STDP (Figure 5a), for Δt =
tpost - tpre varying between ±100ms, where tpre and tpost are the times that the
presynaptic and postsynaptic spike signals were elicited. The applied spikes are 3.5V
square pulses that are 50μs wide. The memristor’s conductance was measured after
each stimulating pattern of 60 spike pairs at a frequency of 1 Hz, and was used as a
measure of synaptic efficacy. A positive (negative) change in conductance is
observed when the pre-synaptic spike is applied before (after) the post-synaptic
spike. This implies that the pre-post spike pair with Δt>0 elicits potentiation; whereas
when the timing was reversed depression occurs. The percentage change in
conductance ΔG was found to decrease with increasing |Δt|. Our measured results
were fitted with the Voltage-Triplet rule7,45 as if they were measurements from real
synapses (details on the employed models can be found in supplementary material).
Appropriately scaled measured biological synaptic data from references44,46 are also
depicted along our results to illustrate the close phenomenological resemblance
with results obtained from biological synapses. We should note here that the
classical STDP curve is only elicited for moderate stimulating pulses in amplitude that
are above the switching threshold of the memristor, but at the same time do not
trigger a unipolar mode of switching that will result only in potentiation, as
illustrated in supplementary materials.
During our testing, we noted that the initial conductance of the memristor influences
the resultant change in conductance after stimuli. Focusing on the pair-based STDP
protocol with Δt = ±1ms, the observed synaptic modification, as indicated by a
positive or negative percentage change in conductance, was recorded for a range of
initial conductance values. The applied spikes are square pulses of amplitude 3.5V
and pulse width 50μs. When the extent of synaptic modification was plotted against
the initial conductance values, an inverse relationship can be established as shown in
supplementary materials. As expected, the pre-post case (Δt = +1ms) elicited a
positive percentage change in conductance resembling synaptic potentiation, while
the post-pre case (Δt = −1ms) resulted in a negative percentage change in
conductance equivalent to synaptic depression. For both cases, the fitted line
showed that the modulus of percentage change in conductance %ΔG is inversely
proportional to the initial conductance value. The use of logarithmic x-axis
nevertheless indicates that the inverse relationship is non-linear. The inverse
relationship between synaptic modification and initial synaptic strength of a synapse
was also observed in biological synapses, with evident LTP occurring mainly in weak
synapses. LTD however did not show any significant dependence on initial synaptic
strength. This implies that synapses undergo potentiation until saturated, leading to
negligible synaptic modification in stronger synapses47. It can thus be deducted that
lower initial conductance will result in a more robust synaptic modification,
suggesting the potential of calibrating the initial strength of the memristor to
optimise the resultant conductance modification. The observed results also
proposed the existence of a conductance saturation level within memristors.
To emulate triplet protocols, we extend the previously used pair pulsing patterns to
accommodate three stimulating pulses. Our experimental triplet protocol consists of
60 sets of three spikes repeated at 1Hz frequency for two cases: pre-post-pre and
post-pre-post, with the timings illustrated in the inset of Figure 5b. Each spike is a
square pulse with amplitude 3.5V and pulse width 50μs. Experimental testing was
carried out by applying the triplet protocol with different sets of spike timing
intervals (Δt1, Δt2). Both LTP and LTD are activated in the two sets of triplet
configuration and the two processes seemingly integrate in a non-linear manner.
Weak depression or no change is observed when potentiation occurs first, whereas
potentiation dominates substantially when it occurs after depression. This
observation appears to conform with the results of Wang et al.44 on hippocampal
cultures, where “potentiation and depression cancel when potentiation is induced
first, whereas potentiation dominates when it is induced second." We note excellent
qualitative agreement of the memristive and the biological synapse, with the
exception of the post-pre-post protocol for timing (15,5), (5,15). A quadruplet
protocol was also employed, as in the inset of Figure 5c, comprising a repetition of
60 sets of four spikes at a frequency of 1Hz. The spikes are square pulses of 3.5V
amplitude and 50μs pulse width. For positive T, a pronounced potentiation is
observed when T is small. As for negative T, potentiation is induced too but the
effect is comparatively smaller, especially when T is large. We can deduce that
potentiation is dominant when it follows depression, similar to the observation with
triplets; a remarkable agreement with the data of Wang et al.44.
We further examined the dependence of the synaptic modification on the repetition
frequency of standard spike-pairs (Figure 6). The pair of pre- and post-synaptic spikes
was applied to each end of our memristor, with 60 pairs of pre- and post-synaptic
spikes being repeated at regular intervals of T=1/f, where f is the frequency in Hz.
The applied spikes have a 3.5V amplitude and pulse width 50μs and the complete
testing involved systematically varying the frequency f with Δt fixed at ± 10 ms. The
degree of potentiation is seen to increase with repetition frequency for the pre-post
pairing case, with only minimal potentiation at low frequencies. On the other hand,
the post-pre pairing resulted in depression at low frequencies, with a well-defined
transition from potentiation (Δt =+10ms) to depression (Δt = -10ms) observed for the
low-frequency range up to 30Hz, beyond which all spike pairings resulted in
potentiation for all |Δt|. Our results conform to corresponding data from
experiments conducted on visual cortical L5 neurons by Sjostrom et al.46. The
minimal pre-post potentiation at low frequency range can be attributed to the spike
pairs being too far apart. A large number of inputs need to be activated in synergy to
produce pronounced low-frequency potentiation. As frequency increases, the spike
pairs approach closer to one another; the post-synaptic spike that was precisely
synchronized with a presynaptic spike within an LTD window begin to enter an LTP
window for the preceding pre-synaptic spike. This could lead to the spike trains
producing both potentiation and depression interactions at the same time46. The
observation that depression ceased to exist and instead was replaced by
potentiation beyond 30Hz suggests that potentiation dominates over depression
when both interactions occur closely in time. From the memristors perspective,
when the device is stimulated with moderate amplitude post-pre pulsing pairs at low
frequencies, there is sufficient thermal relaxation in place so that the TiO2 core will
only endure a reversible field-driven reduction/oxidation. On the other side, as the
stimuli pairs occur more sparsely, thermal effects would prevail solely imposing a
reduction process and thus an overall increase in the device’s conductance.
In this work, we presented detailed and quantitative parallels between memristive
devices, biophysically realistic models of synaptic dynamics, and electrophysiology
experimental results obtained from real synapses. In particular, we demonstrated
that single TiO2 memristors are able to exhibit the properties of both the classic STDP
rule and the Hebbian rule, in agreement with experimentally observed phenomena
of synaptic plasticity46. Our memristive device is able to reproduce quantitatively (up
to a scaling factor) a number of synaptic plasticity experiments, which include, apart
from the standard STDP protocol, frequency STDP protocols, as well as protocols of
triplets and quadruplets46,47. Our artificial synapse overall exhibits properties are
remarkably similar to the triplet rule29. Further to its ability to demonstrate longterm plasticity, we have earlier demonstrated that the same type of devices also
exhibits short-term plasticity. Earlier theoretical work has attempted to explain the
development of specific connectivity motifs based on the interaction of short term
and long term plasticity30,48. We believe that a next crucial step is to show that shortterm plasticity and long-term plasticity mechanism may co-exist in the same single
TiO2 memristor by demonstrating the formation of such motifs in a neuromorphic
memristive system.
Figure 1 Solid-state TiO2 ReRAM memristors can support both bipolar and unipolar
non-volatile switching for emulating long-term plasticity. A top-view of a 2x2μm2
active area and 10nm thick TiO2 cross-bar architecture is shown in a), with insets I
and II respectively depicting cross-sections of a chemical synapse and a pristine
memristor (blue denotes the Pt TE and BE that correspond to pre- and post-synaptic
terminals, with green and red corresponding to Ti and O2 species that can be
displaced within the functional core). Bipolar and unipolar switching modalities can
co-exist in such devices, as respectively captured in b) and c); with exemplar OFF/ON
resistive ratios acquired after voltage cyclometry captured in d).
Figure 2 Electrical characteristics of our memristor prototypes. Shown are: a)
pinched hysteresis I-V trend that indicates a memristor signature, b) continuous
cycling (200 cycles) between three resistive states with measured and simulated
response according to a filamentary formation model as shown next to each
corresponding state and c) demonstration of the intrinsic accumulating non-linear
response of our prototypes when programmed with voltage pulses of fixed
amplitude (inset).
Figure 3 Long-term memory transitions of a single TiO2 memristor. Shown are: a)
long-term potentiation (LTP), b) long-term depression (LTD) and c) pulsing sequence
utilized for eliciting LTP/LTD behavior.
Figure 4 Circuit schematic of evaluating platform employed in all long-term plasticity
experiments presented in this work.
Figure 5 The memristive synapse demonstrates associative long-term plasticity in
excellent agreement with biological data. Shown are: a) pair-based STDP, b) triplets
protocol and c) quadruplet protocol. and d) frequency dependence of pair-based
STDP. Circular markers indicate measured data of our ReRAM memristors, while
triangular markers indicate scaled data from biological synapses taken from
references44. Solid-lines and bars show the Voltage-Triplet rule fitted on the
memristor measurements. Insets show the employed protocols for each case.
Figure 6 The memristive synapse demonstrates associative long-term plasticity in
excellent agreement with biological data. Shown are: a) frequency dependence of
pair-based STDP. Circular markers indicate measured data of our ReRAM
memristors, while triangular markers indicate scaled data from biological synapses
taken from references46. Solid-lines and bars show the Voltage-Triplet rule fitted on
the memristor measurements. Insets show the employed protocols for each case.
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Methods Summary
All memristor prototypes exploited in this work were fabricated by the following
process flow. 200nm of SiO2 was thermally grown on top of 4-inch Si wafer, with
5nm Ti and 30nm Pt layers deposited via electron-gun evaporation to serve as the
bottom electrodes (Ti is used as an adhesion layer). An RF magnetron sputtering
system was used to deposit the active TiO2 core from a stoichiometric target, with
30sccm Ar flow at a chamber pressure of P=10-5mbar. Finally, all top Pt electrodes
were deposited by electron-gun evaporation. A lift-off process was employed for
patterning purposes prior each metal deposition. Good lift-off was accomplished via
using two photoresist layers, LOR10 and AZ 5214E respectively, and conventional
contact optical photolithography methods were used to define all layers. All finalized
wafers were then diced, to attain 5x5mm2 memristor chips, which were wire-bonded
in standard packages for measurements. Preliminary characterization of all samples
took place on wafer by employing a Wentworth semi-automatic prober and a
Keithley SCS-4200 semiconductor characterization suite.
The cross-section of our memristor prototypes appearing on the inset of Figure 1a is
a 256x256 pixel EDX map of a pristine (as-fabricated) device. This map was taken at
50μs dwell time, 1.2nA beam current and 8mins acquisition time on a FEI Titan G2
ChemiSTEM 80-200 microscope.
Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
Acknowledgements We acknowledge the financial support of the eFutures XD
EFXD12003-4, the CHIST-ERA ERA-Net and EPSRC EP/J00801X/1, EP/K017829/1 and
FP7-RAMP. We are also grateful to Profs. Jesper Sjöström and Guoqiang Bi for giving
us permission to use their data in this manuscript and for providing detailed
information on the experimental protocols used to acquire their data. Their support
was essential for benchmarking our experimental set ups and data against real
biological synapses.
Author Contributions T.P. and E.V. conceived the experiments. T.P. and A.K.
fabricated the samples. E.V. modeled the plasticity phenomena. S.L.W., R.B. and I.S.
performed the electrical characterization of the samples. All authors contributed in
the analysis of the results and in writing the manuscript.
Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at. The
authors declare no competing financial interests. Correspondence and requests for
materials should be addressed to T.P. (
[email protected]).
Figure 1
10 nm
2 µm
c 108
Voltage (V)
Resistance (Ω)
Resistance (Ω)
Unipolar switching
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
Figure 2
Figure 3
G [50 µS]
Initial state
Time [5s]
G [50 µS]
Initial state
Time [5s]
(500ms interpulse timing, 1μs/5μs, pulse width)
Figure 4
Figure 5
a 60
∆t<0 ∆t>0
∆t1<0 ∆t2>0
∆G/G0 (%)
c 100
∆G/G0 (%)
∆G/G0 (%)
b 80
∆t (ms)
(10,10) (15,5)
(|∆t1|,|∆t2|) (ms)
Measured biological data
Biological models fittings
Figure 6
d 30
Measured ReRAM weight
∆G/G0 (%)
−20 0
T (ms)
Measured biological data
post spike first
pre spike first
Measured ReRAM weight
Frequency (1/T) (Hz)
Biological model fittings