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Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
New sources and instrumentation for neutrons in biology
S.C.M. Teixeira a,b,*, G. Zaccai a, J. Ankner f, M.C. Bellissent-Funel d, R. Bewley e,
M.P. Blakeley a, P. Callow a,b, L. Coates f, R. Dahint g, R. Dalgliesh e, N.A. Dencher h,
V.T. Forsyth a,b, G. Fragneto a, B. Frick a, R. Gilles k, T. Gutberlet l, M. Haertlein a,
T. Hauß h,m, W. Häußler k, W.T. Heller c, K. Herwig f, O. Holderer l, F. Juranyi j,
R. Kampmann n, R. Knott o, S. Krueger p, P. Langan q, R.E. Lechner h, G. Lynn c,
C. Majkrzak p, R.P. May a, F. Meilleur f,r, Y. Mo c, K. Mortensen s, D.A.A. Myles c,
F. Natali a, C. Neylon e, N. Niimura t, J. Ollivier a, A. Ostermann k, J. Peters a, J. Pieper u,
A. Rühm v, D. Schwahn l, K. Shibata t, A.K. Soper e, Th. Strässle j, J. Suzuki w, I. Tanaka t,
M. Tehei a, P. Timmins a, N. Torikai i, T. Unruh k, V. Urban c, R. Vavrin j, K. Weiss c
Institut Laue Langevin, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, 38042 Grenoble cedex 9, France
Research Institut for the Environment, Physical Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK
Center for Structural Molecular Biology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB), CEA-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
ISIS Facility, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot OX11 0QX, UK
Neutron Scattering Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Applied Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Physical Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Petersenstr. 22, D-64287 Darmstadt, Germany
Neutron Science Laboratory (KENS), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, ETH Zurich and Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5332 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II), Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at FRM II, Garching, Germany
Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin, Glienicker Strasse 100, D 14109 Berlin, Germany
GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, D-21502 Geesthacht, Germany
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Private Mail Bag, Menai, Australia
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Bioscience Division Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
Department of Structural and Molecular Biochemistry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA
Danish Polymer Center, Forskningscenter Risø, Bgn. 124, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Ibaraki University, Naka-Narusawa, 4-12-1, Hitachi, Ibaraki-ken, 316-8511, Japan
Technische Universität Berlin, Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany
MPI fuer Metallforschung ZWE FRM-II / N-REX+. Lichtenbergstr. 1, D-85747 Garching bei München, Germany
J-PARC Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
Received 5 April 2007; accepted 15 February 2008
Available online 4 March 2008
Neutron radiation offers significant advantages for the study of biological molecular structure and dynamics. A broad and significant effort towards instrumental and methodological development to facilitate biology experiments at neutron sources worldwide is
! 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 (0) 476207953; fax: +33 (0) 476207120.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (S.C.M. Teixeira).
0301-0104/$ - see front matter ! 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
Keywords: Neutron scattering; Neutron crystallography; Small angle neutron scattering; Reflectometry; Inelastic neutron scattering; Quasi-elastic neutron
scattering; Proteins; Membranes; Macromolecular structure and dynamics
1. Introduction
Biological applications at neutron research facilities are
currently increasing significantly due to new developments
in instrumentation, dedicated infrastructure and tailored
samples. Neutrons penetrate deeply into biological material
while distinguishing between isotopes, in particular hydrogen and deuterium. Neutron beams are unique in having
wavelengths and energies that correspond, respectively, to
atomic spacings or fluctuation amplitudes and excitation
energies, and present negligible absorption even for relatively long wavelengths. Neutrons are therefore a unique
non-destructive probe. The low flux of neutron sources
compared to X-ray sources is compensated to some extent
by much larger beam cross sections and wavelength
spreads. However, neutron experiments still require correspondingly larger sample amounts and sizes, which may
be prohibitive given the complexity of certain systems under
We describe in the review a number of recent and
upcoming instrumental developments taking place at neutron research centres designed to facilitate biological applications. It is not a review of past neutron applications in
biology (see for example [1]), and the examples of source
and instrumental developments given here are only representative of current trends (for more complete information,
see for example [2,3]).
2. Sources
In recent years, there have been major developments for
neutron scattering facilities throughout the world. Existing
sources are constantly being upgraded while others are
being built and new ways to broaden the energy spectrum
and the intensity of neutron beams are tested at a pilot
scale to evaluate the effectiveness, safety requirements,
costs and overall feasibility. Reactor-based fission sources
have been providing neutron beams for more than 60 years
and are still the majority among neutron sources. Despite
the fact that the last 40 years have only seen a factor of
10 increase in the neutron source brightness [4], significant
upgrades in neutron productivity have happened through
the installation of hot and cold sources, neutron guides
and various developments in instrumentation to match
source technology. It is far beyond this review to detail
these developments, but new sources in particular have
benefited from these upgrades.
One of the newest neutron sources is the multi-purpose
OPAL [5] reactor at the Australian Nuclear Science and
Technology Organisation (ANSTO), where the low enrichment core is surrounded by a heavy water moderator/
reflector vessel with five neutron beam tube assemblies.
The present facility has space for 18 instruments (4 at the
reactor face and 14 in the neutron guide hall) and the initial
suite will be 9 instruments, 3 of which will be useful for
biology research – the reflectometer, the small angle neutron scattering (SANS) instrument and the single crystal
diffractometer. The reactor and the neutron scattering
instruments are in the final stages of commissioning and
the user program will commence in 2008. For the future,
the facility is designed to accommodate another thermal
guide and another cold guide, a hot neutron source and a
second similar neutron guide hall.
The FRM II research reactor in Munich, Germany, has
been in full user operation since 2005 and includes at present 20 instruments available for users and distributed over
two buildings: the experimental hall and the neutron guide
hall west. FRM II is based on a compact core containing a
single cylindrical fuel element installed in a heavy water
moderator tank, equipped with several secondary sources
[6]. These shift or convert the thermal neutron energy spectrum of the heavy water moderator into different energy
regions. A hot neutron spectrum from 100 meV to 1 eV
emerges from a block of graphite being heated by the
gamma radiation of the core to a maximum temperature
of about 2300 K. Of special interest for instruments with
biological applications is the cold source, placed 40 cm
from the reactor core axis; it provides a broad range of
long wavelength output.
At the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL; USA),
an upgrade of the high flux isotope reactor (HFIR)
includes an installation of a new cold source, construction
of a new guide hall, and the commissioning of two new
SANS instruments. The new facilities will offer gains in performance, capacity and capability that will benefit not only
traditional user communities in the physical and material
sciences, but will also significantly extend the number, size
and complexity of biological systems that are accessible to
neutron scattering analysis.
Other neutron facilities, such as the Hahn-Meitner-Institute (HMI) in Berlin (Germany), the Laboratoire Leon
Brillouin (LLB) in Saclay (France) or the NIST Center
for Neutron Research in Gaithersburg (USA) also continuously develop and upgrade their sources and instrumentation.
Spallation neutron sources utilize a proton beam, generally pulsed, to knock out physically or ‘spall’ neutrons
from a heavy metal target. Historically spallation sources
like KEK (Japan), LANSCE (USA), and the recently
closed IPNS (USA), have had lower integrated neutron
fluxes than reactor sources and tend to generate shorter
wavelength neutrons. However, they have much higher
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
peak fluxes and were at the origin of the development of
very powerful time-of-flight instruments. The peak flux at
the ISIS spallation facility at the Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory in Oxfordshire (UK) has been comparable to
the average neutron flux at the ILL.
Spallation sources are in continuous development. In
2006, for example, a liquid metal target with eutectic
lead–bismuth target material was tested in an international
Megawatt Pilot Experiment (MEGAPIE) collaboration, at
the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) over four months to demonstrate the feasibility of such a target for spallation facilities at a beam power level of 1 MW. During this
experiment [7], the SINQ continuous spallation source –
the first of its kind in the world – experienced a significant
increase of the cold and thermal neutron flux available for
users. At present, SINQ [8] (PSI) is the only steady-state
spallation source in operation.
With the reactor sources having reached their neutron
flux limits (imposed by the amount of heat that can be
removed from the reactor core) and the better sociological
and environmental acceptance of spallation sources by the
general public, it would seem that the future development
of neutron scattering facilities lies with accelerator based
ISIS is well established with a suite of high-performance
instruments that exploit the pulsed nature of the neutron
beam. A second Target Station [9] (TS-2) is being developed
to generate a high flux pulsed neutron beam by taking one
in five proton pulses from the existing ISIS synchrotron.
The design of TS-2 will yield at least an order of magnitude
increase in performance for large scale structure instruments, and low energy and high resolution spectrometers
in comparison to current instruments at ISIS. The relatively
low power of the beam allows highly efficient solid methane
moderators to be used to generate a high flux of low energy,
‘cold’ neutrons of wavelength 1–20 Å. A low repetition rate
means that a wide range of wavelengths can be used by
time-of-flight (TOF) instruments providing either simultaneous access to unprecedented momentum transfer (Q)
ranges (2–4 times greater), very low energies, or very high
energy resolution. For structural studies this makes it possible to probe a wide range of length scales simultaneously.
Very challenging projects are the new MW-class ORNL
Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at ORNL, designed to
provide several orders of magnitude performance improvements across 24 new beamlines compared to most currently
available instruments, and the Japan Proton Accelerator
Research Complex (J-PARC). The latter includes an
intense spallation neutron source facility (JSNS; for a more
detailed description see [10]) that promises to deliver intensities at least an order of magnitude higher than those at
traditional nuclear reactors such as JRR-3M (Japan
Atomic Energy Agency). Both JSNS and SNS use liquid
spallation targets, which are prompting further developments in the design and type of targets for neutron sources.
Table 1 shows a brief comparison of the characteristics
of neutron sources (for more information on these and
other sources see for example [2] or [11]) where there are
biological applications.
In terms of future projects, the European Spallation
Source (ESS), for example, is designed to prolong the availability of high quality neutron beams to present and future
generations of European scientists. The ESS will also profit
from close contact with the SNS and J-PARC efforts in
order to build a more powerful source, including two
5 MW target stations. More details of the ESS project
are available on the internet [12].
Despite the clear bias towards spallation neutron
sources in the next 5–10 years, there are other plausible
directions for neutron sources. Preconceptual design studies [11] of next-generation-reactor-sources using particle
fuel in a bed cooled by water at high pressure have indicated that the flux that could reach 1019 neutrons cm!2 s!1.
Laser inertial fusion has also been suggested [4] as a
future pulsed neutron source, in which a sequence of very
short laser-light pulses ignites a small pellet of D-T fuel,
producing a short pulse of neutrons. The technical complexity has however been a strong argument against the
expected factor of 2–3 potential gain over optimized third
generation spallation sources [13].
Obviously, neutron research centres do not attain excellence based on the quality of the source alone, and this cannot be reflected by the numbers in Table 1 alone. Among a
number of other factors determining the choice of source to
use in biological studies, the efficiency of neutron transport
is essential to reach a high flux of useful (in the desired
wavelength range) neutrons for the individual instruments
while eliminating undesired neutrons (fast neutrons that
contribute to the background) as soon as possible along
the flight path. Current developments in the construction
of guide systems (such as the ones included in the ILL Millennium programme [14]) in terms of guide dimensions and
supermirror coatings have played a major role in lowering
background signal, vital for biological samples in which the
amount of material is often limited and the scattering
power is low.
Finally, regardless of the strengths and weaknesses of
each new development, the complementarity of different
neutron centres, as well as different instruments worldwide
remains the most impressive development of all: the neutron research community as a whole is an indispensable
asset in biological studies.
3. New instrument developments
In the current post-genomic era biologists are faced with
an overwhelming number of new systems that need to be
studied at the molecular level. There is an important deficit
of structural and dynamic data to support a better understanding of the mechanisms and functions involved, often
for molecules that are drug targets or have important pharmacological or technological applications. The pressure to
improve the current structural biology techniques and
methodologies is high. A number of developments are
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
ongoing at neutron research facilities, with new instruments being built for current sources and others already
planned for sources under construction.
3.1. Biological macromolecular structures in solution and at
low resolution: SANS, low and wide-angle diffraction
The SANS technique has been extensively used to characterize nanostructures and hierarchical structures of materials ranging from 1 to 100 nm, in the fields of materials
and the life sciences. Protein–surfactant interactions,
light-induced structural changes in pea thylakoids, the
solution structure of human proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), biomineralization (exploring composite
nanoparticles consisting of an inorganic mineral and a biological molecule as protein [15,16]), are amongst many
examples at the limit of SANS studies. Recent progress
in nanotechnology and research in complex multi-component, multi-phase and non-equilibrium systems require
however the limitations of the technique to be pushed forward, with higher structural and time resolution.
Contrast variation [17] has had a major impact on the
range of application of SANS techniques: the relative scattering power (and hence the contrast) is varied with respect
to the structure being studied, making it possible to highlight internal features of the sample. The bulk neutron scat-
tering characteristics of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and
carbohydrates all differ significantly from one another
[18]. This natural contrast difference between biomaterials
is therefore exploited to locate individual components in
functional biological structures or assemblies, such as in
protein–nucleic acid complexes and membrane proteins
(see for example [19–23]). The addition of specific isotope
labelling of biological macromolecules further opened the
technique to protein–protein complexes that would normally lack contrast between the subunits [24,25].
Traditional SANS instruments on reactor sources use a
single wavelength of neutrons with a wavelength spread of
about 10%, which is continuously scattered onto an area
detector. Performance is then largely determined by absolute flux and the scattering wave vector modulus (Q-range)
that can be collected in one shot which depends on the
wavelength selected and the detector position. SANS
instruments have been installed at most large and small
neutron facilities all over the world. The two SANS instruments with highest flux at sample position are operated at
ILL, named D11 and D22. Further instruments are used by
biologists at HMI, LLB, the Budapest Neutron Center, at
NIST, SINQ and elsewhere routinely.
At ILL, in addition to D11 – the paradigm SANS camera in operation since the beginning of the institute – the
SANS instrument D22 went into operation in 1995. With
Table 1
Brief comparison of some characteristics of the current and near-future neutron sources
Peak thermal
neutron flux
(neutrons cm!2 s!1)
neutron flux
(neutrons cm!2 s!1)
Fission Source. Enriched 235U (93%); heavy water
moderator; hot, thermal and cold sources.
Fission source. Enriched 235U; light water moderator;
thermal and cold sources.
Fission source. Uranium silicide–aluminium dispersion
with 235U enrichment (93%); heavy water moderator; hot,
thermal and cold sources.
Fission source. Low-enriched 235U silicide plates; heavy
water moderator; thermal and cold sources.
Fission source. Aluminium–uranium alloy, the latter
enriched in 235U; heavy water moderators; hot, thermal
and cold sources.
Fission source. Low-enriched Uranium; thermal and cold
Spallation source. Lead rods; liquid deuterium moderator;
thermal and cold sources
Spallation source. Tungsten plates; light water moderator,
100 K methane moderator, 20 K hydrogen moderator;
thermal sources.
Spallation source. Tungsten rod; coupled hydrogen/solidmethane moderator, decoupled sold methane moderator,
full solid beryllium reflector; thermal and cold sources.
Spallation source. Flowing mercury system; supercritical
hydrogen moderator; thermal and cold sources.
150 " 1013
150 " 1013
130 " 1013
130 " 1013
80 " 1013
80 " 1013
40 " 1013
40 " 1013
30 " 1013
30 " 1013
11 " 1013
11 " 1013
12 " 1013
12 " 1013
4 " 1015
1.0 " 1013
2 " 1015
0.2 " 1013
Spallation source. Flowing mercury system; cryogenic
hydrogen moderator; thermal and cold sources.
Projected values.
1.2 " 1017a
1 " 1017a
5 " 1013a
10 " 1013a
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
a maximum continuous flux at the sample position of over
108 cm!2 s!1, it is particularly suited to biological applications. With the planned construction of a third SANS
instrument, D33, it is planned to identify specific subject
areas for the 3 instruments. While all instruments will
maintain a capability across a broad range of science, biology will be the main task for D22, while D11 and D33 will
specialise in polymer and colloid science, and magnetism,
respectively. In 2004, D22 was equipped with a new fast
2D detector, allowing one to count over 2 MHz of neutrons with only 10% dead-time losses. The allowed count
rate no longer limits the acquisition. For this reason, samples containing a large amount of hydrogenated material
giving very high background counting rates can be measured in reasonable times, and time-resolved measurements
(e.g. of the kinetics of the reaction) of small biomolecules
have become feasible. Although D22 uses reactor neutrons,
the large size of the detector (1 m2) together with the possibility of shifting it sideways allows D22 to cover a simultaneous Qmax/Qmin ratio of 20, which is usually sufficient
for indirect Fourier transformation of the data and for
model fitting, including by ab initio methods. The high flux
of monochromatic neutrons on D22 also turns out to be of
interest for the exploration of cancer treatments using neutron-induced secondary radiation from isotopes that can be
administered in the form of biocompatible nanoparticles.
At SINQ, the small angle neutron instrument SANS-I
[26] covers a Q-range up to 10.5 nm!1 for the detector displaced laterally by 50 cm (for structures ranging from
about 1 to 400 nm). The instrument offers time resolutions
down to a few milliseconds, achieved using a stroboscopic
(cyclic) experimental set-up. Similar SANS instruments are
under operation at HMI and NIST. After the shutdown of
the Jülich research reactor FRJ-2 in May 2006, two SANS
instruments were moved to the FRM II facility in Garching/Munich: KWS1 and KWS2. New elements were implemented on both instruments, such as a chopper in front of
the collimator for adjusting a variable Dk/k wavelength distribution, in combination with a time-of-flight option
between a few percent and that of the selector. This option
allows an operation in the so-called pulsed beam technique,
TISANE, to measure fast cyclic kinetic processes in the
order of milliseconds or even less [27]. An additional high
resolution detector in front of the conventional SANS
detector permits high resolution experiments at finite Q
(ordered structures of mesoscopic characteristic length) as
well as an extension of the Q range to the order of
10!4 Å!1, when combined with an adjusted Dk/k and
focusing achieved with the chopper and neutron lenses,
respectively. KWS1 will have a velocity selector with Dk/
k wavelength distribution of 10%, as well as polarised neutrons to avoid the high inherent background from incoherent scattering in aqueous solutions (while allowing for an
intrinsic absolute calibration of the scattered intensity).
To study kinetic processes, KWS2 was optimized for high
neutron flux, using a velocity selector of 20% Dk/k. Up to
two orders of magnitude increase of flux are expected by
comparison with the former conditions at FRJ-2. This gain
will be achieved by the higher neutron flux of FRM II in
combination with the implementation of neutron lenses,
larger neutron guide area, and a properly adjusted wavelength distribution. A new small angle instrument, called
SANS-1, is under construction at the FRM II as a joint
venture between the Technische Universität München
and the Geesthacht Neutron Facility (GENF). A vertical
S-shaped neutron guide, a tower with two possible velocity
selectors (one for medium resolution at high intensity and
one for high resolution), two optimized transmission polarisers and a large 1 m2 detector will be the main advantages
of this instrument [28].
At ORNL, the Centre for Structural Molecular Biology
is also constructing a Bio-SANS instrument as part of the
HFIR Scientific Facilities Upgrades Project. Bio-SANS
and its sister instrument, the 40 m high resolution SANS,
will use a horizontal beam located on a high-performance
cold source that utilizes 505 mL of supercritical hydrogen,
expected to provide usable neutron fluxes out to a maximum wavelength of 30 Å. Bio-SANS uses a fixed guide system designed to minimize fast neutron and c-ray
background at the sample and detector positions. A
super-mirror arrangement removes neutrons with wavelengths shorter than 6 Å. A velocity selector provides a
wavelength resolution of 8–45%. The sample area has a
2 m diameter footprint, making it suitable for a very broad
range of sample environments ranging from traditional
liquid cells to large-footprint high-field magnets. The
instrument is capable of measuring momentum transfers
of 0.002–1.0 Å!1. In addition to these instruments, the
EQ-SANS instrument is currently being installed at the
SNS. With an additional high-angle detector, this instrument is expected to become operational in 2008 and cover
a Q-range of 0.004–10 Å!1.
A 40 m pin-hole geometry SANS instrument, QUOKKA [29] (named after a small Australian marsupial), is
being commissioned on the OPAL reactor at ANSTO.
The instrument design includes features of D22 at the
ILL and the two 30 m SANS instruments at NIST Centre
of Neutron Research (NCNR). The instrument is positioned at the end of a cold neutron guide, with a variable
resolution velocity selector and a four position collimator
(guide sections or apertures) to deliver a neutron beam at
the sample position with maximum size 50 " 50 mm2. Neutron polarisation and focusing lens options can be inserted
into the collimation system. The wavelength range is 4.5 Å
to beyond 20 Å with a wavelength spread 8–21% Dk/k. The
instrument is equipped with a 1 m2 detector which can be
offset by 50 cm to increase Qmax to #1 Å!1. The Qmin is
#0.0008 Å!1 with focussing optics (at a specific wavelength) and #0.0015 Å!1 for other wavelengths, with flux
up to 108 neutrons cm!2 s!1. Sample environments include
multiple sample changer with temperature control of 50–
250 "C, a 5 T horizontal cryomagnet, a stopped flow cell,
a high pressure cell (300 MPa) and a Couette geometry
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
To cover a larger Q-range in particular towards smaller
Q-values at FZ Jülich a novel focussing SANS instrument
termed KWS-3 was developed which has been moved and
installed recently at the FRM II facility. Using a toroidal
mirror to focus the beam at the detector a Qmin of down
to 10!4 Å!1 is achievable with exceptional Q-resolution.
This allows measurements on large aggregates up to several
hundred nanometers, overlapping with dynamic light scattering measurements. Similar focusing for SANS instrumentation is being deployed at HMI.
At ISIS, the key to the future SANS2d instrument performance at TS2 lies in having two independently movable
1 m2 detectors. In combination with the wide simultaneous
Q range offered by the neutron spectrum, the two detectors
mean the instrument can be configured to probe the entire
Q-range of the instrument from #0.001 Å!1 to more than
2.5 Å!1 simultaneously. Conversely if the detectors are
brought closer together a smaller Q-range is probed but
with the detectors covering a greater solid angle data can
be collected more rapidly. The strength of SANS2d will
lie in this flexibility, making it possible to optimize the
count rate for the required Q-range. Even with the detectors at the same distance from the sample the ratio of Qmax
to Qmin will be #200. SANS2d will therefore be particularly
suited to experiments requiring large Q-ranges or involving
unstable samples. These might include studies of large macromolecular complexes or other systems with widely differing length scales, such as membrane proteins within lipid
vesicles. SANS2d will not compete with instruments like
D22 at the ILL [30] for raw flux but for specific experiments, particularly where a wide Q-range is critical, it is
expected to be world leading, offering lower counting times
and better Q-resolution. It will be the first SANS instrument to be built with two small angle detectors, a configuration that is expected to become more common with
future instruments such as the ILL planned D33 beam line.
Time-of-flight (TOF) instruments use a pulsed beam and
the full range of beam wavelengths. The wider the range of
wavelengths the wider the simultaneous Q-range that can
be probed and the higher the count rate in the central
region of the Q-range. On a TOF-type SANS instrument
the range of useable neutron wavelengths is therefore a
major contributor to the instruments performance. The
applicability of TOF-type SANS instruments, however,
has been limited due to the low neutron flux of kW-class
spallation neutron sources. Recent projects of MW-class
spallation neutron sources, such as J-PARC and SNS,
bring new possibilities into this area and a number of
instruments are currently being built accordingly. TOFtype SANS instruments essentially need broad wavelength
bandwidths, covering a wide Q-range. The Qmin is
restricted by the short flight path of scattered neutrons.
To overcome this restriction, without sacrificing the advantage of using a broad wavelength bandwidth, it is important to focus neutrons to the small-angle detector
position by neutron focusing devices. According to the
above idea, a high-intensity smaller-angle neutron scatter-
ing instrument (HI-SANS) is being built for the 1 MW
spallation neutron source of J-PARC.
For more details on recent developments in SANS
instruments see Table 2.
At the low frequency ISIS TS-2, the Near and InterMediate Range Order Diffractometer NIMROD will cover a
wide range of length scales from sub-atomic up to distances
characteristic of many small and medium sized macromolecular objects, such as proteins, nucleic acids and micellar
objects. NIMROD will have a 20 m incident flight path and
a scattered flight path (at the lowest angles) of up to 5.5 m.
Compared to traditional disordered materials diffractometers this is a long flight path, but this is required for the
instrument to reach a lowest scattering angle of approximately 0.5" (Q # 0.1 nm!1) which is necessary to measure
the large end of the desired length scale.
In a recent example of such work, performed on SANDALS at ISIS, it was shown that pressure induced unfolding of myoglobin in aqueous solution is associated with
changes in the water structure. However, this work was
frustrated by the upper length-scale accessible on that
instrument, a limit that would be enhanced by more than
one order of magnitude on NIMROD. Another example
of biomolecular relevance that has recently captured the
interest of the user community is the study of disaccharides, and their utilization as bioprotectants through effects
such as glassification. NIMROD will be the first instrument
worldwide, capable of tackling the interactions of biomacromolecules with their surroundings at the atomic level and
the conformation of the molecule in solution. It will open
the way for more detailed studies of protein–solvent and
protein–ligand interactions, protein solution structure and
protein folding.
3.2. Biomembranes and surface interactions
When biological interactions occur at planar surfaces, at
interfaces, or in layered phases, neutron reflectometry (NR)
can provide information on assembly, surface association
and material penetration under a wide variety of experimental conditions [31–38]. When combined with synthetic
and in vivo production of specifically D-labelled biomacromolecules or polymers, H/D-labelled components of complex systems and hybrid materials can then be selectively
highlighted, located and analyzed in situ. This can be extremely powerful in the characterisation and analysis of
molecular interactions with biomimetic materials and biological membranes, where neutron contrast variation techniques can allow the specific identification of marker,
signalling or receptor proteins, peptides or nucleic acids
to be discriminated from host substrates or supports that
are composed of polymer or lipid matrices. This is an exciting and challenging area of development that promises to
help bring understanding of the structure, function and
dynamics involved in incorporation or assembly of ‘active’
biological agents or biosynthetic peptides into natural and
synthetic substrates, matrices and membrane systems.
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
Table 2
Developments at SANS instruments: a few characteristics
Special options
D22 (ILL)
Large area multidetector (1 m2)
High intensity, chopper option
Polarisation (for 0.47–1 nm), in situ DLS, rheology, pressure sample environment,
neutron lenses and stroboscopic (cyclic) detection mode, 11 T SANS cryomagnet
Multi-position, circular sample exchanger, controller sample temperature and
humidity conditions, 11 T SANS cryomagnet
Large area detector (1 m2); comprehensive range of sample environments; polarised
Polarisation, GISANS option for magnetic and non-magnetic problems, chopper
München and GKSS)
Polarisation, two selectors, chopper option, laterally displaceable multidetector
(1 m2), second detector option and large area detector (1 m2)
Broad range of sample environments
Broad wavelength bandwidth, large area detectors and neutron focusing devices
Two small angle detectors
Reflectometry mode
Optional high resolution mode using multi pinhole grid collimation
Concentric rings detector dR = 1 cm TOF option
XY detector step = 0.5 cm
XY detector step = 1 cm TOF option
Image plate detector, multibeam collimation
In bioscience, the samples are generally of high value
and difficult to obtain in large quantities. The combination
of membrane proteins that are challenging to produce and
the need for deuterated lipids that are expensive is often the
limiting factor for reflectivity experiments. Sample preparation is also a challenge, requiring the production of large
areas of model membranes with high coverage. The ability
to work with smaller or more dilute samples will make a
significant difference.
The use of magnetic reference layers is an approach
which is increasingly being used in the study of immobilised
membranes and has no doubt had an impact in NR [39].
To carry out these experiments, a layer of magnetic
material is included below the surface of the experimental
substrate. In a magnetic field the scattering length density
of this layer is different for opposite spin polarised neutrons. By measuring the reflectivity profile for both neutron
spin states a data set is obtained with an additional contrast on precisely the same sample aiding greatly in data
analysis, particularly for less well defined biological
Although the structure of many enzymes that operate at
the membrane surface is known with atomic resolution and
even their mode of operation at the level of the catalytic site
is understood, we do not have a clear picture of the infrastructure of their mode of action in the assembly (how or
why they attach to the membrane surface, how their substrates or inhibitors are transported to them, what happens
to the products, etc.). An understanding of this infrastructure is important for understanding their biological
function, which, for example, is still unclear for the ubiquitous phospholipases. In the context of the development of
gene therapy, recent focus has been on complexes involving
plasmid DNA and cationic liposomes [40].
Time resolved measurements are usually restricted to
increments of minutes to hours particularly where multiple
detector positions are required or data is required to high
Q. In cases where strong features in the reflection profile
can be followed, or total reflection is a useful diagnostic
quantity, it will be feasible to obtain useful data within
ten seconds. This opens up a whole new area of studying surface binding via NR, an approach that has great
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
potential as a complementary technique to spectroscopic
approaches such as surface plasmon resonance and ellipsometry. These techniques will continue to provide significantly better time resolution but provide less structural
information than is available at neutron reflectometers.
For biomembrane studies instruments with high flux
able to determine structures in the nanometer range are
best suited and remarkable results have been obtained on
instruments like NG1 or AND/R at NIST [41]; or the
TOF instruments D17 at the ILL [42], or SURF at ISIS
[43]. Reflectometers at other facilities as HMI, LLB, JINR
or LANSCE have also been used regularly on biological
systems. Both at existing and new sources a number of
instruments are being upgraded or under development,
such as AMOR [44], a TOF reflectometer at SINQ, that
can handle any kind of solid–liquid sample cell (e.g. a pressure device developed by the University of Heidelberg or a
flow cell by TU Delft), or N-REX+ at FRM II which combines neutron and X-ray reflectometry within one
A dedicated reflectometer REFSANS [45] to measure
also in grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering
(GISANS) and diffraction (GID) has been installed at
FRM II. REFSANS combines features of a TOF reflectometer and a TOF SANS instrument, to allow in particular the investigation of planar membranes and monolayers
at liquid interfaces to study later aggregation and ordering
in fluid self-assembled systems. The instrument will offer
unique new possibilities to study organisation of proteins
in membrane model systems and the adsorption and interaction of proteins and small biological molecules at
Table 3 provides a list of current projects for reflectometers, most in either their installation or commissioning
One of the first operational instruments at the SNS is the
Liquids Reflectometer. The guide system supplies
2 Å < k < 16.5 Å neutrons at vertical incident angles ranging from 0" < ai < 5.5" for free liquid surfaces and up to
45" for solid surfaces. Three bandwidth choppers, synchronized with the spallation source and operating at 15–60 Hz,
provide neutrons in bandwidths ranging from 3.5 to 14 Å at
a given ai onto a sample. The sample stage enables all of the
motions necessary for positioning liquid and solid surfaces,
while the detector arm allows position-sensitive (1.3 " 1.3
mm2 pixel resolution) or pencil 3He detectors (7-detector
array) to view the sample at specular or off specular angles
(up to 90") and can scan out of the specular plane by up
to 30". Instrument commissioning began in late 2006.
At J-PARC (BL16), a neutron reflectometer will use
cold neutrons with wavelength ranging from 2.5 to 9 Å
for an instrument with a total length of 17.5 m. The beam
line design is optimized so as to satisfy the requirement that
specular reflectivity can be measured for free interfaces at
least up to 0.5 Å in neutron momentum transfer, QZ, perpendicular to the sample surface. The maximum sample
size is 50 " 50 mm2. This reflectometer is expected to have
at least a few hundred times higher intensity than the one at
KENS (the first dedicated pulsed neutron facility in the
world; it was shut-down in March 2006), which only had
a proton accelerator power of 3 kW. The higher intensity
makes it possible to perform a time-resolved reflectivity
measurement in seconds for the sample systems varying
their structures with time. More advanced measurements
such as the use of focusing beam and neutron spin-echo
options by a neutron resonance spin-echo method are
under discussion.
At ISIS (TS-2), three reflectometers are being constructed in the first instrument suite: INTER, POLREF
and OFFSPEC. INTER is optimized for the study of molecules at interfaces. It will provide faster counting times
while providing simultaneous access to Q-ranges that
would require at least two detector positions on the older
instrument SURF. Sample areas as low as nine square centimetres will be routinely achievable. Alternatively it will be
possible to use similar samples sizes to those currently used
and increase the time resolution of measurements.
OFFSPEC is designed to provide enhanced access to a
wide range of scattering from the plane of the sample in
addition to the conventional reflectivity profile. OFFSPEC
will have an area detector providing information on inplane structures ranging from 0.1 to 40 lm in scale. Thus,
in addition to high resolution data on structures orthogonal to the plane of the sample provided by the conventional
reflectivity profile, OFFSPEC will provide data on structures within the plane of the sample. A neutron spin-echo
system, developed by the Technical University of Delft,
uses neutron spin to encode the path of the neutron
through the instrument. This ‘‘angular encoding” allows
OFFSPEC to use a ribbon beam, as used for normal reflection experiments, but obtain resolution equivalent to a pinhole geometry. By simply rotating the encoding plane
(moving a magnet) it will also be possible to perform high
resolution specular reflectivity measurements with relaxed
collimation for high flux, or on samples that are not sufficiently flat for analysis on existing instruments. However,
the main initial use of the system will be to obtain 5–
200 nm structural data in the plane of the sample surface.
The size range spans the micron sized domain structures
formed by synthetic lipid mixtures often used as models
of lipid raft formation to the #10 nm size that ‘real’ phase
separated domains in natural lipids are thought to form.
Along with advances in the preparation of model lipid
membranes this offers the potential for the direct structural
study of rafts formed in model membranes constructed
from lipids isolated from natural membranes. In addition
to lipid rafts the size range makes it possible to probe the
aggregation state and possibly the orientation of proteins
within a membrane. Structural interpretation of the orientation of proteins and peptides within membranes or at surfaces by NR currently extends only to a qualitative level;
‘standing up’ or ‘lying down’. With the additional data provided by OFFSPEC it will be possible to strengthen the
arguments that have previously been made purely on the
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
Table 3
New developments in neutron reflectometers
Orientation of
sample reflecting
Interesting options
Soft and liquid interfaces,
Grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering
Liquid samples. Surfaces
and thin film systems
Specular and off-specular scattering. Polarised neutrons
Thin films at air/liquid and
liquid/liquid interfaces
Simultaneous use of a Brewster Angle Microscope during measurements and
the possibility to strike the interface from above and below in a wide Qrange
Soft and liquid interfaces,
Specular and off-specular scattering. Polarised neutrons. Grazing incidence
small angle neutron scattering
Solid and liquid surfaces,
interfaces and thin film
Horizontal or
Simultaneous in situ X-ray reflectometry; grazing incidence small and wideangle neutron scattering, conventional or spin-echo resolved. Polarization
analysis and large sample chambers
Liquid and solid surfaces
Specular, off specular, near-surface small angle scattering, and crystalline
diffraction geometries
BL16 Reflectometer
Soft and liquid interfaces,
Specular, off specular, near-surface small angle scattering. Polarised
Small sample sizes
Surfaces and thin film
Polarisation and Analysing systems
Interfaces, thin films and
Neutron spin-echo analysis system that will simultaneously provide data on
in plane structures from 5 to 200 nm. Polarised neutrons
basis of the one dimensional density profile provided by
specular reflectivity.
FIGARO [46] (Fluid Interfaces Grazing Angles Reflectometer) will be a high flux, flexible resolution reflectometer
with a vertical scattering plane, to be commissioned at the
ILL by mid 2008. Applications involve the study of the
interaction of proteins with lipid monolayers, surface
behaviour of surfactants, polymers and other amphiphiles
at liquid/air and liquid/liquid interfaces. For liquid/liquid
interfaces it is important that the incoming beam can
approach the interface from above or below the horizon
as one liquid phase may be far more easily penetrable than
the other. With an incoming beam of wavelengths comprised between 2 Å and 30 Å, it will be possible to attain
a Q-range of #0.002–0.35 Å!1. Four choppers, independently rotating in pairs, will allow the use of a beam at
six different wavelength resolutions, ranging from 1.2% to
10%, by keeping the projected chopper openings equal to
zero. A two dimensional multitube detector will be positioned at 3 m from the sample. This detector will allow
measurements of specular and off-specular reflectivity.
The high flux and wide Q-range will allow the determination of structure and composition of layers in the fraction of nanometer range and to follow kinetics in the
second timescale. Examples of applications of FIGARO
include the adsorption of proteins at interfaces. As the
instrument flux and hence the sensitivity is increased, a
greater extent of complexity can be explored.
A novel reflectometer called MARIA (magnetic reflectometer with high incident angle) is under construction
by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at the FRM II
to be in operation in 2009. With a focusing neutron guide
and variable resolution at highest achievable flux the
instrument will be used for time-resolved measurements
of adsorption phenomena at interfaces. GISANS measurements will also be possible.
A TOF reflectometer, PLATYPUS [47] (named after an
Australian semi-aquatic mammal), designed for soft matter
studies, metallic multilayers and liquid surfaces, is being
commissioned on the OPAL reactor at ANSTO. It is
located at the end of a cold neutron guide with a variable
resolution chopper system and a 2D detector system (500
mm horizontal and 250 mm vertical). The Qmin is
#5 " 10!3 Å!1 with Qmax up to #0.5 Å!1 for liquid–solid
and air–solid interfaces, and #0.35 Å!1 for air–liquid interfaces. The maximum flux is #109 neutrons cm!2 s!1 and
minimum reflectivity #10!8. It will have a polarisation
analysis option and off-specular scattering will be possible.
Sample environments which will assist studies in biology
include a 5 T horizontal cryomagnet, gas mixer and controller, solid–liquid cell, Langmuir film balance, and sealed
multiple troughs.
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
3.3. Dynamics in biological systems
The wide dynamical range in biological macromolecules
is probed by an array of different types of neutron scattering spectrometers. The fastest dynamics are studied by
thermal neutron time-of-flight (TOF), then comes the cold
neutron TOF, which, although with a reduction in Qrange, can overlap with the backscattering instruments that
are adapted to slower motions. The slowest motions are
reached with the spin-echo technique.
Incoherent scattering from samples containing hydrogen
and deuterium is strongly dominated by the motions of the
hydrogen nuclei, which, in the time-space window examined by the neutron scattering experiments, essentially
reflect the motions of the local structure to which they
are bound. Inelastic neutron scattering experiments on
dedicated TOF and filter-analyzer instruments provide
high-quality data of dynamic structure factor S(Q, x) and
vibrational densities of states in the energy domain from
a few meV to a few hundred meV, which serve as input
to, and constraints for, models of atomic bonding and even
structural models of these complex compounds [48–50].
The ability to systematically highlight, isolate and probe
the dynamics of specific H-labelled residues in situ within
the natural environment of (deuterated) protein structures
are of significant interest and value for the study of specific
biological problems and also for the use of model proteins
in biophysical/biotechnological applications [51].
For quasi-elastic spectroscopy the neutron instruments
now available at sources worldwide make it possible to
probe relaxations at very low energies with high resolution.
Spectrometers are able to probe low energy dynamics
including biomacromolecule breathing motions and water
or molecular diffusion with at least a 10-fold reduction in
collection time.
At and near biomolecular surfaces, significant structural
and dynamical changes occur over narrow layers of hydration. Many important but as yet unresolved questions
relate to the characterisation of the diffusive and rotational
motions of water molecules in confined geometries and at
hydrophilic/hydrophobic surfaces of complex structure
[52–58]. It is only now becoming possible to simulate biomolecular hydration processes more accurately, and comparison of the resulting space-time correlation functions
with experimental data requires instrumentation with sufficient resolution and dynamic range. With a variable resolution of between 7 and 30 leV, and excellent statistics, it will
become possible to perform detailed analyses of quasi-elastic lineshapes due to multicomponent diffusional and rotational motions in selectively deuterated samples, and thus
to gain information on hydrogen-bond connectivity and
lifetimes, microdiffusivity and microviscosity.
3.3.1. Triple axis spectrometers
Triple axis spectroscopy has not been used very much to
probe dynamics in biological systems or of biological macromolecules. The triple-axis instrument IN8 has been used
to probe the collective dynamics in dry and hydrated Cphycocyanin protein [59] and recently, with a better resolution of 300 leV, the IN12 instrument at ILL has been used
to probe the collective dynamics in model membrane
3.3.2. TOF spectrometers
In principle, all TOF instruments could be suitable for
the study of the fast motions in biological molecules.
Amongst them, one can make the distinction between crystal TOF (e.g. IN4 and IN6 at the ILL, FOCUS at PSI) and
disk-chopper TOF (e.g. MERLIN and LET at ISIS, CNCS
TOFTOF in Munich, NEAT(V3) at HMI). The high resolution versatility of the disk-chopper instruments is well
adapted to problems in biophysics. On very specific applications where a high flux is required, e.g. for time-resolved
studies, in which a minute quantity of biological material is
available, or when using a complex sample environment,
one must rely on the high flux spectrometers that are found
at high intensity neutron sources. Selected examples of
TOF instruments, especially where there have been
upgrades to enhance their performance for biophysics are
given in what follows.
TOF spectrometers can cover both the inelastic and
quasi-elastic scattering range, depending on their incident
energy and energy resolution. Whereas thermal TOF spectrometers are applied to vibrational studies mainly, cold
neutron TOF spectrometers work for both. It is generally
necessary to carry out inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron
scattering experiments on a wide range of instruments at
a variety of facilities to gain a complete picture of the
dynamics of a particular system.
FOCUS, for example, is a direct-geometry, hybrid TOF
spectrometer for cold neutrons at SINQ [60,61] operated
by PSI and Saarland University. It can be operated either
in time or monochromatic focusing mode. FOCUS is
highly flexible and can be optimized widely according to
user demands. The instrument is suited for both quasi-elastic and inelastic scattering. FOCUS has been applied to
study water dynamics in model membrane systems [62],
dynamics of proteins at low temperatures [63] or molecular
dynamics by cold neutron spectroscopy [64].
A setup for the investigation of the (light-induced) protein dynamics in real-time, using quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS), was recently developed for the first time at
the HMI Berlin. In this configuration, laser pulses initiating
the protein working cycle were synchronized with the neutron pulses of the TOF spectrometer NEAT [108]. The
delay between the laser pulse and the neutron pulse can
be optimally chosen in the ls to ms-range in order to probe
the dynamics at time points of interest. The sampling time
depends on the energy resolution of the neutron spectrometer but is typically in the order of a few tenths of microseconds. The repetition frequency of the laser flashes has to be
adapted to the functional process under study. Therefore, a
thorough characterisation of the sample system by optical
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
spectroscopy prior to the actual QENS experiment is an
important prerequisite to achieve an optimal activation of
the protein by the laser flash. A first successful series of
QENS experiments has been performed with the integral
membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin, a light-driven proton pump. Future applications of the new method include
e.g. photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes or caged
compounds for the light stimulation of non-photoactive
proteins. Experiments on this system have continued on
IN5 at ILL to profit from the higher flux.
The upgrade of the IN5 secondary spectrometer that is
expected to be completed by Spring 2008 will see the
replacement of the single detector bank to a 30 m2 position
sensitive detector array inside a 4 m flight path chamber
under vacuum. The improvement of the instrument will
increase detected neutron flux by a factor of 6 when compared to the present situation with its large gap-free solid
angle offering scattering angles ranging from #1" to 140"
by steps of 0.4". The 800 mm diameter sample area allows
accommodating a great variety of exotic sample environment. Efforts have been made to develop time-resolved
and stroboscopic measurements with a flexible programmable electronics that can trigger any external parameter
such as magnetic field [65], temperature jumps and [66]
and light excitation (Pieper et al., unpublished) with the
neutron pulses.
In July 2005 a multi-chopper time-of-flight spectrometer
TOFTOF went into user operation at the FRM II. In the
combination of high intensity (continuous white beam flux
at the sample position #1010 n cm!2 s!1), good resolution
and excellent signal to background ratio the spectrometer
offers new scientific prospects in the field of inelastic and
quasi-elastic neutron scattering [67]. For biologically relevant systems this could be demonstrated by investigations
on the dynamics of phospholipids in the stabilizer layer
of colloidal emulsion droplets with only 20 mg of phospholipids in the beam [68].
At ISIS TS-2, the LET spectrometer will be a versatile
direct geometry instrument that aims to reduce the need
for experiments on multiple instruments. It will operate
over a wide 0–80 meV energy range, with a sophisticated
chopper system that gives a variable energy resolution.
The chopper system also allows multiple measurements
to be made within a single time frame utilising the multiple
repetition rate approach first introduced on IN5 [69]. LET
will have position sensitive detectors covering a massive p
steradians solid angle. This will make it possible to map
a vast swathe of momentum transfer-energy (Q–E) space
in a single measurement. The instrument is similar to IN5
(ILL), or NEAT (HMI), or TOFTOF (FRM II). It will
have a large flux at the sample position, similar to the
new improved IN5 at low energies but much larger at
higher energies, greater than 20 meV. This is because such
a spectrometer ideally requires a high ‘peak’ flux such as
that from the coupled moderator of TS-2, and not a large
time averaged flux produced by reactor sources. It will be
both an excellent quasi-elastic spectrometer with a resolu-
tion that exceeds the 17 leV available on IRIS, and a low
energy chopper spectrometer with count rates and resolution superior to that of any other existing machine.
3.3.3. Backscattering spectrometers
At the ILL, the IN13 backscattering instrument is characterized by the relatively high energy of the incident neutron beam (16 meV), which makes it possible to span an
exceptionally wide range of momentum transfer (up to
Q = 5.2 Å!1) with a high energy resolution (#8 leV).
IN13 allows the investigation of a space-time window of
about 1 Å and 0.1 ns. In the past years a major upgrade
of the instrument has been performed leading to higher
neutron flux and improvement of instrument versatility,
especially in the domain of sample environment (see Table
4). Recent achievements include: oriented membrane investigations, experiments using high pressure, and molecular
dynamics measurements in live cells [70,71] (Table 5).
Cold neutron reactor backscattering instruments like
IN10 and IN16 at ILL, HFBS at NIST or SPHERES at
FRMII offer the best possible energy resolution among
neutron crystal spectrometers. They operate in exact backscattering which therefore allows, within the limits imposed
by e.g. beam divergence or sample size, to push the energy
resolution further and potentially considerably below the
energy resolution of 0.19 leV, measured for silicon (1 1 1)
[72]. For example with GaAs crystals this limit could be
a factor 8 lower. Because any improvement in energy resolution is on expense of the count rate, the basis for such
changes must at first be laid by increasing the neutron flux.
At the ILL the count rate is expected to improve by one
order of magnitude with the new backscattering spectrometer IN16B due to better guide optics and a phase space
transformation chopper. Together with new Doppler drives
(at NIST, FRM II and ILL), which double the maximum
energy transfer range, these spectrometers will offer a
dynamic range of nearly 2 decades, quite close to those
of spallation source backscattering instruments, but with
its energy range shifted towards lower energy transfer.
Today neutron backscattering and cold neutron chopper
TOF spectrometers complement each other ideally to a
wide dynamic range of three decades by applying Fourier
transformation methods. In future combinations of reactor
and spallation backscattering spectrometers and/or of
TOF-spectrometers may allow extending the dynamic
range to up to 4 decades. This is important for investigations of the dynamics of complex systems like in biology
which display a wide distribution of relaxation times or
for studies of confinement, where the high energy resolution is needed to decide on the presence of a strictly elastic
component. Already today IN16 at ILL is used to a large
part for biological studies (see e.g. two recent studies
[73,74]) and these ongoing changes will render it even more
The SNS backscattering silicon spectrometer (BASIS),
the most advanced neutron spectrometer of this type, was
designed to provide very high energy resolution at the elas-
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
Table 4
Options available at some neutron spectrometers suitable for biological applications at neutron research facilities
Q-range (Å!1)
6–5400 leV
Studies of kinetically modulated protein dynamics
4 leV–5 meV
63.9 (for
k = 3 Å)
Resolution can be doubled when using the small slit option (at a cost of #14 times less intensity)
15 leV–
5000 leV
Photo-induced dynamics of protein by synchronizing laser flashes and neutron pulses
5 leV–3 meV
ko = 1.8–
20 Å
ko ! 11.9/ko
Full gapless position sensitive detectors. Flexible programmable electronics for time-resolved
studies. Large sample chamber (800 mm diameter) allowing fitting a large variety of sample
environment. Hyperfocusing guide for very small sample under study
IN13 (ILL)
8 leV
High-pressure device for liquid samples able to reach 7000 bar and a TOF unit in order to
develop real-time experiments. Large Q-range
IN16 and IN16B
32 leV
0.1–1.9 0.5–
IN16B will have an order of magnitude higher count rate and doubles the dynamic range; a side
position will even improve the signal to background ratio compared to IN16
0.65 leV
Doppler drive and phase space transformation chopper in operation
3.3 leV
Flexibility to shift the incident neutron wavelength to cover (in separate settings) energy transfers
from 18 meV to approximately !0.8 meV
6.6 meV–
33 neV
NRSE technique
2 neV–
0.66 meV
Very high energy resolution
65 neV–
1.5 meV
63.5 (for
k = 2.5 Å)
10–2000 leV
For incoherently scattering samples, a modification of the NRSE technique can be used, where
depolarization at the sample does not deteriorate the measured signal, which is time dependent in
High-pressure INS studies to 1.2 GPa, sample environment for continuous T-range 10–650 K,
magnetic field of 9 T.
Table 5
A comparison of current and near-future neutron diffractometers for biological studies
Applications and Sample environment
TOPAZ (SNS), due online in 2008
Smaller oligonucleotides and proteins (less than #25–30 kDa). Resolution up to 1 Å
MaNDi (SNS), due online in 2008
k resolved Laue
Crystals of macromolecules of >0.1 mm3, with lattice repeats up to 150 Å. Resolution up
to 1.5 Å
k resolved Laue
Organic or inorganic small molecule crystals (resolution up to 1 Å). Crystals of
macromolecules of >0.3 mm3, with lattice repeats up to 180 Å (resolution up to 1 Å)
LADI-III (ILL), operational
Crystals of macromolecules of > 0.1 mm3, with lattice repeats up to 150 Å. Resolution up
to 1.5 Å
IMAGINE (HFIR), planned
Organic or inorganic small molecule crystals, and small protein single crystals
KOALA (ANSTO), commissioning
Organic or inorganic small molecule or small protein crystals of >0.1 mm3 or less, with
lattice repeats up to 40 Å. Control of temperature (6–800 K; standard), gas-environment
and applied electric fields
IBARAKI diffractometer (J-PARC),
due online in 2008
Crystals with lattice repeats up to 150 Å: organic or inorganic small molecules – resolution
up to 1 Å – and biological macromolecules (>2 mm3) – resolution up to 1.2 Å
(FRM II), planned
2.4–4 Å
Crystals of biological macromolecules. Resolution up to 1.5 Å
D19 (ILL), operational
0.7–3.9 Å
Organic or inorganic small molecule, small protein and oligonucleotide single crystals, as
well as fibre diffraction studies of biological and synthetic polymers with lattice repeats up
to 50 Å
tic line enabling quasi-elastic measurements of molecular
dynamics over times ranging [75] from 1 to approximately
1000 ps. A long flight path coupled with the sharp time
pulses of neutrons produced by the SNS decoupled, poi-
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
soned cryogenic hydrogen moderator provides the required
high energy resolution of neutrons incident on the sample.
At the primary operating frequency of the SNS (60 Hz),
three neutron choppers select a useful incident neutron
wavelength band of approximately 0.7 Å, corresponding
to a range of energy transfers greater than ±0.25 meV centered at the elastic line. The combination of dynamic range
and high energy resolution makes the spectrometer ideally
suited for the study of systems exhibiting dynamics over a
wide range of time scales, such as exhibited in biological
molecules or glassy systems. The dynamic range can also
be extended by operating the chopper system at sub-harmonics of 60 Hz.
3.3.4. Neutron spin-echo instruments
The neutron spin-echo (NSE) technique provides the
highest energy resolution in inelastic neutron scattering
and is suited for slow processes of large molecules, as for
example proteins [76]. NSE spectrometers are in use at
The dynamic range of the J-NSE (Jülich Neutron Spin
Echo) spectrometer at FRM II profits from the possibility
of varying the neutron wavelength over a wide range
between 4.5 and app. 17 Å (with no hard cut-off but rather
a question of sufficient intensity for the actual experimental
problem) and using a high magnetic field integral of
0.5 Tm. NSE can for example be used to study coherent
scattering from proteins in a deuterated buffer solution in
the Q-range comparable of that of small angle neutron
scattering and complements the structural with dynamic
information on mesoscopic length scales. Recently, internal
domain motions of the protein Taq polymerase in water
have been investigated by NSE [77].
At SNS a challenging NSE instrument is currently under
construction by JCNS which will extend the current measurable Fourier times up to 1 ls allowing probing extremely slow motions as in the movement of protein subunits.
At FRM II, the resonance spin-echo (NRSE) spectrometer RESEDA (Resonance Spin Echo for Diverse Applications) provides large time and scattering vector intervals
for quasi-elastic measurements. Typical applications are
dynamical studies in soft biological systems, for example
protein diffusion. Furthermore, the dynamics of macromolecular and magnetic systems, as for example diffusion of
polymers in bulk or confinement, and (spin) glass dynamics
can be investigated at RESEDA. A main advantage of the
NRSE technique lies therein, that the magnetic coils can be
realized very compactly. This facilitates experiments at
high scattering vectors, involving large scattering angles,
and, finally, makes it possible to build a multi-detector
wide-angle scattering spin echo spectrometer.
3.4. Macromolecular crystallography
In neutron macromolecular crystallography, the
enhanced visibility of hydrogen atoms on water molecules,
substrates and proteins, allows direct determination of pro-
tonation states and helps provide a more complete picture
of atomic and electronic structures in biomacromolecules.
The difference in magnitude and phase between the hydrogen and deuterium isotopes also means that neutron diffraction can distinguish and determine the pattern and
extent of H/D isotope substitution in proteins, providing
unique information on the solvent accessibility of individual amino acids, on the mobility and flexibility of interesting domains and on the H/D exchange dynamics
themselves. The ability to locate hydrogen atoms in macromolecular structures with much lower resolution data than
X-rays can help bring fundamental understanding of the
physics and chemistry of ligand binding interactions, of
solvent structure, of electron and proton transport, and
of reaction pathways in catalytic mechanisms.
After establishing the first Laue neutron diffractometer
for protein crystallography LADI, at the ILL, an upgraded
neutron Laue diffractometer LADI-III has been designed
and installed. The new instrument includes a large cylindrical area detector made of neutron-sensitive image plates
that completely surround the sample and allows many
stimulated Bragg reflections to be recorded simultaneously.
The quasi-Laue method is used to provide a rapid and efficient survey of reciprocal space, maximizing the flux on the
sample by using all available neutrons within a selected
wavelength range (using a Ni/Ti multilayer filter), while
at the same time reducing the background on the detector
compared to the full white beam Laue technique. The
instrument has been fully operational since early 2007
and is producing high quality data and exciting results.
An improved detector design and readout system has been
incorporated so that a miniaturized reading head located
inside the drum scans the image-plate. From comparisons
of neutron detection efficiency (DQE) with the original
LADI-I instrument, the transferal of the image-plates
and readout system internally provides a 2–3-fold gain in
neutron detection. Moreover, in order to help reduce the
background and the number of spatially overlapped reflections, the dimensions of the drum have been increased and
the entire detector height can be adjusted to allow for relocation to a higher intensity beam, providing yet further
gains. Thus by harnessing the improved neutron detection
of LADI-III data can be collected to higher resolution
(#1.5 Å), using shorter exposure times and smaller crystal
volumes. This is a critical advance for neutron protein crystallography. The technique has become more accessible to
the structural biology community by extending the size and
complexity of systems that can be studied (up to 150 Å on
cell edge) while lowering the sample volumes required
(#0.1 mm3). Moreover, at LADI-III, the ability to flashcool and collect high resolution neutron data from protein
crystals at cryogenic temperature (15 K) has opened the
way for kinetic crystallography on freeze trapped systems
and allows analysis of structure (and transitions) as a function of temperature.
A quasi-Laue single crystal instrument KOALA (named
after an Australian herbivorous marsupial), with a design
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
based on the VIVALDI instrument at the ILL, will be
available on the OPAL reactor at ANSTO. It will be initially located on a thermal neutron guide (end position with
peak neutron wavelength at #1.3 Å) but it is reasonably
portable and may be shifted to a cold guide as required.
The solid angle for quasi-Laue diffractometer is at least
2p and the Q-range on the thermal guide is #10 (sin h/
k # 0.9 Å!1).
FRM II, in cooperation with the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), will construct a monochromatic single crystal diffractometer for biological macromolecules.
To cover a large solid angle the detector of the diffractometer consists of a neutron imaging plate in a cylindrical
geometry, similar to the LADI-III diffractometer. The big
advantage of this instrument is the possibility to adapt
the wavelength to the unit cell of the sample crystal.
Similarly, the ILL upgraded high-resolution monochromatic diffractometer D19 [78] is located on a thermal beam,
providing a unique and flexible range of wavelengths corresponding to three possible takeoff-angle options (42", 70",
90"). The instrument is suited to crystallographic studies
of smaller biological crystal systems such as DNA oligonucleotides and oligonucleotide-drug complexes [79]. The new
diffractometer provides an efficiency gain of approximately
25 by comparison with the original instrument, opening up
completely new areas of bioscience for crystalline and partially ordered systems. Key areas that will be addressed for
biological crystallography include studies of hydrogen
interactions/hydration, particularly for situations where
these groups have high B factors (>10 Å2), or where radiation damage issues encountered in X-ray studies severely
restrict the acquisition of this type of information. For biological fibre diffraction, it will be possible to study samples
that have hitherto been far too small for neutron work. It
will also mean that detailed measurements will be possible
of continuous diffraction. This type of diffraction predominates in diffraction studies of many filamentous viruses,
drug–DNA and protein–DNA complexes and is also a
key aspect of changes in ordering that occur during structural transitions [80]. Major opportunities exist to exploit
selective deuteration so that particular parts of a structure
can be highlighted [81], as well as for the investigation of
key problems in the study of amyloid fibres [82].
At spallation neutron sources, where the beam has a
pulsed time structure, time-of-flight Laue techniques are
most attractive to reduce the background and improve
the signal-to-noise ratio of single crystal diffraction data.
At the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center [83,84], TOF
Laue techniques are used to increase the efficiency and
speed of data collection from samples as small as a few
tenths of a cubic millimetre at the Protein Crystallography
Station (PCS) – the first neutron crystallography beam line
to be built at a spallation source.
The SNS will provide two single crystal instruments that
are suitable for the determination of supra-molecular and
macromolecular structures. The first, TOPAZ, has been
designed and optimized specifically for high resolution
chemical crystallography and will be able to resolve unit
cell edges of up to 50 Å with ease. The second instrument,
MaNDi, (MAcromolecular Neutron DIffractometer), has
been specially designed for the determination of larger
macromolecular structures and complexes, and is optimized for high resolution crystallography of large unit cell
systems of 150 Å and beyond [85]. In addition, the MaNDi
design allows for neutron data collection to medium resolution (2 Å) on more challenging macromolecular samples
with unit cell dimensions up to 300 Å. Moreover, with projected data collection times of between just one and a few
days for most applications, MaNDi can be expected to
have significant scientific impact on many areas of structural biology, including enzymology, protein dynamics,
drug design, and the study of membrane proteins.
The IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer is a
single-crystal neutron diffractometer for biological and
chemical crystallography, which will be completed at JPARC in 2008 and will be using a wavelength range of
0.70–3.85 Å. The measurement efficiency will be more than
100 times larger than the neutron biological diffractometers
BIX-3 and BIX-4 in JRR-3 reactor at JAEA. For the detector, a new wavelength-shifting-fibre type scintillation area
detector system with high spatial (less than 1.0 mm) and
time (1 ls at the smallest) resolution is under development,
along with software to deconvolute overlapped spots in
data reduction.
In the field of detectors, a noteworthy development has
been the neutron imaging plate (NIP). It was a breakthrough event in 1994 for neutron protein crystallography
[86] and it is used on diffractometers such as LADI-III and
KOALA. The NIP has also been used at the JEAE in highresolution neutron diffractometers dedicated to biological
macromolecules (BIX-3, BIX-4). At LANSCE, a time-offlight 3He detector for neutron protein crystallography
has also been used successfully [87].
4. Sample preparation and infrastructure
Sample preparation can be the bottleneck of a neutron
scattering study, even more so for biological compounds.
A well-engineered preparation will take into account the
objectives of the study and the technical limitations of
the sources and instruments being used. This requires
expertise, infrastructure and adequate supporting
4.1. Membrane preparation
As a highlight, an elegant sample preparation technique
has been developed at the NIST Center for Neutron
Research (NCNR) (for instrumental developments at
NIST see [88]) allowing for studies of tethered single
bilayer model membrane systems. The design of a sparsely-tethered bilayer lipid membrane (tBLM) was the result
of collaboration with scientists from the NCNR, NIST’s
Biochemical Sciences, Optical Technology and Semicon-
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
ductor Electronics Divisions, as well as scientists from Carnegie Mellon University and the Institute of Biochemistry
in Vilnius, Lithuania. The tBLM is robust and stable over
several days when in contact with aqueous solution. This
advance, along with improvements in sample cell design
and data collection and fitting techniques, have now made
measurements of membrane proteins in tethered model
membranes more routine.
The newly-developed tBLM consists of a self-assembled
monolayer (SAM) formed from a synthetic 1-thiahexa(ethylene oxide) lipid, WC14, bound to a gold surface and a
phospholipid layer that is deposited on the SAM using
the method of rapid solvent exchange, whereby the SAM
is incubated with phospholipid in absolute ethanol before
the solution is displaced within a few seconds by a large
excess of aqueous buffer solution. If the SAM consists of
pure WC14, the hexa(ethylene oxide) tether region was
shown by NR to have low levels of hydration. However,
if a mixed SAM is formed by coadsorption of WC14 with
a short-chain ‘‘backfiller”, b-mercaptoethanol, the open
spaces between the tBLM and the substrates were shown
to contain up to 60% exchangeable solvent by volume
[89]. This made possible the functional reconstitution of
the Staphylococcus aureus a-hemolysin channel protein in
these model membranes [109]. Since the tBLMs are robust,
one physical substrate consisting of a silicon wafer with
oxide layer, a chromium adhesion layer, a gold film of
#100 Å thickness and a tBLM can be used during an entire
experiment in which the sample can be characterized
sequentially at various stages of the preparation procedure
under various solvent conditions. This process is simplified
by the use of an improved sample cell designed so that solvents can be exchanged in situ at the reflectometer without
the need for disassembly.
Since the same sample can be measured using multiple
solvent contrasts, simultaneous fitting techniques can now
be routinely used to obtain scattering length density profiles for tBLMs and tBLM/protein systems. Thus, the
tBLM can be characterized, followed by protein reconstitution and further reflectometry measurements, and the
structural changes due to protein incorporation can be
determined in unprecedented detail. Phase-sensitive NR
techniques, which allow unique structural depth profiles
to be obtained by first-principles inversion of the reflectivity data [39], have been under development at the NCNR
for some time. Now, in collaboration with NIST’s
Advanced Measurement Laboratory, such methods are
used routinely, employing substrates coated with a buried
magnetic layer under the gold layer. Typically, silicon substrates are coated with a #50 Å layer of iron or magnetic
alloy that also serves as the adhesion layer for a top layer
of #150 Å of gold. tBLMs can then be formed on the
iron/gold-coated substrates and measured using polarised
Similarly, at the ILL, the infrastructure for model membrane preparation has been implemented for a few years.
The current project of creation of soft matter laboratories
in the framework of a Partnership for Soft Condensed
Matter with the neighbouring European Synchrotron
Radiation Facility will no doubt lead to a better exploitation of beamtime while allowing for faster high quality
sample preparation.
4.2. Deuteration laboratories
The ability to deuterate or selectively deuterate biological macromolecules adds a powerful dimension to neutron
scattering studies, often allowing experiments to be carried
out that are outside the scope of X-ray scattering. At low
resolution, the large range of contrasts available through
the use of D2O/H2O solvent mixtures can be used in SANS
and crystallography to distinguish between protein, nucleic
acid, and lipid components of a multi-component system.
For multi-component systems in which the scattering
length densities are all similar (e.g. a multi-subunit protein
system), selective deuteration allows effective modelling
of individual components [17,19,20,24,90,91]. Similar
approaches are equally powerful when studying biological
membranes with NR [82]. At higher resolution, perdeuteration of macromolecular systems in crystals and fibres provides a major advantage through the enhanced coherent
scattering power of substituted deuterium and the elimination of hydrogen incoherent scattering. One important consequence of this is that the serious limitations in sample size
and data collection times required for hydrogenated samples are alleviated [92,93]. In inelastic neutron scattering
experiments, the application of specific hydrogen–deuterium labelling patterns can be used to highlight specific
dynamics within a system. Selective labelling of specific
amino acids or nucleotides within a molecule can also allow
novel approaches in crystallographic structure determination [85], and can in principle be used in SANS studies [94].
Despite the obvious advantages of deuterium labelling,
its exploitation in biological neutron scattering has, until
relatively recently, been rather less than might have been
expected. The reasons for this are complex but one major
factor is simply that support for the provision of deuterated
biological molecules demands continuity of facilities and
expertise that is typically not available within individual
research groups. In recent years, neutron facilities throughout the world have taken decisive steps to address this
problem. On the Grenoble site, the ILL, in collaboration
with the EMBL, proposed the creation of a Deuteration
Laboratory aimed at maximising the effectiveness of biological neutron scattering work [95]. The ILL-EMBL Deuteration Laboratory reached the final stage of its
development when it moved into the Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB) in 2006. The laboratory now has a
thriving peer-review user programme, extensive in-house
activity, as well as a strong commitment to the development of new approaches that are steadily extending the
scope of labelling methods [18,66,86], and has benefited
from synergy with the solid state and solution NMR
communities [96]. At LANCSE, a Biological Deuteration
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
Laboratory has existed for many years. The unique aspect
of the LANCSE facility is that it has unique expertise in the
use of photosynthetic algae, capable of autotrophic growth
in an inorganic environment using CO2 as the sole carbon
source. The mass production of fully deuterated algae is
achieved by using D2O as the only deuterium-containing
compound required to support growth [97,98]. The Center
for Structural Molecular Biology (CSMB), established at
ORNL to support and develop the user research and science programs in neutron structural biology, has also
established a Bio-Deuteration Laboratory to support and
develop the facilities and expertise required for the expression and purification of deuterium-labelled proteins and
macromolecules. ANSTO has set up a Biodeuteration
Facility for the production, purification and characterisation of deuterated biomolecules. This has now been
extended to a National Deuteration Facility (NDF) for
both biodeuteration and chemical deuteration of a wider
range of molecules. The main objective of this facility will
be to support and extend the science undertaken at the
recently opened OPAL reactor. At ISIS TS-2, new support
facilities are being put in place with a fully equipped biological laboratory due to be up and running in mid 2008.
Here, particular emphasis is being placed on the exploitation of developments to provide deuterated analogues of
small biomolecules such as amino acids, nucleotides, and
lipids, generating a capability that will be genuinely complementary to that available at the Deuteration Laboratory
in Grenoble.
These initiatives are now starting to have a strong
impact. At the ILL and other European neutron beam
facilities, increasing numbers of beam time applications
involving deuteration are passing through biology review
committees. The impact is also evident in the scientific
press. In SANS, two recent examples in which labelling
of selected sub-units has allowed quaternary structure to
be determined have been published by King et al. [99],
and by Callow et al. [24]. In the former case, selective deuteration of a full set of ternary complexes of troponin has
been used to study the large structural change that occurs
upon calcium binding and to identify the sub-unit in which
this change principally takes place. In the latter example,
the deuteration of specific protein sub-units was used in
conjunction with the ab initio modelling methods of Svergun [100] to study the subunits within a type I restriction
modification system. The impact for crystallography is also
becoming clear: the fact that radically smaller samples
(#0.1 mm3) can be used is opening up the technique to a
much wider range of problems. This has been demonstrated in recent work on aldose reductase [86], for which
neutron data to 2.2 Å resolution were collected on
LADI-I from a perdeuterated crystal with volume of only
0.15 mm3. Since the growth of very large single crystals is
the major bottleneck in neutron protein crystallography,
this result demonstrates the critical advance offered by perdeuteration. The smaller crystal volume required for fully
deuterated samples aids the efficient cryo-cooling of the
crystals, and also reduces the number of spatially overlapped reflections on a fixed-radius detector due to the
smaller spot size. Fully deuterated crystals also aid in the
interpretation of the nuclear maps whereby the potential
cancellation of nuclear density between a H atom and a
positive scatterer does not occur and rather positive cooperation between two positive scatterers is observed. With
hydrogenated crystals that have been pre-soaked in D2O
there always exists the possibility of partially occupied H
and D atoms being located at the same positions within
the crystal, and this can lead to difficulties in interpretation
of the neutron data. With fully deuterated crystals this
ambiguity is removed.
Deuterium labelling has also had an important application in neutron spectroscopy to foccus on dynamics of
components of complex biological systems. The method
is based on incoherent scattering and deuterium-labelled
components are essentially masked compared to the strong
incoherent scattering from the hydrogen nuclei [74].
4.3. Computational tools
A major effort to provide a wide ranging user friendly
suite of programs for SANS data analysis has been made
by the Svergun group at EMBL Hamburg (available from
the website [101]).
To support the users of the Bio-SANS, the CSMB is also
developing methods for data reduction and analysis of
SANS and SAXS data. The effort is an extension of previous efforts within the group that have produced ab initio
approaches for modelling uniform density structures from
small-angle scattering data [90] and rigid body methods
for simultaneously fitting entire neutron contrast variation
series of data [102,103]. The suite of tools has been further
expanded to include simple shape modelling approaches
that statistically characterize the structures that best fit
the data [104] and custom modelling approaches for specific problems [21,105] that utilize existing knowledge to
build models from scattering data. Modelling expertise
within the CSMB is as critical as the toolset, particularly
for the novice user. Future developments will be driven
by the needs of the user community of the SNS and HFIR
with the overarching goal of providing efficient and effective tools for the visualisation of complex biological systems using neutron scattering.
The science performed at neutron scattering facilities
has benefited tremendously from the progress in computational tools. With the new instrument and source developments, improved software and hardware tools came to
serve specific purposes and needs. Furthermore, there is
also a ubiquitous effort towards an homogenisation of
the computational tools to promote the movement of users
and expertise between different neutron scattering facilities
and instruments: the multi-platform GUI for X-ray and
neutron scattering experiments, for example, was developed for instruments at OPAL but configurable for instruments anywhere else [106].
S.C.M. Teixeira et al. / Chemical Physics 345 (2008) 133–151
For crystallography, a Macromolecular Neutron Crystallography [107] consortium, between Los Alamos and
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, has developed
tools (free and downloadable from the consortium website)
to deal with the growing number of neutron macromolecular structures with increasing size and complexity, to be
used alternatively or at the same time for X-ray and neutron crystallography.
5. Conclusion
The review highlights developments now occurring for
biological neutron scattering throughout the world. New
sources are being built in the USA, Europe, Japan, Australia, and elsewhere, where there are major developments in
instrumentation and support facilities at existing sources.
They occur alongside an explosive growth in biotechnology
and seemingly relentless increases in available computing
power – developments that are likely to affect dramatically
the scope and analysis of future neutron work. It can be
anticipated that these major investments for neutronrelated infrastructure will have an important impact on
studies of the structure and dynamics of biomolecular systems, and that they will play a critical role as trends
develop towards increasingly interdisciplinary approaches
for the study of complex and interacting systems. In ensuring that the most is made of these developments, it is of
course important that researchers and facility operators
learn the lessons of the past – it makes no sense for facilities
to operate excellent neutron beam sources, at considerable
recurrent cost, without considering the ancillary capabilities that are needed to maximise the impact of the work.
One encouraging aspect emerging from this review is clear
evidence that this issue has been recognised.
Finally we would like to end with a disclaimer! The
authors realise the review may not be an extensive, complete list of new developments, and apologise in advance
for those not mentioned.
We are very grateful to the various neutron centres that
provided us information on their facilities and new developments for this article. At the PCS we would like to thank
in particular Benno P. Schoenborn, Xinmin Li, Marat
Mustyakimov, Zoe Fisher and Andrii Kovalevskyi. At
the PSI we are very grateful to Joachim Kohlbrecher and
Kurt Clausen. At the ILL we are very grateful to Roland
Gahler, Marie Plazanet, Hannu Mutka and Helmut Schober. SCMT acknowledges support as a joint appointee between ILL and Keele University, as well as support from
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