SUBMITTED: February 2004
REVISED: May 2004
PUBLISHED: July 2004 at
EDITOR: B. Martens and W. Jabi
Rudi Stouffs, Associate Professor
Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology
[email protected] and
Jan Kooistra, Senior Researcher
Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University
[email protected] and
Bige Tuncer, Researcher
Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology
[email protected] and
SUMMARY: Metadata derive their action from their association to data and from the relationship they
maintain with this data. An interpretation of this action is that the metadata lays claim to the data collection to
which it is associated, where the claim is successful if the data collection gains quality as a result of it. We
assume that the design process manifests itself in this way: the designer lays claim to data in such a way that this
data gains quality. Claims form part of a complex adaptive system in which agreement on the quality of claims is
achieved through correspondence. Applied in the context of a design studio, the result is a digital media library
that is both the subject and result of the educational process. By teaching students how to express and utilise
these claims and their qualities in their communication with peers, they can learn to become more effective in
their use of information from various sources to support such communication. They will also learn how to build
digital media libraries as a collective result of their communication. In this paper, we describe a methodology
for adding, utilising and managing metadata and present some intermediate results from implementing this
methodology into education.
KEYWORDS: metadata, learning process, design analysis, architectural language, e-learning.
In the early stages of design, it is common practice for (architectural) design students to collect information on
prominent (building) examples relevant to their design task. ‘The rationale for banking on so called precedents is
straightforward: it is wrong to wish to reinvent the wheel over and over again. […] We should learn from our
elders and adopt their successful solutions to problems similar to the ones we cope with’ (Goldschmidt, 1995, p.
70). In the past, such precedent-based learning was implicit in the master-apprentice relationship common in the
educational system. Nowadays, academics commonly no longer have the possibility to maintain an extensive
design practice, while communication and media technologies and practice give access to a much larger body of
(important) outside precedents. While practitioners can rely on the experience of their colleagues, and maybe
their own, in the process of a new design, students can only draw upon documented examples of success and
failure. As a result, the study of important (historical) precedents plays an important role in design instruction
and in the students’ design processes. Akin (2002) compares the experiential approach of precedent-based
learning with the normative model of learning by explicit principles and argues that the use of precedents is not
only common for knowledge dissemination in architectural education but also in the design process of expert
In this study, students can benefit from a cooperation with peers, when analysing various aspects of a precedent
or of a group of precedents. By integrating the respective results into a common library, students can draw upon
others’ results for comparisons and relationships between different aspects or precedents. The Web offers
various examples of architectural analyses on a variety of subjects (e.g., IAAI/IBa, 2003, Madrazo and Weder,
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2001, Heylighen and Neuckermans, 2000). Commonly, these analyses consist of a collection of documents,
categorized and hyperlinked to support navigation through the information space. More sophisticated examples
rely on a database for storing and managing this data, and offer a more complex categorization of the documents
and their relationships.
Precedent libraries that can offer support to the student in the design process, however, do not need to be
restricted to prominent examples of good or bad designs. Students do not only learn from such precedents, they
also learn from each other, through reviews and critics, but also through direct communication and
correspondence on each other’s work. Digital media libraries can play a further role in this, by offering students
access to a broader selection of student work and by offering additional means for communication and
correspondence. We are currently developing a multimedia learning environment to support group work and
discourse, named InfoBase (, that also serves as a digital media library for
collections of student work. This development forms part of an educational project that aims to employ ICT
means to support educational processes in which students are encouraged to learn from one another and work
together, at their own initiative (Stouffs et al, 2003).
InfoBase is a database or digital library that distinguishes itself from an archive, in which the archival and
retrieval processes can be clearly differentiated as occurring at different moments and as performed by different
actors. With respect to InfoBase, students simultaneously take on the roles of archivists (or contributors) and
users of the library. The construction of the library is therefore a dynamic process and is not guided nor
constrained by an a priori defined organization. As such, InfoBase is simultaneously the main issue and the
result of social processes, which are the consequence of the exchange of information among architecture
students in a specific phase of their study. Therefore, we consider InfoBase as a complex adaptive system
(Kooistra et al, 2003).
The complexity paradigm uses systemic inquiry to build fuzzy, multivalent, multilevel and multidisciplinary
representations of reality. Systems can be understood by looking to patterns within their complexity, patterns that
describe potential evolutions of the system. Descriptions are indeterminate and complementary, and observer
independent. Systems transition naturally between equilibrium points through environmental adaptation and selforganization; control and order are emergent rather than hierarchical (Dooley, 1997). (Learning to) design (as
knowledge) is (learning) to handle the complexity paradigm. Designs form the fuzzy, multivalent, multilevel and
multidisciplinary representations of reality of the designers. Official solutions (opinions) can only exist if these
are hierarchically imposed. This does not alter the fact that a ‘hierarchical’ – or better said – autonomous form
must be found in which exactly this aspect (that there are no official solutions) can be communicated. In this
respect, InfoBase is an ‘autonomous’ database in which control and order can ‘happen’ rather than that these are
hierarchically imposed. What keeps a complex adaptive system together is thus not formed by the empirically
perceptible results (designs) that can be found in the database but in the way the system of inquiry works. In the
case of InfoBase, the system of inquiry works by means of the association of metadata that represent the qualities
which are able to order the complex chaos of interrelated elements without having to rank the result
hierarchically. The system of inquiry ‘delivers itself’ by means of a tool (KeySet, see section 3.2). In summary,
one might say that InfoBase forms a complex adaptive system that derives its properties from the ability to adapt
itself to the changing circumstances without losing its unity. This unity has the form of a system of inquiry that,
in the tradition of both Zen (“Fire does not burn fire”) and the French philosophy (epistemology is not a superior
methodology but the most appropriate way for getting access to what our culture distinguishes from others),
shows at a meta-level that self reference signifies a communicative basis and that this basis is unproblematic as
long as the origin of it is considered to be ‘emptiness’. “The standpoint of emptiness comes about as a negation
of ‘nihility,’ not in order to assert the priority of beings, but as a realization of the non-duality of being and
nothingness” (Thompson, 1986).
Because it concerns human systems and knowledge is by definition a form of delay, the characteristics of a
complex adaptive system include the relative hardness of information, once used, and the conservativeness of
ideas. Among the characteristics of a complex adaptive system are the relative hardness of information, once
used, and the conservativeness of ideas. Although contributed values are in principle relative values, through
social processes (standardisation) these harden to the structure of an information system. This is the meaning of
relative hardness. As an example, consider the use of certain solutions, certain constructs, materials and so forth.
The conservativeness of ideas, on the other hand, stems from the human property to embrace ideas acquired
during one's youth during the rest of their life (Inglehart, 1979, 2004). Examples are the forming of schools,
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cohorts, currents and so forth. In the end, the system threatens to jam due to a lack of new information (selfreferencing). A wide supply of currents and mutual competition ensures pressure on the system to keep changing
in time.
InfoBase accepts a dual attitude with respect to these characteristics. On the one hand, InfoBase considers
separate libraries per course and semester within which these processes take place. This forces the students to
build the library anew each time. On the other hand, InfoBase provides public access to these libraries, both
current and past. This gives students the chance to learn from the work of others.
InfoBase can be considered both with respect to content and with respect to process. As regards content,
InfoBase concerns a collection of constructive and objective qualities: designs, facts, plans, terms and so forth
(images, models, drawings, texts, etc.). As regards process, InfoBase concerns a collection of relational and
subjective qualities: the students are as a group responsible for relating the contributed constructs and objects
through moderation, validation and encoding of the information. It is expected from them that they express their
personal opinion over these constructs and objects. In this way, the content of InfoBase changes once more and
the process repeats itself.
Metadata serves as the means for students to build an information organization while constructing the library.
Metadata are simply data about data or information about information. In practice, metadata form a structured
collection of descriptive elements that describe an information object. Title, author and date are examples of
metadata with respect to an essay, report or other student work. Metadata may also constitute keywords that
relate to the content of the work. In the context of this paper, we primarily consider metadata as keywords, that
may or may not be part of a thesaurus. We consider a methodology for adding, utilising and managing metadata
embedded in an educational path with increasing responsibility for the student: programmed instruction,
networking exercises and community formation. Next, we shortly describe the InfoBase educational project,
describe the methodology for adding, utilising and managing metadata and present some intermediate results
from implementing this methodology into education.
The goal of the InfoBase project is to provide students with and teach them how to utilise a digital environment
in which they can store, exchange and manage the information they collect and generate, individually and in
group, and at their own initiative. Ultimately, our aim is to initiate networks or working groups, within an
integration of education and research, which serve as virtual centres of knowledge and experimentation on
specific themes, in order to advance both education and research.
The goal of the InfoBase project has both a didactic and a technical component. Didactically, we want to support
the students in their switch to the professional world through means of locking scientific value into the students’
communication processes among themselves, with their instructors and also with researchers. For this purpose,
we are teaching the students how to deal with metadata in the context of their learning processes. We are
experimenting with a didactic model that has the goal of serving as a container for metadata that can be used as a
design backbone. In the development of the didactic concept, we consider the following assumptions:
students learn from one another by presenting their work to others and otherwise communicating
with others about their work;
design learning processes require both individual and group activities;
these activities are both instructor-led and resulting upon students’ own initiative;
design-learning processes rely on both feedback and reflection, where feedback and reflection
from the student are also important with respect to the work of others and information used from
external sources.
Technically, we are developing an e-learning environment that supports students in exchanging and managing
the information they collect and generate, and in adding, utilising and managing metadata, individually and in
group, and at their own initiative. The InfoBase environment currently supports two interface modules. The
StudentWork module is the main interface module of the environment and contains three parts, a student work
submission section, a public section in which student work can be searched and viewed, and an administrative
instructor section in which submission deadlines can be set and grades can be assigned to the work.
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A second interface module, named MediatedDiscourse, enables students to collectively build an information
structure in support of and to represent a discourse. It includes the following functionality: to relate a newly
submitted contribution to existing contributions in the information structure, to develop a semantic structure of
keywords and to assign keywords to contributions, to mark contributions according to a number of
characteristics, and to comment on contributions as well as respond to others’ comments. The
MediatedDiscourse interface module is used in a number of educational experiments in order to gain insight into
the manner in which these functionalities (can) contribute to supporting communication and group processes
(Akar et al, 2003).
The InfoBase environment is used in an architectural education in support of design activities of students. For
this reason there is an emphasis on multimedia content, including texts, images, audio, video, drawings, 3D
models, etc. Overviews with thumbnails must offer the student quick insight into the content of the results of a
search query. Images in JPEG, GIF and PNG format are automatically provided with a thumbnail. Other formats
can be supplemented with an image by the author. Otherwise, the environment does not impose any restrictions
on the format of the content or contributions. Browser plug-ins can assist in visualising the different formats.
At the heart of the system lies a single database model that supplies a simple, open structure for managing
documents and metadata. The model mainly distinguishes 8 different object classes, these are projects,
documents, links, persons, groups, access rights, (metadata) dimensions and marks (Fig. 1): projects define
workspaces, e.g., courses; all content is defined as documents, documents can be linked; persons can be grouped
and access rights defined per group, access rights apply to the entire project or to a specific document;
(metadata) keywords are distinguished (and possibly structured) by dimension; marks define assessment marks
or grades. Both documents and links are distinguished by type. Document and link types serve a categorization
that is mainly semantic but may be used by the interface modules to distinguish functionality.
PROJECT + attributes + parent relations
+ values
+ value relations
+ types
+ attributes
+ text
+ attributes
+ attributes
+ rights
PERSON + login + attributes
FIG. 1: The InfoBase database model. The shaded areas distinguish the eight main object classes (the respective
class names are in all capital letters). For clarity, some tables are grouped together and presented by a single
box (each plus sign refers to a separate table in the actual database model).
The InfoBase architecture considers four tiers, the database, the InfoBase Core Library, the server-side interface
modules and the client-side interfaces (Fig. 2). The InfoBase Core Library shields the database from the interface
modules, offers data abstraction and forces data integrity. It is augmented with module specific layers. All
server-side code is written in PHP (and SQL for database access). User authentication is achieved through a
university-wide LDAP server. Client-side interface components mainly use (D)HTML and JavaScript, though
some components are developed in Java or Flash.
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FIG. 2: The InfoBase architecture. Nils Addink.
Most digital media libraries emphasize the ability to search the library based on an a priori defined metadata
structure (organization) (e.g., IAAI/IBa, 2003, Heylighen and Neuckermans, 2000, Akin et al, 1997). This
structure can often be quite detailed and extensive, requiring a fair amount of work from the user when entering
a new entity (project or image) into the system. Other digital media libraries do not consider an a priori
organization but instead rely on synchronous (face-to-face) communication in order to achieve a relevant
structure during the process of building the library, e.g., as the result of a brainstorming session (Madrazo and
Weder, 2001). The principal aim of the InfoBase digital library is not to serve as an archive that primarily
supports searching and browsing, but to have students become familiar with the dynamic process of both
contributing to and retrieving from a digital media library, in the context of a loose network or community.
Metadata derive (in a general sense) their action from their association to data and from the relationship they
maintain with this data. This action consists of the fact that the metadata lays claim to the data collection to
which it is associated. We denote this claim as successful if the data collection gains quality as a result of this
claim (i.e., the association of the metadata to it) (Fig. 3). We consider that the design process manifests itself in
this way; the designer lays claim to a data collection in such a way that this data collection gains quality. As a
simple example, a designer claims that a collection of polygons or other surfaces signifies a house. This claim
will succeed only if the concept of a house really occurs in this claim, that is, other designers or persons are
willing to consider the collection of polygons or surfaces that has been denoted as a house to be a house. In terms
of process, one can say that laying claim (in the form of associating metadata to data) must occur in such a way
that through the claim itself the data construction process gains quality. “A claim has the desired quality if in the
construction process attention has been devoted to the construction progressing in such a way that using the
claim serves to improve the quality” (Groen et al, 1980, Kooistra, 2002). Laying claims in the form of metadata
is the engine of the design process.
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FIG. 3: Diagram denoting the various stages in an information process and the influence of the use of metadata
on this process: information gains quality as the result of the association of metadata to this information.
When we consider a system in which metadata and their use can be organized, this system has to meet the
requirement that it should offer the possibility to achieve quality improvement through laying claims as well as
to assess these claims with respect to their quality. Therefore, the system must be both robust and flexible.
Robustness in this context means that an agreement prevails in the system in such a way that it offers the
possibility to “correspond,” i.e., communicate in agreement, on the metadata to be associated. With respect to the
example above, this means that the designer’s claim must be recognized and acknowledged by other designers
(Fig. 4). At the same time, the system must offer the possibility for designs to change and in such a way that, in
principle, a claim generates quality improvement. In the example, this means that the house that the designer
claims consists of an original collection of polygons or surfaces. Throughout time, the need for designs to
change can easily be followed. The claim to have a house designed hasn’t changed throughout the centuries.
However, the product of the claim has evolved with the state-of-the-art of technology, society and culture.
FIG. 4: Diagram denoting the role of correspondence in the process of associating metadata to data: metadata
lay claim to data; if these claims are acknowledged, the data gains quality as a result.
3.1 Four dimensions of qualities
Applied to the context of an architectural education, we want the student or future architect to learn to lay claims
on data collections in such a way that a vehicle arises with which this student can travel as a designer through
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time and space. Therefore, we teach the student to handle and use metadata along four quality dimensions: there
are constructive, relational, objective and subjective quality claims (Groen et al, 1981, Kooistra, 2002) (Fig. 5).
Constructive quality signifies the will to design (the will to improve) that arises from the necessity to achieve
agreement through correspondence. It is an intuition that springs from comparison. However, constructive
quality has no quality unless one is able to persuade other people (architects / designers) to believe and invest in
one’s construction. Thus, objective quality is also needed; one needs repeatable observations—scientific facts.
Unfortunately, facts don’t have a meaning without human intentions, wishes, drives or whatever one may call
them. So, intention represents the third kind of quality. It is called: relational quality. Producing survival
knowledge relates people; survival is a basic activity not unknown to students in an educational setting. Lastly,
the fourth kind of quality is the subjective quality. This kind of quality signifies one’s personal taste, conviction
and interest. It is presenting what one self is thinking and feeling and through that it represents one’s position in
the quality system. Special about subjective quality is that it only can exist in opposition to objective quality.
Objective quality is a (scientific) domain. Subjective quality simply disappears if it comes within the range of
this domain.
FIG. 5: Diagram denoting the space formed by four dimensions of socio-cultural qualities and their
interpretation for architecture.
Subjective and relational qualities are dependent on the community in which students operate. These qualities
are not only defined within the social processes in the community but also influence these processes (Hough et
al, 2001). By teaching students how to express and utilise these qualities in their communication with peers, they
can learn to become more effective in their use of information from various sources to support such
communication. In the InfoBase project, we consider the expression of these qualities through metadata in
various forms, such as ratings, semantic structures of keywords and different types of links between information.
In a first round, we are concerned mainly with the use of the model. Further on in the curriculum, the focus will
turn to the handling and steering by the student himself of the vehicle that the model defines. In this way, it is as
if the student goes through the process of handling an existing prefab vehicle to designing, building and handling
one’s own vehicle.
At the level of philosophy, this construction (of the four qualities) represents the theme of the circularity of
cognitions and experiences and the question that appears with it, on which ground one can rest this structure
upon if one sets loose the ‘original’ solution of metaphysics which in itself also knows various gradations. One
then automatically encounters the discussion about objectivism and nihilism (Nietzsche). We relate the four
qualities to the idea of ‘Being There’ (Dasein) as this is elaborated by the Existentialists, Heidegger (1972)
among others. A designer signifies in his design the world that exists for that reason but finds himself at the same
time in an already signified world that limits the scope of possibilities of the design. The two types of approaches
are opposed in a particular relation of inclusion and exclusion. That is to say, the two approaches are included in
their mutual exclusion (Kooistra, 1988). Thereby they open a third domain, the performance. This is the
continuing path along which this process both expresses itself and repeats itself. There is no reverse to identity.
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“The standpoint of emptiness comes about as a negation of ‘nihility,’ not in order to assert the priority of beings,
but as a realization of the non-duality of being and nothingness” (Thompson, 1986). ‘Relative nothingness’
becomes ‘absolute nothingness,’ for nothingness appears at the heart of self-identity. Here the self-identity of an
entity is shown to be its nonself-nature.
3.2 The KeySet tool
The InfoBase environment contains a StudentWork interface for students to submit the products and results of
their digital exercises. When students submit their work through InfoBase, they can be required to associate
metadata in the form of keywords to their submission (Fig. 6). We denote this system of metadata KeySet.
KeySet provides each work with a key consisting of a combination of four or more keywords. The mutual
relationships between these keywords correspond to the primary dimensions of the design process. These four
dimensions correspond to the four dimensions of socio-cultural qualities presented above and define the space in
which the design process takes place. In order to teach the students the meaning and distinction of these four
dimensions, we use the following concepts (Fig. 7, Table 1).
FIG. 6: Snapshots from the InfoBase StudentWork interface for submission of student work. Above, the
submission interface with the KeySet submission tool. Below, the submission interface with confirmation
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FIG. 7: Diagram denoting the space formed by four dimensions of claims and their interpretation for
architecture; this diagram is presented to students as a memory aid when they lay claims on their submission.
TABLE 1: Overview of the four quality dimensions and their interpretations, i.e., what each dimension
represents and claims and examples of keywords or qualities.
the idea or collection of ideas
that one tries to represent in the
that the design best fits this idea
or ideas
(the constructive qualities)
living, working, playing,
learning, etc.
house, office, workplace,
theatre, school, city hall,
parliament, etc.
(the relational qualities)
(the objective qualities)
(the subjective qualities)
the influence that the design has
on the user and, vice-versa, the
influence of the user on the
that the design fits in the social
life and culture of the intended
inhabitants, workers, visitors,
parliamentarians, etc.
the (f)actual elements that one
uses to express the idea(s)
that these elements give
expression to the idea(s) and
create a robust entity
robust combination of materials,
techniques, forms, etc.
the emotion that the design
elicits from the designer or the
that the design satisfies a certain
contributed value
transparent, cold, etc.
The construct constitutes the idea or collection of ideas that one tries to represent in the design. The construct
claims that the design best fits this idea or ideas. This corresponds to constructive qualities. Abstract examples
are living, working, playing, learning, etc. Concrete examples are building types: house, office, workplace,
theatre, school, city hall, parliament, etc.
The relations constitute the influence that the design has on the user and, vice-versa, the influence of the user on
the design. Relations claim that the design fits in the social life and culture of the intended user. These
correspond to relational qualities. Examples concern considerations to the use of the designed object by
inhabitants, workers, visitors, students, townsmen, parliamentarians, etc.
The facts constitute the (f)actual elements that one uses to express the idea(s) (e.g., materials, techniques and
forms). Facts claim that these elements give expression to the idea(s) and create a robust entity. These
correspond to objective qualities. Examples concern the robust combination of materials, techniques, forms, etc.
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The emotion constitutes the emotion that the design elicits from the designer or the audience. The emotion
claims that the design satisfies a certain contributed value. This corresponds to subjective qualities. Examples are
beautiful, ugly, functional, transparent, cold, etc.
We consider a few examples; the italicised terms can be considered as keywords or claims. As a general
example, an art program on TV is a construct that considers art loving viewers (relations). The program presents
facts about theatre shows that may convince the viewer that it is worthwhile to attend a theatre show
(emotion)—upon which the viewer may send the program a disappointing (emotion) review. Considering the
field of architecture, the theatre is a construct that considers an audience looking for entertainment (relations).
The theatre has a (large) hall with 1500 seats (fact). The audience ascertains that the seating is comfortable and
the acoustics are laudable (emotions).
3.3 Communicability of keys
The students are warned that associating keywords or claims to their work is relative—it always involves
interpretations. Thus, the key (as a collection of keywords) a student assigns must be communicable.
Furthermore, considering that every design is unique, the students are taught that chaos arises naturally when
‘populating’ a cooperative database. Every design that is submitted ‘queries’ InfoBase and forces it to position
the design. Since every design is unique, each design receives a position that does not coincide with any other. In
this way, InfoBase ends in ‘chaos,’ unless a constraint is imposed that applies with the input of data. In the case
of InfoBase, this constraint is imposed with the aim that students are encouraged to learn from one another and
work together, at their own initiative. Specifically, human communication constraints the uniqueness of the
designs as positioned in InfoBase through the use of metadata. This introduces the principle of order (and, with
it, that of simplification) and self-organisation; “order arises from complexity through the process of selforganisation” (Prigogine and Stengers, 1984). The obligation that correspondence on claims must take place in
InfoBase can be regarded as self-organisation in this respect. InfoBase can be considered a self-organising
system exactly because the content is placed under the condition of human concepts that can be exchanged
through correspondence.
KeySet mediates both technically and strategically to ensure communicability of keys. Technically means that
KeySet also concerns a search tool that allows students to retrieve keywords and keys and the associated student
works (Fig. 8). Using the search tool, a student can select any number of keywords, including the key assigned to
one's own submission, and retrieve all student works that include all selected keywords in their keys.
Strategically means that KeySet is implemented into the education in such a way that the student learns to deal
with the relativity of the system and learns to use the system to its full extent without a feeling of being left to
one's own devices when it concerns learning to handle the body of architectural concepts. In the first year of the
architectural BSc program, KeySet is used as a closed or almost closed system, i.e., students are limited in their
ability to create their own keywords. Each dimension can either be completely closed (i.e., a single keyword is
provided as a fixed choice), coupled to a fixed set of keywords one can choose from, or linked to an online
thesaurus with fixed architectural terms. This will stimulate the relatedness of the different keys students use to
encode their work while it remains clear that each design is unique and this uniqueness deserves to be honoured.
Later on in the BSc program, the correspondence on claims between designs will be primarily dealt with by the
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FIG. 8: The KeySet search tool applied to the results of a first semester modelling workshop of Parc de la
Villette “follies”. The selected keywords are “circular” (construct), “pavilion for the purpose of recreation and
relaxation” (relation), “front view” (fact) and “spatial” (emotion).
We have started to implement this methodology in two course components that each form part of a design studio
course, one in the first semester of the BSc Architecture program and one in the fourth semester.
4.1 First semester computer lab session
In the first semester course, the students are first introduced to the use of metadata when submitting course work
in a computer modelling workshop. This course is offered in the fall semester to about 350 students. In this
particular workshop the students are introduced to three-dimensional modelling using computer software and are
requested to create a model of one of the “follies” at Parc de la Villette, Paris. Last fall semester, their
submission consisted of one model and eight images of this model: one front view, one rear view, two side
views, one top view, one bird’s-eye view and two perspective views at eye level. For each image they submitted
they had to provide a key consisting of four claims corresponding the four quality dimensions. For each
dimension, a small set of keywords was provided from which the student had to choose one. However, the
relational dimension was a closed dimension: the keyword “pavilion for the purpose of recreation and
relaxation” was provided as a fixed choice. The construct was related to the perceived shape of the pavilion. In
the case of a front, rear, side or top view, the student was able to choose between “circular,” “triangular” and
“square;” otherwise, in the case of a perspective view, the available keywords were “spherical,” “cylindrical,”
“conical,” “cubical” and “pyramid-shaped.” The name of the view was chosen as fact. A few subjective
keywords were available for the emotion: “beautiful,” “ugly,” “open,” “closed,” “light,” “transparent,” “spatial”
and “dense.” 288 students actually participated in the workshop and submitted in total 850 perspective views and
1426 other views. The KeySet search tool provides separate access to both sub-libraries (Fig. 8, provides access to all student work).
4.2 Fourth semester design studio
In the fourth semester course, the students build digital media libraries for design analyses and materials, in the
context of a design studio. These media libraries are specifically considered as cooperative databases for the
exchange of information. The central design theme of this studio is a “small public building,” either a small
theatre or a museum. It is offered twice a year to about 260 students in total. The students are given a relatively
complex functional program and are required to design and work out the materialisation of this public building.
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The students begin the studio by analysing selected precedents (historical and contemporary) of the relevant
building type with respect to various criteria (composition, program, construction, context, type, etc.) and from
structural, formal and functional points of view. Documentation of these precedents is presented to the students
in the form of drawings, pictures and texts. The students are provided with a Design Analysis Network (DAN)
tool (Kooistra et al, 2003, Tunçer et al, 2002) that allows them to draw relationships between different entities
documenting the same precedent and to assign metadata to the analysis as well as to each of the relationships.
The students must subsequently search this common library for other analyses that support their design concept
and specify these as references to their concept. Next, the students also analyse a material or building component
and create a digital texture for this material. Collectively, these results form a material library that the students
can access and search in order to support their subsequent design and modelling activities.
4.3 Evaluation
We have evaluated the use of this methodology in both course components, especially the association of
metadata to the products that students submit, and the problems they face in the process.
The evaluation of the process in the first semester computer lab session in the fall 2004 semester was carried out
by means of two surveys in the form of questionnaires to small groups of students. During this semester, students
were not introduced to the concept of KeySet as explained in section 3.1; instead, a short introduction was given
to the four quality dimensions (section 3). This introduction proved to be too elusive and students, in general, did
not achieve an understanding of the meaning and role of each dimension and the relationships between them.
The first questionnaire contained 15 questions and included open questions regarding the meaning of the four
quality dimensions. 25 students filled in this questionnaire and it became clear that students associated different
meanings with the dimensions.
Students did appreciate the formation of digital media libraries composed of their submissions, encoded using
metadata according to the four dimensions and searchable using the KeySet search tool. 32% of the respondents
had a clear idea of what was going to be done with the collection of products (36% said it was somewhat clear,
32% were unclear). Students also used the KeySet search tool to search either digital library using one of the
keys that they used to encode their own submissions. The second questionnaire contained 32 closed questions,
divided into 3 sections: A. associating metadata to a submission, B. searching for submissions of other students
with the help of metadata and C. the concept. 68 students filled in this questionnaire and 41 % of the respondents
had searched the database. Nearly half of them indicated that these metadata were useful when searching for the
work of others.
This spring semester, the students received a new introduction into KeySet as part of a second semester course.
At the same time, we have started an extensive scales evaluation of the use of this tool.
In the context of the fourth semester design studio, the use of metadata to form and manage the digital media
libraries was evaluated in a laboratory environment, called the Laboratory for Work and Interaction Technology
(WIT-lab). Five students were observed and video-taped while performing an analysis using the DAN tool. The
students had no doubts about the value and potential of digital media libraries as cooperative databases.
However, in the case of the material library, the technical aspects of KeySet were partially used, though, not in
support of the strategic aspects whereas, in the case of the design analysis library, the use of KeySet was mixed
and confused with the use of the DAN tool which itself suffered from technical problems. Furthermore, the
selected students did not know what the general purpose and method of design precedent analysis was and,
accordingly, they did not know what the keywords meant or how to use them accurately. Once it had been
explained to them and they were able to work with it, students became considerably enthusiastic about the
concept and the tool.
Next semester, we will focus on the use of KeySet, both technically and strategically, to support the creation of a
material library. We also consider the use of (meaningful) examples about the task at hand in relation to
metadata in order to lead to better results.
We have considered a theory of complex adaptive systems in which correspondence among members of a design
community leads to agreement on the quality of design. We have applied this theory to the formation of digital
media libraries in an educational process. We have presented the translation of this theory, technically and
ITcon Vol. 9 (2004), Stouffs et al, pg. 140
instructionally, into the KeySet tool. We have presented intermediate results from embedding the KeySet tool in
the architectural BSc curriculum. We were able to conclude that the majority of students understood what we
aimed for with the application of this theory and appreciated the formation of digital media libraries composed of
their collective work.
The authors would like to thank all members of the InfoBase project team who, in their collective effort, made
this project and its results possible. Special thanks go to Ernst Janssen Groesbeek for his role in coordinating the
courses, to Ellen Sjoer for her surveys in the first semester computer lab session, to Jelle Attema and Evren Akar
for the WIT-lab evaluation, to Nils Addink for his input on the InfoBase architecture and Fig. 2, to Henry Kiksen
for his implementation of the DAN tool and to Sevil Sariyildiz and Jan Poot.
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